Strategic Time:  18  weeks.
Theatre Time:  27  days in the  ETO
Operational Time:  42  Hours in the  CBI
Mission Time:  20  hours in the  Tokyo
Battle Time:  56  minutes in the  Ground  dimension.
Mission Day/Night:  ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1']
Expected Event!
Check Roll:  3
Expected Event:  V-11 Unique Event
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [21], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
Expected Event:  V-16 EE
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [30], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
Expected Event:  V-21 FE Check
[[], [], [], [29], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
Expected Event:  V-26 FE Check
[[], [], [29], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
Expected Event:  V-34 Nav Check
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [27], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
Expected Event:  V-43 Nav Check
[[], [27], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
Expected Event!
Check Roll:  85
Expected Event!
Check Roll:  58
Current Ship:  V-3   FAST COMPANY
Current Ship:  V-7   RAMP QUEEN
Current Ship:  V-11   TOKYO TWISTER
V-11  makes major course correction!
Current Ship:  V-13   WAR WEARY
Current Ship:  V-15   Combat Mission
Current Ship:  V-16   CITY OF JASPER
V-16  makes major course correction!
Current Ship:  V-21   HASTA LUEGO
V-21  makes major course correction!
Current Ship:  V-26   GLAZY VIEWS
V-26  makes major course correction!
Current Ship:  V-27   RUSTY DUSTY
Current Ship:  V-31   SWEET ELOISE
Current Ship:  V-32   BEAUBOMBER
Current Ship:  V-34   HAMS EGGS
V-34  makes major course correction!
Current Ship:  V-35   RIGHT HONEY
Current Ship:  V-38   CITY OF MEADOWFIELD
V-38  makes major course correction!
Current Ship:  V-43   Manning Crew
V-43  makes major course correction!
V-43 :  [27]
Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone:  1
Manning Crew  has failed her NAV check!
Manning Crew  has passed her FE check!
Ship fine - continues on mission!
Current Ship:  V-47   Frank Crew
Current Ship:  V-49   CITY OF MAPLEWOOD
Current Ship:  V-51   Reese Crew
Current Ship:  V-52   Larsen Crew
V-52  makes major course correction!
Current Ship:  V-53   McKenzie Crew
V-53  makes major course correction!
Current Zone:  1
len(T_force): 20
Zone  1  Current heights:  [3, 2, 1, 3, 4, 2, 2, 1, 2, 4, 3, 5, 2, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 5]
Current Ship:  V-3   FAST COMPANY
Current Ship:  V-7   RAMP QUEEN
Current Ship:  V-11   TOKYO TWISTER
Current Ship:  V-13   WAR WEARY
Current Ship:  V-15   Combat Mission
Current Ship:  V-16   CITY OF JASPER
Current Ship:  V-21   HASTA LUEGO
Current Ship:  V-26   GLAZY VIEWS
V-26 :  [29]
Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone:  2
GLAZY VIEWS  has passed her FE check!
Ship fine - continues on mission!
Current Ship:  V-27   RUSTY DUSTY
Current Ship:  V-31   SWEET ELOISE
Current Ship:  V-32   BEAUBOMBER
Current Ship:  V-34   HAMS EGGS
Current Ship:  V-35   RIGHT HONEY
Current Ship:  V-38   CITY OF MEADOWFIELD
Current Ship:  V-43   Manning Crew
Current Ship:  V-47   Frank Crew
Current Ship:  V-49   CITY OF MAPLEWOOD
Current Ship:  V-51   Reese Crew
Current Ship:  V-52   Larsen Crew
Current Ship:  V-53   McKenzie Crew
Current Zone:  2
len(T_force): 20
Zone  2  Current heights:  [3, 2, 1, 3, 4, 2, 2, 1, 2, 4, 3, 5, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 5]
Current Ship:  V-3   FAST COMPANY
Engine Strain:  19
Current Ship:  V-7   RAMP QUEEN
Engine Strain:  3
Current Ship:  V-11   TOKYO TWISTER
Engine Strain:  19
Current Ship:  V-13   WAR WEARY
Current Ship:  V-15   Combat Mission
Current Ship:  V-16   CITY OF JASPER
Current Ship:  V-21   HASTA LUEGO
V-21 :  [29]
Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone:  3
HASTA LUEGO  has passed her FE check!
Ship fine - continues on mission!
Current Ship:  V-26   GLAZY VIEWS
Current Ship:  V-27   RUSTY DUSTY
Engine Strain:  1
Current Ship:  V-31   SWEET ELOISE
Current Ship:  V-32   BEAUBOMBER
Current Ship:  V-34   HAMS EGGS
Current Ship:  V-35   RIGHT HONEY
Current Ship:  V-38   CITY OF MEADOWFIELD
Current Ship:  V-43   Manning Crew
Current Ship:  V-47   Frank Crew
Current Ship:  V-49   CITY OF MAPLEWOOD
Current Ship:  V-51   Reese Crew
Current Ship:  V-52   Larsen Crew
Engine Strain:  2
Current Ship:  V-53   McKenzie Crew
Current Zone:  3
len(T_force): 20
Zone  3  Current heights:  [12, 10, 9, 11, 12, 10, 10, 9, 10, 12, 11, 11, 10, 12, 9, 10, 11, 12, 10, 13]
Current Ship:  V-3   FAST COMPANY
Current Ship:  V-7   RAMP QUEEN
Current Ship:  V-11   TOKYO TWISTER
Current Ship:  V-13   WAR WEARY
Current Ship:  V-15   Combat Mission
Current Ship:  V-16   CITY OF JASPER
Current Ship:  V-21   HASTA LUEGO
Current Ship:  V-26   GLAZY VIEWS
Current Ship:  V-27   RUSTY DUSTY
Current Ship:  V-31   SWEET ELOISE
Current Ship:  V-32   BEAUBOMBER
Current Ship:  V-34   HAMS EGGS
Current Ship:  V-35   RIGHT HONEY
Current Ship:  V-38   CITY OF MEADOWFIELD
Current Ship:  V-43   Manning Crew
Current Ship:  V-47   Frank Crew
Current Ship:  V-49   CITY OF MAPLEWOOD
Current Ship:  V-51   Reese Crew
Current Ship:  V-52   Larsen Crew
Current Ship:  V-53   McKenzie Crew
Current Zone:  4
len(T_force): 20
Zone  4  Current heights:  [12, 10, 9, 11, 12, 9, 10, 9, 10, 12, 11, 11, 10, 15, 9, 10, 11, 12, 10, 13]
Current Ship:  V-3   FAST COMPANY
Current Ship:  V-7   RAMP QUEEN
Current Ship:  V-11   TOKYO TWISTER
Current Ship:  V-13   WAR WEARY
Current Ship:  V-15   Combat Mission
Current Ship:  V-16   CITY OF JASPER
Current Ship:  V-21   HASTA LUEGO
Current Ship:  V-26   GLAZY VIEWS
Current Ship:  V-27   RUSTY DUSTY
Current Ship:  V-31   SWEET ELOISE
Current Ship:  V-32   BEAUBOMBER
Current Ship:  V-34   HAMS EGGS
Current Ship:  V-35   RIGHT HONEY
Current Ship:  V-38   CITY OF MEADOWFIELD
Current Ship:  V-43   Manning Crew
Current Ship:  V-47   Frank Crew
Current Ship:  V-49   CITY OF MAPLEWOOD
Current Ship:  V-51   Reese Crew
Current Ship:  V-52   Larsen Crew
Current Ship:  V-53   McKenzie Crew
Current Zone:  5
len(T_force): 20
Zone  5  Current heights:  [12, 10, 9, 11, 12, 9, 10, 9, 10, 12, 11, 11, 10, 15, 9, 10, 11, 12, 10, 13]
Current Ship:  V-3   FAST COMPANY
Current Ship:  V-7   RAMP QUEEN
Current Ship:  V-11   TOKYO TWISTER
Current Ship:  V-13   WAR WEARY
Current Ship:  V-15   Combat Mission
Current Ship:  V-16   CITY OF JASPER
V-16 :  [30]
Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone:  6
Aircraft experiences an immediate X event!
X_observer_roll_A: 3
X_observer: The Co Pilot observes something related to Poor cowl flap setting/supercharger issue? on his console.
Guns:  A31204100000000123455
A_Guns:  F41234100000000123455
B_Guns:  A31204100000000123455
Current Zone:  6
Ship in difficulty!
Initial Fire:  3
BIT:  24
Fire Now;  1
Engines;  3
Parameter M:  1
Long-term Damage;  4
Guns:  A31204104000011123455
Superficial Damage:  3
VPS:  11
AC Lost:  False
Crew Loss:  []
Current Ship:  V-21   HASTA LUEGO
Current Ship:  V-26   GLAZY VIEWS
Current Ship:  V-27   RUSTY DUSTY
Current Ship:  V-31   SWEET ELOISE
Current Ship:  V-32   BEAUBOMBER
Current Ship:  V-34   HAMS EGGS
Current Ship:  V-35   RIGHT HONEY
Current Ship:  V-38   CITY OF MEADOWFIELD
Current Ship:  V-43   Manning Crew
Current Ship:  V-47   Frank Crew
Current Ship:  V-49   CITY OF MAPLEWOOD
Current Ship:  V-51   Reese Crew
Current Ship:  V-52   Larsen Crew
Current Ship:  V-53   McKenzie Crew
Current Zone:  6
len(T_force): 20
Zone  6  Current heights:  [12, 10, 9, 11, 12, 11, 10, 9, 10, 12, 11, 10, 10, 15, 9, 10, 11, 12, 10, 13]
Current Ship:  V-3   FAST COMPANY
Current Ship:  V-7   RAMP QUEEN
Current Ship:  V-11   TOKYO TWISTER
Current Ship:  V-13   WAR WEARY
Current Ship:  V-15   Combat Mission
Current Ship:  V-16   CITY OF JASPER
Current Ship:  V-21   HASTA LUEGO
Current Ship:  V-26   GLAZY VIEWS
Current Ship:  V-27   RUSTY DUSTY
Current Ship:  V-31   SWEET ELOISE
Current Ship:  V-32   BEAUBOMBER
Current Ship:  V-34   HAMS EGGS
Current Ship:  V-35   RIGHT HONEY
Current Ship:  V-38   CITY OF MEADOWFIELD
Current Ship:  V-43   Manning Crew
Current Ship:  V-47   Frank Crew
Current Ship:  V-49   CITY OF MAPLEWOOD
Current Ship:  V-51   Reese Crew
Current Ship:  V-52   Larsen Crew
V-52 :  [306]
Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone:  7
Current Zone:  7
Ship in difficulty!
Initial Fire:  0
BIT:  0
Fire Now;  0
Engines;  4
Shot_up_roll 1
Parameter M:  0
Long-term Damage;  0
Guns:  F41234100000003123455
Superficial Damage:  1
VPS:  3
AC Lost:  False
Crew Loss:  ['E', 'Lucky Escape', 'O', 'Serious Bumped Hand']
Current Ship:  V-53   McKenzie Crew
Current Zone:  7
len(T_force): 20
Zone  7  Current heights:  [12, 10, 9, 11, 12, 11, 10, 9, 10, 12, 11, 10, 10, 16, 9, 10, 11, 12, 10, 13]
Current Ship:  V-3   FAST COMPANY
Current Ship:  V-7   RAMP QUEEN
Current Ship:  V-11   TOKYO TWISTER
V-11 :  [21]
Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone:  8
Special Event:  Radar System fails
Ship fine - continues on mission!
Current Ship:  V-13   WAR WEARY
Current Ship:  V-15   Combat Mission
Current Ship:  V-16   CITY OF JASPER
Current Ship:  V-21   HASTA LUEGO
Current Ship:  V-26   GLAZY VIEWS
Current Ship:  V-27   RUSTY DUSTY
V-27 :  [307]
Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone:  8
Current Zone:  8
Ship in difficulty!
Initial Fire:  0
BIT:  0
Fire Now;  0
Engines;  4
Shot_up_roll -4
Parameter M:  0
Long-term Damage;  0
Guns:  F41234100000052000450
Superficial Damage:  0
VPS:  0
AC Lost:  False
Crew Loss:  ['E', 'Serious Bumped Head', 'O', 'Lucky Escape', 'C', 'Safe', 'T', 'Severe Needed Assistance', 'B', 'Superficial Bumped Arm', 'D', 'Safe', 'L', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'R', 'Serious Disorientated']
Current Ship:  V-31   SWEET ELOISE
Current Ship:  V-32   BEAUBOMBER
Current Ship:  V-34   HAMS EGGS
Current Ship:  V-35   RIGHT HONEY
Current Ship:  V-38   CITY OF MEADOWFIELD
Current Ship:  V-43   Manning Crew
Current Ship:  V-47   Frank Crew
Current Ship:  V-49   CITY OF MAPLEWOOD
Current Ship:  V-51   Reese Crew
Current Ship:  V-52   Larsen Crew
Current Ship:  V-53   McKenzie Crew
Current Zone:  8
len(T_force): 20
Zone  8  Current heights:  [12, 10, 9, 11, 12, 11, 10, 9, 10, 12, 11, 10, 10, 17, 9, 10, 11, 12, 10, 13]
Current Ship:  V-3   FAST COMPANY
Current Ship:  V-7   RAMP QUEEN
V-7 :  [305]
Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone:  9
Aircraft experiences an immediate X event!
X_observer_roll_A: 4
X_observer: Central Fire Controller observes something unusual. Smoke observed.
Current Zone:  9
Ship in difficulty!
Initial Fire:  0
BIT:  0
Fire Now;  0
Engines;  4
Shot_up_roll 1
Parameter M:  0
Long-term Damage;  0
Guns:  F41234100000003123455
Superficial Damage:  1
VPS:  3
AC Lost:  False
Crew Loss:  ['E', 'Severe Needed Assistance', 'O', 'Lucky Escape']
Current Ship:  V-11   TOKYO TWISTER
Current Ship:  V-13   WAR WEARY
Current Ship:  V-15   Combat Mission
Current Ship:  V-16   CITY OF JASPER
Current Ship:  V-21   HASTA LUEGO
Current Ship:  V-26   GLAZY VIEWS
Current Ship:  V-27   RUSTY DUSTY
Current Ship:  V-31   SWEET ELOISE
Current Ship:  V-32   BEAUBOMBER
Current Ship:  V-34   HAMS EGGS
Current Ship:  V-35   RIGHT HONEY
Current Ship:  V-38   CITY OF MEADOWFIELD
Current Ship:  V-43   Manning Crew
Current Ship:  V-47   Frank Crew
Current Ship:  V-49   CITY OF MAPLEWOOD
Current Ship:  V-51   Reese Crew
Current Ship:  V-52   Larsen Crew
Current Ship:  V-53   McKenzie Crew
Current Zone:  9
len(T_force): 20
Zone  9  Current heights:  [12, 10, 9, 11, 12, 10, 10, 9, 10, 12, 11, 10, 10, 18, 9, 10, 11, 12, 10, 13]
Final Element:  ['Element D', 'V-47', 'F41234100000047123455', 'V-49', 'F41234100000022123455', 'V-51', 'F41234100000047123455', 'V-52', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-53', 'F41234100000063123455', 5]
Battle Formation has been achieved
A in ELEMENT_GROUP: ['Element A', 'V-3', 'F41234100000018123455', 'V-7', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-11', 'F41234100000049123455', 'V-13', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-15', 'F41234100000000123455', 5]
0  Stragglers:  []
A in ELEMENT_GROUP: ['Element B', 'V-16', 'A31204104000011123455', 'V-21', 'F41234100000062123455', 'V-26', 'F41234100000035123455', 'V-27', 'F41234100000052123455', 'V-31', 'F41234100000030123455', 5]
0  Stragglers:  []
A in ELEMENT_GROUP: ['Element C', 'V-32', 'F41234100000064123455', 'V-34', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-35', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-38', 'F41234100000020123455', 'V-43', 'F41234100000037123455', 5]
0  Stragglers:  []
A in ELEMENT_GROUP: ['Element D', 'V-47', 'F41234100000047123455', 'V-49', 'F41234100000022123455', 'V-51', 'F41234100000047123455', 'V-52', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-53', 'F41234100000063123455', 5]
0  Stragglers:  []
Current Ship:  V-3   FAST COMPANY
Current Ship:  V-7   RAMP QUEEN
Current Ship:  V-11   TOKYO TWISTER
Current Ship:  V-13   WAR WEARY
Current Ship:  V-15   Combat Mission
Current Ship:  V-16   CITY OF JASPER
Current Ship:  V-21   HASTA LUEGO
Current Ship:  V-26   GLAZY VIEWS
Current Ship:  V-27   RUSTY DUSTY
Current Ship:  V-31   SWEET ELOISE
Current Ship:  V-32   BEAUBOMBER
Current Ship:  V-34   HAMS EGGS
V-34 :  [27]
Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone:  10
HAMS EGGS  has passed her NAV check!
Ship fine - continues on mission!
Current Ship:  V-35   RIGHT HONEY
Current Ship:  V-38   CITY OF MEADOWFIELD
Current Ship:  V-43   Manning Crew
Current Ship:  V-47   Frank Crew
Current Ship:  V-49   CITY OF MAPLEWOOD
Current Ship:  V-51   Reese Crew
Current Ship:  V-52   Larsen Crew
Current Ship:  V-53   McKenzie Crew
Current Zone:  10
len(T_force): 20
Zone  10  Current heights:  [12, 10, 9, 11, 12, 10, 10, 9, 10, 12, 11, 10, 10, 19, 9, 10, 11, 12, 10, 13]
Current Zone:  10
len(T_force): 20
Zone  10  Current heights:  [12, 10, 9, 11, 12, 10, 10, 9, 10, 12, 11, 10, 10, 19, 9, 10, 11, 12, 10, 13]
Element_group:  ['Element A', 'V-3', 'F41234100000018123455', 'V-7', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-11', 'F41234100000049123455', 'V-13', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-15', 'F41234100000000123455', 5]
Element_group:  ['Element B', 'V-16', 'A31204104000011123455', 'V-21', 'F41234100000062123455', 'V-26', 'F41234100000035123455', 'V-27', 'F41234100000052123455', 'V-31', 'F41234100000030123455', 5]
Element_group:  ['Element C', 'V-32', 'F41234100000064123455', 'V-34', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-35', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-38', 'F41234100000020123455', 'V-43', 'F41234100000037123455', 5]
Element_group:  ['Element D', 'V-47', 'F41234100000047123455', 'V-49', 'F41234100000022123455', 'V-51', 'F41234100000047123455', 'V-52', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-53', 'F41234100000063123455', 5]
This aircraft has aborted:  V-16
This aircraft has aborted:  V-52
This aircraft has aborted:  V-27
This aircraft has aborted:  V-7
There is fighter escort! 1  Groups with  1  Squadrons and  1  Flights.
Gridline:  01234ABCD56789
Dictionary saved to air_defence_data.txt
Current Ship:  V-3   FAST COMPANY
Current Ship:  V-7   RAMP QUEEN
Current Ship:  V-11   TOKYO TWISTER
Current Ship:  V-13   WAR WEARY
Current Ship:  V-15   Combat Mission
Current Ship:  V-16   CITY OF JASPER
Current Ship:  V-21   HASTA LUEGO
Current Ship:  V-26   GLAZY VIEWS
Current Ship:  V-27   RUSTY DUSTY
Current Ship:  V-31   SWEET ELOISE
Current Ship:  V-32   BEAUBOMBER
Current Ship:  V-34   HAMS EGGS
Current Ship:  V-35   RIGHT HONEY
Current Ship:  V-38   CITY OF MEADOWFIELD
Current Ship:  V-43   Manning Crew
V-43 :  [15]
Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone:  11
Manning Crew  has passed her FE check!
Ship fine - continues on mission!
Current Ship:  V-47   Frank Crew
Current Ship:  V-49   CITY OF MAPLEWOOD
Current Ship:  V-51   Reese Crew
Current Ship:  V-52   Larsen Crew
Current Ship:  V-53   McKenzie Crew
Current Zone:  11
len(T_force): 20
Zone  11  Current heights:  [12, 10, 9, 11, 12, 10, 10, 9, 10, 12, 11, 10, 10, 19, 9, 10, 11, 12, 10, 13]
Current Ship:  V-3   FAST COMPANY
Current Ship: 1 :  FAST COMPANY   V-3  currently at  12  000 feet!
