Strategic Time: 11 weeks. Theatre Time: 23 days in the ETO Operational Time: 30 Hours in the CBI Mission Time: 14 hours in the Yawata Battle Time: 62 minutes in the Naval dimension. Mission Day/Night: ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1'] 4 4 5 Expected Event! Check Roll: 25 Expected Event: V-7 Aircraft Commander Safety Check [[13], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] V-7 : [13] Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone: 0 RAMP QUEEN has passed her AC check! Current Zone: 0 Ship in difficulty! Initial Fire: 0 BIT: 0 Fire Now; 0 Engines; 4 Shot_up_roll 0 Parameter M: 0 Long-term Damage; 0 Guns: F41234100000000123455 Superficial Damage: 0 VPS: 0 AC Lost: False Crew Loss: [] 1 9 Expected Event: V-15 Emergency [[], [], [26], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] 9 Expected Event: V-16 AC Check [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [28], [], [], [13], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] 8 4 8 6 3 4 2 Expected Event: V-45 CRE [[], [], [], [], [], [], [31], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] 5 Expected Event! Check Roll: 44 Expected Event: V-47 Accident [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [12], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] 7 4 7 7 6 9 Expected Event: V-53 AC Check [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [28], [], [], [], [14], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] 1 1 Current Ship: V-4 INSPIRATION Current Ship: V-6 POISON LIL Current Ship: V-7 RAMP QUEEN Current Ship: V-12 WAGGED WASCAL Current Ship: V-15 Combat Mission Current Ship: V-16 CITY OF JASPER V-16 makes major course correction! Current Ship: V-23 LASSIES ELEVEN Current Ship: V-25 READY BETTIE Current Ship: V-31 SWEET ELOISE Current Ship: V-33 DREAM GIRL Current Ship: V-36 MIGHT FINE Current Ship: V-37 UMBRIAGODATS MY BOY Current Ship: V-45 Ballings Crew Current Ship: V-47 Frank Crew Current Ship: V-48 Cruz Crew Current Ship: V-49 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Current Ship: V-50 TWENTIETH CENTURY LTD Current Ship: V-51 Reese Crew Current Ship: V-52 Larsen Crew Current Ship: V-53 McKenzie Crew V-53 makes major course correction! Current Ship: V-55 Barnett Crew Current Ship: V-60 SITTIN PRETTY Current Zone: 1 len(T_force): 22 Zone 1 Current heights: [4, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 6, 3, 2, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4] Current Ship: V-4 INSPIRATION Current Ship: V-6 POISON LIL Current Ship: V-7 RAMP QUEEN Current Ship: V-12 WAGGED WASCAL Current Ship: V-15 Combat Mission V-15 : [26] Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone: 2 Ship fine - continues on mission! Current Ship: V-16 CITY OF JASPER Current Ship: V-23 LASSIES ELEVEN Current Ship: V-25 READY BETTIE Current Ship: V-31 SWEET ELOISE Current Ship: V-33 DREAM GIRL Current Ship: V-36 MIGHT FINE Current Ship: V-37 UMBRIAGODATS MY BOY Current Ship: V-45 Ballings Crew Current Ship: V-47 Frank Crew Current Ship: V-48 Cruz Crew Current Ship: V-49 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Current Ship: V-50 TWENTIETH CENTURY LTD Current Ship: V-51 Reese Crew Current Ship: V-52 Larsen Crew Current Ship: V-53 McKenzie Crew Current Ship: V-55 Barnett Crew Current Ship: V-60 SITTIN PRETTY Current Zone: 2 len(T_force): 22 Zone 2 Current heights: [4, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 4, 3, 2, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4] Current Ship: V-4 INSPIRATION Current Ship: V-6 POISON LIL Current Ship: V-7 RAMP QUEEN Current Ship: V-12 WAGGED WASCAL Current Ship: V-15 Combat Mission Current Ship: V-16 CITY OF JASPER Current Ship: V-23 LASSIES ELEVEN Current Ship: V-25 READY BETTIE Severe Engine Strain: 10 V-25 : [302] Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone: 3 Aircraft experiences an immediate X event! X_observer_roll_A: 5 X_observer: Radio Operator hears something unusual over his radio. Observation continues Current Zone: 3 Ship in difficulty! Initial Fire: 0 BIT: 0 Fire Now; 0 Engines; 4 Shot_up_roll -1 Parameter M: 0 Long-term Damage; 0 Guns: F41234100000036123455 Superficial Damage: 0 VPS: 0 AC Lost: False Crew Loss: ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Lucky Escape'] Current Ship: V-31 SWEET ELOISE Current Ship: V-33 DREAM GIRL Current Ship: V-36 MIGHT FINE Current Ship: V-37 UMBRIAGODATS MY BOY Current Ship: V-45 Ballings Crew Current Ship: V-47 Frank Crew Current Ship: V-48 Cruz Crew Current Ship: V-49 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Current Ship: V-50 TWENTIETH CENTURY LTD Current Ship: V-51 Reese Crew Current Ship: V-52 Larsen Crew Current Ship: V-53 McKenzie Crew Current Ship: V-55 Barnett Crew Current Ship: V-60 SITTIN PRETTY Severe Engine Strain: 5 Current Zone: 3 len(T_force): 22 Zone 3 Current heights: [12, 9, 12, 12, 12, 12, 11, 17, 11, 11, 6, 10, 11, 12, 11, 10, 9, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12] Current Ship: V-4 INSPIRATION Current Ship: V-6 POISON LIL Current Ship: V-7 RAMP QUEEN Current Ship: V-12 WAGGED WASCAL Current Ship: V-15 Combat Mission Current Ship: V-16 CITY OF JASPER Current Ship: V-23 LASSIES ELEVEN Current Ship: V-25 READY BETTIE Current Ship: V-31 SWEET ELOISE Current Ship: V-33 DREAM GIRL Current Ship: V-36 MIGHT FINE Current Ship: V-37 UMBRIAGODATS MY BOY Current Ship: V-45 Ballings Crew Current Ship: V-47 Frank Crew Current Ship: V-48 Cruz Crew Current Ship: V-49 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Current Ship: V-50 TWENTIETH CENTURY LTD Current Ship: V-51 Reese Crew Current Ship: V-52 Larsen Crew Current Ship: V-53 McKenzie Crew Current Ship: V-55 Barnett Crew Current Ship: V-60 SITTIN PRETTY Current Zone: 4 len(T_force): 22 Zone 4 Current heights: [12, 7, 12, 12, 12, 12, 11, 17, 8, 11, 6, 9, 11, 12, 11, 10, 7, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12] Current Ship: V-4 INSPIRATION Current Ship: V-6 POISON LIL Current Ship: V-7 RAMP QUEEN Current Ship: V-12 WAGGED WASCAL Current Ship: V-15 Combat Mission Current Ship: V-16 CITY OF JASPER Current Ship: V-23 LASSIES ELEVEN Current Ship: V-25 READY BETTIE Current Ship: V-31 SWEET ELOISE Current Ship: V-33 DREAM GIRL Current Ship: V-36 MIGHT FINE Current Ship: V-37 UMBRIAGODATS MY BOY Current Ship: V-45 Ballings Crew Current Ship: V-47 Frank Crew Current Ship: V-48 Cruz Crew Current Ship: V-49 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Current Ship: V-50 TWENTIETH CENTURY LTD Current Ship: V-51 Reese Crew Current Ship: V-52 Larsen Crew Current Ship: V-53 McKenzie Crew Current Ship: V-55 Barnett Crew Current Ship: V-60 SITTIN PRETTY Current Zone: 5 len(T_force): 22 Zone 5 Current heights: [13, 5, 12, 12, 12, 12, 11, 17, 8, 11, 6, 9, 11, 12, 11, 10, 7, 11, 11, 11, 10, 12] Current Ship: V-4 INSPIRATION Current Ship: V-6 POISON LIL Current Ship: V-7 RAMP QUEEN Current Ship: V-12 WAGGED WASCAL Current Ship: V-15 Combat Mission Current Ship: V-16 CITY OF JASPER Current Ship: V-23 LASSIES ELEVEN Current Ship: V-25 READY BETTIE Current Ship: V-31 SWEET ELOISE Current Ship: V-33 DREAM GIRL Current Ship: V-36 MIGHT FINE Current Ship: V-37 UMBRIAGODATS MY BOY Current Ship: V-45 Ballings Crew V-45 : [31] Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone: 6 Ship fine - continues on mission! Current Ship: V-47 Frank Crew Current Ship: V-48 Cruz Crew Current Ship: V-49 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Current Ship: V-50 TWENTIETH CENTURY LTD Current Ship: V-51 Reese Crew Current Ship: V-52 Larsen Crew Current Ship: V-53 McKenzie Crew Current Ship: V-55 Barnett Crew Current Ship: V-60 SITTIN PRETTY Current Zone: 6 len(T_force): 22 Zone 6 Current heights: [13, 5, 12, 12, 12, 12, 11, 17, 12, 11, 7, 8, 11, 12, 11, 10, 9, 11, 11, 11, 13, 12] Current Ship: V-4 INSPIRATION Current Ship: V-6 POISON LIL Current Ship: V-7 RAMP QUEEN Current Ship: V-12 WAGGED WASCAL Current Ship: V-15 Combat Mission Current Ship: V-16 CITY OF JASPER Current Ship: V-23 LASSIES ELEVEN Current Ship: V-25 READY BETTIE Current Ship: V-31 SWEET ELOISE Current Ship: V-33 DREAM GIRL Current Ship: V-36 MIGHT FINE Current Ship: V-37 UMBRIAGODATS MY BOY Current Ship: V-45 Ballings Crew Current Ship: V-47 Frank Crew Current Ship: V-48 Cruz Crew Current Ship: V-49 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Current Ship: V-50 TWENTIETH CENTURY LTD Current Ship: V-51 Reese Crew Current Ship: V-52 Larsen Crew Current Ship: V-53 McKenzie Crew Current Ship: V-55 Barnett Crew Current Ship: V-60 SITTIN PRETTY Current Zone: 7 len(T_force): 22 Zone 7 Current heights: [13, 5, 12, 12, 12, 12, 11, 17, 13, 11, 7, 8, 11, 12, 11, 10, 9, 11, 11, 11, 14, 12] Current Ship: V-4 INSPIRATION Current Ship: V-6 POISON LIL Current Ship: V-7 RAMP QUEEN Current Ship: V-12 WAGGED WASCAL Current Ship: V-15 Combat Mission Current Ship: V-16 CITY OF JASPER Current Ship: V-23 LASSIES ELEVEN Current Ship: V-25 READY BETTIE Current Ship: V-31 SWEET ELOISE Current Ship: V-33 DREAM GIRL Current Ship: V-36 MIGHT FINE Current Ship: V-37 UMBRIAGODATS MY BOY Current Ship: V-45 Ballings Crew Current Ship: V-47 Frank Crew Current Ship: V-48 Cruz Crew Current Ship: V-49 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Current Ship: V-50 TWENTIETH CENTURY LTD Current Ship: V-51 Reese Crew Current Ship: V-52 Larsen Crew Current Ship: V-53 McKenzie Crew Current Ship: V-55 Barnett Crew Current Ship: V-60 SITTIN PRETTY Current Zone: 8 len(T_force): 22 Zone 8 Current heights: [13, 5, 12, 12, 12, 12, 11, 17, 13, 11, 7, 8, 11, 12, 11, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12] V-60 : [303] Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone: 8 Aircraft experiences an immediate X event! X_observer_roll_A: 2 X_observer: The Aircraft Commander observes something related to Oil Temp/Pressure issueon his console. Engine displays following colour smoke: Thin Black Exhaust Smoke - Rich Mixture - High RPM EE +2 Current Zone: 8 Ship in difficulty! Initial Fire: 0 BIT: 0 Fire Now; 0 Engines; 4 Parameter M: 0 Long-term Damage; 0 Guns: F41234100000049123455 Superficial Damage: 3 VPS: 9 AC Lost: False Crew Loss: ['E', 'Mild Disorientated', 'O', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken'] Current Ship: V-4 INSPIRATION Current Ship: V-6 POISON LIL Current Ship: V-7 RAMP QUEEN Current Ship: V-12 WAGGED WASCAL Current Ship: V-15 Combat Mission Current Ship: V-16 CITY OF JASPER Current Ship: V-23 LASSIES ELEVEN Current Ship: V-25 READY BETTIE Current Ship: V-31 SWEET ELOISE Current Ship: V-33 DREAM GIRL Current Ship: V-36 MIGHT FINE V-36 : [30] Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone: 9 Current Zone: 9 Ship in difficulty! Initial Fire: 1 BIT: 23 Fire Now; 1 Engines; 3 4 / 4 AC_roll: 4 V-36 Emergency Landing - badly damaged Severity: 0 Parameter M: -2 Long-term Damage; 8 Guns: X31204108000054003453 Superficial Damage: 3 VPS: 11 AC Lost: Emergency Landing - badly damaged Crew Loss: ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Lucky Escape', 'B', 'Safe', 'D', 'Safe', 'L', 'Safe', 'R', 'Mild Bumped Chest', 'C', 'Safe', 'T', 'Safe', 'N', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'I', 'Serious Fall', 'A', 'Safe', 'P', 'Painful Bumped Arm'] Current Ship: V-37 UMBRIAGODATS MY BOY Current Ship: V-45 Ballings Crew Current Ship: V-47 Frank Crew Current Ship: V-48 Cruz Crew Current Ship: V-49 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Current Ship: V-50 TWENTIETH CENTURY LTD Current Ship: V-51 Reese Crew Current Ship: V-52 Larsen Crew Current Ship: V-53 McKenzie Crew V-53 : [28] Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone: 9 McKenzie Crew has failed her AC check! McKenzie Crew has passed her NAV check! Ship fine - continues on mission! Current Ship: V-55 Barnett Crew Current Ship: V-60 SITTIN PRETTY Current Zone: 9 len(T_force): 22 Zone 9 Current heights: [13, 5, 12, 12, 12, 12, 11, 17, 15, 11, 6, 8, 11, 12, 11, 10, 13, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12] Final Element: ['Element E', 'V-55', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-60', 'F41234100000040123455', 2] Battle Formation has been achieved A in ELEMENT_GROUP: ['Element A', 'V-4', 'F41234100000010123455', 'V-6', 'F41234100000011123455', 'V-7', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-12', 'X41234100000000123455', 'V-15', 'F41234100000000123455', 5] 0 Stragglers: [] A in ELEMENT_GROUP: ['Element B', 'V-16', 'F41234100000006123455', 'V-23', 'F41234100000021123455', 'V-25', 'F41234100000036123455', 'V-31', 'F41234100000015123455', 'V-33', 'F41234100000059123455', 5] 0 Stragglers: [] A in ELEMENT_GROUP: ['Element C', 'V-36', 'X41234100000043123455', 'V-45', 'F41234100000011123455', 'V-47', 'F41234100000016123455', 'V-48', 'F41234100000052123455', 'V-37', 'S41234100000022123455', 5] 1 Stragglers: ['V-37'] A in ELEMENT_GROUP: ['Element D', 'V-49', 'F41234100000048123455', 'V-50', 'F41234100000025123455', 'V-51', 'F41234100000001123455', 'V-52', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-53', 'F41234100000025123455', 5] 1 Stragglers: ['V-37'] A in ELEMENT_GROUP: ['Element E', 'V-55', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-60', 'F41234100000040123455', 2] 1 Stragglers: ['V-37'] Current Ship: V-4 INSPIRATION Current Ship: V-6 POISON LIL Current Ship: V-7 RAMP QUEEN Current Ship: V-12 WAGGED WASCAL Current Ship: V-15 Combat Mission Current Ship: V-16 CITY OF JASPER Current Ship: V-23 LASSIES ELEVEN Current Ship: V-25 READY BETTIE Current Ship: V-31 SWEET ELOISE Current Ship: V-33 DREAM GIRL Current Ship: V-36 MIGHT FINE Current Ship: V-37 UMBRIAGODATS MY BOY Current Ship: V-45 Ballings Crew Current Ship: V-47 Frank Crew Current Ship: V-48 Cruz Crew Current Ship: V-49 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Current Ship: V-50 TWENTIETH CENTURY LTD Current Ship: V-51 Reese Crew Current Ship: V-52 Larsen Crew Current Ship: V-53 McKenzie Crew Current Ship: V-55 Barnett Crew Current Ship: V-60 SITTIN PRETTY Current Zone: 10 len(T_force): 22 Zone 10 Current heights: [13, 5, 12, 12, 12, 12, 11, 17, 15, 11, 6, 8, 11, 12, 11, 10, 13, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12] Current Zone: 10 len(T_force): 22 Zone 10 Current heights: [13, 5, 12, 12, 12, 12, 11, 17, 15, 11, 6, 8, 11, 12, 11, 10, 13, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12] Element_group: ['Element A', 'V-4', 'F41234100000010123455', 'V-6', 'F41234100000011123455', 'V-7', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-12', 'X41234100000000123455', 'V-15', 'F41234100000000123455', 5] Element_group: ['Element B', 'V-16', 'F41234100000006123455', 'V-23', 'F41234100000021123455', 'V-25', 'F41234100000036123455', 'V-31', 'F41234100000015123455', 'V-33', 'F41234100000059123455', 5] Element_group: ['Element C', 'V-36', 'X41234100000043123455', 'V-45', 'F41234100000011123455', 'V-47', 'F41234100000016123455', 'V-48', 'F41234100000052123455', 'V-37', 'S41234100000022123455', 5] Element_group: ['Element D', 'V-49', 'F41234100000048123455', 'V-50', 'F41234100000025123455', 'V-51', 'F41234100000001123455', 'V-52', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-53', 'F41234100000025123455', 5] Element_group: ['Element E', 'V-55', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-60', 'F41234100000040123455', 2] This aircraft has aborted: V-25 This aircraft has aborted: V-60 This aircraft has aborted: V-36 There is fighter escort! 1 Groups with 1 Squadrons and 1 Flights. ABCDE Gridline: 01234ABCDE56789 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 Dictionary saved to air_defence_data.txt Current Ship: V-4 INSPIRATION Current Ship: V-6 POISON LIL Current Ship: V-7 RAMP QUEEN Current Ship: V-12 WAGGED WASCAL Current Ship: V-15 Combat Mission Current Ship: V-16 CITY OF JASPER Current Ship: V-23 LASSIES ELEVEN Current Ship: V-25 READY BETTIE Current Ship: V-31 SWEET ELOISE Current Ship: V-33 DREAM GIRL Current Ship: V-36 MIGHT FINE Current Ship: V-37 UMBRIAGODATS MY BOY Current Ship: V-45 Ballings Crew Current Ship: V-47 Frank Crew V-47 : [12] Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone: 11 Ship fine - continues on mission! Current Ship: V-48 Cruz Crew Current Ship: V-49 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Current Ship: V-50 TWENTIETH CENTURY LTD Current Ship: V-51 Reese Crew Current Ship: V-52 Larsen Crew Current Ship: V-53 McKenzie Crew Current Ship: V-55 Barnett Crew Current Ship: V-60 SITTIN PRETTY Current Zone: 11 len(T_force): 22 Zone 11 Current heights: [13, 5, 12, 12, 12, 12, 11, 17, 16, 11, 6, 8, 11, 12, 11, 10, 14, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12] Current Ship: V-4 INSPIRATION Current Ship: 1 : INSPIRATION V-4 currently at 13 000 feet! Current Ship: V-6 POISON LIL Current Ship: 2 : POISON LIL V-6 currently at 5 000 feet! Current Ship: V-7 RAMP QUEEN Current Ship: 3 : RAMP QUEEN V-7 currently at 12 000 feet! V-7 : [13] Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone: 12 RAMP QUEEN has passed her AC check! Current Zone: 12 Ship in difficulty! Initial Fire: 0 BIT: 0 Fire Now; 0 Engines; 4 Shot_up_roll 0 Parameter M: 0 Long-term Damage; 0 Guns: F41234100000000123455 Superficial Damage: 0 VPS: 0 AC Lost: False Crew Loss: [] Guns: F41234100000000123455 A_Guns: F41234100000000123455 B_Guns: F41234100000000123455 Current Ship: V-12 WAGGED WASCAL Current Ship: 4 : WAGGED WASCAL V-12 currently at 12 000 feet! Current Ship: V-15 Combat Mission Current Ship: 5 : Combat Mission V-15 currently at 12 000 feet! Current Ship: V-16 CITY OF JASPER Current Ship: 6 : CITY OF JASPER V-16 currently at 12 000 feet! V-16 : [28] Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone: 12 CITY OF JASPER has passed her AC check! Current Zone: 12 Ship in difficulty! Initial Fire: 0 BIT: 0 Fire Now; 0 Engines; 4 Shot_up_roll 0 Parameter M: 0 Long-term Damage; 0 Guns: F41234100000006123455 Superficial Damage: 0 VPS: 0 AC Lost: False Crew Loss: [] Current Ship: V-23 LASSIES ELEVEN Current Ship: 7 : LASSIES ELEVEN V-23 currently at 11 000 feet! Current Ship: V-25 READY BETTIE Current Ship: 8 : READY BETTIE V-25 currently at 17 000 feet! Current Ship: V-31 SWEET ELOISE Current Ship: 9 : SWEET ELOISE V-31 currently at 15 000 feet! Current Ship: V-33 DREAM GIRL Current Ship: 10 : DREAM GIRL V-33 currently at 11 000 feet! Current Ship: V-36 MIGHT FINE Current Ship: 11 : MIGHT FINE V-36 currently at 5 000 feet! Current Ship: V-37 UMBRIAGODATS MY BOY Current Ship: 12 : UMBRIAGODATS MY BOY V-37 currently at 8 000 feet! Current Ship: V-45 Ballings Crew Current Ship: 13 : Ballings Crew V-45 currently at 11 000 feet! Current Ship: V-47 Frank Crew Current Ship: 14 : Frank Crew V-47 currently at 12 000 feet! Current Ship: V-48 Cruz Crew Current Ship: 15 : Cruz Crew V-48 currently at 11 000 feet! Current Ship: V-49 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Current Ship: 16 : CITY OF MAPLEWOOD V-49 currently at 10 000 feet! Current Ship: V-50 TWENTIETH CENTURY LTD Current Ship: 17 : TWENTIETH CENTURY LTD V-50 currently at 14 000 feet! Current Ship: V-51 Reese Crew Current Ship: 18 : Reese Crew V-51 currently at 11 000 feet! Current Ship: V-52 Larsen Crew Current Ship: 19 : Larsen Crew V-52 currently at 11 000 feet! Current Ship: V-53 McKenzie Crew Current Ship: 20 : McKenzie Crew V-53 currently at 11 000 feet! Current Ship: V-55 Barnett Crew Current Ship: 21 : Barnett Crew V-55 currently at 11 000 feet! Current Ship: V-60 SITTIN PRETTY Current Zone: 12 len(T_force): 22 Zone 12 Current heights: [13, 5, 12, 12, 12, 12, 11, 17, 15, 11, 5, 8, 11, 12, 11, 10, 14, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12] Current Ship: 22 : SITTIN PRETTY V-60 currently at 12 000 feet! Zone 12 Current heights: [13, 5, 12, 12, 12, 12, 11, 17, 15, 11, 5, 8, 11, 12, 11, 10, 14, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12] Attacking Wave # 1 : ['A', 1, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Taxiing', 'Senior Captain Kyoichi Egashira', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '=00000M', '0JJZI3AA1', 'Target']] Attacking Wave # 2 : ['C', 6, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Taxiing', 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '=00001M', '0JJZE3AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Taxiing', '2nd Lieutenant Michihiro Sugawara', 'Tentative', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '=00002M', '0JJZ13AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Taxiing', '1st Lieutenant Tsuneo Torikai', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '=00003M', '0JJZ63AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Taxiing', 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '=00004M', '0JJZI3AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Taxiing', 'Warrant Officer Takuma Shimoyama', 'Special', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '=0000AM', '0JJZF3AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Taxiing', 'Junior Sergeant_Major Sueo Obayashi', 'Cautious', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '=0000BM', '0JJZC3AA1', 'Target']] Attacking Wave # 3 : ['E', 6, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', '32', 'Senior Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Aggressive', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '26180CM', '0JJZ24AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', '32', 'Warrant Officer Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '26810DM', 'CJJZ34AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', '32', '1st Lieutenant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Unorthodox', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '26280EM', 'BJJZB4AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Delayed', '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Soft Abort', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '=0000FM', '0JJZH0AE1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Delayed', 'Senior Sergeant_Major Shigeyoshi Inoue', 'Buzz', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '=0000GM', '0JJZ00AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Delayed', '1st Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Abrupt', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '=0000HM', '0JJZ90AE1', 'Target']] Attacking Wave # 4 : ['F', 3, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', '6', 'Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko', 'Feint', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 0, '@2810IM', 'JJJZ34AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', '6', 'Senior Captain Kentaro Takatsuka', 'Surprise', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '@2780JM', 'HJJZC4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', '6', 'Senior Captain Tsuneo Torikai', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '@2210KM', 'UJJZI4AA1', 'Target']] Attacking Wave # 5 : ['G', 5, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', '26', 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Aggressive', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '@7550LM', 'WJJZS4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', '26', 'Junior Sergeant_Major Matsumi nakano', 'Aggressive', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '@7710MM', 'FJJZ24AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', '26', 'Senior Corporal Shigeyoshi Inoue', 'Cautious', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '@7810NM', '3JJZ64AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', '26', '2nd Lieutenant Hitoshi Imamura', 'Buzz', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '@7780OM', '2JJZ94AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', '26', '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Aggressive', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '@7260PM', '6JJZH4AA1', 'Target']] Attacking Wave # 6 : ['A', 6, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', '12', 'Junior Sergeant_Major Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '$1170QM', 'HJJZL4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', '12', 'Senior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Tentative', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '$1730RM', '6JJZR4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', '12', 'Warrant Officer Kosaku Nakano', 'Buzz', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '$1220SM', 'RJJZI4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 'Delayed', '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Soft Abort', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '=0000TM', '0JJZL0AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 'Delayed', 'Junior Sergeant_Major Matsumi nakano', 'Soft Abort', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '=0000UM', '0JJZJ0AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 'Delayed', '2nd Lieutenant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '=0000VM', '0JJZA0AA1', 'Target']] Attacking Wave # 7 : ['B', 2, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', '22', 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Special', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '$8120WM', 'TJJZ54AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', '22', '1st Lieutenant Michihiro Sugawara', 'Aggressive', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '$8220XM', 'CJJZI4AA1', 'Target']] Attacking Wave # 8 : ['C', 4, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 'Ready', 'Senior Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '=0000YM', '0JJZU2AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 'Ready', 'Senior Captain Saburo Kondo', 'Break-off', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '=0000ZM', '0JJZ62AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 'Ready', 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Tentative', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '=00005M', '0JJZ72AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 'Ready', 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '=00006M', '0JJZK2AA1', 'Target']] Attacking Wave # 9 : ['E', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', '12', 'Senior Sergeant Matsumi nakano', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '#67107M', 'CJJZ44AE1', 'Target']] Attacking Wave # 10 : ['C', 5, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Ready', 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '=00008M', '0JJZO2AE1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Ready', '2nd Lieutenant Eikichi Iwashita', 'Feint', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 0, '=00009M', '0JJZ32AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Ready', 'Junior Sergeant_Major Matsumi nakano', 'Special', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '=00010M', '0JJZR2AB1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Ready', 'Senior Corporal Tetsuji Giga', 'Cautious', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '=00011M', '0JJZ62AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Ready', 'Senior Corporal Natsume Soseki', 'Break-off', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '=00012M', '0JJZ62AA1', 'Target']] Attacking Wave # 11 : ['E', 6, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', '16', 'Senior Sergeant_Major Tetsuo Sasaki', 'Buzz', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '302713M', 'TJJZB4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', '16', '1st Lieutenant Shozo Sakurai', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '308814M', 'BJJZI4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', '16', 'Senior Sergeant Katsumi Hattori', 'Cautious', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '30811AM', 'MJJZF4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', '16', 'Senior Corporal Kobayashi Nagai', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '30181BM', 'QJJZ34AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', '16', 'Junior Sergeant_Major Giichiro Inoue', 'Feint', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '30121CM', 'BJJZH4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', '16', 'Warrant Officer Nishino Iwane', 'Tentative', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '30111DM', 'OJJZ64AA1', 'Target']] Attacking Wave # 12 : ['F', 1, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', '14', 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Special', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '30851EM', 'MJJZ14AA1', 'Target']] Attacking Wave # 13 : ['A', 1, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Delay', 'Senior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Special', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '=0001FM', '0JJZ41AA1', 'Target']] Attacking Wave # 14 : ['B', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Ready', 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hoichi Yoshii', 'Tentative', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '=0001GM', '0JJZ32AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Ready', 'Junior Sergeant_Major Masaharu Homma', 'Aggressive', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 0, '=0001HM', '0JJZ12AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Ready', 'Warrant Officer Takeo Iwaguro', 'Buzz', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '=0001IM', '0JJZ62AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Ready', 'Warrant Officer Toru Shinomiya', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '=0001JM', '0JJZI2AA1', 'Target']] Attacking Wave # 15 : ['C', 6, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Delayed', 'Senior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '=0001KM', '0JJZL0AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', '10', 'Senior Captain Nobuzo Tohmatsu', 'Buzz', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '=0211LM', 'IJJZ54AB1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Delayed', 'Senior Sergeant Hoichi Yoshii', 'Soft Abort', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '=0001MM', '0JJZ20AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Delayed', '1st Lieutenant Hidetsugu Takahashi', 'Buzz', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '=0001NM', '0JJZI0AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Delayed', 'Senior Sergeant_Major Matsumi nakano', 'Cautious', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '=0001OM', '0JJZN0AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Delayed', '2nd Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Tentative', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '=0001PM', '0JJZL0AC1', 'Target']] Attacking Wave # 16 : ['D', 1, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Ready', 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '=0001QM', '0JJZL2AA1', 'Target']] Attacking Wave # 17 : ['F', 6, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Ready', 'Senior Sergeant_Major Shusaku ENDO', 'Unorthodox', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '=0001RM', '0JJZ22AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Ready', 'Senior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Aggressive', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '=0001SM', '0JJZO2AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Ready', '2nd Lieutenant Shinichi Tanaka', 'Cautious', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '=0001TM', '0JJZ82AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Ready', 'Junior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Cautious', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '=0001UM', '0JJZO2AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Ready', '2nd Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Special', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '=0001VM', '0JJZ92AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Ready', 'Senior Sergeant Nashi Obayashi', 'Unorthodox', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '=0001WM', '0JJZ72AA1', 'Target']] Attacking Wave # 18 : ['A', 3, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 'Delay', 'Senior Major Matsumi nakano', 'Cautious', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '=0001XM', '0JJZO1AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 'Delay', 'Senior Sergeant_Major Masahiko Sasahara', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '=0001YM', '0JJZI1AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 'Delay', '1st Lieutenant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Aggressive', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '=0001ZM', '0JJZO1AA1', 'Target']] Attacking Wave # 19 : ['C', 2, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', '16', 'Senior Major Harukichi Hyakutake', 'Buzz', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '#88115M', 'PJJZC4AE1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', '16', '2nd Lieutenant Shigeru Honjo', 'Standard', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '#81116M', 'SJJZ64AA1', 'Target']] Attacking Wave # 20 : ['D', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 'Taxiing', '2nd Lieutenant Higashikuni Morihiro', 'Tentative', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '=00017M', '0JJZ93AA1', 'Target']] Attacking Wave # 21 : ['F', 2, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', '2', 'Senior Major Somo Tatebayashi', 'Feint', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '#88318M', 'UJJZI4AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', '2', 'Senior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Deceptive', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '#81719M', '6JJZ94AD1', 'Target']] Attacking Wave # 22 : ['G', 2, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', '30', 'Senior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Break-off', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '221520M', 'GJJZL4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', '30', '2nd Lieutenant Shoichi Sato', 'Buzz', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '221121M', '6JJZE4AA1', 'Target']] Attacking Wave # 23 : ['H', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', '12', 'Senior Major Takeo Takahashi', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '907122M', 'UJJZ04AB1', 'Target']] Attacking Wave # 24 : ['I', 4, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', '2', 'Senior Major Saburo Amakasu', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '532223M', 'VJJZF4AE1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', '2', '1st Lieutenant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Feint', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '538724M', '8JJZ34AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', '2', 'Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi', 'Feint', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '53822AM', 'CJJZ94AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', '2', 'Junior Sergeant Tetsujiro Tanaka', 'Special', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 0, '53282BM', 'LJJZ14AE1', 'Target']] Total observed E/A: 79 56789 {'9E'} {'AE'} 0 6 19 / 107 P-51D00 - 0600 P-51D01 - 0600 P-51D02 - 0600 P-51D03 - 0600 P-51D04 - 0600 P-51D05 - 0600 P-51D06 - 0600 P-51D07 - 0600 P-51D08 - 0600 P-51D09 - 0600 P-51D0A - 0600 P-51D0B - 0600 P-51D0C - 0600 P-51D0D - 0600 P-51D0E - 0600 P-51D0F - 0600 P-51D0G - 0600 P-51D0H - 0600 P-51D0I - 0600 P-51D0J - 0600 P-51D0K - 0600 P-51D0L - 0600 P-51D0M - 0600 P-51D0N - 0600 P-51D0O - 0600 P-51D0P - 0600 P-51D0Q - 0600 P-51D0R - 0600 P-51D0S - 0600 P-51D0T - 0600 P-51D0U - 0600 P-51D0V - 0600 P-51D0W - 0600 P-51D0X - 0600 P-51D0Y - 0600 P-51D0Z - 0600 P-51D10 - 0600 P-51D11 - 0600 P-51D12 - 0600 P-51D13 - 0600 P-51D14 - 0600 P-51D15 - 0600 P-51D16 - 0600 P-51D17 - 0600 P-51D18 - 0600 P-51D19 - 0600 P-51D1A - 0600 P-51D1B - 0600 P-51D1C - 0600 P-51D1D - 0600 P-51D1E - 0600 P-51D1F - 0600 P-51D1G - 0600 P-51D1H - 0600 P-51D1I - 0600 P-51D1J - 0600 P-51D1K - 0600 P-51D1L - 0600 P-51D1M - 0600 P-51D1N - 0600 P-51D1O - 0600 P-51D1P - 0600 P-51D1Q - 0600 P-51D1R - 0600 P-51D1S - 0600 P-51D1T - 0600 P-51D1U - 0600 P-51D1V - 0600 P-51D1W - 0600 P-51D1X - 0600 P-51D1Y - 0600 P-51D1Z - 0600 P-51D20 - 0600 P-51D21 - 0600 P-51D22 - 0600 P-51D23 - 0600 P-51D24 - 0600 P-51D25 - 0600 P-51D26 - 0600 P-51D27 - 0600 P-51D28 - 0600 P-51D29 - 0600 P-51D2A - 0600 P-51D2B - 0600 P-51D2C - 0600 P-51D2D - 0600 P-51D2E - 0600 P-51D2F - 0600 P-51D2G - 0600 P-51D2H - 0600 P-51D2I - 0600 P-51D2J - 0600 P-51D2K - 0600 P-51D2L - 0600 P-51D2M - 0600 P-51D2N - 0600 P-51D2O - 0600 P-51D2P - 0600 P-51D2Q - 0600 P-51D2R - 0600 P-51D2S - 0600 P-51D2T - 0600 P-51D2U - 0600 P-51D2V - 0600 P-51D2W - 0600 P-51D2X - 0600 P-51D2Y - 0600 0 / 0 B29 Force: 19 Element strength: 5 Air Defence: 79 Wave strength: 34 Escort Group: 0 Section strength: 0 Escort Assigned! Air Defence Size: 34 ABCDE Gridline: 001234ABCDE567899 Number Take-off 0JJZ13AA1 Taking-off EJJZ14AA1 2nd Lieutenant Michihiro Sugawara took 5 minutes to reach 9 000 feet! Number Take-off 0JJZ63AA1 Taking-off FJJZ64AA1 1st Lieutenant Tsuneo Torikai took 2 minutes to reach 4 000 feet! Number Take-off 0JJZI3AA1 Taking-off PJJZI4AA1 Senior Captain Matsumi nakano took 2 minutes to reach 4 000 feet! Number Take-off 0JJZC3AA1 Taking-off 6JJZC4AA1 Junior Sergeant_Major Sueo Obayashi took 5 minutes to reach 0 000 feet! String Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone! 62 String Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone! 62 String Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone! 62 String Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone! 62 String Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone! 62 String Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone! 62 String Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone! 62 String Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone! 62 String Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone! 62 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 45 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 36 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 48 String Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone! 62 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 45 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 39 Number Take-off 0JJZU2AA1 Taking-off CJJZU4AA1 Senior Major Hannoshin Nishio took 5 minutes to reach 3 000 feet! Number Take-off 0JJZ62AA1 Taking-off OJJZ64AA1 Senior Captain Saburo Kondo took 49 seconds to reach 5 000 feet! Number Take-off 0JJZR2AB1 Taking-off FJJZR4AB1 Junior Sergeant_Major Matsumi nakano took 2 minutes to reach 3 000 feet! Number Take-off 0JJZ62AA1 Taking-off CJJZ64AA1 Senior Corporal Natsume Soseki took 2 minutes to reach 4 000 feet! Number Take-off 0JJZ32AA1 Taking-off AJJZ34AA1 Junior Sergeant_Major Hoichi Yoshii took 4 minutes to reach 1 000 feet! Number Take-off 0JJZ12AA1 Taking-off QJJZ14AA1 Junior Sergeant_Major Masaharu Homma took 52 seconds to reach 3 000 feet! Number Take-off 0JJZI2AA1 Taking-off SJJZI4AA1 Warrant Officer Toru Shinomiya took 3 minutes to reach 10 000 feet! Number Take-off 0JJZO2AA1 Taking-off WJJZO4AA1 Senior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio took 1 minutes to reach 1 000 feet! Number Take-off 0JJZ92AA1 Taking-off ZJJZ94AA1 2nd Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto took 5 minutes to reach 8 000 feet! String Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone! 62 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 50 String Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone! 62 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 56 Number Take-off 0JJZ93AA1 Taking-off CJJZ94AA1 2nd Lieutenant Higashikuni Morihiro took 5 minutes to reach 2 000 feet! String Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone! 62 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 52 String Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone! 62 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 53 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 11 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 13) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn 8 No Intercept! Frank is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A C 2 6 [(3, 12)] 26180CM Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 13) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn 8 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D15 will attempt to stave off Frank0D Frank is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A C 2 6 [(3, 12)] 26810DM Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 13) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn 8 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D15 will attempt to stave off Frank0E Frank0E 100 4 29 0600 9 P-51D15 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 2 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! Frank is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A D 2 6 [(3, 12)] 26280EM Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn 9 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D18 will attempt to stave off Frank0I Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Frank0I Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 7) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn D An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Frank0I Attackers diverted! Frank is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 2 2 [(3, 3), (4, 4), (5, 5), (6, 6)] AA810IM Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Frank0J Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 No Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Frank0J Frank is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 5 2 [(7, 3), (7, 4), (6, 5), (6, 6)] AA780JM Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Frank0K Frank0K 100 4 29 0600 9 P-51D00 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 2 fighters! 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2I will attempt to stave off Frank0K 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2M will attempt to stave off Frank0K Attackers diverted! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 5 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Frank0K Frank0K 100 4 29 0600 9 P-51D0S 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 2 fighters! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Frank0K Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 7) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn D An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Frank0K Frank is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 3 2 [(4, 3), (5, 4), (5, 5), (6, 6)] AA210KM Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (8, 14) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 1 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D06 will attempt to stave off Frank0L No Intercept! 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2V will attempt to stave off Frank0L Dogfight underway! Harutango! P-51D2V has taken off successfully with 1 engines working. Harutango! Frank0L has taken off successfully with 1 engines working. 45002VE Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 5.88 damage P-51D2V fires, 5 gun positions remaining Frank's health is now 94.12 P-51DP-51D2V 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! surprise_attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000LM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 5.76 damage Frank0L fires, 5 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 94.24 FrankFrank0L 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000LM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 4.97 damage Frank0L fires, 4 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 89.27 FrankFrank0L 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 45002VE Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 0.96 damage P-51D2V fires, 4 gun positions remaining Frank's health is now 93.16 P-51DP-51D2V 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000LM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 5.82 damage Frank0L fires, 3 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 83.45 FrankFrank0L 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 45002VE Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 1.07 damage P-51D2V fires, 3 gun positions remaining Frank's health is now 92.09 P-51DP-51D2V 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 45002VE Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 1.08 damage P-51D2V fires, 2 gun positions remaining Frank's health is now 91.01 P-51DP-51D2V 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! split_s Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000LM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 3.25 damage Frank0L fires, 2 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 80.21 FrankFrank0L 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 45002VE Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 3.52 damage P-51D2V fires, 1 gun positions remaining Frank's health is now 87.49 P-51DP-51D2V 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000LM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 0.60 damage Frank0L fires, 1 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 79.60 FrankFrank0L 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 45002VE Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 2.57 damage P-51D2V fires, 0 gun positions remaining Frank's health is now 84.92 P-51DP-51D2V 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000LM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 2.89 damage Frank0L fires, 0 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 76.71 FrankFrank0L 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000LM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 4.08 damage Frank0L has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 72.63 FrankFrank0L 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! energy_fighting Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 45002VE Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 1.80 damage P-51D2V has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 83.12 P-51DP-51D2V 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 45002VE Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 1.41 damage P-51D2V has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 81.71 P-51DP-51D2V 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! climb_and_dive Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000LM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 1.77 damage Frank0L has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 70.86 FrankFrank0L 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! surprise_attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! lead_pursuit Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! frontal attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 45002VE Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 2.98 damage P-51D2V has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 78.73 P-51DP-51D2V 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000LM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 1.15 damage Frank0L has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 69.71 FrankFrank0L 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000LM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 4.30 damage Frank0L has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 65.42 FrankFrank0L 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! split_s Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 45002VE Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 4.90 damage P-51D2V has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 73.83 P-51DP-51D2V 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000LM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 0.07 damage Frank0L has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 65.35 FrankFrank0L 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000LM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 1.66 damage Frank0L has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 63.69 FrankFrank0L 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! climb_and_dive Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 45002VE Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 4.81 damage P-51D2V has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 69.02 P-51DP-51D2V 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000LM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 5.87 damage Frank0L has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 57.82 FrankFrank0L 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000LM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 1.32 damage Frank0L has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 56.49 FrankFrank0L 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 45002VE Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 0.81 damage P-51D2V has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 68.21 P-51DP-51D2V 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000LM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 5.78 damage Frank0L has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 50.72 FrankFrank0L 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! surprise_attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 45002VE Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 5.38 damage P-51D2V has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 62.83 P-51DP-51D2V 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 45002VE Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 4.50 damage P-51D2V has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 58.33 P-51DP-51D2V 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! energy_fighting Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000LM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 5.36 damage Frank0L has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 45.36 FrankFrank0L 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 45002VE Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 5.37 damage P-51D2V has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 52.95 P-51DP-51D2V 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! climb_and_dive Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! energy_fighting Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000LM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 4.23 damage Frank0L has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 41.13 FrankFrank0L 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 45002VE Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 0.05 damage P-51D2V has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 52.90 P-51DP-51D2V 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 45002VE Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 2.53 damage P-51D2V has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 50.37 P-51DP-51D2V 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 45002VE Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 1.91 damage P-51D2V has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 48.47 P-51DP-51D2V 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! immelmann_turn Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 45002VE Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 4.69 damage P-51D2V has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 43.77 P-51DP-51D2V 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 45002VE Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 2.63 damage P-51D2V has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 41.14 P-51DP-51D2V 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000LM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 5.65 damage Frank0L has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 35.48 FrankFrank0L 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000LM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 0.32 damage Frank0L has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 35.16 FrankFrank0L 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 45002VE Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 4.97 damage P-51D2V has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 36.17 P-51DP-51D2V 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 45002VE Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 3.09 damage P-51D2V has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 33.09 P-51DP-51D2V 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000LM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 3.47 damage Frank0L has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 31.69 FrankFrank0L 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000LM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 5.74 damage Frank0L has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 25.96 FrankFrank0L 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 45002VE Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 1.30 damage P-51D2V has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 31.79 P-51DP-51D2V 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 45002VE Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 2.86 damage P-51D2V has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 28.93 P-51DP-51D2V 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! climb_and_dive Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000LM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 3.90 damage Frank0L has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 22.06 FrankFrank0L 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 45002VE Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 3.39 damage P-51D2V has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 25.54 P-51DP-51D2V 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000LM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 5.33 damage Frank0L has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 16.73 FrankFrank0L 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 45002VE Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 5.67 damage P-51D2V has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 19.88 P-51DP-51D2V 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000LM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 2.49 damage Frank0L has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 14.24 FrankFrank0L 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 45002VE Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 4.75 damage P-51D2V has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 15.12 P-51DP-51D2V 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000LM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 0.59 damage Frank0L has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 13.65 FrankFrank0L 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 45002VE Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 3.71 damage P-51D2V has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 11.41 P-51DP-51D2V 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 45002VE Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 1.09 damage P-51D2V has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 10.31 P-51DP-51D2V 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 45002VE Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 5.25 damage P-51D2V has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 5.07 P-51DP-51D2V 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000LM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 3.67 damage Frank0L has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 9.98 FrankFrank0L 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000LM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 1.59 damage Frank0L has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 8.39 FrankFrank0L 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 45002VE Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 5.70 damage P-51D2V has no working gun positions Frank has been shot down! P-51DP-51D2V 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 11) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Frank0L One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2I will attempt to stave off Frank0L Frank0L -0.6286978357207644 4 29 0600 9 P-51D2I 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 4 fighters! No Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 10) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn H 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2F will attempt to stave off Frank0L Dogfight underway! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 10) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn H No Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 7) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn D 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Frank0L Attackers diverted! Frank is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 6 7 [(8, 13), (8, 12), (7, 11), (7, 10), (7, 9)] 5D550LM Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 12) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn C 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D1W will attempt to stave off Frank0M Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 12) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn C 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D1W will attempt to stave off Frank0M Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 11) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Frank0M Attackers diverted! 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2I will attempt to stave off Frank0M One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2M will attempt to stave off Frank0M Frank0M 100 4 29 0600 9 P-51D2M 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 4 fighters! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn 7 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D12 will attempt to stave off Frank0M Attackers diverted! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 10) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn H No Intercept! Frank is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 6 7 [(8, 13), (8, 12), (7, 11), (7, 10), (7, 9)] 5D710MM Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (4, 11) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Frank0N Dogfight underway! Harutango! P-51D00has failed to take off (1, 1000, 8, 485, 940) Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 13) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 4 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D0P will attempt to stave off Frank0N Frank0N 100 4 29 0600 9 P-51D0P 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 2 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 4 fighters! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (4, 11) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Frank0N 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2I will attempt to stave off Frank0N 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2M will attempt to stave off Frank0N Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 11) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 1 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D06 will attempt to stave off Frank0N Attackers diverted! One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2R will attempt to stave off Frank0N Frank0N 100 4 29 0600 9 P-51D2R 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 4 fighters! An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D2V will attempt to stave off Frank0N Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 8) !!! Escort: 74 Sqn E No Intercept! Frank is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 4 7 [(5, 13), (5, 12), (5, 11), (5, 10), (6, 9)] AD810NM Possible interception by P-51s in: (9, 13) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 1 No Intercept! No Intercept! 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2V will attempt to stave off Frank0O Attackers diverted! Possible interception by P-51s in: (9, 13) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 1 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D06 will attempt to stave off Frank0O Dogfight underway! Harutango! P-51D06 has taken off successfully with 1 engines working. Harutango! Frank0O has taken off successfully with 1 engines working. 770006D Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 0.59 damage P-51D06 fires, 5 gun positions remaining Frank's health is now 99.41 P-51DP-51D06 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000OM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 2.35 damage Frank0O fires, 5 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 97.65 FrankFrank0O 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000OM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 5.31 damage Frank0O fires, 4 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 92.35 FrankFrank0O 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000OM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 2.01 damage Frank0O fires, 3 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 90.34 FrankFrank0O 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000OM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 5.62 damage Frank0O fires, 2 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 84.72 FrankFrank0O 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 770006D Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 5.89 damage P-51D06 fires, 4 gun positions remaining Frank's health is now 93.52 P-51DP-51D06 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 770006D Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 0.68 damage P-51D06 fires, 3 gun positions remaining Frank's health is now 92.83 P-51DP-51D06 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! barrel_roll Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000OM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 5.29 damage Frank0O fires, 1 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 79.42 FrankFrank0O 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000OM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 0.96 damage Frank0O fires, 0 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 78.46 FrankFrank0O 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 770006D Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 1.70 damage P-51D06 fires, 2 gun positions remaining Frank's health is now 91.13 P-51DP-51D06 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! high_yo_yo Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 770006D Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 4.23 damage P-51D06 fires, 1 gun positions remaining Frank's health is now 86.90 P-51DP-51D06 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 770006D Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 3.93 damage P-51D06 fires, 0 gun positions remaining Frank's health is now 82.97 P-51DP-51D06 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 770006D Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 1.09 damage P-51D06 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 81.89 P-51DP-51D06 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000OM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 4.24 damage Frank0O has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 74.22 FrankFrank0O 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 770006D Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 5.21 damage P-51D06 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 76.68 P-51DP-51D06 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! energy_fighting Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! climb_and_dive Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000OM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 3.72 damage Frank0O has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 70.50 FrankFrank0O 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! frontal attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000OM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 0.24 damage Frank0O has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 70.26 FrankFrank0O 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 770006D Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 2.76 damage P-51D06 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 73.92 P-51DP-51D06 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 770006D Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 2.81 damage P-51D06 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 71.11 P-51DP-51D06 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 770006D Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 1.05 damage P-51D06 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 70.06 P-51DP-51D06 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 770006D Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 3.33 damage P-51D06 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 66.73 P-51DP-51D06 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000OM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 0.09 damage Frank0O has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 70.17 FrankFrank0O 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 770006D Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 3.08 damage P-51D06 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 63.65 P-51DP-51D06 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000OM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 0.86 damage Frank0O has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 69.31 FrankFrank0O 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000OM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 4.86 damage Frank0O has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 64.45 FrankFrank0O 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 770006D Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 1.49 damage P-51D06 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 62.16 P-51DP-51D06 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000OM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 2.60 damage Frank0O has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 61.85 FrankFrank0O 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! lead_pursuit Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000OM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 3.11 damage Frank0O has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 58.74 FrankFrank0O 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! lead_pursuit Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000OM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 5.44 damage Frank0O has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 53.30 FrankFrank0O 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 770006D Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 4.30 damage P-51D06 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 57.86 P-51DP-51D06 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 770006D Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 0.38 damage P-51D06 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 57.48 P-51DP-51D06 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000OM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 5.04 damage Frank0O has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 48.27 FrankFrank0O 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! climb_and_dive Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 770006D Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 4.08 damage P-51D06 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 53.40 P-51DP-51D06 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 770006D Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 4.30 damage P-51D06 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 49.10 P-51DP-51D06 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 770006D Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 1.57 damage P-51D06 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 47.53 P-51DP-51D06 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! high_yo_yo Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 770006D Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 5.47 damage P-51D06 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 42.06 P-51DP-51D06 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000OM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 4.85 damage Frank0O has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 43.41 FrankFrank0O 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000OM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 2.12 damage Frank0O has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 41.29 FrankFrank0O 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000OM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 2.39 damage Frank0O has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 38.90 FrankFrank0O 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 770006D Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 5.59 damage P-51D06 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 36.46 P-51DP-51D06 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 770006D Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 1.44 damage P-51D06 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 35.03 P-51DP-51D06 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 770006D Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 2.44 damage P-51D06 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 32.58 P-51DP-51D06 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 770006D Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 0.90 damage P-51D06 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 31.68 P-51DP-51D06 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 770006D Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 4.71 damage P-51D06 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 26.97 P-51DP-51D06 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! frontal attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000OM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 5.55 damage Frank0O has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 33.35 FrankFrank0O 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000OM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 5.10 damage Frank0O has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 28.25 FrankFrank0O 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000OM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 2.08 damage Frank0O has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 26.17 FrankFrank0O 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 770006D Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 5.78 damage P-51D06 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 21.19 P-51DP-51D06 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 770006D Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 5.67 damage P-51D06 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 15.52 P-51DP-51D06 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000OM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 2.83 damage Frank0O has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 23.34 FrankFrank0O 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! immelmann_turn Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 770006D Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 3.09 damage P-51D06 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 12.43 P-51DP-51D06 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 770006D Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 3.16 damage P-51D06 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 9.28 P-51DP-51D06 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000OM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 4.90 damage Frank0O has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 18.44 FrankFrank0O 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 770006D Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 1.50 damage P-51D06 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 7.78 P-51DP-51D06 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 770006D Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 4.09 damage P-51D06 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 3.69 P-51DP-51D06 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000OM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 1.33 damage Frank0O has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 17.11 FrankFrank0O 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000OM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 5.26 damage Frank0O has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 11.86 FrankFrank0O 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! high_yo_yo Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000OM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 5.22 damage Frank0O has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 6.63 FrankFrank0O 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000OM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 5.74 damage Frank0O has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 0.89 FrankFrank0O 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 770006D Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 4.69 damage P-51D06 has no working gun positions Frank has been shot down! P-51DP-51D06 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 11) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Frank0O 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2I will attempt to stave off Frank0O One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2M will attempt to stave off Frank0O Frank0O -0.9996819922427145 4 29 0600 9 P-51D2M 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 4 fighters! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 10) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn H 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2F will attempt to stave off Frank0O Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn 7 No Intercept! Frank is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 7 7 [(9, 13), (9, 12), (8, 11), (8, 10), (7, 9)] 5D780OM Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 13) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn 8 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D15 will attempt to stave off Frank0P Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (4, 11) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Frank0P One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2I will attempt to stave off Frank0P Frank0P 100 4 29 0600 9 P-51D2I 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 4 fighters! 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2M will attempt to stave off Frank0P Possible interception by P-51s in: (4, 11) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 No Intercept! An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D2I will attempt to stave off Frank0P One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2M will attempt to stave off Frank0P Frank0P 100 4 29 0600 9 P-51D2M 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 4 fighters! Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 9) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Frank0P No Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 11) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 1 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D06 will attempt to stave off Frank0P Attackers diverted! An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D2R will attempt to stave off Frank0P One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2V will attempt to stave off Frank0P Frank0P 100 4 29 0600 9 P-51D2V 8.388022048242197 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 4 fighters! Frank is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 1 7 [(2, 13), (3, 12), (3, 11), (4, 10), (4, 9)] 3D260PM Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Dinah13 Attackers diverted! 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2I will attempt to stave off Dinah13 Dogfight underway! Harutango! P-51D2Ihas failed to take off (2, 1940, 16, 470, 880) Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 5 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Dinah13 Attackers diverted! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 5 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Dinah13 Dinah is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 3 0 [(4, 0), (4, 1), (5, 2), (5, 3)] 422713M Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 5 No Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Dinah is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 3 0 [(4, 0), (4, 1), (5, 2), (5, 3)] 428814M Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 5 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Dinah1A Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 5 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Dinah1A Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 5 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Dinah1A Dogfight underway! Harutango! P-51D0S has taken off successfully with 1 engines working. Harutango! Dinah1Ahas failed to take off (2, 1940, 16, 470, 880) Dinah is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 3 0 [(4, 0), (4, 1), (5, 2), (5, 3)] 42811AM Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 5 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Dinah1B Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 5 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Dinah1B Attackers diverted! Dinah1B 100 4 23 3200 9 P-51D0S 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! Dinah is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 3 0 [(4, 0), (4, 1), (5, 2), (5, 3)] 42181BM Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 5 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Dinah1C Dinah1C 100 4 23 3200 9 P-51D0S 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Dinah1C Dinah1C 100 4 23 3200 9 P-51D00 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2I will attempt to stave off Dinah1C Dinah1C 100 4 23 3200 9 P-51D2I 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2M will attempt to stave off Dinah1C Dinah is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 3 0 [(4, 0), (4, 1), (5, 2), (5, 3)] 42121CM Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Dinah1D Attackers diverted! Dinah1D 100 4 23 3200 9 P-51D00 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2I will attempt to stave off Dinah1D One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2M will attempt to stave off Dinah1D Dinah1D 100 4 23 3200 9 P-51D2M 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 5 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Dinah1D Dinah1D 100 4 23 3200 9 P-51D0S 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! Dinah is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 3 0 [(4, 0), (4, 1), (5, 2), (5, 3)] 42111DM Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 No Intercept! No Intercept! No Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Dinah is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 3 0 [(4, 0), (4, 1), (5, 2), (5, 3)] 42851EM Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (9, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 3 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0D will attempt to stave off Tojo1H Dogfight underway! Harutango! P-51D0D has taken off successfully with 1 engines working. Harutango! Tojo1H has taken off successfully with 1 engines working. Fighters jockey for position! climb_and_dive Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 7A000D5 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 4.86 damage P-51D0D fires, 5 gun positions remaining Tojo's health is now 95.14 P-51DP-51D0D 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 7A000D5 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 1.54 damage P-51D0D fires, 4 gun positions remaining Tojo's health is now 93.60 P-51DP-51D0D 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 7A000D5 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 1.39 damage P-51D0D fires, 3 gun positions remaining Tojo's health is now 92.21 P-51DP-51D0D 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 7A000D5 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 3.03 damage P-51D0D fires, 2 gun positions remaining Tojo's health is now 89.18 P-51DP-51D0D 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 7A000D5 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 1.74 damage P-51D0D fires, 1 gun positions remaining Tojo's health is now 87.44 P-51DP-51D0D 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 7A000D5 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 5.64 damage P-51D0D fires, 0 gun positions remaining Tojo's health is now 81.81 P-51DP-51D0D 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! climb_and_dive Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 7A000D5 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 4.81 damage P-51D0D has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 77.00 P-51DP-51D0D 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! climb_and_dive Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! immelmann_turn Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 7A000D5 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 2.95 damage P-51D0D has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 74.05 P-51DP-51D0D 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 7A000D5 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 0.52 damage P-51D0D has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 73.53 P-51DP-51D0D 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! high_yo_yo Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 7A000D5 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 0.37 damage P-51D0D has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 73.15 P-51DP-51D0D 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 7A000D5 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 3.93 damage P-51D0D has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 69.22 P-51DP-51D0D 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! barrel_roll Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 7A000D5 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 3.51 damage P-51D0D has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 65.71 P-51DP-51D0D 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 7A000D5 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 3.55 damage P-51D0D has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 62.16 P-51DP-51D0D 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 7A000D5 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 1.76 damage P-51D0D has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 60.40 P-51DP-51D0D 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 7A000D5 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 4.32 damage P-51D0D has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 56.08 P-51DP-51D0D 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 7A000D5 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 0.87 damage P-51D0D has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 55.20 P-51DP-51D0D 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 7A000D5 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 0.10 damage P-51D0D has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 55.11 P-51DP-51D0D 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! split_s Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 7A000D5 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 5.71 damage P-51D0D has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 49.40 P-51DP-51D0D 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! surprise_attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! immelmann_turn Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 7A000D5 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 4.21 damage P-51D0D has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 45.19 P-51DP-51D0D 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! =0001HM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 0.60 damage Tojo1H fires, 5 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 99.40 TojoTojo1H 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 7A000D5 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 4.49 damage P-51D0D has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 40.71 P-51DP-51D0D 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 7A000D5 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 3.53 damage P-51D0D has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 37.17 P-51DP-51D0D 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 7A000D5 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 0.67 damage P-51D0D has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 36.50 P-51DP-51D0D 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 7A000D5 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 5.06 damage P-51D0D has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 31.44 P-51DP-51D0D 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! =0001HM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 1.55 damage Tojo1H fires, 4 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 97.85 TojoTojo1H 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 7A000D5 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 5.86 damage P-51D0D has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 25.58 P-51DP-51D0D 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! high_yo_yo Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! =0001HM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 4.58 damage Tojo1H fires, 3 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 93.28 TojoTojo1H 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! =0001HM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 5.32 damage Tojo1H fires, 2 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 87.96 TojoTojo1H 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! split_s Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 7A000D5 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 4.10 damage P-51D0D has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 21.48 P-51DP-51D0D 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 7A000D5 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 0.29 damage P-51D0D has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 21.19 P-51DP-51D0D 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 7A000D5 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 1.90 damage P-51D0D has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 19.29 P-51DP-51D0D 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 7A000D5 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 2.46 damage P-51D0D has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 16.82 P-51DP-51D0D 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 7A000D5 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 1.76 damage P-51D0D has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 15.07 P-51DP-51D0D 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! =0001HM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 3.26 damage Tojo1H fires, 1 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 84.70 TojoTojo1H 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! climb_and_dive Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 7A000D5 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 3.80 damage P-51D0D has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 11.27 P-51DP-51D0D 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! surprise_attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 7A000D5 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 5.70 damage P-51D0D has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 5.57 P-51DP-51D0D 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! lead_pursuit Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! barrel_roll Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 7A000D5 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 0.37 damage P-51D0D has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 5.21 P-51DP-51D0D 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 7A000D5 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 0.75 damage P-51D0D has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 4.46 P-51DP-51D0D 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! frontal attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 7A000D5 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 1.67 damage P-51D0D has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 2.79 P-51DP-51D0D 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 7A000D5 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 5.59 damage P-51D0D has no working gun positions Tojo has been shot down! P-51DP-51D0D 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Possible interception by P-51s in: (9, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 2 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0A will attempt to stave off Tojo1H Attackers diverted! Possible interception by P-51s in: (8, 6) !!! Escort: 45 Sqn F 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D27 will attempt to stave off Tojo1H Possible interception by P-51s in: (8, 6) !!! Escort: 45 Sqn F 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D27 will attempt to stave off Tojo1H Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Tojo1H Attackers diverted! Tojo1H -2.7971432683848008 4 23 0600 9 P-51D0W 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 5 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 3 fighters! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Tojo1H Tojo is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 9 3 [(11, 4), (10, 4), (9, 5), (8, 5), (7, 6), (6, 6)] AA421HM Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (9, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 2 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D0A will attempt to stave off Mike22 Mike22 100 4 27 0600 9 P-51D0A 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 2 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 0 fighters! Mike is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A B 9 0 [(11, 0), (10, 1), (10, 2)] 817122M Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Mike23 Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 8) !!! Escort: 74 Sqn E No Intercept! Mike is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A E 5 3 [(7, 4), (7, 5), (7, 6)] 5A2223M Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 5 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Mike24 Attackers diverted! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Mike24 Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Mike24 Mike is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A D 5 3 [(7, 4), (7, 5), (7, 6)] 5A8724M Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 5 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Mike2A Mike2A 100 4 27 0600 9 P-51D0S 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 3 fighters! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Mike2A Attackers diverted! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Mike2A Attackers diverted! Mike is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 5 3 [(7, 4), (7, 5), (6, 6)] AA822AM Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 5 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Mike2B Attackers diverted! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 7) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn D An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Mike2B Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Mike2B Mike is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A E 5 3 [(7, 4), (7, 5), (7, 6)] 5A282BM Frank holds position within the Grid: 7 1 Frank0M 0600 Dinah holds position within the Grid: 1 2 Dinah1C 3200 Mike holds position within the Grid: 2 2 Mike23 0600 Mike holds position within the Grid: 8 7 Mike24 0600 2 Frank has reached the Bomber Stream! AA810IM JJJZ34AA1 Frank has reached the Bomber Stream! AA780JM HJJZC4AA1 Frank has reached the Bomber Stream! AA210KM UJJZI4AA1 Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 10) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn H 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2F will attempt to stave off Frank0L Frank is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 5 D [(7, 9)] 5D550LM Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 8) !!! Escort: 74 Sqn E One P-51D may intercept! P-51D25 will attempt to stave off Frank0M Dogfight underway! Harutango! P-51D25 has taken off successfully with 1 engines working. Harutango! Frank0M has taken off successfully with 1 engines working. @7000MM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 4.15 damage Frank0M fires, 5 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 95.85 FrankFrank0M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000MM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 5.71 damage Frank0M fires, 4 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 90.14 FrankFrank0M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4C0025C Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 4.02 damage P-51D25 fires, 5 gun positions remaining Frank's health is now 95.98 P-51DP-51D25 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! surprise_attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000MM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 1.28 damage Frank0M fires, 3 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 88.86 FrankFrank0M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4C0025C Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 1.62 damage P-51D25 fires, 4 gun positions remaining Frank's health is now 94.36 P-51DP-51D25 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4C0025C Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 5.70 damage P-51D25 fires, 3 gun positions remaining Frank's health is now 88.66 P-51DP-51D25 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4C0025C Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 1.24 damage P-51D25 fires, 2 gun positions remaining Frank's health is now 87.42 P-51DP-51D25 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4C0025C Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 0.23 damage P-51D25 fires, 1 gun positions remaining Frank's health is now 87.19 P-51DP-51D25 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4C0025C Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 5.71 damage P-51D25 fires, 0 gun positions remaining Frank's health is now 81.49 P-51DP-51D25 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4C0025C Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 4.71 damage P-51D25 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 76.78 P-51DP-51D25 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000MM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 2.78 damage Frank0M fires, 2 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 86.08 FrankFrank0M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4C0025C Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 5.55 damage P-51D25 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 71.23 P-51DP-51D25 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4C0025C Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 3.35 damage P-51D25 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 67.88 P-51DP-51D25 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4C0025C Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 5.70 damage P-51D25 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 62.18 P-51DP-51D25 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4C0025C Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 5.75 damage P-51D25 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 56.43 P-51DP-51D25 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4C0025C Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 2.23 damage P-51D25 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 54.21 P-51DP-51D25 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4C0025C Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 5.47 damage P-51D25 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 48.74 P-51DP-51D25 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000MM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 5.61 damage Frank0M fires, 1 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 80.47 FrankFrank0M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000MM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 1.69 damage Frank0M fires, 0 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 78.78 FrankFrank0M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4C0025C Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 1.88 damage P-51D25 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 46.85 P-51DP-51D25 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! high_yo_yo Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4C0025C Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 3.45 damage P-51D25 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 43.41 P-51DP-51D25 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000MM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 1.28 damage Frank0M has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 77.50 FrankFrank0M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4C0025C Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 0.09 damage P-51D25 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 43.31 P-51DP-51D25 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! climb_and_dive Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4C0025C Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 0.76 damage P-51D25 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 42.55 P-51DP-51D25 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000MM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 3.25 damage Frank0M has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 74.25 FrankFrank0M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4C0025C Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 0.29 damage P-51D25 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 42.27 P-51DP-51D25 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000MM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 1.76 damage Frank0M has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 72.50 FrankFrank0M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000MM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 0.71 damage Frank0M has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 71.79 FrankFrank0M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000MM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 5.09 damage Frank0M has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 66.70 FrankFrank0M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000MM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 1.82 damage Frank0M has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 64.88 FrankFrank0M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000MM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 4.34 damage Frank0M has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 60.54 FrankFrank0M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000MM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 1.94 damage Frank0M has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 58.60 FrankFrank0M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4C0025C Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 0.99 damage P-51D25 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 41.28 P-51DP-51D25 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000MM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 2.55 damage Frank0M has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 56.05 FrankFrank0M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4C0025C Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 0.92 damage P-51D25 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 40.36 P-51DP-51D25 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4C0025C Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 0.40 damage P-51D25 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 39.96 P-51DP-51D25 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4C0025C Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 3.15 damage P-51D25 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 36.81 P-51DP-51D25 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4C0025C Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 4.36 damage P-51D25 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 32.45 P-51DP-51D25 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000MM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 0.74 damage Frank0M has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 55.31 FrankFrank0M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4C0025C Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 3.26 damage P-51D25 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 29.19 P-51DP-51D25 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! split_s Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4C0025C Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 0.58 damage P-51D25 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 28.61 P-51DP-51D25 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4C0025C Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 5.47 damage P-51D25 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 23.15 P-51DP-51D25 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4C0025C Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 4.24 damage P-51D25 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 18.91 P-51DP-51D25 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! climb_and_dive Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4C0025C Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 2.51 damage P-51D25 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 16.40 P-51DP-51D25 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4C0025C Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 5.51 damage P-51D25 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 10.88 P-51DP-51D25 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000MM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 3.40 damage Frank0M has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 51.91 FrankFrank0M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! climb_and_dive Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000MM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 5.34 damage Frank0M has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 46.57 FrankFrank0M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! frontal attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4C0025C Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 3.90 damage P-51D25 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 6.98 P-51DP-51D25 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000MM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 0.68 damage Frank0M has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 45.89 FrankFrank0M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4C0025C Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 1.95 damage P-51D25 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 5.03 P-51DP-51D25 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4C0025C Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 4.45 damage P-51D25 has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 0.58 P-51DP-51D25 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! @7000MM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 5.21 damage Frank0M has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 40.68 FrankFrank0M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4C0025C Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 3.67 damage P-51D25 has no working gun positions Frank has been shot down! P-51DP-51D25 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Frank is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 5 D [(7, 9)] 5D710MM Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 8) !!! Escort: 74 Sqn E No Intercept! Frank is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A A D [(6, 9)] AD810NM Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn 7 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D12 will attempt to stave off Frank0O Frank0O -0.9996819922427145 4 29 0600 9 P-51D12 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 2 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 4 fighters! Frank is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 5 D [(7, 9)] 5D780OM Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 8) !!! Escort: 74 Sqn E No Intercept! Frank is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 3 D [(4, 9)] 3D260PM Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Dinah1E One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2I will attempt to stave off Dinah1E Dinah1E 100 4 23 3200 9 P-51D2I 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 0 fighters! No Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Dinah1E Dogfight underway! Harutango! P-51D0W has taken off successfully with 1 engines working. Harutango! Dinah1Ehas failed to take off (7, 5760, 53, 398, 592) Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Dinah1E Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Dinah1E Dinah is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 4 2 [(5, 3), (5, 4), (6, 5), (6, 6)] AA851EM Tojo has reached the Bomber Stream! AA421HM QJJZ14AA1 Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Mike20 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2I will attempt to stave off Mike20 Mike20 100 4 27 0600 9 P-51D2I 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 1 fighters! One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2M will attempt to stave off Mike20 Mike20 100 4 27 0600 9 P-51D2M 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 1 fighters! Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Mike20 Mike20 100 4 27 0600 9 P-51D00 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 1 fighters! One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2I will attempt to stave off Mike20 Mike20 100 4 27 0600 9 P-51D2I 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 1 fighters! One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2M will attempt to stave off Mike20 Mike20 100 4 27 0600 9 P-51D2M 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 1 fighters! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Mike20 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2I will attempt to stave off Mike20 Mike20 100 4 27 0600 9 P-51D2I 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 1 fighters! An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D2M will attempt to stave off Mike20 Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Mike20 Attackers diverted! Mike is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 2 2 [(3, 3), (4, 4), (5, 5), (6, 6)] AA1520M Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Mike21 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D2I will attempt to stave off Mike21 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D2M will attempt to stave off Mike21 Attackers diverted! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn 9 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D18 will attempt to stave off Mike21 Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Mike21 Mike21 100 4 27 0600 9 P-51D04 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 1 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 1 fighters! No Intercept! Mike is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 2 2 [(3, 3), (4, 4), (5, 5), (6, 6)] AA1121M Possible interception by P-51s in: (9, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 2 No Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Mike is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A B 8 1 [(10, 2), (9, 3), (8, 4)] 637122M Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn G An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D2A will attempt to stave off Mike23 Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Mike23 Mike23 100 4 27 0600 9 P-51D04 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 1 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 3 fighters! No Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn 7 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D12 will attempt to stave off Mike23 Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 8) !!! Escort: 74 Sqn E 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D25 will attempt to stave off Mike23 Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 10) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn H 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2F will attempt to stave off Mike23 Mike is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A E 5 A [(7, 6), (7, 7), (7, 8), (6, 9), (6, 10)] AE2223M Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Mike24 Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn G An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D2A will attempt to stave off Mike24 Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 8) !!! Escort: 74 Sqn E 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D25 will attempt to stave off Mike24 Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn 7 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D12 will attempt to stave off Mike24 Mike is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A D 5 A [(7, 6), (7, 7), (6, 8), (6, 9)] AD8724M Mike has reached the Bomber Stream! AA822AM CJJZ94AA1 Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn G An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D2A will attempt to stave off Mike2B Dogfight underway! Harutango! P-51D2A has taken off successfully with 1 engines working. Harutango! Mike2B has taken off successfully with 1 engines working. 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 1.21 damage P-51D2A fires, 5 gun positions remaining Mike's health is now 98.79 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 1.69 damage P-51D2A fires, 4 gun positions remaining Mike's health is now 97.09 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 53002BM Check Quad / Inner Mike attacks P-51D with 2.53 damage Mike2B fires, 5 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 97.47 MikeMike2B 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 53002BM Check Quad / Inner Mike attacks P-51D with 5.53 damage Mike2B fires, 4 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 91.94 MikeMike2B 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! split_s Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 53002BM Check Quad / Inner Mike attacks P-51D with 5.15 damage Mike2B fires, 3 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 86.80 MikeMike2B 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 53002BM Check Quad / Inner Mike attacks P-51D with 1.69 damage Mike2B fires, 2 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 85.11 MikeMike2B 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 1.55 damage P-51D2A fires, 3 gun positions remaining Mike's health is now 95.55 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 53002BM Check Quad / Inner Mike attacks P-51D with 2.75 damage Mike2B fires, 1 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 82.36 MikeMike2B 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 3.24 damage P-51D2A fires, 2 gun positions remaining Mike's health is now 92.30 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 2.08 damage P-51D2A fires, 1 gun positions remaining Mike's health is now 90.22 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 0.49 damage P-51D2A fires, 0 gun positions remaining Mike's health is now 89.73 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! split_s Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 53002BM Check Quad / Inner Mike attacks P-51D with 5.96 damage Mike2B fires, 0 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 76.40 MikeMike2B 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 1.89 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Mike's health is now 87.84 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 4.97 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Mike's health is now 82.87 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 53002BM Check Quad / Inner Mike attacks P-51D with 0.27 damage Mike2B has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 76.13 MikeMike2B 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 53002BM Check Quad / Inner Mike attacks P-51D with 4.20 damage Mike2B has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 71.93 MikeMike2B 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 1.72 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Mike's health is now 81.16 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two P-51D has evaded. 71.93445547748726 remaining. Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn G An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D2A will attempt to stave off Mike2B Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn 7 No Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn 7 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D12 will attempt to stave off Mike2B Mike2B 81.15538657247774 4 27 0600 9 P-51D12 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 2 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 3 fighters! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 10) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn H One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2F will attempt to stave off Mike2B Mike2B 81.15538657247774 4 27 0600 9 P-51D2F 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 2 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 3 fighters! Mike is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A E 5 A [(7, 6), (7, 7), (7, 8), (6, 9), (6, 10)] AE282BM Mike is moving within the Grid! 7 1 [(7, 1), (6, 2), (5, 3)] -7 11 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 49 String Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone! 62 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 47 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 35 String Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone! 62 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 51 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 43 Number Take-off 0JJZ72AA1 Taking-off IJJZ74AA1 Senior Captain Matsumi nakano took 4 minutes to reach 10 000 feet! String Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone! 62 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 50 Number Take-off 0JJZ41AA1 Taking-off PJJZ44AA1 Senior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio took 2 minutes to reach 8 000 feet! Number Take-off 0JJZO1AA1 Taking-off TJJZO4AA1 Senior Major Matsumi nakano took 4 minutes to reach 7 000 feet! Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 35 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 13) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn 8 No Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (4, 11) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Frank0C Dogfight underway! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! (2, 1940, 16, 470, 880) Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 9) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 No Intercept! One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2Q will attempt to stave off Frank0C Frank0C 100 4 29 0600 9 P-51D2Q 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 0 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 8) !!! Escort: 74 Sqn E One P-51D may intercept! P-51D25 will attempt to stave off Frank0C Frank0C 100 4 29 0600 9 P-51D25 40.680874010591154 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 1 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 7) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn D An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Frank0C Attackers diverted! Frank is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A C 2 6 [(3, 12), (4, 11), (4, 10), (5, 9), (6, 8)] AC520CM Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (4, 11) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Frank0D Attackers diverted! No Intercept! One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2M will attempt to stave off Frank0D Frank0D 100 4 29 0600 9 P-51D2M 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! Possible interception by P-51s in: (4, 11) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Frank0D 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2I will attempt to stave off Frank0D 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2M will attempt to stave off Frank0D Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (4, 11) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 No Intercept! No Intercept! One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2M will attempt to stave off Frank0D Frank0D 100 4 29 0600 9 P-51D2M 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn 7 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D12 will attempt to stave off Frank0D Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 8) !!! Escort: 74 Sqn E One P-51D may intercept! P-51D25 will attempt to stave off Frank0D Attackers diverted! Frank0D 100 4 29 0600 9 P-51D25 40.680874010591154 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 1 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! Frank is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A C 2 6 [(3, 12), (4, 11), (4, 10), (5, 9), (6, 8)] AC740DM Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 13) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn 8 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D15 will attempt to stave off Frank0E Frank0E 100 4 29 0600 9 P-51D15 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 2 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! Possible interception by P-51s in: (4, 11) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Frank0E 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2I will attempt to stave off Frank0E No Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 10) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn H 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2F will attempt to stave off Frank0E Attackers diverted! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn 7 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D12 will attempt to stave off Frank0E Frank is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A D 2 6 [(3, 12), (4, 11), (5, 10), (6, 9)] AD280EM Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 5 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Dinah13 Attackers diverted! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 5 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Dinah13 Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn G An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D2A will attempt to stave off Dinah13 Dogfight underway! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Dinah13 has taken off successfully with 1 engines working. Fighters jockey for position! surprise_attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! frontal attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! climb_and_dive Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 300013M Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 5.97 damage Dinah13 fires, 5 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 65.96 DinahDinah13 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! barrel_roll Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 0.86 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 99.14 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 5.19 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 93.94 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 4.76 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 89.18 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 1.12 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 88.07 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 300013M Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 1.71 damage Dinah13 fires, 4 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 64.25 DinahDinah13 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 2.22 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 85.85 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 5.59 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 80.25 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 5.95 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 74.31 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 300013M Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 0.88 damage Dinah13 fires, 3 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 63.38 DinahDinah13 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 4.83 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 69.48 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 300013M Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 2.24 damage Dinah13 fires, 2 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 61.14 DinahDinah13 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 0.92 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 68.56 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 2.48 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 66.08 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 0.05 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 66.03 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 4.08 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 61.95 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 1.20 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 60.75 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 2.80 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 57.95 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 1.88 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 56.07 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 300013M Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 5.33 damage Dinah13 fires, 1 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 55.81 DinahDinah13 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 300013M Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 0.10 damage Dinah13 fires, 0 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 55.71 DinahDinah13 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! immelmann_turn Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 300013M Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 0.94 damage Dinah13 has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 54.76 DinahDinah13 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 5.10 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 50.97 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! frontal attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 300013M Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 0.43 damage Dinah13 has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 54.34 DinahDinah13 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 5.13 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 45.84 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 300013M Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 1.97 damage Dinah13 has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 52.37 DinahDinah13 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 5.51 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 40.34 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 2.23 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 38.10 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 300013M Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 2.54 damage Dinah13 has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 49.83 DinahDinah13 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 0.80 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 37.30 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 0.09 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 37.21 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 5.52 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 31.69 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! lead_pursuit Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 3.53 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 28.16 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 0.62 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 27.54 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! lead_pursuit Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 300013M Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 5.82 damage Dinah13 has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 44.01 DinahDinah13 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! high_yo_yo Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 300013M Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 1.16 damage Dinah13 has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 42.84 DinahDinah13 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! split_s Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 4.15 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 23.38 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 300013M Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 1.96 damage Dinah13 has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 40.88 DinahDinah13 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 5.64 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 17.74 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 1.12 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 16.62 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 4.30 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 12.32 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 0.87 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 11.45 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 0.43 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 11.03 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 2.99 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 8.03 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! surprise_attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 3.49 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 4.55 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 300013M Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 2.32 damage Dinah13 has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 38.56 DinahDinah13 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! high_yo_yo Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 3.20 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 1.34 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 5.40 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah has been shot down! P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 7) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn D One P-51D may intercept! P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Dinah13 Attackers diverted! Dinah13 -4.054447793156161 4 23 3200 9 P-51D1Z 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 5 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! Dinah is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 4 2 [(5, 3), (5, 4), (6, 5), (6, 6)] AA4313M Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Dinah14 Dinah14 100 4 23 3200 9 P-51D00 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D2I will attempt to stave off Dinah14 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2M will attempt to stave off Dinah14 Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Dinah14 Dogfight underway! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! (4, 3642, 31, 440, 763) Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Dinah14 Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Dinah14 Dinah14 100 4 23 3200 9 P-51D0W 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 5 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! Dinah is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 4 2 [(5, 3), (5, 4), (6, 5), (6, 6)] AA5414M Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 5 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Dinah1A Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Dinah1A Dogfight underway! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! (8, 6353, 59, 384, 536) Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Dinah1A Dinah is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 4 2 [(5, 3), (5, 4), (6, 5), (6, 6)] AA411AM Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 No Intercept! One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2I will attempt to stave off Dinah1B Attackers diverted! Dinah1B 100 4 23 3200 9 P-51D2I 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2M will attempt to stave off Dinah1B Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 5 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Dinah1B Dinah1B 100 4 23 3200 9 P-51D0S 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Dinah1B Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Dinah1B Dinah is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 4 2 [(5, 3), (5, 4), (6, 5), (6, 6)] AA771BM Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 5 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Dinah1C Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 5 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Dinah1C Dogfight underway! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Dinah1C has taken off successfully with 1 engines working. Fighters jockey for position! energy_fighting Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 0.34 damage P-51D0S fires, 5 gun positions remaining Dinah's health is now 99.66 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 30001CM Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 5.09 damage Dinah1C fires, 5 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 94.91 DinahDinah1C 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 30001CM Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 4.64 damage Dinah1C fires, 4 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 90.27 DinahDinah1C 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! surprise_attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 30001CM Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 0.47 damage Dinah1C fires, 3 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 89.79 DinahDinah1C 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 2.10 damage P-51D0S fires, 4 gun positions remaining Dinah's health is now 97.56 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 0.94 damage P-51D0S fires, 3 gun positions remaining Dinah's health is now 96.61 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! high_yo_yo Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 30001CM Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 4.94 damage Dinah1C fires, 2 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 84.85 DinahDinah1C 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! frontal attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 1.95 damage P-51D0S fires, 2 gun positions remaining Dinah's health is now 94.66 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! immelmann_turn Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 30001CM Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 1.25 damage Dinah1C fires, 1 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 83.60 DinahDinah1C 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 3.64 damage P-51D0S fires, 1 gun positions remaining Dinah's health is now 91.02 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! energy_fighting Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 4.02 damage P-51D0S fires, 0 gun positions remaining Dinah's health is now 87.00 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 1.25 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 85.76 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! climb_and_dive Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! surprise_attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 4.36 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 81.40 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! surprise_attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 4.20 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 77.19 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 1.42 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 75.77 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 30001CM Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 3.94 damage Dinah1C fires, 0 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 79.66 DinahDinah1C 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 2.03 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 73.75 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! frontal attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! frontal attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 5.79 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 67.96 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 2.78 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 65.18 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 4.73 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 60.45 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 1.09 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 59.36 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! barrel_roll Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 0.66 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 58.69 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 30001CM Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 0.44 damage Dinah1C has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 79.23 DinahDinah1C 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 30001CM Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 4.90 damage Dinah1C has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 74.33 DinahDinah1C 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 1.30 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 57.39 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 3.14 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 54.25 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 1.78 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 52.47 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! split_s Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 30001CM Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 2.84 damage Dinah1C has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 71.49 DinahDinah1C 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 1.02 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 51.46 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 30001CM Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 5.38 damage Dinah1C has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 66.12 DinahDinah1C 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 4.09 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 47.37 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 1.35 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 46.01 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 30001CM Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 0.52 damage Dinah1C has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 65.59 DinahDinah1C 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! barrel_roll Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 4.06 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 41.96 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 4.06 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 37.89 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! lead_pursuit Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 2.32 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 35.57 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 5.52 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 30.05 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! split_s Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 30001CM Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 4.36 damage Dinah1C has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 61.24 DinahDinah1C 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 30001CM Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 4.59 damage Dinah1C has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 56.65 DinahDinah1C 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 30001CM Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 1.02 damage Dinah1C has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 55.63 DinahDinah1C 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 30001CM Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 1.45 damage Dinah1C has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 54.18 DinahDinah1C 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! climb_and_dive Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 30001CM Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 0.34 damage Dinah1C has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 53.84 DinahDinah1C 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 0.08 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 29.97 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! split_s Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 4.45 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 25.52 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 0.76 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 24.77 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 4.48 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 20.29 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 1.11 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 19.18 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! surprise_attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 30001CM Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 1.27 damage Dinah1C has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 52.57 DinahDinah1C 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 5.47 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 13.70 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 2.31 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 11.39 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 3.49 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 7.90 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 30001CM Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 0.78 damage Dinah1C has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 51.79 DinahDinah1C 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 30001CM Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 5.71 damage Dinah1C has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 46.08 DinahDinah1C 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! frontal attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 30001CM Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 2.93 damage Dinah1C has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 43.15 DinahDinah1C 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 30001CM Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 2.51 damage Dinah1C has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 40.64 DinahDinah1C 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 4.22 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 3.68 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 30001CM Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 5.33 damage Dinah1C has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 35.31 DinahDinah1C 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 30001CM Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 3.46 damage Dinah1C has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 31.85 DinahDinah1C 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 3.59 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 0.09 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 4.36 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Dinah has been shot down! P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Dinah1C Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Dinah1C Dinah1C -4.268659114982812 4 23 3200 9 P-51D0W 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 5 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! Dinah is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 4 2 [(5, 3), (5, 4), (6, 5), (6, 6)] AA291CM Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 5 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Dinah1D Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Dinah1D Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 No Intercept! No Intercept! Dinah is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 4 2 [(5, 3), (5, 4), (6, 5), (6, 6)] AA111DM Dinah has reached the Bomber Stream! AA651EM MJJZ14AA1 Mike has reached the Bomber Stream! AA2520M GJJZL4AA1 Mike has reached the Bomber Stream! AA1121M 6JJZE4AA1 Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (8, 6) !!! Escort: 45 Sqn F No Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (8, 6) !!! Escort: 45 Sqn F No Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Mike22 Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 No Intercept! No Intercept! Mike is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A B 6 3 [(8, 4), (7, 5), (7, 6), (6, 7)] AB5322M 30 Frank has reached the Bomber Stream! AC410CM 0JJZ24AC1 Frank has reached the Bomber Stream! AC630DM CJJZ34AC1 Frank has reached the Bomber Stream! AD320EM BJJZB4AD1 Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 10) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn H 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2F will attempt to stave off Frank0L Attackers diverted! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Frank0L No Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Frank0L No Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Frank0L Frank is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 5 D [(7, 9), (7, 8), (6, 7), (6, 6)] AA320LM Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 10) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn H One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2F will attempt to stave off Frank0M Frank0M -3.0890071737010256 4 29 0600 9 P-51D2F 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 2 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 4 fighters! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Frank0M Frank0M -3.0890071737010256 4 29 0600 9 P-51D04 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 1 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 4 fighters! No Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Frank0M Frank0M -3.0890071737010256 4 29 0600 9 P-51D04 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 1 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 4 fighters! No Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 7) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn D An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Frank0M Frank is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 5 D [(7, 9), (7, 8), (6, 7), (6, 6)] AA450MM Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn 7 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D12 will attempt to stave off Frank0N Attackers diverted! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 7) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn D 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Frank0N Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Frank0N Frank0N 100 4 29 0600 9 P-51D04 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 1 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 4 fighters! No Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 No Intercept! No Intercept! Frank is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A A D [(6, 9), (6, 8), (6, 7), (6, 6)] AA270NM Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn 7 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D12 will attempt to stave off Frank0O Dogfight underway! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 No Intercept! One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2Q will attempt to stave off Frank0O Frank0O -0.9996819922427145 4 29 0600 9 P-51D2Q 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 0 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 4 fighters! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Frank0O Frank0O -0.9996819922427145 4 29 0600 9 P-51D04 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 1 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 4 fighters! One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2Q will attempt to stave off Frank0O Frank0O -0.9996819922427145 4 29 0600 9 P-51D2Q 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 0 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 4 fighters! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Frank0O Frank is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 5 D [(7, 9), (7, 8), (6, 7), (6, 6)] AA570OM Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 9) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Frank0P Frank0P 100 4 29 0600 9 P-51D04 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 1 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 4 fighters! One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2Q will attempt to stave off Frank0P Attackers diverted! Frank0P 100 4 29 0600 9 P-51D2Q 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 0 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 4 fighters! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 8) !!! Escort: 74 Sqn E 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D25 will attempt to stave off Frank0P Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 7) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn D An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Frank0P Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Frank0P Frank is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 3 D [(4, 9), (5, 8), (5, 7), (6, 6)] AA370PM Dinah has reached the Bomber Stream! AA5013M TJJZB4AA1 Dinah has reached the Bomber Stream! AA5414M BJJZI4AA1 Dinah has reached the Bomber Stream! AA411AM MJJZF4AA1 Dinah has reached the Bomber Stream! AA451BM QJJZ34AA1 Dinah has reached the Bomber Stream! AA581CM BJJZH4AA1 Dinah has reached the Bomber Stream! AA671DM OJJZ64AA1 Mike has reached the Bomber Stream! AB5822M UJJZ04AB1 Frank is moving within the Grid! 5 7 [(5, 7), (6, 7), (7, 8)] 26 Frank has reached the Bomber Stream! AA410LM WJJZS4AA1 Frank has reached the Bomber Stream! AA450MM FJJZ24AA1 Frank has reached the Bomber Stream! AA480NM 3JJZ64AA1 Frank has reached the Bomber Stream! AA780OM 2JJZ94AA1 Frank has reached the Bomber Stream! AA410PM 6JJZH4AA1 25 13 12 4 -3 35 Number Take-off 0JJZF3AA1 Taking-off AJJZF4AA1 Warrant Officer Takuma Shimoyama took 5 minutes to reach 7 000 feet! Number Take-off 0JJZL0AA1 Taking-off WJJZL4AA1 1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano took 3 minutes to reach 6 000 feet! Number Take-off 0JJZ62AC1 Taking-off DJJZ64AC1 Senior Corporal Tetsuji Giga took 5 minutes to reach 1 000 feet! Number Take-off 0JJZ20AC1 Taking-off QJJZ24AC1 Senior Sergeant Hoichi Yoshii took 4 minutes to reach 5 000 feet! Number Take-off 0JJZI0AA1 Taking-off 2JJZI4AA1 1st Lieutenant Hidetsugu Takahashi took 1 minutes to reach 2 000 feet! Number Take-off 0JJZO2AA1 Taking-off GJJZO4AA1 Junior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio took 3 minutes to reach 8 000 feet! Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 88 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 81 70 61 60 58 52 45 41 35 23 19 15 5 1 -10 Number Take-off 0JJZI3AA1 Taking-off 3JJZI4AA1 Senior Captain Kyoichi Egashira took 39 seconds to reach 2 000 feet! Number Take-off 0JJZJ0AA1 Taking-off MJJZJ4AA1 Junior Sergeant_Major Matsumi nakano took 1 minutes to reach 6 000 feet! Number Take-off 0JJZL0AD1 Taking-off 4JJZL4AD1 Senior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio took 4 minutes to reach 2 000 feet! Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 45 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 27 Number Take-off 0JJZI1AA1 Taking-off RJJZI4AA1 Senior Sergeant_Major Masahiko Sasahara took 70 seconds to reach 3 000 feet! Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 48 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 43 37 31 22 20 8 1 -10 48 Number Take-off 0JJZ32AA1 Taking-off OJJZ34AA1 2nd Lieutenant Eikichi Iwashita took 4 minutes to reach 0 000 feet! Number Take-off 0JJZL0AC1 Taking-off GJJZL4AC1 2nd Lieutenant Matsumi nakano took 38 seconds to reach 8 000 feet! Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 75 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach -1: Tojo1L 61 74 -1: Tojo1L 60 67 56 45 44 36 25 24 14 6 -6 Number Take-off 0JJZL2AA1 Taking-off 6JJZL4AA1 Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio took 67 seconds to reach 5 000 feet! Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 29 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 20 Frank is moving within the Grid! 8 0 [(8, 0)] 17 Frank is moving within the Grid! 2 3 [(2, 3)] 14 9 6 1 Dinah holds position within the Grid: 7 6 Dinah12 3200 -6 29 Number Take-off 0JJZN0AC1 Taking-off UJJZN4AC1 Senior Sergeant_Major Matsumi nakano took 3 minutes to reach 2 000 feet! Number Take-off 0JJZO1AA1 Taking-off 2JJZO4AA1 1st Lieutenant Hannoshin Nishio took 4 minutes to reach 10 000 feet! Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 13 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 10 9 5 -3 13 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 15 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 11 8 1 -6 15 Number Take-off 0JJZO2AE1 Taking-off CJJZO4AE1 Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio took 1 minutes to reach 3 000 feet! Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 36 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach Frank holds position within the Grid: 9 3 Frank04 0600 Dinah is moving within the Grid! 1 4 [(1, 4), (2, 4), (3, 5), (4, 5), (5, 6)] 24 19 Frank is moving within the Grid! 7 6 [(7, 6), (6, 6), (5, 6)] Dinah is moving within the Grid! 2 5 [(2, 5)] 10 Frank holds position within the Grid: 7 3 Frank04 0600 5 Dinah is moving within the Grid! 4 3 [(4, 3), (3, 3)] 2 Frank is moving within the Grid! 8 5 [(8, 5)] 0 36 Number Take-off 0JJZE3AA1 Taking-off NJJZE4AA1 Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio took 3 minutes to reach 5 000 feet! Number Take-off 0JJZ72AA1 Taking-off HJJZ74AA1 Senior Sergeant Nashi Obayashi took 2 minutes to reach 1 000 feet! Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 16 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 4 -8 16 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 55 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 53 48 37 28 19 8 Frank is moving within the Grid! 5 1 [(5, 1)] 6 2 -1 55 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 40 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach Frank is moving within the Grid! 3 4 [(3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6), (6, 6)] Dinah holds position within the Grid: 5 8 Dinah10 3200 33 Frank holds position within the Grid: 8 8 Frank03 0600 Frank is moving within the Grid! 4 7 [(4, 7)] 30 18 7 -1 40 Number Take-off 0JJZA0AA1 Taking-off UJJZA4AA1 2nd Lieutenant Hannoshin Nishio took 2 minutes to reach 7 000 feet! Number Take-off 0JJZ22AA1 Taking-off PJJZ24AA1 Senior Sergeant_Major Shusaku ENDO took 4 minutes to reach 7 000 feet! Number Take-off 0JJZ82AA1 Taking-off RJJZ84AA1 2nd Lieutenant Shinichi Tanaka took 3 minutes to reach 4 000 feet! Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 38 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 33 26 16 Frank is moving within the Grid! 1 4 [(1, 4), (1, 3)] 4 -3 38 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 64 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach -1: Tojo1L 59 54 42 41 Frank is moving within the Grid! 5 5 [(5, 5), (4, 5)] Dinah is moving within the Grid! 4 4 [(4, 4)] 32 31 28 16 Frank is moving within the Grid! 4 5 [(4, 5), (4, 4), (3, 3)] 8 5 Frank is moving within the Grid! 8 4 [(8, 4)] 1 -6 String Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone! 59 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 47 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 40 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 50 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (9, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 2 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0A will attempt to stave off Tojo1F Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Tojo is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 6 0 [(8, 0), (8, 1), (7, 2)] 51361FM 43 Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (9, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 2 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0A will attempt to stave off Tojo1F Dogfight underway! Harutango! P-51D0A has taken off successfully with 1 engines working. Harutango! Tojo1F has taken off successfully with 1 engines working. 72000AB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 1.47 damage P-51D0A fires, 5 gun positions remaining Tojo's health is now 98.53 P-51DP-51D0A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 72000AB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 5.03 damage P-51D0A fires, 4 gun positions remaining Tojo's health is now 93.50 P-51DP-51D0A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 72000AB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 1.11 damage P-51D0A fires, 3 gun positions remaining Tojo's health is now 92.39 P-51DP-51D0A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 72000AB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 1.79 damage P-51D0A fires, 2 gun positions remaining Tojo's health is now 90.60 P-51DP-51D0A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 72000AB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 3.96 damage P-51D0A fires, 1 gun positions remaining Tojo's health is now 86.64 P-51DP-51D0A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 72000AB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 3.48 damage P-51D0A fires, 0 gun positions remaining Tojo's health is now 83.16 P-51DP-51D0A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 40001FM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 5.27 damage Tojo1F fires, 5 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 94.73 TojoTojo1F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 72000AB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 3.83 damage P-51D0A has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 79.34 P-51DP-51D0A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 72000AB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 5.07 damage P-51D0A has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 74.27 P-51DP-51D0A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 72000AB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 1.80 damage P-51D0A has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 72.47 P-51DP-51D0A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 40001FM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 5.72 damage Tojo1F fires, 4 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 89.01 TojoTojo1F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 40001FM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 4.79 damage Tojo1F fires, 3 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 84.22 TojoTojo1F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 72000AB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 4.22 damage P-51D0A has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 68.24 P-51DP-51D0A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! energy_fighting Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 72000AB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 5.46 damage P-51D0A has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 62.78 P-51DP-51D0A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! high_yo_yo Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 72000AB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 3.47 damage P-51D0A has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 59.32 P-51DP-51D0A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! frontal attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 72000AB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 4.61 damage P-51D0A has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 54.71 P-51DP-51D0A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! split_s Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! energy_fighting Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 72000AB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 5.44 damage P-51D0A has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 49.27 P-51DP-51D0A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 72000AB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 4.93 damage P-51D0A has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 44.33 P-51DP-51D0A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 72000AB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 0.19 damage P-51D0A has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 44.14 P-51DP-51D0A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 72000AB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 4.09 damage P-51D0A has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 40.05 P-51DP-51D0A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 72000AB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 4.45 damage P-51D0A has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 35.60 P-51DP-51D0A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 72000AB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 2.92 damage P-51D0A has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 32.68 P-51DP-51D0A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 40001FM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 5.59 damage Tojo1F fires, 2 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 78.62 TojoTojo1F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! immelmann_turn Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 72000AB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 5.26 damage P-51D0A has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 27.41 P-51DP-51D0A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 40001FM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 4.80 damage Tojo1F fires, 1 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 73.82 TojoTojo1F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 72000AB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 2.11 damage P-51D0A has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 25.30 P-51DP-51D0A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 40001FM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 1.32 damage Tojo1F fires, 0 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 72.50 TojoTojo1F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 72000AB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 3.39 damage P-51D0A has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 21.91 P-51DP-51D0A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 72000AB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 0.15 damage P-51D0A has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 21.76 P-51DP-51D0A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 72000AB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 3.15 damage P-51D0A has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 18.60 P-51DP-51D0A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 72000AB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 4.37 damage P-51D0A has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 14.23 P-51DP-51D0A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 40001FM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 5.30 damage Tojo1F has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 67.21 TojoTojo1F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 72000AB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 2.26 damage P-51D0A has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 11.98 P-51DP-51D0A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 72000AB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 0.69 damage P-51D0A has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 11.29 P-51DP-51D0A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 72000AB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 2.06 damage P-51D0A has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 9.23 P-51DP-51D0A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 72000AB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 4.78 damage P-51D0A has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 4.45 P-51DP-51D0A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 72000AB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 5.28 damage P-51D0A has no working gun positions Tojo has been shot down! P-51DP-51D0A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 5 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Tojo1F Tojo is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 5 1 [(7, 2), (7, 3)] 52541FM Tojo is moving within the Grid! 5 4 [(5, 4), (6, 3)] 31 Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 5 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Tojo1F Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 5 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Tojo1F Tojo1F -0.8253908473327618 4 23 0600 9 P-51D0S 31.845706974135307 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 0 fighters! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 7) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn D An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Tojo1F Tojo is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 5 2 [(7, 3), (7, 4), (6, 5), (6, 6)] AA631FM Frank holds position within the Grid: 6 3 Frank03 0600 Frank is moving within the Grid! 1 1 [(1, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)] 26 Tojo has reached the Bomber Stream! AA631FM PJJZ44AA1 20 Dinah holds position within the Grid: 2 4 Dinah12 3200 9 Frank holds position within the Grid: 8 0 Frank04 0600 Dinah holds position within the Grid: 6 2 Dinah10 3200 Tojo holds position within the Grid: 4 3 Tojo1N 0600 7 5 3 -2 50 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 35 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 21 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 77 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach -1: Tojo1L 58 71 70 Frank is moving within the Grid! 7 1 [(7, 1), (6, 2), (5, 3), (5, 4)] Dinah is moving within the Grid! 1 7 [(1, 7), (2, 7), (3, 7), (4, 7), (5, 6), (6, 6), (7, 6)] 58 47 37 Frank holds position within the Grid: 8 2 Frank04 0600 32 25 24 22 13 12 0 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 32 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 10 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 19 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 10 -2 19 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 60 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach -1: Tojo1L 57 56 Dinah is moving within the Grid! 4 7 [(4, 7), (5, 7)] 45 Dinah is moving within the Grid! 6 7 [(6, 7)] 41 36 28 20 15 Tony holds position within the Grid: 8 8 Tony0U 0600 7 0 String Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone! 57 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 47 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 33 String Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone! 57 Number Take-off 0JJZK2AA1 Taking-off KJJZK4AA1 Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio took 55 seconds to reach 10 000 feet! String Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone! 57 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 43 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 36 String Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone! 57 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 43 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 28 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 23 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 35 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (4, 11) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Mike1X Attackers diverted! An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D2I will attempt to stave off Mike1X 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2M will attempt to stave off Mike1X Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (4, 11) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Mike1X 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2I will attempt to stave off Mike1X An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D2M will attempt to stave off Mike1X Dogfight underway! Harutango! P-51D2M has taken off successfully with 1 engines working. Harutango! Mike1X has taken off successfully with 1 engines working. 