Current Ship:  V-7   RAMP QUEEN
Current Ship: 2 :  RAMP QUEEN   V-7  currently at  10  000 feet!
Current Ship:  V-11   TOKYO TWISTER
Current Ship: 3 :  TOKYO TWISTER   V-11  currently at  9  000 feet!
Current Ship:  V-13   WAR WEARY
Current Ship: 4 :  WAR WEARY   V-13  currently at  11  000 feet!
Current Ship:  V-15   Combat Mission
Current Ship: 5 :  Combat Mission   V-15  currently at  12  000 feet!
Current Ship:  V-16   CITY OF JASPER
Current Ship: 6 :  CITY OF JASPER   V-16  currently at  10  000 feet!
Current Ship:  V-21   HASTA LUEGO
Current Ship: 7 :  HASTA LUEGO   V-21  currently at  10  000 feet!
Current Ship:  V-26   GLAZY VIEWS
Current Ship: 8 :  GLAZY VIEWS   V-26  currently at  9  000 feet!
Current Ship:  V-27   RUSTY DUSTY
Current Ship: 9 :  RUSTY DUSTY   V-27  currently at  10  000 feet!
Current Ship:  V-31   SWEET ELOISE
Current Ship: 10 :  SWEET ELOISE   V-31  currently at  12  000 feet!
Current Ship:  V-32   BEAUBOMBER
Current Ship: 11 :  BEAUBOMBER   V-32  currently at  11  000 feet!
Current Ship:  V-34   HAMS EGGS
Current Ship: 12 :  HAMS EGGS   V-34  currently at  10  000 feet!
Current Ship:  V-35   RIGHT HONEY
Current Ship: 13 :  RIGHT HONEY   V-35  currently at  10  000 feet!
Current Ship:  V-38   CITY OF MEADOWFIELD
Current Ship: 14 :  CITY OF MEADOWFIELD   V-38  currently at  19  000 feet!
Current Ship:  V-43   Manning Crew
Current Ship: 15 :  Manning Crew   V-43  currently at  9  000 feet!
V-43 :  [15]
Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone:  12
Manning Crew  has passed her FE check!
Current Zone:  12
Ship in difficulty!
Initial Fire:  0
BIT:  0
Fire Now;  0
Engines;  4
Parameter M:  0
Long-term Damage;  0
Guns:  F41234100000037123455
Superficial Damage:  0
VPS:  0
AC Lost:  False
Crew Loss:  []
Current Ship:  V-47   Frank Crew
Current Ship: 16 :  Frank Crew   V-47  currently at  10  000 feet!
Current Ship:  V-49   CITY OF MAPLEWOOD
Current Ship: 17 :  CITY OF MAPLEWOOD   V-49  currently at  11  000 feet!
Current Ship:  V-51   Reese Crew
Current Ship: 18 :  Reese Crew   V-51  currently at  12  000 feet!
Current Ship:  V-52   Larsen Crew
Current Ship: 19 :  Larsen Crew   V-52  currently at  10  000 feet!
Current Ship:  V-53   McKenzie Crew
Current Zone:  12
len(T_force): 20
Zone  12  Current heights:  [12, 10, 9, 11, 12, 10, 10, 9, 10, 12, 11, 10, 10, 19, 9, 10, 11, 12, 10, 13]
Current Ship: 20 :  McKenzie Crew   V-53  currently at  13  000 feet!
Zone  12  Current heights:  [12, 10, 9, 11, 12, 10, 10, 9, 10, 12, 11, 10, 10, 19, 9, 10, 11, 12, 10, 13]
Attacking Wave # 1 :  ['C', 8, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Delayed', 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Hard Abort', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '=00000M', '0JJZR0AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Ready', 'Warrant Officer Takuma Shimoyama', 'Tentative', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '=00001M', '0JJZF2AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Delayed', 'Junior Sergeant_Major Sueo Obayashi', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '=00002M', '0JJZF0AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Delayed', '1st Lieutenant Tsuneo Torikai', 'Break-off', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '=00003M', '0JJZA0AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 'Taxiing', '2nd Lieutenant Shigeru Honjo', 'Break-off', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '=00004M', '0JJZ63AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 'Ready', 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Deceptive', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '=0000AM', '0JJZF2AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Delayed', 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Break-off', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '=0000BM', '0JJZO0AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Delayed', 'Senior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Soft Abort', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '=0000CM', '0JJZA0AC1', 'Target']]
Attacking Wave # 2 :  ['C', 5, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Delayed', '2nd Lieutenant Eikichi Iwashita', 'Tentative', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '=0000DM', '0JJZ90AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Delayed', 'Senior Corporal Tetsuji Giga', 'Break-off', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '=0000EM', '0JJZ60AB1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Delayed', 'Senior Corporal Natsume Soseki', 'Hard Abort', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '=0000FM', '0JJZ60AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Ready', 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '=0000GM', '0JJZI2AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Ready', 'Senior Corporal Harukichi Hyakutake', 'Standard', 'Incompetent', 0, 0, 0, '=0000HM', '0JJZ02AD1', 'Target']]
Attacking Wave # 3 :  ['C', 2, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Delayed', '1st Lieutenant Hidetsugu Takahashi', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '=0000IM', '0JJZL0AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Delayed', '2nd Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Unorthodox', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '=0000JM', '0JJZO0AA1', 'Target']]
Attacking Wave # 4 :  ['F', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Delayed', '2nd Lieutenant Shinichi Tanaka', 'Break-off', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '=0000KM', '0JJZ90AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Delayed', 'Junior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Cautious', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '=0000LM', '0JJZ60AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Delayed', '2nd Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '=0000MM', '0JJZG0AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Delayed', 'Senior Sergeant Nashi Obayashi', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '=0000NM', '0JJZI0AC1', 'Target']]
Attacking Wave # 5 :  ['A', 3, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 'Ready', 'Warrant Officer Kosaku Nakano', 'Tentative', 'Incompetent', 0, 0, 0, '=0000OM', '0JJZ02AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 'Ready', '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '=0000PM', '0JJZL2AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 'Ready', '2nd Lieutenant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Cautious', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '=0000QM', '0JJZJ2AA1', 'Target']]
Attacking Wave # 6 :  ['I', 3, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 'Delayed', 'Senior Major Saburo Amakasu', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '=0000RM', '0JJZ90AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 'Delayed', 'Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi', 'Surprise', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '=0000SM', '0JJZF0AB1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 'Delayed', 'Junior Sergeant Tetsujiro Tanaka', 'Surprise', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 0, '=0000TM', '0JJZ30AA1', 'Target']]
Attacking Wave # 7 :  ['G', 3, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Ready', 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Cautious', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '=0000UM', '0JJZE2AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Ready', '2nd Lieutenant Hitoshi Imamura', 'Tentative', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '=0000VM', '0JJZ92AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Ready', '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '=0000WM', '0JJZC2AA1', 'Target']]
Attacking Wave # 8 :  ['E', 9, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Delay', '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Cautious', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '=0000XM', '0JJZD1AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Taxiing', 'Senior Sergeant_Major Shigeyoshi Inoue', 'Buzz', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '=0000YM', '0JJZ33AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Delayed', '1st Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Feint', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '=0000ZM', '0JJZC0AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', '6', 'Senior Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Feint', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '=07805M', 'MJJZ64AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Taxiing', 'Warrant Officer Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '=00006M', '0JJZB3AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Delayed', 'Senior Sergeant_Major Tetsuo Sasaki', 'Hard Abort', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '=00007M', '0JJZ00AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Delayed', 'Senior Corporal Kobayashi Nagai', 'Aggressive', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '=00008M', '0JJZI0AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Delay', 'Junior Sergeant_Major Giichiro Inoue', 'Feint', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '=00009M', '0JJZC1AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 'Delayed', 'Senior Sergeant Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '=00010M', '0JJZ50AA1', 'Target']]
Attacking Wave # 9 :  ['H', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', '24', 'Senior Major Takeo Takahashi', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '922611M', 'HJJZF4AB1', 'Target']]
Attacking Wave # 10 :  ['A', 2, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', '16', 'Senior Sergeant_Major Masahiko Sasahara', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '958112M', '1JJZA4AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 'Ready', 'Senior Major Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '=00013M', '0JJZO2AB1', 'Target']]
Attacking Wave # 11 :  ['B', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 'Delayed', '1st Lieutenant Michihiro Sugawara', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '=00014M', '0JJZE0AA1', 'Target']]
Attacking Wave # 12 :  ['F', 6, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Delayed', 'Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko', 'Standard', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 0, '=0001AM', '0JJZ30AB1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Delayed', 'Senior Captain Kentaro Takatsuka', 'Aggressive', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '=0001BM', '0JJZC0AB1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Delayed', 'Senior Captain Tsuneo Torikai', 'Aggressive', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '=0001CM', '0JJZL0AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', '16', 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Surprise', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '=0541DM', 'DJJZB4AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 'Ready', 'Senior Major Somo Tatebayashi', 'Feint', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '=0001EM', '0JJZL2AB1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Taxiing', 'Senior Sergeant_Major Shusaku ENDO', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '=0001FM', '0JJZ53AC1', 'Target']]
Attacking Wave # 13 :  ['B', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Delayed', 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hoichi Yoshii', 'Surprise', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '=0001GM', '0JJZI0AB1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Delayed', 'Warrant Officer Takeo Iwaguro', 'Special', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '=0001HM', '0JJZC0AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Delayed', 'Warrant Officer Toru Shinomiya', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '=0001IM', '0JJZ80AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 'Delayed', 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '=0001JM', '0JJZL0AD1', 'Target']]
Attacking Wave # 14 :  ['D', 2, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 'Ready', '2nd Lieutenant Higashikuni Morihiro', 'Deceptive', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '=0001KM', '0JJZ92AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 'Taxiing', 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Special', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '=0001LM', '0JJZ73AC1', 'Target']]
Attacking Wave # 15 :  ['C', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 'Delay', 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Aggressive', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '=0001MM', '0JJZD1AA1', 'Target']]
Total observed E/A: 54
14 / 93
P-51D00 - 0600
P-51D01 - 0600
P-51D02 - 0600
P-51D03 - 0600
P-51D04 - 0600
P-51D05 - 0600
P-51D06 - 0600
P-51D07 - 0600
P-51D08 - 0600
P-51D09 - 0600
P-51D0A - 0600
P-51D0B - 0600
P-51D0C - 0600
P-51D0D - 0600
P-51D0E - 0600
P-51D0F - 0600
P-51D0G - 0600
P-51D0H - 0600
P-51D0I - 0600
P-51D0J - 0600
P-51D0K - 0600
P-51D0L - 0600
P-51D0M - 0600
P-51D0N - 0600
P-51D0O - 0600
P-51D0P - 0600
P-51D0Q - 0600
P-51D0R - 0600
P-51D0S - 0600
P-51D0T - 0600
P-51D0U - 0600
P-51D0V - 0600
P-51D0W - 0600
P-51D0X - 0600
P-51D0Y - 0600
P-51D0Z - 0600
P-51D10 - 0600
P-51D11 - 0600
P-51D12 - 0600
P-51D13 - 0600
P-51D14 - 0600
P-51D15 - 0600
P-51D16 - 0600
P-51D17 - 0600
P-51D18 - 0600
P-51D19 - 0600
P-51D1A - 0600
P-51D1B - 0600
P-51D1C - 0600
P-51D1D - 0600
P-51D1E - 0600
P-51D1F - 0600
P-51D1G - 0600
P-51D1H - 0600
P-51D1I - 0600
P-51D1J - 0600
P-51D1K - 0600
P-51D1L - 0600
P-51D1M - 0600
P-51D1N - 0600
P-51D1O - 0600
P-51D1P - 0600
P-51D1Q - 0600
P-51D1R - 0600
P-51D1S - 0600
P-51D1T - 0600
P-51D1U - 0600
P-51D1V - 0600
P-51D1W - 0600
P-51D1X - 0600
P-51D1Y - 0600
P-51D1Z - 0600
P-51D20 - 0600
P-51D21 - 0600
P-51D22 - 0600
P-51D23 - 0600
P-51D24 - 0600
P-51D25 - 0600
P-51D26 - 0600
P-51D27 - 0600
P-51D28 - 0600
P-51D29 - 0600
P-51D2A - 0600
P-51D2B - 0600
P-51D2C - 0600
P-51D2D - 0600
P-51D2E - 0600
P-51D2F - 0600
P-51D2G - 0600
P-51D2H - 0600
P-51D2I - 0600
P-51D2J - 0600
P-51D2K - 0600
0  /  0
B29 Force:  16  Element strength:  4
Air Defence:  54  Wave strength:  15
Escort Group:  0  Section strength:  0
Escort Assigned!
Air Defence Size:  15
Gridline:  001234ABCD567899
Take-off 0JJZ63AC1
Taking-off IJJZ64AC1
2nd Lieutenant Shigeru Honjo  took  3 minutes  to reach  10  000 feet!
Take-off 0JJZF2AD1
Taking-off ZJJZF4AD1
Senior Captain Matsumi nakano  took  5 minutes  to reach  7  000 feet!
Take-off 0JJZI2AD1
Taking-off MJJZI4AD1
Senior Captain Matsumi nakano  took  5 minutes  to reach  6  000 feet!
Take-off 0JJZ02AA1
Taking-off QJJZ04AA1
Warrant Officer Kosaku Nakano  took  1 minutes  to reach  4  000 feet!
Take-off 0JJZ92AA1
Taking-off WJJZ94AA1
2nd Lieutenant Hitoshi Imamura  took  85 seconds  to reach  5  000 feet!
Take-off 0JJZ33AA1
Taking-off NJJZ34AA1
Senior Sergeant_Major Shigeyoshi Inoue  took  62 seconds  to reach  6  000 feet!
Take-off 0JJZL2AB1
Taking-off 6JJZL4AB1
Senior Major Somo Tatebayashi  took  2 minutes  to reach  6  000 feet!
Take-off 0JJZ92AA1
Taking-off IJJZ94AA1
2nd Lieutenant Higashikuni Morihiro  took  2 minutes  to reach  2  000 feet!
Take-off 0JJZ73AC1
Taking-off KJJZ74AC1
Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio  took  1 minutes  to reach  9  000 feet!
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  19  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (9, 3) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 4
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0G will attempt to stave off Mike11
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D29  will attempt to stave off  Mike11
Mike11 100 4 27 0600 9
P-51D29 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  0  fighters!
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D2D will attempt to stave off Mike11
Possible interception by P-51s in: (8, 4) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 5
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0K  will attempt to stave off  Mike11
Mike11 100 4 27 0600 9
P-51D0K 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  0  fighters!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D2H  will attempt to stave off  Mike11
Mike11 100 4 27 0600 9
P-51D2H 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  0  fighters!
Mike  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A B
9 2 [(11, 3), (10, 4), (9, 5)]
Possible interception by P-51s in: (9, 9) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 7
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Mike12
Attackers diverted!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (9, 9) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 7
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0S  will attempt to stave off  Mike12
Mike12 100 4 27 0600 9
P-51D0S 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  11  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  1  fighters!
Mike  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A D
9 5 [(11, 10), (10, 10)]
Possible interception by P-51s in: (8, 4) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 5
No Intercept!
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D2H will attempt to stave off Mike11
Possible interception by P-51s in: (8, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn C
No Intercept!
Mike  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A B
7 4 [(9, 5), (8, 6)]
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (8, 12) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn: 0
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Mike12
Attackers diverted!
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1L will attempt to stave off Mike12
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1P will attempt to stave off Mike12
Possible interception by P-51s in: (9, 9) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 7
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Mike12
Possible interception by P-51s in: (9, 9) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 7
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Mike12
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 2
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0A will attempt to stave off Mike12
Attackers diverted!
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Mike12
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D23 will attempt to stave off Mike12
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 2
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D0A will attempt to stave off Mike12
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Mike12
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D23  will attempt to stave off  Mike12
Attackers diverted!
Mike12 100 4 27 0600 9
P-51D23 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  1  fighters!
Mike  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A D
8 5 [(10, 10), (9, 10), (8, 10), (7, 9), (6, 9)]
Possible interception by P-51s in: (8, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn C
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0O will attempt to stave off Mike11
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0E will attempt to stave off Mike11
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D27 will attempt to stave off Mike11
Attackers diverted!
Mike  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A B
6 A [(8, 6), (7, 6), (6, 7)]
Mike has reached the Bomber Stream! AD3912M 1JJZA4AD1
Take-off 0JJZ90AD1
Taking-off BJJZ94AD1
2nd Lieutenant Eikichi Iwashita  took  3 minutes  to reach  2  000 feet!
Take-off 0JJZ02AD1
Taking-off MJJZ04AD1
Senior Corporal Harukichi Hyakutake  took  4 minutes  to reach  3  000 feet!
Take-off 0JJZL2AA1
Taking-off BJJZL4AA1
1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano  took  20 seconds  to reach  1  000 feet!
Take-off 0JJZC2AA1
Taking-off ZJJZC4AA1
1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano  took  3 minutes  to reach  6  000 feet!
Take-off 0JJZC0AB1
Taking-off XJJZC4AB1
Senior Captain Kentaro Takatsuka  took  3 minutes  to reach  4  000 feet!
Take-off 0JJZD1AA1
Taking-off VJJZD4AA1
Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio  took  2 minutes  to reach  4  000 feet!
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  70  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
-1: Mike11  55
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
1 1 [(1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 2), (5, 2)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
5 3 [(5, 3), (6, 3), (7, 4)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
2 0 [(2, 0)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  5 6
Frank0Y  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
5 6 [(5, 6)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  3 3
Frank0V  0600
Take-off 0JJZ60AD1
Taking-off JJJZ64AD1
Junior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio  took  3 minutes  to reach  10  000 feet!
Take-off 0JJZC0AA1
Taking-off KJJZC4AA1
1st Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto  took  2 minutes  to reach  0  000 feet!
Take-off 0JJZ50AA1
Taking-off NJJZ54AA1
Senior Sergeant Matsumi nakano  took  4 minutes  to reach  1  000 feet!
Take-off 0JJZ80AD1
Taking-off JJJZ84AD1
Warrant Officer Toru Shinomiya  took  1 minutes  to reach  8  000 feet!
Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone!  55
Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone!  43
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  33  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Possible interception by P-51s in: (9, 12) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn: 0
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D00  will attempt to stave off  Tony0O
Tony0O 100 4 25 0600 9
P-51D00 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  2  fighters!
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1L will attempt to stave off Tony0O
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1P will attempt to stave off Tony0O
Attackers diverted!
Tony  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
9 8 [(11, 13)]
Missed Distant Intercept!
Tony  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
9 2 [(11, 3)]
Mike has reached the Bomber Stream! AB4111M HJJZF4AB1
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
3 6 [(3, 6), (4, 5)]
Possible interception by P-51s in: (9, 12) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn: 0
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Tony0O
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D1L  will attempt to stave off  Tony0O
Attackers diverted!
Tony0O 100 4 25 0600 9
P-51D1L 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  2  fighters!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D1P  will attempt to stave off  Tony0O
Tony0O 100 4 25 0600 9
P-51D1P 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  2  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (9, 12) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn: 0
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Tony0O
Attackers diverted!
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D1L will attempt to stave off Tony0O
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1P will attempt to stave off Tony0O
Possible interception by P-51s in: (9, 12) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn: 0
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D00  will attempt to stave off  Tony0O
Tony0O 100 4 25 0600 9
P-51D00 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  2  fighters!
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1L will attempt to stave off Tony0O
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D1P will attempt to stave off Tony0O
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (9, 12) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn: 0
No Intercept!
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D1L will attempt to stave off Tony0O
Attackers diverted!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D1P  will attempt to stave off  Tony0O
Tony0O 100 4 25 0600 9
P-51D1P 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  2  fighters!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 7) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn 0
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Tony0O
Attackers diverted!