55002MB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 5.12 damage P-51D2M fires, 5 gun positions remaining Mike's health is now 94.88 P-51DP-51D2M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! barrel_roll Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 55002MB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 4.42 damage P-51D2M fires, 4 gun positions remaining Mike's health is now 90.46 P-51DP-51D2M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! immelmann_turn Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! [7001XM Check Quad / Inner Mike attacks P-51D with 3.34 damage Mike1X fires, 5 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 96.66 MikeMike1X 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! [7001XM Check Quad / Inner Mike attacks P-51D with 5.65 damage Mike1X fires, 4 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 91.01 MikeMike1X 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! barrel_roll Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 55002MB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 4.88 damage P-51D2M fires, 3 gun positions remaining Mike's health is now 85.58 P-51DP-51D2M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 55002MB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 2.12 damage P-51D2M fires, 2 gun positions remaining Mike's health is now 83.46 P-51DP-51D2M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 55002MB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 5.03 damage P-51D2M fires, 1 gun positions remaining Mike's health is now 78.44 P-51DP-51D2M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 55002MB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 4.60 damage P-51D2M fires, 0 gun positions remaining Mike's health is now 73.83 P-51DP-51D2M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 55002MB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 5.62 damage P-51D2M has no working gun positions Mike's health is now 68.21 P-51DP-51D2M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 55002MB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 0.26 damage P-51D2M has no working gun positions Mike's health is now 67.95 P-51DP-51D2M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 55002MB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 1.03 damage P-51D2M has no working gun positions Mike's health is now 66.92 P-51DP-51D2M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 55002MB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 3.65 damage P-51D2M has no working gun positions Mike's health is now 63.27 P-51DP-51D2M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 55002MB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 3.72 damage P-51D2M has no working gun positions Mike's health is now 59.55 P-51DP-51D2M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! climb_and_dive Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 55002MB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 2.56 damage P-51D2M has no working gun positions Mike's health is now 56.99 P-51DP-51D2M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! [7001XM Check Quad / Inner Mike attacks P-51D with 2.73 damage Mike1X fires, 3 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 88.28 MikeMike1X 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 55002MB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 3.60 damage P-51D2M has no working gun positions Mike's health is now 53.39 P-51DP-51D2M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! split_s Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! climb_and_dive Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! [7001XM Check Quad / Inner Mike attacks P-51D with 3.32 damage Mike1X fires, 2 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 84.97 MikeMike1X 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! split_s Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! [7001XM Check Quad / Inner Mike attacks P-51D with 4.93 damage Mike1X fires, 1 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 80.04 MikeMike1X 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! [7001XM Check Quad / Inner Mike attacks P-51D with 3.68 damage Mike1X fires, 0 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 76.36 MikeMike1X 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! [7001XM Check Quad / Inner Mike attacks P-51D with 4.37 damage Mike1X has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 71.99 MikeMike1X 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! [7001XM Check Quad / Inner Mike attacks P-51D with 4.03 damage Mike1X has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 67.96 MikeMike1X 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! surprise_attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! [7001XM Check Quad / Inner Mike attacks P-51D with 5.28 damage Mike1X has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 62.68 MikeMike1X 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 55002MB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 0.16 damage P-51D2M has no working gun positions Mike's health is now 53.23 P-51DP-51D2M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 55002MB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 1.84 damage P-51D2M has no working gun positions Mike's health is now 51.39 P-51DP-51D2M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 55002MB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 4.38 damage P-51D2M has no working gun positions Mike's health is now 47.01 P-51DP-51D2M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! high_yo_yo Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 55002MB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 3.23 damage P-51D2M has no working gun positions Mike's health is now 43.78 P-51DP-51D2M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 55002MB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 1.46 damage P-51D2M has no working gun positions Mike's health is now 42.32 P-51DP-51D2M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! [7001XM Check Quad / Inner Mike attacks P-51D with 5.47 damage Mike1X has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 57.21 MikeMike1X 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 55002MB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 5.22 damage P-51D2M has no working gun positions Mike's health is now 37.10 P-51DP-51D2M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! immelmann_turn Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 55002MB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 0.50 damage P-51D2M has no working gun positions Mike's health is now 36.60 P-51DP-51D2M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 55002MB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 5.31 damage P-51D2M has no working gun positions Mike's health is now 31.29 P-51DP-51D2M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 55002MB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 4.06 damage P-51D2M has no working gun positions Mike's health is now 27.24 P-51DP-51D2M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 55002MB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 0.84 damage P-51D2M has no working gun positions Mike's health is now 26.40 P-51DP-51D2M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! [7001XM Check Quad / Inner Mike attacks P-51D with 0.90 damage Mike1X has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 56.31 MikeMike1X 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 55002MB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 3.54 damage P-51D2M has no working gun positions Mike's health is now 22.85 P-51DP-51D2M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! high_yo_yo Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 55002MB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 3.67 damage P-51D2M has no working gun positions Mike's health is now 19.18 P-51DP-51D2M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! lead_pursuit Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 55002MB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 4.66 damage P-51D2M has no working gun positions Mike's health is now 14.53 P-51DP-51D2M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 55002MB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 5.13 damage P-51D2M has no working gun positions Mike's health is now 9.40 P-51DP-51D2M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 55002MB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 2.46 damage P-51D2M has no working gun positions Mike's health is now 6.94 P-51DP-51D2M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! [7001XM Check Quad / Inner Mike attacks P-51D with 1.27 damage Mike1X has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 55.04 MikeMike1X 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 55002MB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 3.17 damage P-51D2M has no working gun positions Mike's health is now 3.77 P-51DP-51D2M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 55002MB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 3.21 damage P-51D2M has no working gun positions Mike's health is now 0.55 P-51DP-51D2M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! [7001XM Check Quad / Inner Mike attacks P-51D with 2.78 damage Mike1X has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 52.26 MikeMike1X 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 55002MB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Mike with 3.41 damage P-51D2M has no working gun positions Mike has been shot down! P-51DP-51D2M 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Mike is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 0 7 [(0, 13), (1, 12), (2, 11), (3, 10)] 2E271XM Possible interception by P-51s in: (9, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 2 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0A will attempt to stave off Mike17 Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Mike17 Mike17 100 4 27 0600 9 P-51D0W 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 5 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 0 fighters! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 7) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn D One P-51D may intercept! P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Mike17 Attackers diverted! Mike17 100 4 27 0600 9 P-51D1Z 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 5 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 0 fighters! Mike is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 6 3 [(8, 4), (7, 5), (6, 6)] AA3717M 25 Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 9) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Mike1X No Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 9) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Mike1X Mike1X -2.8582369645087344 4 27 0600 9 P-51D04 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 1 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 2 fighters! No Intercept! Mike is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 2 E [(3, 10), (4, 9)] 3D341XM Mike has reached the Bomber Stream! AA3717M CJJZ94AA1 17 Possible interception by P-51s in: (9, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 2 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0A will attempt to stave off Frank03 Possible interception by P-51s in: (9, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 2 No Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Frank03 Attackers diverted! Frank is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 7 1 [(9, 2), (8, 3), (8, 4)] 632403M Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (8, 14) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 1 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D06 will attempt to stave off Frank04 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2R will attempt to stave off Frank04 Attackers diverted! No Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 12) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn C One P-51D may intercept! P-51D1W will attempt to stave off Frank04 Frank04 100 4 29 0600 9 P-51D1W 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 2 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! Frank is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 7 9 [(9, 15), (9, 14), (8, 13)] 677304M Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 8) !!! Escort: 74 Sqn E No Intercept! Mike is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 3 D [(4, 9)] 3D341XM 15 Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (8, 6) !!! Escort: 45 Sqn F 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D27 will attempt to stave off Frank03 Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 7) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn D An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Frank03 Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Frank03 Attackers diverted! No Intercept! Frank is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 6 3 [(8, 4), (7, 5), (6, 6)] AA2403M Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (8, 14) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 1 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D06 will attempt to stave off Frank04 Attackers diverted! An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D2R will attempt to stave off Frank04 Attackers diverted! One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2V will attempt to stave off Frank04 Frank04 100 4 29 0600 9 P-51D2V 8.388022048242197 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 12) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn C 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D1W will attempt to stave off Frank04 Frank is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 6 7 [(8, 13), (8, 12)] 667304M Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 9) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Mike1X Attackers diverted! One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2Q will attempt to stave off Mike1X Mike1X -2.8582369645087344 4 27 0600 9 P-51D2Q 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 0 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 2 fighters! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 8) !!! Escort: 74 Sqn E 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D25 will attempt to stave off Mike1X Mike is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 3 D [(4, 9), (5, 8)] 4C341XM Frank is moving within the Grid! 5 3 [(5, 3), (5, 2), (4, 1)] 5 Frank has reached the Bomber Stream! AA4603M FJJZ64AA1 Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 8) !!! Escort: 74 Sqn E One P-51D may intercept! P-51D25 will attempt to stave off Mike1X Mike1X -2.8582369645087344 4 27 0600 9 P-51D25 40.680874010591154 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 1 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 2 fighters! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 8) !!! Escort: 74 Sqn E One P-51D may intercept! P-51D25 will attempt to stave off Mike1X Mike1X -2.8582369645087344 4 27 0600 9 P-51D25 40.680874010591154 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 1 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 2 fighters! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 No Intercept! Mike is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 4 C [(5, 8), (5, 7), (6, 6)] AA571XM Dinah is moving within the Grid! 1 0 [(1, 0)] -5 35 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 90 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach -1: Tony0Y 56 -1: Tojo1L 56 -1: Mike1X 56 86 84 Tojo holds position within the Grid: 2 7 Tojo1N 0600 79 73 Dinah is moving within the Grid! 1 2 [(1, 2), (2, 2)] Tojo holds position within the Grid: 0 5 Tojo1N 0600 Tojo is moving within the Grid! 1 3 [(1, 3), (2, 4), (3, 4), (4, 5)] 69 Dinah holds position within the Grid: 8 3 Dinah12 3200 63 52 47 46 Tony is moving within the Grid! 5 6 [(5, 6), (6, 6)] 37 32 22 Tojo is moving within the Grid! 6 8 [(6, 8), (5, 8), (4, 8)] 11 5 Tojo is moving within the Grid! 1 3 [(1, 3), (2, 3)] -6 String Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone! 56 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 44 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 22 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 11) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 1 No Intercept! No Intercept! 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2V will attempt to stave off Tony05 Tony is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A A 5 [(6, 11)] A56005M Mike has reached the Bomber Stream! AA441XM TJJZO4AA1 Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 13) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn 8 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D15 will attempt to stave off Mike16 Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (4, 11) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 No Intercept! One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2I will attempt to stave off Mike16 Mike16 100 4 27 0600 9 P-51D2I 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 1 fighters! One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2M will attempt to stave off Mike16 Mike16 100 4 27 0600 9 P-51D2M 52.25767962382791 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 1 fighters! Mike is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 0 8 [(0, 14), (1, 13), (1, 12), (2, 11), (3, 10)] 2E1116M 18 Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 11) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 No Intercept! No Intercept! One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2M will attempt to stave off Tony05 Attackers diverted! Tony05 100 4 25 0600 9 P-51D2M 52.25767962382791 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 3 fighters! Tony is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A A 5 [(6, 11)] A50405M Dinah is moving within the Grid! 5 5 [(5, 5), (4, 5)] 16 Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 10) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn H 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2F will attempt to stave off Tony05 Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 10) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn H 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2F will attempt to stave off Tony05 Tony is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A A 5 [(6, 11), (6, 10)] AE0405M Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 9) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 No Intercept! No Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 8) !!! Escort: 74 Sqn E 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D25 will attempt to stave off Mike16 Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (4, 7) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn B An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D1O will attempt to stave off Mike16 Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (4, 7) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn B One P-51D may intercept! P-51D1O will attempt to stave off Mike16 Mike16 100 4 27 0600 9 P-51D1O 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 7 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 1 fighters! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Mike16 Dogfight underway! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Mike16has failed to take off (7, 5760, 53, 398, 592) Mike is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 2 E [(3, 10), (4, 9), (4, 8), (5, 7), (6, 6)] AA5616M Dinah holds position within the Grid: 5 1 Dinah10 3200 10 Mike has reached the Bomber Stream! AA6816M SJJZ64AA1 3 Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 10) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn H 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2F will attempt to stave off Tony05 Attackers diverted! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn 7 No Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 7) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn D An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Tony05 Attackers diverted! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 No Intercept! No Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Tony05 Tony is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A A E [(6, 10), (6, 9), (6, 8), (6, 7), (6, 6)] AA2205M Tojo is moving within the Grid! 6 2 [(6, 2), (6, 3), (7, 4), (7, 5)] -1 22 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 43 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach Tony has reached the Bomber Stream! AA6405M IJJZ74AA1 Tojo holds position within the Grid: 2 5 Tojo1M 0600 37 29 Tony holds position within the Grid: 5 1 Tony0U 0600 Tojo holds position within the Grid: 6 2 Tojo1M 0600 26 24 18 16 Tojo is moving within the Grid! 2 5 [(2, 5)] 13 9 -1 43 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 51 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 46 37 Dinah is moving within the Grid! 3 4 [(3, 4), (4, 4), (5, 4), (6, 3), (7, 3)] 26 21 20 9 Tony holds position within the Grid: 5 8 Tony0U 0600 2 -1 51 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 43 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach Dinah is moving within the Grid! 3 5 [(3, 5)] 34 32 24 15 11 8 4 -1 43 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 25 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach Tojo is moving within the Grid! 6 6 [(6, 6), (5, 7)] 18 Tojo is moving within the Grid! 5 7 [(5, 7)] 6 -1 25 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 72 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach -1: Tojo1L 55 Tony holds position within the Grid: 5 9 Tony0U 0600 Dinah is moving within the Grid! 0 0 [(0, 0)] 68 59 Tony is moving within the Grid! 2 4 [(2, 4)] 47 46 37 29 27 Tony is moving within the Grid! 5 3 [(5, 3)] Dinah is moving within the Grid! 4 6 [(4, 6)] Tojo holds position within the Grid: 4 4 Tojo1U 0600 21 18 17 15 12 Tojo holds position within the Grid: 6 4 Tojo1M 0600 5 4 2 Tony holds position within the Grid: 4 6 Tony0U 0600 -4 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 10 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 5 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Tojo1K Tojo is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A D 5 0 [(7, 0), (7, 1)] 50351KM Tony is moving within the Grid! 4 6 [(4, 6)] 8 Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 5 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Tojo1K Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 5 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Tojo1K Tojo1K 100 4 23 0600 9 P-51D0S 31.845706974135307 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! Tojo is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A D 5 0 [(7, 0), (7, 1), (7, 2), (7, 3)] 52351KM Dinah is moving within the Grid! 4 5 [(4, 5)] Tojo holds position within the Grid: 6 4 Tojo1M 0600 -1 10 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 83 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach -1: Tojo1K 54 -1: Tojo1L 54 78 75 Dinah holds position within the Grid: 5 6 Dinah10 3200 72 Tony holds position within the Grid: 7 6 Tony0U 0600 Dinah is moving within the Grid! 1 2 [(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 4), (2, 5)] Dinah is moving within the Grid! 9 8 [(9, 8)] 68 Tojo is moving within the Grid! 3 3 [(3, 3), (4, 3), (5, 4), (6, 4), (7, 4), (8, 5), (9, 5)] Tojo is moving within the Grid! 3 3 [(3, 3), (4, 3), (5, 2), (6, 2)] 56 Dinah is moving within the Grid! 2 3 [(2, 3)] Dinah is moving within the Grid! 5 6 [(5, 6)] 53 50 Dinah holds position within the Grid: 8 6 Dinah11 3200 49 Tojo holds position within the Grid: 3 5 Tojo1N 0600 38 34 27 Dinah holds position within the Grid: 4 5 Dinah12 3200 24 17 15 Tony is moving within the Grid! 2 4 [(2, 4), (3, 5), (4, 6)] Dinah is moving within the Grid! 3 2 [(3, 2)] 8 Tojo is moving within the Grid! 1 4 [(1, 4), (2, 4)] 3 Dinah is moving within the Grid! 5 2 [(5, 2)] -6 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 79 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach -1: Tojo1K 53 -1: Tojo1L 53 77 Dinah is moving within the Grid! 8 4 [(8, 4)] 76 Tojo holds position within the Grid: 8 1 Tojo1N 0600 71 67 Dinah holds position within the Grid: 3 3 Dinah11 3200 56 47 Dinah is moving within the Grid! 4 6 [(4, 6), (5, 7), (5, 8), (6, 9)] Dinah is moving within the Grid! 4 3 [(4, 3), (3, 3), (2, 3)] 38 Dinah is moving within the Grid! 5 4 [(5, 4), (5, 5), (6, 6), (6, 7)] 27 20 Dinah holds position within the Grid: 5 7 Dinah11 3200 Dinah is moving within the Grid! 5 3 [(5, 3)] 19 Dinah is moving within the Grid! 5 7 [(5, 7)] 13 Tojo holds position within the Grid: 2 3 Tojo1N 0600 1 0 String Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone! 53 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 36 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 21 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 11 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 76 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach -1: Dinah08 52 -1: Tojo1K 52 -1: Tojo1L 52 -1: Mike19 52 Tojo holds position within the Grid: 2 4 Tojo1O 0600 70 Tony is moving within the Grid! 4 1 [(4, 1)] Tojo holds position within the Grid: 1 2 Tojo1M 0600 Tojo holds position within the Grid: 2 3 Tojo1N 0600 Tojo is moving within the Grid! 2 4 [(2, 4)] 69 58 52 Tony is moving within the Grid! 5 7 [(5, 7), (6, 6)] Tojo holds position within the Grid: 3 8 Tojo1M 0600 49 42 31 26 14 10 6 Tony is moving within the Grid! 3 5 [(3, 5), (3, 6)] Dinah holds position within the Grid: 4 6 Dinah10 3200 Tojo is moving within the Grid! 9 3 [(9, 3), (9, 4), (8, 5), (8, 6)] -2 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 76 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach -1: Dinah08 51 -1: Tojo1K 51 -1: Tojo1L 51 -1: Mike18 51 -1: Mike19 51 Tojo is moving within the Grid! 7 8 [(7, 8), (6, 8), (5, 8), (4, 8)] 68 Tojo holds position within the Grid: 6 2 Tojo1N 0600 Tojo holds position within the Grid: 5 1 Tojo1U 0600 57 Dinah is moving within the Grid! 4 4 [(4, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6)] Tojo is moving within the Grid! 6 2 [(6, 2)] 52 Dinah is moving within the Grid! 7 5 [(7, 5), (6, 4)] 43 Dinah holds position within the Grid: 6 4 Dinah11 3200 Dinah is moving within the Grid! 1 2 [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)] 33 22 10 5 Dinah holds position within the Grid: 7 3 Dinah10 3200 Dinah holds position within the Grid: 3 4 Dinah11 3200 0 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 35 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 67 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach -1: Dinah08 50 -1: Tojo1K 50 -1: Tojo1L 50 -1: Mike18 50 -1: Mike19 50 57 Tojo holds position within the Grid: 9 2 Tojo1U 0600 48 39 Dinah is moving within the Grid! 5 1 [(5, 1)] 37 Tojo holds position within the Grid: 3 7 Tojo1O 0600 36 26 16 9 Tojo holds position within the Grid: 4 6 Tojo1U 0600 0 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 50 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 11) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Tony07 No Intercept! 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2M will attempt to stave off Tony07 Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 11) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Tony07 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D2I will attempt to stave off Tony07 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2M will attempt to stave off Tony07 Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 11) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Tony07 No Intercept! One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2M will attempt to stave off Tony07 Tony07 100 4 25 0600 9 P-51D2M 52.25767962382791 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 0 fighters! Tony is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A E 6 6 [(8, 12), (7, 11), (6, 10)] AE7107M Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 13) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn 8 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D15 will attempt to stave off Dinah08 Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 13) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn 8 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D15 will attempt to stave off Dinah08 Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 11) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 1 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D06 will attempt to stave off Dinah08 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2R will attempt to stave off Dinah08 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2V will attempt to stave off Dinah08 Attackers diverted! Dinah08 100 4 23 3200 9 P-51D2V 8.388022048242197 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 4 fighters! Dinah is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A E 0 6 [(0, 12), (1, 12), (2, 11), (3, 11), (4, 11)] 354308M Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (9, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 2 No Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 5 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Tojo1K Dogfight underway! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Tojo1K has taken off successfully with 1 engines working. 57001KM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 2.51 damage Tojo1K fires, 5 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 29.34 TojoTojo1K 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! climb_and_dive Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 5.98 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 94.02 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 0.20 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 93.82 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 1.66 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 92.17 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 57001KM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 1.15 damage Tojo1K fires, 4 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 28.19 TojoTojo1K 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 57001KM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 2.26 damage Tojo1K fires, 3 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 25.93 TojoTojo1K 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 0.81 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 91.36 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 57001KM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 3.22 damage Tojo1K fires, 2 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 22.71 TojoTojo1K 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 1.58 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 89.77 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 57001KM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 2.70 damage Tojo1K fires, 1 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 20.02 TojoTojo1K 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 0.62 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 89.15 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 1.55 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 87.60 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 57001KM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 5.44 damage Tojo1K fires, 0 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 14.57 TojoTojo1K 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 57001KM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 1.84 damage Tojo1K has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 12.73 TojoTojo1K 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 4.15 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 83.44 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 0.74 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 82.70 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 5.62 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 77.07 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! climb_and_dive Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 57001KM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 0.66 damage Tojo1K has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 12.07 TojoTojo1K 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 0.27 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 76.80 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 57001KM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 0.73 damage Tojo1K has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 11.34 TojoTojo1K 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 57001KM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 0.72 damage Tojo1K has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 10.62 TojoTojo1K 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 57001KM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 3.93 damage Tojo1K has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 6.68 TojoTojo1K 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! A2000SB Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 5.72 damage P-51D0S has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 71.08 P-51DP-51D0S 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! barrel_roll Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! frontal attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 57001KM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 3.56 damage Tojo1K has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 3.13 TojoTojo1K 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! immelmann_turn Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 57001KM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 5.89 damage Tojo1K has no working gun positions P-51D has been shot down! TojoTojo1K 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Tojo1K Dogfight underway! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! immelmann_turn Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! lead_pursuit Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 2.60 damage P-51D0W fires, 5 gun positions remaining Tojo's health is now 68.49 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! frontal attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 1.07 damage P-51D0W fires, 4 gun positions remaining Tojo's health is now 67.42 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 5.73 damage P-51D0W fires, 3 gun positions remaining Tojo's health is now 61.69 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 0.43 damage P-51D0W fires, 2 gun positions remaining Tojo's health is now 61.25 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 57001KM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 0.31 damage Tojo1K has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 99.69 TojoTojo1K 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 5.64 damage P-51D0W fires, 1 gun positions remaining Tojo's health is now 55.62 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! immelmann_turn Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 57001KM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 1.98 damage Tojo1K has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 97.71 TojoTojo1K 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! climb_and_dive Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 0.05 damage P-51D0W fires, 0 gun positions remaining Tojo's health is now 55.57 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 0.68 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 54.89 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 2.40 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 52.49 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 4.15 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 48.34 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 57001KM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 5.20 damage Tojo1K has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 92.51 TojoTojo1K 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 57001KM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 3.82 damage Tojo1K has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 88.69 TojoTojo1K 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 57001KM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 0.51 damage Tojo1K has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 88.18 TojoTojo1K 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 57001KM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 1.09 damage Tojo1K has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 87.09 TojoTojo1K 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 2.90 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 45.44 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 57001KM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 1.97 damage Tojo1K has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 85.11 TojoTojo1K 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 57001KM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 3.17 damage Tojo1K has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 81.94 TojoTojo1K 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 1.23 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 44.20 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 3.32 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 40.88 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! energy_fighting Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 3.54 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 37.34 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 57001KM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 1.75 damage Tojo1K has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 80.19 TojoTojo1K 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 57001KM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 5.41 damage Tojo1K has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 74.78 TojoTojo1K 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 3.37 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 33.98 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 1.21 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 32.76 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 1.76 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 31.01 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 3.49 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 27.52 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 0.46 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 27.07 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 2.99 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 24.08 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 0.68 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 23.40 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 4.85 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 18.55 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! split_s Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 0.88 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 17.67 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 2.53 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 15.14 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 0.66 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 14.48 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 57001KM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 2.91 damage Tojo1K has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 71.87 TojoTojo1K 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 57001KM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 0.89 damage Tojo1K has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 70.98 TojoTojo1K 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 0.33 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 14.16 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 57001KM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 0.86 damage Tojo1K has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 70.13 TojoTojo1K 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 57001KM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 3.90 damage Tojo1K has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 66.23 TojoTojo1K 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 57001KM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 5.69 damage Tojo1K has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 60.53 TojoTojo1K 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 4.78 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 9.38 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! climb_and_dive Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 5.81 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 3.57 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! surprise_attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 57001KM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 0.95 damage Tojo1K has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 59.58 TojoTojo1K 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 1.56 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 2.01 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! surprise_attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 2.07 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Tojo has been shot down! P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Tojo1K Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Tojo1K Dogfight underway! Tojo is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A D 5 2 [(7, 3), (7, 4), (7, 5), (7, 6), (6, 7)] AB361KM Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 12) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn C 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D1W will attempt to stave off Mike18 Attackers diverted! Mike is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A D 5 8 [(7, 14)] 588318M Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Mike is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A D 7 8 [(9, 14)] 781719M Dinah is moving within the Grid! 6 3 [(6, 3)] Tojo holds position within the Grid: 0 5 Tojo1M 0600 Mike holds position within the Grid: 8 3 Mike18 0600 Mike holds position within the Grid: 1 7 Mike19 0600 49 Tony has reached the Bomber Stream! AE7107M CJJZ44AE1 Possible interception by P-51s in: (4, 11) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Dinah08 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2I will attempt to stave off Dinah08 Dinah08 100 4 23 3200 9 P-51D2I 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 4 fighters! One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2M will attempt to stave off Dinah08 Attackers diverted! Dinah08 100 4 23 3200 9 P-51D2M 52.25767962382791 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 4 fighters! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 11) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 1 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D06 will attempt to stave off Dinah08 Dogfight underway! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Dinah08 has taken off successfully with 1 engines working. 770006D Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 1.34 damage P-51D06 has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 98.66 P-51DP-51D06 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! surprise_attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! climb_and_dive Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! high_yo_yo Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 770006D Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 3.74 damage P-51D06 has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 94.91 P-51DP-51D06 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! immelmann_turn Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 970008M Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 5.13 damage Dinah08 fires, 5 gun positions remaining P-51D has been shot down! DinahDinah08 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 10) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn H One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2F will attempt to stave off Dinah08 Dinah08 94.91387122887069 4 23 3200 9 P-51D2F 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 2 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 4 fighters! Dinah is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A E 3 5 [(4, 11), (5, 11), (6, 10)] AE4308M Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 13) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 4 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D0P will attempt to stave off Mike18 Mike18 100 4 27 0600 9 P-51D0P 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 2 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 1 fighters! Mike is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A D 5 8 [(7, 14)] 588318M Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (9, 13) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 1 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D06 will attempt to stave off Mike19 Attackers diverted! No Intercept! An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D2V will attempt to stave off Mike19 Mike is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A D 7 8 [(9, 14)] 781719M Dinah holds position within the Grid: 4 3 Dinah08 3200 Dinah is moving within the Grid! 4 4 [(4, 4)] Dinah holds position within the Grid: 8 3 Dinah12 3200 Tojo holds position within the Grid: 7 0 Tojo1O 0600 44 Dinah has reached the Bomber Stream! AE4308M CJJZO4AE1 Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 7) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn D An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Tojo1K Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 7) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn D An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Tojo1K Attackers diverted! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 8) !!! Escort: 74 Sqn E One P-51D may intercept! P-51D25 will attempt to stave off Tojo1K Tojo1K -0.06132761226799932 4 23 0600 9 P-51D25 40.680874010591154 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 1 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! Tojo is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A D A B [(6, 7), (6, 8), (6, 9)] AD461KM Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 13) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 4 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0P will attempt to stave off Mike18 Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 13) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 4 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D0P will attempt to stave off Mike18 Mike18 100 4 27 0600 9 P-51D0P 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 2 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 1 fighters! Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 12) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn C 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D1W will attempt to stave off Mike18 Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 10) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn H 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2F will attempt to stave off Mike18 Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 10) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn H No Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn 7 No Intercept! Mike is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A D 5 8 [(7, 14), (7, 13), (7, 12), (6, 11), (6, 10), (6, 9)] AD8318M Possible interception by P-51s in: (8, 14) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 1 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D06 will attempt to stave off Mike19 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2R will attempt to stave off Mike19 Attackers diverted! One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2V will attempt to stave off Mike19 Attackers diverted! Mike19 100 4 27 0600 9 P-51D2V 8.388022048242197 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 1 fighters! Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 12) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn C No Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (9, 13) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 1 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D07 will attempt to stave off Mike19 Attackers diverted! No Intercept! No Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 11) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Mike19 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2I will attempt to stave off Mike19 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2M will attempt to stave off Mike19 Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn 7 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D12 will attempt to stave off Mike19 Mike19 100 4 27 0600 9 P-51D12 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 2 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 1 fighters! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn 7 No Intercept! Mike is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A D 7 8 [(9, 14), (8, 13), (8, 12), (7, 11), (7, 10), (6, 9)] AD1719M 43 Tojo has reached the Bomber Stream! AD731KM 4JJZL4AD1 Mike has reached the Bomber Stream! AD8318M UJJZI4AD1 Mike has reached the Bomber Stream! AD1719M 6JJZ94AD1 Tony holds position within the Grid: 5 4 Tony0U 0600 32 28 21 11 3 -3 50 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 24 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 19 7 -3 24 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 69 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 66 60 58 48 45 41 40 Tony is moving within the Grid! 2 7 [(2, 7), (3, 6)] 32 28 17 14 Tony is moving within the Grid! 3 1 [(3, 1)] 9 8 Tojo is moving within the Grid! 4 9 [(4, 9)] 2 -10 String Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone! 49 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 37 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 56 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach Tony holds position within the Grid: 3 4 Tony0U 0600 52 42 Tojo is moving within the Grid! 7 4 [(7, 4)] 30 18 12 Tony is moving within the Grid! 3 2 [(3, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6)] 0 56 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 41 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 35 33 28 25 24 Tony is moving within the Grid! 0 4 [(0, 4)] 15 7 Tony is moving within the Grid! 6 5 [(6, 5), (6, 6), (6, 7)] Tojo is moving within the Grid! 2 8 [(2, 8)] -3 41 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 31 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach Tony holds position within the Grid: 5 9 Tony0U 0600 23 12 0 31 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 14 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach Tony is moving within the Grid! 7 1 [(7, 1)] 12 2 -7 14 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 46 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 41 33 32 27 22 20 13 12 10 -2 46 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 61 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach Tony holds position within the Grid: 7 1 Tony0U 0600 51 50 43 37 34 28 24 21 18 14 4 Tojo is moving within the Grid! 7 5 [(7, 5)] 3 Tojo holds position within the Grid: 2 6 Tojo1U 0600 -1 String Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone! 48 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 38 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 27 String Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone! 48 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 42 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 56 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 52 48 46 41 34 24 20 Tony holds position within the Grid: 8 9 Tony0U 0600 8 -1 56 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 68 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 57 56 48 42 39 31 24 19 14 10 2 -10 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 65 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 55 Tojo is moving within the Grid! 0 1 [(0, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 4), (3, 5)] 43 36 34 Tony holds position within the Grid: 5 6 Tony0U 0600 32 21 19 17 7 2 Tojo holds position within the Grid: 4 3 Tojo1T 0600 -8 String Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone! 46 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 40 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 15 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 6 0 15 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 50 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 45 41 Tojo is moving within the Grid! 1 2 [(1, 2)] 29 28 16 4 1 Tony holds position within the Grid: 7 7 Tony0U 0600 -6 50 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 26 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach Tony is moving within the Grid! 7 7 [(7, 7)] 18 8 7 6 5 1 0 26 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 68 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach Tojo is moving within the Grid! 5 3 [(5, 3)] 59 55 Tojo is moving within the Grid! 6 7 [(6, 7), (5, 7)] 53 45 38 29 Tojo is moving within the Grid! 4 6 [(4, 6), (5, 7), (6, 8)] 26 Tony holds position within the Grid: 7 8 Tony0U 0600 25 Tojo is moving within the Grid! 4 5 [(4, 5), (5, 6), (6, 7), (7, 8)] Tojo is moving within the Grid! 6 8 [(6, 8), (7, 7), (7, 6), (8, 5)] 18 10 -1 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 21 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach Tojo is moving within the Grid! 9 7 [(9, 7), (8, 6), (7, 6), (6, 5), (5, 4), (4, 3), (3, 3), (2, 2)] 12 1 0 21 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 38 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 34 22 10 Tony is moving within the Grid! 3 2 [(3, 2)] 8 5 Tony holds position within the Grid: 4 8 Tony0U 0600 -6 38 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 89 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 86 80 Tojo holds position within the Grid: 0 5 Tojo1U 0600 74 68 58 Tony is moving within the Grid! 5 7 [(5, 7), (4, 6), (3, 6), (2, 5)] 55 43 38 30 25 18 Tojo is moving within the Grid! 7 5 [(7, 5), (6, 6), (5, 7)] 9 Tony holds position within the Grid: 2 2 Tony0U 0600 Tojo holds position within the Grid: 5 7 Tojo1U 0600 8 6 -4 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 30 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach Tony is moving within the Grid! 2 2 [(2, 2)] 23 11 4 3 -4 30 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 41 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 39 36 32 30 27 Tojo holds position within the Grid: 5 2 Tojo1T 0600 18 7 0 41 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 89 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 81 Tony is moving within the Grid! 4 6 [(4, 6), (3, 5), (3, 4), (2, 3)] Tojo is moving within the Grid! 4 0 [(4, 0), (4, 1)] 72 62 55 Tojo is moving within the Grid! 2 5 [(2, 5), (3, 5), (4, 5), (5, 4), (6, 4)] 47 43 39 Tony is moving within the Grid! 3 5 [(3, 5), (2, 6), (1, 7)] 32 22 12 6 -2 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 26 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach Tojo is moving within the Grid! 4 0 [(4, 0), (4, 1), (5, 2)] Tojo is moving within the Grid! 7 5 [(7, 5), (6, 5), (5, 6)] 21 15 Tojo is moving within the Grid! 5 8 [(5, 8), (5, 7), (5, 6)] 8 -1 26 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 35 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 31 Tony is moving within the Grid! 6 2 [(6, 2), (6, 3)] 20 12 Tojo is moving within the Grid! 6 4 [(6, 4), (5, 5), (4, 6), (3, 7)] 6 0 35 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 28 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 16 14 5 -6 28 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 82 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 70 59 56 Tojo holds position within the Grid: 6 5 Tojo1U 0600 51 47 Tojo is moving within the Grid! 4 7 [(4, 7)] 45 Tojo holds position within the Grid: 4 3 Tojo1T 0600 44 42 41 39 32 30 Tojo is moving within the Grid! 3 7 [(3, 7), (3, 6), (4, 5)] 21 19 12 1 Tojo holds position within the Grid: 4 5 Tojo1U 0600 -2 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 49 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Tony is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 4 8 [(5, 14)] 48120WM 45 Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 13) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 4 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0P will attempt to stave off Tony0W Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 11) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 1 No Intercept! One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2R will attempt to stave off Tony0W Tony0W 100 4 25 0600 9 P-51D2R 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 1 fighters! No Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 13) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 4 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D0P will attempt to stave off Tony0W Attackers diverted! Tony0W 100 4 25 0600 9 P-51D0P 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 2 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 1 fighters! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 11) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 1 One P-51D may intercept! Tony is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 4 8 [(5, 14), (5, 13), (5, 12), (5, 11)] 45560WM Tony is moving within the Grid! 5 6 [(5, 6), (5, 5), (5, 4)] Tojo is moving within the Grid! 3 6 [(3, 6), (2, 7), (1, 8)] 40 Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 11) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 1 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D06 will attempt to stave off Tony0W 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2R will attempt to stave off Tony0W No Intercept! Tony is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 4 5 [(5, 11)] 45540WM Tojo holds position within the Grid: 4 6 Tojo1U 0600 36 Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 10) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn H 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2F will attempt to stave off Tony0W Possible interception by P-51s in: (4, 11) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Tony0W 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2I will attempt to stave off Tony0W Dogfight underway! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! (10, 7370, 72, 356, 426) Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 8) !!! Escort: 74 Sqn E No Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn 7 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D12 will attempt to stave off Tony0W Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Tony0W No Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Tony0W No Intercept! Tony is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 4 5 [(5, 11), (5, 10), (5, 9), (6, 8), (6, 7), (6, 6)] AA700WM Tony is moving within the Grid! 7 0 [(7, 0), (7, 1), (6, 2)] Tojo is moving within the Grid! 5 8 [(5, 8), (4, 8), (3, 7), (2, 7)] 27 Tony has reached the Bomber Stream! AA560WM TJJZ54AA1 17 Tony is moving within the Grid! 3 6 [(3, 6), (4, 7), (5, 7), (6, 8)] 5 -3 49 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 71 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 61 59 52 49 Tony is moving within the Grid! 1 2 [(1, 2)] 38 28 19 Tojo holds position within the Grid: 8 5 Tojo1T 0600 12 5 Tony holds position within the Grid: 3 3 Tony0U 0600 Tojo holds position within the Grid: 6 6 Tojo1U 0600 3 2 Tojo is moving within the Grid! 6 6 [(6, 6), (6, 5)] -1 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 19 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach Tojo is moving within the Grid! 5 3 [(5, 3), (6, 3), (7, 4), (8, 4)] 11 Tojo is moving within the Grid! 8 4 [(8, 4), (7, 4), (6, 5)] 1 -3 19 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 53 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 44 34 Tony is moving within the Grid! 6 1 [(6, 1), (5, 2)] Tojo is moving within the Grid! 5 4 [(5, 4)] 24 20 16 11 2 -5 53 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 57 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach Tojo is moving within the Grid! 7 5 [(7, 5), (6, 5), (5, 5)] 52 49 Tojo is moving within the Grid! 0 3 [(0, 3), (1, 3), (2, 4), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 5), (6, 6), (7, 6)] 37 36 25 17 Tojo is moving within the Grid! 5 3 [(5, 3), (6, 4)] 9 6 Tojo holds position within the Grid: 6 2 Tojo1U 0600 0 57 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 27 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 22 17 Tojo is moving within the Grid! 3 6 [(3, 6)] 15 Tony is moving within the Grid! 1 2 [(1, 2)] 12 0 27 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 56 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 50 48 40 34 26 21 18 Tojo is moving within the Grid! 4 6 [(4, 6)] 7 -3 56 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 68 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 67 60 50 Tojo holds position within the Grid: 7 4 Tojo1T 0600 46 37 Tony holds position within the Grid: 5 2 Tony0U 0600 25 19 14 7 Tony is moving within the Grid! 5 5 [(5, 5)] 3 -7 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 54 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach Tojo is moving within the Grid! 6 9 [(6, 9), (6, 8), (7, 7), (7, 6), (7, 5), (8, 4), (8, 3)] 46 Possible interception by P-51s in: (0, 0) !!! Escort: None Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 No Intercept! One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2I will attempt to stave off Tojo1R Tojo1R 100 4 23 0600 9 P-51D2I 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D2M will attempt to stave off Tojo1R Tojo is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 0 1 [(0, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)] 12831RM 44 Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Tojo1R Attackers diverted! Tojo1R 100 4 23 0600 9 P-51D00 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! No Intercept! An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D2M will attempt to stave off Tojo1R Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Tojo1R 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2I will attempt to stave off Tojo1R No Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Tojo1R One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2I will attempt to stave off Tojo1R Attackers diverted! Tojo1R 100 4 23 0600 9 P-51D2I 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2M will attempt to stave off Tojo1R Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 No Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Tojo1R Tojo is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 1 2 [(2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 4), (5, 5), (6, 6)] AA831RM 34 Tojo has reached the Bomber Stream! AA831RM PJJZ24AA1 27 25 18 16 15 Tony is moving within the Grid! 7 0 [(7, 0), (7, 1), (6, 2), (6, 3), (5, 4), (5, 5)] 8 2 1 -2 54 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 52 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach Tony is moving within the Grid! 7 7 [(7, 7), (6, 6), (5, 5), (4, 4)] 44 35 33 24 13 10 0 52 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 28 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 20 17 5 -6 28 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 23 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 18 6 -5 23 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 27 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 22 Tony is moving within the Grid! 1 3 [(1, 3), (1, 4), (1, 5)] 10 -2 27 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 77 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 66 58 53 42 40 39 36 30 18 7 Tony is moving within the Grid! 1 2 [(1, 2), (2, 3), (2, 4)] -2 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 84 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 76 74 69 Tony holds position within the Grid: 9 8 Tony0U 0600 65 62 56 49 44 43 40 35 32 27 Tony is moving within the Grid! 5 3 [(5, 3)] 22 15 12 Tony is moving within the Grid! 5 3 [(5, 3), (4, 4), (3, 5), (2, 6)] 2 -1 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 13 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 5 -5 13 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 51 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 43 42 30 28 16 4 1 -3 51 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 32 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 28 18 6 -5 32 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 38 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 31 26 23 15 9 Tony holds position within the Grid: 4 4 Tony0U 0600 8 0 38 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 90 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 88 83 76 Tony holds position within the Grid: 5 3 Tony0U 0600 68 57 49 37 31 23 21 17 6 -2 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 35 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 5 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Tony0R Tony0R 100 4 25 0600 9 P-51D0S -2.763519302068174 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 5 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Tony0R Tony0R 100 4 25 0600 9 P-51D0S -2.763519302068174 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 5 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Tony0R Attackers diverted! Tony0R 100 4 25 0600 9 P-51D0S -2.763519302068174 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Tony0R Tony0R 100 4 25 0600 9 P-51D0W 59.58201207309842 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 5 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Tony0R Tony is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 4 1 [(5, 2), (5, 3), (5, 4), (6, 5), (6, 6)] AA730RM 32 Tony has reached the Bomber Stream! AA540RM 6JJZR4AA1 20 10 -2 35 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 43 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 39 27 22 16 10 5 -2 43 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 87 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 78 69 64 57 48 42 37 36 31 29 27 24 21 10 3 -3 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 63 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach -1: Tojo1Q 35 59 54 44 38 33 24 22 16 13 8 1 -2 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 60 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach -1: Tojo1Q 34 53 50 49 42 39 31 26 14 2 -3 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 56 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 13) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 4 No Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (4, 11) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 No Intercept! 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2I will attempt to stave off Tojo1Q 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2M will attempt to stave off Tojo1Q Tojo is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 4 7 [(5, 13), (5, 12)] 46471QM Tojo is moving within the Grid! 4 7 [(4, 7)] 45 43 Possible interception by P-51s in: (4, 11) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 No Intercept! No Intercept! An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D2M will attempt to stave off Tojo1Q Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 11) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 1 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D06 will attempt to stave off Tojo1Q No Intercept! No Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 11) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 1 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D07 will attempt to stave off Tojo1Q One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2R will attempt to stave off Tojo1Q Tojo1Q 100 4 23 0600 9 P-51D2R 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 0 fighters! 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2V will attempt to stave off Tojo1Q Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 8) !!! Escort: 74 Sqn E One P-51D may intercept! P-51D25 will attempt to stave off Tojo1Q Tojo1Q 100 4 23 0600 9 P-51D25 40.680874010591154 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 1 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 0 fighters! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 7) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn D An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Tojo1Q Tojo is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 4 6 [(5, 12), (5, 11), (5, 10), (5, 9), (6, 8)] AC911QM 33 Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn 7 No Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Tojo1Q One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2Q will attempt to stave off Tojo1Q Tojo1Q 100 4 23 0600 9 P-51D2Q 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 0 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 0 fighters! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Tojo1Q Attackers diverted! Tojo is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A A C [(6, 8), (6, 7), (6, 6)] AA621QM 27 Tojo has reached the Bomber Stream! AA621QM 6JJZL4AA1 21 17 14 11 -1 56 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 88 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 85 77 72 70 62 51 46 39 37 35 32 31 20 8 -2 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 81 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 74 62 54 50 47 43 36 25 18 14 9 4 -3 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 82 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 80 73 68 59 49 39 27 17 9 6 -5 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 83 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 73 66 54 49 39 31 30 24 23 13 7 -4 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 14 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 4 -5 14 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 61 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 49 41 32 24 18 9 0 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 76 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 69 66 59 49 37 29 21 18 9 -2 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 48 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 39 34 25 16 15 10 8 2 -10 48 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 64 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 61 51 41 35 24 18 13 9 3 2 -4 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 36 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 33 23 18 14 6 5 -3 36 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 75 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 66 58 46 34 28 27 15 4 -5 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 64 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 63 61 50 40 32 20 14 8 3 -4 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 56 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 48 41 39 27 18 9 4 -2 56 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 19 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 11 -1 19 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 84 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 74 71 67 63 60 56 48 41 31 21 14 12 2 0 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 18 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 14 12 6 2 -6 18 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 40 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 28 18 8 2 -8 40 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 37 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 36 29 18 13 8 -3 37 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 22 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 14 3 -4 22 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 82 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 75 73 66 64 52 48 47 42 41 37 26 21 12 2 -6 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 75 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 70 58 47 41 35 29 20 13 12 1 -9 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 23 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 17 8 2 1 -5 23 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 69 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 59 49 40 31 28 25 21 20 10 -2 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 67 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach -1: Frank00 20 56 51 41 36 28 17 15 12 11 4 -1 String Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone! 20 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 9 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 20 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 9 4 3 2 -10 20 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 88 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 76 71 64 52 49 47 41 36 28 16 13 1 -10 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 17 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 16 15 8 6 2 -8 17 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 55 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 47 39 32 30 28 16 9 5 3 -6 55 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 27 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 20 9 3 -6 27 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 30 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 26 16 6 2 0 30 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 77 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 76 75 63 52 51 39 35 25 21 20 12 0 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 80 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 69 62 53 49 43 32 26 22 21 17 15 10 -1 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 26 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 21 12 4 -7 26 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 72 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 63 55 47 35 27 23 18 12 2 -6 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 48 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 36 24 19 10 -1 48 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 28 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 16 14 2 -6 28 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 49 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 47 42 33 30 19 7 5 4 -6 49 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 39 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 35 25 22 21 11 6 -1 39 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 54 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 42 30 23 16 6 1 0 54 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 78 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 69 63 51 47 41 38 30 28 19 7 -5 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 47 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 35 28 26 25 15 8 2 -2 47 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 42 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 37 35 23 12 10 6 3 -4 42 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 31 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 24 21 20 13 8 6 -5 31 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 41 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 32 27 19 11 6 -5 41 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 75 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 72 65 62 52 45 38 31 20 10 8 1 -1 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 66 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 62 51 40 38 31 20 15 13 12 7 3 2 -6 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 84 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 83 77 65 53 42 41 29 24 23 14 5 -3 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 16 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 6 -4 16 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 72 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 65 55 45 39 36 28 26 14 5 -5 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 58 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 46 34 29 19 7 -4 58 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 83 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 78 70 60 49 44 34 22 12 3 -6 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 84 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 82 75 70 59 50 49 39 32 24 18 10 7 -2 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 36 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 34 Possible interception by P-51s in: (8, 14) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 1 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D06 will attempt to stave off Frank00 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2R will attempt to stave off Frank00 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2V will attempt to stave off Frank00 Attackers diverted! Frank00 100 4 29 0600 9 P-51D2V 8.388022048242197 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 3 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 0 fighters! Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 12) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn C No Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 12) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn C 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D1W will attempt to stave off Frank00 Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 11) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn: 0 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Frank00 No Intercept! 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2M will attempt to stave off Frank00 Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn 7 No Intercept! Frank is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 6 8 [(8, 14), (8, 13), (8, 12), (7, 11), (7, 10)] 5E5600M 23 Frank is moving within the Grid! 6 6 [(6, 6), (5, 6), (4, 5), (3, 5), (2, 4), (1, 4)] 15 Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 10) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn H No Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 10) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn H No Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 No Intercept! No Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Frank00 Frank00 100 4 29 0600 9 P-51D04 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 1 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 0 fighters! No Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Frank00 Attackers diverted! Frank is moving towards the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A 5 E [(7, 10), (7, 9), (7, 8), (6, 7), (6, 6)] AA1400M 6 Frank has reached the Bomber Stream! AA5900M 3JJZI4AA1 -6 36 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 12 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 7 5 2 -9 12 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 20 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 9 1 -2 20 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 28 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 27 19 9 0 28 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 23 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 17 12 7 -3 23 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 54 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 46 40 34 27 25 23 11 8 -1 54 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 75 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 72 67 63 52 42 33 27 17 14 6 2 -9 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 64 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 55 44 40 36 34 33 21 12 11 6 1 0 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 90 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 87 81 78 71 65 64 54 48 42 37 29 19 8 4 -4 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 33 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 29 26 20 15 9 4 -2 33 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 27 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 26 24 16 11 6 -3 27 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 52 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 42 35 31 28 18 11 -1 52 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 70 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 63 57 46 42 41 31 19 12 0 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 75 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 67 56 51 48 39 36 29 27 18 10 -1 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 86 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 83 71 60 52 48 40 29 18 10 7 3 -6 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 56 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 52 41 37 32 23 19 10 9 2 -3 56 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 33 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 21 12 11 0 33 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 34 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 26 17 10 3 0 34 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 47 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 45 37 28 16 13 1 -3 47 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 29 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 22 20 17 6 0 29 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 86 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 74 65 59 57 48 44 33 25 13 7 0 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 25 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 14 9 7 0 25 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 26 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 18 16 4 -1 26 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 57 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 54 49 45 42 38 33 23 17 10 -1 57 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 56 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 46 36 31 25 15 4 -5 56 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 61 seconds in the Air dimension. Approach 50 40 34 27 20 16 4 -1 Approach movement & battles completed. Air Defence Size: 10 Sentai: 244 Frank 0 Junior Sergeant_Major Matsumi nakano while executing immelmann_turn was shot down by 1st Lieutenant Hudnutt, Joseph O. Sentai: 244 Frank 0 Senior Corporal Shigeyoshi Inoue while executing surprise_attack was shot down by 1st Lieutenant Isaac De Groff Nelson Sentai: 244 Frank 0 Senior Corporal Shigeyoshi Inoue while executing surprise_attack was shot down by 1st Lieutenant Isaac De Groff Nelson Sentai: Tokorozawa Tojo 0 Junior Sergeant_Major Masaharu Homma while executing frontal attack was shot down by 1st Lieutenant Hill, Charles W. Sentai: 244 Frank 0 Senior Corporal Shigeyoshi Inoue while executing surprise_attack was shot down by 1st Lieutenant Isaac De Groff Nelson Sentai: Tokorozawa Dinah 0 1st Lieutenant Shozo Sakurai while executing surprise_attack was shot down by 1st Lieutenant George A. Bagley Sentai: Tokorozawa Dinah 0 Senior Sergeant Katsumi Hattori while executing surprise_attack was shot down by 2nd Lieutenant Mariano D. Papy Sentai: 244 Frank 0 Junior Sergeant_Major Matsumi nakano while executing immelmann_turn was shot down by 1st Lieutenant Hudnutt, Joseph O. Sentai: Tokorozawa Tojo 0 Senior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio while executing immelmann_turn was shot down by Junior Captain Michael Gladych Sentai: 28 Mike -1 1st Lieutenant Hannoshin Nishio while executing lead_pursuit was shot down by 1st Lieutenant William M. Robinson Unit: 47 Sqn P-51D -1 1st Lieutenant John Glen while executing immelmann_turn was shot down by Senior Captain Nobuzo Tohmatsu Sentai: Tokorozawa Tojo -1 Senior Captain Nobuzo Tohmatsu while executing surprise_attack was shot down by 1st Lieutenant W. W. Phelps Sentai: Tokorozawa Tojo -1 Senior Sergeant Hoichi Yoshii while executing surprise_attack was shot down by 1st Lieutenant Alfred Beckley Unit: 47 Sqn P-51D -1 2nd Lieutenant E. D. Rogers while executing high_yo_yo was shot down by Senior Corporal Tetsuji Giga Element: Sqn05 ['F', 3, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko', 'Feint', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 0, 'AA810IM', 'JJJZ34AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Captain Kentaro Takatsuka', 'Surprise', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, 'AA780JM', 'HJJZC4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Captain Tsuneo Torikai', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AA210KM', 'UJJZI4AA1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn31 ['B', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hoichi Yoshii', 'Tentative', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '00341GM', 'AJJZ34AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Masaharu Homma', 'frontal attack', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 0, 'AA421HM', 'QJJZ14AA1', '1st Lieutenant Hill, Charles W.'