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1T will attempt to stave off Tony0O
Tony  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
9 8 [(11, 13), (10, 12), (10, 11), (9, 10), (8, 9)]
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (9, 3) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 4
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0G will attempt to stave off Tony0P
Attackers diverted!
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D29 will attempt to stave off Tony0P
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D2D  will attempt to stave off  Tony0P
Tony0P 100 4 25 0600 9
P-51D2D 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  2  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (8, 4) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 5
No Intercept!
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D2H will attempt to stave off Tony0P
Possible interception by P-51s in: (8, 4) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 5
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0K  will attempt to stave off  Tony0P
Tony0P 100 4 25 0600 9
P-51D0K 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  2  fighters!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D2H  will attempt to stave off  Tony0P
Tony0P 100 4 25 0600 9
P-51D2H 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  2  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
No Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 7) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn 0
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D04  will attempt to stave off  Tony0P
Tony0P 100 4 25 0600 9
P-51D04 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  2  fighters!
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D1T will attempt to stave off Tony0P
Tony  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
9 2 [(11, 3), (10, 4), (9, 4), (8, 5), (7, 5), (6, 6)]
Tony has reached the Bomber Stream! AA820PM BJJZL4AA1
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  3 0
Frank0V  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  3 0
Frank0V  0600
Take-off 0JJZA0AA1
Taking-off 5JJZA4AA1
1st Lieutenant Tsuneo Torikai  took  1 minutes  to reach  1  000 feet!
Take-off 0JJZA0AC1
Taking-off LJJZA4AC1
Senior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio  took  35 seconds  to reach  0  000 feet!
Take-off 0JJZ90AD1
Taking-off 3JJZ94AD1
Senior Major Saburo Amakasu  took  49 seconds  to reach  3  000 feet!
Take-off 0JJZ30AB1
Taking-off QJJZ34AB1
Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko  took  3 minutes  to reach  6  000 feet!
Take-off 0JJZL0AD1
Taking-off HJJZL4AD1
Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio  took  5 minutes  to reach  4  000 feet!
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  12  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
9 5 [(9, 5)]
Take-off 0JJZR0AD1
Taking-off NJJZR4AD1
Senior Captain Matsumi nakano  took  26 seconds  to reach  1  000 feet!
Take-off 0JJZO0AC1
Taking-off UJJZO4AC1
Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio  took  3 minutes  to reach  3  000 feet!
Take-off 0JJZ90AD1
Taking-off LJJZ94AD1
2nd Lieutenant Shinichi Tanaka  took  3 minutes  to reach  0  000 feet!
Take-off 0JJZ30AA1
Taking-off MJJZ34AA1
Junior Sergeant Tetsujiro Tanaka  took  2 minutes  to reach  7  000 feet!
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  25  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Take-off 0JJZG0AC1
Taking-off RJJZG4AC1
2nd Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto  took  5 minutes  to reach  2  000 feet!
Take-off 0JJZI0AC1
Taking-off 5JJZI4AC1
Senior Sergeant Nashi Obayashi  took  5 minutes  to reach  1  000 feet!
Take-off 0JJZE0AA1
Taking-off EJJZE4AA1
1st Lieutenant Michihiro Sugawara  took  63 seconds  to reach  7  000 feet!
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  33  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Take-off 0JJZ60AB1
Taking-off MJJZ64AB1
Senior Corporal Tetsuji Giga  took  4 minutes  to reach  2  000 feet!
Take-off 0JJZF0AB1
Taking-off FJJZF4AB1
Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi  took  1 minutes  to reach  1  000 feet!
Take-off 0JJZC1AA1
Taking-off 4JJZC4AA1
Junior Sergeant_Major Giichiro Inoue  took  5 minutes  to reach  7  000 feet!
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  54  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  3 6
Frank0V  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
8 4 [(8, 4)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  2 6
Frank0V  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
6 6 [(6, 6)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  33  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  0 5
Frank0Y  0600
Take-off 0JJZF2AC1
Taking-off BJJZF4AC1
Warrant Officer Takuma Shimoyama  took  1 minutes  to reach  6  000 feet!
Take-off 0JJZ00AA1
Taking-off 5JJZ04AA1
Senior Sergeant_Major Tetsuo Sasaki  took  1 minutes  to reach  9  000 feet!
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  89  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
2 5 [(2, 5), (3, 4), (4, 3)]
Take-off 0JJZF0AC1
Taking-off IJJZF4AC1
Junior Sergeant_Major Sueo Obayashi  took  1 minutes  to reach  9  000 feet!
Take-off 0JJZ53AC1
Taking-off 4JJZ54AC1
Senior Sergeant_Major Shusaku ENDO  took  19 seconds  to reach  4  000 feet!
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  84  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
-1: Mike1K  53
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
0 0 [(0, 0)]
Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone!  53
Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone!  37
Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone!  25
Take-off 0JJZC0AC1
Taking-off VJJZC4AC1
Warrant Officer Takeo Iwaguro  took  3 minutes  to reach  6  000 feet!
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  52  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
9 7 [(9, 7), (8, 7), (7, 7)]
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
5 5 [(5, 5), (5, 6)]
Mike  is moving within the Grid!
5 4 [(5, 4)]
Mike  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
0 9 [(0, 14)]
Mike  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
0 9 [(0, 14)]
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 12) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn 0
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Mike1K
No Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Mike  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
0 9 [(0, 14), (1, 13), (1, 12)]
Mike  is moving within the Grid!
5 4 [(5, 4), (6, 4), (7, 4), (8, 4)]
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 12) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn 0
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Mike1K
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D1T  will attempt to stave off  Mike1K
Attackers diverted!
Mike1K 100 4 27 0600 9
P-51D1T 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  1  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 9) !!!
Escort: 72 Sqn A
No Intercept!
Mike  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
0 7 [(0, 12), (1, 11), (2, 10)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
4 6 [(4, 6)]
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  2 5
Tojo1I  0600
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
2 5 [(2, 5)]
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 9) !!!
Escort: 72 Sqn A
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D19 will attempt to stave off Mike1K
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 9) !!!
Escort: 72 Sqn A
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D19  will attempt to stave off  Mike1K
Mike1K 100 4 27 0600 9
P-51D19 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  5  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  1  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 9) !!!
Escort: 72 Sqn A
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D19 will attempt to stave off Mike1K
Attackers diverted!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 2
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0A will attempt to stave off Mike1K
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Mike1K
Dogfight underway!
P-51D1Zhas failed to take off
(3, 2820, 24, 455, 821)
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0O will attempt to stave off Mike1K
Mike  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
1 5 [(2, 10), (3, 9), (4, 8), (5, 7), (6, 6)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  3 4
Frank0Y  0600
Take-off 0JJZL0AA1
Taking-off 7JJZL4AA1
1st Lieutenant Hidetsugu Takahashi  took  4 minutes  to reach  1  000 feet!
Take-off 0JJZE2AA1
Taking-off VJJZE4AA1
Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio  took  41 seconds  to reach  5  000 feet!
Take-off 0JJZL0AC1
Taking-off 3JJZL4AC1
Senior Captain Tsuneo Torikai  took  2 minutes  to reach  5  000 feet!
Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone!  53
Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone!  41
Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone!  33
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  73  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
-1: Mike1K  52
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  3 9
Tojo1I  0600
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  6 5
Tojo1I  0600
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  6 5
Tojo0C  0600
Mike  is moving within the Grid!
6 4 [(6, 4), (5, 4)]
Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone!  52
Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone!  43
Take-off 0JJZB3AA1
Taking-off XJJZB4AA1
Warrant Officer Hannoshin Nishio  took  2 minutes  to reach  10  000 feet!
Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone!  35
Take-off 0JJZI0AB1
Taking-off PJJZI4AB1
Junior Sergeant_Major Hoichi Yoshii  took  4 minutes  to reach  1  000 feet!
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  85  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
-1: Frank00  51
-1: Dinah0D  51
-1: Mike1K  51
Mike  holds position within the Grid:  0 9
Mike04  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  6 5
Frank0V  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  3 2
Frank0W  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  3 2
Frank0W  0600
Mike  is moving within the Grid!
0 9 [(0, 9)]
Mike  is moving within the Grid!
5 4 [(5, 4), (5, 5), (5, 6)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
6 0 [(6, 0), (5, 1), (4, 2)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  8 9
Frank0Y  0600
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  4 2
Tojo1I  0600
Mike  is moving within the Grid!
2 5 [(2, 5), (3, 5)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  5 5
Frank0Y  0600
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  4 3
Tojo0C  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
7 1 [(7, 1), (6, 2)]
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
9 6 [(9, 6), (8, 6), (7, 6), (6, 6)]
Take-off 0JJZO0AA1
Taking-off YJJZO4AA1
2nd Lieutenant Matsumi nakano  took  2 minutes  to reach  1  000 feet!
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  55  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 2
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0A will attempt to stave off Frank00
Attackers diverted!
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Frank00
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D23 will attempt to stave off Frank00
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 10) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn: 0
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Frank00
No Intercept!
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1P will attempt to stave off Frank00
Dogfight underway!
P-51D1Phas failed to take off
(7, 5760, 53, 398, 592)
Frank  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A D
5 5 [(7, 10), (6, 9)]
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 9) !!!
Escort: 72 Sqn A
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 12) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn 0
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Dinah0D
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1T will attempt to stave off Dinah0D
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 9) !!!
Escort: 72 Sqn A
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D19  will attempt to stave off  Dinah0D
Dinah0D 100 4 23 3200 9
P-51D19 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  5  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  4  fighters!
Dinah  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A D
0 7 [(0, 12), (1, 12), (2, 11), (3, 11), (4, 10)]
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
No Intercept!
Tojo  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A D
2 0 [(3, 0), (3, 1), (4, 2)]
Mike has reached the Bomber Stream! AA031KM IJJZ94AA1
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
3 7 [(3, 7)]
Frank has reached the Bomber Stream! AD3300M NJJZR4AD1
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 12) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn 0
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D04  will attempt to stave off  Dinah0D
Dinah0D 100 4 23 3200 9
P-51D04 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  4  fighters!
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1T will attempt to stave off Dinah0D
Dinah  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A D
3 5 [(4, 10)]
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D14  will attempt to stave off  Tojo0L
Tojo0L 100 4 23 0600 9
P-51D14 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
No Intercept!
Tojo  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A D
3 1 [(4, 2), (4, 3)]
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 12) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
No Intercept!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D27  will attempt to stave off  Dinah0D
Dinah0D 100 4 23 3200 9
P-51D27 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  4  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 10) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn: 0
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D00  will attempt to stave off  Dinah0D
Dinah0D 100 4 23 3200 9
P-51D00 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  4  fighters!
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1L will attempt to stave off Dinah0D
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D1P  will attempt to stave off  Dinah0D
Dinah0D 100 4 23 3200 9
P-51D1P 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  4  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 2
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0A  will attempt to stave off  Dinah0D
Dinah0D 100 4 23 3200 9
P-51D0A 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  4  fighters!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D1Z  will attempt to stave off  Dinah0D
Dinah0D 100 4 23 3200 9
P-51D1Z 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  4  fighters!
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D23 will attempt to stave off Dinah0D
Dogfight underway!
P-51D23 has taken off successfully with 1 engines working.
Dinah0Dhas failed to take off
(8, 6353, 59, 384, 536)
Dinah  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A D
3 5 [(4, 10), (5, 10), (6, 9)]
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
No Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D16 will attempt to stave off Tojo0L
Tojo  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A D
3 2 [(4, 3), (4, 4)]
Dinah has reached the Bomber Stream! AD320DM BJJZ94AD1
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
No Intercept!
Tojo  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A D
3 3 [(4, 4)]
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D14  will attempt to stave off  Tojo0L
Tojo0L 100 4 23 0600 9
P-51D14 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D16  will attempt to stave off  Tojo0L
Tojo0L 100 4 23 0600 9
P-51D16 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  2  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
No Intercept!
Tojo  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A D
3 3 [(4, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6), (5, 7)]
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0O will attempt to stave off Tojo0L
Tojo  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A D
4 B [(5, 7)]
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
5 7 [(5, 7), (5, 6), (5, 5), (5, 4)]
Mike  is moving within the Grid!
2 3 [(2, 3), (3, 4), (3, 5), (4, 6)]
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
No Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
No Intercept!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D27  will attempt to stave off  Tojo0L
Tojo0L 100 4 23 0600 9
P-51D27 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 2
No Intercept!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D1Z  will attempt to stave off  Tojo0L
Tojo0L 100 4 23 0600 9
P-51D1Z 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
No Intercept!
Tojo  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A D
4 B [(5, 7), (5, 8), (6, 9)]
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  2 5
Tojo0L  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  1 4
Frank0Y  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  69  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
-1: Tojo0L  50
-1: Tony14  50
Mike  is moving within the Grid!
4 6 [(4, 6), (5, 5)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
8 6 [(8, 6)]
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
4 5 [(4, 5), (5, 4), (6, 4), (7, 3)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  4 6
Frank0V  0600
Mike  is moving within the Grid!
5 5 [(5, 5), (4, 6), (3, 7)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  8 2
Frank0V  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
8 3 [(8, 3), (7, 3), (6, 4), (5, 4)]
Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone!  50
Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone!  31
Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone!  21
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  21  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tojo has reached the Bomber Stream! AD250LM JJJZ64AD1
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 12) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn 0
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Frank1A
Attackers diverted!
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1T will attempt to stave off Frank1A
Attackers diverted!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 9) !!!
Escort: 72 Sqn A
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D19 will attempt to stave off Frank1A
Frank  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A B
0 8 [(0, 13), (1, 12), (2, 11), (3, 10)]
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 9) !!!
Escort: 72 Sqn A
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D19 will attempt to stave off Frank1A
Dogfight underway!
P-51D19has failed to take off
(3, 2820, 24, 455, 821)
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 9) !!!
Escort: 72 Sqn A
No Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D16  will attempt to stave off  Frank1A
Attackers diverted!
Frank1A 100 4 29 0600 9
P-51D16 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  2  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  5  fighters!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
No Intercept!
Frank  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A B
2 5 [(3, 10), (4, 9), (5, 8), (6, 7)]
Frank has reached the Bomber Stream! AB821AM QJJZ34AB1
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  5 8
Tojo1I  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  50  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
4 1 [(4, 1)]
Mike  is moving within the Grid!
5 5 [(5, 5), (4, 6), (3, 6), (2, 7), (1, 7), (0, 8)]
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
4 7 [(4, 7), (3, 7), (2, 8)]
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
7 9 [(7, 9), (7, 8), (7, 7)]
Mike  holds position within the Grid:  4 6
Mike0T  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  8 5
Frank0Y  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
5 5 [(5, 5), (4, 4), (3, 4), (2, 3)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  68  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
8 0 [(8, 0), (7, 0), (6, 0), (5, 1), (4, 1)]
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  5 3
Tojo1I  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
6 7 [(6, 7), (5, 7), (4, 6)]
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  5 3
Tojo1I  0600
Mike  holds position within the Grid:  8 4
Mike0T  0600
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
5 3 [(5, 3), (5, 4), (5, 5), (6, 6)]
Tony  holds position within the Grid:  3 2
Tony10  0600
Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone!  49
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  76  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
-1: Mike0S  48
-1: Mike0T  49
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D14  will attempt to stave off  Mike0T
Mike0T 100 4 27 0600 9
P-51D14 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  2  fighters!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Mike  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
1 0 [(2, 0), (3, 1), (3, 2)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
5 3 [(5, 3), (6, 4)]
-1: Mike0T  48
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  5 6
Frank0Y  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
4 7 [(4, 7), (5, 6)]
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
5 3 [(5, 3), (4, 2)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
5 5 [(5, 5), (4, 6), (3, 7)]
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
7 5 [(7, 5), (6, 4)]
Take-off 0JJZI0AA1
Taking-off VJJZI4AA1
Senior Corporal Kobayashi Nagai  took  2 minutes  to reach  0  000 feet!
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  15  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 12) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn 0
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D04  will attempt to stave off  Mike0S
Mike0S 100 4 27 0600 9
P-51D04 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  2  fighters!
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1T will attempt to stave off Mike0S
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 9) !!!
Escort: 72 Sqn A
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D19 will attempt to stave off Mike0S
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 10) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn: 0
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Mike0S
No Intercept!
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1P will attempt to stave off Mike0S
Attackers diverted!
Mike  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A B
3 6 [(4, 11), (4, 10), (5, 9)]
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D14  will attempt to stave off  Mike0T
Dogfight underway!
P-51D14 has taken off successfully with 1 engines working.
Mike0T has taken off successfully with 1 engines working.
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Mike attacks P-51D with 3.23 damage
Mike0T fires, 5 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 96.77
MikeMike0T   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 0.19 damage
P-51D14 fires, 5 gun positions remaining
Mike's health is now 99.81
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 1.45 damage
P-51D14 fires, 4 gun positions remaining
Mike's health is now 98.36
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 1.35 damage
P-51D14 fires, 3 gun positions remaining
Mike's health is now 97.01
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 4.28 damage
P-51D14 fires, 2 gun positions remaining
Mike's health is now 92.73
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 0.40 damage
P-51D14 fires, 1 gun positions remaining
Mike's health is now 92.33
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 4.45 damage
P-51D14 fires, 0 gun positions remaining
Mike's health is now 87.88
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 0.97 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 86.91
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Mike attacks P-51D with 4.40 damage
Mike0T fires, 4 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 92.37
MikeMike0T   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 4.11 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 82.80
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Mike attacks P-51D with 4.40 damage
Mike0T fires, 3 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 87.97
MikeMike0T   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 1.32 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 81.48
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Mike attacks P-51D with 1.49 damage
Mike0T fires, 2 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 86.48
MikeMike0T   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Mike attacks P-51D with 4.16 damage
Mike0T fires, 1 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 82.32
MikeMike0T   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 0.68 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 80.81
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 2.39 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 78.41
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Mike attacks P-51D with 2.46 damage
Mike0T fires, 0 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 79.86
MikeMike0T   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Mike attacks P-51D with 4.82 damage
Mike0T has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 75.04
MikeMike0T   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 2.10 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 76.31
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 0.25 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 76.06
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Mike attacks P-51D with 2.19 damage
Mike0T has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 72.85
MikeMike0T   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 1.09 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 74.96
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Mike attacks P-51D with 2.96 damage
Mike0T has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 69.89
MikeMike0T   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 4.90 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 70.06
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 1.49 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 68.56
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 2.75 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 65.82
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 5.62 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 60.19
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Mike attacks P-51D with 1.76 damage
Mike0T has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 68.13
MikeMike0T   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 2.00 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 58.20
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 5.59 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 52.61
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Mike has evaded.
52.609689120968845 remaining.
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D14 will attempt to stave off Mike0T
Mike  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
2 1 [(3, 2), (4, 3), (4, 4)]
Mike  is moving within the Grid!
1 4 [(1, 4)]
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 9) !!!
Escort: 72 Sqn A
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D19 will attempt to stave off Mike0S
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 2
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0A will attempt to stave off Mike0S
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D1Z  will attempt to stave off  Mike0S
Mike0S 100 4 27 0600 9
P-51D1Z 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  2  fighters!
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0E  will attempt to stave off  Mike0S
Mike0S 100 4 27 0600 9
P-51D0E 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  2  fighters!
No Intercept!
Mike  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A B
4 D [(5, 9), (5, 8), (6, 7)]
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D14 will attempt to stave off Mike0T
Attackers diverted!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
No Intercept!
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D0O will attempt to stave off Mike0T
Attackers diverted!
Mike  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
3 3 [(4, 4), (5, 5), (6, 6)]
Mike has reached the Bomber Stream! AB120SM FJJZF4AB1
Mike has reached the Bomber Stream! AA160TM MJJZ34AA1
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
6 4 [(6, 4)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  43  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
1 2 [(1, 2), (1, 3)]
Tony  holds position within the Grid:  7 6
Tony10  0600
Tony  holds position within the Grid:  8 7
Tony1J  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
9 8 [(9, 8)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  59  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  4 5
Frank0W  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
4 5 [(4, 5), (3, 4), (2, 4), (1, 3)]
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  4 0
Tojo1I  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  1 3
Frank0W  0600
Tony  holds position within the Grid:  8 5
Tony10  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  66  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
6 4 [(6, 4), (5, 4)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  2 4
Frank0V  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  6 9
Frank0W  0600
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
4 7 [(4, 7), (3, 6), (2, 5)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  0 6
Frank0Y  0600
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
7 2 [(7, 2), (6, 2)]
Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone!  47
Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone!  27
Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone!  15
Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone!  9
Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone!  -14
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  55  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tony  holds position within the Grid:  3 2
Tony10  0600
Tony  holds position within the Grid:  3 2
Tony10  0600
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  3 3
Tojo1I  0600
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
1 5 [(1, 5), (2, 6), (3, 7), (4, 8)]
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
3 3 [(3, 3), (4, 3), (5, 4)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
1 1 [(1, 1), (2, 1)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  3 5
Frank0Y  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
5 5 [(5, 5), (5, 4)]
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
4 8 [(4, 8)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  88  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  4 0
Frank0V  0600
Tony  holds position within the Grid:  6 5
Tony1J  0600
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
3 7 [(3, 7)]
Tony  holds position within the Grid:  7 8
Tony1J  0600
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
6 5 [(6, 5), (6, 4), (6, 3), (6, 2)]
Tony  holds position within the Grid:  7 7
Tony10  0600
Tony  holds position within the Grid:  3 8
Tony1J  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
0 5 [(0, 5), (1, 5), (2, 5), (3, 5), (4, 5), (5, 5)]
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
3 1 [(3, 1), (4, 2)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  7 8
Frank0W  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
5 4 [(5, 4), (5, 5)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
5 5 [(5, 5), (6, 6)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  84  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
3 8 [(3, 8)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  6 3
Frank0W  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  3 9
Frank0Y  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
1 3 [(1, 3), (2, 3), (3, 3)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
2 4 [(2, 4)]
Tony  holds position within the Grid:  8 6
Tony1J  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  5 8
Frank0V  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
5 3 [(5, 3), (4, 2)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
3 5 [(3, 5)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  4 2
Frank0W  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  81  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
-1: Frank0U  44
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  2 8
Frank0V  0600
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
5 4 [(5, 4), (4, 5)]
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
0 1 [(0, 1), (1, 2)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  6 1
Frank0V  0600
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
1 2 [(1, 2)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
6 1 [(6, 1), (6, 2)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  6 2
Frank0V  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
5 5 [(5, 5)]
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
3 5 [(3, 5), (3, 4)]
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
8 5 [(8, 5), (7, 5), (6, 6)]
Dinah  holds position within the Grid:  1 5
Dinah09  3200
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  4 1
Tojo1I  0600
Tony  holds position within the Grid:  5 5
Tony10  0600
Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone!  22
Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone!  8
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  73  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tony  holds position within the Grid:  5 5
Tony10  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
9 8 [(9, 8), (8, 7), (7, 6)]
Tony  holds position within the Grid:  5 0
Tony10  0600
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
2 5 [(2, 5), (3, 5)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
6 6 [(6, 6), (5, 6)]
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
1 7 [(1, 7)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  2 6
Frank0W  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
7 8 [(7, 8), (6, 7), (5, 6), (4, 5), (3, 4)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  68  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
2 1 [(2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  7 3
Frank0Z  0600
Dinah  holds position within the Grid:  2 3
Dinah09  3200
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  6 2
Tojo1H  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
2 6 [(2, 6), (3, 5)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  2 8
Frank0V  0600
Take-off 0JJZD1AA1
Taking-off 0JJZD4AA1
1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano  took  1 minutes  to reach  2  000 feet!
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  81  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  7 5
Tojo1H  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
2 2 [(2, 2), (2, 3)]
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
3 4 [(3, 4), (3, 3), (3, 2), (3, 1)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  0 4
Frank0Z  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  9 4
Frank0V  0600
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
8 5 [(8, 5)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
5 3 [(5, 3)]
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
7 4 [(7, 4), (7, 3)]
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  5 5
Tojo1I  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
7 4 [(7, 4), (6, 4)]
Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone!  15
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  21  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  7 7
Frank0Y  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  3 3
Frank06  0600
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
1 5 [(1, 5), (2, 4), (3, 4), (4, 3), (5, 2)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  35  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
3 6 [(3, 6)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  5 7
Frank0V  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
3 4 [(3, 4), (3, 5), (2, 6)]
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
4 5 [(4, 5), (5, 6), (6, 7)]
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
1 5 [(1, 5), (1, 4), (2, 3)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  6 4
Frank0Y  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  7 1
Frank06  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
2 5 [(2, 5), (3, 5), (4, 5), (5, 5), (6, 4)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
5 7 [(5, 7), (5, 6), (6, 5), (6, 4)]
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  8 5
Tojo1H  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  64  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  5 4
Tojo1H  0600
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
5 4 [(5, 4)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
4 1 [(4, 1), (4, 2)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
3 2 [(3, 2), (4, 2), (5, 2), (6, 3), (7, 3)]
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
6 5 [(6, 5)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
3 6 [(3, 6), (3, 7)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  5 8
Frank06  0600
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
5 2 [(5, 2), (5, 1)]
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
8 1 [(8, 1), (8, 2), (7, 3), (7, 4)]
Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone!  40
Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone!  31
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  43  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (9, 9) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 7
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D0S will attempt to stave off Tojo1H
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (8, 12) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn: 0
No Intercept!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D1L  will attempt to stave off  Tojo1H
Tojo1H 100 4 23 0600 9
P-51D1L 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D1P  will attempt to stave off  Tojo1H
Attackers diverted!
Tojo1H 100 4 23 0600 9
P-51D1P 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (9, 9) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 7
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 2
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D0A will attempt to stave off Tojo1H
Attackers diverted!
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Tojo1H
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D23 will attempt to stave off Tojo1H
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 7) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn 0
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Tojo1H
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1T will attempt to stave off Tojo1H
Tojo  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A C
9 6 [(11, 11), (10, 10), (9, 10), (8, 9), (7, 9), (6, 8)]
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D14 will attempt to stave off Tojo1I
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D14  will attempt to stave off  Tojo1I
Tojo1I 100 4 23 0600 9
P-51D14 68.13045426307241 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 5
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0K will attempt to stave off Tojo1I
Attackers diverted!
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D2H will attempt to stave off Tojo1I
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0E will attempt to stave off Tojo1I
Attackers diverted!
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D27 will attempt to stave off Tojo1I
Tojo  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A D
3 0 [(4, 0), (4, 1), (4, 2), (5, 3), (5, 4)]
Possible interception by P-51s in: (9, 12) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn: 0
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Tony1J
No Intercept!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D1P  will attempt to stave off  Tony1J
Tony1J 100 4 25 0600 9
P-51D1P 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (8, 12) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn: 0
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D00  will attempt to stave off  Tony1J
Tony1J 100 4 25 0600 9
P-51D00 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1L will attempt to stave off Tony1J
No Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 12) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn B
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1F will attempt to stave off Tony1J
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 2
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0A will attempt to stave off Tony1J
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Tony1J
No Intercept!
Tony  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A D
7 7 [(9, 12), (8, 11), (7, 10), (6, 9)]
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
3 1 [(3, 1), (4, 1), (5, 2), (6, 2)]
Tojo has reached the Bomber Stream! AC431HM VJJZC4AC1
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D14  will attempt to stave off  Tojo1I
Tojo1I 100 4 23 0600 9
P-51D14 68.13045426307241 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
Tojo  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A D
4 3 [(5, 4)]
Tony has reached the Bomber Stream! AD521JM HJJZL4AD1
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
4 6 [(4, 6), (5, 6), (6, 5), (7, 5), (8, 4), (9, 4)]
Dinah  holds position within the Grid:  1 5
Dinah09  3200
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
2 5 [(2, 5), (3, 5), (4, 5), (5, 6), (6, 6)]
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
3 5 [(3, 5), (4, 5), (5, 5), (6, 5)]
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
6 5 [(6, 5), (6, 6), (5, 7), (5, 8), (4, 9)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  17  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
7 2 [(7, 2), (6, 2), (5, 2), (4, 2)]
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
3 7 [(3, 7), (4, 6), (5, 5)]
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
7 6 [(7, 6), (6, 5), (5, 4), (4, 4), (3, 3), (2, 2)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  79  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  7 3
Frank0Y  0600
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  7 7
Tojo0J  0600
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
4 8 [(4, 8), (4, 7)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  4 5
Frank0V  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
4 2 [(4, 2)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
9 4 [(9, 4)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  7 4
Frank06  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  27  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tony  holds position within the Grid:  6 9
Tony10  0600
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  3 8
Tojo0J  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  22  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Dinah  holds position within the Grid:  4 5
Dinah09  3200
Tony  holds position within the Grid:  4 5
Tony10  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  3 5
Frank0V  0600
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
4 5 [(4, 5)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  79  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
7 3 [(7, 3), (6, 4), (5, 4), (4, 5), (3, 5), (2, 6)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  4 6
Frank0V  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  5 5
Frank0Y  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  8 6
Frank0W  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  3 7
Frank06  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  4 8
Frank06  0600
Dinah  holds position within the Grid:  5 3
Dinah09  3200
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
4 7 [(4, 7), (5, 7)]
Tony  holds position within the Grid:  1 8
Tony10  0600
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
7 8 [(7, 8)]
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
4 3 [(4, 3)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
7 4 [(7, 4), (7, 5), (6, 6)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
4 1 [(4, 1), (4, 2)]
Tony  holds position within the Grid:  5 5
Tony10  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  69  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  3 2
Frank0W  0600
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
8 6 [(8, 6)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
7 5 [(7, 5)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  6 1
Frank0V  0600
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
4 5 [(4, 5), (5, 5)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  5 5
Frank0Z  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  49  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
6 6 [(6, 6)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
8 4 [(8, 4), (8, 5)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  5 5
Frank0Y  0600
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
6 7 [(6, 7), (6, 6)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
0 5 [(0, 5), (1, 5)]
Dinah  holds position within the Grid:  5 4
Dinah09  3200
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  80  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
6 2 [(6, 2), (6, 3)]
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
7 4 [(7, 4), (6, 5)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
3 4 [(3, 4), (2, 3), (2, 2)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
0 5 [(0, 5)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
2 4 [(2, 4)]
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
5 3 [(5, 3), (5, 4), (5, 5), (4, 6), (4, 7)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  5 0
Frank0Y  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
6 0 [(6, 0)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
3 6 [(3, 6)]
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
9 6 [(9, 6)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
5 7 [(5, 7), (5, 6)]
Tony  holds position within the Grid:  5 6
Tony10  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  28  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
2 6 [(2, 6), (3, 5), (3, 4), (4, 3), (4, 2), (5, 1)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
3 1 [(3, 1)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  1 8
Frank0V  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  4 4
Frank06  0600
Tony  holds position within the Grid:  4 4
Tony10  0600
Tony  holds position within the Grid:  4 4
Tony10  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
6 2 [(6, 2), (5, 2), (4, 3)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  79  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  7 2
Frank0V  0600
Dinah  holds position within the Grid:  7 3
Dinah09  3200
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
2 2 [(2, 2)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  3 2
Frank0Y  0600
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  4 5
Tojo0J  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
9 2 [(9, 2)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
7 0 [(7, 0)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
2 3 [(2, 3), (1, 3), (0, 2)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  2 8
Frank0V  0600
Dinah  holds position within the Grid:  9 3
Dinah09  3200
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
3 7 [(3, 7), (2, 7)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  1 3
Frank0W  0600
Tony  holds position within the Grid:  2 9
Tony10  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
3 6 [(3, 6), (4, 6)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  6 7
Frank0W  0600
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
6 8 [(6, 8), (5, 7)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  19  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
3 2 [(3, 2)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  84  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  7 0
Frank0Z  0600
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
2 5 [(2, 5), (2, 4), (3, 3), (3, 2)]
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
5 4 [(5, 4)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
5 7 [(5, 7)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
4 1 [(4, 1), (3, 2), (3, 3), (2, 4), (1, 5)]
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
6 5 [(6, 5), (5, 5), (4, 5)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
1 5 [(1, 5), (2, 5), (3, 6), (4, 6)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  4 6
Frank0Y  0600
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  7 7
Tojo0J  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  87  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  4 9
Frank0Y  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  5 1
Frank06  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
7 7 [(7, 7), (6, 7)]
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
8 8 [(8, 8), (7, 7), (6, 6)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  7 4
Frank0W  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  6 7
Frank06  0600
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  6 3
Tojo0J  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
3 6 [(3, 6), (4, 6), (5, 6), (6, 6), (7, 5), (8, 5), (9, 5)]
Tony  holds position within the Grid:  1 7
Tony10  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  15  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (8, 4) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 5
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D0K will attempt to stave off Tony1M
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D2H will attempt to stave off Tony1M
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D0O will attempt to stave off Tony1M
Attackers diverted!
Tony  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
A 2 [(6, 3), (6, 4)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  9 5
Frank0V  0600
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 5
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0K will attempt to stave off Tony1M
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
No Intercept!
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0O will attempt to stave off Tony1M
Tony  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
A 3 [(6, 4), (6, 5), (6, 6)]
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  5 0
Tojo0J  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  9 5
Frank0V  0600
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
1 7 [(1, 7)]
Tony has reached the Bomber Stream! AA731MM VJJZD4AA1
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
7 5 [(7, 5)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
2 1 [(2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 1), (5, 1), (6, 1)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  77  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  5 5
Frank06  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  7 4
Frank0Y  0600
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  2 8
Tojo0J  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  6 5
Frank0V  0600
Tony  holds position within the Grid:  6 4
Tony10  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
6 6 [(6, 6)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  5 8
Frank0W  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  3 6
Frank06  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  36  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Dinah  holds position within the Grid:  1 9
Dinah08  3200
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  6 3
Frank0W  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  6 3
Frank0W  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  29  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  55  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Dinah  holds position within the Grid:  5 4
Dinah09  3200
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
6 5 [(6, 5), (5, 5), (4, 4), (3, 4), (2, 3)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
6 3 [(6, 3), (5, 2), (4, 2), (3, 1)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  3 1
Frank0W  0600
Dinah  holds position within the Grid:  1 9
Dinah09  3200
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
6 2 [(6, 2), (6, 3), (7, 4), (7, 5)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  8 2
Frank06  0600
Dinah  holds position within the Grid:  1 4
Dinah08  3200
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
7 6 [(7, 6)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
0 4 [(0, 4)]
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
6 5 [(6, 5)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  41  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
3 6 [(3, 6)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  9 8
Frank06  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  6 8
Frank0Y  0600
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
2 4 [(2, 4), (1, 4), (0, 4)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
6 8 [(6, 8), (5, 8), (4, 7)]
Tony  holds position within the Grid:  4 3
Tony10  0600
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
4 3 [(4, 3), (5, 3), (6, 3), (7, 3)]
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
6 4 [(6, 4), (6, 3), (6, 2), (5, 1), (5, 0)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  31  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
6 3 [(6, 3), (6, 4), (5, 5)]
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  4 5
Tojo0J  0600
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
4 4 [(4, 4)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  19  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  2 7
Frank0Y  0600
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
8 3 [(8, 3)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  21  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  5 2
Tojo0J  0600
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  5 2
Tojo0J  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
4 3 [(4, 3)]
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  5 2
Tojo0J  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  2 5
Frank0Y  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  16  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tony  holds position within the Grid:  8 5
Tony10  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  41  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  8 0
Frank0Y  0600
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  5 6
Tojo0J  0600
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
4 3 [(4, 3), (3, 3), (2, 4)]
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
2 4 [(2, 4), (2, 5)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  4 3
Frank0V  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
4 8 [(4, 8)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
5 5 [(5, 5), (5, 4), (4, 3)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  17  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  7 9
Tojo0J  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  73  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
6 8 [(6, 8), (6, 7), (5, 6)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  7 3
Frank0Y  0600
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
3 3 [(3, 3)]
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
4 8 [(4, 8), (4, 7), (4, 6)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  1 3
Frank0Z  0600
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
6 8 [(6, 8), (5, 8), (4, 9)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
6 0 [(6, 0), (6, 1), (7, 2), (7, 3)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
8 2 [(8, 2), (7, 2), (6, 2), (5, 3)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  7 3
Frank0V  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
7 3 [(7, 3)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  4 8
Frank06  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  8 6
Frank0W  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
6 6 [(6, 6)]
Tony  holds position within the Grid:  7 3
Tony10  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  8 6
Frank0W  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  2 7
Frank06  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  12  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
7 9 [(7, 9), (7, 8)]
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
0 4 [(0, 4), (1, 4), (2, 4)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  33  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
6 9 [(6, 9), (6, 8), (5, 7), (5, 6), (4, 5), (4, 4), (3, 3)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
4 2 [(4, 2), (5, 3), (6, 4)]
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
9 8 [(9, 8), (8, 7), (8, 6)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  73  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  1 3
Frank0Z  0600
Dinah  holds position within the Grid:  6 4
Dinah09  3200
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
3 4 [(3, 4), (4, 4), (5, 5)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
2 5 [(2, 5), (2, 4), (2, 3)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
9 8 [(9, 8), (9, 7)]
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  1 5
Tojo0J  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  4 5
Frank0V  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
3 3 [(3, 3)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  5 7
Frank0Y  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
4 3 [(4, 3), (3, 3)]
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
3 6 [(3, 6)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  12  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
9 3 [(9, 3), (8, 3)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  7 3
Frank06  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  81  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
7 3 [(7, 3)]
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
2 5 [(2, 5), (3, 5), (4, 6)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  4 3
Frank0W  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  9 8
Frank0Y  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  5 5
Frank06  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
8 4 [(8, 4), (7, 4)]
Tony  holds position within the Grid:  2 2
Tony10  0600
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
7 6 [(7, 6), (6, 6)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
5 3 [(5, 3), (6, 3)]
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
7 2 [(7, 2)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
4 8 [(4, 8)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  51  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
2 5 [(2, 5)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  4 8
Frank0Z  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  1 1
Frank0V  0600
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
5 7 [(5, 7), (4, 8)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
8 2 [(8, 2), (7, 3), (6, 4), (5, 4), (4, 5), (3, 6)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
6 6 [(6, 6), (7, 7)]
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
6 7 [(6, 7), (7, 6)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  36  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  6 4
Tojo0J  0600
Dinah  holds position within the Grid:  4 6
Dinah09  3200
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
6 4 [(6, 4), (5, 5), (4, 6), (3, 7), (2, 8), (1, 9)]
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
4 4 [(4, 4), (5, 3), (6, 3), (7, 2)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
2 5 [(2, 5), (3, 5), (4, 4)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
4 4 [(4, 4)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  83  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
4 7 [(4, 7), (5, 6)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
4 8 [(4, 8), (4, 7), (4, 6), (4, 5), (4, 4)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
7 3 [(7, 3), (6, 4), (5, 5)]
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
7 5 [(7, 5), (6, 4)]
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  7 0
Tojo0J  0600
Dinah  holds position within the Grid:  3 1
Dinah09  3200
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  74  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
3 6 [(3, 6), (2, 5), (2, 4), (1, 3)]
Tony  holds position within the Grid:  4 6
Tony10  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
7 7 [(7, 7), (6, 7), (5, 7)]
Dinah  holds position within the Grid:  6 6
Dinah08  3200
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
3 4 [(3, 4), (2, 4), (1, 5)]
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
4 6 [(4, 6), (5, 7)]
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
6 4 [(6, 4), (6, 5)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
4 6 [(4, 6), (5, 5), (5, 4), (6, 3)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
6 7 [(6, 7), (7, 6), (7, 5), (8, 4)]
Dinah  holds position within the Grid:  6 6
Dinah08  3200
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
5 7 [(5, 7)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
6 3 [(6, 3)]
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
3 3 [(3, 3), (3, 2)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
2 6 [(2, 6)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
5 7 [(5, 7)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
1 4 [(1, 4), (2, 3), (3, 2)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
3 2 [(3, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4), (4, 5)]
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
4 3 [(4, 3), (5, 3)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  4 5
Frank0V  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  11  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tony  holds position within the Grid:  4 3
Tony10  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  89  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
9 6 [(9, 6)]
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
7 3 [(7, 3), (7, 4), (6, 5)]
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
1 9 [(1, 9)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
0 7 [(0, 7)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  4 6
Frank0Z  0600
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  6 7
Tojo0J  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
1 1 [(1, 1)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
5 5 [(5, 5), (4, 6), (3, 6), (2, 7), (1, 8)]
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
4 2 [(4, 2), (5, 3), (5, 4), (6, 5), (7, 6)]
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
4 7 [(4, 7), (4, 6), (4, 5), (4, 4), (4, 3), (4, 2)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  6 6
Frank0Y  0600
Tony  holds position within the Grid:  3 5
Tony10  0600
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
6 0 [(6, 0), (6, 1), (6, 2), (6, 3)]
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
0 6 [(0, 6), (1, 6)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  59  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
6 5 [(6, 5), (6, 4), (7, 3), (7, 2)]
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
4 5 [(4, 5), (5, 5), (6, 5)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
3 7 [(3, 7), (3, 6), (3, 5)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
4 1 [(4, 1), (3, 2), (2, 2), (1, 3), (0, 4)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  3 7
Frank0V  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
6 8 [(6, 8), (6, 7), (6, 6)]
Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone!  26
Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone!  17
Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone!  8
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  56  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
8 0 [(10, 0)]
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D14  will attempt to stave off  Frank0Z
Attackers diverted!