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Delayed', 'Warrant Officer Takeo Iwaguro', 'Buzz', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '=0001IM', '0JJZ62AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 10, 'Warrant Officer Toru Shinomiya', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '30231JM', 'SJJZI4AA1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn48 ['I', 4, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Major Saburo Amakasu', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'AE2223M', 'VJJZF4AE1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, '1st Lieutenant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Feint', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AD8724M', '8JJZ34AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi', 'Feint', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'AA822AM', 'CJJZ94AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Junior Sergeant Tetsujiro Tanaka', 'Special', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 0, 'AE282BM', 'LJJZ14AE1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn25 ['F', 1, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Special', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'AA651EM', 'MJJZ14AA1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn46 ['G', 2, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Break-off', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AA2520M', 'GJJZL4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Shoichi Sato', 'Buzz', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AA1121M', '6JJZE4AA1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn04 ['E', 6, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Aggressive', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, 'AC410CM', '0JJZ24AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Warrant Officer Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AC630DM', 'CJJZ34AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, '1st Lieutenant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Unorthodox', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AD320EM', 'BJJZB4AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Taxiing', '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Soft Abort', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '=0000FM', '0JJZH0AE1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Taxiing', 'Senior Sergeant_Major Shigeyoshi Inoue', 'Buzz', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '=0000GM', '0JJZ00AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Delayed', '1st Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Abrupt', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '=0000HM', '0JJZ90AE1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn24 ['E', 6, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Tetsuo Sasaki', 'Buzz', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AA5013M', 'TJJZB4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, '1st Lieutenant Shozo Sakurai', 'surprise_attack', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AA5414M', 'BJJZI4AA1', '1st Lieutenant George A. Bagley'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Senior Sergeant Katsumi Hattori', 'surprise_attack', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'AA411AM', 'MJJZF4AA1', '2nd Lieutenant Mariano D. Papy'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Senior Corporal Kobayashi Nagai', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AA451BM', 'QJJZ34AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Giichiro Inoue', 'Feint', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AA581CM', 'BJJZH4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Warrant Officer Nishino Iwane', 'Tentative', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, 'AA671DM', 'OJJZ64AA1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn47 ['H', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Major Takeo Takahashi', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'AB5822M', 'UJJZ04AB1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn06 ['G', 5, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Aggressive', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'AA410LM', 'WJJZS4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Matsumi nakano', 'immelmann_turn', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AA450MM', 'FJJZ24AA1', '1st Lieutenant Hudnutt, Joseph O.'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Corporal Shigeyoshi Inoue', 'surprise_attack', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, 'AA480NM', '3JJZ64AA1', '1st Lieutenant Isaac De Groff Nelson'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Hitoshi Imamura', 'Buzz', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, 'AA780OM', '2JJZ94AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Aggressive', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AA410PM', '6JJZH4AA1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn30 ['A', 1, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Senior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio', 'immelmann_turn', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, 'AA631FM', 'PJJZ44AA1', 'Junior Captain Michael Gladych']] Element: Sqn43 ['D', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Higashikuni Morihiro', 'Tentative', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, 'AA3717M', 'CJJZ94AA1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn02 ['C', 6, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '505401M', 'NJJZE4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Michihiro Sugawara', 'Tentative', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '235802M', 'EJJZ14AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, '1st Lieutenant Tsuneo Torikai', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'AA4603M', 'FJJZ64AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '660804M', 'PJJZI4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 7, 'Warrant Officer Takuma Shimoyama', 'Special', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '[1230AM', 'AJJZF4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Sueo Obayashi', 'Cautious', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '44410BM', '6JJZC4AA1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn40 ['A', 3, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Major Matsumi nakano', 'Cautious', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AA441XM', 'TJJZO4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Masahiko Sasahara', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '54541YM', 'RJJZI4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', -1, '1st Lieutenant Hannoshin Nishio', 'lead_pursuit', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, ']3491ZM', '2JJZO4AA1', '1st Lieutenant William M. Robinson']] Element: Sqn42 ['C', 2, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Major Harukichi Hyakutake', 'Buzz', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '788115M', 'PJJZC4AE1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Shigeru Honjo', 'Standard', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, 'AA6816M', 'SJJZ64AA1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn12 ['C', 4, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, 'Senior Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, 'A3930YM', 'CJJZU4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, 'Senior Captain Saburo Kondo', 'Break-off', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '54220ZM', 'OJJZ64AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Tentative', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'AA6405M', 'IJJZ74AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '093006M', 'KJJZK4AA1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn14 ['E', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, 'Senior Sergeant Matsumi nakano', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, 'AE7107M', 'CJJZ44AE1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn22 ['C', 5, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AE4308M', 'CJJZO4AE1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Eikichi Iwashita', 'Feint', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 0, '#23809M', 'OJJZ34AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 3, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Matsumi nakano', 'Special', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '914710M', 'FJJZR4AB1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 1, 'Senior Corporal Tetsuji Giga', 'Cautious', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '094711M', 'DJJZ64AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 4, 'Senior Corporal Natsume Soseki', 'Break-off', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '988312M', 'CJJZ64AA1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn32 ['C', 6, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, 'AD731KM', '4JJZL4AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', -1, 'Senior Captain Nobuzo Tohmatsu', 'surprise_attack', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '=0211LM', 'IJJZ54AB1', '1st Lieutenant W. W. Phelps'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', -1, 'Senior Sergeant Hoichi Yoshii', 'surprise_attack', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '87051MM', 'QJJZ24AC1', '1st Lieutenant Alfred Beckley'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 2, '1st Lieutenant Hidetsugu Takahashi', 'Buzz', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '40621NM', '2JJZI4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 2, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Matsumi nakano', 'Cautious', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '95811OM', 'UJJZN4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 8, '2nd Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Tentative', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '$8211PM', 'GJJZL4AC1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn45 ['F', 2, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Major Somo Tatebayashi', 'Feint', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AD8318M', 'UJJZI4AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Deceptive', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'AD1719M', '6JJZ94AD1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn11 ['B', 2, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Special', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, 'AA560WM', 'TJJZ54AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, '1st Lieutenant Michihiro Sugawara', 'Aggressive', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '18220XM', 'CJJZI4AA1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn35 ['F', 6, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Shusaku ENDO', 'Unorthodox', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AA831RM', 'PJJZ24AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 1, 'Senior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Aggressive', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '#8641SM', 'WJJZO4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 4, '2nd Lieutenant Shinichi Tanaka', 'Cautious', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '50271TM', 'RJJZ84AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 8, 'Junior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Cautious', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '20311UM', 'GJJZO4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 17, '2nd Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Special', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '43461VM', 'ZJJZ94AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 1, 'Senior Sergeant Nashi Obayashi', 'Unorthodox', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '#3321WM', 'HJJZ74AA1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn10 ['A', 6, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '41170QM', 'HJJZL4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, 'Senior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Tentative', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'AA540RM', '6JJZR4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, 'Warrant Officer Kosaku Nakano', 'Buzz', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '01220SM', 'RJJZI4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 6, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Soft Abort', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '$5450TM', 'WJJZL4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 6, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Matsumi nakano', 'Soft Abort', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '30800UM', 'MJJZJ4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 17, '2nd Lieutenant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '54020VM', 'UJJZA4AA1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn33 ['D', 1, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AA621QM', '6JJZL4AA1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn00 ['A', 1, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Captain Kyoichi Egashira', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AA5900M', '3JJZI4AA1', 'Target']] Total Strike Force Before Losses: 79 Junior Sergeant_Major Masaharu Homma 1st Lieutenant Hannoshin Nishio Senior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio 1st Lieutenant Hannoshin Nishio 1st Lieutenant Shozo Sakurai Senior Sergeant Katsumi Hattori Junior Sergeant_Major Matsumi nakano Senior Corporal Shigeyoshi Inoue Senior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio 1st Lieutenant Hannoshin Nishio Junior Sergeant_Major Matsumi nakano Senior Captain Nobuzo Tohmatsu Senior Sergeant Hoichi Yoshii Senior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio Senior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio Junior Sergeant_Major Matsumi nakano Senior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio Junior Sergeant_Major Matsumi nakano Element: Sqn05 ['F', 3, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko', 'Feint', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 0, 'AA810IM', 'JJJZ34AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Captain Kentaro Takatsuka', 'Surprise', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, 'AA780JM', 'HJJZC4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Captain Tsuneo Torikai', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AA210KM', 'UJJZI4AA1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn31 ['B', 3, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hoichi Yoshii', 'Tentative', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '00341GM', 'AJJZ34AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Delayed', 'Warrant Officer Takeo Iwaguro', 'Buzz', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '=0001IM', '0JJZ62AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 10, 'Warrant Officer Toru Shinomiya', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '30231JM', 'SJJZI4AA1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn48 ['I', 3, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Major Saburo Amakasu', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'AE2223M', 'VJJZF4AE1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi', 'Feint', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'AA822AM', 'CJJZ94AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Junior Sergeant Tetsujiro Tanaka', 'Special', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 0, 'AE282BM', 'LJJZ14AE1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn25 ['F', 1, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Special', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'AA651EM', 'MJJZ14AA1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn46 ['G', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Shoichi Sato', 'Buzz', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AA1121M', '6JJZE4AA1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn04 ['E', 5, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Aggressive', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, 'AC410CM', '0JJZ24AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Warrant Officer Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AC630DM', 'CJJZ34AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Taxiing', '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Soft Abort', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '=0000FM', '0JJZH0AE1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Taxiing', 'Senior Sergeant_Major Shigeyoshi Inoue', 'Buzz', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '=0000GM', '0JJZ00AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Delayed', '1st Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Abrupt', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '=0000HM', '0JJZ90AE1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn24 ['E', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Tetsuo Sasaki', 'Buzz', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AA5013M', 'TJJZB4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Senior Corporal Kobayashi Nagai', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AA451BM', 'QJJZ34AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Giichiro Inoue', 'Feint', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AA581CM', 'BJJZH4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Warrant Officer Nishino Iwane', 'Tentative', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, 'AA671DM', 'OJJZ64AA1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn47 ['H', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Major Takeo Takahashi', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'AB5822M', 'UJJZ04AB1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn06 ['G', 3, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Aggressive', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'AA410LM', 'WJJZS4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Hitoshi Imamura', 'Buzz', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, 'AA780OM', '2JJZ94AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Aggressive', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AA410PM', '6JJZH4AA1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn30 ['A', 0] Element: Sqn43 ['D', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Higashikuni Morihiro', 'Tentative', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, 'AA3717M', 'CJJZ94AA1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn02 ['C', 6, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '505401M', 'NJJZE4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Michihiro Sugawara', 'Tentative', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '235802M', 'EJJZ14AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, '1st Lieutenant Tsuneo Torikai', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'AA4603M', 'FJJZ64AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '660804M', 'PJJZI4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 7, 'Warrant Officer Takuma Shimoyama', 'Special', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '[1230AM', 'AJJZF4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Sueo Obayashi', 'Cautious', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '44410BM', '6JJZC4AA1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn40 ['A', 2, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Major Matsumi nakano', 'Cautious', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AA441XM', 'TJJZO4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Masahiko Sasahara', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '54541YM', 'RJJZI4AA1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn42 ['C', 2, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Major Harukichi Hyakutake', 'Buzz', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '788115M', 'PJJZC4AE1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Shigeru Honjo', 'Standard', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, 'AA6816M', 'SJJZ64AA1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn12 ['C', 4, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, 'Senior Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, 'A3930YM', 'CJJZU4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, 'Senior Captain Saburo Kondo', 'Break-off', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '54220ZM', 'OJJZ64AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Tentative', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'AA6405M', 'IJJZ74AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '093006M', 'KJJZK4AA1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn14 ['E', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, 'Senior Sergeant Matsumi nakano', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, 'AE7107M', 'CJJZ44AE1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn22 ['C', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AE4308M', 'CJJZO4AE1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Eikichi Iwashita', 'Feint', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 0, '#23809M', 'OJJZ34AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 1, 'Senior Corporal Tetsuji Giga', 'Cautious', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '094711M', 'DJJZ64AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 4, 'Senior Corporal Natsume Soseki', 'Break-off', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '988312M', 'CJJZ64AA1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn32 ['C', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, 'AD731KM', '4JJZL4AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 2, '1st Lieutenant Hidetsugu Takahashi', 'Buzz', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '40621NM', '2JJZI4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 2, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Matsumi nakano', 'Cautious', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '95811OM', 'UJJZN4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 8, '2nd Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Tentative', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '$8211PM', 'GJJZL4AC1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn45 ['F', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Major Somo Tatebayashi', 'Feint', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AD8318M', 'UJJZI4AD1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn11 ['B', 2, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Special', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, 'AA560WM', 'TJJZ54AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, '1st Lieutenant Michihiro Sugawara', 'Aggressive', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '18220XM', 'CJJZI4AA1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn35 ['F', 5, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Shusaku ENDO', 'Unorthodox', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AA831RM', 'PJJZ24AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 4, '2nd Lieutenant Shinichi Tanaka', 'Cautious', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '50271TM', 'RJJZ84AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 8, 'Junior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Cautious', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '20311UM', 'GJJZO4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 17, '2nd Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Special', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '43461VM', 'ZJJZ94AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 1, 'Senior Sergeant Nashi Obayashi', 'Unorthodox', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '#3321WM', 'HJJZ74AA1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn10 ['A', 3, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, 'Warrant Officer Kosaku Nakano', 'Buzz', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '01220SM', 'RJJZI4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 6, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Soft Abort', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '$5450TM', 'WJJZL4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 17, '2nd Lieutenant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '54020VM', 'UJJZA4AA1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn33 ['D', 1, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AA621QM', '6JJZL4AA1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn00 ['A', 1, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Captain Kyoichi Egashira', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AA5900M', '3JJZI4AA1', 'Target']] Total Strike Force after Approach losses: 61 Element: 46 Sqn 0 ['46 Sqn: 0', 4, ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, '1st Lieutenant William Wall', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '2222005', '3FJZ5F22S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 15, '1st Lieutenant Thomas Howard DuVal', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '222201F', 'AFJZLF22S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Jeremiah J. Hamilton', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '222202B', 'WFJZ9F22S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Thomas R. Hudd', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '222203B', 'HFJZ8F22S', 'Target']] Element: 46 Sqn 1 ['46 Sqn 0', 2, ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Alfred Beckley', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '2D1804B', 'GFJZ2F2DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Morse, Henry Bagg', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '2D1805C', 'PFJZBF2DS', 'Target']] Element: 47 Sqn 2 ['46 Sqn 1', 4, ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', -1, '2nd Lieutenant E. D. Rogers', 'high_yo_yo', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '777306D', 'LFJZIF77S', 'Senior Corporal Tetsuji Giga'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, 'Senior Major Sumner, Edwin Vose Jr.', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '777307B', '6FJZRF77S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Samuel A. Talcott', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '777308B', 'WFJZIF77S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 14, '1st Lieutenant John H. James', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '777309E', '4FJZ8F77S', 'Target']] Element: 47 Sqn 3 ['47 Sqn 2', 3, ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, 'Junior Captain Perry, Alexander James', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '72850AB', 'GFJZRF72S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, 'Junior Captain Michael Gladych', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '72850BC', 'EFJZAF72S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, 'Junior Captain William M. Levy', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '72850CB', 'JFJZ2F72S', 'Target']] Element: 47 Sqn 4 ['47 Sqn 3', 12, ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, 'Senior Captain Joe L. Mason', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '7A110D5', 'VFJZIF7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Hill, Charles W.', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '7A110EA', 'EFJZCF7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Hazard, John Gardner', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '7A110FC', 'DFJZ7F7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, '1st Lieutenant Julian Bryant', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '7A110G5', 'JFJZ4F7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant William R. Kane', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '7A760HB', 'IFJZ2F7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Franklin N. Burley', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '7A760IB', '0FJZ1F7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant William C. Wallace', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '7A760JB', '5FJZ5F7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Neal Brown', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '7A760KB', 'NFJZCF7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 17, '2nd Lieutenant Francis Babbitt', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '7A110LH', 'FFJZ9F7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Bernard Goldsmith', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '7A110MB', 'CFJZ5F7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 14, '1st Lieutenant Hiram J. Ball', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '7A110NE', '9FJZLF7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Young Harris', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '7A110OB', 'JFJZFF7AS', 'Target']] Element: 47 Sqn 5 ['47 Sqn 4', 3, ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 15, 'Senior Major Earl May', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'A7880PF', 'NFJZ2FA7S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Richard K. Sanford', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'A7880QB', 'SFJZEFA7S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant John G. Baxter', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, 'A7880RB', 'BFJZ9FA7S', 'Target']] Element: 47 Sqn 6 ['47 Sqn 5', 4, ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, 'Senior Captain Francis E. Pierce Jr.', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, 'A2710SB', '4FJZ2FA2S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '2nd Lieutenant Mariano D. Papy', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, 'A2710TC', 'HFJZ6FA2S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', -1, '1st Lieutenant John Glen', 'immelmann_turn', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'A2710U5', 'AFJZLFA2S', 'Senior Captain Nobuzo Tohmatsu'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 13, 'Junior Captain Joseph Z. Matte', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'A2710VD', '6FJZRFA2S', 'Target']] Element: 72 Sqn 7 ['47 Sqn 6', 6, ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 8, '1st Lieutenant Ely, Ralph', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AA280W8', 'OFJZQFAAS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Charles C. Montgomery', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, 'AA280XB', 'AFJZCFAAS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Charles Perkins Thompson', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AA280YB', 'OFJZIFAAS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant W. W. Phelps', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AA280ZC', 'JFJZ7FAAS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Edward E. Hunt', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'AA1810B', 'IFJZRFAAS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant William E. Kilcrease', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AA1811B', 'FFJZOFAAS', 'Target']] Element: 72 Sqn 8 ['72 Sqn 7', 3, ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Daniel R. Rehm Jr.', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, 'AD1412B', 'BFJZLFADS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Hudnutt, Joseph O.', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AD1413C', 'JFJZ9FADS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant James D. Patton', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, 'AD1414B', '7FJZ9FADS', 'Target']] Element: 72 Sqn 9 ['72 Sqn 8', 3, ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Churchill, Thomas J.', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '272315A', 'VFJZ6F27S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, '1st Lieutenant John Mason Martin', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '2723165', 'NFJZ6F27S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Morehead, Turner Gustavus', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '272317B', '0FJZRF27S', 'Target']] Element: 72 Sqn A ['72 Sqn 9', 8, ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 17, '1st Lieutenant Hall, Cyrus', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '2A2418H', '0FJZRF2AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Wiley, Aquila', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '2A2419B', 'QFJZ0F2AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Pinckney, Joseph Conselyea', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '2A241AB', 'EFJZFF2AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Julius Rockwell', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '2A241BC', 'AFJZ5F2AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, '1st Lieutenant Robert Milner Echols', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '2A281C5', 'NFJZ8F2AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Stephen Thomas', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '2A281DB', 'SFJZIF2AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Andrew Z. McCarty', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '2A281EC', 'QFJZ8F2AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 15, '1st Lieutenant Hurd, John Ricker', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '2A281FF', 'GFJZGF2AS', 'Target']] Element: 72 Sqn B ['72 Sqn A', 8, ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, 'Senior Captain Sumner, Edwin Vose Jr.', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '7D271GB', '7FJZPF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, '1st Lieutenant Harry T. Hanna', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '7D271H5', '2FJZXF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant William Warner', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '7D271IC', '3FJZIF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Richard I. Bong', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '7D271JC', 'WFJZKF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant David A. Secombe', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '7D171KC', 'DFJZ2F7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 17, '2nd Lieutenant Constantine C. Esty', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '7D171LH', 'EFJZFF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, '1st Lieutenant Gregory. K. Loesch', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '7D171M5', 'AFJZWF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant John S. Stewart', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '7D171NC', 'GFJZ8F7DS', 'Target']] Element: 73 Sqn C ['72 Sqn B', 8, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 13, 'Junior Captain Herman Taubeneck', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '3B761OD', 'BFJZLF3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Burnell W. Adams', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '3B761PC', '2FJZ9F3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Bowerman, Richard Neville', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '3B761QC', 'XFJZRF3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 17, '1st Lieutenant Chester K. Maxwell', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '3B761RH', 'VFJZ6F3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Randolph Guggenheimer', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '3B711SB', 'TFJZEF3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Horace H. Coolidge', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '3B711TB', 'QFJZOF3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, 'Junior Captain Horatio N. Davis', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '3B711UB', 'IFJZLF3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 14, '1st Lieutenant Morgan Rawls', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '3B711VE', 'UFJZOF3BS', 'Target']] Element: 73 Sqn D ['73 Sqn C', 3, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Andrew Kennedy', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '56881WC', '6FJZ7F56S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant George E. Dawkins Jr.', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '56881XB', 'KFJZSF56S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 13, '1st Lieutenant Charles F. Mitchell', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '56881YD', '5FJZLF56S', 'Target']] Element: Flight: E ['73 Sqn D', 6, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 17, 'Senior Major Hamilton Coolidge', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '4B171ZH', 'XFJZUF4BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant George P. Webster', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '4B1720C', 'IFJZ9F4BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 14, '1st Lieutenant Smith, Charles Edward', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '4B1721E', 'LFJZRF4BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant William E. Bartling', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '4B1722B', '1FJZPF4BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, 'Junior Captain Alfred Moore Scales', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '4B2123C', 'OFJZ9F4BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Robert A. Karr', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '4B2124C', 'FFJZHF4BS', 'Target']] Element: Flight: F ['74 Sqn E', 2, ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Horace Harrison', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '4C2825C', '1FJZ2F4CS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Isaac De Groff Nelson', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '4C2826B', 'FFJZOF4CS', 'Target']] Element: Flight: G ['45 Sqn F', 3, ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Merriwell W. Vineyard', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '6A7727B', 'GFJZXF6AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 15, '1st Lieutenant Grindlay, James Glass', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '6A7728F', '0FJZOF6AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 14, '1st Lieutenant James Taylor Ellyson', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '6A7729E', '0FJZEF6AS', 'Target']] Element: Flight: H ['46 Sqn G', 5, ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 17, 'Senior Captain Bee, Hamilton Prioleau', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '5B712AH', 'LFJZRF5BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant George A. Bagley', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '5B712BB', '0FJZ8F5BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Lovell Rousseau', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '5B712CC', '3FJZCF5BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant William C. Reese', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '5B712DB', 'HFJZLF5BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Caleb L. Smith', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '5B122EB', 'SFJZCF5BS', 'Target']] Element: 47 SqnI ['47 Sqn H', 3, ['Flight: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant William M. McCarty', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AE162FA', 'IFJZOFAES', 'Target'], ['Flight: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Paul R. Cochran', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, 'AE162GC', '0FJZKFAES', 'Target'], ['Flight: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Don A. J. Upham', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AE162HB', 'FFJZLFAES', 'Target']] Element: Escort: 0 ['46 Sqn: 0', 4, ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, 'Senior Major Ernest C. Fiebelkorn', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '35852IC', 'PFJZEF35S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Kilgour, William Mather', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '35852JB', 'QFJZ4F35S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 17, '1st Lieutenant Macauley, Daniel', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '35852KH', 'AFJZBF35S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Jens Fredrick Larson', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '35852LB', 'OFJZOF35S', 'Target']] Element: Escort: 1 ['46 Sqn: 0', 4, ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Francis A. Thomas', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '55282MB', 'BFJZFF55S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant James J. Pascoe', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '55282NB', 'SFJZJF55S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant William M. Robinson', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '55282OC', 'TFJZEF55S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Ferdinand Brucker', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '55282PB', 'NFJZ2F55S', 'Target']] Element: Escort: 2 ['46 Sqn 0', 1, ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant William McDaniel', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'AB172QA', 'VFJZ4FABS', 'Target']] Element: Escort: 3 ['46 Sqn 1', 4, ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, 'Senior Major Elliott, Samuel Mackenzie', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '68712R5', 'EFJZ8F68S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Chambers, Alexander', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '68712SB', '3FJZRF68S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 17, 'Senior Major George H. Davidson', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '68712TH', '8FJZVF68S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, 'Junior Captain Philo Miner Lonsbury', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '68712UC', 'BFJZBF68S', 'Target']] Element: Escort: 4 ['46 Sqn 1', 4, ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 14, '1st Lieutenant Bert D. (Wayne) Morris Jr.', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '45182VE', '1FJZLF45S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 13, '1st Lieutenant Thomas J. Dryer', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '45182WD', '3FJZFF45S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, 'Junior Captain Weld, Stephen Minot Jr.', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '45182X5', 'RFJZDF45S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Nelson La Due', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '45182YB', 'SFJZ9F45S', 'Target']] Total ESCORT GROUP Before Losses: 107 2nd Lieutenant E. D. Rogers 1st Lieutenant John Glen Element: 46 Sqn 0 ['46 Sqn: 0', 4, ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, '1st Lieutenant William Wall', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '2222005', '3FJZ5F22S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 15, '1st Lieutenant Thomas Howard DuVal', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '222201F', 'AFJZLF22S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Jeremiah J. Hamilton', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '222202B', 'WFJZ9F22S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Thomas R. Hudd', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '222203B', 'HFJZ8F22S', 'Target']] Element: 46 Sqn 1 ['46 Sqn 0', 2, ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Alfred Beckley', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '2D1804B', 'GFJZ2F2DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Morse, Henry Bagg', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '2D1805C', 'PFJZBF2DS', 'Target']] Element: 47 Sqn 2 ['46 Sqn 1', 3, ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, 'Senior Major Sumner, Edwin Vose Jr.', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '777307B', '6FJZRF77S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Samuel A. Talcott', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '777308B', 'WFJZIF77S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 14, '1st Lieutenant John H. James', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '777309E', '4FJZ8F77S', 'Target']] Element: 47 Sqn 3 ['47 Sqn 2', 3, ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, 'Junior Captain Perry, Alexander James', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '72850AB', 'GFJZRF72S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, 'Junior Captain Michael Gladych', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '72850BC', 'EFJZAF72S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, 'Junior Captain William M. Levy', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '72850CB', 'JFJZ2F72S', 'Target']] Element: 47 Sqn 4 ['47 Sqn 3', 12, ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, 'Senior Captain Joe L. Mason', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '7A110D5', 'VFJZIF7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Hill, Charles W.', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '7A110EA', 'EFJZCF7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Hazard, John Gardner', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '7A110FC', 'DFJZ7F7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, '1st Lieutenant Julian Bryant', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '7A110G5', 'JFJZ4F7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant William R. Kane', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '7A760HB', 'IFJZ2F7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Franklin N. Burley', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '7A760IB', '0FJZ1F7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant William C. Wallace', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '7A760JB', '5FJZ5F7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Neal Brown', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '7A760KB', 'NFJZCF7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 17, '2nd Lieutenant Francis Babbitt', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '7A110LH', 'FFJZ9F7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Bernard Goldsmith', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '7A110MB', 'CFJZ5F7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 14, '1st Lieutenant Hiram J. Ball', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '7A110NE', '9FJZLF7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Young Harris', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '7A110OB', 'JFJZFF7AS', 'Target']] Element: 47 Sqn 5 ['47 Sqn 4', 3, ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 15, 'Senior Major Earl May', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'A7880PF', 'NFJZ2FA7S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Richard K. Sanford', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'A7880QB', 'SFJZEFA7S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant John G. Baxter', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, 'A7880RB', 'BFJZ9FA7S', 'Target']] Element: 47 Sqn 6 ['47 Sqn 5', 3, ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, 'Senior Captain Francis E. Pierce Jr.', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, 'A2710SB', '4FJZ2FA2S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '2nd Lieutenant Mariano D. Papy', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, 'A2710TC', 'HFJZ6FA2S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 13, 'Junior Captain Joseph Z. Matte', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'A2710VD', '6FJZRFA2S', 'Target']] Element: 72 Sqn 7 ['47 Sqn 6', 6, ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 8, '1st Lieutenant Ely, Ralph', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AA280W8', 'OFJZQFAAS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Charles C. Montgomery', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, 'AA280XB', 'AFJZCFAAS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Charles Perkins Thompson', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AA280YB', 'OFJZIFAAS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant W. W. Phelps', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AA280ZC', 'JFJZ7FAAS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Edward E. Hunt', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'AA1810B', 'IFJZRFAAS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant William E. Kilcrease', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AA1811B', 'FFJZOFAAS', 'Target']] Element: 72 Sqn 8 ['72 Sqn 7', 3, ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Daniel R. Rehm Jr.', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, 'AD1412B', 'BFJZLFADS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Hudnutt, Joseph O.', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AD1413C', 'JFJZ9FADS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant James D. Patton', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, 'AD1414B', '7FJZ9FADS', 'Target']] Element: 72 Sqn 9 ['72 Sqn 8', 3, ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Churchill, Thomas J.', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '272315A', 'VFJZ6F27S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, '1st Lieutenant John Mason Martin', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '2723165', 'NFJZ6F27S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Morehead, Turner Gustavus', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '272317B', '0FJZRF27S', 'Target']] Element: 72 Sqn A ['72 Sqn 9', 8, ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 17, '1st Lieutenant Hall, Cyrus', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '2A2418H', '0FJZRF2AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Wiley, Aquila', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '2A2419B', 'QFJZ0F2AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Pinckney, Joseph Conselyea', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '2A241AB', 'EFJZFF2AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Julius Rockwell', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '2A241BC', 'AFJZ5F2AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, '1st Lieutenant Robert Milner Echols', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '2A281C5', 'NFJZ8F2AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Stephen Thomas', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '2A281DB', 'SFJZIF2AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Andrew Z. McCarty', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '2A281EC', 'QFJZ8F2AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 15, '1st Lieutenant Hurd, John Ricker', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '2A281FF', 'GFJZGF2AS', 'Target']] Element: 72 Sqn B ['72 Sqn A', 8, ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, 'Senior Captain Sumner, Edwin Vose Jr.', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '7D271GB', '7FJZPF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, '1st Lieutenant Harry T. Hanna', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '7D271H5', '2FJZXF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant William Warner', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '7D271IC', '3FJZIF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Richard I. Bong', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '7D271JC', 'WFJZKF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant David A. Secombe', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '7D171KC', 'DFJZ2F7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 17, '2nd Lieutenant Constantine C. Esty', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '7D171LH', 'EFJZFF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, '1st Lieutenant Gregory. K. Loesch', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '7D171M5', 'AFJZWF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant John S. Stewart', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '7D171NC', 'GFJZ8F7DS', 'Target']] Element: 73 Sqn C ['72 Sqn B', 8, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 13, 'Junior Captain Herman Taubeneck', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '3B761OD', 'BFJZLF3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Burnell W. Adams', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '3B761PC', '2FJZ9F3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Bowerman, Richard Neville', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '3B761QC', 'XFJZRF3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 17, '1st Lieutenant Chester K. Maxwell', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '3B761RH', 'VFJZ6F3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Randolph Guggenheimer', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '3B711SB', 'TFJZEF3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Horace H. Coolidge', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '3B711TB', 'QFJZOF3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, 'Junior Captain Horatio N. Davis', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '3B711UB', 'IFJZLF3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 14, '1st Lieutenant Morgan Rawls', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '3B711VE', 'UFJZOF3BS', 'Target']] Element: 73 Sqn D ['73 Sqn C', 3, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Andrew Kennedy', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '56881WC', '6FJZ7F56S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant George E. Dawkins Jr.', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '56881XB', 'KFJZSF56S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 13, '1st Lieutenant Charles F. Mitchell', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '56881YD', '5FJZLF56S', 'Target']] Element: Flight: E ['73 Sqn D', 6, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 17, 'Senior Major Hamilton Coolidge', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '4B171ZH', 'XFJZUF4BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant George P. Webster', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '4B1720C', 'IFJZ9F4BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 14, '1st Lieutenant Smith, Charles Edward', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '4B1721E', 'LFJZRF4BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant William E. Bartling', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '4B1722B', '1FJZPF4BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, 'Junior Captain Alfred Moore Scales', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '4B2123C', 'OFJZ9F4BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Robert A. Karr', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '4B2124C', 'FFJZHF4BS', 'Target']] Element: Flight: F ['74 Sqn E', 2, ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Horace Harrison', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '4C2825C', '1FJZ2F4CS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Isaac De Groff Nelson', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '4C2826B', 'FFJZOF4CS', 'Target']] Element: Flight: G ['45 Sqn F', 3, ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Merriwell W. Vineyard', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '6A7727B', 'GFJZXF6AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 15, '1st Lieutenant Grindlay, James Glass', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '6A7728F', '0FJZOF6AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 14, '1st Lieutenant James Taylor Ellyson', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '6A7729E', '0FJZEF6AS', 'Target']] Element: Flight: H ['46 Sqn G', 5, ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 17, 'Senior Captain Bee, Hamilton Prioleau', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '5B712AH', 'LFJZRF5BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant George A. Bagley', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '5B712BB', '0FJZ8F5BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Lovell Rousseau', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '5B712CC', '3FJZCF5BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant William C. Reese', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '5B712DB', 'HFJZLF5BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Caleb L. Smith', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '5B122EB', 'SFJZCF5BS', 'Target']] Element: 47 SqnI ['47 Sqn H', 3, ['Flight: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant William M. McCarty', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AE162FA', 'IFJZOFAES', 'Target'], ['Flight: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Paul R. Cochran', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, 'AE162GC', '0FJZKFAES', 'Target'], ['Flight: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Don A. J. Upham', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AE162HB', 'FFJZLFAES', 'Target']] Element: Escort: 0 ['46 Sqn: 0', 4, ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, 'Senior Major Ernest C. Fiebelkorn', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '35852IC', 'PFJZEF35S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Kilgour, William Mather', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '35852JB', 'QFJZ4F35S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 17, '1st Lieutenant Macauley, Daniel', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '35852KH', 'AFJZBF35S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Jens Fredrick Larson', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '35852LB', 'OFJZOF35S', 'Target']] Element: Escort: 1 ['46 Sqn: 0', 4, ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Francis A. Thomas', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '55282MB', 'BFJZFF55S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant James J. Pascoe', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '55282NB', 'SFJZJF55S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant William M. Robinson', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '55282OC', 'TFJZEF55S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Ferdinand Brucker', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '55282PB', 'NFJZ2F55S', 'Target']] Element: Escort: 2 ['46 Sqn 0', 1, ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant William McDaniel', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'AB172QA', 'VFJZ4FABS', 'Target']] Element: Escort: 3 ['46 Sqn 1', 4, ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, 'Senior Major Elliott, Samuel Mackenzie', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '68712R5', 'EFJZ8F68S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Chambers, Alexander', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '68712SB', '3FJZRF68S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 17, 'Senior Major George H. Davidson', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '68712TH', '8FJZVF68S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, 'Junior Captain Philo Miner Lonsbury', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '68712UC', 'BFJZBF68S', 'Target']] Element: Escort: 4 ['46 Sqn 1', 4, ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 14, '1st Lieutenant Bert D. (Wayne) Morris Jr.', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '45182VE', '1FJZLF45S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 13, '1st Lieutenant Thomas J. Dryer', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '45182WD', '3FJZFF45S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, 'Junior Captain Weld, Stephen Minot Jr.', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '45182X5', 'RFJZDF45S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Nelson La Due', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '45182YB', 'SFJZ9F45S', 'Target']] Total Escort Force losses after Approach losses: 105 Dictionary saved to escort_approach_data.txt Air to Air Battle Checks [['Element A', 'V-4', 'F41234100000010123455', 'V-6', 'F41234100000011123455', 'V-7', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-12', 'X41234100000000123455', 'V-15', 'F41234100000000123455', 13, 5], ['Element B', 'V-55', 'F41234100000000123455', 12, 1], ['Element C', 'V-49', 'F41234100000048123455', 'V-50', 'F41234100000025123455', 'V-51', 'F41234100000001123455', 'V-52', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-53', 'F41234100000025123455', 11, 5], ['Element D', 'V-45', 'F41234100000011123455', 'V-47', 'F41234100000016123455', 'V-48', 'F41234100000052123455', 'V-37', 'S41234100000022123455', 8, 4], ['Element E', 'V-16', 'F41234100000006123455', 'V-23', 'F41234100000021123455', 'V-31', 'F41234100000015123455', 'V-33', 'F41234100000059123455', 8, 4]] [['V-7', 'Passed AC Check!', 0, False, 'Z0: Engines: 4'], ['V-25', 'Severe Engine Strain!!', 10, False, 'Z3: Excessive Engine strain in all four Engines! Losing altitude!'], ['V-25', 'Engine Strain Check!', -1, False, 'Z3: Engines: 4'], ['V-60', 'Engine Strain Check!', 3, False, 'Z8: Engines: 4'], ['V-36', 'Aborted due to Engine difficulties!', 9, True, 'Z9: Engines: 3'], ['V-7', 'Passed AC Check!', 0, False, 'Z12: Engines: 4'], ['V-16', 'Passed AC Check!', 0, False, 'Z12: Engines: 4'], ['Lead: V-4', 'V-37 was the sole Straggler!', 'Final Straggler: None', 'Observed E/A: 79', 'Attacking Waves: 24']] [3, 'V-25', 'X41234100000036123455', 3, False, 'V-60', 'X41234100000040123455', 8, False, 'V-36', 'X31204108000054003453', 9, True] {'Sqn05': ['F', 3, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko', 'Feint', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 0, 'AA810IM', 'JJJZ34AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Captain Kentaro Takatsuka', 'Surprise', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, 'AA780JM', 'HJJZC4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Captain Tsuneo Torikai', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AA210KM', 'UJJZI4AA1', 'Target']], 'Sqn48': ['I', 3, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Major Saburo Amakasu', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'AE2223M', 'VJJZF4AE1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi', 'Feint', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'AA822AM', 'CJJZ94AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Junior Sergeant Tetsujiro Tanaka', 'Special', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 0, 'AE282BM', 'LJJZ14AE1', 'Target']], 'Sqn25': ['F', 1, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Special', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'AA651EM', 'MJJZ14AA1', 'Target']], 'Sqn46': ['G', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Shoichi Sato', 'Buzz', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AA1121M', '6JJZE4AA1', 'Target']], 'Sqn04': ['E', 2, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Aggressive', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, 'AC410CM', '0JJZ24AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Warrant Officer Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AC630DM', 'CJJZ34AC1', 'Target']], 'Sqn24': ['E', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Tetsuo Sasaki', 'Buzz', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AA5013M', 'TJJZB4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Senior Corporal Kobayashi Nagai', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AA451BM', 'QJJZ34AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Giichiro Inoue', 'Feint', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AA581CM', 'BJJZH4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Warrant Officer Nishino Iwane', 'Tentative', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, 'AA671DM', 'OJJZ64AA1', 'Target']], 'Sqn47': ['H', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Major Takeo Takahashi', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'AB5822M', 'UJJZ04AB1', 'Target']], 'Sqn06': ['G', 3, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Aggressive', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'AA410LM', 'WJJZS4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Hitoshi Imamura', 'Buzz', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, 'AA780OM', '2JJZ94AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Aggressive', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AA410PM', '6JJZH4AA1', 'Target']], 'Sqn43': ['D', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Higashikuni Morihiro', 'Tentative', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, 'AA3717M', 'CJJZ94AA1', 'Target']], 'Sqn02': ['C', 1, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, '1st Lieutenant Tsuneo Torikai', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'AA4603M', 'FJJZ64AA1', 'Target']], 'Sqn40': ['A', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Major Matsumi nakano', 'Cautious', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AA441XM', 'TJJZO4AA1', 'Target']], 'Sqn42': ['C', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Shigeru Honjo', 'Standard', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, 'AA6816M', 'SJJZ64AA1', 'Target']], 'Sqn12': ['C', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Tentative', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'AA6405M', 'IJJZ74AA1', 'Target']], 'Sqn14': ['E', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, 'Senior Sergeant Matsumi nakano', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, 'AE7107M', 'CJJZ44AE1', 'Target']], 'Sqn22': ['C', 1, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AE4308M', 'CJJZO4AE1', 'Target']], 'Sqn32': ['C', 1, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, 'AD731KM', '4JJZL4AD1', 'Target']], 'Sqn45': ['F', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Major Somo Tatebayashi', 'Feint', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AD8318M', 'UJJZI4AD1', 'Target']], 'Sqn11': ['B', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Special', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, 'AA560WM', 'TJJZ54AA1', 'Target']], 'Sqn35': ['F', 1, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Shusaku ENDO', 'Unorthodox', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AA831RM', 'PJJZ24AA1', 'Target']], 'Sqn33': ['D', 1, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AA621QM', '6JJZL4AA1', 'Target']], 'Sqn00': ['A', 1, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Captain Kyoichi Egashira', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AA5900M', '3JJZI4AA1', 'Target']]} [] [13, 5, 12, 12, 12, 12, 11, 17, 15, 11, 5, 8, 11, 12, 11, 10, 14, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12] [] Approach Air Air-To-Air: 0 4 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Frank flown by Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko The attacker did not intercept 1 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Frank flown by Senior Captain Kentaro Takatsuka The attacker did not intercept 3 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Frank flown by Senior Captain Tsuneo Torikai Possible attacking attempt: 2 by a Frank flown by Senior Captain Tsuneo Torikai Tenacity: 2 Attack is against same target Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 55 New_move: 57 0 2 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Mike flown by Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi The attacker did not intercept 0 2 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Dinah flown by Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio Possible attacking attempt: 2 by a Dinah flown by Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio Tenacity: 5 Attack is against same target Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 34 New_move: 44 0 2 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Frank flown by Senior Major Hannoshin Nishio Possible attacking attempt: 2 by a Frank flown by Senior Major Hannoshin Nishio Tenacity: 4 Grid Move Successful: 20 1 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Frank flown by Warrant Officer Hannoshin Nishio The attacker did not intercept 0 0 0 0 0 1 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Frank flown by Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio The attacker did not intercept 3 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Frank flown by 2nd Lieutenant Hitoshi Imamura The attacker did not intercept 4 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Frank flown by 1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano The attacker did not intercept 0 2 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Frank flown by 1st Lieutenant Tsuneo Torikai The attacker did not intercept 1 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Mike flown by Senior Major Matsumi nakano The attacker did not intercept 1 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Mike flown by 2nd Lieutenant Shigeru Honjo The attacker did not intercept 1 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Tony flown by Senior Captain Matsumi nakano 0 0 0 2 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Mike flown by Senior Major Somo Tatebayashi The attacker did not intercept 0 0 0 1 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Frank flown by Senior Captain Kyoichi Egashira The attacker did not intercept 2 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Frank flown by Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko Tenacity: 1 Attack is against same target Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 58 New_move: 75 3 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Frank flown by Senior Captain Kentaro Takatsuka Tenacity: 1 Grid Move Unsuccessful - broke away..: -1 0 2 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Mike flown by Senior Major Saburo Amakasu Possible attacking attempt: 2 by a Mike flown by Senior Major Saburo Amakasu Tenacity: 1 Attack is against same target Immediate Upstream attack! 54 0 2 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Mike flown by Junior Sergeant Tetsujiro Tanaka The attacker did not intercept 0 0 1 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Frank flown by Senior Major Hannoshin Nishio Tenacity: 4 Attack is against same target Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 32 New_move: 38 2 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Frank flown by Warrant Officer Hannoshin Nishio Tenacity: 3 Attack is against same target Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 67 New_move: 46 2 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Dinah flown by Senior Sergeant_Major Tetsuo Sasaki Possible attacking attempt: 2 by a Dinah flown by Senior Sergeant_Major Tetsuo Sasaki Tenacity: 2 Grid Move Successful: 17 0 0 1 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Dinah flown by Warrant Officer Nishino Iwane Aircraft: Dinah Pilot: Warrant Officer Nishino Iwane Abort: False Extraction: 19 Extraction result: -1 Probable: 20 % EAC_damaged: Warrant Officer Nishino Iwane piloting a Dinah takes noticable damage in the inner Port Wing area and Possible Gun inoperable Gun damaged Pilot will make shaky landing. Aircraft salvageable. Pilot highly decorated. Order of the Golden Kite 2nd class 2 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Mike flown by Senior Major Takeo Takahashi Possible attacking attempt: 2 by a Mike flown by Senior Major Takeo Takahashi Tenacity: 1 Grid Move Unsuccessful - continue attack!: 2 Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 56 New_move: 83 0 0 2 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Frank flown by 1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano Tenacity: 2 Grid Move Unsuccessful - continue attack!: 6 Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 61 New_move: 46 0 3 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Frank flown by 1st Lieutenant Tsuneo Torikai Tenacity: 1 Attack is against same target Upstream attack! 88 Possible attacking attempt: 2 by a Frank flown by 1st Lieutenant Tsuneo Torikai Tenacity: 1 Grid Move Unsuccessful - broke away..: -1 0 0 3 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Tony flown by Senior Captain Matsumi nakano Tenacity: 5 Attack is against same target Upstream attack! 61 The attacker did not intercept 0 1 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Dinah flown by Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio 1 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Tojo flown by Senior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio The attacker did not intercept 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Frank flown by Senior Captain Kentaro Takatsuka Tenacity: 1 Attack is against same target Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 65 New_move: 51 3 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Frank flown by Senior Captain Tsuneo Torikai Tenacity: 2 Grid Move Successful: 11 The attacker did not intercept 0 0 0 1 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Dinah flown by Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio Tenacity: 5 Attack is against same target Down stream attack! 34 The attacker did not intercept 1 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Mike flown by 2nd Lieutenant Shoichi Sato Aircraft: Mike Pilot: 2nd Lieutenant Shoichi Sato Abort: True Extraction: 79 Extraction result: -3 Probable: 80 % EAC_damaged: 2nd Lieutenant Shoichi Sato piloting a Mike Aircraft appeared to descend uncontrollably... Aircraft is crippled! Pilot killed in action. Plane out of control and destroyed. 2 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Frank flown by Senior Major Hannoshin Nishio Tenacity: 4 Grid Move Unsuccessful - continue attack!: 8 Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 32 New_move: 42 2 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Frank flown by Warrant Officer Hannoshin Nishio Tenacity: 3 Attack is against same target Upstream attack! 67 The attacker did not intercept 0 2 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Dinah flown by Senior Corporal Kobayashi Nagai Possible attacking attempt: 2 by a Dinah flown by Senior Corporal Kobayashi Nagai Tenacity: 2 Attack is against same target Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 68 New_move: 72 1 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Dinah flown by Junior Sergeant_Major Giichiro Inoue The attacker did not intercept 0 0 4 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Frank flown by Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio Tenacity: 5 Attack is against same target Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 37 New_move: 46 2 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Frank flown by 2nd Lieutenant Hitoshi Imamura Tenacity: 1 Grid Move Unsuccessful - continue attack!: 9 Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 56 New_move: 73 2 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Frank flown by 1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano Tenacity: 2 Grid Move Unsuccessful - continue attack!: 6 Upstream attack! 61 The attacker did not intercept 0 0 1 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Mike flown by Senior Major Matsumi nakano Tenacity: 3 Attack is against same target Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 84 New_move: 71 0 0 1 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Tony flown by Senior Sergeant Matsumi nakano The attacker did not intercept 0 2 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Tojo flown by Senior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio Tenacity: 4 Attack is against same target Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 65 New_move: 88 1 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Mike flown by Senior Major Somo Tatebayashi Tenacity: 2 Attack is against same target Down stream attack! 15 The attacker did not intercept 0 1 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Tojo flown by Senior Sergeant_Major Shusaku ENDO The attacker did not intercept 0 0 3 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Frank flown by Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko Tenacity: 1 Attack is against same target Upstream attack! 58 Possible attacking attempt: 2 by a Frank flown by Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko Tenacity: 1 Grid Move Successful: 11 The attacker did not intercept 2 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Frank flown by Senior Captain Kentaro Takatsuka Tenacity: 1 Grid Move Successful: 13 The attacker did not intercept 2 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Frank flown by Senior Captain Tsuneo Torikai Tenacity: 2 Attack is against same target Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 39 New_move: 27 1 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Mike flown by Senior Major Saburo Amakasu Tenacity: 1 Grid Move Unsuccessful - continue attack!: 2 Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 81 New_move: 61 2 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Mike flown by Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi Tenacity: 1 Attack is against same target Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 26 New_move: 52 0 1 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Dinah flown by Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio Tenacity: 5 Attack is against same target Upstream attack! 84 The attacker did not intercept 3 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Frank flown by Senior Major Hannoshin Nishio Tenacity: 4 Attack is against same target Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 32 New_move: 35 4 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Frank flown by Warrant Officer Hannoshin Nishio Tenacity: 3 Grid Move Successful: 18 The attacker did not intercept 0 0 1 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Dinah flown by Junior Sergeant_Major Giichiro Inoue Tenacity: 2 Attack is against same target Immediate Down stream attack! 44 The attacker did not intercept 0 0 0 3 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Frank flown by 2nd Lieutenant Hitoshi Imamura Tenacity: 1 Grid Move Successful: 19 The attacker did not intercept 2 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Frank flown by 1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano Tenacity: 2 Attack is against same target Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 13 New_move: 28 0 0 1 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Mike flown by Senior Major Matsumi nakano Tenacity: 3 Grid Move Unsuccessful - broke away..: 3 0 0 0 0 1 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Tojo flown by Senior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio Tenacity: 4 Attack is against same target Upstream attack! 65 The attacker did not intercept 1 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Mike flown by Senior Major Somo Tatebayashi Tenacity: 2 Grid Move Successful: 10 The attacker did not intercept 2 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Tony flown by Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio The attacker did not intercept 1 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Tojo flown by Senior Sergeant_Major Shusaku ENDO Tenacity: 2 Grid Move Unsuccessful - broke away..: 2 0 4 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Frank flown by Senior Captain Kyoichi Egashira Tenacity: 2 Attack is against same target Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 40 New_move: 32 0 4 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Frank flown by Senior Captain Kentaro Takatsuka Tenacity: 1 Grid Move Unsuccessful - broke away..: 6 2 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Frank flown by Senior Captain Tsuneo Torikai Tenacity: 2 Attack is against same target Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 39 New_move: 51 0 2 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Mike flown by Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi Tenacity: 1 Grid Move Unsuccessful - broke away..: 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Dinah flown by Junior Sergeant_Major Giichiro Inoue Tenacity: 2 Grid Move Unsuccessful - broke away..: 5 0 0 2 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Frank flown by Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio Tenacity: 5 Attack is against same target Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 37 New_move: 42 3 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Frank flown by 2nd Lieutenant Hitoshi Imamura Tenacity: 1 Attack is against same target Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 48 New_move: 17 3 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Frank flown by 1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano Tenacity: 2 Attack is against same target Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 13 New_move: 41 0 0 2 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Mike flown by Senior Major Matsumi nakano Tenacity: 3 Attack is against same target Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 84 New_move: 85 1 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Mike flown by 2nd Lieutenant Shigeru Honjo Tenacity: 1 Grid Move Unsuccessful - continue attack!: 5 Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 86 New_move: 67 0 0 0 1 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Tojo flown by Senior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio Tenacity: 4 Attack is against same target Down stream attack! 42 The attacker did not intercept 0 2 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Tony flown by Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio Tenacity: 4 Attack is against same target Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 98 New_move: 48 0 2 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Tojo flown by Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio The attacker did not intercept 1 Possible attacking attempt: 1 by a Frank flown by Senior Captain Kyoichi Egashira Tenacity: 2 Attack is against same target Down stream attack! 