Frank0Z 100 4 29 0600 9
P-51D14 68.13045426307241 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  8  fighters!
Frank  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
3 1 [(4, 2)]
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
2 8 [(2, 8), (2, 7)]
Missed Distant Intercept!
Frank  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
8 0 [(10, 0), (9, 1)]
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D14  will attempt to stave off  Frank0Z
Dogfight underway!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Frank0Zhas failed to take off
(3, 2820, 24, 455, 821)
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 5
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D0K will attempt to stave off Frank0Z
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D2H will attempt to stave off Frank0Z
Attackers diverted!
Frank  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
3 1 [(4, 2), (4, 3)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  6 1
Frank0V  0600
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (9, 3) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 4
No Intercept!
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D29 will attempt to stave off Frank0Y
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D2D  will attempt to stave off  Frank0Y
Frank0Y 100 4 29 0600 9
P-51D2D 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  8  fighters!
Frank  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
7 0 [(9, 0), (9, 1), (8, 2)]
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D14 will attempt to stave off Frank0Z
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0O will attempt to stave off Frank0Z
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0O will attempt to stave off Frank0Z
Frank  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
3 2 [(4, 3), (5, 4), (5, 5), (6, 6)]
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (9, 3) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 4
No Intercept!
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D29 will attempt to stave off Frank0Y
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D2D will attempt to stave off Frank0Y
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 5
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0K will attempt to stave off Frank0Y
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D2H  will attempt to stave off  Frank0Y
Dogfight underway!
P-51D2H has taken off successfully with 1 engines working.
Frank0Y has taken off successfully with 1 engines working.
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.22 damage
P-51D2H fires, 5 gun positions remaining
Frank's health is now 94.78
P-51DP-51D2H   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 2.10 damage
P-51D2H fires, 4 gun positions remaining
Frank's health is now 92.68
P-51DP-51D2H   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 1.88 damage
Frank0Y fires, 5 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 98.12
FrankFrank0Y   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 5.39 damage
Frank0Y fires, 4 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 92.73
FrankFrank0Y   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 1.51 damage
P-51D2H fires, 3 gun positions remaining
Frank's health is now 91.17
P-51DP-51D2H   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 4.63 damage
P-51D2H fires, 2 gun positions remaining
Frank's health is now 86.54
P-51DP-51D2H   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 5.35 damage
Frank0Y fires, 3 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 87.38
FrankFrank0Y   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 4.29 damage
P-51D2H fires, 1 gun positions remaining
Frank's health is now 82.25
P-51DP-51D2H   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.56 damage
P-51D2H fires, 0 gun positions remaining
Frank's health is now 76.69
P-51DP-51D2H   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 1.07 damage
P-51D2H has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 75.63
P-51DP-51D2H   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.44 damage
P-51D2H has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 70.19
P-51DP-51D2H   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.36 damage
P-51D2H has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 64.83
P-51DP-51D2H   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 1.95 damage
P-51D2H has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 62.88
P-51DP-51D2H   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.25 damage
P-51D2H has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 57.62
P-51DP-51D2H   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 3.57 damage
P-51D2H has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 54.06
P-51DP-51D2H   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 2.57 damage
Frank0Y fires, 2 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 84.82
FrankFrank0Y   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 3.10 damage
Frank0Y fires, 1 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 81.72
FrankFrank0Y   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 3.21 damage
Frank0Y fires, 0 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 78.51
FrankFrank0Y   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 3.35 damage
P-51D2H has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 50.71
P-51DP-51D2H   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 1.78 damage
Frank0Y has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 76.73
FrankFrank0Y   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 1.61 damage
Frank0Y has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 75.12
FrankFrank0Y   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.07 damage
P-51D2H has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 45.64
P-51DP-51D2H   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 1.69 damage
Frank0Y has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 73.43
FrankFrank0Y   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 3.42 damage
P-51D2H has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 42.22
P-51DP-51D2H   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 2.40 damage
P-51D2H has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 39.83
P-51DP-51D2H   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 2.82 damage
P-51D2H has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 37.01
P-51DP-51D2H   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 4.95 damage
Frank0Y has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 68.48
FrankFrank0Y   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 4.99 damage
P-51D2H has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 32.02
P-51DP-51D2H   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 4.01 damage
P-51D2H has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 28.01
P-51DP-51D2H   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 0.65 damage
Frank0Y has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 67.83
FrankFrank0Y   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 4.46 damage
Frank0Y has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 63.38
FrankFrank0Y   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 2.59 damage
Frank0Y has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 60.79
FrankFrank0Y   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 1.49 damage
Frank0Y has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 59.30
FrankFrank0Y   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 1.99 damage
P-51D2H has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 26.02
P-51DP-51D2H   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 0.17 damage
P-51D2H has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 25.85
P-51DP-51D2H   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.20 damage
P-51D2H has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 20.66
P-51DP-51D2H   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 3.77 damage
Frank0Y has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 55.53
FrankFrank0Y   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 5.01 damage
Frank0Y has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 50.52
FrankFrank0Y   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 0.41 damage
Frank0Y has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 50.11
FrankFrank0Y   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
frontal attack
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 2.19 damage
Frank0Y has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 47.92
FrankFrank0Y   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 5.69 damage
Frank0Y has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 42.23
FrankFrank0Y   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 3.43 damage
Frank0Y has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 38.80
FrankFrank0Y   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 3.32 damage
P-51D2H has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 17.34
P-51DP-51D2H   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 0.12 damage
P-51D2H has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 17.22
P-51DP-51D2H   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 2.61 damage
Frank0Y has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 36.19
FrankFrank0Y   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 2.95 damage
P-51D2H has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 14.27
P-51DP-51D2H   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 2.27 damage
P-51D2H has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 12.00
P-51DP-51D2H   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 5.76 damage
Frank0Y has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 30.42
FrankFrank0Y   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 1.28 damage
Frank0Y has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 29.14
FrankFrank0Y   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.96 damage
P-51D2H has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 6.04
P-51DP-51D2H   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 0.88 damage
Frank0Y has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 28.26
FrankFrank0Y   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 5.05 damage
Frank0Y has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 23.21
FrankFrank0Y   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.09 damage
P-51D2H has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 0.95
P-51DP-51D2H   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 0.19 damage
P-51D2H has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 0.76
P-51DP-51D2H   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 3.69 damage
Frank0Y has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 19.52
FrankFrank0Y   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.64 damage
P-51D2H has no working gun positions
Frank has been shot down!
P-51DP-51D2H   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (8, 4) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 5
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0K will attempt to stave off Frank0Y
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D2H will attempt to stave off Frank0Y
Frank  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
6 1 [(8, 2), (8, 3), (7, 4)]
Frank has reached the Bomber Stream! AA360ZM KJJZC4AA1
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  22  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  5 3
Tojo0J  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  86  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  7 6
Tojo0J  0600
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  7 6
Tojo0J  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  27  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  20  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
4 8 [(4, 8)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  63  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  0 9
Frank0V  0600
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
6 3 [(6, 3), (5, 2), (4, 1), (3, 0)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
5 2 [(5, 2), (6, 2), (7, 3)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
7 3 [(7, 3)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
0 3 [(0, 3), (1, 3)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  6 5
Frank0W  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  28  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  13  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  63  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  3 6
Frank0V  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  4 4
Frank0V  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  4 4
Frank0V  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  62  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  5 7
Tojo0J  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  6 5
Frank0V  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  81  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
2 7 [(2, 7)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
3 7 [(3, 7), (4, 7)]
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
4 9 [(4, 9)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
4 7 [(4, 7)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  7 4
Frank0W  0600
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
4 7 [(4, 7), (3, 7), (2, 6)]
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
2 6 [(2, 6)]
Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone!  21
Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone!  14
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  35  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
8 4 [(8, 4), (7, 4)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  6 3
Frank0V  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
5 7 [(5, 7)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  28  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  4 3
Frank0W  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  46  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
6 3 [(6, 3), (5, 3)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  45  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  13  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
3 6 [(3, 6), (3, 5)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  32  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
6 6 [(6, 6), (5, 6), (4, 6), (3, 6)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  10  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
0 4 [(0, 4), (1, 4)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  11  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  84  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  9 4
Tojo0J  0600
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  9 4
Tojo0J  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  4 4
Frank0W  0600
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  9 4
Tojo0J  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  4 4
Frank0W  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  78  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  2 4
Frank0V  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
5 1 [(5, 1)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
2 3 [(2, 3), (3, 3), (4, 3), (5, 3), (6, 3)]
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  5 4
Tojo0J  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  7 1
Frank0W  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  58  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
4 8 [(4, 8), (3, 8)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
4 6 [(4, 6)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  6 4
Frank0W  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  30  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  87  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
9 5 [(9, 5), (8, 5), (7, 5)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
7 3 [(7, 3)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  47  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
6 3 [(6, 3), (6, 4), (6, 5), (6, 6)]
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  1 1
Tojo0J  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  86  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
3 7 [(3, 7), (4, 7), (5, 6)]
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  1 6
Tojo0J  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  1 6
Frank0V  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
1 6 [(1, 6)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  4 2
Frank0V  0600
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
6 5 [(6, 5), (7, 5), (8, 4)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  56  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
2 2 [(2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4), (5, 4)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
0 5 [(0, 5)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  8 2
Frank0V  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
4 7 [(4, 7)]
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  2 2
Tojo0J  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  17  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  66  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  6 5
Frank0V  0600
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
9 5 [(9, 5)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  29  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  7 5
Frank0V  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  39  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
6 7 [(6, 7)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  45  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  59  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
8 7 [(8, 7), (7, 6)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  73  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  6 5
Frank0W  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  6 5
Frank0W  0600
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
4 3 [(4, 3)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
0 6 [(0, 6), (0, 5), (1, 4), (1, 3)]
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
2 6 [(2, 6), (3, 5), (4, 4), (5, 4), (6, 3), (7, 2)]
Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone!  15
Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone!  -9
Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone!  -20
Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone!  -23
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  89  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
-1: Tojo0J  40
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (0, 0) !!!
Escort: None
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (0, 0) !!!
Escort: None
Missed Distant Intercept!
Tojo  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
0 0 [(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)]
-1: Tojo0J  39
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
No Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D16  will attempt to stave off  Tojo0J
Tojo0J 100 4 23 0600 9
P-51D16 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  2  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  1  fighters!
Tojo  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
2 2 [(3, 3), (4, 4)]
-1: Tojo0J  38
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 5
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D0K will attempt to stave off Tojo0J
Attackers diverted!
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D2H will attempt to stave off Tojo0J
Attackers diverted!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0E will attempt to stave off Tojo0J
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D27  will attempt to stave off  Tojo0J
Attackers diverted!
Tojo0J 100 4 23 0600 9
P-51D27 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  1  fighters!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0E  will attempt to stave off  Tojo0J
Tojo0J 100 4 23 0600 9
P-51D0E 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  1  fighters!
No Intercept!
Tojo  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
3 3 [(4, 4), (5, 5), (6, 6)]
-1: Tojo0J  37
Tojo has reached the Bomber Stream! AA570JM YJJZO4AA1
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  57  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 5
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0K  will attempt to stave off  Tony14
Tony14 100 4 25 0600 9
P-51D0K 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  0  fighters!
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D2H will attempt to stave off Tony14
Attackers diverted!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0O will attempt to stave off Tony14
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0O will attempt to stave off Tony14
Tony  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
A 2 [(6, 3), (6, 4), (6, 5), (6, 6)]
Tony has reached the Bomber Stream! AA2514M EJJZE4AA1
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  49  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  5 2
Frank0V  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  52  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  7 5
Frank0V  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
7 5 [(7, 5), (6, 5)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  40  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  5 7
Frank0V  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  58  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  4 8
Frank0W  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  87  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
1 0 [(1, 0), (2, 0), (3, 1)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
8 5 [(8, 5)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
4 7 [(4, 7)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  47  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
2 2 [(2, 2), (3, 2)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  15  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  9 5
Frank0V  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  9 5
Frank0V  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  13  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  73  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
6 7 [(6, 7)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
7 3 [(7, 3)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  71  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
3 5 [(3, 5)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  7 5
Frank0W  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  7 4
Frank0W  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  7 4
Frank0W  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  25  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
4 8 [(4, 8), (5, 7), (5, 6), (6, 5), (7, 4)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  83  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  7 4
Frank0W  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
3 6 [(3, 6)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  49  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
7 8 [(7, 8), (6, 7), (6, 6), (5, 5)]
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  2 7
Frank0V  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  4 0
Frank0V  0600
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
4 0 [(4, 0), (4, 1), (4, 2)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
3 6 [(3, 6), (3, 5)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  88  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
7 0 [(7, 0)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
4 6 [(4, 6)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
2 4 [(2, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  26  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
2 2 [(2, 2)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  81  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
6 4 [(6, 4), (7, 5), (8, 5), (9, 6)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  46  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
6 7 [(6, 7), (7, 6)]
Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone!  8
Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone!  -8
Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone!  -18
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  61  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
-1: Frank0V  55
Frank  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
4 0 [(5, 0)]
-1: Frank0W  51
Possible interception by P-51s in: (8, 4) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 5
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D0K will attempt to stave off Frank0W
Attackers diverted!
No Intercept!
Frank  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
6 4 [(8, 5)]
-1: Frank0V  54
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 5
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D0K will attempt to stave off Frank0V
Dogfight underway!
P-51D0K has taken off successfully with 1 engines working.
Frank0V has taken off successfully with 1 engines working.
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 2.49 damage
P-51D0K fires, 5 gun positions remaining
Frank's health is now 97.51
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 4.50 damage
P-51D0K fires, 4 gun positions remaining
Frank's health is now 93.01
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 0.70 damage
Frank0V fires, 5 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 99.30
FrankFrank0V   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 2.90 damage
P-51D0K fires, 3 gun positions remaining
Frank's health is now 90.11
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 2.68 damage
P-51D0K fires, 2 gun positions remaining
Frank's health is now 87.43
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 5.23 damage
Frank0V fires, 4 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 94.07
FrankFrank0V   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 1.16 damage
P-51D0K fires, 1 gun positions remaining
Frank's health is now 86.28
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 3.59 damage
P-51D0K fires, 0 gun positions remaining
Frank's health is now 82.68
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 0.76 damage
Frank0V fires, 3 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 93.30
FrankFrank0V   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 0.65 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 82.03
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.81 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 76.22
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 4.15 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 72.07
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 1.11 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 70.95
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 4.23 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 66.73
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 5.26 damage
Frank0V fires, 2 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 88.04
FrankFrank0V   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 0.13 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 66.59
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 3.31 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 63.29
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 2.91 damage
Frank0V fires, 1 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 85.13
FrankFrank0V   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 4.97 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 58.31
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 2.40 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 55.91
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 2.89 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 53.02
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 4.28 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 48.75
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 1.08 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 47.67
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 0.83 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 46.84
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
frontal attack
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 0.50 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 46.33
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
frontal attack
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.03 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 41.31
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 4.90 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 36.40
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
frontal attack
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 3.43 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 32.97
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 0.83 damage
Frank0V fires, 0 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 84.29
FrankFrank0V   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 2.24 damage
Frank0V has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 82.06
FrankFrank0V   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 2.20 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 30.76
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 0.45 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 30.31
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.08 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 25.23
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.91 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 19.32
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.26 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 14.07
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 0.14 damage
Frank0V has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 81.92
FrankFrank0V   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 4.88 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 9.18
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
frontal attack
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 4.37 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 4.81
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 0.23 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 4.59
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 3.61 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 0.98
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 2.43 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank has been shot down!
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
No Intercept!
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D27 will attempt to stave off Frank0V
Attackers diverted!
Frank  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
4 0 [(5, 0), (5, 1), (5, 2), (5, 3), (6, 4)]
-1: Frank0W  50
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (8, 4) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 5
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0K will attempt to stave off Frank0W
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D2H will attempt to stave off Frank0W
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0O will attempt to stave off Frank0W
Frank  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
6 4 [(8, 5), (7, 5), (6, 6)]
-1: Frank0V  53
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0E  will attempt to stave off  Frank0V
Frank0V -1.4486798042186533 4 29 0600 9
P-51D0E 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  2  fighters!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D27  will attempt to stave off  Frank0V
Frank0V -1.4486798042186533 4 29 0600 9
P-51D27 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  2  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0E will attempt to stave off Frank0V
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0O will attempt to stave off Frank0V
Frank  is moving towards the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
A 3 [(6, 4), (6, 5), (6, 6)]
-1: Frank0W  49
Frank has reached the Bomber Stream! AA250WM ZJJZC4AA1
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  67  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  63  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  32  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  35  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  27  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  41  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  62  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  13  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  56  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  53  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  50  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  60  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  87  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  75  seconds in the  Air  dimension.
Approach movement & battles completed.