40 The attacker did not intercept ============================ Totaled offensive fire: 0 Totaled Effective attacks: 0 Totaled Damaged B29s: 0 Destroyed B29: 0 Totaled Defensive Heavy/Pilot Loss: 1 / 3 Totaled Defensive Probable/Pilot Injury: 1 / 4 Totaled Defensive Damaged: 0 Totaled Ineffective attacks: 14 ============================ V-7 Registered 15 Air to Air Battle Score V-45 Registered 125 Air to Air Battle Score The Frank flown by Senior Captain Tsuneo Torikai who is Untried is attacking V-4 from element Element A 1 ) Result: No Effect / No Effect The Dinah flown by Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio who is Ace of Aces is attacking V-16 from element Element E The following tactic was attempted: Modified 75mm Gun Defensive Fire Effectivenes -7 The following tactic was attempted: Modified 75mm Gun Offensive Fire Effectivenes -2 2 ) Result: No Effect / No Effect The Frank flown by Senior Major Hannoshin Nishio who is Veteran is attacking V-55 from element Element B 3 ) Result: No Effect / No Effect The Frank flown by Senior Major Hannoshin Nishio who is Veteran is attacking V-4 from element Element A 4 ) Result: No Effect / No Effect The Tony flown by Senior Captain Matsumi nakano who is Ace of Aces is attacking V-4 from element Element A 5 ) Result: No Effect / No Effect The Mike flown by Senior Major Saburo Amakasu who is Capable is attacking V-52 from element Element C 6 ) Result: No Effect / No Effect The Mike flown by Senior Major Saburo Amakasu who is Capable is attacking V-15 from element Element A 7 ) Result: No Effect / No Effect The Dinah flown by Senior Sergeant_Major Tetsuo Sasaki who is Untried is attacking V-16 from element Element E 8 ) Result: No Effect / No Effect The Dinah flown by Senior Sergeant_Major Tetsuo Sasaki who is Untried is attacking V-12 from element Element A 9 ) Result: No Effect / No Effect The Dinah flown by Warrant Officer Nishino Iwane who is Poor is attacking V-7 from element Element A 10 ) Result: 33% Probable / No Effect The Mike flown by Senior Major Takeo Takahashi who is Capable is attacking V-55 from element Element B 11 ) Result: No Effect / No Effect The Frank flown by 1st Lieutenant Tsuneo Torikai who is Capable is attacking V-6 from element Element A 12 ) Result: No Effect / No Effect The Dinah flown by Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio who is Skilled is attacking V-55 from element Element B 13 ) Result: No Effect / No Effect The Mike flown by 2nd Lieutenant Shoichi Sato who is Untried is attacking V-45 from element Element D Aborted due to damage: 9 14 ) Result: Fireball / No Effect The Dinah flown by Senior Corporal Kobayashi Nagai who is Untried is attacking V-45 from element Element D 15 ) Result: No Effect / No Effect The Frank flown by Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko who is Very poor is attacking V-37 from element Element D 16 ) Result: No Effect / No Effect ['F', 3, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Ready', 'Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko', 'Feint', 'Very poor', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 11, '0048', 'JJJZ34AA1', 0], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 13, 'Senior Captain Kentaro Takatsuka', 'Surprise', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 18, '0441', 'HJJZC4AA1', 4], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 18, 'Senior Captain Tsuneo Torikai', 'Standard', 'Untried', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 22, '0039', 'UJJZI4AA1', 0]] ['I', 3, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 11, 'Senior Major Saburo Amakasu', 'Unorthodox', 'Capable', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 13, '0281', 'VJJZF4AE1', 2], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 12, 'Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi', 'Feint', 'Capable', 0, 0, 15, '0326', 'CJJZ94AA1', 3], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 'Intercept', 'Junior Sergeant Tetsujiro Tanaka', 'Special', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 11, '0434', 'LJJZ14AE1', 4]] ['F', 1, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 24, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Special', 'Ace of Aces', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 30, '0443', 'MJJZ14AA1', 4]] ['G', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 'Landed', '2nd Lieutenant Shoichi Sato', 'Buzz', 'Untried', 'No Effect', 'Fireball', -3, '0340', '6JJZE4AA1', 3]] ['E', 2, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 21, 'Senior Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 27, '0132', '0JJZ24AC1', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 21, 'Warrant Officer Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 22, '0451', 'CJJZ34AC1', 4]] ['E', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Intercept', 'Senior Sergeant_Major Tetsuo Sasaki', 'Unorthodox', 'Untried', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 11, '0464', 'TJJZB4AA1', 4], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 11, 'Senior Corporal Kobayashi Nagai', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 13, '0368', 'QJJZ34AA1', 3], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 19, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Giichiro Inoue', 'Feint', 'Untried', 0, 0, 19, '0052', 'BJJZH4AA1', 0], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 9, 'Warrant Officer Nishino Iwane', 'Tentative', 'Poor', 'No Effect', '33% Probable', 12, '0061', 'OJJZ64AA1', 0]] ['H', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 'Ready', 'Senior Major Takeo Takahashi', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 12, '0156', 'UJJZ04AB1', 1]] ['G', 3, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 27, 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Aggressive', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 28, '0437', 'WJJZS4AA1', 4], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 19, '2nd Lieutenant Hitoshi Imamura', 'Buzz', 'Trained', 0, 0, 18, '0148', '2JJZ94AA1', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 24, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Aggressive', 'Competent', 0, 0, 26, '0113', '6JJZH4AA1', 1]] ['D', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 'Intercept', '2nd Lieutenant Higashikuni Morihiro', 'Tentative', 'Trained', 0, 0, 11, 'AA3717M', 'CJJZ94AA1', 'Target']] ['C', 1, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 15, '1st Lieutenant Tsuneo Torikai', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 19, '009', 'FJJZ64AA1', 0]] ['A', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 27, 'Senior Major Matsumi nakano', 'Cautious', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 30, '0084', 'TJJZO4AA1', 0]] ['C', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 'Intercept', '2nd Lieutenant Shigeru Honjo', 'Standard', 'Poor', 0, 0, 11, '0086', 'SJJZ64AA1', 0]] ['C', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 23, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Tentative', 'Ace of Aces', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 29, '0020', 'IJJZ74AA1', 0]] ['E', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 26, 'Senior Sergeant Matsumi nakano', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 29, '0048', 'CJJZ44AE1', 0]] ['C', 1, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Taxiing', 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Skilled', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 13, '0173', 'CJJZO4AE1', 1]] ['C', 1, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 24, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 25, '0177', '4JJZL4AD1', 1]] ['F', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 21, 'Senior Major Somo Tatebayashi', 'Feint', 'Untried', 0, 0, 20, '0072', 'UJJZI4AD1', 0]] ['B', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 25, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Special', 'Ace', 0, 0, 27, '0298', 'TJJZ54AA1', 2]] ['F', 1, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 16, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Shusaku ENDO', 'Unorthodox', 'Untried', 0, 0, 18, '0106', 'PJJZ24AA1', 1]] ['D', 1, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 16, 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Competent', 0, 0, 16, '0377', '6JJZL4AA1', 3]] ['A', 1, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 19, 'Senior Captain Kyoichi Egashira', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 21, '0471', '3JJZI4AA1', 4]] Current Air Defence Locations and States after target approach air battles: Air Defence Size: 23 ABCDE Gridline: 001234ABCDE567899 Number Take-off 0JJZH0AE1 Taking-off KJJZH4AE1 1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano took 1 minutes to reach 4 000 feet! Number Take-off 0JJZ00AC1 Taking-off 6JJZ04AC1 Senior Sergeant_Major Shigeyoshi Inoue took 79 seconds to reach 5 000 feet! String Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone! 55 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 32 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 21 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 17 Number Take-off CJJZO4AE1 Taking-off 1JJZO4AE1 Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio took 60 seconds to reach 9 000 feet! String Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone! 11 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! -1 String Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone! 10 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! -6 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! -17 String Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone! 35 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 26 String Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone! 33 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 23 Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone! 17 ['F', 6, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Taxiing', 'Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko', 'Feint', 'Very poor', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 11, 'A4200IG', 'JJJZ34AA1', 0], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 13, 'Senior Captain Kentaro Takatsuka', 'Surprise', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 18, 'AD160JN', 'HJJZC4AA1', 4], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 18, 'Senior Captain Tsuneo Torikai', 'Standard', 'Untried', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 22, 'A4060KR', 'UJJZI4AA1', 0], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 24, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Special', 'Ace of Aces', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 30, 'AD251EZ', 'MJJZ14AA1', 4], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 21, 'Senior Major Somo Tatebayashi', 'Feint', 'Untried', 0, 0, 20, 'A45718P', 'UJJZI4AD1', 0], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 16, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Shusaku ENDO', 'Unorthodox', 'Untried', 0, 0, 18, 'AA231RN', 'PJJZ24AA1', 1]] Frank0I 12 Number Frank0J 12 Number Frank0K 12 Number Dinah1E 12 Number Mike18 12 Number Tojo1R 12 Number ['B', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hoichi Yoshii', 'Tentative', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '00341GM', 'AJJZ34AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Delayed', 'Warrant Officer Takeo Iwaguro', 'Buzz', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '=0001IM', '0JJZ62AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 10, 'Warrant Officer Toru Shinomiya', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '30231JM', 'SJJZI4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 25, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Special', 'Ace', 0, 0, 27, 'AB410WW', 'TJJZ54AA1', 2]] Tojo1G 12 Number ['I', 3, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 11, 'Senior Major Saburo Amakasu', 'Unorthodox', 'Capable', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 13, 'AB0723I', 'VJJZF4AE1', 2], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 12, 'Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi', 'Feint', 'Capable', 0, 0, 15, 'AC772AK', 'CJJZ94AA1', 3], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 'Intercept', 'Junior Sergeant Tetsujiro Tanaka', 'Special', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 11, 'AD682BG', 'LJJZ14AE1', 4]] Mike23 12 Number Mike2A 12 Number Mike2B 12 Number ['F', 0] ['G', 4, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 'Landed', '2nd Lieutenant Shoichi Sato', 'Buzz', 'Untried', 'No Effect', 'Fireball', -3, 'AC52217', '6JJZE4AA1', 3], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 27, 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Aggressive', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 28, 'AD410LX', 'WJJZS4AA1', 4], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 19, '2nd Lieutenant Hitoshi Imamura', 'Buzz', 'Trained', 0, 0, 18, 'AA350ON', '2JJZ94AA1', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 24, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Aggressive', 'Competent', 0, 0, 26, 'AA520PV', '6JJZH4AA1', 1]] Mike21 12 Frank0L 12 Number Frank0O 12 Number Frank0P 12 Number ['E', 10, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 4, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Soft Abort', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '35450FM', 'KJJZH4AE1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 5, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Shigeyoshi Inoue', 'Buzz', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '35270GM', '6JJZ04AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Delay', '1st Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Abrupt', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '=0000HM', '0JJZ90AE1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 21, 'Senior Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 27, 'AA430CW', '0JJZ24AC1', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 21, 'Warrant Officer Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 22, 'AD670DR', 'CJJZ34AC1', 4], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Intercept', 'Senior Sergeant_Major Tetsuo Sasaki', 'Unorthodox', 'Untried', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 11, 'AD1813G', 'TJJZB4AA1', 4], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 11, 'Senior Corporal Kobayashi Nagai', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 13, 'AC391BI', 'QJJZ34AA1', 3], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 19, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Giichiro Inoue', 'Feint', 'Untried', 0, 0, 19, 'A4771CO', 'BJJZH4AA1', 0], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 9, 'Warrant Officer Nishino Iwane', 'Tentative', 'Poor', 'No Effect', '33% Probable', 12, 'A4491DH', 'OJJZ64AA1', 0], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 26, 'Senior Sergeant Matsumi nakano', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 29, 'A43407Y', 'CJJZ44AE1', 0]] Frank0F 12 Number Frank0G 12 Number ['E', 0] ['H', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 'Taxiing', 'Senior Major Takeo Takahashi', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 12, 'AA4522H', 'UJJZ04AB1', 1]] Mike22 12 Number ['G', 0] ['D', 2, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 'Intercept', '2nd Lieutenant Higashikuni Morihiro', 'Tentative', 'Trained', 0, 0, 11, 'AA152AG', 'CJJZ94AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 16, 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Competent', 0, 0, 16, 'AC011QL', '6JJZL4AA1', 3]] Mike2A 12 Number Tojo1Q 12 Number ['C', 8, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '660804M', 'PJJZI4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 17, 'Warrant Officer Takuma Shimoyama', 'Special', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '51230AM', 'AJJZF4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Sueo Obayashi', 'Cautious', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '44410BM', '6JJZC4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 15, '1st Lieutenant Tsuneo Torikai', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 19, 'A46303O', 'FJJZ64AA1', 0], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 'Intercept', '2nd Lieutenant Shigeru Honjo', 'Standard', 'Poor', 0, 0, 11, 'A46216G', 'SJJZ64AA1', 0], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 23, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Tentative', 'Ace of Aces', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 29, 'A44705Y', 'IJJZ74AA1', 0], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 9, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Skilled', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 13, '[46208I', '1JJZO4AE1', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 24, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 25, 'AA231KU', '4JJZL4AD1', 1]] Frank04 12 Number Frank0A 12 Number Frank0B 12 Number Frank03 12 Number Mike16 12 Number Tony05 12 Number ['A', 3, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Masahiko Sasahara', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '54541YM', 'RJJZI4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 27, 'Senior Major Matsumi nakano', 'Cautious', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 30, 'A4611XZ', 'TJJZO4AA1', 0], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 19, 'Senior Captain Kyoichi Egashira', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 21, 'AD9200Q', '3JJZI4AA1', 4]] Mike1Y 12 Number Mike1X 12 Number Frank00 12 Number ['C', 0] ['C', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '093006M', 'KJJZK4AA1', 'Target']] Tony06 12 Number ['E', 0] ['C', 3, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 17, '2nd Lieutenant Eikichi Iwashita', 'Feint', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 0, '523809M', 'OJJZ34AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 1, 'Senior Corporal Tetsuji Giga', 'Cautious', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '094711M', 'DJJZ64AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 4, 'Senior Corporal Natsume Soseki', 'Break-off', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '988312M', 'CJJZ64AA1', 'Target']] Dinah09 12 Number Dinah11 12 Number Dinah12 12 Number ['C', 3, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 2, '1st Lieutenant Hidetsugu Takahashi', 'Buzz', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '40621NM', '2JJZI4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 2, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Matsumi nakano', 'Cautious', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '95811OM', 'UJJZN4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 17, '2nd Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Tentative', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '08211PM', 'GJJZL4AC1', 'Target']] Tojo1N 12 Number Tojo1O 12 Number Tojo1P 12 Number ['F', 0] ['B', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, '1st Lieutenant Michihiro Sugawara', 'Aggressive', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '18220XM', 'CJJZI4AA1', 'Target']] Tony0X 12 Number ['F', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 4, '2nd Lieutenant Shinichi Tanaka', 'Cautious', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '50271TM', 'RJJZ84AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 8, 'Junior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Cautious', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '20311UM', 'GJJZO4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 17, '2nd Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Special', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '43461VM', 'ZJJZ94AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 17, 'Senior Sergeant Nashi Obayashi', 'Unorthodox', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '53321WM', 'HJJZ74AA1', 'Target']] Tojo1T 12 Number Tojo1U 12 Number Tojo1V 12 Number Tojo1W 12 Number ['A', 3, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, 'Warrant Officer Kosaku Nakano', 'Buzz', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '01220SM', 'RJJZI4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 17, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Soft Abort', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '25450TM', 'WJJZL4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 17, '2nd Lieutenant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '54020VM', 'UJJZA4AA1', 'Target']] Tony0S 12 Number Tony0T 12 Number Tony0V 12 Number ['D', 0] ['A', 0] Tactical Time: 51 seconds in the Air dimension. Bomber_stream Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 10) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn H No Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn 7 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D12 will attempt to stave off Mike23 Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn 7 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D12 will attempt to stave off Mike23 Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 7) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn D 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Mike23 Attackers diverted! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Mike23 Mike is moving away from the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A A E [(6, 10), (6, 9), (6, 8), (6, 7), (6, 6)] AA0723I Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Mike2A Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Mike2A Mike2A 100 4 27 0600 9 P-51D04 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 1 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 2 fighters! One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2Q will attempt to stave off Mike2A Mike2A 100 4 27 0600 9 P-51D2Q 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 0 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 2 fighters! Mike is moving away from the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A B A A [(6, 6), (6, 7)] AB772AK Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 10) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn H No Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn 7 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D12 will attempt to stave off Mike2B Mike2B 81.15538657247774 4 27 0600 9 P-51D12 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 2 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 2 fighters! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Mike2B No Intercept! Mike is moving away from the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A C A E [(6, 10), (6, 9), (6, 8)] AC682BG Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Frank0L Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 7) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn D 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Frank0L Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 8) !!! Escort: 74 Sqn E One P-51D may intercept! P-51D25 will attempt to stave off Frank0L Frank0L -0.6286978357207644 4 29 0600 9 P-51D25 40.680874010591154 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 1 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 3 fighters! Frank is moving away from the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A C A A [(6, 6), (6, 7), (6, 8)] AC410LX Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn G One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2A will attempt to stave off Frank0O Frank0O -0.9996819922427145 4 29 0600 9 P-51D2A 38.56294335713639 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 4 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 3 fighters! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 No Intercept! Frank is moving away from the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A 4 A A [(6, 6), (6, 5)] A4350ON Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 7) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn D One P-51D may intercept! P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Frank0P Frank0P 100 4 29 0600 9 P-51D1Z 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 5 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 3 fighters! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Frank0P Attackers diverted! Frank is moving away from the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A 4 A A [(6, 6), (6, 5)] A4520PV Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 10) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn H 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2F will attempt to stave off Frank0F Dogfight underway! Harutango! P-51D2F has taken off successfully with 1 engines working. Harutango! Frank0F has taken off successfully with 1 engines working. 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 1.25 damage Frank0F fires, 5 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 98.75 FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AE002FA Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 4.48 damage P-51D2F fires, 5 gun positions remaining Frank's health is now 95.52 P-51DP-51D2F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AE002FA Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 5.14 damage P-51D2F fires, 4 gun positions remaining Frank's health is now 90.39 P-51DP-51D2F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 4.36 damage Frank0F fires, 4 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 94.38 FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AE002FA Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 5.51 damage P-51D2F fires, 3 gun positions remaining Frank's health is now 84.88 P-51DP-51D2F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 3.64 damage Frank0F fires, 3 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 90.74 FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 0.35 damage Frank0F fires, 2 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 90.39 FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AE002FA Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 5.65 damage P-51D2F fires, 2 gun positions remaining Frank's health is now 79.23 P-51DP-51D2F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AE002FA Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 2.17 damage P-51D2F fires, 1 gun positions remaining Frank's health is now 77.06 P-51DP-51D2F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AE002FA Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 1.30 damage P-51D2F fires, 0 gun positions remaining Frank's health is now 75.76 P-51DP-51D2F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 0.14 damage Frank0F fires, 1 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 90.25 FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AE002FA Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 3.49 damage P-51D2F has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 72.27 P-51DP-51D2F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 0.96 damage Frank0F fires, 0 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 89.29 FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AE002FA Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 5.25 damage P-51D2F has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 67.02 P-51DP-51D2F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 3.65 damage Frank0F has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 85.63 FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! immelmann_turn Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AE002FA Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 0.62 damage P-51D2F has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 66.40 P-51DP-51D2F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! surprise_attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! split_s Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AE002FA Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 2.24 damage P-51D2F has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 64.16 P-51DP-51D2F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! barrel_roll Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! high_yo_yo Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AE002FA Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 4.58 damage P-51D2F has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 59.58 P-51DP-51D2F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 5.31 damage Frank0F has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 80.32 FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 3.29 damage Frank0F has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 77.03 FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AE002FA Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 4.89 damage P-51D2F has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 54.69 P-51DP-51D2F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! energy_fighting Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AE002FA Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 2.02 damage P-51D2F has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 52.67 P-51DP-51D2F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 3.49 damage Frank0F has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 73.55 FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 4.50 damage Frank0F has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 69.04 FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! frontal attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 3.37 damage Frank0F has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 65.67 FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AE002FA Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 3.22 damage P-51D2F has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 49.45 P-51DP-51D2F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 0.01 damage Frank0F has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 65.66 FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 4.40 damage Frank0F has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 61.26 FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AE002FA Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 2.23 damage P-51D2F has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 47.23 P-51DP-51D2F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 4.56 damage Frank0F has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 56.70 FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 2.91 damage Frank0F has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 53.79 FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 0.59 damage Frank0F has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 53.20 FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AE002FA Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 3.99 damage P-51D2F has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 43.24 P-51DP-51D2F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AE002FA Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 3.39 damage P-51D2F has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 39.85 P-51DP-51D2F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AE002FA Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 4.02 damage P-51D2F has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 35.83 P-51DP-51D2F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 1.20 damage Frank0F has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 52.01 FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 2.25 damage Frank0F has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 49.76 FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 4.07 damage Frank0F has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 45.70 FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! lead_pursuit Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 3.33 damage Frank0F has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 42.36 FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AE002FA Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 3.39 damage P-51D2F has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 32.43 P-51DP-51D2F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! frontal attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 2.46 damage Frank0F has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 39.90 FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 2.79 damage Frank0F has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 37.11 FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 2.84 damage Frank0F has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 34.27 FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AE002FA Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 1.12 damage P-51D2F has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 31.31 P-51DP-51D2F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! surprise_attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 0.54 damage Frank0F has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 33.73 FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AE002FA Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 1.16 damage P-51D2F has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 30.15 P-51DP-51D2F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! surprise_attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AE002FA Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 2.33 damage P-51D2F has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 27.81 P-51DP-51D2F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 1.03 damage Frank0F has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 32.70 FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AE002FA Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 1.20 damage P-51D2F has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 26.62 P-51DP-51D2F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AE002FA Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 4.73 damage P-51D2F has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 21.89 P-51DP-51D2F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 3.69 damage Frank0F has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 29.01 FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AE002FA Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 3.82 damage P-51D2F has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 18.07 P-51DP-51D2F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 5.77 damage Frank0F has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 23.24 FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 0.00 damage Frank0F has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 23.24 FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 5.70 damage Frank0F has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 17.54 FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AE002FA Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 1.09 damage P-51D2F has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 16.98 P-51DP-51D2F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AE002FA Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 2.30 damage P-51D2F has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 14.68 P-51DP-51D2F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! lead_pursuit Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 1.71 damage Frank0F has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 15.82 FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AE002FA Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 1.48 damage P-51D2F has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 13.20 P-51DP-51D2F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 1.03 damage Frank0F has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 14.79 FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 1.96 damage Frank0F has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 12.83 FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AE002FA Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 3.11 damage P-51D2F has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 10.10 P-51DP-51D2F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 5.26 damage Frank0F has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 7.57 FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 1.42 damage Frank0F has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 6.15 FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 4.03 damage Frank0F has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 2.12 FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 1.11 damage Frank0F has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 1.01 FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AE002FA Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 2.60 damage P-51D2F has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 7.49 P-51DP-51D2F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 26000FM Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 3.16 damage Frank0F has no working gun positions P-51D has been shot down! FrankFrank0F 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn 7 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D12 will attempt to stave off Frank0F Frank0F 7.491648078935372 4 29 0600 9 P-51D12 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 2 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 9 fighters! Frank is moving away from the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A A E [(6, 10), (6, 9)] AD450FM Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn 7 No Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Frank0G Frank0G 100 4 29 0600 9 P-51D04 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 1 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 9 fighters! One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2Q will attempt to stave off Frank0G Attackers diverted! Frank0G 100 4 29 0600 9 P-51D2Q 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 0 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 9 fighters! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 7) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn D 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Frank0G Frank is moving away from the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A A C [(6, 8), (6, 7), (6, 6)] AA270GM Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Mike22 Mike22 100 4 27 0600 9 P-51D04 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 1 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 0 fighters! No Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Mike22 Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 7) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn D An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Mike22 Attackers diverted! Mike is moving away from the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A 4 A B [(6, 7), (6, 6), (6, 5)] A44522H Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn G 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2A will attempt to stave off Frank04 Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (4, 7) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn B 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D1O will attempt to stave off Frank04 Frank is moving away from the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A 4 A A [(6, 6), (6, 5)] A40804M Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Frank0A Attackers diverted! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 No Intercept! One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2Q will attempt to stave off Frank0A Frank0A 100 4 29 0600 9 P-51D2Q 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 0 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 7 fighters! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 7) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn D No Intercept! Frank is moving away from the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A C A A [(6, 6), (6, 7), (6, 8)] AC230AM Frank has exited the Bomber Stream!! AA410BM 6JJZC4AAL Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 No Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (4, 7) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn B 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D1O will attempt to stave off Frank03 Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 5 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Frank03 Frank03 100 4 29 0600 9 P-51D0S -2.763519302068174 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 2 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 7 fighters! Frank is moving away from the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A 3 A A [(6, 6), (6, 5), (6, 4)] A36303O Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 7) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn D An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Mike16 Attackers diverted! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 No Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 5 No Intercept! Mike is moving away from the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A 3 A A [(6, 6), (6, 5), (6, 4)] A36216G Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Tony05 Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 7) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn D An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Tony05 Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Tony05 Tony is moving away from the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A 3 A A [(6, 6), (6, 5), (6, 4)] A34705Y Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Mike1Y Attackers diverted! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Mike1Y No Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn G 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2A will attempt to stave off Mike1Y Mike is moving away from the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A C A A [(6, 6), (6, 7), (6, 8)] AC541YM Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 7) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn D 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Mike1X Attackers diverted! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 No Intercept! No Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 5 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Mike1X Mike is moving away from the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A 3 A A [(6, 6), (6, 5), (6, 4)] A3611XZ Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Frank00 Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Frank00 Dogfight underway! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Frank00 has taken off successfully with 1 engines working. AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 3.76 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 96.24 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 2.36 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 93.89 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 2.57 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 91.32 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 970000M Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 4.51 damage Frank00 fires, 5 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 55.08 FrankFrank00 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 4.24 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 87.08 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 2.50 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 84.58 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 3.70 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 80.88 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 1.80 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 79.07 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 970000M Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 3.00 damage Frank00 fires, 4 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 52.08 FrankFrank00 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 4.07 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 75.00 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 1.86 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 73.14 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 3.28 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 69.87 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 4.70 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 65.16 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 2.41 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 62.75 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 1.72 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 61.03 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! high_yo_yo Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! energy_fighting Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 1.86 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 59.16 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 1.52 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 57.64 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 1.11 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 56.53 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! immelmann_turn Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 5.29 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 51.24 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 2.49 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 48.75 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 5.29 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 43.46 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 0.92 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 42.55 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 3.29 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 39.26 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! lead_pursuit Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! surprise_attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 3.15 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 36.11 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 2.52 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 33.59 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 970000M Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 3.77 damage Frank00 fires, 3 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 48.31 FrankFrank00 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 970000M Check Quad / Inner Frank attacks P-51D with 1.16 damage Frank00 fires, 2 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 47.15 FrankFrank00 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 0.44 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 33.15 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 1.41 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 31.73 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! immelmann_turn Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 4.18 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 27.55 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 4.43 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 23.11 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! immelmann_turn Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 5.29 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 17.83 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! split_s Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 0.49 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 17.34 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 1.24 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 16.10 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 5.92 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 10.19 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! energy_fighting Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 0.80 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 9.38 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 3.06 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 6.32 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! immelmann_turn Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 5.93 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Frank's health is now 0.40 P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! AA000W8 Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Frank with 3.41 damage P-51D0W has no working gun positions Frank has been shot down! P-51DP-51D0W 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Frank00 Frank00 -3.014086723823709 4 29 0600 9 P-51D04 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 1 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 2 fighters! One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2Q will attempt to stave off Frank00 Attackers diverted! Frank00 -3.014086723823709 4 29 0600 9 P-51D2Q 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 0 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 2 fighters! Frank is moving away from the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A C A A [(6, 6), (6, 7), (6, 8)] AC9200Q Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 No Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn G One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2A will attempt to stave off Dinah09 Dogfight underway! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Dinah09 has taken off successfully with 1 engines working. Fighters jockey for position! high_yo_yo Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! barrel_roll Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 0.24 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 99.76 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 3.82 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 95.94 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! energy_fighting Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! frontal attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 0.29 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 95.65 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! =00009M Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 2.24 damage Dinah09 fires, 5 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 36.32 DinahDinah09 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! high_yo_yo Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 2.25 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 93.40 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! =00009M Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 5.23 damage Dinah09 fires, 4 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 31.09 DinahDinah09 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! high_yo_yo Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 4.05 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 89.34 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! =00009M Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 1.74 damage Dinah09 fires, 3 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 29.36 DinahDinah09 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! barrel_roll Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 2.54 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 86.81 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 2.07 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 84.74 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! =00009M Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 1.78 damage Dinah09 fires, 2 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 27.58 DinahDinah09 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! =00009M Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 4.91 damage Dinah09 fires, 1 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 22.67 DinahDinah09 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 2.62 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 82.11 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! =00009M Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 2.79 damage Dinah09 fires, 0 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 19.88 DinahDinah09 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! energy_fighting Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 1.07 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 81.04 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! =00009M Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 4.78 damage Dinah09 has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 15.10 DinahDinah09 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! =00009M Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 5.89 damage Dinah09 has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 9.21 DinahDinah09 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! split_s Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 0.22 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 80.82 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! =00009M Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 0.49 damage Dinah09 has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 8.72 DinahDinah09 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 3.97 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 76.85 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 1.66 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 75.19 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! =00009M Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 0.30 damage Dinah09 has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 8.42 DinahDinah09 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 1.12 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 74.07 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! split_s Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 3.93 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 70.14 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 2.74 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 67.41 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! climb_and_dive Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! immelmann_turn Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! =00009M Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 5.80 damage Dinah09 has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 2.62 DinahDinah09 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 5B002AH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Dinah with 0.74 damage P-51D2A has no working gun positions Dinah's health is now 66.67 P-51DP-51D2A 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! =00009M Check Quad / Inner Dinah attacks P-51D with 5.31 damage Dinah09 has no working gun positions P-51D has been shot down! DinahDinah09 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Dinah is moving away from the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A B A A [(6, 6), (6, 7)] AB3809M Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Dinah11 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2Q will attempt to stave off Dinah11 Attackers diverted! Dinah11 100 4 23 3200 9 P-51D2Q 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 0 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 2 fighters! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Dinah11 Dinah11 100 4 23 3200 9 P-51D04 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 1 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 2 fighters! One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2Q will attempt to stave off Dinah11 Dinah11 100 4 23 3200 9 P-51D2Q 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 0 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 2 fighters! Dinah is moving away from the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A B A C [(6, 8), (6, 7)] AB4711M Dinah has exited the Bomber Stream!! AA8312M CJJZ64AAJ Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Tojo1N Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Tojo1N No Intercept! Tojo is moving away from the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A B A A [(6, 6), (6, 7)] AB621NM Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 7) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn D 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Tojo1O Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 7) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn D An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Tojo1O Dogfight underway! Harutango! P-51D1Z has taken off successfully with 1 engines working. Harutango! Tojo1O has taken off successfully with 1 engines working. 4B001ZH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 0.13 damage P-51D1Z fires, 5 gun positions remaining Tojo's health is now 99.87 P-51DP-51D1Z 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! high_yo_yo Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4B001ZH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 4.48 damage P-51D1Z fires, 4 gun positions remaining Tojo's health is now 95.39 P-51DP-51D1Z 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4B001ZH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 4.90 damage P-51D1Z fires, 3 gun positions remaining Tojo's health is now 90.49 P-51DP-51D1Z 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4B001ZH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 0.23 damage P-51D1Z fires, 2 gun positions remaining Tojo's health is now 90.25 P-51DP-51D1Z 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4B001ZH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 3.11 damage P-51D1Z fires, 1 gun positions remaining Tojo's health is now 87.14 P-51DP-51D1Z 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4B001ZH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 2.05 damage P-51D1Z fires, 0 gun positions remaining Tojo's health is now 85.09 P-51DP-51D1Z 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4B001ZH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 0.25 damage P-51D1Z has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 84.84 P-51DP-51D1Z 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4B001ZH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 3.94 damage P-51D1Z has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 80.91 P-51DP-51D1Z 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! =0001OM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 3.22 damage Tojo1O fires, 5 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 96.78 TojoTojo1O 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4B001ZH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 4.18 damage P-51D1Z has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 76.73 P-51DP-51D1Z 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! =0001OM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 0.84 damage Tojo1O fires, 4 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 95.94 TojoTojo1O 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4B001ZH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 1.83 damage P-51D1Z has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 74.90 P-51DP-51D1Z 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4B001ZH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 5.67 damage P-51D1Z has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 69.24 P-51DP-51D1Z 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4B001ZH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 4.65 damage P-51D1Z has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 64.59 P-51DP-51D1Z 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4B001ZH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 5.43 damage P-51D1Z has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 59.16 P-51DP-51D1Z 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4B001ZH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 0.61 damage P-51D1Z has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 58.55 P-51DP-51D1Z 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4B001ZH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 4.71 damage P-51D1Z has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 53.84 P-51DP-51D1Z 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4B001ZH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 5.31 damage P-51D1Z has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 48.53 P-51DP-51D1Z 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4B001ZH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 3.64 damage P-51D1Z has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 44.89 P-51DP-51D1Z 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4B001ZH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 4.94 damage P-51D1Z has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 39.95 P-51DP-51D1Z 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4B001ZH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 5.87 damage P-51D1Z has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 34.08 P-51DP-51D1Z 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! high_yo_yo Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! high_yo_yo Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! frontal attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4B001ZH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 3.59 damage P-51D1Z has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 30.49 P-51DP-51D1Z 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4B001ZH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 0.23 damage P-51D1Z has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 30.26 P-51DP-51D1Z 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! =0001OM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 3.98 damage Tojo1O fires, 3 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 91.97 TojoTojo1O 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4B001ZH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 4.80 damage P-51D1Z has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 25.46 P-51DP-51D1Z 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4B001ZH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 5.76 damage P-51D1Z has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 19.70 P-51DP-51D1Z 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! =0001OM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 0.21 damage Tojo1O fires, 2 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 91.76 TojoTojo1O 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! =0001OM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 1.78 damage Tojo1O fires, 1 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 89.98 TojoTojo1O 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! lead_pursuit Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! =0001OM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 4.19 damage Tojo1O fires, 0 gun positions remaining P-51D's health is now 85.79 TojoTojo1O 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4B001ZH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 0.41 damage P-51D1Z has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 19.30 P-51DP-51D1Z 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! barrel_roll Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! high_yo_yo Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4B001ZH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 3.45 damage P-51D1Z has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 15.84 P-51DP-51D1Z 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! =0001OM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 4.47 damage Tojo1O has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 81.33 TojoTojo1O 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4B001ZH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 1.60 damage P-51D1Z has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 14.25 P-51DP-51D1Z 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! =0001OM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 4.34 damage Tojo1O has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 76.98 TojoTojo1O 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! =0001OM Check Quad / Inner Tojo attacks P-51D with 3.12 damage Tojo1O has no working gun positions P-51D's health is now 73.86 TojoTojo1O 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4B001ZH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 2.05 damage P-51D1Z has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 12.20 P-51DP-51D1Z 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4B001ZH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 5.09 damage P-51D1Z has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 7.11 P-51DP-51D1Z 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4B001ZH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 1.64 damage P-51D1Z has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 5.47 P-51DP-51D1Z 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4B001ZH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 1.81 damage P-51D1Z has no working gun positions Tojo's health is now 3.66 P-51DP-51D1Z 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Fighters jockey for position! frontal attack Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! Harutango! Aircraft is currently airborne! 4B001ZH Check Quad / Inner P-51D attacks Tojo with 5.64 damage P-51D1Z has no working gun positions Tojo has been shot down! P-51DP-51D1Z 28 Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three Tojo is moving away from the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A B A C [(6, 8), (6, 7)] AB811OM Tojo has exited the Bomber Stream!! AC211PM GJJZL4ACS Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 7) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn D One P-51D may intercept! P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Tony0X Tony0X 100 4 25 0600 9 P-51D1Z 73.85742922524847 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 5 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 0 fighters! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Tony0X One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2Q will attempt to stave off Tony0X Tony0X 100 4 25 0600 9 P-51D2Q 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 0 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 0 fighters! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 7) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn D One P-51D may intercept! P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Tony0X Tony0X 100 4 25 0600 9 P-51D1Z 73.85742922524847 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 5 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 0 fighters! Tony is moving away from the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A C A A [(6, 6), (6, 7), (6, 8)] AC220XM Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 No Intercept! One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2Q will attempt to stave off Tojo1T Tojo1T 100 4 23 0600 9 P-51D2Q 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 0 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 3 fighters! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Tojo1T Tojo1T 100 4 23 0600 9 P-51D0W 47.147143890742825 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 5 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 3 fighters! Tojo is moving away from the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A 4 A A [(6, 6), (6, 5)] A4271TM Tojo has exited the Bomber Stream!! AA311UM GJJZO4AAU Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Tojo1V Attackers diverted! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 7) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn D An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Tojo1V Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Tojo1V Attackers diverted! Tojo1V 100 4 23 0600 9 P-51D04 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 1 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 3 fighters! No Intercept! Tojo is moving away from the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A C A A [(6, 6), (6, 7), (6, 8)] AC461VM Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Tojo1W Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 7) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn D One P-51D may intercept! P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Tojo1W Tojo1W 100 4 23 0600 9 P-51D1Z 73.85742922524847 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 5 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 3 fighters! Tojo is moving away from the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A B A A [(6, 6), (6, 7)] AB321WM Tony has exited the Bomber Stream!! AA220SM RJJZI4AAO Tony has exited the Bomber Stream!! AA450TM WJJZL4AAM Tony has exited the Bomber Stream!! AA020VM UJJZA4AAR Mike is moving within the Grid! 6 8 [(6, 8), (6, 7), (6, 6)] Frank holds position within the Grid: 5 2 Frank0P 0600 Tony is moving within the Grid! 3 4 [(3, 4)] Frank is moving within the Grid! 9 2 [(9, 2), (8, 3), (7, 4)] 47 Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Frank0I Attackers diverted! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (4, 7) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn B One P-51D may intercept! P-51D1O will attempt to stave off Frank0I Attackers diverted! Frank0I 100 4 29 0600 9 P-51D1O 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 7 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 5 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Frank0I Frank0I 100 4 29 0600 9 P-51D0S -2.763519302068174 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 2 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! Frank is moving away from the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A 3 A A [(6, 6), (6, 5), (6, 4)] A3200IG Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 7) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn D An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Frank0J Attackers diverted! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 No Intercept! No Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 8) !!! Escort: 74 Sqn E 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D25 will attempt to stave off Frank0J Frank is moving away from the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A C A A [(6, 6), (6, 7), (6, 8)] AC260JN Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Frank0K Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 7) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn D An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Frank0K Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 5 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Frank0K Frank is moving away from the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A 3 A A [(6, 6), (6, 5), (6, 4)] A3480KR Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Dinah1E Attackers diverted! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Dinah1E One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2Q will attempt to stave off Dinah1E Attackers diverted! Dinah1E 100 4 23 3200 9 P-51D2Q 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 0 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 8) !!! Escort: 74 Sqn E One P-51D may intercept! P-51D25 will attempt to stave off Dinah1E Dinah1E 100 4 23 3200 9 P-51D25 40.680874010591154 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 1 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! Dinah is moving away from the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A C A A [(6, 6), (6, 7), (6, 8)] AC361EZ Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn 7 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D12 will attempt to stave off Mike18 Attackers diverted! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn G 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D2A will attempt to stave off Mike18 Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Mike18 Attackers diverted! Mike18 100 4 27 0600 9 P-51D04 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 1 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2Q will attempt to stave off Mike18 Mike18 100 4 27 0600 9 P-51D2Q 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 0 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 3 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Mike18 Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (4, 7) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn B An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D1O will attempt to stave off Mike18 Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Mike is moving away from the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A 3 A D [(6, 9), (6, 8), (6, 7), (6, 6), (6, 5), (6, 4)] A38518P Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 7) !!! Escort: 73 Sqn D One P-51D may intercept! P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Tojo1R Tojo1R 100 4 23 0600 9 P-51D1Z 73.85742922524847 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 5 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 5 fighters! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 5 No Intercept! Tojo is moving away from the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A 4 A A [(6, 6), (6, 5)] A4561RN Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 No Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 8) !!! Escort: 74 Sqn E One P-51D may intercept! P-51D25 will attempt to stave off Tojo1G Tojo1G 100 4 23 0600 9 P-51D25 40.680874010591154 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 1 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 3 fighters! Tojo is moving away from the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A B A A [(6, 6), (6, 7)] AB341GM Mike has exited the Bomber Stream!! AA6423I VJJZF4AAF Mike has exited the Bomber Stream!! AB772AK CJJZ94ABO Mike has exited the Bomber Stream!! AC622BG LJJZ14ACO Frank has exited the Bomber Stream!! AC470LX WJJZS4ACF Frank has exited the Bomber Stream!! A4440ON 2JJZ94A4G Frank has exited the Bomber Stream!! A4520PV 6JJZH4A4F Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!! Escort: 72 Sqn 7 One P-51D may intercept! P-51D12 will attempt to stave off Frank0F Frank0F 7.491648078935372 4 29 0600 9 P-51D12 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 2 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 9 fighters! Frank is moving away from the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A A A D [(6, 9)] AD230FM Frank has exited the Bomber Stream!! AA630GM 6JJZ04AAO Mike has exited the Bomber Stream!! A44522H UJJZ04A4M Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Mike2A Missed Adjacent Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 2 P-51Ds may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Mike2A Mike is moving away from the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A 4 A A [(6, 6), (6, 5)] A4342AG Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!! Escort: 47 Sqn 6 An element of four A/C may intercept! P-51D0W will attempt to stave off Tojo1Q Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 No Intercept! One P-51D may intercept! P-51D2Q will attempt to stave off Tojo1Q Attackers diverted! Tojo1Q 100 4 23 0600 9 P-51D2Q 100 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 0 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 1 fighters! Tojo is moving away from the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A B A A [(6, 6), (6, 7)] AB011QL Mike has exited the Bomber Stream!! AC341YM RJJZI4ACO Mike has exited the Bomber Stream!! A3611XZ TJJZO4A3J Frank has exited the Bomber Stream!! AC4700Q 3JJZI4ACT Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 7) !!! Escort: 46 Sqn 0 No Intercept! No Intercept! Missed Distant Intercept! Missed Adjacent Intercept! Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 8) !!! Escort: 74 Sqn E One P-51D may intercept! P-51D25 will attempt to stave off Tony06 Tony06 100 4 25 0600 9 P-51D25 40.680874010591154 4 28 7 9 Escort is supported by 1 fighters! Interceptors are supported by 0 fighters! Tony is moving away from the bomber Stream! Target Quad: A B A A [(6, 6), (6, 7)] AB6706M Tony has exited the Bomber Stream!! AC030XM CJJZI4ACP Mike holds position within the Grid: 8 5 Mike18 0600 40 Frank has exited the Bomber Stream!! A3650IG JJJZ34A3I Frank has exited the Bomber Stream!! AC220JN HJJZC4ACQ Frank has exited the Bomber Stream!! A3480KR UJJZI4A3S Dinah has exited the Bomber Stream!! AC361EZ MJJZ14ACM Mike has exited the Bomber Stream!! A38518P UJJZI4A3H Tojo has exited the Bomber Stream!! A4541RN PJJZ24A4K Tojo has exited the Bomber Stream!! AB741GM AJJZ34ABI Mike has exited the Bomber Stream!! A4172AG CJJZ94A4U Tojo has exited the Bomber Stream!! AB011QL 6JJZL4ABQ Tony has exited the Bomber Stream!! AB6706M KJJZK4ABL 39 31 24 15 10 7 -4 51 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 51 seconds in the Air dimension. Bomber_stream 45 35 27 25 13 10 3 -8 51 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 21 seconds in the Air dimension. Bomber_stream 10 -2 21 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 84 seconds in the Air dimension. Bomber_stream 83 82 76 75 71 68 65 64 59 48 43 37 30 22 14 13 12 4 3 0 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 62 seconds in the Air dimension. Bomber_stream 58 57 52 44 42 30 27 17 9 6 -4 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 89 seconds in the Air dimension. Bomber_stream 82 76 74 64 56 49 37 32 26 17 14 10 4 -8 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 48 seconds in the Air dimension. Bomber_stream 47 39 32 28 23 22 14 7 -2 48 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 49 seconds in the Air dimension. Bomber_stream 37 31 23 22 17 9 0 49 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 31 seconds in the Air dimension. Bomber_stream 29 28 19 9 6 -4 31 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 10 seconds in the Air dimension. Bomber_stream 6 1 -8 10 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 43 seconds in the Air dimension. Bomber_stream 38 34 32 25 22 10 8 1 0 43 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 61 seconds in the Air dimension. Bomber_stream 58 52 49 41 32 31 19 7 3 -6 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 19 seconds in the Air dimension. Bomber_stream 12 1 -5 19 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 39 seconds in the Air dimension. Bomber_stream 36 35 24 14 13 11 6 2 -8 39 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 68 seconds in the Air dimension. Bomber_stream 57 51 43 35 33 31 22 16 10 4 -3 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 71 seconds in the Air dimension. Bomber_stream 67 66 61 51 50 46 36 27 21 13 6 -2 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 53 seconds in the Air dimension. Bomber_stream 41 29 28 20 17 7 -4 53 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 65 seconds in the Air dimension. Bomber_stream 57 46 37 33 31 30 19 12 0 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 41 seconds in the Air dimension. Bomber_stream 30 21 13 12 7 -3 41 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 67 seconds in the Air dimension. Bomber_stream 61 56 52 41 38 35 31 20 14 4 3 2 -3 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 24 seconds in the Air dimension. Bomber_stream 12 5 -3 24 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 13 seconds in the Air dimension. Bomber_stream 9 8 -4 13 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 26 seconds in the Air dimension. Bomber_stream 21 10 0 26 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 26 seconds in the Air dimension. Bomber_stream 17 11 10 9 4 -2 26 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 81 seconds in the Air dimension. Bomber_stream 78 66 62 61 58 51 50 46 35 33 30 23 12 1 -1 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 55 seconds in the Air dimension. Bomber_stream 47 46 44 32 24 19 14 8 -3 55 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 83 seconds in the Air dimension. Bomber_stream 78 74 72 61 57 54 51 45 37 28 25 22 16 5 -5 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 54 seconds in the Air dimension. Bomber_stream 45 36 28 24 12 5 2 -4 54 Tactical Movement Tactical Time: 80 seconds in the Air dimension. Bomber_stream 72 65 55 46 36 27 25 23 21 17 12 7 -4 Bomber_stream movement & battles completed. Air Defence Size: 8 Flight: 47 Sqn P-51D -1 1st Lieutenant Paul R. Cochran while executing lead_pursuit was shot down by Junior Sergeant_Major Giichiro Inoue Sentai: 244 Frank 21 Senior Captain Kyoichi Egashira while executing energy_fighting was shot down by 1st Lieutenant Charles C. Montgomery Unit: 47 Sqn P-51D -1 Senior Captain Bee, Hamilton Prioleau while executing climb_and_dive was shot down by 2nd Lieutenant Eikichi Iwashita Sentai: Tokorozawa Tojo -1 Senior Sergeant_Major Matsumi nakano while executing high_yo_yo was shot down by 1st Lieutenant Robert A. Karr Element: Sqn25 ['F', 0] Element: Sqn24 ['E', 0] Element: Sqn06 ['G', 0] Element: Sqn42 ['C', 0] Element: Sqn14 ['E', 0] Element: Sqn45 ['F', 0] Element: Sqn33 ['D', 0] Element: Sqn00 ['A', 0] Total ENEMY DEFENCE after In-stream losses: 0 Senior Sergeant_Major Matsumi nakano Senior Captain Kyoichi Egashira Element: Sqn02 ['C', 8, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'A40804M', 'PJJZI4A4H', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Warrant Officer Takuma Shimoyama', 'Special', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'AC230AM', 'AJJZF4ACL', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Sueo Obayashi', 'Cautious', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'AA410BM', '6JJZC4AAL', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 19, '1st Lieutenant Tsuneo Torikai', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 19, 'A36303O', 'FJJZ64A3K', 0], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 11, '2nd Lieutenant Shigeru Honjo', 'Standard', 'Poor', 0, 0, 11, 'A36216G', 'SJJZ64A3L', 0], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 29, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Tentative', 'Ace of Aces', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 29, 'A34705Y', 'IJJZ74A3Q', 0], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 9, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Skilled', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 13, '[46208I', '1JJZO4AE1', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 24, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 25, 'AA231KU', '4JJZL4AD1', 1]] Element: Sqn22 ['C', 3, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Eikichi Iwashita', 'Feint', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 0, 'AB3809M', 'OJJZ34ABI', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Senior Corporal Tetsuji Giga', 'Cautious', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, 'AB4711M', 'DJJZ64ABU', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Senior Corporal Natsume Soseki', 'Break-off', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, 'AA8312M', 'CJJZ64AAJ', 'Target']] Element: Sqn32 ['C', 2, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, '1st Lieutenant Hidetsugu Takahashi', 'Buzz', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AB621NM', '2JJZI4ABJ', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Tentative', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AC211PM', 'GJJZL4ACS', 'Target']] Element: Sqn35 ['F', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Shinichi Tanaka', 'Cautious', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, 'A4271TM', 'RJJZ84A4K', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Junior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Cautious', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AA311UM', 'GJJZO4AAU', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Special', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'AC461VM', 'ZJJZ94ACL', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Senior Sergeant Nashi Obayashi', 'Unorthodox', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AB321WM', 'HJJZ74ABF', 'Target']] Element: Sqn10 ['A', 3, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, 'Warrant Officer Kosaku Nakano', 'Buzz', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AA220SM', 'RJJZI4AAO', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Soft Abort', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AA450TM', 'WJJZL4AAM', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'AA020VM', 'UJJZA4AAR', 'Target']] Element: Sqn48 ['I', 3, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 13, 'Senior Major Saburo Amakasu', 'Unorthodox', 'Capable', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 13, 'AA6423I', 'VJJZF4AAF', 2], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 15, 'Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi', 'Feint', 'Capable', 0, 0, 15, 'AB772AK', 'CJJZ94ABO', 3], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 11, 'Junior Sergeant Tetsujiro Tanaka', 'Special', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 11, 'AC622BG', 'LJJZ14ACO', 4]] Element: Sqn46 ['G', 4, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', -3, '2nd Lieutenant Shoichi Sato', 'Buzz', 'Untried', 'No Effect', 'Fireball', -3, 'AC65217', '6JJZE4AA1', 3], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 28, 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Aggressive', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 28, 'AC470LX', 'WJJZS4ACF', 4], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 18, '2nd Lieutenant Hitoshi Imamura', 'Buzz', 'Trained', 0, 0, 18, 'A4440ON', '2JJZ94A4G', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 26, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Aggressive', 'Competent', 0, 0, 26, 'A4520PV', '6JJZH4A4F', 1]] Element: Sqn04 ['E', 10, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Soft Abort', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'AD230FM', 'KJJZH4AAH', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Shigeyoshi Inoue', 'Buzz', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'AA630GM', '6JJZ04AAO', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Delay', '1st Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Abrupt', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '=0000HM', '0JJZ90AE1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 21, 'Senior Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 27, 'AA280CW', '0JJZ24AC1', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 21, 'Warrant Officer Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 22, 'AD220DR', 'CJJZ34AC1', 4], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Intercept', 'Senior Sergeant_Major Tetsuo Sasaki', 'Unorthodox', 'Untried', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 11, 'AD7413G', 'TJJZB4AA1', 4], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 11, 'Senior Corporal Kobayashi Nagai', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 13, 'AC651BI', 'QJJZ34AA1', 3], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 19, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Giichiro Inoue', 'Feint', 'Untried', 0, 0, 19, 'A4771CO', 'BJJZH4AA1', 0], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 9, 'Warrant Officer Nishino Iwane', 'Tentative', 'Poor', 'No Effect', '33% Probable', 12, 'A4311DH', 'OJJZ64AA1', 0], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 26, 'Senior Sergeant Matsumi nakano', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 29, 'A44807Y', 'CJJZ44AE1', 0]] Element: Sqn47 ['H', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 12, 'Senior Major Takeo Takahashi', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 12, 'A44522H', 'UJJZ04A4M', 1]] Element: Sqn40 ['A', 2, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Masahiko Sasahara', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AC341YM', 'RJJZI4ACO', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 30, 'Senior Major Matsumi nakano', 'Cautious', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 30, 'A3611XZ', 'TJJZO4A3J', 0]] Element: Sqn11 ['B', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, '1st Lieutenant Michihiro Sugawara', 'Aggressive', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AC030XM', 'CJJZI4ACP', 'Target']] Element: Sqn05 ['F', 6, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 11, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko', 'Feint', 'Very poor', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 11, 'A3650IG', 'JJJZ34A3I', 0], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 18, 'Senior Captain Kentaro Takatsuka', 'Surprise', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 18, 'AC220JN', 'HJJZC4ACQ', 4], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 22, 'Senior Captain Tsuneo Torikai', 'Standard', 'Untried', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 22, 'A3480KR', 'UJJZI4A3S', 0], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 30, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Special', 'Ace of Aces', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 30, 'AC361EZ', 'MJJZ14ACM', 4], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 20, 'Senior Major Somo Tatebayashi', 'Feint', 'Untried', 0, 0, 20, 'A38518P', 'UJJZI4A3H', 0], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 18, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Shusaku ENDO', 'Unorthodox', 'Untried', 0, 0, 18, 'A4541RN', 'PJJZ24A4K', 1]] Element: Sqn31 ['B', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hoichi Yoshii', 'Tentative', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'AB741GM', 'AJJZ34ABI', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Delayed', 'Warrant Officer Takeo Iwaguro', 'Buzz', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '=0001IM', '0JJZ62AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 10, 'Warrant Officer Toru Shinomiya', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '30711JM', 'SJJZI4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 25, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Special', 'Ace', 0, 0, 27, 'AB340WW', 'TJJZ54AA1', 2]] Element: Sqn43 ['D', 2, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 11, '2nd Lieutenant Higashikuni Morihiro', 'Tentative', 'Trained', 0, 0, 11, 'A4172AG', 'CJJZ94A4U', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 16, 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Competent', 0, 0, 16, 'AB011QL', '6JJZL4ABQ', 3]] Element: Sqn12 ['C', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'AB6706M', 'KJJZK4ABL', 'Target']] Total Strike Force after In-stream losses: 54 Dictionary saved to initial_attack_data.txt Senior Captain Bee, Hamilton Prioleau 1st Lieutenant Paul R. Cochran Element: 46 Sqn 0 ['46 Sqn: 0', 4, ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, '1st Lieutenant William Wall', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '2222005', '3FJZ5F22S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 15, '1st Lieutenant Thomas Howard DuVal', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '222201F', 'AFJZLF22S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Jeremiah J. Hamilton', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '222202B', 'WFJZ9F22S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Thomas R. Hudd', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '222203B', 'HFJZ8F22S', 'Target']] Element: 46 Sqn 1 ['46 Sqn 0', 2, ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Alfred Beckley', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '2D1804B', 'GFJZ2F2DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Morse, Henry Bagg', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '2D1805C', 'PFJZBF2DS', 'Target']] Element: 47 Sqn 2 ['46 Sqn 1', 3, ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, 'Senior Major Sumner, Edwin Vose Jr.', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '777307B', '6FJZRF77S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Samuel A. Talcott', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '777308B', 'WFJZIF77S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 14, '1st Lieutenant John H. James', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '777309E', '4FJZ8F77S', 'Target']] Element: 47 Sqn 3 ['47 Sqn 2', 3, ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, 'Junior Captain Perry, Alexander James', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '72850AB', 'GFJZRF72S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, 'Junior Captain Michael Gladych', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '72850BC', 'EFJZAF72S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, 'Junior Captain William M. Levy', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '72850CB', 'JFJZ2F72S', 'Target']] Element: 47 Sqn 4 ['47 Sqn 3', 12, ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, 'Senior Captain Joe L. Mason', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '7A110D5', 'VFJZIF7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Hill, Charles W.', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '7A110EA', 'EFJZCF7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Hazard, John Gardner', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '7A110FC', 'DFJZ7F7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, '1st Lieutenant Julian Bryant', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '7A110G5', 'JFJZ4F7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant William R. Kane', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '7A760HB', 'IFJZ2F7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Franklin N. Burley', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '7A760IB', '0FJZ1F7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant William C. Wallace', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '7A760JB', '5FJZ5F7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Neal Brown', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '7A760KB', 'NFJZCF7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 17, '2nd Lieutenant Francis Babbitt', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '7A110LH', 'FFJZ9F7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Bernard Goldsmith', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '7A110MB', 'CFJZ5F7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 14, '1st Lieutenant Hiram J. Ball', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '7A110NE', '9FJZLF7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Young Harris', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '7A110OB', 'JFJZFF7AS', 'Target']] Element: 47 Sqn 5 ['47 Sqn 4', 3, ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 15, 'Senior Major Earl May', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'A7880PF', 'NFJZ2FA7S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Richard K. Sanford', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'A7880QB', 'SFJZEFA7S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant John G. Baxter', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, 'A7880RB', 'BFJZ9FA7S', 'Target']] Element: 47 Sqn 6 ['47 Sqn 5', 3, ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, 'Senior Captain Francis E. Pierce Jr.', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, 'A2710SB', '4FJZ2FA2S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '2nd Lieutenant Mariano D. Papy', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, 'A2710TC', 'HFJZ6FA2S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 13, 'Junior Captain Joseph Z. Matte', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'A2710VD', '6FJZRFA2S', 'Target']] Element: 72 Sqn 7 ['47 Sqn 6', 6, ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 8, '1st Lieutenant Ely, Ralph', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AA280W8', 'OFJZQFAAS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Charles C. Montgomery', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, 'AA280XB', 'AFJZCFAAS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Charles Perkins Thompson', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AA280YB', 'OFJZIFAAS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant W. W. Phelps', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AA280ZC', 'JFJZ7FAAS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Edward E. Hunt', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'AA1810B', 'IFJZRFAAS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant William E. Kilcrease', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AA1811B', 'FFJZOFAAS', 'Target']] Element: 72 Sqn 8 ['72 Sqn 7', 3, ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Daniel R. Rehm Jr.', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, 'AD1412B', 'BFJZLFADS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Hudnutt, Joseph O.', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AD1413C', 'JFJZ9FADS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant James D. Patton', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, 'AD1414B', '7FJZ9FADS', 'Target']] Element: 72 Sqn 9 ['72 Sqn 8', 3, ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Churchill, Thomas J.', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '272315A', 'VFJZ6F27S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, '1st Lieutenant John Mason Martin', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '2723165', 'NFJZ6F27S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Morehead, Turner Gustavus', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '272317B', '0FJZRF27S', 'Target']] Element: 72 Sqn A ['72 Sqn 9', 8, ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 17, '1st Lieutenant Hall, Cyrus', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '2A2418H', '0FJZRF2AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Wiley, Aquila', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '2A2419B', 'QFJZ0F2AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Pinckney, Joseph Conselyea', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '2A241AB', 'EFJZFF2AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Julius Rockwell', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '2A241BC', 'AFJZ5F2AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, '1st Lieutenant Robert Milner Echols', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '2A281C5', 'NFJZ8F2AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Stephen Thomas', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '2A281DB', 'SFJZIF2AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Andrew Z. McCarty', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '2A281EC', 'QFJZ8F2AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 15, '1st Lieutenant Hurd, John Ricker', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '2A281FF', 'GFJZGF2AS', 'Target']] Element: 72 Sqn B ['72 Sqn A', 8, ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, 'Senior Captain Sumner, Edwin Vose Jr.', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '7D271GB', '7FJZPF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, '1st Lieutenant Harry T. Hanna', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '7D271H5', '2FJZXF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant William Warner', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '7D271IC', '3FJZIF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Richard I. Bong', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '7D271JC', 'WFJZKF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant David A. Secombe', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '7D171KC', 'DFJZ2F7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 17, '2nd Lieutenant Constantine C. Esty', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '7D171LH', 'EFJZFF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, '1st Lieutenant Gregory. K. Loesch', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '7D171M5', 'AFJZWF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant John S. Stewart', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '7D171NC', 'GFJZ8F7DS', 'Target']] Element: 73 Sqn C ['72 Sqn B', 8, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 13, 'Junior Captain Herman Taubeneck', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '3B761OD', 'BFJZLF3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Burnell W. Adams', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '3B761PC', '2FJZ9F3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Bowerman, Richard Neville', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '3B761QC', 'XFJZRF3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 17, '1st Lieutenant Chester K. Maxwell', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '3B761RH', 'VFJZ6F3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Randolph Guggenheimer', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '3B711SB', 'TFJZEF3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Horace H. Coolidge', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '3B711TB', 'QFJZOF3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, 'Junior Captain Horatio N. Davis', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '3B711UB', 'IFJZLF3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 14, '1st Lieutenant Morgan Rawls', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '3B711VE', 'UFJZOF3BS', 'Target']] Element: 73 Sqn D ['73 Sqn C', 3, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Andrew Kennedy', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '56881WC', '6FJZ7F56S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant George E. Dawkins Jr.', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '56881XB', 'KFJZSF56S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 13, '1st Lieutenant Charles F. Mitchell', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '56881YD', '5FJZLF56S', 'Target']] Element: Flight: E ['73 Sqn D', 6, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 17, 'Senior Major Hamilton Coolidge', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '4B171ZH', 'XFJZUF4BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant George P. Webster', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '4B1720C', 'IFJZ9F4BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 14, '1st Lieutenant Smith, Charles Edward', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '4B1721E', 'LFJZRF4BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant William E. Bartling', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '4B1722B', '1FJZPF4BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, 'Junior Captain Alfred Moore Scales', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '4B2123C', 'OFJZ9F4BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Robert A. Karr', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '4B2124C', 'FFJZHF4BS', 'Target']] Element: Flight: F ['74 Sqn E', 2, ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Horace Harrison', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '4C2825C', '1FJZ2F4CS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Isaac De Groff Nelson', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '4C2826B', 'FFJZOF4CS', 'Target']] Element: Flight: G ['45 Sqn F', 3, ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Merriwell W. Vineyard', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '6A7727B', 'GFJZXF6AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 15, '1st Lieutenant Grindlay, James Glass', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '6A7728F', '0FJZOF6AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 14, '1st Lieutenant James Taylor Ellyson', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '6A7729E', '0FJZEF6AS', 'Target']] Element: Flight: H ['46 Sqn G', 4, ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant George A. Bagley', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '5B712BB', '0FJZ8F5BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Lovell Rousseau', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '5B712CC', '3FJZCF5BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant William C. Reese', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '5B712DB', 'HFJZLF5BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Caleb L. Smith', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '5B122EB', 'SFJZCF5BS', 'Target']] Element: 47 SqnI ['47 Sqn H', 2, ['Flight: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant William M. McCarty', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AE162FA', 'IFJZOFAES', 'Target'], ['Flight: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Don A. J. Upham', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AE162HB', 'FFJZLFAES', 'Target']] Element: Escort: 0 ['46 Sqn: 0', 4, ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, 'Senior Major Ernest C. Fiebelkorn', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '35852IC', 'PFJZEF35S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Kilgour, William Mather', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '35852JB', 'QFJZ4F35S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 17, '1st Lieutenant Macauley, Daniel', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '35852KH', 'AFJZBF35S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Jens Fredrick Larson', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '35852LB', 'OFJZOF35S', 'Target']] Element: Escort: 1 ['46 Sqn: 0', 4, ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Francis A. Thomas', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '55282MB', 'BFJZFF55S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant James J. Pascoe', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '55282NB', 'SFJZJF55S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant William M. Robinson', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '55282OC', 'TFJZEF55S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Ferdinand Brucker', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '55282PB', 'NFJZ2F55S', 'Target']] Element: Escort: 2 ['46 Sqn 0', 1, ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant William McDaniel', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'AB172QA', 'VFJZ4FABS', 'Target']] Element: Escort: 3 ['46 Sqn 1', 4, ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, 'Senior Major Elliott, Samuel Mackenzie', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '68712R5', 'EFJZ8F68S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Chambers, Alexander', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '68712SB', '3FJZRF68S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 17, 'Senior Major George H. Davidson', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '68712TH', '8FJZVF68S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, 'Junior Captain Philo Miner Lonsbury', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '68712UC', 'BFJZBF68S', 'Target']] Element: Escort: 4 ['46 Sqn 1', 4, ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 14, '1st Lieutenant Bert D. (Wayne) Morris Jr.', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '45182VE', '1FJZLF45S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 13, '1st Lieutenant Thomas J. Dryer', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '45182WD', '3FJZFF45S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, 'Junior Captain Weld, Stephen Minot Jr.', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '45182X5', 'RFJZDF45S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Nelson La Due', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '45182YB', 'SFJZ9F45S', 'Target']] Total Escort Force losses after In Stream losses: 103 Dictionary saved to escort_streamdata.txt EG in ELEMENT GROUP ['Element A', 'V-4', 'F41234100000010123455', 'V-6', 'F41234100000011123455', 'V-7', 'F41234100000015123455', 'V-12', 'X41234100000000123455', 'V-15', 'F41234100000000123455', 5] EG in ELEMENT GROUP ['Element B', 'V-55', 'F41234100000000123455', 1] EG in ELEMENT GROUP ['Element C', 'V-49', 'F41234100000048123455', 'V-50', 'F41234100000025123455', 'V-51', 'F41234100000001123455', 'V-52', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-53', 'F41234100000025123455', 5] EG in ELEMENT GROUP ['Element D', 'V-45', 'F41234100000136123455', 'V-47', 'F41234100000016123455', 'V-48', 'F41234100000052123455', 'V-37', 'S41234100000022123455', 4] EG in ELEMENT GROUP ['Element E', 'V-16', 'F41234100000006123455', 'V-23', 'F41234100000021123455', 'V-31', 'F41234100000015123455', 'V-33', 'F41234100000059123455', 4] Current Ship: V-4 INSPIRATION Op_active: 1 at height: 13 len(T_force): 22 Current Ship: V-6 POISON LIL Op_active: 2 at height: 5 len(T_force): 22 Current Ship: V-7 RAMP QUEEN Op_active: 3 at height: 12 len(T_force): 22 Current Ship: V-12 WAGGED WASCAL Op_active: 4 at height: 12 len(T_force): 22 Current Ship: V-15 Combat Mission Op_active: 5 at height: 12 len(T_force): 22 Current Ship: V-16 CITY OF JASPER Op_active: 6 at height: 12 len(T_force): 22 Current Ship: V-23 LASSIES ELEVEN Op_active: 7 at height: 11 len(T_force): 22 Current Ship: V-25 READY BETTIE Op_active: 8 at height: 17 len(T_force): 22 Current Ship: V-31 SWEET ELOISE Op_active: 9 at height: 15 len(T_force): 22 Current Ship: V-33 DREAM GIRL Op_active: 10 at height: 11 len(T_force): 22 Current Ship: V-36 MIGHT FINE Op_active: 11 at height: 6 len(T_force): 22 Current Ship: V-37 UMBRIAGODATS MY BOY Op_active: 12 at height: 8 len(T_force): 22 Current Ship: V-45 Ballings Crew Op_active: 13 at height: 11 len(T_force): 22 Current Ship: V-47 Frank Crew Op_active: 14 at height: 12 len(T_force): 22 Current Ship: V-48 Cruz Crew Op_active: 15 at height: 11 len(T_force): 22 Current Ship: V-49 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Op_active: 16 at height: 10 len(T_force): 22 Current Ship: V-50 TWENTIETH CENTURY LTD Op_active: 17 at height: 16 len(T_force): 22 Current Ship: V-51 Reese Crew Op_active: 18 at height: 11 len(T_force): 22 Current Ship: V-52 Larsen Crew Op_active: 19 at height: 11 len(T_force): 22 Current Ship: V-53 McKenzie Crew Op_active: 20 at height: 11 len(T_force): 22 V-53 : [14] Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone: 13 McKenzie Crew has passed her NAV check! Ship fine - continues on mission! Current Ship: V-55 Barnett Crew Op_active: 21 at height: 10 len(T_force): 22 Current Ship: V-60 SITTIN PRETTY Op_active: 22 at height: 12 len(T_force): 22 Current Element in ELEMENT GROUP ['Element A', 'V-4', 'F41234100000010123455', 'V-6', 'F41234100000011123455', 'V-7', 'F41234100000015123455', 'V-12', 'X41234100000000123455', 'V-15', 'F41234100000000123455', 13, 5] Current 'Guns' ACN: Element A Current Weather: 1 Current Visibility: 0 Number of Elements: 1 Number of Flak Positions: : 35 Visibility for this mission is: 5 9 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 1 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 6 guns [92, 98, 110, 105, 97, 111, 119, 97, 88, 71, 56, 62, 56, 54, 45, 40, 41, 23, 25, 27, 15, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 57, 0, 0, 0, 0] 98 [96, 0, 0, 0, 119, 111, 90] 96 Current Barrage Intensity: 90.0 Seconds Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 11 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 2 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 22, 28, 34, 50, 48, 61, 67, 81, 88, 93, 92, 89, 98, 107, 120, 118, 99, 88, 90, 100, 83, 67, 71, 70, 50, 0, 0, 0] 0 [97, 0, 0, 125, 98, 0, 0] 97 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 2 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 AA Gun position 2 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 5 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 3 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 4 guns [88, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 39, 59, 65, 75, 94, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [103, 0, 0, 0, 121, 113, 0] 103 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 3 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 AA Gun position 3 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 11 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 4 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [68, 58, 73, 84, 92, 78, 78, 70, 70, 50, 39, 24, 12, 7, 4, 1, 7, 17, 37, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0] 92 [27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 27 Current Barrage Intensity: 20.0 Seconds AA Gun position 4 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 20 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 10 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 5 is a battery of Type 88- 75mm consisting of 6 guns [118, 113, 113, 111, 122, 131, 130, 132, 122, 117, 123, 103, 88, 82, 90, 75, 75, 71, 72, 72, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 96, 0, 0, 0, 0] 131 [0, 123, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 5 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 5 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 9 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 6 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 4 guns [99, 114, 117, 124, 132, 143, 136, 145, 146, 137, 117, 123, 112, 117, 123, 128, 123, 115, 116, 119, 108, 91, 86, 92, 98, 81, 77, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 76, 0] 136 [119, 110, 0, 0, 0, 82, 0] 119 Current Barrage Intensity: 160.0 Seconds AA Gun position 6 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 AA Gun position 6 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 5 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 7 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 4 guns [63, 64, 54, 44, 58, 52, 60, 72, 90, 80, 93, 107, 117, 115, 121, 129, 116, 120, 119, 124, 116, 126, 110, 109, 101, 91, 74, 0, 0, 0, 46, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 72 [0, 0, 112, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 7 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 5 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 8 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 4 guns [0, 0, 67, 60, 51, 65, 80, 78, 70, 61, 76, 73, 80, 99, 87, 81, 83, 80, 70, 65, 70, 78, 58, 50, 31, 34, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 70 [87, 0, 0, 112, 0, 0, 0] 87 Current Barrage Intensity: 60.0 Seconds Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 6 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 9 is a battery of Navy Type 96 - 25mm consisting of 3 guns [88, 90, 103, 90, 100, 93, 74, 56, 47, 48, 47, 42, 29, 14, 13, 4, 21, 18, 34, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 67, 0, 0] 48 [25, 0, 0, 0, 47, 0, 0] 25 Current Barrage Intensity: 10.0 Seconds AA Gun position 9 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 10 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 10 is a battery of Type 88- 75mm consisting of 6 guns [34, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 62, 63, 62, 58, 77, 97, 92, 98, 91, 96, 90, 106, 105, 116, 126, 119, 91, 93, 76, 73, 70, 64, 57, 51] 0 [98, 92, 81, 0, 0, 0, 99] 98 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 10 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 10 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 11 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 11 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [114, 97, 97, 97, 98, 81, 70, 80, 89, 85, 77, 57, 45, 45, 39, 31, 26, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 24, 0] 57 [104, 79, 88, 0, 0, 0, 0] 104 Current Barrage Intensity: 50.0 Seconds Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 9 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 12 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 6 guns [27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 36, 47, 64, 73, 83, 84, 78, 80, 95, 95, 104, 117, 118, 122, 142, 116, 99, 95, 76, 61, 57, 40, 45, 44, 51] 47 [108, 0, 0, 115, 0, 0, 0] 108 Current Barrage Intensity: 50.0 Seconds AA Gun position 12 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 AA Gun position 12 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 8 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 13 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 6 guns [44, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 52, 59, 64, 55, 69, 71, 77, 86, 0] 0 [89, 0, 0, 114, 0, 0, 0] 89 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 13 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 9 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 14 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 6 guns [0, 0, 0, 81, 73, 75, 82, 95, 98, 99, 114, 104, 103, 131, 122, 123, 114, 112, 120, 123, 131, 117, 97, 95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 122 [0, 0, 111, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 14 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 7 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 15 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 4 guns [128, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 40, 44, 61, 66, 75, 77, 85, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [61, 0, 0, 0, 76, 0, 0] 61 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 5 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 16 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [124, 105, 99, 100, 108, 103, 108, 97, 106, 90, 90, 91, 80, 72, 55, 44, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0] 0 [118, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 121] 118 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 16 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 7 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 17 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 2 guns [69, 59, 70, 89, 121, 113, 96, 98, 93, 100, 98, 90, 72, 64, 62, 68, 77, 84, 86, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 36, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 84 [45, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 45 Current Barrage Intensity: 30.0 Seconds AA Gun position 17 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 32 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 2 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 18 is a battery of Type 4 - 75mm consisting of 4 guns [70, 64, 73, 93, 109, 108, 108, 104, 100, 84, 0, 0, 0, 62, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [106, 0, 0, 0, 96, 0, 0] 106 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 18 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 7 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 19 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 4 guns [74, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 41, 56, 46, 45, 57, 47, 57, 76, 83, 97, 98, 95, 89, 103, 112, 124, 131, 137, 117, 97, 86, 93, 94, 90, 95, 82, 0] 98 [0, 0, 0, 96, 89, 94, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 19 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 19 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 5 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 20 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 4 guns [76, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 89, 100, 107, 113, 105, 111, 104, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 105 [102, 114, 120, 118, 0, 0, 91] 102 Current Barrage Intensity: 100.0 Seconds AA Gun position 20 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 20 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Approach Flak 127 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 159 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 8 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 21 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 4 guns [9, 0, 0, 37, 57, 62, 80, 84, 81, 96, 88, 103, 105, 96, 107, 106, 113, 96, 90, 70, 60, 42, 48, 34, 16, 16, 21, 13, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 42 [103, 0, 0, 0, 0, 125, 0] 103 Current Barrage Intensity: 40.0 Seconds Flak Position 21 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 21 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 10 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 22 is a battery of Type 88- 75mm consisting of 8 guns [10, 28, 35, 49, 53, 67, 65, 71, 81, 86, 110, 115, 98, 103, 107, 91, 81, 82, 67, 72, 66, 65, 55, 52, 47, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0] 55 [0, 118, 91, 104, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 5 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 23 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [35, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 73, 74, 68, 64, 74, 77, 90, 106, 104, 119, 131, 99, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 119 [0, 0, 86, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 23 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 23 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 4 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 24 is a battery of Type 99 - 88mm consisting of 1 guns [88, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 66, 82, 97, 111, 102, 106, 106, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 66 [0, 0, 119, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 24 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 24 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 9 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 25 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 8 guns [11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 140, 132, 128, 120, 122, 117, 112, 115, 111, 118, 110, 111, 112, 109, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 111 [118, 0, 0, 0, 108, 122, 0] 118 Current Barrage Intensity: 130.0 Seconds AA Gun position 25 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 25 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 5 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 26 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 4 guns [141, 137, 128, 130, 123, 115, 107, 108, 125, 122, 122, 107, 96, 105, 88, 76, 83, 83, 66, 49, 59, 51, 54, 63, 67, 53, 34, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 95, 0] 34 [87, 83, 0, 0, 0, 78, 0] 87 Current Barrage Intensity: 20.0 Seconds AA Gun position 26 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 26 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Approach Flak 28 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 35 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 8 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 27 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 6 guns [29, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 89, 85, 86, 92, 84, 95, 102, 106, 114, 112, 109, 107, 122, 103, 108, 95, 105, 104, 103, 105, 90, 72, 58, 49, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 72 [112, 113, 96, 0, 0, 0, 0] 112 Current Barrage Intensity: 80.0 Seconds AA Gun position 27 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 3 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 28 is a battery of Type 99 - 88mm consisting of 6 guns [51, 64, 57, 61, 79, 84, 91, 99, 93, 128, 129, 110, 111, 99, 83, 71, 75, 68, 74, 71, 77, 68, 78, 58, 62, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 21, 0, 0] 0 [112, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 76] 112 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 28 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 AA Gun position 28 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 4 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 29 is a battery of Type 99 - 88mm consisting of 3 guns [124, 125, 139, 138, 146, 144, 134, 113, 109, 90, 76, 80, 81, 65, 64, 54, 62, 44, 27, 29, 34, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 81, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [73, 0, 0, 0, 0, 105, 108] 73 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 29 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 29 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 11 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 30 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [71, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 87, 81, 74, 67, 78, 89, 80, 80, 91, 86, 78, 98, 117, 114, 117, 94, 0, 0, 0] 114 [110, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 110 Current Barrage Intensity: 120.0 Seconds AA Gun position 30 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 119 Departing Fire was very proximate! 67 The number #1 Salvo caused the following Damage: Aircraft #1: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Very high Rear Fusilage The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 2 Aircraft #2: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Frontal Burst The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 0 ========================================== Raw damage on this sector of the flak line is 2 hits! Current Element: ['Element A', 'V-4', 'F41234100000010123455', 'V-6', 'F41234100000011123455', 'V-7', 'F41234100000015123455', 'V-12', 'X41234100000000123455', 'V-15', 'F41234100000000123455', 13, 5] Element A F41234100000010123455 F41234100000011123455 F41234100000015123455 X41234100000000123455 F41234100000000123455 ========================================== 3 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 31 is a battery of Type 99 - 88mm consisting of 2 guns [126, 118, 110, 119, 102, 92, 86, 88, 93, 103, 102, 83, 79, 81, 89, 73, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [0, 121, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 31 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 9 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 32 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 8 guns [118, 137, 137, 86, 83, 74, 80, 88, 92, 98, 95, 89, 72, 55, 57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 79, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [0, 0, 103, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 32 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 7 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 33 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [103, 0, 0, 0, 0, 118, 118, 115, 111, 108, 109, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [89, 0, 0, 0, 114, 111, 0] 89 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 33 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 AA Gun position 33 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 1 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 34 is a battery of Navy Type 98 100mm consisting of 1 guns [78, 94, 87, 98, 100, 83, 72, 61, 64, 73, 61, 58, 48, 47, 55, 46, 49, 56, 57, 67, 50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 57, 0, 0, 0] 0 [102, 0, 0, 0, 71, 122, 0] 102 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 34 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 34 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Commence Bomb Drop! Cloud Roll: -4 WATCC: Poor Current Lead/Straggler: V-4 Current Aircraft: V-60 3 Nordon_accuracy: 0 Visibility_accuracy: -2 Drift_accuracy: 6 Re-Run: True Secondary target: True Final N ratio: 4 IP NORDON Approach: 0 -1 BR_Precision_roll: 0 : 4 BR_Precision_roll: 1 : 1 BR_Precision_roll: 2 : 5 BR_Precision_roll: 3 : 3 BM[0] 1 Initial reporting accuracy was nearly achieved IP: 0 CEP: Bombed Secondary! Bombing Result: 134 10 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 35 is a battery of Type 88- 75mm consisting of 12 guns [34, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 123, 118, 122, 114, 122, 128, 123, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [107, 117, 0, 0, 0, 117, 0] 107 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds V-4 [0, 0, 0] V-6 [0, 0, 0] V-7 [0, 0, 0] V-12 [0, 0, '2'] V-15 [0, 0, '0'] V-4 [0, 0, 0] V-6 [0, 0, 0] V-7 [0, 0, 0] V-12 [0, 0, '2'] V-15 [0, 0, '0'] Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! V-4 [0, 0, 0] V-6 [0, 0, 0] V-7 [0, 0, 0] V-12 [0, 0, '2'] Initial Fire: 1 BIT: 8 Fire Now; 0 Engines; 4 Shot_up_roll 2 3 / 3 2 / 3 AC_roll: 2 V-12 Rough landing Severity: 0 Parameter M: -3 Long-term Damage; 1 Guns: X41234101000003103403 Superficial Damage: 1 VPS: 3 AC Lost: Rough landing Crew Loss: ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Safe', 'B', 'Safe', 'D', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'L', 'Safe', 'R', 'Safe', 'C', 'Serious lost balance', 'T', 'Painful lost balance', 'N', 'Safe', 'I', 'Safe', 'A', 'Safe', 'P', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken'] CCT: ['V-7', False, 'F41234100000000123455', [], 0, 0, 'V-25', False, 'F41234100000036123455', ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Lucky Escape'], 0, 0, 'V-60', False, 'F41234100000049123455', ['E', 'Mild Disorientated', 'O', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken'], 0, 9, 'V-36', True, 'X31204108000054003453', ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Lucky Escape', 'B', 'Safe', 'D', 'Safe', 'L', 'Safe', 'R', 'Mild Bumped Chest', 'C', 'Safe', 'T', 'Safe', 'N', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'I', 'Serious Fall', 'A', 'Safe', 'P', 'Painful Bumped Arm'], 8, 11, 'V-16', False, 'F41234100000006123455', [], 0, 0] C_ele: V-12 V-15 [0, 0, '0'] V-4 bombed as Lead Aircraft of ['Element A', 'V-4', 'F41234100000010123455', 'V-6', 'F41234100000011123455', 'V-7', 'F41234100000015123455', 'V-12', 'X41234101000003103403', 'V-15', 'F41234100000000123455', 13, 5] at Bombing Height: 13 Element Received sporadic Flak: 1 total damage! ES V-4 EG ['Element A', 'V-4', 'F41234100000010123455', 'V-6', 'F41234100000011123455', 'V-7', 'F41234100000015123455', 'V-12', 'X41234101000003103403', 'V-15', 'F41234100000000123455', 13, 5] F Heights 13 V-4 bombed with main Element at Bombing Height: 13 Current 'Guns' ACN: F41234100000144123455 ES V-6 EG ['Element A', 'V-4', 'F41234100000144123455', 'V-6', 'F41234100000011123455', 'V-7', 'F41234100000015123455', 'V-12', 'X41234101000003103403', 'V-15', 'F41234100000000123455', 13, 5] F Heights 5 V-6 bombed with main Element at Bombing Height: 5 Current 'Guns' ACN: F41234100000145123455 ES V-7 EG ['Element A', 'V-4', 'F41234100000144123455', 'V-6', 'F41234100000145123455', 'V-7', 'F41234100000015123455', 'V-12', 'X41234101000003103403', 'V-15', 'F41234100000000123455', 13, 5] F Heights 12 V-7 bombed with main Element at Bombing Height: 12 Current 'Guns' ACN: F41234100000149123455 ES V-12 EG ['Element A', 'V-4', 'F41234100000144123455', 'V-6', 'F41234100000145123455', 'V-7', 'F41234100000149123455', 'V-12', 'X41234101000003103403', 'V-15', 'F41234100000000123455', 13, 5] X Heights 12 V-12 bombed with main Element at Bombing Height: 12 Current 'Guns' ACN: X41234100000137103403 ES V-15 EG ['Element A', 'V-4', 'F41234100000144123455', 'V-6', 'F41234100000145123455', 'V-7', 'F41234100000149123455', 'V-12', 'X41234100000137103403', 'V-15', 'F41234100000000123455', 13, 5] F Heights 12 V-15 bombed with main Element at Bombing Height: 12 Current 'Guns' ACN: F41234100000134123455 Current Element in ELEMENT GROUP ['Element B', 'V-55', 'F41234100000000123455', 13, 1] Current 'Guns' ACN: Element B Current Weather: 1 Current Visibility: 0 Number of Elements: 1 Number of Flak Positions: : 35 Visibility for this mission is: 5 9 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 1 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 12 guns [24, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 6, 2, 18, 30, 45, 54, 51, 65, 74, 65, 79, 78, 76, 131, 117, 122, 120, 111, 112, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [108, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 120] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 1 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 11 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 2 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 8 guns [38, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17, 11, 19, 33, 30, 30, 49, 46, 60, 77, 92, 97, 93, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [122, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 2 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 5 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 3 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [110, 98, 78, 61, 46, 34, 20, 3, 7, 24, 37, 34, 48, 46, 37, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 61 [64, 0, 0, 0, 60, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 3 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 3 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 11 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 4 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 76, 80, 100, 97, 96, 96, 91, 85, 105, 120, 111, 111, 121, 0] 0 [0, 105, 77, 90, 0, 0, 0] 105 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 4 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 10 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 5 is a battery of Type 88- 75mm consisting of 6 guns [46, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 43, 53, 45, 63, 63, 81, 77, 70, 86, 88, 79, 71, 102, 95, 104, 114, 96, 104, 104, 92, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [111, 99, 111, 0, 0, 0, 0] 99 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 5 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 9 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 6 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 18 guns [50, 48, 50, 50, 69, 100, 104, 108, 116, 119, 101, 81, 77, 84, 85, 66, 75, 58, 46, 54, 63, 51, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 22, 0] 104 [78, 0, 0, 0, 74, 78, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 6 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 6 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 5 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 7 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [56, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 66, 70, 63, 60, 73, 84, 97, 88, 87, 90, 82, 86, 80, 103, 108, 106, 108, 118, 114, 113, 93, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [114, 0, 0, 0, 87, 77, 97] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 7 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 5 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 8 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [74, 70, 62, 62, 59, 76, 81, 83, 90, 128, 108, 108, 92, 76, 77, 84, 80, 80, 74, 64, 49, 30, 32, 24, 21, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 53, 0, 0, 0] 90 [102, 86, 84, 0, 0, 0, 0] 86 Current Barrage Intensity: 70.0 Seconds AA Gun position 8 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 45 ========================================== ========================================== 6 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 9 is a battery of Navy Type 96 - 25mm consisting of 4 guns [97, 114, 109, 100, 108, 108, 111, 92, 98, 102, 111, 102, 105, 93, 73, 62, 53, 58, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6] 102 [76, 0, 0, 114, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 9 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 9 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 10 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 10 is a battery of Type 88- 75mm consisting of 4 guns [133, 136, 141, 141, 121, 131, 119, 120, 130, 124, 106, 97, 105, 101, 106, 92, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 61, 0, 0] 106 [90, 0, 0, 0, 127, 119, 110] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 10 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 10 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 10 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 11 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 11 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 12 guns [0, 0, 0, 0, 59, 66, 86, 81, 97, 95, 85, 79, 76, 91, 93, 105, 119, 125, 110, 107, 108, 89, 73, 76, 64, 58, 57, 56, 37, 17, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 79 [84, 0, 0, 0, 0, 98, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 11 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 AA Gun position 11 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 9 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 12 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 6 guns [73, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 11, 28, 40, 53, 48, 67, 64, 60, 59, 57, 69, 70, 80, 84, 84, 0] 0 [97, 0, 0, 0, 0, 87, 96] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 12 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 12 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 12 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 8 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 13 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 18 guns [122, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, 18, 15, 15, 34, 33, 36, 30, 30, 26, 32, 33, 44, 62, 73, 136, 144, 142, 146, 147, 149, 152, 156, 153, 137, 0, 0, 0] 33 [0, 81, 96, 120, 101, 100, 0] 81 Current Barrage Intensity: 20.0 Seconds Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 9 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 14 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 6 guns [62, 61, 52, 56, 48, 59, 52, 53, 70, 68, 62, 71, 80, 96, 97, 91, 74, 57, 40, 38, 45, 52, 38, 30, 21, 10, 16, 22, 5, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 0] 97 [0, 0, 90, 103, 98, 100, 109] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 14 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 7 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 15 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [73, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 15, 28, 40, 42, 56, 62, 57, 77, 71, 90, 95, 106, 130, 125, 105, 91, 85, 75, 81, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 56 [92, 0, 0, 0, 75, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 15 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 15 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== 5 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 16 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 28, 39, 51, 70, 85, 78, 90, 93, 97, 92, 91, 111, 105, 89, 74, 60, 56, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 70 [0, 70, 77, 88, 0, 0, 0] 70 Current Barrage Intensity: 40.0 Seconds AA Gun position 16 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 59 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 7 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 17 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 3 guns [121, 126, 134, 139, 129, 126, 116, 113, 133, 121, 116, 96, 99, 99, 82, 89, 85, 68, 73, 62, 67, 54, 37, 37, 41, 39, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 102, 0] 68 [94, 0, 0, 108, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 17 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 17 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 17 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 2 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 18 is a battery of Type 4 - 75mm consisting of 3 guns [74, 86, 102, 103, 118, 136, 135, 80, 76, 61, 66, 72, 67, 60, 42, 33, 0, 0, 0, 72, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [0, 82, 79, 83, 92, 74, 0] 82 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 7 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 19 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 4 guns [0, 15, 29, 26, 16, 35, 40, 52, 46, 49, 56, 58, 68, 82, 93, 112, 117, 112, 103, 93, 99, 89, 78, 79, 60, 52, 62, 71, 61, 52, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 93 [102, 0, 0, 0, 75, 118, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 19 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 19 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 5 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 20 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [73, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 78, 91, 88, 85, 92, 83, 97, 94, 90, 97, 103, 105, 115, 121, 135, 140, 0] 91 [0, 116, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 116 Current Barrage Intensity: 100.0 Seconds AA Gun position 20 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 20 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 20 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 292 ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 365 Target Fire was proximate! 336 ========================================== ========================================== The number #3 Salvo caused the following Damage: Aircraft #1: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Amid Frontal right Burst The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 3 Aircraft #2: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Direct Rear The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 0 Aircraft #3: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Unobserved The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 0 Aircraft #4: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Direct Rear The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 0 ========================================== Raw damage on this sector of the flak line is 3 hits! Current Element: ['Element B', 'V-55', 'F41234100000000123455', 13, 1] Element B F41234100000000123455 The number #4 Salvo caused the following Damage: Aircraft #1: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: High Left Rear Burst The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 2 ========================================== Raw damage on this sector of the flak line is 2 hits! Current Element: ['Element B', 'V-55', 'F41234100000000123455', 13, 1] Element B F41234100000000123455 The number #5 Salvo caused the following Damage: Aircraft #1: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: High Extreme Left - near friendly plane The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 3 ========================================== Raw damage on this sector of the flak line is 3 hits! Current Element: ['Element B', 'V-55', 'F41234100000000123455', 13, 1] Element B F41234100000000123455 Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 243 ========================================== ========================================== 8 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 21 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 12 guns [137, 98, 100, 101, 103, 99, 84, 73, 75, 70, 71, 65, 45, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 91, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [98, 0, 0, 0, 86, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 21 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 10 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 22 is a battery of Type 88- 75mm consisting of 12 guns [0, 0, 29, 35, 49, 58, 58, 66, 75, 69, 79, 79, 70, 69, 83, 97, 102, 109, 103, 101, 88, 82, 69, 54, 64, 72, 57, 45, 41, 26, 15, 21, 17, 0, 0, 0] 69 [120, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 102] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 22 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 22 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 5 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 23 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 4 guns [110, 122, 84, 71, 59, 50, 45, 39, 38, 28, 31, 21, 30, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 98, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [119, 0, 0, 0, 88, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 23 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 4 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 24 is a battery of Type 99 - 88mm consisting of 4 guns [0, 0, 82, 76, 74, 81, 96, 102, 105, 107, 110, 105, 127, 124, 115, 112, 117, 101, 94, 101, 84, 67, 52, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [118, 0, 0, 0, 0, 112, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 24 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 9 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 25 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 2 guns [39, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 36, 50, 56, 62, 75, 81, 86, 93, 101, 93, 86, 101, 101, 115, 119, 109, 115, 0, 0] 101 [130, 0, 0, 0, 75, 65, 110] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 25 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 25 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 5 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 26 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [117, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 74, 76, 90, 93, 88, 94, 111, 113, 108, 101, 99, 116, 124, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 108 [0, 76, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 76 Current Barrage Intensity: 80.0 Seconds Current Lead/Straggler: V-55 Current Aircraft: V-60 3 Nordon_accuracy: 3 Visibility_accuracy: -21 Bombed by radar! Drift_accuracy: 5 Re-Run: False Secondary target: False Final N ratio: 3 Poor Approach: -3 BR_Precision_roll: 0 : 8 BM[0] 8 BR_precision: Target Shook BR_precision: C.E.P = 2500 feet Claimed_BR_precision: 3 mines successfully dropped! 2500 180 0.0075 -0.8011526357338304 -0.5984600690578581 2.99399 4.99551 Initial reporting accuracy was exaggerated IP: Unidentified CEP: C.E.P = 2500 feet Bombing Result: 53 8 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 27 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 8 guns [45, 0, 0, 0, 0, 135, 152, 142, 150, 150, 141, 135, 129, 129, 146, 136, 103, 100, 99, 107, 99, 102, 108, 106, 95, 76, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [101, 0, 0, 112, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 27 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 3 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 28 is a battery of Type 99 - 88mm consisting of 6 guns [55, 0, 0, 36, 36, 27, 15, 3, 8, 20, 37, 51, 71, 81, 72, 75, 64, 73, 78, 78, 83, 69, 72, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [0, 89, 90, 124, 123, 114, 0] 89 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 28 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 28 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 28 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 4 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 29 is a battery of Type 99 - 88mm consisting of 2 guns [42, 50, 63, 75, 82, 99, 109, 113, 93, 92, 85, 79, 63, 55, 61, 62, 61, 56, 41, 46, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 23, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [81, 105, 94, 0, 0, 0, 0] 105 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 29 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 29 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 11 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 30 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 4 guns [94, 86, 106, 96, 86, 94, 100, 108, 95, 77, 77, 67, 77, 74, 62, 64, 51, 57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 34, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [99, 0, 0, 0, 114, 106, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 30 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 30 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 3 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 31 is a battery of Type 99 - 88mm consisting of 6 guns [12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 56, 60, 79, 74, 88, 93, 86, 98, 92, 86, 82, 95, 111, 111, 116, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [0, 71, 88, 125, 116, 103, 0] 71 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 31 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 9 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 32 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 6 guns [159, 149, 148, 149, 139, 95, 76, 86, 82, 81, 67, 75, 69, 62, 45, 37, 41, 51, 33, 39, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 105, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [57, 0, 0, 135, 77, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 32 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 32 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 32 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 7 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 33 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 2 guns [57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 34, 53, 58, 73, 73, 93, 92, 108, 112, 116, 113, 108, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [95, 80, 85, 89, 0, 0, 82] 80 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 1 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 34 is a battery of Navy Type 98 100mm consisting of 2 guns [46, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 107, 108, 124, 120, 140, 134, 130, 144, 147, 137, 132, 129, 135, 121, 125, 128, 125, 132, 131, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [0, 116, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 116 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 34 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 10 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 35 is a battery of Type 88- 75mm consisting of 12 guns [119, 116, 130, 133, 126, 134, 126, 127, 110, 111, 98, 108, 96, 91, 89, 78, 84, 91, 84, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12, 0, 0, 0] 0 [0, 96, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 96 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 35 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 AA Gun position 35 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== V-55 [0, 3, 0] V-55 [0, 3, 0] Initial Fire: 1 BIT: 3 Fire Now; 0 Engines; 4 Shot_up_roll 3 Parameter M: 0 Long-term Damage; 0 Guns: F41234100000006120453 Superficial Damage: 2 VPS: 6 AC Lost: False Crew Loss: ['E', 'Painful Needed Assistance', 'O', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'B', 'Superficial Bumped Hand', 'D', 'Safe', 'L', 'Safe', 'R', 'Safe'] CCT: ['V-7', False, 'F41234100000000123455', [], 0, 0, 'V-25', False, 'F41234100000036123455', ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Lucky Escape'], 0, 0, 'V-60', False, 'F41234100000049123455', ['E', 'Mild Disorientated', 'O', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken'], 0, 9, 'V-36', True, 'X31204108000054003453', ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Lucky Escape', 'B', 'Safe', 'D', 'Safe', 'L', 'Safe', 'R', 'Mild Bumped Chest', 'C', 'Safe', 'T', 'Safe', 'N', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'I', 'Serious Fall', 'A', 'Safe', 'P', 'Painful Bumped Arm'], 8, 11, 'V-16', False, 'F41234100000006123455', [], 0, 0, 'V-12', 'Rough landing', 'X41234101000003103403', ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Safe', 'B', 'Safe', 'D', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'L', 'Safe', 'R', 'Safe', 'C', 'Serious lost balance', 'T', 'Painful lost balance', 'N', 'Safe', 'I', 'Safe', 'A', 'Safe', 'P', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken'], 1, 3] C_ele: V-55 Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== V-55 [0, 0, 0] V-55 bombed as Lead Aircraft of ['Element B', 'V-55', 'F41234100000000123455', 13, 1] at Bombing Height: 13 Element Received significant Flak: 8 total damage! ES V-55 EG ['Element B', 'V-55', 'F41234100000000123455', 13, 1] F Heights 13 V-55 bombed with main Element at Bombing Height: 13 Current 'Guns' ACN: F41234100000053123455 Current Element in ELEMENT GROUP ['Element C', 'V-49', 'F41234100000048123455', 'V-50', 'F41234100000025123455', 'V-51', 'F41234100000001123455', 'V-52', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-53', 'F41234100000025123455', 13, 5] Current 'Guns' ACN: Element C Current Weather: 1 Current Visibility: 0 Number of Elements: 1 Number of Flak Positions: : 35 Visibility for this mission is: 5 9 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 1 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 8 guns [71, 69, 81, 87, 83, 80, 75, 94, 90, 88, 88, 82, 76, 66, 60, 60, 49, 47, 50, 38, 32, 30, 20, 21, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 66, 0, 0] 69 [0, 0, 88, 77, 115, 109, 97] 88 Current Barrage Intensity: 60.0 Seconds AA Gun position 1 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 AA Gun position 1 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 11 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 2 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 4 guns [58, 0, 0, 0, 0, 58, 51, 71, 82, 73, 66, 77, 82, 77, 94, 96, 101, 96, 76, 76, 72, 61, 68, 64, 74, 74, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [0, 0, 88, 104, 86, 0, 0] 88 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 2 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 2 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 5 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 3 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 4 guns [105, 99, 111, 117, 105, 101, 106, 115, 120, 111, 105, 96, 96, 87, 81, 75, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 41, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 117 [0, 0, 110, 109, 97, 108, 89] 110 Current Barrage Intensity: 120.0 Seconds AA Gun position 3 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 AA Gun position 3 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 29 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 24 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 11 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 4 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [78, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 69, 80, 88, 98, 88, 90, 84, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [0, 113, 85, 65, 0, 0, 0] 85 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 4 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 4 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 4 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 10 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 5 is a battery of Type 88- 75mm consisting of 4 guns [66, 61, 61, 75, 65, 66, 82, 67, 64, 51, 35, 39, 44, 34, 43, 51, 50, 59, 48, 41, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 66 [0, 0, 73, 0, 0, 0, 0] 73 Current Barrage Intensity: 40.0 Seconds Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 9 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 6 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 6 guns [87, 93, 101, 111, 125, 127, 122, 107, 112, 108, 111, 119, 101, 90, 0, 0, 78, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 122 [0, 121, 85, 75, 0, 0, 0] 85 Current Barrage Intensity: 100.0 Seconds Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 5 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 7 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [128, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 80, 100, 107, 99, 98, 109, 103, 104, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [76, 0, 0, 0, 0, 121, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 7 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 5 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 8 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [86, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 62, 58, 70, 68, 61, 67, 62, 77, 68, 73, 64, 83, 74, 86, 99, 90, 121, 104, 106, 90, 73, 0] 0 [80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 56, 75] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 8 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 8 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 6 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 9 is a battery of Navy Type 96 - 25mm consisting of 4 guns [38, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 113, 106, 111, 121, 136, 134, 127, 124, 121, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [75, 0, 0, 0, 0, 88, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 9 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Current Lead/Straggler: V-49 Current Aircraft: V-60 3 Nordon_accuracy: 4 Visibility_accuracy: -10 Bombed by radar! Drift_accuracy: -2 Re-Run: False Secondary target: False Final N ratio: 1 IP NORDON Approach: 0 14 IP NORDON Approach: 1 14 IP NORDON Approach: 2 14 IP NORDON Approach: 3 1 IP NORDON Approach: 4 -2 IP NORDON Approach: 5 -3 BR_Precision_roll: 0 : 12 BR_Precision_roll: 1 : 0 BM[0] 25 Initial reporting accuracy was inaccurate!! IP: 5 CEP: Bombed Target of Opportunity! Bombing Result: -102 10 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 10 is a battery of Type 88- 75mm consisting of 6 guns [107, 127, 117, 112, 110, 100, 97, 87, 89, 83, 96, 102, 106, 116, 112, 110, 96, 94, 94, 104, 85, 82, 78, 66, 51, 37, 37, 0, 0, 0, 0, 105, 0, 0, 0, 0] 96 [122, 81, 74, 0, 0, 0, 0] 74 Current Barrage Intensity: 70.0 Seconds AA Gun position 10 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 AA Gun position 10 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 90 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 75 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 11 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 11 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [0, 0, 76, 91, 81, 92, 87, 87, 105, 98, 96, 113, 114, 104, 120, 137, 143, 136, 95, 89, 70, 53, 47, 43, 52, 43, 43, 32, 34, 29, 12, 22, 16, 24, 14, 0] 113 [79, 0, 0, 0, 120, 91, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 11 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 11 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 11 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 9 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 12 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 12 guns [85, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 21, 13, 28, 39, 57, 70, 64, 62, 61, 56, 75, 80, 101, 110, 109, 107, 89, 85, 69, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 39 [113, 0, 0, 0, 90, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 8 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 13 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 6 guns [26, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 54, 63, 60, 52, 51, 70, 65, 76, 66, 83, 83, 75, 81, 96, 92, 96] 0 [0, 103, 125, 130, 0, 0, 0] 125 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 9 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 14 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 8 guns [100, 93, 96, 115, 109, 121, 116, 118, 117, 122, 105, 96, 97, 107, 104, 90, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 112, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 104 [113, 0, 0, 0, 0, 110, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 14 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 14 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 14 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 7 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 15 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 8 guns [88, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 34, 33, 47, 40, 57, 64, 69, 86, 93, 135, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 57 [70, 0, 0, 109, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 15 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 5 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 16 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [126, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50, 55, 56, 68, 70, 77, 82, 91, 92, 82, 0] 0 [0, 85, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 16 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 16 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 7 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 17 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 4 guns [84, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 49, 59, 60, 66, 71, 68, 73, 93, 101, 0, 0, 0] 0 [81, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 110] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 17 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 17 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 17 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 2 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 18 is a battery of Type 4 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [107, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 43, 31, 16, 3, 7, 25, 40, 60, 70, 83, 83, 98, 108, 118] 0 [0, 0, 101, 100, 90, 0, 0] 101 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 18 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 18 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 18 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 7 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 19 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 4 guns [33, 0, 0, 0, 0, 21, 18, 30, 38, 49, 41, 52, 56, 58, 48, 50, 59, 74, 77, 83, 97, 87, 92, 74, 64, 49, 42, 25, 32, 28, 23, 18, 1, 18, 26, 18] 83 [101, 95, 100, 95, 0, 0, 96] 100 Current Barrage Intensity: 80.0 Seconds Flak Position 19 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Target Flak 158 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 5 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 20 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [58, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 78, 73, 67, 84, 90, 107, 108, 117, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 107 [84, 94, 80, 0, 0, 0, 87] 80 Current Barrage Intensity: 80.0 Seconds AA Gun position 20 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 20 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 20 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 271 ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 338 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 225 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 8 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 21 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 6 guns [47, 44, 39, 57, 69, 61, 74, 109, 119, 115, 109, 116, 123, 127, 118, 126, 124, 106, 107, 111, 105, 90, 83, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0] 90 [0, 0, 99, 98, 112, 0, 0] 99 Current Barrage Intensity: 80.0 Seconds AA Gun position 21 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 10 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 22 is a battery of Type 88- 75mm consisting of 4 guns [112, 123, 130, 133, 118, 126, 124, 126, 117, 125, 110, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 66, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [0, 0, 84, 0, 0, 0, 0] 84 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 22 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 5 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 23 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 36, 46, 39, 39, 55, 57, 65, 77, 89, 108, 80, 78, 72, 68, 51, 45, 31, 29, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 29 [97, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 23 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 23 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Target Flak 0 ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 4 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 24 is a battery of Type 99 - 88mm consisting of 6 guns [70, 72, 84, 94, 97, 115, 116, 90, 85, 85, 80, 71, 54, 35, 33, 18, 11, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [76, 0, 0, 0, 93, 101, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 24 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 9 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 25 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 24 guns [47, 44, 59, 50, 61, 69, 87, 79, 107, 109, 117, 115, 104, 93, 85, 84, 70, 79, 78, 85, 69, 75, 80, 81, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0] 0 [122, 116, 109, 0, 0, 0, 0] 109 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 25 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 25 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 25 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 5 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 26 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [45, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 24, 32, 33, 30, 41, 54, 68, 69, 69, 74, 78, 92, 0, 0, 0, 0] 68 [0, 0, 0, 62, 90, 91, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 8 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 27 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 6 guns [16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11, 23, 43, 35, 34, 25, 17, 35, 51, 43, 58, 60, 56, 63, 70, 81, 0, 0] 43 [35, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 27 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 AA Gun position 27 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 3 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 28 is a battery of Type 99 - 88mm consisting of 6 guns [37, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 62, 76, 84, 80, 76, 82, 76, 88, 95, 113, 132, 126, 124, 85, 70, 78, 76, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 78 [80, 94, 93, 92, 87, 0, 0] 93 Current Barrage Intensity: 70.0 Seconds AA Gun position 28 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 287 Approach Fire was very proximate! 