Air Defence Size:  0
Sentai: 244   Frank   -1   Senior Major Hannoshin Nishio  while executing  immelmann_turn  was shot down by  1st Lieutenant David C. Wilhelm
Sentai: 244   Frank   0   2nd Lieutenant Hitoshi Imamura  while executing  frontal attack  was shot down by  1st Lieutenant Henry Seymour
Element:  Sqn40 ['A', 2, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Masahiko Sasahara', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AD3912M', '1JJZA4AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 'Taxiing', 'Senior Major Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '=00013M', '0JJZO2AB1', 'Target']]
Element:  Sqn47 ['H', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Major Takeo Takahashi', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'AB4111M', 'HJJZF4AB1', 'Target']]
Element:  Sqn10 ['A', 3, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, 'Warrant Officer Kosaku Nakano', 'Tentative', 'Incompetent', 0, 0, 0, '6D240OM', 'QJJZ04AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AA820PM', 'BJJZL4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 'Delay', '2nd Lieutenant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Cautious', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '=0000QM', '0JJZJ2AA1', 'Target']]
Element:  Sqn43 ['D', 2, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Higashikuni Morihiro', 'Deceptive', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, 'AA031KM', 'IJJZ94AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Special', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '21171LM', 'KJJZ74AC1', 'Target']]
Element:  Sqn02 ['C', 8, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Hard Abort', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AD3300M', 'NJJZR4AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Warrant Officer Takuma Shimoyama', 'Tentative', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '944501M', 'BJJZF4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 9, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Sueo Obayashi', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '$17502M', 'IJJZF4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 1, '1st Lieutenant Tsuneo Torikai', 'Break-off', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '604503M', '5JJZA4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 10, '2nd Lieutenant Shigeru Honjo', 'Break-off', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '075604M', 'IJJZ64AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 7, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Deceptive', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '93180AM', 'ZJJZF4AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 3, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Break-off', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '80640BM', 'UJJZO4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Soft Abort', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '97140CM', 'LJJZA4AC1', 'Target']]
Element:  Sqn22 ['C', 5, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Eikichi Iwashita', 'Tentative', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, 'AD320DM', 'BJJZ94AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Senior Corporal Tetsuji Giga', 'Break-off', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '12850EM', 'MJJZ64AB1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Ready', 'Senior Corporal Natsume Soseki', 'Hard Abort', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '=0000FM', '0JJZ60AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 6, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '61450GM', 'MJJZI4AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 3, 'Senior Corporal Harukichi Hyakutake', 'Standard', 'Incompetent', 0, 0, 0, '29340HM', 'MJJZ04AD1', 'Target']]
Element:  Sqn35 ['F', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Shinichi Tanaka', 'Break-off', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '50860KM', 'LJJZ94AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Junior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Cautious', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AD250LM', 'JJJZ64AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '15340MM', 'RJJZG4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 1, 'Senior Sergeant Nashi Obayashi', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, ']5670NM', '5JJZI4AC1', 'Target']]
Element:  Sqn05 ['F', 6, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko', 'Standard', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 0, 'AB821AM', 'QJJZ34AB1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 4, 'Senior Captain Kentaro Takatsuka', 'Aggressive', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '[4451BM', 'XJJZC4AB1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 5, 'Senior Captain Tsuneo Torikai', 'Aggressive', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '10321CM', '3JJZL4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', '16', 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Surprise', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '=0541DM', 'DJJZB4AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 6, 'Senior Major Somo Tatebayashi', 'Feint', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '91931EM', '6JJZL4AB1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 4, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Shusaku ENDO', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '95321FM', '4JJZ54AC1', 'Target']]
Element:  Sqn48 ['I', 3, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Major Saburo Amakasu', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '18370RM', '3JJZ94AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi', 'Surprise', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'AB120SM', 'FJJZF4AB1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Junior Sergeant Tetsujiro Tanaka', 'Surprise', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 0, 'AA160TM', 'MJJZ34AA1', 'Target']]
Element:  Sqn31 ['B', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hoichi Yoshii', 'Surprise', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '66511GM', 'PJJZI4AB1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Warrant Officer Takeo Iwaguro', 'Special', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, 'AC431HM', 'VJJZC4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Warrant Officer Toru Shinomiya', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '43121IM', 'JJJZ84AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, 'AD521JM', 'HJJZL4AD1', 'Target']]
Element:  Sqn12 ['C', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Aggressive', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'AA731MM', 'VJJZD4AA1', 'Target']]
Element:  Sqn04 ['E', 9, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Cautious', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'A1580XM', '0JJZD4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Shigeyoshi Inoue', 'Buzz', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '53510YM', 'NJJZ34AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, '1st Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Feint', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, 'AA360ZM', 'KJJZC4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', -1, 'Senior Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'immelmann_turn', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '=07805M', 'MJJZ64AA1', '1st Lieutenant David C. Wilhelm'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 10, 'Warrant Officer Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '003406M', 'XJJZB4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 17, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Tetsuo Sasaki', 'Hard Abort', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '455207M', '5JJZ04AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Senior Corporal Kobayashi Nagai', 'Aggressive', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '804508M', 'VJJZI4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 7, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Giichiro Inoue', 'Feint', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '901309M', '4JJZC4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 17, 'Senior Sergeant Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, 'A41410M', 'NJJZ54AA1', 'Target']]
Element:  Sqn32 ['C', 2, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, '1st Lieutenant Hidetsugu Takahashi', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'A4820IM', '7JJZL4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Unorthodox', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AA570JM', 'YJJZO4AA1', 'Target']]
Element:  Sqn11 ['B', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, '1st Lieutenant Michihiro Sugawara', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AA2514M', 'EJJZE4AA1', 'Target']]
Element:  Sqn46 ['G', 3, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Cautious', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '63580UM', 'VJJZE4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Hitoshi Imamura', 'frontal attack', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, 'AA970VM', 'WJJZ94AA1', '1st Lieutenant Henry Seymour'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AA250WM', 'ZJJZC4AA1', 'Target']]
Total Strike Force Before Losses:  54
<class 'dict'>
<class 'dict'>
Senior Major Hannoshin Nishio
2nd Lieutenant Hitoshi Imamura
Element:  Sqn40 ['A', 2, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Masahiko Sasahara', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AD3912M', '1JJZA4AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 'Taxiing', 'Senior Major Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '=00013M', '0JJZO2AB1', 'Target']]
Element:  Sqn47 ['H', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Major Takeo Takahashi', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'AB4111M', 'HJJZF4AB1', 'Target']]
Element:  Sqn10 ['A', 3, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, 'Warrant Officer Kosaku Nakano', 'Tentative', 'Incompetent', 0, 0, 0, '6D240OM', 'QJJZ04AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AA820PM', 'BJJZL4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 'Delay', '2nd Lieutenant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Cautious', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '=0000QM', '0JJZJ2AA1', 'Target']]
Element:  Sqn43 ['D', 2, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Higashikuni Morihiro', 'Deceptive', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, 'AA031KM', 'IJJZ94AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Special', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '21171LM', 'KJJZ74AC1', 'Target']]
Element:  Sqn02 ['C', 8, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Hard Abort', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AD3300M', 'NJJZR4AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Warrant Officer Takuma Shimoyama', 'Tentative', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '944501M', 'BJJZF4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 9, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Sueo Obayashi', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '$17502M', 'IJJZF4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 1, '1st Lieutenant Tsuneo Torikai', 'Break-off', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '604503M', '5JJZA4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 10, '2nd Lieutenant Shigeru Honjo', 'Break-off', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '075604M', 'IJJZ64AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 7, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Deceptive', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '93180AM', 'ZJJZF4AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 3, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Break-off', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '80640BM', 'UJJZO4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Soft Abort', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '97140CM', 'LJJZA4AC1', 'Target']]
Element:  Sqn22 ['C', 5, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Eikichi Iwashita', 'Tentative', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, 'AD320DM', 'BJJZ94AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Senior Corporal Tetsuji Giga', 'Break-off', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '12850EM', 'MJJZ64AB1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Ready', 'Senior Corporal Natsume Soseki', 'Hard Abort', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '=0000FM', '0JJZ60AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 6, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '61450GM', 'MJJZI4AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 3, 'Senior Corporal Harukichi Hyakutake', 'Standard', 'Incompetent', 0, 0, 0, '29340HM', 'MJJZ04AD1', 'Target']]
Element:  Sqn35 ['F', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Shinichi Tanaka', 'Break-off', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '50860KM', 'LJJZ94AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Junior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Cautious', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AD250LM', 'JJJZ64AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '15340MM', 'RJJZG4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 1, 'Senior Sergeant Nashi Obayashi', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, ']5670NM', '5JJZI4AC1', 'Target']]
Element:  Sqn05 ['F', 6, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko', 'Standard', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 0, 'AB821AM', 'QJJZ34AB1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 4, 'Senior Captain Kentaro Takatsuka', 'Aggressive', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '[4451BM', 'XJJZC4AB1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 5, 'Senior Captain Tsuneo Torikai', 'Aggressive', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '10321CM', '3JJZL4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', '16', 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Surprise', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '=0541DM', 'DJJZB4AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 6, 'Senior Major Somo Tatebayashi', 'Feint', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '91931EM', '6JJZL4AB1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 4, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Shusaku ENDO', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '95321FM', '4JJZ54AC1', 'Target']]
Element:  Sqn48 ['I', 3, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Major Saburo Amakasu', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '18370RM', '3JJZ94AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi', 'Surprise', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'AB120SM', 'FJJZF4AB1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Junior Sergeant Tetsujiro Tanaka', 'Surprise', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 0, 'AA160TM', 'MJJZ34AA1', 'Target']]
Element:  Sqn31 ['B', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hoichi Yoshii', 'Surprise', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '66511GM', 'PJJZI4AB1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Warrant Officer Takeo Iwaguro', 'Special', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, 'AC431HM', 'VJJZC4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Warrant Officer Toru Shinomiya', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '43121IM', 'JJJZ84AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, 'AD521JM', 'HJJZL4AD1', 'Target']]
Element:  Sqn12 ['C', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Aggressive', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'AA731MM', 'VJJZD4AA1', 'Target']]
Element:  Sqn04 ['E', 8, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Cautious', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'A1580XM', '0JJZD4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Shigeyoshi Inoue', 'Buzz', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '53510YM', 'NJJZ34AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, '1st Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Feint', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, 'AA360ZM', 'KJJZC4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 10, 'Warrant Officer Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '003406M', 'XJJZB4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 17, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Tetsuo Sasaki', 'Hard Abort', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '455207M', '5JJZ04AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Senior Corporal Kobayashi Nagai', 'Aggressive', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '804508M', 'VJJZI4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 7, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Giichiro Inoue', 'Feint', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '901309M', '4JJZC4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 17, 'Senior Sergeant Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, 'A41410M', 'NJJZ54AA1', 'Target']]
Element:  Sqn32 ['C', 2, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, '1st Lieutenant Hidetsugu Takahashi', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'A4820IM', '7JJZL4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Unorthodox', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AA570JM', 'YJJZO4AA1', 'Target']]
Element:  Sqn11 ['B', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, '1st Lieutenant Michihiro Sugawara', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AA2514M', 'EJJZE4AA1', 'Target']]
Element:  Sqn46 ['G', 2, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Cautious', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '63580UM', 'VJJZE4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AA250WM', 'ZJJZC4AA1', 'Target']]
Total Strike Force after Approach losses:  52
Element:  73 Sqn 0 ['73 Sqn: 0', 4, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Jones, John Sills', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '771800A', 'SFJZTF77S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Christopher F. Norton', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '771801A', 'HFJZFF77S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, 'Junior Captain Anderson, Joseph R.', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '771802C', 'QFJZLF77S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 13, '1st Lieutenant John W. Griggs', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '771803D', 'IFJZ1F77S', 'Target']]
Element:  73 Sqn 1 ['73 Sqn 0', 4, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Hayes, Edwin L.', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '278604A', 'VFJZGF27S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Daniel F. Miller', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '278605C', '7FJZAF27S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Charles Sreeve Peterson', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '278606B', 'IFJZFF27S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Phillip C. DeLong', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '278607B', '4FJZLF27S', 'Target']]
Element:  74 Sqn 2 ['73 Sqn 1', 2, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, 'Senior Major Jack C. Mankin', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '7A7808A', 'TFJZ3F7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Frederick P. Hummel', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '7A78099', 'UFJZ3F7AS', 'Target']]
Element:  74 Sqn 3 ['74 Sqn 2', 4, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Leo B. McCuddin', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, 'AD150AC', 'GFJZGFADS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant John P. Kennedy', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AD150BA', 'BFJZIFADS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Wood, Sterling A.M.', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AD150CA', 'XFJZFFADS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Benjamin F. Hopkins', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AD150DA', '6FJZJFADS', 'Target']]
Element:  74 Sqn 4 ['74 Sqn 3', 2, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Monroe, George Wood', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, 'A7780E9', 'EFJZ0FA7S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Philip Tomppert', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'A7780FC', 'DFJZOFA7S', 'Target']]
Element:  45 Sqn 5 ['74 Sqn 4', 4, ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant James C. Dobbin', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '72110GB', 'CFJZAF72S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 19, '1st Lieutenant James La Fayette Cottrell', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '72110HJ', '2FJZGF72S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, 'Junior Captain Bootes, Levi Clark', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '72110IA', 'XFJZCF72S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '2nd Lieutenant Austin Eli Wing', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '72110JA', 'FFJZDF72S', 'Target']]
Element:  45 Sqn 6 ['45 Sqn 5', 4, ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Henry Seymour', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'A2270KA', 'SFJZBFA2S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 19, '1st Lieutenant Theodorus W. Brevard', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, 'A2270LJ', '6FJZ9FA2S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Roy O. Burnett Jr.', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'A2270MB', 'UFJZNFA2S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Samuel W. Forrer', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, 'A2270N9', 'KFJZKFA2S', 'Target']]
Element:  45 Sqn 7 ['45 Sqn 6', 4, ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Card, Benjamin Cozzens', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AA720OA', 'QFJZGFAAS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '2nd Lieutenant E. C. Smith', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AA720PB', 'NFJZLFAAS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Augustus Sherrill Seymour', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'AA720Q9', 'QFJZFFAAS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Augustus F. Allen', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AA720RA', 'QFJZCFAAS', 'Target']]
Element:  Flight: 8 ['45 Sqn 7', 12, ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, 'Junior Captain Harold N. Funk', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '7D880SB', 'BFJZSF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Christian Ellefson', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '7D880TA', 'LFJZ3F7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Lindley W. Godson', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '7D880UC', '4FJZVF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 19, '1st Lieutenant George H. Walther', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '7D880VJ', 'VFJZ2F7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Ely, William Grosvenor', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '7D230WA', 'IFJZEF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Stewart, William Scott', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '7D230XB', 'TFJZCF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Edward Rosewater', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '7D230YA', 'NFJZ7F7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Henry Ervay', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '7D230ZB', '6FJZ4F7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '2nd Lieutenant Norman Eddy', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '7D1110A', 'WFJZ4F7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant John M. Barlow', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '7D1111A', 'IFJZ9F7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 13, '1st Lieutenant William Burns Smith', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '7D1112D', 'JFJZOF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Otto D. Jenkins', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '7D1113B', 'OFJZBF7DS', 'Target']]
Element:  Flight: 9 ['46 Sqn 8', 2, ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, 'Senior Captain Moffitt, Stephen', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '2285149', '8FJZRF22S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant George K. Nash', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '228515A', 'RFJZCF22S', 'Target']]
Element:  Flight: A ['47 Sqn 9', 3, ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, 'Senior Captain Thomas, Allen', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '2A2716C', 'PFJZDF2AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Darius Mead', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '2A27179', 'VFJZLF2AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Frank M. Bridges', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '2A27189', 'GFJZ9F2AS', 'Target']]
Element:  Flight: B ['72 Sqn A', 6, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Edward Crossland', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '2D1119B', 'OFJZ6F2DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Reuben Davis', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '2D111AC', 'BFJZ0F2DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant William Simons', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '2D111BA', 'RFJZBF2DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Burnell W. Adams', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '2D111CC', 'FFJZ2F2DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Young Singleton Walter', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '2D811DC', 'FFJZCF2DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '2nd Lieutenant Andrew H. Hamilton', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '2D811EA', 'IFJZFF2DS', 'Target']]
Element:  Flight: C ['73 Sqn B', 5, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, 'Senior Captain Thaddeus T. Coleman', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '57221FA', '5FJZRF57S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 19, '1st Lieutenant John Berry', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '57221GJ', 'SFJZ9F57S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Johnston, Albert Sidney', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '57221HB', 'IFJZUF57S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '2nd Lieutenant Charles A. Chickering', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '57221IB', 'AFJZFF57S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 13, '2nd Lieutenant Ambrose S. Murray', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '57221JD', 'TFJZCF57S', 'Target']]
Element:  74 SqnD ['74 Sqn C', 1, ['Flight: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant George Opdyke', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '6A761KC', '3FJZFF6AS', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 0 ['73 Sqn: 0', 4, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, 'Junior Captain Thomas Cox', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '67881L9', 'FFJZCF67S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Henry D. Farnandis', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '67881MA', 'HFJZ0F67S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant John W. Ruhsam', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '67881NB', 'WFJZTF67S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '2nd Lieutenant Victor Linley', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '67881OC', '5FJZFF67S', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 1 ['73 Sqn: 0', 4, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Pearson, Robert Newton', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '45161PC', '0FJZPF45S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, 'Junior Captain Ezra Clark Jr.', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '45161Q9', '7FJZLF45S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Robert W. Foy', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '45161RA', 'RFJZRF45S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Barton, Seth M.', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '45161SA', 'KFJZ0F45S', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 2 ['73 Sqn 0', 4, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 19, 'Senior Major John L. Jones', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '5B841TJ', 'MFJZOF5BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Thomas Murphy', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '5B841UB', 'MFJZCF5BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant James A. Weston', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '5B841V9', 'AFJZDF5BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Arno Voss', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '5B841W9', '1FJZFF5BS', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 3 ['73 Sqn 1', 2, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Talbot, Thomas Hammond', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '37281XA', 'PFJZSF37S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Edward Sparrow', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '37281Y9', 'MFJZ9F37S', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 4 ['74 Sqn 2', 4, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, 'Senior Captain Bankhead, Henry Cary', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '68551ZC', 'KFJZUF68S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Oliver Wolcott Jr.', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '6855209', 'AFJZFF68S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant James Uriah Adams', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '685521A', 'OFJZCF68S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '2nd Lieutenant Abner Pratt', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '685522C', 'JFJZLF68S', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 5 ['74 Sqn 2', 4, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Preston Pond Jr.', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '6B1423C', 'MFJZFF6BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Adin Randall', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '6B14249', '3FJZ1F6BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Wilcox, John Shuler', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '6B1425B', 'UFJZOF6BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Edwin Waller', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '6B1426A', 'EFJZEF6BS', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 6 ['74 Sqn 3', 2, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Garnett, Richard B.', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '4A1827A', 'LFJZFF4AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Gordon A. Stanley', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '4A1828C', 'OFJZSF4AS', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 7 ['74 Sqn 4', 4, ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, 'Senior Captain Charles M. Mallory', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '398429C', 'XFJZXF39S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Hubert "Hub" Zemke', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '39842AA', 'PFJZZF39S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Edward Russell', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '39842B9', 'NFJZLF39S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, 'Junior Captain Grover, Ira Glanton', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '39842CA', 'BFJZRF39S', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 8 ['74 Sqn 4', 4, ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, 'Junior Captain Omar D. Conger', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '47782DA', 'AFJZFF47S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Robert Opie Lindsay', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '47782EB', 'NFJZSF47S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Andrew J. Doran', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '47782FA', 'OFJZ4F47S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant William B. Freeman', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '47782GC', 'FFJZQF47S', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 9 ['45 Sqn 5', 4, ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 19, '1st Lieutenant David C. Wilhelm', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '63222HJ', 'MFJZ0F63S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '2nd Lieutenant Robert E. Withers', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '63222IA', '9FJZKF63S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Ralph E. Elliott', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '63222JB', 'OFJZHF63S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Preston Jacobus', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '63222KA', '4FJZOF63S', 'Target']]
Total ESCORT GROUP Before Losses:  93
<class 'dict'>
<class 'dict'>
Element:  73 Sqn 0 ['73 Sqn: 0', 4, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Jones, John Sills', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '771800A', 'SFJZTF77S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Christopher F. Norton', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '771801A', 'HFJZFF77S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, 'Junior Captain Anderson, Joseph R.', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '771802C', 'QFJZLF77S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 13, '1st Lieutenant John W. Griggs', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '771803D', 'IFJZ1F77S', 'Target']]
Element:  73 Sqn 1 ['73 Sqn 0', 4, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Hayes, Edwin L.', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '278604A', 'VFJZGF27S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Daniel F. Miller', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '278605C', '7FJZAF27S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Charles Sreeve Peterson', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '278606B', 'IFJZFF27S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Phillip C. DeLong', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '278607B', '4FJZLF27S', 'Target']]
Element:  74 Sqn 2 ['73 Sqn 1', 2, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, 'Senior Major Jack C. Mankin', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '7A7808A', 'TFJZ3F7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Frederick P. Hummel', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '7A78099', 'UFJZ3F7AS', 'Target']]
Element:  74 Sqn 3 ['74 Sqn 2', 4, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Leo B. McCuddin', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, 'AD150AC', 'GFJZGFADS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant John P. Kennedy', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AD150BA', 'BFJZIFADS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Wood, Sterling A.M.', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AD150CA', 'XFJZFFADS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Benjamin F. Hopkins', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AD150DA', '6FJZJFADS', 'Target']]
Element:  74 Sqn 4 ['74 Sqn 3', 2, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Monroe, George Wood', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, 'A7780E9', 'EFJZ0FA7S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Philip Tomppert', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'A7780FC', 'DFJZOFA7S', 'Target']]
Element:  45 Sqn 5 ['74 Sqn 4', 4, ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant James C. Dobbin', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '72110GB', 'CFJZAF72S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 19, '1st Lieutenant James La Fayette Cottrell', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '72110HJ', '2FJZGF72S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, 'Junior Captain Bootes, Levi Clark', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '72110IA', 'XFJZCF72S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '2nd Lieutenant Austin Eli Wing', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '72110JA', 'FFJZDF72S', 'Target']]
Element:  45 Sqn 6 ['45 Sqn 5', 4, ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Henry Seymour', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'A2270KA', 'SFJZBFA2S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 19, '1st Lieutenant Theodorus W. Brevard', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, 'A2270LJ', '6FJZ9FA2S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Roy O. Burnett Jr.', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'A2270MB', 'UFJZNFA2S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Samuel W. Forrer', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, 'A2270N9', 'KFJZKFA2S', 'Target']]
Element:  45 Sqn 7 ['45 Sqn 6', 4, ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Card, Benjamin Cozzens', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AA720OA', 'QFJZGFAAS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '2nd Lieutenant E. C. Smith', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AA720PB', 'NFJZLFAAS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Augustus Sherrill Seymour', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'AA720Q9', 'QFJZFFAAS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Augustus F. Allen', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AA720RA', 'QFJZCFAAS', 'Target']]
Element:  Flight: 8 ['45 Sqn 7', 12, ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, 'Junior Captain Harold N. Funk', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '7D880SB', 'BFJZSF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Christian Ellefson', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '7D880TA', 'LFJZ3F7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Lindley W. Godson', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '7D880UC', '4FJZVF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 19, '1st Lieutenant George H. Walther', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '7D880VJ', 'VFJZ2F7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Ely, William Grosvenor', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '7D230WA', 'IFJZEF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Stewart, William Scott', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '7D230XB', 'TFJZCF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Edward Rosewater', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '7D230YA', 'NFJZ7F7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Henry Ervay', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '7D230ZB', '6FJZ4F7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '2nd Lieutenant Norman Eddy', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '7D1110A', 'WFJZ4F7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant John M. Barlow', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '7D1111A', 'IFJZ9F7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 13, '1st Lieutenant William Burns Smith', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '7D1112D', 'JFJZOF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Otto D. Jenkins', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '7D1113B', 'OFJZBF7DS', 'Target']]
Element:  Flight: 9 ['46 Sqn 8', 2, ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, 'Senior Captain Moffitt, Stephen', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '2285149', '8FJZRF22S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant George K. Nash', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '228515A', 'RFJZCF22S', 'Target']]
Element:  Flight: A ['47 Sqn 9', 3, ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, 'Senior Captain Thomas, Allen', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '2A2716C', 'PFJZDF2AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Darius Mead', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '2A27179', 'VFJZLF2AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Frank M. Bridges', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '2A27189', 'GFJZ9F2AS', 'Target']]
Element:  Flight: B ['72 Sqn A', 6, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Edward Crossland', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '2D1119B', 'OFJZ6F2DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Reuben Davis', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '2D111AC', 'BFJZ0F2DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant William Simons', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '2D111BA', 'RFJZBF2DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Burnell W. Adams', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '2D111CC', 'FFJZ2F2DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Young Singleton Walter', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '2D811DC', 'FFJZCF2DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '2nd Lieutenant Andrew H. Hamilton', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '2D811EA', 'IFJZFF2DS', 'Target']]
Element:  Flight: C ['73 Sqn B', 5, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, 'Senior Captain Thaddeus T. Coleman', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '57221FA', '5FJZRF57S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 19, '1st Lieutenant John Berry', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '57221GJ', 'SFJZ9F57S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Johnston, Albert Sidney', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '57221HB', 'IFJZUF57S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '2nd Lieutenant Charles A. Chickering', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '57221IB', 'AFJZFF57S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 13, '2nd Lieutenant Ambrose S. Murray', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '57221JD', 'TFJZCF57S', 'Target']]
Element:  74 SqnD ['74 Sqn C', 1, ['Flight: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant George Opdyke', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '6A761KC', '3FJZFF6AS', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 0 ['73 Sqn: 0', 4, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, 'Junior Captain Thomas Cox', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '67881L9', 'FFJZCF67S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Henry D. Farnandis', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '67881MA', 'HFJZ0F67S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant John W. Ruhsam', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '67881NB', 'WFJZTF67S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '2nd Lieutenant Victor Linley', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '67881OC', '5FJZFF67S', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 1 ['73 Sqn: 0', 4, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Pearson, Robert Newton', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '45161PC', '0FJZPF45S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, 'Junior Captain Ezra Clark Jr.', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '45161Q9', '7FJZLF45S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Robert W. Foy', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '45161RA', 'RFJZRF45S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Barton, Seth M.', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '45161SA', 'KFJZ0F45S', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 2 ['73 Sqn 0', 4, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 19, 'Senior Major John L. Jones', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '5B841TJ', 'MFJZOF5BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Thomas Murphy', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '5B841UB', 'MFJZCF5BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant James A. Weston', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '5B841V9', 'AFJZDF5BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Arno Voss', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '5B841W9', '1FJZFF5BS', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 3 ['73 Sqn 1', 2, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Talbot, Thomas Hammond', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '37281XA', 'PFJZSF37S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Edward Sparrow', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '37281Y9', 'MFJZ9F37S', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 4 ['74 Sqn 2', 4, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, 'Senior Captain Bankhead, Henry Cary', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '68551ZC', 'KFJZUF68S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Oliver Wolcott Jr.', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '6855209', 'AFJZFF68S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant James Uriah Adams', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '685521A', 'OFJZCF68S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '2nd Lieutenant Abner Pratt', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '685522C', 'JFJZLF68S', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 5 ['74 Sqn 2', 4, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Preston Pond Jr.', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '6B1423C', 'MFJZFF6BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Adin Randall', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '6B14249', '3FJZ1F6BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Wilcox, John Shuler', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '6B1425B', 'UFJZOF6BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Edwin Waller', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '6B1426A', 'EFJZEF6BS', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 6 ['74 Sqn 3', 2, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Garnett, Richard B.', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '4A1827A', 'LFJZFF4AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Gordon A. Stanley', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '4A1828C', 'OFJZSF4AS', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 7 ['74 Sqn 4', 4, ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, 'Senior Captain Charles M. Mallory', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '398429C', 'XFJZXF39S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Hubert "Hub" Zemke', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '39842AA', 'PFJZZF39S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Edward Russell', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '39842B9', 'NFJZLF39S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, 'Junior Captain Grover, Ira Glanton', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '39842CA', 'BFJZRF39S', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 8 ['74 Sqn 4', 4, ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, 'Junior Captain Omar D. Conger', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '47782DA', 'AFJZFF47S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Robert Opie Lindsay', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '47782EB', 'NFJZSF47S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Andrew J. Doran', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '47782FA', 'OFJZ4F47S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant William B. Freeman', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '47782GC', 'FFJZQF47S', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 9 ['45 Sqn 5', 4, ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 19, '1st Lieutenant David C. Wilhelm', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '63222HJ', 'MFJZ0F63S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '2nd Lieutenant Robert E. Withers', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '63222IA', '9FJZKF63S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Ralph E. Elliott', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '63222JB', 'OFJZHF63S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Preston Jacobus', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '63222KA', '4FJZOF63S', 'Target']]
Total Escort Force losses after Approach losses:  93
Dictionary saved to escort_approach_data.txt
Air to Air Battle Checks
[['Element A', 'V-32', 'F41234100000064123455', 'V-34', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-35', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-38', 'F41234100000020123455', 'V-43', 'F41234100000037123455', 12, 5], ['Element B', 'V-3', 'F41234100000018123455', 'V-11', 'F41234100000049123455', 'V-13', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-15', 'F41234100000000123455', 10, 4], ['Element C', 'V-47', 'F41234100000047123455', 'V-49', 'F41234100000022123455', 'V-51', 'F41234100000047123455', 'V-53', 'F41234100000063123455', 12, 4], ['Element D', 'V-21', 'F41234100000062123455', 'V-26', 'F41234100000035123455', 'V-31', 'F41234100000030123455', 10, 3]]
[['V-3', 'Engine Strain!', 1, False, 'Z3: General Engine strain in 2 Engines.'], ['V-11', 'Engine Strain!', 1, False, 'Z3: Excessive strain in starboard outer engine!'], ['V-16', 'Aborted due to Engine difficulties!', 8, True, 'Z6: Engines: 3'], ['V-52', 'Engine Strain Check!', 1, False, 'Z7: Engines: 4'], ['V-27', 'Engine Strain Check!', -4, False, 'Z8: Engines: 4'], ['V-7', 'Engine Strain Check!', 1, False, 'Z9: Engines: 4'], ['V-43', 'Passed Fuel Check!', 0, False, 'Z12: Engines: 4'], ['Lead: V-32', 'First Straggler: None', 'Final Straggler: None', 'Observed E/A: 54', 'Attacking Waves: 15']]
[4, 'V-16', 'X31204104000011123455', 6, True, 'V-52', 'X41234100000000123455', 7, False, 'V-27', 'X41234100000052123455', 8, False, 'V-7', 'X41234100000000123455', 9, False]
{'Sqn40': ['A', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Masahiko Sasahara', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AD3912M', '1JJZA4AD1', 'Target']], 'Sqn47': ['H', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Major Takeo Takahashi', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'AB4111M', 'HJJZF4AB1', 'Target']], 'Sqn10': ['A', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AA820PM', 'BJJZL4AA1', 'Target']], 'Sqn43': ['D', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Higashikuni Morihiro', 'Deceptive', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, 'AA031KM', 'IJJZ94AA1', 'Target']], 'Sqn02': ['C', 1, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Hard Abort', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AD3300M', 'NJJZR4AD1', 'Target']], 'Sqn22': ['C', 1, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Eikichi Iwashita', 'Tentative', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, 'AD320DM', 'BJJZ94AD1', 'Target']], 'Sqn35': ['F', 1, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Junior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Cautious', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AD250LM', 'JJJZ64AD1', 'Target']], 'Sqn05': ['F', 1, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko', 'Standard', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 0, 'AB821AM', 'QJJZ34AB1', 'Target']], 'Sqn48': ['I', 2, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi', 'Surprise', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'AB120SM', 'FJJZF4AB1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Junior Sergeant Tetsujiro Tanaka', 'Surprise', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 0, 'AA160TM', 'MJJZ34AA1', 'Target']], 'Sqn31': ['B', 2, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Warrant Officer Takeo Iwaguro', 'Special', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, 'AC431HM', 'VJJZC4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, 'AD521JM', 'HJJZL4AD1', 'Target']], 'Sqn12': ['C', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Aggressive', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'AA731MM', 'VJJZD4AA1', 'Target']], 'Sqn04': ['E', 1, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, '1st Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Feint', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, 'AA360ZM', 'KJJZC4AA1', 'Target']], 'Sqn32': ['C', 1, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Unorthodox', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AA570JM', 'YJJZO4AA1', 'Target']], 'Sqn11': ['B', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, '1st Lieutenant Michihiro Sugawara', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AA2514M', 'EJJZE4AA1', 'Target']], 'Sqn46': ['G', 1, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AA250WM', 'ZJJZC4AA1', 'Target']]}
[12, 10, 9, 11, 12, 10, 10, 9, 10, 12, 11, 10, 10, 19, 9, 10, 11, 12, 10, 13]
Approach Air
Air-To-Air:  0
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Mike  flown by  Senior Sergeant_Major Masahiko Sasahara
The attacker did not intercept
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Mike  flown by  2nd Lieutenant Higashikuni Morihiro
The attacker did not intercept
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Dinah  flown by  2nd Lieutenant Eikichi Iwashita
The attacker did not intercept
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Frank  flown by  Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko
The attacker did not intercept
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Mike  flown by  Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi
The attacker did not intercept
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Tojo  flown by  Warrant Officer Takeo Iwaguro
The attacker did not intercept
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Tony  flown by  Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio
Possible attacking attempt:  2  by a  Tony  flown by  Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio
Tenacity:  4
Attack is against same target
Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 74
New_move:  73
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Tony  flown by  Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Frank  flown by  1st Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto
The attacker did not intercept
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Tojo  flown by  2nd Lieutenant Matsumi nakano
The attacker did not intercept
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Frank  flown by  1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano
Possible attacking attempt:  2  by a  Frank  flown by  1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano
Tenacity:  3
Attack is against same target
Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 89
New_move:  49
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Mike  flown by  Senior Sergeant_Major Masahiko Sasahara
Tenacity:  2
Grid Move Unsuccessful - continue attack!:  7
Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 35
New_move:  46
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Tony  flown by  1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano
The attacker did not intercept
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Frank  flown by  Senior Captain Matsumi nakano
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Tojo  flown by  Warrant Officer Takeo Iwaguro
Tenacity:  1
Grid Move Unsuccessful - broke away..:  5
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Frank  flown by  1st Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto
Tenacity:  1
Attack is against same target
Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 93
New_move:  62
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Tony  flown by  1st Lieutenant Michihiro Sugawara
The attacker did not intercept
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Frank  flown by  1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano
Tenacity:  3
Attack is against same target
Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 89
New_move:  48
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Mike  flown by  Senior Major Takeo Takahashi
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Mike  flown by  2nd Lieutenant Higashikuni Morihiro
Tenacity:  1
Grid Move Unsuccessful - continue attack!:  1
Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 91
New_move:  67
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Tojo  flown by  Junior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio
The attacker did not intercept
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Frank  flown by  Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko
Tenacity:  1
Attack is against same target
Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 05
New_move:  6
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Mike  flown by  Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi
Tenacity:  1
Attack is against same target
Down stream attack!  17
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Tojo  flown by  2nd Lieutenant Matsumi nakano
Tenacity:  3
Attack is against same target
Down stream attack!  28
The attacker did not intercept
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Frank  flown by  1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano
Tenacity:  3
Attack is against same target
Upstream attack!  89
Possible attacking attempt:  2  by a  Frank  flown by  1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano
Tenacity:  3
Grid Move Successful:  19
Possible attacking attempt:  3  by a  Frank  flown by  1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano
Tenacity:  3
Attack is against same target
Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 65
New_move:  94
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Mike  flown by  Senior Sergeant_Major Masahiko Sasahara
Tenacity:  2
Attack is against same target
Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 35
New_move:  24
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Mike  flown by  Senior Major Takeo Takahashi
Tenacity:  1
Grid Move Successful:  16
The attacker did not intercept
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Tony  flown by  1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano
Tenacity:  2
Grid Move Unsuccessful - continue attack!:  5
Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 52
New_move:  28
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Tojo  flown by  Junior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio
Tenacity:  3
Grid Move Unsuccessful - continue attack!:  7
Immediate Upstream attack!  55
The attacker did not intercept
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Frank  flown by  Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko
Tenacity:  1
Grid Move Successful:  15
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Mike  flown by  Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi
Tenacity:  1
Grid Move Successful:  11
The attacker did not intercept
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Tony  flown by  Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio
Tenacity:  5
Attack is against same target
Immediate Down stream attack!  44
The attacker did not intercept
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Frank  flown by  1st Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto
Tenacity:  1
Attack is against same target
Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 93
New_move:  59
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Tojo  flown by  2nd Lieutenant Matsumi nakano
Tenacity:  3
Attack is against same target
Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 78
New_move:  50
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Tony  flown by  1st Lieutenant Michihiro Sugawara
Tenacity:  2
Attack is against same target
Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 86
New_move:  44
Totaled offensive fire:  10
Totaled Effective attacks:  3
Totaled Damaged B29s:  2
Destroyed B29:  0
Totaled Defensive Heavy/Pilot Loss:  0  /  0
Totaled Defensive Probable/Pilot Injury:  0  /  0
Totaled Defensive Damaged:  0
Totaled Ineffective attacks:  8
Suffered  7  Hits!
Initial Fire:  0
BIT:  13
Fire Now;  0
Engines;  4
-1  /  -1
-1  /  -1
AC_roll:  -1
Parameter M:  0
Long-term Damage;  2
Guns:  F41234102000027020402
Superficial Damage:  1
VPS:  9
AC Lost:  Soft landing
Crew Loss:  ['E', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'O', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'C', 'Painful Bumped Hips', 'T', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'B', 'Serious Fall', 'D', 'Painful Bumped Hand', 'L', 'Safe', 'R', 'Lucky Escape', 'A', 'Safe', 'P', 'Safe', 'N', 'Safe', 'I', 'Safe']
Suffered  3  Hits!
Initial Fire:  1
BIT:  7
Fire Now;  1
Engines;  4
Shot_up_roll 4
Parameter M:  1
Long-term Damage;  3
Guns:  F41234103000051120403
Superficial Damage:  0
VPS:  2
AC Lost:  False
Crew Loss:  ['E', 'Lucky Escape', 'O', 'Safe', 'C', 'Lucky Escape', 'T', 'Debilitating Sprained Wrist', 'B', 'Safe', 'D', 'Safe', 'L', 'Safe', 'R', 'Safe']
Registered  19  Air to Air Battle Score
The Tony flown by Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio who is Ace is attacking V-32 from element Element A
1 )  Result: No Effect / No Effect
The Tony flown by Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio who is Ace of Aces is attacking V-3 from element Element B
2 )  Result: No Effect / 3 Hits!
The Frank flown by 1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano who is Skilled is attacking V-13 from element Element B
3 )  Result: No Effect / No Effect
The Frank flown by Senior Captain Matsumi nakano who is Highly Skilled is attacking V-26 from element Element D
Attack is aborted due to engine malfunction considered probable
The Mike flown by Senior Major Takeo Takahashi who is Capable is attacking V-49 from element Element C
4 )  Result: No Effect / No Effect
The Mike flown by Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi who is Capable is attacking V-3 from element Element B
5 )  Result: No Effect / 4 Hits!
The Frank flown by 1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano who is Skilled is attacking V-31 from element Element D
6 )  Result: No Effect / No Effect
The Frank flown by 1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano who is Skilled is attacking V-21 from element Element D
7 )  Result: No Effect / No Effect
The Frank flown by Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko who is Very poor is attacking V-11 from element Element B
8 )  Result: No Effect / 3 Hits!