116 at a bombing height of: 13 ========================================== The number #2 Salvo caused the following Damage: Aircraft #1: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Very high Far Rearward - near friendly plane The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 0 Aircraft #2: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Unobserved The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 0 Aircraft #3: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Far distant Rear The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 0 ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 4 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 29 is a battery of Type 99 - 88mm consisting of 4 guns [110, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 134, 125, 123, 140, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [0, 0, 90, 0, 0, 0, 0] 90 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 29 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== 11 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 30 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 4 guns [11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, 27, 38, 54, 48, 55, 53, 52, 59, 57, 70, 114, 96, 79, 67, 76, 74, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [79, 65, 117, 99, 93, 0, 0] 117 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 30 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 30 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Approach Flak 0 ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 3 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 31 is a battery of Type 99 - 88mm consisting of 4 guns [47, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50, 62, 75, 67, 87, 98, 106, 121, 128, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [0, 0, 78, 98, 114, 128, 119] 78 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 31 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 31 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Approach Flak 0 ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 9 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 32 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 4 guns [20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 44, 48, 41, 56, 50, 65, 69, 78, 79, 87, 107, 114, 118, 126, 125, 117, 110, 102, 91, 74, 61] 102 [99, 103, 112, 0, 0, 0, 112] 112 Current Barrage Intensity: 110.0 Seconds Flak Position 32 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 7 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 33 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 29, 24, 27, 24, 43, 43, 61, 58, 48, 64, 62, 74, 81, 79, 84] 81 [78, 0, 0, 0, 76, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 33 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 33 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 1 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 34 is a battery of Navy Type 98 100mm consisting of 3 guns [90, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 80, 77, 71, 75, 70, 73, 77, 69, 85, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [95, 100, 82, 82, 70, 0, 0] 82 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 34 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 AA Gun position 34 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 10 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 35 is a battery of Type 88- 75mm consisting of 12 guns [89, 108, 117, 124, 104, 94, 87, 95, 86, 68, 63, 65, 58, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 65, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [124, 128, 129, 0, 0, 0, 96] 129 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 35 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! V-49 bombed as Lead Aircraft of ['Element C', 'V-49', 'F41234100000048123455', 'V-50', 'F41234100000025123455', 'V-51', 'F41234100000001123455', 'V-52', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-53', 'F41234100000025123455', 13, 5] at Bombing Height: 13 Element Received sporadic Flak: 2 total damage! ES V-49 EG ['Element C', 'V-49', 'F41234100000048123455', 'V-50', 'F41234100000025123455', 'V-51', 'F41234100000001123455', 'V-52', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-53', 'F41234100000025123455', 13, 5] F Heights 13 V-49 bombed with main Element at Bombing Height: 13 Current 'Guns' ACN: F41234100000000123455 ES V-50 EG ['Element C', 'V-49', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-50', 'F41234100000025123455', 'V-51', 'F41234100000001123455', 'V-52', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-53', 'F41234100000025123455', 13, 5] F Heights 5 V-50 bombed with main Element at Bombing Height: 5 Current 'Guns' ACN: F41234100000000123455 ES V-51 EG ['Element C', 'V-49', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-50', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-51', 'F41234100000001123455', 'V-52', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-53', 'F41234100000025123455', 13, 5] F Heights 12 V-51 bombed with main Element at Bombing Height: 12 Current 'Guns' ACN: F41234100000000123455 ES V-52 EG ['Element C', 'V-49', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-50', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-51', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-52', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-53', 'F41234100000025123455', 13, 5] F Heights 12 V-52 bombed with main Element at Bombing Height: 12 Current 'Guns' ACN: F41234100000000123455 ES V-53 EG ['Element C', 'V-49', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-50', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-51', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-52', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-53', 'F41234100000025123455', 13, 5] F Heights 12 V-53 bombed with main Element at Bombing Height: 12 Current 'Guns' ACN: F41234100000000123455 Current Element in ELEMENT GROUP ['Element D', 'V-45', 'F41234100000136123455', 'V-47', 'F41234100000016123455', 'V-48', 'F41234100000052123455', 'V-37', 'S41234100000022123455', 13, 4] Current 'Guns' ACN: Element D Current Weather: 1 Current Visibility: 0 Number of Elements: 1 Number of Flak Positions: : 35 Visibility for this mission is: 5 9 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 1 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 6 guns [65, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 46, 44, 46, 61, 60, 67, 77, 87, 83, 83, 124, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [120, 0, 0, 0, 97, 83, 119] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 1 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 11 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 2 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 8 guns [125, 127, 114, 100, 88, 95, 101, 108, 114, 96, 99, 81, 65, 69, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 114 [123, 0, 0, 0, 123, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 2 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 2 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 2 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 5 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 3 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [104, 121, 123, 115, 110, 120, 104, 110, 95, 102, 104, 88, 90, 71, 71, 59, 45, 30, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 0, 0, 0, 0] 115 [76, 0, 0, 0, 126, 111, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 3 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 11 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 4 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [125, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 95, 113, 104, 113, 111, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [112, 0, 0, 0, 119, 102, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 4 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 AA Gun position 4 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 10 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 5 is a battery of Type 88- 75mm consisting of 6 guns [3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 1, 13, 10, 24, 43, 42, 43, 35, 46, 49, 63, 78, 93, 0, 0] 0 [0, 0, 73, 93, 79, 0, 0] 93 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 5 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 5 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 9 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 6 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 6 guns [91, 101, 116, 109, 100, 91, 91, 108, 114, 96, 84, 68, 52, 35, 22, 13, 17, 26, 33, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 90, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 91 [0, 118, 110, 87, 74, 81, 0] 87 Current Barrage Intensity: 70.0 Seconds Flak Position 6 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 5 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 7 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 2 guns [0, 0, 82, 85, 69, 75, 74, 66, 50, 39, 19, 12, 6, 23, 23, 40, 58, 62, 138, 143, 137, 145, 148, 145, 153, 154, 149, 135, 122, 112, 93, 89, 92, 77, 57, 0] 66 [78, 0, 0, 0, 0, 87, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 7 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 5 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 8 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 4 guns [20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 38, 49, 67, 85, 78, 74, 83, 91, 85, 86, 78, 75, 82, 94, 112, 105, 0, 0] 0 [69, 65, 90, 87, 95, 0, 0] 87 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 8 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 6 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 9 is a battery of Navy Type 96 - 25mm consisting of 6 guns [121, 113, 120, 111, 93, 84, 77, 77, 78, 62, 57, 48, 45, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 106, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 62 [93, 0, 0, 0, 112, 82, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 9 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== 10 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 10 is a battery of Type 88- 75mm consisting of 6 guns [68, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 122, 124, 137, 136, 137, 127, 129, 125, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 91] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 10 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 10 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 11 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 11 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 12 guns [43, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 23, 32, 30, 38, 34, 43, 46, 54, 73, 91, 90, 109, 112, 127, 85, 93, 0, 0] 0 [36, 0, 0, 102, 0, 0, 0] 102 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 11 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 9 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 12 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 4 guns [7, 0, 0, 3, 16, 6, 7, 3, 4, 4, 1, 19, 27, 45, 52, 72, 89, 88, 74, 71, 79, 64, 66, 74, 59, 58, 62, 57, 41, 25, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 27 [65, 0, 0, 0, 104, 104, 77] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 12 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 8 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 13 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 8 guns [74, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 8, 7, 20, 36, 50, 48, 57, 77, 88, 91, 139, 133, 122, 110, 109, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 20 [110, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 125] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 13 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 9 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 14 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 4 guns [76, 78, 84, 100, 99, 116, 110, 93, 79, 87, 74, 78, 87, 69, 68, 52, 50, 57, 51, 33, 36, 31, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17, 0] 68 [31, 0, 0, 0, 38, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 14 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 14 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 14 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 7 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 15 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [63, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 19, 26, 35, 51, 68, 87, 105, 0, 0, 0] 0 [0, 0, 97, 114, 107, 0, 0] 114 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 15 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 5 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 16 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [78, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 77, 69, 78, 76, 85, 83, 88, 86, 97, 114, 116, 122, 126, 136, 144, 134, 107, 113, 123, 132, 141, 128, 122, 121, 125, 109, 117, 118, 114, 0] 116 [0, 83, 120, 106, 0, 0, 0] 106 Current Barrage Intensity: 120.0 Seconds Flak Position 16 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Target Flak 239 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 7 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 17 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 2 guns [38, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 14, 6, 16, 11, 30, 26, 16, 25, 21, 27, 25, 36, 44, 58, 71, 81] 0 [122, 0, 0, 97, 90, 124, 122] 97 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 17 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 17 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 2 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 18 is a battery of Type 4 - 75mm consisting of 1 guns [72, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 22, 6, 12, 2, 13, 31, 32, 35, 54, 72, 68, 66, 69, 67, 82, 92, 140, 128, 136, 120, 109, 113, 111, 109, 95, 77, 79, 73] 68 [78, 0, 0, 0, 78, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 18 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 AA Gun position 18 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 7 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 19 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 5, 6, 4, 7, 6, 13, 32, 42, 60, 56, 53, 72, 83, 84, 135, 119, 102, 0, 0, 0] 7 [78, 0, 0, 99, 110, 81, 95] 99 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 19 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 19 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Target Flak 7 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 4 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 5 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 20 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 4 guns [86, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 69, 78, 81, 88, 82, 93, 106, 115, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [121, 0, 0, 0, 0, 108, 96] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 20 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 8 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 21 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 12 guns [77, 94, 121, 107, 87, 96, 81, 87, 92, 99, 91, 95, 105, 91, 98, 102, 88, 96, 105, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] 0 [109, 0, 0, 0, 71, 108, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 21 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 10 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 22 is a battery of Type 88- 75mm consisting of 12 guns [20, 28, 42, 46, 55, 62, 72, 67, 68, 92, 90, 87, 70, 62, 45, 50, 46, 28, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [113, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 121] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 22 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 5 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 23 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 2 guns [73, 71, 72, 73, 75, 71, 71, 83, 84, 80, 99, 105, 100, 102, 107, 113, 123, 124, 127, 122, 122, 132, 132, 128, 119, 118, 127, 116, 105, 105, 0, 0, 53, 0, 0, 0] 128 [0, 47, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 23 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 4 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 24 is a battery of Type 99 - 88mm consisting of 6 guns [27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 14, 14, 13, 13, 2, 21, 20, 31, 26, 43, 44, 64, 81, 81, 95, 99, 105, 0, 0, 0] 26 [117, 0, 0, 83, 69, 122, 128] 83 Current Barrage Intensity: 20.0 Seconds AA Gun position 24 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 24 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 24 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 49 ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 62 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 41 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 9 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 25 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 6 guns [78, 93, 96, 99, 96, 90, 90, 80, 83, 93, 111, 105, 105, 124, 129, 120, 100, 109, 110, 97, 100, 108, 104, 110, 112, 103, 92, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 103 [0, 0, 0, 117, 0, 0, 0] 117 Current Barrage Intensity: 120.0 Seconds AA Gun position 25 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 5 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 26 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 12 guns [0, 0, 98, 112, 102, 96, 115, 106, 136, 129, 127, 110, 116, 100, 110, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [0, 113, 101, 109, 0, 0, 0] 109 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 26 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 8 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 27 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 18 guns [66, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 83, 78, 69, 77, 70, 82, 82, 79, 85, 103, 104, 108, 124, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 104 [122, 76, 86, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 27 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 27 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 27 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 3 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 28 is a battery of Type 99 - 88mm consisting of 4 guns [35, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 68, 86, 82, 101, 104, 121, 129, 129, 95, 78, 86, 75, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [0, 119, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 28 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 AA Gun position 28 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 4 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 29 is a battery of Type 99 - 88mm consisting of 3 guns [81, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 16, 13, 6, 5, 0, 20, 31, 38, 33, 37, 34, 52, 54, 60, 77, 131, 137, 128, 138, 141, 143, 136, 140, 123] 128 [107, 97, 77, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 29 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 29 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Target Flak 0 ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 11 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 30 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [44, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 87, 77, 86, 88, 94, 107, 104, 114, 109, 105, 123, 118, 132, 122, 0, 0, 0] 118 [92, 0, 0, 0, 0, 96, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 30 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 3 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 31 is a battery of Type 99 - 88mm consisting of 4 guns [76, 0, 0, 0, 0, 49, 49, 61, 73, 92, 102, 100, 106, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [0, 0, 0, 85, 107, 104, 0] 85 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 31 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 AA Gun position 31 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 9 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 32 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 6 guns [62, 56, 69, 95, 91, 89, 85, 77, 68, 65, 73, 79, 78, 77, 61, 67, 76, 59, 45, 47, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 34] 0 [101, 0, 0, 0, 0, 97, 93] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 32 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 32 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 32 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Current Lead/Straggler: V-45 Current Aircraft: V-60 3 Nordon_accuracy: 5 Visibility_accuracy: -7 Bombed by radar! Drift_accuracy: 4 Re-Run: False Secondary target: False Final N ratio: 1 Poor Approach: 8 BR_Precision_roll: 0 : 32 BM[0] 25 Initial reporting accuracy was achieved IP: Unidentified CEP: Bombed Target of Opportunity! Bombing Result: -80 Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 7 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 33 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 4 guns [112, 126, 107, 91, 95, 104, 107, 115, 114, 94, 85, 93, 83, 77, 74, 83, 75, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 48, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [0, 0, 0, 77, 0, 0, 0] 77 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 33 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 1 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 34 is a battery of Navy Type 98 100mm consisting of 2 guns [99, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 117, 112, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [0, 0, 0, 86, 0, 0, 0] 86 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 34 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 10 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 35 is a battery of Type 88- 75mm consisting of 6 guns [13, 0, 0, 0, 25, 40, 36, 43, 51, 64, 69, 81, 71, 74, 68, 86, 106, 104, 99, 101, 96, 86, 82, 69, 75, 67, 68, 61, 70, 72, 72, 52, 36, 26, 14, 1] 1 [100, 0, 0, 0, 92, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 35 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! V-45 bombed as Lead Aircraft of ['Element D', 'V-45', 'F41234100000136123455', 'V-47', 'F41234100000016123455', 'V-48', 'F41234100000052123455', 'V-37', 'S41234100000022123455', 13, 4] at Bombing Height: 13 Element took no Flak. ES V-45 EG ['Element D', 'V-45', 'F41234100000136123455', 'V-47', 'F41234100000016123455', 'V-48', 'F41234100000052123455', 'V-37', 'S41234100000022123455', 13, 4] F Heights 13 V-45 bombed with main Element at Bombing Height: 13 Current 'Guns' ACN: F41234100000056123455 ES V-47 EG ['Element D', 'V-45', 'F41234100000056123455', 'V-47', 'F41234100000016123455', 'V-48', 'F41234100000052123455', 'V-37', 'S41234100000022123455', 13, 4] F Heights 5 V-47 bombed with main Element at Bombing Height: 5 Current 'Guns' ACN: F41234100000000123455 ES V-48 EG ['Element D', 'V-45', 'F41234100000056123455', 'V-47', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-48', 'F41234100000052123455', 'V-37', 'S41234100000022123455', 13, 4] F Heights 12 V-48 bombed with main Element at Bombing Height: 12 Current 'Guns' ACN: F41234100000000123455 ES V-37 EG ['Element D', 'V-45', 'F41234100000056123455', 'V-47', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-48', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-37', 'S41234100000022123455', 13, 4] S Heights 12 Current Weather: 1 Current Visibility: 0 Number of Elements: 1 Number of Flak Positions: : 35 Visibility for this mission is: 5 9 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 1 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 6 guns [63, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 57, 62, 65, 56, 50, 40, 50, 60, 57, 61, 62, 76, 92, 106, 113, 110, 101, 101, 89, 74, 64, 71, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [0, 126, 109, 95, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 1 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 11 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 2 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 4 guns [8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 14, 15, 15, 34, 53, 68, 94, 80, 66, 74, 76, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [0, 0, 82, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 2 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 5 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 3 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [107, 109, 111, 92, 80, 80, 82, 90, 73, 58, 58, 50, 50, 58, 46, 39, 48, 45, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0] 92 [108, 0, 0, 0, 112, 121, 95] 112 Current Barrage Intensity: 100.0 Seconds Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 11 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 4 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 4 guns [59, 50, 67, 86, 103, 105, 128, 114, 98, 81, 70, 78, 68, 51, 43, 44, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 69, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 103 [73, 92, 76, 80, 75, 0, 0] 75 Current Barrage Intensity: 70.0 Seconds AA Gun position 4 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 4 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 4 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 93 ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 116 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 77 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 10 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 5 is a battery of Type 88- 75mm consisting of 2 guns [6, 8, 11, 12, 28, 31, 47, 62, 79, 91, 97, 104, 94, 87, 85, 93, 95, 82, 62, 58, 40, 50, 48, 51, 35, 17, 9, 6, 0, 0, 0, 24, 0, 0, 0, 0] 31 [0, 0, 117, 104, 75, 70, 55] 75 Current Barrage Intensity: 20.0 Seconds AA Gun position 5 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 5 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 5 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 58 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 73 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 48 ========================================== ========================================== 9 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 6 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 12 guns [12, 24, 36, 48, 66, 82, 87, 89, 87, 79, 113, 94, 90, 81, 70, 70, 70, 63, 58, 57, 43, 26, 23, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 87 [120, 83, 98, 83, 0, 0, 109] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 6 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 6 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 5 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 7 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 13, 20, 2, 3, 19, 21, 18, 19, 37, 44, 57, 57, 68, 79, 83, 102, 118, 126, 116, 124, 108, 99, 92, 77, 75, 64, 72, 0] 0 [113, 92, 104, 112, 0, 0, 103] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 7 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 5 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 8 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 4 guns [17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 60, 63, 54, 60, 51, 71, 66, 84, 80, 81, 83, 92, 95, 90, 82, 86, 81, 63, 45, 55, 42, 49, 43, 23, 13, 6, 11, 10, 13, 11] 54 [0, 0, 0, 80, 80, 63, 0] 80 Current Barrage Intensity: 40.0 Seconds Flak Position 8 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Target Flak 115 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! 6 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 9 is a battery of Navy Type 96 - 25mm consisting of 4 guns [74, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 15, 20, 39, 40, 50, 61, 78, 84, 103, 110, 114, 133, 130, 105, 112, 118, 124, 118, 114, 117, 97, 106, 0, 0, 0, 0] 5 [85, 0, 0, 0, 0, 77, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 9 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 9 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 10 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 10 is a battery of Type 88- 75mm consisting of 6 guns [112, 112, 107, 107, 113, 111, 105, 86, 86, 90, 89, 69, 51, 47, 52, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 97, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 89 [100, 0, 0, 0, 49, 67, 119] 49 Current Barrage Intensity: 40.0 Seconds AA Gun position 10 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 57 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 11 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 11 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 8 guns [70, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 89, 88, 93, 113, 133, 123, 119, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [110, 0, 0, 0, 79, 69, 106] 79 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 11 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 11 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 11 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 9 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 12 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 6 guns [53, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 16, 26, 38, 45, 43, 42, 35, 42, 54, 74, 84, 89, 80, 92, 95, 102, 99, 83, 76, 59, 67, 73, 80, 89, 0, 0, 0] 45 [0, 0, 0, 105, 119, 124, 0] 119 Current Barrage Intensity: 50.0 Seconds Flak Position 12 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 12 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 8 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 13 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 2 guns [66, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 78, 79, 93, 84, 88, 91, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [0, 0, 0, 109, 111, 107, 0] 111 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 13 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 9 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 14 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 6 guns [0, 21, 34, 49, 52, 71, 71, 73, 65, 56, 69, 81, 86, 105, 98, 106, 112, 133, 140, 126, 128, 113, 100, 94, 88, 76, 63, 69, 71, 55, 60, 40, 38, 33, 0, 0] 98 [0, 0, 82, 90, 98, 100, 107] 98 Current Barrage Intensity: 90.0 Seconds AA Gun position 14 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 7 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 15 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 1 guns [85, 102, 92, 110, 100, 93, 106, 117, 98, 102, 87, 97, 96, 85, 89, 98, 106, 114, 0, 0, 0, 0, 44, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 98 [102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 95, 104] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 15 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 15 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 5 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 16 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [66, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 25, 23, 39, 36, 45, 64, 83, 82, 77, 92, 85, 76, 126, 132, 132, 134, 122, 127, 134, 122, 104, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 82 [0, 0, 72, 112, 111, 0, 0] 111 Current Barrage Intensity: 90.0 Seconds AA Gun position 16 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 16 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Approach Flak 125 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 157 ========================================== ========================================== Current Lead/Straggler: V-37 Current Aircraft: V-60 3 Nordon_accuracy: 2 Visibility_accuracy: 5 Drift_accuracy: 1 Re-Run: False Secondary target: False Final N ratio: 3 IP NORDON Approach: 0 -3 IP NORDON Approach: 1 -3 IP NORDON Approach: 2 -3 BR_Precision_roll: 0 : 14 BR_Precision_roll: 1 : 15 BR_Precision_roll: 2 : 10 BR_Precision_roll: 3 : 0 BM[0] 0 BR_precision: Target Annhilated BR_precision: C.E.P = 00 feet Claimed_BR_precision: 5 mines successfully dropped! 0 218 0.0 -0.9425245273294025 -0.33413697099017103 3.0 5.0 Initial reporting accuracy was very exaggerated IP: 2 CEP: C.E.P = 00 feet Bombing Result: 282 7 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 17 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [97, 134, 122, 113, 98, 103, 107, 105, 98, 88, 72, 81, 72, 74, 60, 55, 58, 62, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 39, 0] 62 [85, 105, 96, 110, 119, 0, 0] 119 Current Barrage Intensity: 70.0 Seconds AA Gun position 17 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 17 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Approach Flak 114 ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 143 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 2 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 18 is a battery of Type 4 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [55, 71, 84, 94, 87, 101, 83, 75, 72, 60, 59, 41, 38, 29, 31, 16, 25, 22, 25, 13, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 19, 0, 0, 0] 25 [0, 0, 123, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 18 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 7 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 19 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 4 guns [67, 71, 70, 66, 85, 108, 88, 89, 83, 77, 57, 62, 59, 54, 44, 39, 47, 44, 42, 37, 39, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12] 37 [108, 113, 99, 96, 0, 0, 111] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 19 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 19 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 5 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 20 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [82, 76, 79, 74, 65, 78, 73, 87, 99, 100, 92, 104, 85, 75, 56, 52, 37, 22, 3, 0, 16, 33, 31, 23, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 16 [0, 0, 110, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 20 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 20 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 8 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 21 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 6 guns [39, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17, 10, 12, 3, 15, 28, 26, 16, 19, 30, 22, 36, 33, 53, 67, 86, 91, 84, 70, 74, 75, 74, 71, 76, 0] 22 [102, 0, 0, 77, 90, 0, 0] 90 Current Barrage Intensity: 10.0 Seconds Flak Position 21 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 10 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 22 is a battery of Type 88- 75mm consisting of 4 guns [19, 31, 44, 35, 51, 54, 62, 80, 97, 102, 92, 96, 99, 95, 90, 96, 101, 92, 79, 80, 83, 66, 68, 59, 51, 41, 48, 29, 38, 46, 36, 0, 0, 0, 25, 0] 68 [0, 0, 76, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 22 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 5 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 23 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 2 guns [10, 21, 33, 36, 50, 54, 72, 72, 72, 81, 117, 108, 92, 91, 93, 95, 105, 111, 107, 96, 81, 65, 64, 55, 38, 39, 49, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15] 55 [93, 0, 0, 0, 98, 91, 0] 98 Current Barrage Intensity: 50.0 Seconds AA Gun position 23 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 77 ========================================== 4 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 24 is a battery of Type 99 - 88mm consisting of 3 guns [0, 0, 0, 52, 51, 51, 59, 65, 76, 83, 99, 89, 73, 71, 60, 40, 42, 45, 29, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [94, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 98] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 24 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 9 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 25 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 4 guns [0, 0, 30, 30, 44, 59, 54, 60, 50, 64, 75, 80, 99, 103, 111, 133, 141, 149, 154, 164, 169, 164, 152, 136, 143, 132, 116, 110, 109, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 132 [0, 91, 105, 107, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 25 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 25 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 5 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 26 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [88, 102, 95, 102, 98, 99, 109, 121, 111, 104, 97, 109, 103, 130, 123, 120, 108, 92, 83, 71, 74, 59, 59, 54, 40, 35, 34, 21, 29, 0, 0, 0, 92, 0, 0, 0] 34 [79, 78, 91, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 26 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 26 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 8 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 27 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 6 guns [82, 91, 89, 87, 90, 99, 131, 111, 100, 106, 95, 99, 95, 97, 99, 80, 79, 85, 74, 83, 67, 73, 81, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 63] 0 [111, 0, 0, 0, 0, 92, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 3 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 28 is a battery of Type 99 - 88mm consisting of 3 guns [17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 37, 43, 41, 35, 52, 42, 53, 71, 79, 93, 88, 103, 97, 117, 107, 108, 92, 81, 83, 86, 86, 89, 78, 0, 0, 0] 83 [105, 0, 0, 0, 0, 77, 95] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 28 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 4 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 29 is a battery of Type 99 - 88mm consisting of 6 guns [2, 0, 0, 30, 48, 58, 49, 41, 58, 61, 69, 74, 89, 104, 120, 119, 118, 104, 97, 87, 79, 63, 62, 42, 40, 48, 32, 27, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [115, 0, 0, 0, 94, 86, 0] 94 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 29 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 29 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 11 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 30 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [84, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 74, 90, 87, 107, 114, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [89, 92, 88, 0, 0, 0, 136] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 30 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 AA Gun position 30 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 3 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 31 is a battery of Type 99 - 88mm consisting of 2 guns [137, 129, 125, 130, 126, 116, 106, 99, 101, 92, 99, 86, 69, 66, 64, 72, 68, 64, 70, 68, 76, 74, 58, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 137, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [0, 0, 89, 81, 92, 0, 0] 92 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 31 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 9 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 32 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 6 guns [26, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 54, 53, 69, 76, 92, 82, 98, 99, 117, 117, 131, 128, 133, 132, 129, 119, 103, 92, 74, 73, 78, 60, 63, 62, 60, 59, 51, 51, 0] 59 [80, 109, 115, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 32 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 32 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 7 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 33 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 4 guns [40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32, 34, 24, 36, 44, 40, 34, 34, 51, 70, 80, 79, 95, 105, 106, 106, 140, 141, 137, 0] 141 [112, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 33 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 1 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 34 is a battery of Navy Type 98 100mm consisting of 6 guns [8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 116, 117, 123, 137, 135, 129, 121, 115, 123, 117, 109, 107, 115, 86, 71, 73, 70, 59, 64, 60, 59, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [0, 0, 0, 120, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 34 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 34 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Approach Flak 0 ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 10 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 35 is a battery of Type 88- 75mm consisting of 6 guns [5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 122, 134, 124, 129, 124, 124, 125, 115, 109, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [0, 95, 118, 110, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 35 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 35 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== V-37 bombed as Straggler at Bombing Height: 12 Element took no Flak. Current 'Guns' ACN: S41234100000304123455 Current Element in ELEMENT GROUP ['Element E', 'V-16', 'F41234100000006123455', 'V-23', 'F41234100000021123455', 'V-31', 'F41234100000015123455', 'V-33', 'F41234100000059123455', 13, 4] Current 'Guns' ACN: Element E Current Weather: 1 Current Visibility: 0 Number of Elements: 1 Number of Flak Positions: : 35 Visibility for this mission is: 5 9 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 1 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 6 guns [4, 14, 4, 5, 19, 39, 53, 69, 77, 87, 103, 94, 95, 79, 86, 67, 77, 62, 63, 71, 58, 46, 33, 22, 26, 26, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 14 [65, 0, 0, 0, 123, 116, 0] 116 Current Barrage Intensity: 10.0 Seconds Flak Position 1 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 1 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Target Flak 0 ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 11 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 2 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 4 guns [29, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 78, 95, 104, 110, 118, 108, 98, 100, 109, 127, 130, 124, 100, 85, 73, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [81, 0, 0, 0, 0, 130, 116] 130 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 2 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 AA Gun position 2 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier still under control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 5 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 3 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 4 guns [18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 76, 72, 89, 86, 101, 112, 116, 111, 128, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [102, 80, 75, 89, 0, 0, 114] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 3 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 3 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Current Lead/Straggler: V-16 Current Aircraft: V-60 3 Nordon_accuracy: -1 Visibility_accuracy: -12 Bombed by radar! Drift_accuracy: 4 Re-Run: False Secondary target: False Final N ratio: 1 IP NORDON Approach: 0 13 IP NORDON Approach: 1 11 IP NORDON Approach: 2 8 IP NORDON Approach: 3 3 IP NORDON Approach: 4 3 BR_Precision_roll: 0 : 1 BR_Precision_roll: 1 : 17 BR_Precision_roll: 2 : 10 BR_Precision_roll: 3 : 0 BM[0] 0 BR_precision: Target Annhilated BR_precision: C.E.P = 00 feet Claimed_BR_precision: 5 mines successfully dropped! 0 208 0.0 0.6090679301910603 0.7931180595679168 3.0 5.0 Initial reporting accuracy was understated! IP: 4 CEP: C.E.P = 00 feet Bombing Result: 304 Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 11 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 4 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [58, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 51, 61, 58, 63, 82, 82, 87, 105, 98, 105, 123, 119, 135, 138, 118, 108, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [0, 0, 0, 128, 111, 122, 0] 122 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 4 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 4 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 10 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 5 is a battery of Type 88- 75mm consisting of 6 guns [130, 122, 111, 107, 104, 87, 82, 75, 76, 84, 91, 75, 61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 87 [0, 96, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 5 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 5 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 9 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 6 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 6 guns [61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 90, 108, 107, 106, 117, 109, 103, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [0, 0, 83, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 6 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 5 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 7 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 12 guns [75, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 9, 23, 43, 33, 35, 43, 45, 49, 56, 49, 57, 70, 71, 133, 142, 143, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [0, 0, 86, 93, 88, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 7 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 7 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 5 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 8 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 4 guns [36, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 77, 74, 91, 88, 94, 90, 91, 85, 90, 96, 90, 98, 107, 112, 109, 89, 75, 72, 66, 55, 48, 54, 50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 77 [101, 0, 0, 89, 113, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 8 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 8 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 6 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 9 is a battery of Navy Type 96 - 25mm consisting of 6 guns [63, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 52, 59, 71, 89, 87, 106, 97, 92, 98, 102, 96, 96, 113, 103, 114, 99, 104, 99, 97, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [99, 0, 0, 0, 129, 123, 0] 123 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 10 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 10 is a battery of Type 88- 75mm consisting of 6 guns [23, 0, 0, 0, 7, 8, 9, 23, 36, 46, 60, 75, 89, 101, 94, 98, 98, 88, 116, 96, 83, 88, 89, 76, 56, 38, 30, 36, 20, 30, 37, 37, 0, 0, 0, 0] 60 [0, 93, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 10 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 10 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 11 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 11 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 4 guns [79, 83, 84, 91, 101, 88, 68, 62, 43, 48, 44, 52, 41, 37, 17, 14, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 82, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 52 [83, 0, 0, 128, 86, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 9 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 12 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 8 guns [20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 26, 45, 65, 85, 88, 92, 106, 96, 94, 89, 81, 77, 87, 88, 72, 72, 77, 70, 70, 57, 59, 63, 53, 56, 52, 0, 0, 0] 88 [125, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 12 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 12 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 12 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 8 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 13 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 6 guns [62, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 46, 46, 53, 48, 68, 74, 84, 91, 93, 90, 110, 101, 92, 94, 124, 122, 114, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [109, 0, 0, 0, 85, 101, 0] 101 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 13 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 13 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 9 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 14 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 6 guns [85, 100, 103, 106, 110, 128, 129, 112, 96, 94, 98, 97, 80, 80, 81, 89, 82, 92, 73, 70, 54, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0] 81 [118, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 105] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 14 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 7 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 15 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [23, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 60, 50, 64, 55, 67, 86, 83, 89, 83, 87, 107, 98, 102, 120, 131, 131, 0, 0] 0 [92, 0, 0, 0, 104, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 15 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 15 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 5 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 16 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [75, 79, 96, 97, 88, 139, 143, 146, 140, 139, 138, 119, 123, 118, 101, 93, 78, 72, 68, 63, 45, 26, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15] 78 [0, 0, 99, 81, 63, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 16 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 16 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 16 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 7 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 17 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 1 guns [69, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 39, 43, 57, 62, 74, 91, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [80, 0, 0, 114, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 17 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 17 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 2 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 18 is a battery of Type 4 - 75mm consisting of 3 guns [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 71, 80, 78, 80, 70, 69, 75, 90, 105, 110, 108, 119, 122, 127, 140, 0, 0] 0 [87, 0, 0, 42, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 18 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 7 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 19 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 2 guns [96, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11, 19, 19, 7, 10, 20, 39, 54, 48, 51, 43, 41, 57, 76, 82, 84, 122, 115, 117, 108, 96, 97, 101, 102, 103, 100, 96, 105, 101, 85, 95] 82 [101, 0, 0, 0, 0, 128, 120] 128 Current Barrage Intensity: 100.0 Seconds Flak Position 19 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Target Flak 37 ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 5 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 20 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 6 guns [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 60, 69, 72, 77, 96, 100, 94, 99, 113, 124, 117, 110, 119, 129, 131, 128, 109, 108, 100, 90, 71, 68, 53, 53, 48, 43, 28, 36, 0] 129 [117, 113, 122, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 20 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 20 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 8 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 21 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 6 guns [37, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 63, 59, 64, 79, 76, 88, 79, 93, 111, 101, 120, 95, 87, 67, 69, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 95 [76, 0, 0, 0, 87, 90, 0] 90 Current Barrage Intensity: 80.0 Seconds Flak Position 21 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 10 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 22 is a battery of Type 88- 75mm consisting of 6 guns [84, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 90, 87, 82, 93, 95, 99, 93, 106, 123, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [116, 0, 0, 0, 0, 123, 0] 123 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 5 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 23 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 4 guns [51, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 107, 110, 123, 114, 112, 126, 118, 128, 118, 115, 132, 130, 0, 0, 0, 0] 114 [87, 0, 0, 0, 121, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 23 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 23 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 23 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 4 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 24 is a battery of Type 99 - 88mm consisting of 6 guns [99, 97, 103, 109, 99, 106, 110, 112, 93, 95, 96, 101, 86, 85, 71, 60, 45, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [111, 0, 0, 102, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 24 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 24 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 9 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 25 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 6 guns [115, 109, 112, 111, 101, 91, 109, 109, 117, 81, 68, 70, 51, 38, 45, 31, 25, 9, 5, 6, 1, 11, 22, 22, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 104, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [0, 0, 119, 82, 77, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 25 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 5 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 26 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 2 guns [24, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 85, 99, 113, 110, 118, 110, 126, 124, 114, 128, 125, 136, 148, 138, 132, 147, 87, 74, 70, 54, 0] 136 [0, 90, 95, 103, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 26 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 26 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 8 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 27 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 18 guns [0, 0, 3, 20, 12, 29, 21, 36, 46, 61, 62, 79, 71, 65, 74, 85, 108, 101, 95, 80, 70, 51, 34, 29, 20, 18, 19, 5, 0, 9, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 5 [90, 0, 0, 0, 123, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 27 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 3 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 28 is a battery of Type 99 - 88mm consisting of 6 guns [116, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 112, 112, 109, 115, 107, 116, 136, 126, 0, 0, 0] 115 [76, 0, 0, 0, 90, 75, 0] 75 Current Barrage Intensity: 80.0 Seconds AA Gun position 28 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 AA Gun position 28 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Approach Flak 210 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 175 Departing Fire was proximate! 175 The number #1 Salvo caused the following Damage: Aircraft #1: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Low Center left Burst The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 19 ========================================== Raw damage on this sector of the flak line is hits! Current Element: ['Element E', 'V-16', 'F41234100000006123455', 'V-23', 'F41234100000021123455', 'V-31', 'F41234100000015123455', 'V-33', 'F41234100000059123455', 13, 4] Element E F41234100000006123455 F41234100000021123455 F41234100000015123455 F41234100000059123455 ========================================== The number #3 Salvo caused the following Damage: Aircraft #1: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Very high Center right Burst The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 1 Aircraft #2: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Extreme Left - near friendly plane The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 0 Aircraft #3: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Left Rear Burst The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 0 Aircraft #4: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Far distant right The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 0 ========================================== Raw damage on this sector of the flak line is 1 hits! Current Element: ['Element E', 'V-16', 'F41234100000006123455', 'V-23', 'F41234100000021123455', 'V-31', 'F41234100000015123455', 'V-33', 'F41234100000059123455', 13, 4] Element E F41234100000006123455 F41234100000021123455 F41234100000015123455 F41234100000059123455 4 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 29 is a battery of Type 99 - 88mm consisting of 4 guns [32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 47, 58, 72, 91, 81, 100, 92, 90, 110, 115, 134, 126, 86, 82, 83, 82, 91, 71, 65, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [0, 109, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 29 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 11 This battery is in the Flak Box!! AA Gun Position # 30 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 8 guns [27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 75, 80, 78, 89, 100, 93, 109, 126, 122, 120, 119, 129, 119, 135, 132, 82, 67, 63, 67, 64, 74, 63, 59, 39, 0, 0] 74 [0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 30 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 30 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== 3 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 31 is a battery of Type 99 - 88mm consisting of 4 guns [57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33, 23, 26, 7, 3, 21, 37, 34, 32, 45, 36, 35, 43, 59, 77, 75, 140, 135, 143, 0] 75 [95, 0, 0, 0, 91, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 31 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 9 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 32 is a battery of Type 98 - 20mm consisting of 12 guns [0, 12, 7, 10, 16, 2, 6, 26, 46, 66, 84, 85, 118, 111, 111, 98, 106, 100, 95, 101, 82, 82, 88, 68, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 [70, 122, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 7 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 33 is a battery of Type 88 - 75mm consisting of 2 guns [38, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 60, 68, 75, 74, 94, 84, 78, 73, 78, 79, 89, 86, 84, 96, 107, 126, 128] 107 [90, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 113] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds Flak Position 33 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! AA Gun position 33 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== 1 This battery is in the 75 deg Line! AA Gun Position # 34 is a battery of Navy Type 98 100mm consisting of 4 guns [13, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 71, 73, 63, 57, 74, 65, 69, 60, 74, 71, 83, 98, 95, 112, 0, 0] 0 [100, 0, 0, 0, 90, 95, 0] 95 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 34 directed approaching flak against Element: 1 Flak Position 34 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run! Approach Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Target Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! 10 This battery is under subordinate control. AA Gun Position # 35 is a battery of Type 88- 75mm consisting of 12 guns [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 51, 63, 54, 54, 65, 70, 61, 51, 68, 79, 81, 78, 80, 97, 114, 104, 84, 64, 52, 59, 51, 35, 0] 0 [112, 0, 0, 0, 94, 0, 0] 0 Current Barrage Intensity: 0.0 Seconds AA Gun position 35 will direct departing flak against Element: 1 V-16 [0, 0, 0] V-23 [0, 0, 19] V-31 [0, 0, 0] V-33 [0, 0, 0] V-16 [0, 0, 0] V-23 [0, 0, 19] V-31 [0, 0, 0] V-33 [0, 0, 0] Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft! Departing Flak 0 ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== V-16 [0, 0, 0] V-23 [0, 0, 19] Initial Fire: 4 BIT: 52 Fire Now; 0 Engines; 4 Parameter M: 0 Long-term Damage; 6 Guns: F41234106000045120053 Superficial Damage: 5 VPS: 24 AC Lost: False Crew Loss: ['E', 'Superficial Disorientated', 'O', 'Painful Foot wound', 'B', 'Painful Bumped leg', 'D', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'L', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'R', 'Safe', 'C', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'T', 'Serious Stomach Injury'] CCT: ['V-7', False, 'F41234100000000123455', [], 0, 0, 'V-25', False, 'F41234100000036123455', ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Lucky Escape'], 0, 0, 'V-60', False, 'F41234100000049123455', ['E', 'Mild Disorientated', 'O', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken'], 0, 9, 'V-36', True, 'X31204108000054003453', ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Lucky Escape', 'B', 'Safe', 'D', 'Safe', 'L', 'Safe', 'R', 'Mild Bumped Chest', 'C', 'Safe', 'T', 'Safe', 'N', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'I', 'Serious Fall', 'A', 'Safe', 'P', 'Painful Bumped Arm'], 8, 11, 'V-16', False, 'F41234100000006123455', [], 0, 0, 'V-12', 'Rough landing', 'X41234101000003103403', ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Safe', 'B', 'Safe', 'D', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'L', 'Safe', 'R', 'Safe', 'C', 'Serious lost balance', 'T', 'Painful lost balance', 'N', 'Safe', 'I', 'Safe', 'A', 'Safe', 'P', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken'], 1, 3, 'V-55', False, 'F41234100000006120453', ['E', 'Painful Needed Assistance', 'O', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'B', 'Superficial Bumped Hand', 'D', 'Safe', 'L', 'Safe', 'R', 'Safe'], 0, 6] C_ele: V-23 V-31 [0, 0, 0] V-33 [0, 0, 0] V-16 bombed as Lead Aircraft of ['Element E', 'V-16', 'F41234100000006123455', 'V-23', 'F41234106000045120053', 'V-31', 'F41234100000015123455', 'V-33', 'F41234100000059123455', 13, 4] at Bombing Height: 13 Element Received significant Flak: 4 total damage! ES V-16 EG ['Element E', 'V-16', 'F41234100000006123455', 'V-23', 'F41234106000045120053', 'V-31', 'F41234100000015123455', 'V-33', 'F41234100000059123455', 13, 4] F Heights 13 V-16 bombed with main Element at Bombing Height: 13 Current 'Guns' ACN: F41234100000310123455 ES V-23 EG ['Element E', 'V-16', 'F41234100000310123455', 'V-23', 'F41234106000045120053', 'V-31', 'F41234100000015123455', 'V-33', 'F41234100000059123455', 13, 4] F Heights 5 V-23 bombed with main Element at Bombing Height: 5 Current 'Guns' ACN: F41234100000349120053 ES V-31 EG ['Element E', 'V-16', 'F41234100000310123455', 'V-23', 'F41234100000349120053', 'V-31', 'F41234100000015123455', 'V-33', 'F41234100000059123455', 13, 4] F Heights 12 V-31 bombed with main Element at Bombing Height: 12 Current 'Guns' ACN: F41234100000319123455 ES V-33 EG ['Element E', 'V-16', 'F41234100000310123455', 'V-23', 'F41234100000349120053', 'V-31', 'F41234100000319123455', 'V-33', 'F41234100000059123455', 13, 4] F Heights 12 V-33 bombed with main Element at Bombing Height: 12 Current 'Guns' ACN: F41234100000363123455 This aircraft has aborted: V-12 ================================ Total Initial Salvoes: 7 Total Accurate Salvoes: 16 Total Damage inflicted: 15 ================================ D Force Element: Sqn02 ['C', 2, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 9, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Skilled', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 13, '[46208I', '1JJZO4AE1', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 24, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 25, 'AA231KU', '4JJZL4AD1', 1]] Element: Sqn22 ['C', 0] Element: Sqn32 ['C', 0] Element: Sqn35 ['F', 0] Element: Sqn10 ['A', 0] Element: Sqn48 ['I', 0] Element: Sqn46 ['G', 0] Element: Sqn04 ['E', 8, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Delay', '1st Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Abrupt', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '=0000HM', '0JJZ90AE1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 21, 'Senior Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 27, 'AA280CW', '0JJZ24AC1', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 21, 'Warrant Officer Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 22, 'AD220DR', 'CJJZ34AC1', 4], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Intercept', 'Senior Sergeant_Major Tetsuo Sasaki', 'Unorthodox', 'Untried', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 11, 'AD7413G', 'TJJZB4AA1', 4], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 11, 'Senior Corporal Kobayashi Nagai', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 13, 'AC651BI', 'QJJZ34AA1', 3], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 19, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Giichiro Inoue', 'Feint', 'Untried', 0, 0, 19, 'A4771CO', 'BJJZH4AA1', 0], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 9, 'Warrant Officer Nishino Iwane', 'Tentative', 'Poor', 'No Effect', '33% Probable', 12, 'A4311DH', 'OJJZ64AA1', 0], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 26, 'Senior Sergeant Matsumi nakano', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 29, 'A44807Y', 'CJJZ44AE1', 0]] Element: Sqn47 ['H', 0] Element: Sqn40 ['A', 0] Element: Sqn11 ['B', 0] Element: Sqn05 ['F', 0] Element: Sqn31 ['B', 3, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Delayed', 'Warrant Officer Takeo Iwaguro', 'Buzz', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '=0001IM', '0JJZ62AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 10, 'Warrant Officer Toru Shinomiya', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '30711JM', 'SJJZI4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 25, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Special', 'Ace', 0, 0, 27, 'AB340WW', 'TJJZ54AA1', 2]] Element: Sqn43 ['D', 0] Element: Sqn12 ['C', 0] A Force Element: Sqn05 ['F', 3, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Ready', 'Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko', 'Feint', 'Very poor', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 11, '0048', 'JJJZ34AA1', 0], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 13, 'Senior Captain Kentaro Takatsuka', 'Surprise', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 18, '0441', 'HJJZC4AA1', 4], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 18, 'Senior Captain Tsuneo Torikai', 'Standard', 'Untried', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 22, '0039', 'UJJZI4AA1', 0]] Element: Sqn48 ['I', 3, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 11, 'Senior Major Saburo Amakasu', 'Unorthodox', 'Capable', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 13, '0281', 'VJJZF4AE1', 2], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 12, 'Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi', 'Feint', 'Capable', 0, 0, 15, '0326', 'CJJZ94AA1', 3], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 'Intercept', 'Junior Sergeant Tetsujiro Tanaka', 'Special', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 11, '0434', 'LJJZ14AE1', 4]] Element: Sqn25 ['F', 1, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 24, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Special', 'Ace of Aces', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 30, '0443', 'MJJZ14AA1', 4]] Element: Sqn46 ['G', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 'Landed', '2nd Lieutenant Shoichi Sato', 'Buzz', 'Untried', 'No Effect', 'Fireball', -3, '0340', '6JJZE4AA1', 3]] Element: Sqn04 ['E', 2, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 21, 'Senior Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 27, '0132', '0JJZ24AC1', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 21, 'Warrant Officer Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 22, '0451', 'CJJZ34AC1', 4]] Element: Sqn24 ['E', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Intercept', 'Senior Sergeant_Major Tetsuo Sasaki', 'Unorthodox', 'Untried', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 11, '0464', 'TJJZB4AA1', 4], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 11, 'Senior Corporal Kobayashi Nagai', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 13, '0368', 'QJJZ34AA1', 3], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 19, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Giichiro Inoue', 'Feint', 'Untried', 0, 0, 19, '0052', 'BJJZH4AA1', 0], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 9, 'Warrant Officer Nishino Iwane', 'Tentative', 'Poor', 'No Effect', '33% Probable', 12, '0061', 'OJJZ64AA1', 0]] Element: Sqn47 ['H', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 'Ready', 'Senior Major Takeo Takahashi', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 12, '0156', 'UJJZ04AB1', 1]] Element: Sqn06 ['G', 3, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 27, 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Aggressive', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 28, '0437', 'WJJZS4AA1', 4], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 19, '2nd Lieutenant Hitoshi Imamura', 'Buzz', 'Trained', 0, 0, 18, '0148', '2JJZ94AA1', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 24, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Aggressive', 'Competent', 0, 0, 26, '0113', '6JJZH4AA1', 1]] Element: Sqn43 ['D', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 'Intercept', '2nd Lieutenant Higashikuni Morihiro', 'Tentative', 'Trained', 0, 0, 11, 'AA3717M', 'CJJZ94AA1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn02 ['C', 1, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 15, '1st Lieutenant Tsuneo Torikai', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 19, '009', 'FJJZ64AA1', 0]] Element: Sqn40 ['A', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 27, 'Senior Major Matsumi nakano', 'Cautious', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 30, '0084', 'TJJZO4AA1', 0]] Element: Sqn42 ['C', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 'Intercept', '2nd Lieutenant Shigeru Honjo', 'Standard', 'Poor', 0, 0, 11, '0086', 'SJJZ64AA1', 0]] Element: Sqn12 ['C', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 23, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Tentative', 'Ace of Aces', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 29, '0020', 'IJJZ74AA1', 0]] Element: Sqn14 ['E', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 26, 'Senior Sergeant Matsumi nakano', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 29, '0048', 'CJJZ44AE1', 0]] Element: Sqn22 ['C', 1, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Taxiing', 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Skilled', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 13, '0173', 'CJJZO4AE1', 1]] Element: Sqn32 ['C', 1, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 24, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 25, '0177', '4JJZL4AD1', 1]] Element: Sqn45 ['F', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 21, 'Senior Major Somo Tatebayashi', 'Feint', 'Untried', 0, 0, 20, '0072', 'UJJZI4AD1', 0]] Element: Sqn11 ['B', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 25, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Special', 'Ace', 0, 0, 27, '0298', 'TJJZ54AA1', 2]] Element: Sqn35 ['F', 1, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 16, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Shusaku ENDO', 'Unorthodox', 'Untried', 0, 0, 18, '0106', 'PJJZ24AA1', 1]] Element: Sqn33 ['D', 1, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 16, 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Competent', 0, 0, 16, '0377', '6JJZL4AA1', 3]] Element: Sqn00 ['A', 1, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 19, 'Senior Captain Kyoichi Egashira', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 21, '0471', '3JJZI4AA1', 4]] B Force C Force Element: Sqn05 ['F', 3, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Ready', 'Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko', 'Feint', 'Very poor', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 11, '0048', 'JJJZ34AA1', 0], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 13, 'Senior Captain Kentaro Takatsuka', 'Surprise', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 18, '0441', 'HJJZC4AA1', 4], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 18, 'Senior Captain Tsuneo Torikai', 'Standard', 'Untried', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 22, '0039', 'UJJZI4AA1', 0]] Element: Sqn48 ['I', 3, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 11, 'Senior Major Saburo Amakasu', 'Unorthodox', 'Capable', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 13, '0281', 'VJJZF4AE1', 2], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 12, 'Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi', 'Feint', 'Capable', 0, 0, 15, '0326', 'CJJZ94AA1', 3], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 'Intercept', 'Junior Sergeant Tetsujiro Tanaka', 'Special', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 11, '0434', 'LJJZ14AE1', 4]] Element: Sqn25 ['F', 1, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 24, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Special', 'Ace of Aces', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 30, '0443', 'MJJZ14AA1', 4]] Element: Sqn46 ['G', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 'Landed', '2nd Lieutenant Shoichi Sato', 'Buzz', 'Untried', 'No Effect', 'Fireball', -3, '0340', '6JJZE4AA1', 3]] Element: Sqn04 ['E', 2, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 21, 'Senior Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 27, '0132', '0JJZ24AC1', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 21, 'Warrant Officer Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 22, '0451', 'CJJZ34AC1', 4]] Element: Sqn24 ['E', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Intercept', 'Senior Sergeant_Major Tetsuo Sasaki', 'Unorthodox', 'Untried', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 11, '0464', 'TJJZB4AA1', 4], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 11, 'Senior Corporal Kobayashi Nagai', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 13, '0368', 'QJJZ34AA1', 3], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 19, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Giichiro Inoue', 'Feint', 'Untried', 0, 0, 19, '0052', 'BJJZH4AA1', 0], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 9, 'Warrant Officer Nishino Iwane', 'Tentative', 'Poor', 'No Effect', '33% Probable', 12, '0061', 'OJJZ64AA1', 0]] Element: Sqn47 ['H', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 'Ready', 'Senior Major Takeo Takahashi', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 12, '0156', 'UJJZ04AB1', 1]] Element: Sqn06 ['G', 3, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 27, 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Aggressive', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 28, '0437', 'WJJZS4AA1', 4], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 19, '2nd Lieutenant Hitoshi Imamura', 'Buzz', 'Trained', 0, 0, 18, '0148', '2JJZ94AA1', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 24, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Aggressive', 'Competent', 0, 0, 26, '0113', '6JJZH4AA1', 1]] Element: Sqn43 ['D', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 'Intercept', '2nd Lieutenant Higashikuni Morihiro', 'Tentative', 'Trained', 0, 0, 11, 'AA3717M', 'CJJZ94AA1', 'Target']] Element: Sqn02 ['C', 1, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 15, '1st Lieutenant Tsuneo Torikai', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 19, '009', 'FJJZ64AA1', 0]] Element: Sqn40 ['A', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 27, 'Senior Major Matsumi nakano', 'Cautious', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 30, '0084', 'TJJZO4AA1', 0]] Element: Sqn42 ['C', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 'Intercept', '2nd Lieutenant Shigeru Honjo', 'Standard', 'Poor', 0, 0, 11, '0086', 'SJJZ64AA1', 0]] Element: Sqn12 ['C', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 23, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Tentative', 'Ace of Aces', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 29, '0020', 'IJJZ74AA1', 0]] Element: Sqn14 ['E', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 26, 'Senior Sergeant Matsumi nakano', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 29, '0048', 'CJJZ44AE1', 0]] Element: Sqn22 ['C', 1, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Taxiing', 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Skilled', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 13, '0173', 'CJJZO4AE1', 1]] Element: Sqn32 ['C', 1, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 24, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 25, '0177', '4JJZL4AD1', 1]] Element: Sqn45 ['F', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 21, 'Senior Major Somo Tatebayashi', 'Feint', 'Untried', 0, 0, 20, '0072', 'UJJZI4AD1', 0]] Element: Sqn11 ['B', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 25, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Special', 'Ace', 0, 0, 27, '0298', 'TJJZ54AA1', 2]] Element: Sqn35 ['F', 1, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 16, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Shusaku ENDO', 'Unorthodox', 'Untried', 0, 0, 18, '0106', 'PJJZ24AA1', 1]] Element: Sqn33 ['D', 1, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 16, 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Competent', 0, 0, 16, '0377', '6JJZL4AA1', 3]] Element: Sqn00 ['A', 1, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 19, 'Senior Captain Kyoichi Egashira', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 21, '0471', '3JJZI4AA1', 4]] D Force Element: Sqn02 ['C', 8, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 22, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 22, '019204M', 'PJJZI4A4H', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 22, 'Warrant Officer Takuma Shimoyama', 'Special', 'Capable', 0, 0, 22, '03500AM', 'AJJZF4ACL', 3], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 22, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Sueo Obayashi', 'Cautious', 'Capable', 0, 0, 22, '01000BM', '6JJZC4AAL', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 24, '1st Lieutenant Tsuneo Torikai', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 24, '017403O', 'FJJZ64A3K', 1], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 16, '2nd Lieutenant Shigeru Honjo', 'Standard', 'Poor', 0, 0, 16, '016816G', 'SJJZ64A3L', 1], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 34, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Tentative', 'Ace of Aces', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 34, '012305Y', 'IJJZ74A3Q', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 9, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Skilled', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 13, '[46208I', '1JJZO4AE1', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 24, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 25, 'AA231KU', '4JJZL4AD1', 1]] Element: Sqn22 ['C', 3, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 22, '2nd Lieutenant Eikichi Iwashita', 'Feint', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 22, '022509M', 'OJJZ34ABI', 2], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 22, 'Senior Corporal Tetsuji Giga', 'Cautious', 'Poor', 0, 0, 22, '025911M', 'DJJZ64ABU', 2], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 22, 'Senior Corporal Natsume Soseki', 'Break-off', 'Poor', 0, 0, 22, '011012M', 'CJJZ64AAJ', 1]] Element: Sqn32 ['C', 2, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, '1st Lieutenant Hidetsugu Takahashi', 'Buzz', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, '02751NM', '2JJZI4ABJ', 2], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, '2nd Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Tentative', 'Competent', 0, 0, 22, '03021PM', 'GJJZL4ACS', 3]] Element: Sqn35 ['F', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, '2nd Lieutenant Shinichi Tanaka', 'Cautious', 'Trained', 0, 0, 22, '01211TM', 'RJJZ84A4K', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, 'Junior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Cautious', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 22, '01221UM', 'GJJZO4AAU', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, '2nd Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Special', 'Capable', 0, 0, 22, '03241VM', 'ZJJZ94ACL', 3], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, 'Senior Sergeant Nashi Obayashi', 'Unorthodox', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, '02831WM', 'HJJZ74ABF', 2]] Element: Sqn10 ['A', 3, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 22, 'Warrant Officer Kosaku Nakano', 'Buzz', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, '01720SM', 'RJJZI4AAO', 1], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 22, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Soft Abort', 'Competent', 0, 0, 22, '01690TM', 'WJJZL4AAM', 1], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 22, '2nd Lieutenant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 22, '01600VM', 'UJJZA4AAR', 1]] Element: Sqn48 ['I', 3, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 18, 'Senior Major Saburo Amakasu', 'Unorthodox', 'Capable', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 18, '010523I', 'VJJZF4AAF', 1], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 20, 'Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi', 'Feint', 'Capable', 0, 0, 20, '02602AK', 'CJJZ94ABO', 2], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 16, 'Junior Sergeant Tetsujiro Tanaka', 'Special', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 16, '03582BG', 'LJJZ14ACO', 3]] Element: Sqn46 ['G', 4, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', -3, '2nd Lieutenant Shoichi Sato', 'Buzz', 'Untried', 'No Effect', 'Fireball', -3, 'AC65217', '6JJZE4AA1', 3], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 33, 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Aggressive', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 33, '03890LX', 'WJJZS4ACF', 3], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 23, '2nd Lieutenant Hitoshi Imamura', 'Buzz', 'Trained', 0, 0, 23, '01110ON', '2JJZ94A4G', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 31, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Aggressive', 'Competent', 0, 0, 31, '01380PV', '6JJZH4A4F', 1]] Element: Sqn04 ['E', 10, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Soft Abort', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'AD230FM', 'KJJZH4AAH', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 22, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Shigeyoshi Inoue', 'Buzz', 'Capable', 0, 0, 22, '01720GM', '6JJZ04AAO', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Delay', '1st Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Abrupt', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '=0000HM', '0JJZ90AE1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 21, 'Senior Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 27, 'AA280CW', '0JJZ24AC1', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 21, 'Warrant Officer Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 22, 'AD220DR', 'CJJZ34AC1', 4], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Intercept', 'Senior Sergeant_Major Tetsuo Sasaki', 'Unorthodox', 'Untried', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 11, 'AD7413G', 'TJJZB4AA1', 4], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 11, 'Senior Corporal Kobayashi Nagai', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 13, 'AC651BI', 'QJJZ34AA1', 3], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 19, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Giichiro Inoue', 'Feint', 'Untried', 0, 0, 19, 'A4771CO', 'BJJZH4AA1', 0], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 9, 'Warrant Officer Nishino Iwane', 'Tentative', 'Poor', 'No Effect', '33% Probable', 12, 'A4311DH', 'OJJZ64AA1', 0], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 26, 'Senior Sergeant Matsumi nakano', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 29, 'A44807Y', 'CJJZ44AE1', 0]] Element: Sqn47 ['H', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 17, 'Senior Major Takeo Takahashi', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 17, '016722H', 'UJJZ04A4M', 1]] Element: Sqn40 ['A', 2, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 22, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Masahiko Sasahara', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, '03401YM', 'RJJZI4ACO', 3], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 35, 'Senior Major Matsumi nakano', 'Cautious', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 35, '01941XZ', 'TJJZO4A3J', 1]] Element: Sqn11 ['B', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 22, '1st Lieutenant Michihiro Sugawara', 'Aggressive', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, '03080XM', 'CJJZI4ACP', 3]] Element: Sqn05 ['F', 6, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 16, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko', 'Feint', 'Very poor', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 16, '01990IG', 'JJJZ34A3I', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 23, 'Senior Captain Kentaro Takatsuka', 'Surprise', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 23, '03930JN', 'HJJZC4ACQ', 3], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 27, 'Senior Captain Tsuneo Torikai', 'Standard', 'Untried', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 27, '01040KR', 'UJJZI4A3S', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 35, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Special', 'Ace of Aces', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 35, '03291EZ', 'MJJZ14ACM', 3], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 25, 'Senior Major Somo Tatebayashi', 'Feint', 'Untried', 0, 0, 25, '013318P', 'UJJZI4A3H', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 23, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Shusaku ENDO', 'Unorthodox', 'Untried', 0, 0, 23, '01431RN', 'PJJZ24A4K', 1]] Element: Sqn31 ['B', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hoichi Yoshii', 'Tentative', 'Capable', 0, 0, 22, '02761GM', 'AJJZ34ABI', 2], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Delayed', 'Warrant Officer Takeo Iwaguro', 'Buzz', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '=0001IM', '0JJZ62AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 10, 'Warrant Officer Toru Shinomiya', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '30711JM', 'SJJZI4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 25, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Special', 'Ace', 0, 0, 27, 'AB340WW', 'TJJZ54AA1', 2]] Element: Sqn43 ['D', 2, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 16, '2nd Lieutenant Higashikuni Morihiro', 'Tentative', 'Trained', 0, 0, 16, '01472AG', 'CJJZ94A4U', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 21, 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Competent', 0, 0, 21, '02521QL', '6JJZL4ABQ', 2]] Element: Sqn12 ['C', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 22, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 22, '021506M', 'KJJZK4ABL', 2]] Losses written to combined_losses.txt Element: Sqn02 ['C', 8, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 22, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 22, '019204M', 'PJJZI4A4H', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 22, 'Warrant Officer Takuma Shimoyama', 'Special', 'Capable', 0, 0, 22, '03500AM', 'AJJZF4ACL', 3], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 22, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Sueo Obayashi', 'Cautious', 'Capable', 0, 0, 22, '01000BM', '6JJZC4AAL', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 24, '1st Lieutenant Tsuneo Torikai', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 24, '017403O', 'FJJZ64A3K', 1], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 16, '2nd Lieutenant Shigeru Honjo', 'Standard', 'Poor', 0, 0, 16, '016816G', 'SJJZ64A3L', 1], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 34, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Tentative', 'Ace of Aces', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 34, '012305Y', 'IJJZ74A3Q', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 9, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Skilled', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 13, '[46208I', '1JJZO4AE1', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 24, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 25, 'AA231KU', '4JJZL4AD1', 1]] Element: Sqn22 ['C', 3, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 22, '2nd Lieutenant Eikichi Iwashita', 'Feint', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 22, '022509M', 'OJJZ34ABI', 2], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 22, 'Senior Corporal Tetsuji Giga', 'Cautious', 'Poor', 0, 0, 22, '025911M', 'DJJZ64ABU', 2], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 22, 'Senior Corporal Natsume Soseki', 'Break-off', 'Poor', 0, 0, 22, '011012M', 'CJJZ64AAJ', 1]] Element: Sqn32 ['C', 2, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, '1st Lieutenant Hidetsugu Takahashi', 'Buzz', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, '02751NM', '2JJZI4ABJ', 2], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, '2nd Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Tentative', 'Competent', 0, 0, 22, '03021PM', 'GJJZL4ACS', 3]] Element: Sqn35 ['F', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, '2nd Lieutenant Shinichi Tanaka', 'Cautious', 'Trained', 0, 0, 22, '01211TM', 'RJJZ84A4K', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, 'Junior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Cautious', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 22, '01221UM', 'GJJZO4AAU', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, '2nd Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Special', 'Capable', 0, 0, 22, '03241VM', 'ZJJZ94ACL', 3], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, 'Senior Sergeant Nashi Obayashi', 'Unorthodox', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, '02831WM', 'HJJZ74ABF', 2]] Element: Sqn10 ['A', 3, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 22, 'Warrant Officer Kosaku Nakano', 'Buzz', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, '01720SM', 'RJJZI4AAO', 1], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 22, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Soft Abort', 'Competent', 0, 0, 22, '01690TM', 'WJJZL4AAM', 1], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 22, '2nd Lieutenant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 22, '01600VM', 'UJJZA4AAR', 1]] Element: Sqn48 ['I', 3, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 18, 'Senior Major Saburo Amakasu', 'Unorthodox', 'Capable', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 18, '010523I', 'VJJZF4AAF', 1], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 20, 'Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi', 'Feint', 'Capable', 0, 0, 20, '02602AK', 'CJJZ94ABO', 2], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 16, 'Junior Sergeant Tetsujiro Tanaka', 'Special', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 16, '03582BG', 'LJJZ14ACO', 3]] Element: Sqn46 ['G', 4, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', -3, '2nd Lieutenant Shoichi Sato', 'Buzz', 'Untried', 'No Effect', 'Fireball', -3, 'AC65217', '6JJZE4AA1', 3], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 33, 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Aggressive', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 33, '03890LX', 'WJJZS4ACF', 3], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 23, '2nd Lieutenant Hitoshi Imamura', 'Buzz', 'Trained', 0, 0, 23, '01110ON', '2JJZ94A4G', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 31, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Aggressive', 'Competent', 0, 0, 31, '01380PV', '6JJZH4A4F', 1]] Element: Sqn04 ['E', 10, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Soft Abort', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'AD230FM', 'KJJZH4AAH', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 22, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Shigeyoshi Inoue', 'Buzz', 'Capable', 0, 0, 22, '01720GM', '6JJZ04AAO', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Delay', '1st Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Abrupt', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '=0000HM', '0JJZ90AE1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 21, 'Senior Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 27, 'AA280CW', '0JJZ24AC1', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 21, 'Warrant Officer Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 22, 'AD220DR', 'CJJZ34AC1', 4], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Intercept', 'Senior Sergeant_Major Tetsuo Sasaki', 'Unorthodox', 'Untried', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 11, 'AD7413G', 'TJJZB4AA1', 4], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 11, 'Senior Corporal Kobayashi Nagai', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 13, 'AC651BI', 'QJJZ34AA1', 3], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 19, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Giichiro Inoue', 'Feint', 'Untried', 0, 0, 19, 'A4771CO', 'BJJZH4AA1', 0], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 9, 'Warrant Officer Nishino Iwane', 'Tentative', 'Poor', 'No Effect', '33% Probable', 12, 'A4311DH', 'OJJZ64AA1', 0], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 26, 'Senior Sergeant Matsumi nakano', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 29, 'A44807Y', 'CJJZ44AE1', 0]] Element: Sqn47 ['H', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 17, 'Senior Major Takeo Takahashi', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 17, '016722H', 'UJJZ04A4M', 1]] Element: Sqn40 ['A', 2, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 22, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Masahiko Sasahara', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, '03401YM', 'RJJZI4ACO', 3], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 35, 'Senior Major Matsumi nakano', 'Cautious', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 35, '01941XZ', 'TJJZO4A3J', 1]] Element: Sqn11 ['B', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 22, '1st Lieutenant Michihiro Sugawara', 'Aggressive', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, '03080XM', 'CJJZI4ACP', 3]] Element: Sqn05 ['F', 6, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 16, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko', 'Feint', 'Very poor', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 16, '01990IG', 'JJJZ34A3I', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 23, 'Senior Captain Kentaro Takatsuka', 'Surprise', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 23, '03930JN', 'HJJZC4ACQ', 3], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 27, 'Senior Captain Tsuneo Torikai', 'Standard', 'Untried', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 27, '01040KR', 'UJJZI4A3S', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 35, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Special', 'Ace of Aces', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 35, '03291EZ', 'MJJZ14ACM', 3], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 25, 'Senior Major Somo Tatebayashi', 'Feint', 'Untried', 0, 0, 25, '013318P', 'UJJZI4A3H', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 23, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Shusaku ENDO', 'Unorthodox', 'Untried', 0, 0, 23, '01431RN', 'PJJZ24A4K', 1]] Element: Sqn31 ['B', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hoichi Yoshii', 'Tentative', 'Capable', 0, 0, 22, '02761GM', 'AJJZ34ABI', 2], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Delayed', 'Warrant Officer Takeo Iwaguro', 'Buzz', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '=0001IM', '0JJZ62AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 10, 'Warrant Officer Toru Shinomiya', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '30711JM', 'SJJZI4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 25, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Special', 'Ace', 0, 0, 27, 'AB340WW', 'TJJZ54AA1', 2]] Element: Sqn43 ['D', 2, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 16, '2nd Lieutenant Higashikuni Morihiro', 'Tentative', 'Trained', 0, 0, 16, '01472AG', 'CJJZ94A4U', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 21, 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Competent', 0, 0, 21, '02521QL', '6JJZL4ABQ', 2]] Element: Sqn12 ['C', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 22, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 22, '021506M', 'KJJZK4ABL', 2]] Total Strike Force after Return losses: 54 Element: 46 Sqn 0 ['46 Sqn: 0', 4, ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, '1st Lieutenant William Wall', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '2222005', '3FJZ5F22S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 15, '1st Lieutenant Thomas Howard DuVal', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '222201F', 'AFJZLF22S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Jeremiah J. Hamilton', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '222202B', 'WFJZ9F22S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Thomas R. Hudd', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '222203B', 'HFJZ8F22S', 'Target']] Element: 46 Sqn 1 ['46 Sqn 0', 2, ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Alfred Beckley', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '2D1804B', 'GFJZ2F2DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Morse, Henry Bagg', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '2D1805C', 'PFJZBF2DS', 'Target']] Element: 47 Sqn 2 ['46 Sqn 1', 3, ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, 'Senior Major Sumner, Edwin Vose Jr.', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '777307B', '6FJZRF77S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Samuel A. Talcott', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '777308B', 'WFJZIF77S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 14, '1st Lieutenant John H. James', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '777309E', '4FJZ8F77S', 'Target']] Element: 47 Sqn 3 ['47 Sqn 2', 3, ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, 'Junior Captain Perry, Alexander James', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '72850AB', 'GFJZRF72S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, 'Junior Captain Michael Gladych', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '72850BC', 'EFJZAF72S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, 'Junior Captain William M. Levy', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '72850CB', 'JFJZ2F72S', 'Target']] Element: 47 Sqn 4 ['47 Sqn 3', 12, ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, 'Senior Captain Joe L. Mason', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '7A110D5', 'VFJZIF7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Hill, Charles W.', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '7A110EA', 'EFJZCF7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Hazard, John Gardner', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '7A110FC', 'DFJZ7F7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, '1st Lieutenant Julian Bryant', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '7A110G5', 'JFJZ4F7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant William R. Kane', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '7A760HB', 'IFJZ2F7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Franklin N. Burley', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '7A760IB', '0FJZ1F7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant William C. Wallace', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '7A760JB', '5FJZ5F7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Neal Brown', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '7A760KB', 'NFJZCF7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 17, '2nd Lieutenant Francis Babbitt', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '7A110LH', 'FFJZ9F7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Bernard Goldsmith', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '7A110MB', 'CFJZ5F7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 14, '1st Lieutenant Hiram J. Ball', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '7A110NE', '9FJZLF7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Young Harris', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '7A110OB', 'JFJZFF7AS', 'Target']] Element: 47 Sqn 5 ['47 Sqn 4', 3, ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 15, 'Senior Major Earl May', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'A7880PF', 'NFJZ2FA7S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Richard K. Sanford', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'A7880QB', 'SFJZEFA7S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant John G. Baxter', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, 'A7880RB', 'BFJZ9FA7S', 'Target']] Element: 47 Sqn 6 ['47 Sqn 5', 3, ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, 'Senior Captain Francis E. Pierce Jr.', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, 'A2710SB', '4FJZ2FA2S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '2nd Lieutenant Mariano D. Papy', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, 'A2710TC', 'HFJZ6FA2S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 13, 'Junior Captain Joseph Z. Matte', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'A2710VD', '6FJZRFA2S', 'Target']] Element: 72 Sqn 7 ['47 Sqn 6', 6, ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 8, '1st Lieutenant Ely, Ralph', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AA280W8', 'OFJZQFAAS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Charles C. Montgomery', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, 'AA280XB', 'AFJZCFAAS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Charles Perkins Thompson', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AA280YB', 'OFJZIFAAS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant W. W. Phelps', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AA280ZC', 'JFJZ7FAAS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Edward E. Hunt', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'AA1810B', 'IFJZRFAAS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant William E. Kilcrease', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AA1811B', 'FFJZOFAAS', 'Target']] Element: 72 Sqn 8 ['72 Sqn 7', 3, ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Daniel R. Rehm Jr.', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, 'AD1412B', 'BFJZLFADS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Hudnutt, Joseph O.', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AD1413C', 'JFJZ9FADS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant James D. Patton', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, 'AD1414B', '7FJZ9FADS', 'Target']] Element: 72 Sqn 9 ['72 Sqn 8', 3, ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Churchill, Thomas J.', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '272315A', 'VFJZ6F27S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, '1st Lieutenant John Mason Martin', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '2723165', 'NFJZ6F27S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Morehead, Turner Gustavus', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '272317B', '0FJZRF27S', 'Target']] Element: 72 Sqn A ['72 Sqn 9', 8, ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 17, '1st Lieutenant Hall, Cyrus', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '2A2418H', '0FJZRF2AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Wiley, Aquila', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '2A2419B', 'QFJZ0F2AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Pinckney, Joseph Conselyea', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '2A241AB', 'EFJZFF2AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Julius Rockwell', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '2A241BC', 'AFJZ5F2AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, '1st Lieutenant Robert Milner Echols', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '2A281C5', 'NFJZ8F2AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Stephen Thomas', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '2A281DB', 'SFJZIF2AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Andrew Z. McCarty', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '2A281EC', 'QFJZ8F2AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 15, '1st Lieutenant Hurd, John Ricker', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '2A281FF', 'GFJZGF2AS', 'Target']] Element: 72 Sqn B ['72 Sqn A', 8, ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, 'Senior Captain Sumner, Edwin Vose Jr.', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '7D271GB', '7FJZPF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, '1st Lieutenant Harry T. Hanna', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '7D271H5', '2FJZXF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant William Warner', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '7D271IC', '3FJZIF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Richard I. Bong', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '7D271JC', 'WFJZKF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant David A. Secombe', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '7D171KC', 'DFJZ2F7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 17, '2nd Lieutenant Constantine C. Esty', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '7D171LH', 'EFJZFF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, '1st Lieutenant Gregory. K. Loesch', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '7D171M5', 'AFJZWF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant John S. Stewart', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '7D171NC', 'GFJZ8F7DS', 'Target']] Element: 73 Sqn C ['72 Sqn B', 8, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 13, 'Junior Captain Herman Taubeneck', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '3B761OD', 'BFJZLF3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Burnell W. Adams', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '3B761PC', '2FJZ9F3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Bowerman, Richard Neville', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '3B761QC', 'XFJZRF3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 17, '1st Lieutenant Chester K. Maxwell', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '3B761RH', 'VFJZ6F3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Randolph Guggenheimer', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '3B711SB', 'TFJZEF3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Horace H. Coolidge', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '3B711TB', 'QFJZOF3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, 'Junior Captain Horatio N. Davis', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '3B711UB', 'IFJZLF3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 14, '1st Lieutenant Morgan Rawls', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '3B711VE', 'UFJZOF3BS', 'Target']] Element: 73 Sqn D ['73 Sqn C', 3, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Andrew Kennedy', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '56881WC', '6FJZ7F56S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant George E. Dawkins Jr.', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '56881XB', 'KFJZSF56S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 13, '1st Lieutenant Charles F. Mitchell', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '56881YD', '5FJZLF56S', 'Target']] Element: Flight: E ['73 Sqn D', 6, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 17, 'Senior Major Hamilton Coolidge', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '4B171ZH', 'XFJZUF4BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant George P. Webster', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '4B1720C', 'IFJZ9F4BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 14, '1st Lieutenant Smith, Charles Edward', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '4B1721E', 'LFJZRF4BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant William E. Bartling', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '4B1722B', '1FJZPF4BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, 'Junior Captain Alfred Moore Scales', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '4B2123C', 'OFJZ9F4BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Robert A. Karr', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '4B2124C', 'FFJZHF4BS', 'Target']] Element: Flight: F ['74 Sqn E', 2, ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Horace Harrison', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '4C2825C', '1FJZ2F4CS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Isaac De Groff Nelson', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '4C2826B', 'FFJZOF4CS', 'Target']] Element: Flight: G ['45 Sqn F', 3, ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Merriwell W. Vineyard', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '6A7727B', 'GFJZXF6AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 15, '1st Lieutenant Grindlay, James Glass', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '6A7728F', '0FJZOF6AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 14, '1st Lieutenant James Taylor Ellyson', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '6A7729E', '0FJZEF6AS', 'Target']] Element: Flight: H ['46 Sqn G', 4, ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant George A. Bagley', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '5B712BB', '0FJZ8F5BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Lovell Rousseau', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '5B712CC', '3FJZCF5BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant William C. Reese', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '5B712DB', 'HFJZLF5BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Caleb L. Smith', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '5B122EB', 'SFJZCF5BS', 'Target']] Element: 47 SqnI ['47 Sqn H', 2, ['Flight: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant William M. McCarty', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AE162FA', 'IFJZOFAES', 'Target'], ['Flight: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Don A. J. Upham', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AE162HB', 'FFJZLFAES', 'Target']] Element: Escort: 0 ['46 Sqn: 0', 4, ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, 'Senior Major Ernest C. Fiebelkorn', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '35852IC', 'PFJZEF35S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Kilgour, William Mather', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '35852JB', 'QFJZ4F35S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 17, '1st Lieutenant Macauley, Daniel', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '35852KH', 'AFJZBF35S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Jens Fredrick Larson', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '35852LB', 'OFJZOF35S', 'Target']] Element: Escort: 1 ['46 Sqn: 0', 4, ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Francis A. Thomas', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '55282MB', 'BFJZFF55S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant James J. Pascoe', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '55282NB', 'SFJZJF55S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant William M. Robinson', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '55282OC', 'TFJZEF55S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Ferdinand Brucker', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '55282PB', 'NFJZ2F55S', 'Target']] Element: Escort: 2 ['46 Sqn 0', 1, ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant William McDaniel', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'AB172QA', 'VFJZ4FABS', 'Target']] Element: Escort: 3 ['46 Sqn 1', 4, ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, 'Senior Major Elliott, Samuel Mackenzie', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '68712R5', 'EFJZ8F68S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Chambers, Alexander', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '68712SB', '3FJZRF68S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 17, 'Senior Major George H. Davidson', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '68712TH', '8FJZVF68S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, 'Junior Captain Philo Miner Lonsbury', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '68712UC', 'BFJZBF68S', 'Target']] Element: Escort: 4 ['46 Sqn 1', 4, ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 14, '1st Lieutenant Bert D. (Wayne) Morris Jr.', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '45182VE', '1FJZLF45S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 13, '1st Lieutenant Thomas J. Dryer', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '45182WD', '3FJZFF45S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, 'Junior Captain Weld, Stephen Minot Jr.', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '45182X5', 'RFJZDF45S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Nelson La Due', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '45182YB', 'SFJZ9F45S', 'Target']] Total Escort Force losses after Departure losses: 103 Dictionary saved to escort_departure_data.txt Dictionary saved to Strike_Force_data.txt EG in ELEMENT GROUP ['Element A', 'V-4', 'F41234100000144123455', 'V-6', 'F41234100000145123455', 'V-7', 'F41234100000164123455', 'V-15', 'F41234100000134123455', 4] EG in ELEMENT GROUP ['Element B', 'V-55', 'F41234100000053123455', 1] EG in ELEMENT GROUP ['Element C', 'V-49', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-50', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-51', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-52', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-53', 'F41234100000000123455', 5] EG in ELEMENT GROUP ['Element D', 'V-45', 'F41234100000181123455', 'V-47', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-48', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-37', 'S41234100000304123455', 4] EG in ELEMENT GROUP ['Element E', 'V-16', 'F41234100000310123455', 'V-23', 'F41234100000349120053', 'V-31', 'F41234100000319123455', 'V-33', 'F41234100000363123455', 4] Current Ship: V-4 INSPIRATION 6 Current Ship: 1 : INSPIRATION V-4 currently at 13 000 feet! Current Ship: V-6 POISON LIL 2 Expected Event: V-6 FE Check [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [29], [], [], [], []] Current Ship: 2 : POISON LIL V-6 currently at 4 000 feet! Current Ship: V-7 RAMP QUEEN 9 Expected Event: V-7 Emergency [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [13], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [26], [], [], [], []] Current Ship: 3 : RAMP QUEEN V-7 currently at 12 000 feet! V-7 : [13] Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone: 14 RAMP QUEEN has passed her AC check! Ship fine - continues on mission! Current Ship: V-12 WAGGED WASCAL 7 Current Ship: 4 : WAGGED WASCAL V-12 currently at 12 000 feet! Current Ship: V-15 Combat Mission 4 Current Ship: 5 : Combat Mission V-15 currently at 12 000 feet! Current Ship: V-16 CITY OF JASPER 2 Expected Event: V-16 Emergency [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [13], [], [], [], [13], [], [], [], [], [], [], [26], []] Current Ship: 6 : CITY OF JASPER V-16 currently at 12 000 feet! Current Ship: V-23 LASSIES ELEVEN 2 Expected Event: V-23 FE Check [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [29], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] Current Ship: 7 : LASSIES ELEVEN V-23 currently at 11 000 feet! Current Ship: V-25 READY BETTIE 4 Current Ship: 8 : READY BETTIE V-25 currently at 17 000 feet! Current Ship: V-31 SWEET ELOISE 7 Current Ship: 9 : SWEET ELOISE V-31 currently at 16 000 feet! Current Ship: V-33 DREAM GIRL 7 Current Ship: 10 : DREAM GIRL V-33 currently at 11 000 feet! Current Ship: V-36 MIGHT FINE 8 Current Ship: 11 : MIGHT FINE V-36 currently at 6 000 feet! Current Ship: V-37 UMBRIAGODATS MY BOY 10 Expected Event: V-37 Nav Check [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [27], [], []] Current Ship: 12 : UMBRIAGODATS MY BOY V-37 currently at 8 000 feet! Current Ship: V-45 Ballings Crew 5 Expected Event! Check Roll: 81 Current Ship: 13 : Ballings Crew V-45 currently at 11 000 feet! Current Ship: V-47 Frank Crew 1 Current Ship: 14 : Frank Crew V-47 currently at 12 000 feet! Current Ship: V-48 Cruz Crew 7 Current Ship: 15 : Cruz Crew V-48 currently at 11 000 feet! Current Ship: V-49 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD 4 Current Ship: 16 : CITY OF MAPLEWOOD V-49 currently at 10 000 feet! Current Ship: V-50 TWENTIETH CENTURY LTD 6 Current Ship: 17 : TWENTIETH CENTURY LTD V-50 currently at 18 000 feet! Current Ship: V-51 Reese Crew 4 Current Ship: 18 : Reese Crew V-51 currently at 11 000 feet! Current Ship: V-52 Larsen Crew 7 Current Ship: 19 : Larsen Crew V-52 currently at 11 000 feet! Current Ship: V-53 McKenzie Crew 5 Expected Event! Check Roll: 3 Expected Event: V-53 Navigator Check [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [14, 14], [14], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] Current Ship: 20 : McKenzie Crew V-53 currently at 11 000 feet! V-53 : [14, 14] Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone: 14 McKenzie Crew has passed her NAV check! Ship fine - continues on mission! Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone: 14 McKenzie Crew has failed her NAV check! McKenzie Crew has failed her FE check! Ship having fuel difficulties for the final 698 nautical miles before base! Current Zone: 14 Ship in difficulty! Initial Fire: 2 BIT: 38 Fire Now; 0 Engines; 4 Parameter M: 0 Long-term Damage; 5 Guns: F41234105000046023052 Superficial Damage: 5 VPS: 21 AC Lost: False Crew Loss: ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Painful Bumped Hips', 'B', 'Unlucky Stomach Injury', 'D', 'Safe', 'L', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'R', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken'] Current Ship: V-55 Barnett Crew 4 Current Ship: 21 : Barnett Crew V-55 currently at 10 000 feet! Current Ship: V-60 SITTIN PRETTY 3 Current Ship: 22 : SITTIN PRETTY V-60 currently at 12 000 feet! Current Zone: 14 len(T_force): 22 Zone 14 Current heights: [13, 4, 12, 12, 12, 12, 11, 17, 16, 11, 6, 8, 11, 12, 11, 10, 18, 11, 11, 11, 10, 12] Current Ship: V-4 INSPIRATION Current Ship: V-6 POISON LIL Current Ship: V-7 RAMP QUEEN Current Ship: V-12 WAGGED WASCAL Current Ship: V-15 Combat Mission Current Ship: V-16 CITY OF JASPER V-16 : [13] Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone: 15 CITY OF JASPER has passed her AC check! Current Zone: 15 Ship in difficulty! Initial Fire: 0 BIT: 0 Fire Now; 0 Engines; 4 Shot_up_roll 0 Parameter M: 0 Long-term Damage; 0 Guns: F41234100000006123455 Superficial Damage: 0 VPS: 0 AC Lost: False Crew Loss: [] Guns: F41234100000012123455 A_Guns: F41234100000006123455 B_Guns: F41234100000006123455 Current Ship: V-23 LASSIES ELEVEN Current Ship: V-25 READY BETTIE Current Ship: V-31 SWEET ELOISE Current Ship: V-33 DREAM GIRL Current Ship: V-36 MIGHT FINE Current Ship: V-37 UMBRIAGODATS MY BOY Current Ship: V-45 Ballings Crew Current Ship: V-47 Frank Crew Current Ship: V-48 Cruz Crew Current Ship: V-49 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Current Ship: V-50 TWENTIETH CENTURY LTD Current Ship: V-51 Reese Crew Current Ship: V-52 Larsen Crew Current Ship: V-53 McKenzie Crew V-53 : [14] Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone: 15 McKenzie Crew has passed her NAV check! Ship fine - continues on mission! Current Ship: V-55 Barnett Crew Current Ship: V-60 SITTIN PRETTY Current Zone: 15 len(T_force): 22 Zone 15 Current heights: [13, 4, 12, 12, 12, 12, 11, 17, 18, 11, 6, 9, 11, 12, 11, 10, 15, 11, 11, 11, 10, 12] Current Ship: V-4 INSPIRATION Current Ship: V-6 POISON LIL Current Ship: V-7 RAMP QUEEN Current Ship: V-12 WAGGED WASCAL Current Ship: V-15 Combat Mission Current Ship: V-16 CITY OF JASPER Current Ship: V-23 LASSIES ELEVEN Current Ship: V-25 READY BETTIE Current Ship: V-31 SWEET ELOISE Current Ship: V-33 DREAM GIRL Current Ship: V-36 MIGHT FINE Current Ship: V-37 UMBRIAGODATS MY BOY Current Ship: V-45 Ballings Crew Current Ship: V-47 Frank Crew Current Ship: V-48 Cruz Crew Current Ship: V-49 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Current Ship: V-50 TWENTIETH CENTURY LTD Current Ship: V-51 Reese Crew Current Ship: V-52 Larsen Crew Current Ship: V-53 McKenzie Crew Current Ship: V-55 Barnett Crew Current Ship: V-60 SITTIN PRETTY Current Zone: 16 len(T_force): 22 Zone 16 Current heights: [13, 4, 12, 12, 12, 12, 11, 17, 19, 11, 6, 9, 11, 12, 11, 10, 15, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12] Current Ship: V-4 INSPIRATION Current Ship: V-6 POISON LIL Current Ship: V-7 RAMP QUEEN V-7 : [13] Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone: 17 RAMP QUEEN has passed her AC check! Ship fine - continues on mission! Current Ship: V-12 WAGGED WASCAL Current Ship: V-15 Combat Mission Current Ship: V-16 CITY OF JASPER Current Ship: V-23 LASSIES ELEVEN Current Ship: V-25 READY BETTIE Current Ship: V-31 SWEET ELOISE Current Ship: V-33 DREAM GIRL Current Ship: V-36 MIGHT FINE Current Ship: V-37 UMBRIAGODATS MY BOY Current Ship: V-45 Ballings Crew Current Ship: V-47 Frank Crew Current Ship: V-48 Cruz Crew Current Ship: V-49 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Current Ship: V-50 TWENTIETH CENTURY LTD Current Ship: V-51 Reese Crew Current Ship: V-52 Larsen Crew Current Ship: V-53 McKenzie Crew Current Ship: V-55 Barnett Crew Current Ship: V-60 SITTIN PRETTY Current Zone: 17 len(T_force): 22 Zone 17 Current heights: [13, 4, 12, 12, 12, 12, 11, 17, 17, 11, 6, 10, 11, 12, 11, 10, 14, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12] Current Ship: V-4 INSPIRATION Current Ship: V-6 POISON LIL Current Ship: V-7 RAMP QUEEN Current Ship: V-12 WAGGED WASCAL Current Ship: V-15 Combat Mission Current Ship: V-16 CITY OF JASPER Current Ship: V-23 LASSIES ELEVEN V-23 : [29] Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone: 18 LASSIES ELEVEN has passed her FE check! Current Zone: 18 Ship in difficulty! Initial Fire: 0 BIT: 0 Fire Now; 0 Engines; 4 Shot_up_roll 0 Parameter M: 0 Long-term Damage; 6 Guns: F41234106000045120053 Superficial Damage: 0 VPS: 0 AC Lost: False Crew Loss: [] Guns: F41234100000090120053 A_Guns: F41234106000045120053 B_Guns: F41234106000045120053 Current Ship: V-25 READY BETTIE Current Ship: V-31 SWEET ELOISE Current Ship: V-33 DREAM GIRL Current Ship: V-36 MIGHT FINE Current Ship: V-37 UMBRIAGODATS MY BOY Current Ship: V-45 Ballings Crew Current Ship: V-47 Frank Crew Current Ship: V-48 Cruz Crew Current Ship: V-49 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Current Ship: V-50 TWENTIETH CENTURY LTD Current Ship: V-51 Reese Crew Current Ship: V-52 Larsen Crew Current Ship: V-53 McKenzie Crew Current Ship: V-55 Barnett Crew Current Ship: V-60 SITTIN PRETTY Current Zone: 18 len(T_force): 22 Zone 18 Current heights: [11, 2, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 16, 11, 9, 4, 7, 9, 10, 9, 8, 12, 9, 9, 9, 12, 10] Current Ship: V-4 INSPIRATION Current Ship: V-6 POISON LIL V-6 makes major course correction! Current Ship: V-7 RAMP QUEEN Current Ship: V-12 WAGGED WASCAL Current Ship: V-15 Combat Mission Current Ship: V-16 CITY OF JASPER V-16 : [13] Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone: 19 CITY OF JASPER has passed her AC check! Current Zone: 19 Ship in difficulty! Initial Fire: 0 BIT: 0 Fire Now; 0 Engines; 4 Shot_up_roll 0 Parameter M: 0 Long-term Damage; 0 Guns: F41234100000012123455 Superficial Damage: 0 VPS: 0 AC Lost: False Crew Loss: [] Guns: F41234100000024123455 A_Guns: F41234100000012123455 B_Guns: F41234100000012123455 Current Ship: V-23 LASSIES ELEVEN Current Ship: V-25 READY BETTIE Current Ship: V-31 SWEET ELOISE Current Ship: V-33 DREAM GIRL V-33 : [14] Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone: 19 DREAM GIRL has passed her NAV check! Ship fine - continues on mission! Current Ship: V-36 MIGHT FINE V-36 makes major course correction! Current Ship: V-37 UMBRIAGODATS MY BOY Current Ship: V-45 Ballings Crew Current Ship: V-47 Frank Crew Current Ship: V-48 Cruz Crew Current Ship: V-49 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Current Ship: V-50 TWENTIETH CENTURY LTD Current Ship: V-51 Reese Crew Current Ship: V-52 Larsen Crew Current Ship: V-53 McKenzie Crew V-53 : [14] Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone: 19 McKenzie Crew has passed her NAV check! Ship fine - continues on mission! Current Ship: V-55 Barnett Crew Current Ship: V-60 SITTIN PRETTY Current Zone: 19 len(T_force): 22 Zone 19 Current heights: [7, 4, 6, 6, 6, 6, 4, 12, 5, 5, 2, 3, 5, 6, 5, 4, 8, 5, 5, 5, 8, 6] Current Ship: V-4 INSPIRATION Current Ship: V-6 POISON LIL V-6 makes major course correction! Current Ship: V-7 RAMP QUEEN Current Ship: V-12 WAGGED WASCAL Current Ship: V-15 Combat Mission Current Ship: V-16 CITY OF JASPER Current Ship: V-23 LASSIES ELEVEN V-23 makes major course correction! Current Ship: V-25 READY BETTIE Current Ship: V-31 SWEET ELOISE Current Ship: V-33 DREAM GIRL Current Ship: V-36 MIGHT FINE V-36 makes major course correction! Current Ship: V-37 UMBRIAGODATS MY BOY V-37 makes major course correction! Current Ship: V-45 Ballings Crew Current Ship: V-47 Frank Crew Current Ship: V-48 Cruz Crew Current Ship: V-49 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD V-49 makes major course correction! Current Ship: V-50 TWENTIETH CENTURY LTD Current Ship: V-51 Reese Crew Current Ship: V-52 Larsen Crew Current Ship: V-53 McKenzie Crew V-53 : [14] Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone: 20 McKenzie Crew has passed her NAV check! Current Zone: 20 Ship in difficulty! Initial Fire: 0 BIT: 0 Fire Now; 0 Engines; 4 Shot_up_roll 0 Parameter M: 0 Long-term Damage; 5 Guns: F41234105000046023052 Superficial Damage: 0 VPS: 0 AC Lost: False Crew Loss: [] Guns: F41234100000092023052 A_Guns: F41234105000046023052 B_Guns: F41234105000046023052 Current Ship: V-55 Barnett Crew Current Ship: V-60 SITTIN PRETTY Current Zone: 20 len(T_force): 22 Zone 20 Current heights: [3, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 6, 8, 2, 1, 6, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 5, 1, 1, 1, 4, 2] Current Ship: V-4 INSPIRATION V-4 makes major course correction! Current Ship: V-6 POISON LIL Current Ship: V-7 RAMP QUEEN V-7 makes major course correction! Current Ship: V-12 WAGGED WASCAL V-12 makes major course correction! Current Ship: V-15 Combat Mission V-15 makes major course correction! Current Ship: V-16 CITY OF JASPER V-16 makes major course correction! Current Ship: V-23 LASSIES ELEVEN Current Ship: V-25 READY BETTIE Current Ship: V-31 SWEET ELOISE V-31 makes major course correction! Current Ship: V-33 DREAM GIRL V-33 makes major course correction! Current Ship: V-36 MIGHT FINE Current Ship: V-37 UMBRIAGODATS MY BOY V-37 makes major course correction! Current Ship: V-45 Ballings Crew V-45 makes major course correction! Current Ship: V-47 Frank Crew V-47 makes major course correction! Current Ship: V-48 Cruz Crew V-48 makes major course correction! Current Ship: V-49 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD V-49 makes major course correction! Current Ship: V-50 TWENTIETH CENTURY LTD Current Ship: V-51 Reese Crew V-51 makes major course correction! Current Ship: V-52 Larsen Crew V-52 makes major course correction! Current Ship: V-53 McKenzie Crew V-53 makes major course correction! V-53 : [14] Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone: 21 McKenzie Crew has failed her NAV check! McKenzie Crew has passed her FE check! Ship fine - continues on mission! Current Ship: V-55 Barnett Crew Current Ship: V-60 SITTIN PRETTY V-60 makes major course correction! Current Zone: 21 len(T_force): 22 Zone 21 Current heights: [2, 1, 6, 5, 3, 1, 2, 4, 4, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5, 2, 0] Current Ship: V-4 INSPIRATION Current Ship: V-6 POISON LIL Current Ship: V-7 RAMP QUEEN Current Ship: V-12 WAGGED WASCAL Current Ship: V-15 Combat Mission Current Ship: V-16 CITY OF JASPER Current Ship: V-23 LASSIES ELEVEN Current Ship: V-25 READY BETTIE Current Ship: V-31 SWEET ELOISE Current Ship: V-33 DREAM GIRL Current Ship: V-36 MIGHT FINE Current Ship: V-37 UMBRIAGODATS MY BOY Current Ship: V-45 Ballings Crew Current Ship: V-47 Frank Crew Current Ship: V-48 Cruz Crew Current Ship: V-49 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Current Ship: V-50 TWENTIETH CENTURY LTD Current Ship: V-51 Reese Crew Current Ship: V-52 Larsen Crew Current Ship: V-53 McKenzie Crew Current Ship: V-55 Barnett Crew Current Ship: V-60 SITTIN PRETTY V-60 makes major course correction! Current Zone: 22 len(T_force): 22 Zone 22 Current heights: [2, 1, 6, 5, 3, 1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 5, 6, 4, 5, 5, 3, 6] Current Ship: V-4 INSPIRATION Current Ship: V-6 POISON LIL V-6 : [29] Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone: 23 POISON LIL has failed her FE check! Aircraft returns safely with enough fuel for 6 more zones. Ship fine - continues on mission! Current Ship: V-7 RAMP QUEEN V-7 : [26] Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone: 23 Ship fine - continues on mission! Current Ship: V-12 WAGGED WASCAL Current Ship: V-15 Combat Mission Current Ship: V-16 CITY OF JASPER Current Ship: V-23 LASSIES ELEVEN V-23 makes major course correction! Current Ship: V-25 READY BETTIE Current Ship: V-31 SWEET ELOISE V-31 makes major course correction! Current Ship: V-33 DREAM GIRL Current Ship: V-36 MIGHT FINE Current Ship: V-37 UMBRIAGODATS MY BOY Current Ship: V-45 Ballings Crew Current Ship: V-47 Frank Crew Current Ship: V-48 Cruz Crew Current Ship: V-49 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Current Ship: V-50 TWENTIETH CENTURY LTD Current Ship: V-51 Reese Crew Current Ship: V-52 Larsen Crew Current Ship: V-53 McKenzie Crew Current Ship: V-55 Barnett Crew Current Ship: V-60 SITTIN PRETTY Current Zone: 23 len(T_force): 22 Zone 23 Current heights: [2, 2, 6, 5, 4, 1, 2, 4, 5, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5, 3, 6] Current Ship: V-4 INSPIRATION Current Ship: V-6 POISON LIL V-6 makes major course correction! Current Ship: V-7 RAMP QUEEN Current Ship: V-12 WAGGED WASCAL Current Ship: V-15 Combat Mission Current Ship: V-16 CITY OF JASPER Current Ship: V-23 LASSIES ELEVEN Current Ship: V-25 READY BETTIE Current Ship: V-31 SWEET ELOISE Current Ship: V-33 DREAM GIRL Current Ship: V-36 MIGHT FINE Current Ship: V-37 UMBRIAGODATS MY BOY Current Ship: V-45 Ballings Crew Current Ship: V-47 Frank Crew Current Ship: V-48 Cruz Crew Current Ship: V-49 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Current Ship: V-50 TWENTIETH CENTURY LTD Current Ship: V-51 Reese Crew Current Ship: V-52 Larsen Crew Current Ship: V-53 McKenzie Crew Current Ship: V-55 Barnett Crew Current Ship: V-60 SITTIN PRETTY Current Zone: 24 len(T_force): 22 Zone 24 Current heights: [2, 0, 6, 5, 4, 1, 2, 4, 9, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5, 3, 6] Current Ship: V-4 INSPIRATION Current Ship: V-6 POISON LIL V-6 makes major course correction! Current Ship: V-7 RAMP QUEEN Current Ship: V-12 WAGGED WASCAL Current Ship: V-15 Combat Mission Current Ship: V-16 CITY OF JASPER Current Ship: V-23 LASSIES ELEVEN Current Ship: V-25 READY BETTIE Current Ship: V-31 SWEET ELOISE Current Ship: V-33 DREAM GIRL Current Ship: V-36 MIGHT FINE Current Ship: V-37 UMBRIAGODATS MY BOY V-37 makes major course correction! V-37 : [27] Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone: 25 UMBRIAGODATS MY BOY has passed her NAV check! Ship fine - continues on mission! Current Ship: V-45 Ballings Crew Current Ship: V-47 Frank Crew Current Ship: V-48 Cruz Crew Current Ship: V-49 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Current Ship: V-50 TWENTIETH CENTURY LTD Current Ship: V-51 Reese Crew Current Ship: V-52 Larsen Crew Current Ship: V-53 McKenzie Crew Current Ship: V-55 Barnett Crew Current Ship: V-60 SITTIN PRETTY Current Zone: 25 len(T_force): 22 Zone 25 Current heights: [2, 6, 6, 5, 4, 1, 2, 4, 6, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 5, 1, 4, 5, 5, 1, 6] Current Ship: V-4 INSPIRATION Current Ship: V-6 POISON LIL Current Ship: V-7 RAMP QUEEN Current Ship: V-12 WAGGED WASCAL Current Ship: V-15 Combat Mission Current Ship: V-16 CITY OF JASPER V-16 : [26] Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone: 26 Current Zone: 26 Ship in difficulty! Initial Fire: 0 BIT: 9 Fire Now; 0 Engines; 4 Shot_up_roll 2 Parameter M: 0 Long-term Damage; 0 Guns: F41234100000024123455 Superficial Damage: 0 VPS: 0 AC Lost: False Crew Loss: ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Safe', 'B', 'Lucky Escape', 'D', 'Mild Fall'] Guns: F41234100000048123455 A_Guns: F41234100000024123455 B_Guns: F41234100000024123455 Current Ship: V-23 LASSIES ELEVEN Current Ship: V-25 READY BETTIE Current Ship: V-31 SWEET ELOISE Current Ship: V-33 DREAM GIRL Current Ship: V-36 MIGHT FINE V-36 makes minor course correction! Current Ship: V-37 UMBRIAGODATS MY BOY V-37 makes minor course correction! Current Ship: V-45 Ballings Crew Current Ship: V-47 Frank Crew Current Ship: V-48 Cruz Crew Current Ship: V-49 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Current Ship: V-50 TWENTIETH CENTURY LTD Current Ship: V-51 Reese Crew Current Ship: V-52 Larsen Crew Current Ship: V-53 McKenzie Crew Current Ship: V-55 Barnett Crew V-55 makes minor course correction! Current Ship: V-60 SITTIN PRETTY Current Zone: 26 len(T_force): 22 Zone 26 Current heights: [2, 6, 6, 5, 4, 1, 2, 4, 7, 1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 5, 3, 4, 5, 5, 0, 6] Current Ship: V-4 INSPIRATION Aircraft preparing to land at 2 000 Feet V-4 landed skillfully! Current Ship: V-6 POISON LIL Aircraft preparing to land at 6 000 Feet V-6 was in difficulties landing! Current Ship: V-7 RAMP QUEEN Aircraft preparing to land at 6 000 Feet V-7 was in difficulties landing! V-7 : [13] Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone: 27 RAMP QUEEN has failed her AC check! RAMP QUEEN has failed her NAV check! RAMP QUEEN has failed her FE check! Aircraft returns safely with enough fuel for 10 more zones. Ship fine - continues on mission! Current Ship: V-12 WAGGED WASCAL Aircraft preparing to land at 5 000 Feet V-12 was in difficulties landing! Current Ship: V-15 Combat Mission Aircraft preparing to land at 4 000 Feet V-15 was in difficulties landing! Current Ship: V-16 CITY OF JASPER Aircraft preparing to land at 1 000 Feet V-16 landed smoothly! V-16 : [13, 13] Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone: 27 CITY OF JASPER has failed her AC check! CITY OF JASPER has failed her NAV check! CITY OF JASPER has failed her FE check! Aircraft returns safely with enough fuel for 4 more zones. Ship fine - continues on mission! Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone: 27 CITY OF JASPER has failed her AC check! CITY OF JASPER has failed her NAV check! CITY OF JASPER has failed her FE check! Aircraft returns safely with enough fuel for 8 more zones. Current Zone: 27 Ship in difficulty! Initial Fire: 0 BIT: 0 Fire Now; 0 Engines; 4 Shot_up_roll 0 Parameter M: 0 Long-term Damage; 0 Guns: F41234100000048123455 Superficial Damage: 0 VPS: 0 AC Lost: False Crew Loss: [] Guns: F41234100000096123455 A_Guns: F41234100000048123455 B_Guns: F41234100000048123455 Current Ship: V-23 LASSIES ELEVEN Aircraft preparing to land at 2 000 Feet V-23 landed skillfully! V-23 : [15] Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone: 27 LASSIES ELEVEN has failed her FE check! Aircraft returns safely with enough fuel for 6 more zones. Current Zone: 27 Ship in difficulty! Initial Fire: 0 BIT: 0 Fire Now; 0 Engines; 4 Shot_up_roll 0 Parameter M: 0 Long-term Damage; 0 Guns: F41234100000090120053 Superficial Damage: 0 VPS: 0 AC Lost: False Crew Loss: [] Guns: F41234100000180120053 A_Guns: F41234100000090120053 B_Guns: F41234100000090120053 Current Ship: V-25 READY BETTIE Aircraft preparing to land at 4 000 Feet V-25 was in difficulties landing! Current Ship: V-31 SWEET ELOISE Aircraft preparing to land at 7 000 Feet V-31 was in extreme difficulty landing! Current Ship: V-33 DREAM GIRL Aircraft preparing to land at 1 000 Feet V-33 landed smoothly! V-33 : [14] Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone: 27 DREAM GIRL has failed her NAV check! DREAM GIRL has failed her FE check! Aircraft returns safely with enough fuel for 5 more zones. Current Zone: 27 Ship in difficulty! Initial Fire: 0 BIT: 0 Fire Now; 0 Engines; 4 Shot_up_roll 0 Parameter M: 0 Long-term Damage; 0 Guns: F41234100000059123455 Superficial Damage: 0 VPS: 0 AC Lost: False Crew Loss: [] Guns: F41234100000118123455 A_Guns: F41234100000059123455 B_Guns: F41234100000059123455 Current Ship: V-36 MIGHT FINE Aircraft preparing to land at 0 000 Feet V-36 was in difficulties landing on three engines! Current Ship: V-37 UMBRIAGODATS MY BOY Aircraft preparing to land at 2 000 Feet V-37 landed skillfully! V-37 : [14] Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone: 27 UMBRIAGODATS MY BOY has failed her NAV check! UMBRIAGODATS MY BOY has failed her FE check! Aircraft returns safely with enough fuel for 5 more zones. Ship fine - continues on mission! Current Ship: V-45 Ballings Crew Aircraft preparing to land at 1 000 Feet V-45 landed smoothly! Current Ship: V-47 Frank Crew Aircraft preparing to land at 1 000 Feet V-47 landed smoothly! Current Ship: V-48 Cruz Crew Aircraft preparing to land at 1 000 Feet V-48 landed smoothly! Current Ship: V-49 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Aircraft preparing to land at 5 000 Feet V-49 was in difficulties landing! Current Ship: V-50 TWENTIETH CENTURY LTD Aircraft preparing to land at 3 000 Feet V-50 landed skillfully! Current Ship: V-51 Reese Crew Aircraft preparing to land at 4 000 Feet V-51 was in difficulties landing! Current Ship: V-52 Larsen Crew Aircraft preparing to land at 5 000 Feet V-52 was in difficulties landing! Current Ship: V-53 McKenzie Crew Aircraft preparing to land at 5 000 Feet V-53 was in difficulties landing! V-53 : [14, 15] Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone: 27 McKenzie Crew has failed her FE check! Aircraft returns safely with enough fuel for 8 more zones. Ship fine - continues on mission! Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone: 27 McKenzie Crew has failed her NAV check! McKenzie Crew has failed her FE check! Aircraft returns safely with enough fuel for 7 more zones. Ship fine - continues on mission! Current Ship: V-55 Barnett Crew Aircraft preparing to land at 0 000 Feet V-55 landed perfectly! Current Ship: V-60 SITTIN PRETTY Aircraft preparing to land at 6 000 Feet V-60 was in difficulties landing! Hours Passed: 3 ['V-4', 'Group COMMANDER', 'Edwin Alvarez', 'A', 'Commander: 499-GHQ'] ['V-6', 'Group Deputy', 'Larry Doyle', 'A', 'Deputy: 499-GHQ'] Sentai: 244 : Senior Captain Matsumi nakano Sentai: 244 : Warrant Officer Takuma Shimoyama Sentai: 244 : Junior Sergeant_Major Sueo Obayashi Sentai: 244 : 1st Lieutenant Tsuneo Torikai Sentai: 28 : 2nd Lieutenant Shigeru Honjo Sentai: Akeno : Senior Captain Matsumi nakano Sentai: Tokorozawa : Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio Sentai: Tokorozawa : Senior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio ['C', 8, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 22, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 22, '019204M', 'PJJZI4A4H', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 22, 'Warrant Officer Takuma Shimoyama', 'Special', 'Capable', 0, 0, 22, '03500AM', 'AJJZF4ACL', 3], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 22, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Sueo Obayashi', 'Cautious', 'Capable', 0, 0, 22, '01000BM', '6JJZC4AAL', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 24, '1st Lieutenant Tsuneo Torikai', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 24, '017403O', 'FJJZ64A3K', 1], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 16, '2nd Lieutenant Shigeru Honjo', 'Standard', 'Poor', 0, 0, 16, '016816G', 'SJJZ64A3L', 1], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 34, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Tentative', 'Ace of Aces', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 34, '012305Y', 'IJJZ74A3Q', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 9, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Skilled', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 13, '[46208I', '1JJZO4AE1', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 24, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 25, 'AA231KU', '4JJZL4AD1', 1]] Sentai: Tokorozawa : 2nd Lieutenant Eikichi Iwashita Sentai: Tokorozawa : Senior Corporal Tetsuji Giga Sentai: Tokorozawa : Senior Corporal Natsume Soseki ['C', 3, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 22, '2nd Lieutenant Eikichi Iwashita', 'Feint', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 22, '022509M', 'OJJZ34ABI', 2], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 22, 'Senior Corporal Tetsuji Giga', 'Cautious', 'Poor', 0, 0, 22, '025911M', 'DJJZ64ABU', 2], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 22, 'Senior Corporal Natsume Soseki', 'Break-off', 'Poor', 0, 0, 22, '011012M', 'CJJZ64AAJ', 1]] Sentai: Tokorozawa : 1st Lieutenant Hidetsugu Takahashi Now engaged in Training! Sentai: Tokorozawa : 2nd Lieutenant Matsumi nakano ['C', 2, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, '1st Lieutenant Hidetsugu Takahashi', 'Buzz', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, '02751NM', '2JJZI4ABJ', 2], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, '2nd Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Tentative', 'Competent', 0, 0, 22, '03021PM', 'GJJZL4ACS', 3]] Sentai: Tokorozawa : 2nd Lieutenant Shinichi Tanaka Sentai: Tokorozawa : Junior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio Sentai: Tokorozawa : 2nd Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto Sentai: Tokorozawa : Senior Sergeant Nashi Obayashi ['F', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, '2nd Lieutenant Shinichi Tanaka', 'Cautious', 'Trained', 0, 0, 22, '01211TM', 'RJJZ84A4K', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, 'Junior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Cautious', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 22, '01221UM', 'GJJZO4AAU', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, '2nd Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Special', 'Capable', 0, 0, 22, '03241VM', 'ZJJZ94ACL', 3], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, 'Senior Sergeant Nashi Obayashi', 'Unorthodox', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, '02831WM', 'HJJZ74ABF', 2]] Sentai: Akeno : Warrant Officer Kosaku Nakano Sentai: Akeno : 1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano Sentai: Akeno : 2nd Lieutenant Hannoshin Nishio ['A', 3, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 22, 'Warrant Officer Kosaku Nakano', 'Buzz', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, '01720SM', 'RJJZI4AAO', 1], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 22, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Soft Abort', 'Competent', 0, 0, 22, '01690TM', 'WJJZL4AAM', 1], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 22, '2nd Lieutenant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 22, '01600VM', 'UJJZA4AAR', 1]] Sentai: 28 : Senior Major Saburo Amakasu Sentai: 28 : Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi Sentai: 28 : Junior Sergeant Tetsujiro Tanaka ['I', 3, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 18, 'Senior Major Saburo Amakasu', 'Unorthodox', 'Capable', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 18, '010523I', 'VJJZF4AAF', 1], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 20, 'Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi', 'Feint', 'Capable', 0, 0, 20, '02602AK', 'CJJZ94ABO', 2], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 16, 'Junior Sergeant Tetsujiro Tanaka', 'Special', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 16, '03582BG', 'LJJZ14ACO', 3]] Sentai: 28 : 2nd Lieutenant Shoichi Sato Sentai: 244 : Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio Sentai: 244 : 2nd Lieutenant Hitoshi Imamura Sentai: 244 : 1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano ['G', 4, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', -3, '2nd Lieutenant Shoichi Sato', 'Buzz', 'Untried', 'No Effect', 'Fireball', -3, 'AC65217', '6JJZE4AA1', 3], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 33, 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Aggressive', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 33, '03890LX', 'WJJZS4ACF', 3], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 23, '2nd Lieutenant Hitoshi Imamura', 'Buzz', 'Trained', 0, 0, 23, '01110ON', '2JJZ94A4G', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 31, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Aggressive', 'Competent', 0, 0, 31, '01380PV', '6JJZH4A4F', 1]] Sentai: 244 : 1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano Sentai: 244 : Senior Sergeant_Major Shigeyoshi Inoue Sentai: 244 : 1st Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto Sentai: 244 : Senior Major Hannoshin Nishio Sentai: 244 : Warrant Officer Hannoshin Nishio Sentai: Tokorozawa : Senior Sergeant_Major Tetsuo Sasaki Now engaged in Training! Sentai: Tokorozawa : Senior Corporal Kobayashi Nagai Sentai: Tokorozawa : Junior Sergeant_Major Giichiro Inoue Sentai: Tokorozawa : Warrant Officer Nishino Iwane Sentai: Akeno : Senior Sergeant Matsumi nakano ['E', 10, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Soft Abort', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'AD230FM', 'KJJZH4AAH', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 22, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Shigeyoshi Inoue', 'Buzz', 'Capable', 0, 0, 22, '01720GM', '6JJZ04AAO', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Delay', '1st Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Abrupt', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '=0000HM', '0JJZ90AE1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 21, 'Senior Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 27, 'AA280CW', '0JJZ24AC1', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 21, 'Warrant Officer Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 22, 'AD220DR', 'CJJZ34AC1', 4], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Intercept', 'Senior Sergeant_Major Tetsuo Sasaki', 'Unorthodox', 'Untried', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 11, 'AD7413G', 'TJJZB4AA1', 4], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 11, 'Senior Corporal Kobayashi Nagai', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 13, 'AC651BI', 'QJJZ34AA1', 3], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 19, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Giichiro Inoue', 'Feint', 'Untried', 0, 0, 19, 'A4771CO', 'BJJZH4AA1', 0], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 9, 'Warrant Officer Nishino Iwane', 'Tentative', 'Poor', 'No Effect', '33% Probable', 12, 'A4311DH', 'OJJZ64AA1', 0], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 26, 'Senior Sergeant Matsumi nakano', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 29, 'A44807Y', 'CJJZ44AE1', 0]] Sentai: 28 : Senior Major Takeo Takahashi ['H', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 17, 'Senior Major Takeo Takahashi', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 17, '016722H', 'UJJZ04A4M', 1]] Sentai: 28 : Senior Sergeant_Major Masahiko Sasahara Sentai: 28 : Senior Major Matsumi nakano ['A', 2, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 22, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Masahiko Sasahara', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, '03401YM', 'RJJZI4ACO', 3], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 35, 'Senior Major Matsumi nakano', 'Cautious', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 35, '01941XZ', 'TJJZO4A3J', 1]] Sentai: Akeno : 1st Lieutenant Michihiro Sugawara ['B', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 22, '1st Lieutenant Michihiro Sugawara', 'Aggressive', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, '03080XM', 'CJJZI4ACP', 3]] Sentai: 244 : Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko Sentai: 244 : Senior Captain Kentaro Takatsuka Sentai: 244 : Senior Captain Tsuneo Torikai Sentai: Tokorozawa : Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio Sentai: 28 : Senior Major Somo Tatebayashi Sentai: Tokorozawa : Senior Sergeant_Major Shusaku ENDO ['F', 6, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 16, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko', 'Feint', 'Very poor', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 16, '01990IG', 'JJJZ34A3I', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 23, 'Senior Captain Kentaro Takatsuka', 'Surprise', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 23, '03930JN', 'HJJZC4ACQ', 3], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 27, 'Senior Captain Tsuneo Torikai', 'Standard', 'Untried', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 27, '01040KR', 'UJJZI4A3S', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 35, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Special', 'Ace of Aces', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 35, '03291EZ', 'MJJZ14ACM', 3], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 25, 'Senior Major Somo Tatebayashi', 'Feint', 'Untried', 0, 0, 25, '013318P', 'UJJZI4A3H', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 23, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Shusaku ENDO', 'Unorthodox', 'Untried', 0, 0, 23, '01431RN', 'PJJZ24A4K', 1]] Sentai: Tokorozawa : Junior Sergeant_Major Hoichi Yoshii Sentai: Tokorozawa : Warrant Officer Takeo Iwaguro Sentai: Tokorozawa : Warrant Officer Toru Shinomiya Sentai: Akeno : Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio ['B', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hoichi Yoshii', 'Tentative', 'Capable', 0, 0, 22, '02761GM', 'AJJZ34ABI', 2], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Delayed', 'Warrant Officer Takeo Iwaguro', 'Buzz', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '=0001IM', '0JJZ62AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 10, 'Warrant Officer Toru Shinomiya', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '30711JM', 'SJJZI4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 25, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Special', 'Ace', 0, 0, 27, 'AB340WW', 'TJJZ54AA1', 2]] Sentai: 28 : 2nd Lieutenant Higashikuni Morihiro Sentai: Tokorozawa : Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio ['D', 2, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 16, '2nd Lieutenant Higashikuni Morihiro', 'Tentative', 'Trained', 0, 0, 16, '01472AG', 'CJJZ94A4U', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 21, 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Competent', 0, 0, 21, '02521QL', '6JJZL4ABQ', 2]] Sentai: Akeno : Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio ['C', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 22, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 22, '021506M', 'KJJZK4ABL', 2]] Warrant Officer Nishino Iwane is injured! 2nd Lieutenant Shoichi Sato is KIA! After Air battles now at Urgency Level: 3 ['C', 8, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 22, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 22, '019204M', 'PJJZI4A4H', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 22, 'Warrant Officer Takuma Shimoyama', 'Special', 'Capable', 0, 0, 22, '03500AM', 'AJJZF4ACL', 3], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 22, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Sueo Obayashi', 'Cautious', 'Capable', 0, 0, 22, '01000BM', '6JJZC4AAL', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 24, '1st Lieutenant Tsuneo Torikai', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 24, '017403O', 'FJJZ64A3K', 1], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 16, '2nd Lieutenant Shigeru Honjo', 'Standard', 'Poor', 0, 0, 16, '016816G', 'SJJZ64A3L', 1], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 34, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Tentative', 'Ace of Aces', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 34, '012305Y', 'IJJZ74A3Q', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 9, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Skilled', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 13, '[46208I', '1JJZO4AE1', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 24, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 25, 'AA231KU', '4JJZL4AD1', 1]] Skill/Confidence has increased! Skill/Confidence has increased! After Air battles now at Urgency Level: -6 ['C', 3, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 22, '2nd Lieutenant Eikichi Iwashita', 'Feint', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 22, '022509M', 'OJJZ34ABI', 2], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 22, 'Senior Corporal Tetsuji Giga', 'Cautious', 'Poor', 0, 0, 22, '025911M', 'DJJZ64ABU', 2], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 22, 'Senior Corporal Natsume Soseki', 'Break-off', 'Poor', 0, 0, 22, '011012M', 'CJJZ64AAJ', 1]] Rapid Skill increase!! After Air battles now at Urgency Level: -6 ['C', 2, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, '1st Lieutenant Hidetsugu Takahashi', 'Buzz', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, '02751NM', '2JJZI4ABJ', 2], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, '2nd Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Tentative', 'Competent', 0, 0, 22, '03021PM', 'GJJZL4ACS', 3]] Skill/Confidence has increased! Skill/Confidence has increased! After Air battles now at Urgency Level: -6 ['F', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, '2nd Lieutenant Shinichi Tanaka', 'Cautious', 'Trained', 0, 0, 22, '01211TM', 'RJJZ84A4K', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, 'Junior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Cautious', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 22, '01221UM', 'GJJZO4AAU', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, '2nd Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Special', 'Capable', 0, 0, 22, '03241VM', 'ZJJZ94ACL', 3], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, 'Senior Sergeant Nashi Obayashi', 'Unorthodox', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, '02831WM', 'HJJZ74ABF', 2]] Rapid Skill increase!! After Air battles now at Urgency Level: -3 ['A', 3, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 22, 'Warrant Officer Kosaku Nakano', 'Buzz', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, '01720SM', 'RJJZI4AAO', 1], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 22, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Soft Abort', 'Competent', 0, 0, 22, '01690TM', 'WJJZL4AAM', 1], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 22, '2nd Lieutenant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 22, '01600VM', 'UJJZA4AAR', 1]] Previous skill level: Untried New skill level: Incompetent Pilot skill has become erratic/unpredictable!! After Air battles now at Urgency Level: -6 ['I', 3, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 18, 'Senior Major Saburo Amakasu', 'Unorthodox', 'Capable', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 18, '010523I', 'VJJZF4AAF', 1], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 20, 'Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi', 'Feint', 'Capable', 0, 0, 20, '02602AK', 'CJJZ94ABO', 2], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 16, 'Junior Sergeant Tetsujiro Tanaka', 'Special', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 16, '03582BG', 'LJJZ14ACO', 3]] After Air battles now at Urgency Level: 1 ['G', 3, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 33, 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Aggressive', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 33, '03890LX', 'WJJZS4ACF', 3], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 23, '2nd Lieutenant Hitoshi Imamura', 'Buzz', 'Trained', 0, 0, 23, '01110ON', '2JJZ94A4G', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 31, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Aggressive', 'Competent', 0, 0, 31, '01380PV', '6JJZH4A4F', 1]] Skill/Confidence has increased! After Air battles now at Urgency Level: 1 ['E', 9, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Soft Abort', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'AD230FM', 'KJJZH4AAH', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 22, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Shigeyoshi Inoue', 'Buzz', 'Capable', 0, 0, 22, '01720GM', '6JJZ04AAO', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Delay', '1st Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Abrupt', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '=0000HM', '0JJZ90AE1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 21, 'Senior Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 27, 'AA280CW', '0JJZ24AC1', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 21, 'Warrant Officer Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 22, 'AD220DR', 'CJJZ34AC1', 4], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Intercept', 'Senior Sergeant_Major Tetsuo Sasaki', 'Unorthodox', 'Untried', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 11, 'AD7413G', 'TJJZB4AA1', 4], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 11, 'Senior Corporal Kobayashi Nagai', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 13, 'AC651BI', 'QJJZ34AA1', 3], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 19, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Giichiro Inoue', 'Feint', 'Untried', 0, 0, 19, 'A4771CO', 'BJJZH4AA1', 0], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 26, 'Senior Sergeant Matsumi nakano', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 29, 'A44807Y', 'CJJZ44AE1', 0]] Skill/Confidence has increased! Skill/Confidence has increased! Skill/Confidence has increased! Skill/Confidence has increased! After Air battles now at Urgency Level: 6 ['H', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 17, 'Senior Major Takeo Takahashi', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 17, '016722H', 'UJJZ04A4M', 1]] After Air battles now at Urgency Level: 6 ['A', 2, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 22, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Masahiko Sasahara', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, '03401YM', 'RJJZI4ACO', 3], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 35, 'Senior Major Matsumi nakano', 'Cautious', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 35, '01941XZ', 'TJJZO4A3J', 1]] After Air battles now at Urgency Level: 1 ['B', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 22, '1st Lieutenant Michihiro Sugawara', 'Aggressive', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, '03080XM', 'CJJZI4ACP', 3]] After Air battles now at Urgency Level: -1 ['F', 6, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 16, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko', 'Feint', 'Very poor', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 16, '01990IG', 'JJJZ34A3I', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 23, 'Senior Captain Kentaro Takatsuka', 'Surprise', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 23, '03930JN', 'HJJZC4ACQ', 3], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 27, 'Senior Captain Tsuneo Torikai', 'Standard', 'Untried', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 27, '01040KR', 'UJJZI4A3S', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 35, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Special', 'Ace of Aces', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 35, '03291EZ', 'MJJZ14ACM', 3], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 25, 'Senior Major Somo Tatebayashi', 'Feint', 'Untried', 0, 0, 25, '013318P', 'UJJZI4A3H', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 23, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Shusaku ENDO', 'Unorthodox', 'Untried', 0, 0, 23, '01431RN', 'PJJZ24A4K', 1]] Skill/Confidence has increased! Skill/Confidence has increased! After Air battles now at Urgency Level: -10 ['B', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hoichi Yoshii', 'Tentative', 'Capable', 0, 0, 22, '02761GM', 'AJJZ34ABI', 2], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Delayed', 'Warrant Officer Takeo Iwaguro', 'Buzz', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '=0001IM', '0JJZ62AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 10, 'Warrant Officer Toru Shinomiya', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '30711JM', 'SJJZI4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 25, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Special', 'Ace', 0, 0, 27, 'AB340WW', 'TJJZ54AA1', 2]] Previous skill level: Capable New skill level: Untried Pilot skill has become erratic/unpredictable!! Rapid Skill increase!! After Air battles now at Urgency Level: 10 ['D', 2, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 16, '2nd Lieutenant Higashikuni Morihiro', 'Tentative', 'Trained', 0, 0, 16, '01472AG', 'CJJZ94A4U', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 21, 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Competent', 0, 0, 21, '02521QL', '6JJZL4ABQ', 2]] Skill/Confidence has increased! After Air battles now at Urgency Level: -8 ['C', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 22, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 22, '021506M', 'KJJZK4ABL', 2]] DAMAGE STATUS: V-7 False F41234100000000123455 V-25 - FLT ENGINEER : 1LT P Stephens P.O.B: Tarrant TX Protestant 1945-04-29: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1945-06-25: Safe 1945-08-18: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1945-06-15: Safe V-25 - OBSERVER : Cpl E Ingram P.O.B: Richmond City VA Protestant 1944-01-28: Lucky Escape 1944-01-30: Painful Bumped leg 1945-04-29: Painful Foot Injury 1945-06-25: Safe 1945-08-18: Safe 1945-06-15: Lucky Escape V-60 - FLT ENGINEER : MSGT A Daniel P.O.B: Cook IL Protestant 1944-01-28: Safe 1945-05-13: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1945-06-15: Mild Disorientated V-60 - OBSERVER : OBS P Salazar P.O.B: Westchester NY Catholic 1944-01-28: Painful Bumped Hand 1945-05-13: Safe 1945-06-15: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken V-36 - FLT ENGINEER : 2LT V Guzman P.O.B: San Diego CA Catholic 1945-06-27: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1945-06-27: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1945-08-18: Serious Disorientated 1945-06-15: Safe True V-36 - OBSERVER : Cpl W Terry P.O.B: King WA Non-Denominational 1945-06-27: Lucky Escape 1945-06-27: Safe 1945-08-18: Lucky Escape 1945-06-15: Lucky Escape True V-36 - BOMBARDIER : 2LT G Becker P.O.B: Lackawanna PA Catholic 1945-06-27: Safe 1945-06-27: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1945-08-18: Safe 1945-06-15: Safe True Crewman: L Owens is potentially unsuitable for operations. V-36 - Radar Observer : TSGT L Owens P.O.B: Placer CA Protestant 1945-06-27: Unlucky nervous exhaustion. 1945-06-27: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1945-06-27: Serious nervous exhaustion. 1945-06-27: Severe Leg Wound 1945-08-18: Debilitating nervous exhaustion. 1945-08-18: Safe 1945-06-15: Unlucky nervous exhaustion. 1945-06-15: Safe True V-36 - Port Gunner : SGT U Spencer P.O.B: Dickinson KS Protestant 1945-06-27: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1945-06-15: Safe True Crewman: Z Newman is potentially unsuitable for operations. V-36 - Starboard Gunner : SSGT Z Newman P.O.B: Providence RI Non-Denominational 1945-06-27: Serious nervous exhaustion. 1945-06-27: Safe 1945-06-15: Unlucky nervous exhaustion. 1945-06-15: Mild Bumped Chest True V-36 - CFC : SSGT K Wade P.O.B: Atlantic NJ Protestant 1945-06-27: Safe 1945-08-18: Safe 1945-06-15: Safe True V-36 - Tail Gunner : SSGT R Carroll P.O.B: Volusia FL Protestant 1945-06-27: Safe 1945-08-18: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1945-06-15: Safe True V-36 - NAVIGATOR : 1LT K Byrd P.O.B: Hudson NJ Catholic 1945-06-27: Superficial lost balance 1945-06-27: Safe 1945-08-18: Painful lost balance 1945-06-15: Lucky Escape 1945-06-15: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken True V-36 - RADIO OPERATOR : 2LT Y Morrison P.O.B: Riverside CA Catholic 1945-06-27: Safe 1945-06-27: Safe 1945-08-18: Safe 1945-06-15: Unlucky Finger Injury 1945-06-15: Serious Fall True V-36 - A/C COMMANDER : Major N Keller P.O.B: Nassau NY Non-Denominational 1945-04-22: Safe 1945-06-27: Safe 1945-06-27: Painful Bumped Arm 1945-08-18: Safe 1945-06-15: Safe True V-36 - CO-PILOT : 1LT B Garza P.O.B: Dane WI Protestant 1945-04-22: Replaced this mission. 1945-06-27: Safe 1945-06-27: Unlucky Incapacitated 1945-08-18: Safe 1945-06-15: Painful Bumped Arm True DAMAGE STATUS: V-16 False F41234100000096123455 V-16 - FLT ENGINEER : SSGT I Wilkerson P.O.B: Los Angeles CA Protestant 1945-04-23: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1945-04-30: Missing 1945-06-06: Safe 1945-06-15: Safe V-16 - OBSERVER : OBS W Roberson P.O.B: Orleans LA Protestant 1945-04-23: Safe 1945-04-30: Missing/POW 1945-06-06: Superficial Disorientated 1945-06-15: Safe V-16 - BOMBARDIER : 1LT Q Hamilton P.O.B: Tarrant TX Protestant 1945-04-23: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1945-04-30: Missing 1945-06-06: Safe 1945-06-15: Lucky Escape V-16 - Radar Observer : 1LT Z Lopez P.O.B: Los Angeles CA Protestant 1945-04-23: Safe 1945-04-30: Missing 1945-06-06: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1945-06-15: Mild Fall V-12 - FLT ENGINEER : SSGT V Parker P.O.B: Cook IL Protestant 1945-04-21: Safe 1945-04-30: recovered from Stomach Wound 1945-05-11: Safe 1945-06-24: Safe 1945-08-18: Safe 1945-06-15: Safe 1945-06-15: Safe Rough landing V-12 - OBSERVER : SGT J Carr P.O.B: Wayne MI Protestant 1945-04-21: Lucky Escape 1945-04-30: Safe 1945-05-11: Painful Bumped Shoulder 1945-06-24: Safe 1945-08-18: Serious Bumped Hips 1945-06-15: Safe 1945-06-15: Safe Rough landing V-12 - BOMBARDIER : 1LT A Hubbard P.O.B: Monroe MI Non-Denominational 1944-12-10: Safe 1944-01-09: Missing 1945-06-15: Safe Rough landing V-12 - Radar Observer : 1LT C Torres P.O.B: Suffolk NY Protestant 1945-03-18: Safe 1945-04-21: Safe 1945-05-04: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1945-05-11: recovered from Arm Injury 1945-08-18: Safe 1945-06-15: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken Rough landing V-12 - Port Gunner : SSGT J Long P.O.B: Montgomery PA Protestant 1945-04-21: Safe 1945-04-30: Lucky Escape 1945-08-18: Safe 1945-06-15: Safe Rough landing V-12 - Starboard Gunner : SSGT H Bridges P.O.B: Box Butte NE Non-Denominational 1945-08-18: Safe 1945-06-15: Safe Rough landing V-12 - CFC : SGT J Oliver P.O.B: Prince Georges MD Protestant 1945-06-15: Serious lost balance Rough landing V-12 - Tail Gunner : SGT B Nash P.O.B: Los Angeles CA Catholic 1945-03-18: Lucky Escape 1945-04-30: Superficial lost balance 1945-05-04: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1945-08-18: Safe 1945-06-15: Painful lost balance Rough landing V-12 - NAVIGATOR : 2LT S Williamson P.O.B: Butler OH Protestant 1945-05-04: Mild Disorientated 1945-06-24: Superficial Bumped leg 1945-08-18: Serious Disorientated 1945-06-15: Unlucky Dislocated Shoulder 1945-06-15: Safe Rough landing V-12 - RADIO OPERATOR : TSGT M Cannon P.O.B: Santa Clara CA Protestant 1945-05-04: Safe 1945-06-24: Superficial Bumped Hips 1945-08-18: Painful Bumped Foot 1945-06-15: Lucky Escape 1945-06-15: Safe Rough landing V-12 - A/C COMMANDER : Captain M McKenzie P.O.B: Gloucester NJ Protestant 1945-03-18: Safe 1945-04-21: Lucky Escape 1945-04-30: Safe 1945-05-11: cured Leg Injury 1945-06-24: Replaced this mission. 1945-08-18: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1945-06-15: Safe Rough landing V-12 - CO-PILOT : 1LT P Hamilton P.O.B: Anchorage AK Protestant 1945-03-18: Replaced this mission. 1945-03-18: Replaced this mission. 1945-04-21: Safe 1945-04-30: Safe 1945-05-11: Safe 1945-06-24: Replaced this mission. 1945-08-18: Serious Disorientated 1945-06-15: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken Rough landing DAMAGE STATUS: V-55 False F41234100000006120453 V-55 - FLT ENGINEER : TSGT O Norris P.O.B: Shelby TN Protestant 1944-01-30: Safe 1944-01-30: Safe 1945-08-18: Safe 1945-06-15: Mild Bumped leg 1945-06-15: Painful Needed Assistance V-55 - OBSERVER : SGT S Knight P.O.B: El Paso CO Catholic 1944-01-30: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1944-01-30: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1945-08-18: Safe 1945-06-15: Superficial Disorientated 1945-06-15: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken V-55 - BOMBARDIER : 1LT P Nash P.O.B: Benton WA Protestant 1945-06-15: Superficial Bumped Hand V-55 - Radar Observer : TSGT J Allen P.O.B: Queens NY Protestant 1944-01-30: Lucky Escape 1944-01-30: Lucky Escape 1945-03-17: Safe 1945-06-15: Safe V-55 - Port Gunner : SGT T Klein P.O.B: Maricopa AZ Jewish 1945-06-15: Safe V-55 - Starboard Gunner : SGT P Brown P.O.B: Dakota MN Non-Denominational 1945-06-15: Safe DAMAGE STATUS: V-23 False F41234100000180120053 V-23 - FLT ENGINEER : 2LT B Walsh P.O.B: Westchester NY Jewish 1945-06-15: Superficial Disorientated V-23 - OBSERVER : OBS K Powell P.O.B: Pierce WA Non-Denominational 1945-06-15: Painful Foot wound V-23 - BOMBARDIER : 2LT O Ray P.O.B: Los Angeles CA Protestant 1945-06-15: Painful Bumped leg V-23 - Radar Observer : TSGT T Harrison P.O.B: Bergen NJ Non-Denominational 1945-06-15: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken V-23 - Port Gunner : SGT M Moody P.O.B: New York NY Protestant 1945-06-15: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken V-23 - Starboard Gunner : SSGT K Wong P.O.B: Miami-Dade FL Non-Denominational 1945-06-15: Safe V-23 - CFC : SGT K Ford P.O.B: San Mateo CA Non-Denominational 1945-03-18: Safe 1945-04-21: Safe 1945-04-23: Safe 1945-04-23: Safe 1945-05-04: Mild Bumped Arm 1945-06-06: Safe 1945-06-15: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken V-23 - Tail Gunner : SSGT Z Ball P.O.B: Washtenaw MI Non-Denominational 1945-06-15: Serious Stomach Injury DAMAGE STATUS: V-53 False F41234100000092023052 V-53 - FLT ENGINEER : SSGT F Hunt P.O.B: Cuyahoga OH Protestant 1944-12-10: Safe 1944-01-09: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1945-03-16: Safe 1945-04-22: Lucky Escape 1945-04-30: Lucky Escape 1945-08-18: Painful lost balance 1945-06-15: Safe V-53 - OBSERVER : SGT F Ball P.O.B: Brown WI Catholic 1944-12-10: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1944-01-09: Safe 1945-03-16: Safe 1945-04-22: Superficial lost balance 1945-04-30: Safe 1945-08-18: Safe 1945-06-15: Painful Bumped Hips V-53 - BOMBARDIER : 1LT X Massey P.O.B: Los Angeles CA Protestant 1944-12-10: Safe 1944-01-09: Safe 1945-06-15: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1945-06-15: Unlucky Stomach Injury V-53 - Radar Observer : 1LT M Vega P.O.B: Essex NJ Catholic 1944-12-10: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1944-01-09: Safe 1945-06-15: Lucky Escape 1945-06-15: Safe V-53 - Port Gunner : SSGT I Fleming P.O.B: Lafayette LA Protestant 1944-12-10: Lucky Escape 1944-01-09: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1945-04-30: Painful Bumped Chest 1945-06-04: Superficial Bumped Foot 1945-06-15: Serious Bumped leg 1945-06-15: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken V-53 - Starboard Gunner : SSGT X Gray P.O.B: Chattooga GA Protestant 1944-12-10: cured Finger Injury 1944-01-09: Safe 1945-04-30: Safe 1945-06-04: Safe 1945-06-15: Safe 1945-06-15: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken DAMAGE STATUS: V-4 False F41234100000010123455 DAMAGE STATUS: V-6 False F41234100000011123455 DAMAGE STATUS: V-15 False F41234100000000123455 DAMAGE STATUS: V-31 False F41234100000015123455 DAMAGE STATUS: V-33 False F41234100000118123455 DAMAGE STATUS: V-37 False S41234100000022123455 DAMAGE STATUS: V-45 False F41234100000011123455 DAMAGE STATUS: V-47 False F41234100000016123455 DAMAGE STATUS: V-48 False F41234100000052123455 DAMAGE STATUS: V-49 False F41234100000048123455 DAMAGE STATUS: V-50 False F41234100000025123455 DAMAGE STATUS: V-51 False F41234100000001123455 DAMAGE STATUS: V-52 False F41234100000000123455 abg: ['Aborted', 'V-25', 'X41234100000036123455', 'V-60', 'X41234100000040123455', 'V-36', 'X31204108000054003453', 'V-12', 'X41234100000137103403', '4'] V-4 (Total Damage/VPs): 0 0 V-6 (Total Damage/VPs): 0 6 V-7 (Total Damage/VPs): 0 36 V-15 (Total Damage/VPs): 0 -2 ELEMENTS: ['Element A', 'V-4', 'F41234100000144123455', 'V-6', 'F41234100000145123455', 'V-7', 'F41234100000164123455', 'V-15', 'F41234100000134123455', 4] V-55 (Total Damage/VPs): 0 58 ELEMENTS: ['Element B', 'V-55', 'F41234100000053123455', 1] V-49 (Total Damage/VPs): 0 26 V-50 (Total Damage/VPs): 0 0 V-51 (Total Damage/VPs): 0 0 V-52 (Total Damage/VPs): 0 0 V-53 (Total Damage/VPs): 10 21 ELEMENTS: ['Element C', 'V-49', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-50', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-51', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-52', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-53', 'F41234100000000123455', 5] V-45 (Total Damage/VPs): 0 56 V-47 (Total Damage/VPs): 0 50 V-48 (Total Damage/VPs): 0 28 V-37 (Total Damage/VPs): 0 10 ELEMENTS: ['Element D', 'V-45', 'F41234100000181123455', 'V-47', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-48', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-37', 'S41234100000304123455', 4] V-16 (Total Damage/VPs): 0 44 V-23 (Total Damage/VPs): 12 26 V-31 (Total Damage/VPs): 0 -64 V-33 (Total Damage/VPs): 0 44 ELEMENTS: ['Element E', 'V-16', 'F41234100000310123455', 'V-23', 'F41234100000349120053', 'V-31', 'F41234100000319123455', 'V-33', 'F41234100000363123455', 4] V-25 (Total Damage/VPs): 0 12 V-60 (Total Damage/VPs): 0 11 V-36 (Total Damage/VPs): 8 -7 V-12 (Total Damage/VPs): 1 25 ELEMENTS: ['Aborted', 'V-25', 'X41234100000036123455', 'V-60', 'X41234100000040123455', 'V-36', 'X31204108000054003453', 'V-12', 'X41234100000137103403', '4'] ========================================= Highest Mission Scorers Aircraft; V-33 DREAM GIRL 407 VPs Aircraft Commander: 1LT Q Page Aircraft; V-23 LASSIES ELEVEN 375 VPs Aircraft Commander: Major R Todd Aircraft; V-16 CITY OF JASPER 354 VPs Aircraft Commander: Captain U Carpenter ========================================= Lowest Mission Scorers Aircraft; V-50 TWENTIETH CENTURY LTD 0 VPs Aircraft Commander: Major E McCormick Aircraft; V-51 Reese Crew 0 VPs Aircraft Commander: 1LT R Reese Aircraft; V-52 Larsen Crew 0 VPs Aircraft Commander: 1LT R Larson ========================================= Highest Mission Interceptors Aircraft; Senior Captain Matsumi nakano 0 Hits. Final Status: 0 Aircraft; Warrant Officer Takuma Shimoyama 0 Hits. Final Status: 0 Aircraft; Junior Sergeant_Major Sueo Obayashi 0 Hits. Final Status: 0 ========================================= Bombed Primary: 6 Bombed Secondary: 5 Bombed Other: 8 Aborted / T.L.R: 3 4 aircraft aborted/damaged/lost V-25 - X41234100000036123455 -Zone/Cause: 3 . AC Lost / Damaged: False V-60 - X41234100000040123455 -Zone/Cause: 8 . AC Lost / Damaged: False V-36 - X31204108000054003453 -Zone/Cause: 9 . AC Lost / Damaged: True V-12 - X41234100000137103403 -Zone/Cause: Departing Flak . AC Lost / Damaged: Rough landing