['A', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 17, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Masahiko Sasahara', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 17, '0035', '1JJZA4AD1', 0]]
['H', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 15, 'Senior Major Takeo Takahashi', 'Standard', 'Capable', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 18, '0222', 'HJJZF4AB1', 2]]
['A', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 12, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Competent', 0, 0, 15, '0052', 'BJJZL4AA1', 0]]
['D', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 17, '2nd Lieutenant Higashikuni Morihiro', 'Deceptive', 'Trained', 0, 0, 15, '0091', 'IJJZ94AA1', 0]]
['C', 1, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Abort', 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Hard Abort', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, -1, '0304', 'NJJZR4AD1', 3]]
['C', 1, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Intercept', '2nd Lieutenant Eikichi Iwashita', 'Tentative', 'Trained', 0, 0, 12, '0361', 'BJJZ94AD1', 3]]
['F', 1, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 17, 'Junior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Cautious', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 22, '0248', 'JJJZ64AD1', 2]]
['F', 1, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Intercept', 'Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko', 'Standard', 'Very poor', '3 Hits!', 'No Effect', 11, '0282', 'QJJZ34AB1', 2]]
['I', 2, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 15, 'Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi', 'Surprise', 'Capable', '4 Hits!', 'No Effect', 15, '0236', 'FJJZF4AB1', 2], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 'Intercept', 'Junior Sergeant Tetsujiro Tanaka', 'Surprise', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 8, 'AA160TM', 'MJJZ34AA1', 'Target']]
['B', 2, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 9, 'Warrant Officer Takeo Iwaguro', 'Special', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 14, '0184', 'VJJZC4AC1', 1], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 23, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Ace', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 25, '0074', 'HJJZL4AD1', 0]]
['C', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 21, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Aggressive', 'Ace of Aces', '3 Hits!', 'No Effect', 22, '0166', 'VJJZD4AA1', 1]]
['E', 1, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 16, '1st Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Feint', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 16, '0093', 'KJJZC4AA1', 0]]
['C', 1, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 21, '2nd Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Unorthodox', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 21, '0178', 'YJJZO4AA1', 1]]
['B', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 9, '1st Lieutenant Michihiro Sugawara', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 17, '0086', 'EJJZE4AA1', 0]]
['G', 1, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 14, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Skilled', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 19, '0165', 'ZJJZC4AA1', 1]]
Current Air Defence Locations and States after target approach air battles:
Air Defence Size:  15
Gridline:  001234ABCD567899
Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone!  34
Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone!  30
Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone!  13
Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone!  35
Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone!  20
Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone!  2
Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone!  -4
['A', 3, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 'Delayed', 'Senior Major Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '=00013M', '0JJZO2AB1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 17, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Masahiko Sasahara', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 17, 'A42112M', '1JJZA4AD1', 0], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 12, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Competent', 0, 0, 15, 'A4740PK', 'BJJZL4AA1', 0]]
['H', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 15, 'Senior Major Takeo Takahashi', 'Standard', 'Capable', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 18, 'AB1811N', 'HJJZF4AB1', 2]]
Mike11  10
['A', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 'Taxiing', '2nd Lieutenant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Cautious', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '=0000QM', '0JJZJ2AA1', 'Target']]
['D', 2, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Special', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '21171LM', 'KJJZ74AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 17, '2nd Lieutenant Higashikuni Morihiro', 'Deceptive', 'Trained', 0, 0, 15, 'A4461KK', 'IJJZ94AA1', 0]]
Tojo1L  10
Mike1K  10
['C', 11, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Warrant Officer Takuma Shimoyama', 'Tentative', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '944501M', 'BJJZF4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 9, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Sueo Obayashi', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '#17502M', 'IJJZF4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 1, '1st Lieutenant Tsuneo Torikai', 'Break-off', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '604503M', '5JJZA4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 10, '2nd Lieutenant Shigeru Honjo', 'Break-off', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '075604M', 'IJJZ64AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 7, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Deceptive', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '93180AM', 'ZJJZF4AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 3, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Break-off', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '80640BM', 'UJJZO4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Soft Abort', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '97140CM', 'LJJZA4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Abort', 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Hard Abort', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, -1, 'AC64009', 'NJJZR4AD1', 3], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Intercept', '2nd Lieutenant Eikichi Iwashita', 'Tentative', 'Trained', 0, 0, 12, 'AC230DH', 'BJJZ94AD1', 3], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 21, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Aggressive', 'Ace of Aces', '3 Hits!', 'No Effect', 22, 'AA091MR', 'VJJZD4AA1', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 21, '2nd Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Unorthodox', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 21, 'AA120JQ', 'YJJZO4AA1', 1]]
Frank01  10
['C', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Senior Corporal Tetsuji Giga', 'Break-off', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '12850EM', 'MJJZ64AB1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Taxiing', 'Senior Corporal Natsume Soseki', 'Hard Abort', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '=0000FM', '0JJZ60AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 6, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '61450GM', 'MJJZI4AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 3, 'Senior Corporal Harukichi Hyakutake', 'Standard', 'Incompetent', 0, 0, 0, '29340HM', 'MJJZ04AD1', 'Target']]
Dinah0E  10
['F', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '15340MM', 'RJJZG4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 1, 'Senior Sergeant Nashi Obayashi', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '$5670NM', '5JJZI4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 17, 'Junior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Cautious', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 22, 'AB230LR', 'JJJZ64AD1', 2], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Intercept', 'Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko', 'Standard', 'Very poor', '3 Hits!', 'No Effect', 11, 'AB761AG', 'QJJZ34AB1', 2]]
Tojo0M  10
['F', 5, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 17, 'Senior Captain Kentaro Takatsuka', 'Aggressive', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '04451BM', 'XJJZC4AB1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 5, 'Senior Captain Tsuneo Torikai', 'Aggressive', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '10321CM', '3JJZL4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', '16', 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Surprise', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '=0541DM', 'DJJZB4AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 6, 'Senior Major Somo Tatebayashi', 'Feint', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '91931EM', '6JJZL4AB1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 4, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Shusaku ENDO', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '95321FM', '4JJZ54AC1', 'Target']]
Frank1B  10
Frank1C  10
['I', 2, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 15, 'Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi', 'Surprise', 'Capable', '4 Hits!', 'No Effect', 15, 'AB380SK', 'FJJZF4AB1', 2], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 'Intercept', 'Junior Sergeant Tetsujiro Tanaka', 'Surprise', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 8, 'AA640TD', 'MJJZ34AA1', 'Target']]
Mike0S  10
Mike0T  10
['B', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Warrant Officer Toru Shinomiya', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '43121IM', 'JJJZ84AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 9, 'Warrant Officer Takeo Iwaguro', 'Special', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 14, 'AA261HJ', 'VJJZC4AC1', 1], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 23, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Ace', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 25, 'A4491JU', 'HJJZL4AD1', 0], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 9, '1st Lieutenant Michihiro Sugawara', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 17, 'A46414M', 'EJJZE4AA1', 0]]
Tojo1I  10
Tojo1H  10
Tony1J  10
Tony14  10
['C', 0]
['E', 6, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 10, 'Warrant Officer Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '003406M', 'XJJZB4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 17, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Tetsuo Sasaki', 'Hard Abort', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '455207M', '5JJZ04AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Senior Corporal Kobayashi Nagai', 'Aggressive', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '804508M', 'VJJZI4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 7, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Giichiro Inoue', 'Feint', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '901309M', '4JJZC4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 17, 'Senior Sergeant Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, 'A41410M', 'NJJZ54AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 16, '1st Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Feint', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 16, 'A4890ZL', 'KJJZC4AA1', 0]]
Frank06  10
Dinah07  10
Dinah08  10
Dinah09  10
Tony10  10
Frank0Z  10
['C', 0]
['B', 0]
['G', 1, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 14, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Skilled', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 19, 'AA040WO', 'ZJJZC4AA1', 1]]
Frank0W  10
Tactical Time:  48  seconds in the  Naval  dimension.
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0E will attempt to stave off Mike11
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D27 will attempt to stave off Mike11
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0E will attempt to stave off Mike11
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D27 will attempt to stave off Mike11
Mike  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
A B [(6, 7), (6, 6)]
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
No Intercept!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D27  will attempt to stave off  Tojo1L
Tojo1L 100 4 23 0600 9
P-51D27 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  1  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0E will attempt to stave off Tojo1L
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D27 will attempt to stave off Tojo1L
Attackers diverted!
Tojo  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A B
A C [(6, 8), (6, 7)]
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0O will attempt to stave off Mike1K
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
No Intercept!
No Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (8, 4) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 5
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0K  will attempt to stave off  Mike1K
Mike1K 100 4 27 0600 9
P-51D0K 81.91500972961528 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  1  fighters!
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D2H will attempt to stave off Mike1K
Mike  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A 3
A A [(6, 6), (6, 5), (6, 4)]
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 2
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0A  will attempt to stave off  Frank01
Frank01 100 4 29 0600 9
P-51D0A 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  10  fighters!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D1Z  will attempt to stave off  Frank01
Attackers diverted!
Frank01 100 4 29 0600 9
P-51D1Z 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  10  fighters!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D23  will attempt to stave off  Frank01
Frank01 100 4 29 0600 9
P-51D23 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  10  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0E  will attempt to stave off  Frank01
Frank01 100 4 29 0600 9
P-51D0E 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  10  fighters!
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D27 will attempt to stave off Frank01
Frank  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A B
A C [(6, 8), (6, 7)]
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 7) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn 0
No Intercept!
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D1T will attempt to stave off Dinah0E
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 7) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn 0
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Dinah0E
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D1T will attempt to stave off Dinah0E
Dogfight underway!
P-51D1Thas failed to take off
(10, 7370, 72, 356, 426)
Dinah  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A C
A B [(6, 7), (6, 8)]
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0O will attempt to stave off Frank1B
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
No Intercept!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D27  will attempt to stave off  Frank1B
Frank1B 100 4 29 0600 9
P-51D27 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  4  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
No Intercept!
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D27 will attempt to stave off Frank1B
Frank  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A 4
A B [(6, 7), (6, 6), (6, 5)]
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 2
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0A will attempt to stave off Frank1C
Attackers diverted!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D1Z  will attempt to stave off  Frank1C
Frank1C 100 4 29 0600 9
P-51D1Z 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  4  fighters!
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D23 will attempt to stave off Frank1C
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0O  will attempt to stave off  Frank1C
Frank1C 100 4 29 0600 9
P-51D0O 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  4  fighters!
Frank  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A B
A C [(6, 8), (6, 7)]
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
No Intercept!
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D27 will attempt to stave off Mike0S
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0O  will attempt to stave off  Mike0S
Mike0S 100 4 27 0600 9
P-51D0O 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  1  fighters!
Mike  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
A B [(6, 7), (6, 6)]
Mike has exited the Bomber Stream!! AA640TD MJJZ34AAP
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 2
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0A will attempt to stave off Tojo1I
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Tojo1I
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D23 will attempt to stave off Tojo1I
Tojo  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A B
A D [(6, 9)]
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 2
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0A  will attempt to stave off  Tojo1H
Tojo1H 100 4 23 0600 9
P-51D0A 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Tojo1H
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D23 will attempt to stave off Tojo1H
Tojo  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A 4
A C [(6, 8)]
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 2
No Intercept!
No Intercept!
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D23 will attempt to stave off Tony1J
Tony  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A 3
A D [(6, 9)]
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D0O will attempt to stave off Tony14
Tony  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A 3
A A [(6, 6)]
Frank has exited the Bomber Stream!! AA3406M XJJZB4AAG
Dinah has exited the Bomber Stream!! AA5207M 5JJZ04AAM
Dinah has exited the Bomber Stream!! AA4508M VJJZI4AAO
Tony has exited the Bomber Stream!! AA1410M NJJZ54AAJ
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0O will attempt to stave off Frank0W
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0E will attempt to stave off Frank0W
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D27  will attempt to stave off  Frank0W
Frank0W 100 4 29 0600 9
P-51D27 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  0  fighters!
Frank  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A 4
A A [(6, 6), (6, 5)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
6 4 [(6, 4), (7, 4), (8, 5), (9, 5)]
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
0 9 [(0, 9), (1, 8), (2, 8)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
3 2 [(3, 2), (4, 3), (5, 4)]
Mike has exited the Bomber Stream!! AA1811N HJJZF4AAR
Tojo has exited the Bomber Stream!! AB471LM KJJZ74ABG
Mike has exited the Bomber Stream!! A3241KK IJJZ94A3T
Frank has exited the Bomber Stream!! AB2301M BJJZF4ABM
Dinah has exited the Bomber Stream!! AC070EM MJJZ64ACH
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 2
No Intercept!
No Intercept!
No Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 2
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0A will attempt to stave off Tojo0M
Attackers diverted!
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Tojo0M
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D23  will attempt to stave off  Tojo0M
Tojo0M 100 4 23 0600 9
P-51D23 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
Tojo  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A B
A C [(6, 8), (6, 7)]
Frank has exited the Bomber Stream!! A4761BM XJJZC4A4I
Frank has exited the Bomber Stream!! AB761CM 3JJZL4ABP
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 2
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0A will attempt to stave off Tojo1I
Attackers diverted!
No Intercept!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D23  will attempt to stave off  Tojo1I
Attackers diverted!
Tojo1I 100 4 23 0600 9
P-51D23 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 7) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn 0
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D04  will attempt to stave off  Tojo1I
Tojo1I 100 4 23 0600 9
P-51D04 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D1T  will attempt to stave off  Tojo1I
Tojo1I 100 4 23 0600 9
P-51D1T 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
No Intercept!
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D27 will attempt to stave off Tojo1I
Attackers diverted!
Tojo  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A B
A D [(6, 9), (6, 8), (6, 7)]
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 10) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn: 0
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Tojo1H
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1L will attempt to stave off Tojo1H
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1P will attempt to stave off Tojo1H
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0O will attempt to stave off Tojo1H
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 7) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn 0
No Intercept!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D1T  will attempt to stave off  Tojo1H
Tojo1H 100 4 23 0600 9
P-51D1T 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
No Intercept!
Tojo  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A 4
A C [(6, 8), (6, 7), (6, 6), (6, 5)]
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 2
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0A will attempt to stave off Tony1J
Attackers diverted!
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Tony1J
Attackers diverted!
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D23 will attempt to stave off Tony1J
Dogfight underway!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Tony1J has taken off successfully with 1 engines working.
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tony with 2.01 damage
P-51D23 fires, 5 gun positions remaining
Tony's health is now 97.99
P-51DP-51D23   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tony with 3.17 damage
P-51D23 fires, 4 gun positions remaining
Tony's health is now 94.82
P-51DP-51D23   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Tony attacks P-51D with 5.76 damage
Tony1J fires, 5 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 94.24
TonyTony1J   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tony with 5.21 damage
P-51D23 fires, 3 gun positions remaining
Tony's health is now 89.61
P-51DP-51D23   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Tony attacks P-51D with 2.29 damage
Tony1J fires, 4 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 91.95
TonyTony1J   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tony with 1.05 damage
P-51D23 fires, 2 gun positions remaining
Tony's health is now 88.56
P-51DP-51D23   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tony with 1.86 damage
P-51D23 fires, 1 gun positions remaining
Tony's health is now 86.70
P-51DP-51D23   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tony with 4.16 damage
P-51D23 fires, 0 gun positions remaining
Tony's health is now 82.54
P-51DP-51D23   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Tony attacks P-51D with 4.71 damage
Tony1J fires, 3 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 87.24
TonyTony1J   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tony with 1.99 damage
P-51D23 has no working gun positions
Tony's health is now 80.55
P-51DP-51D23   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Tony has evaded.
80.55106039814757 remaining.
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 7) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn 0
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Tony1J
Attackers diverted!
No Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0E  will attempt to stave off  Tony1J
Tony1J 80.55106039814757 4 25 0600 9
P-51D0E 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
No Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0E will attempt to stave off Tony1J
Attackers diverted!
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0E  will attempt to stave off  Tony1J
Tony1J 80.55106039814757 4 25 0600 9
P-51D0E 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D27  will attempt to stave off  Tony1J
Tony1J 80.55106039814757 4 25 0600 9
P-51D27 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 5
No Intercept!
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D2H will attempt to stave off Tony1J
Tony  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A 3
A D [(6, 9), (6, 8), (6, 7), (6, 6), (6, 5), (6, 4)]
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0E  will attempt to stave off  Tony14
Tony14 100 4 25 0600 9
P-51D0E 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D27 will attempt to stave off Tony14
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 5
No Intercept!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D2H  will attempt to stave off  Tony14
Tony14 100 4 25 0600 9
P-51D2H 19.522173810808155 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
Tony  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A 3
A A [(6, 6), (6, 5), (6, 4)]
Frank has exited the Bomber Stream!! A4280WO ZJJZC4A4J
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
2 4 [(2, 4), (2, 5)]
Tojo has exited the Bomber Stream!! AB350MM RJJZG4ABO
Tojo has exited the Bomber Stream!! AB751IM JJJZ84ABS
Tojo has exited the Bomber Stream!! A4931HJ VJJZC4A4G
Tony has exited the Bomber Stream!! A3851JU HJJZL4A3U
Tony has exited the Bomber Stream!! A34214M EJJZE4A3N
Mike  holds position within the Grid:  1 6
Mike12  0600
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  13  seconds in the  Naval  dimension.
Mike  is moving within the Grid!
4 5 [(4, 5), (5, 5), (6, 6)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  21  seconds in the  Naval  dimension.
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
2 3 [(2, 3)]
Take-off 0JJZO2AB1
Taking-off HJJZO4AB1
Senior Major Matsumi nakano  took  2 minutes  to reach  8  000 feet!
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  68  seconds in the  Naval  dimension.
-1: Mike12  55
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
No Intercept!
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0E  will attempt to stave off  Mike12
Mike12 100 4 27 0600 9
P-51D0E 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  2  fighters!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D27  will attempt to stave off  Mike12
Attackers diverted!
Mike12 100 4 27 0600 9
P-51D27 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  2  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 2
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0A will attempt to stave off Mike12
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Mike12
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D23 will attempt to stave off Mike12
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Mike  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A D
A 4 [(6, 5), (6, 6), (6, 7), (6, 8), (6, 9)]
-1: Tony0P  54
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0E will attempt to stave off Tony0P
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D27 will attempt to stave off Tony0P
Attackers diverted!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0E will attempt to stave off Tony0P
No Intercept!
Tony  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
A 4 [(6, 5), (6, 6)]
-1: Mike12  54
Mike has exited the Bomber Stream!! AD1612M 1JJZA4AD1
-1: Tony0P  53
Tony has exited the Bomber Stream!! AA430PK BJJZL4AA1
Take-off 0JJZJ2AA1
Taking-off SJJZJ4AA1
2nd Lieutenant Hannoshin Nishio  took  24 seconds  to reach  8  000 feet!
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  56  seconds in the  Naval  dimension.
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  63  seconds in the  Naval  dimension.
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  11  seconds in the  Naval  dimension.
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  36  seconds in the  Naval  dimension.
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  59  seconds in the  Naval  dimension.
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  85  seconds in the  Naval  dimension.
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  90  seconds in the  Naval  dimension.
-1: Tony0Q  6
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  15  seconds in the  Naval  dimension.
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 12) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn 0
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Tony0Q
Attackers diverted!
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1T will attempt to stave off Tony0Q
Attackers diverted!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 9) !!!
Escort: 72 Sqn A
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D19  will attempt to stave off  Tony0Q
Tony0Q 100 4 25 0600 9
P-51D19 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  5  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  0  fighters!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 10) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn: 0
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Tony0Q
No Intercept!
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1P will attempt to stave off Tony0Q
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 9) !!!
Escort: 72 Sqn A
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D19 will attempt to stave off Tony0Q
Tony  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
0 7 [(0, 12), (1, 11), (2, 10), (3, 9), (4, 8)]
Tony  holds position within the Grid:  0 7
Tony0Q  0600
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 9) !!!
Escort: 72 Sqn A
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D19 will attempt to stave off Tony0Q
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0O  will attempt to stave off  Tony0Q
Tony0Q 100 4 25 0600 9
P-51D0O 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  0  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D0O will attempt to stave off Tony0Q
Attackers diverted!
Tony  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
3 C [(4, 8), (5, 7), (6, 6)]
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  41  seconds in the  Naval  dimension.
Tony has exited the Bomber Stream!! AA680QM SJJZJ4AA1
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  71  seconds in the  Naval  dimension.
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  49  seconds in the  Naval  dimension.
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  60  seconds in the  Naval  dimension.
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  69  seconds in the  Naval  dimension.
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  79  seconds in the  Naval  dimension.
Tactical Movement
Tactical Time:  74  seconds in the  Naval  dimension.
Bomber_stream movement & battles completed.
Air Defence Size:  3
Element:  Sqn12 ['C', 0]
Element:  Sqn32 ['C', 0]
Element:  Sqn11 ['B', 0]
Total ENEMY DEFENCE after In-stream  losses:  0
Element:  Sqn48 ['I', 2, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 15, 'Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi', 'Surprise', 'Capable', '4 Hits!', 'No Effect', 15, 'AA380SK', 'FJJZF4AAN', 2], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 8, 'Junior Sergeant Tetsujiro Tanaka', 'Surprise', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 8, 'AA640TD', 'MJJZ34AAP', 'Target']]
Element:  Sqn04 ['E', 6, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Warrant Officer Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AA3406M', 'XJJZB4AAG', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Tetsuo Sasaki', 'Hard Abort', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AA5207M', '5JJZ04AAM', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Senior Corporal Kobayashi Nagai', 'Aggressive', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AA4508M', 'VJJZI4AAO', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Giichiro Inoue', 'Feint', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AA1309M', '4JJZC4A4S', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, 'Senior Sergeant Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, 'AA1410M', 'NJJZ54AAJ', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 16, '1st Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Feint', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 16, 'AA890ZL', 'KJJZC4A3S', 0]]
Element:  Sqn47 ['H', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 18, 'Senior Major Takeo Takahashi', 'Standard', 'Capable', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 18, 'AA1811N', 'HJJZF4AAR', 2]]
Element:  Sqn43 ['D', 2, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Special', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AB471LM', 'KJJZ74ABG', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 15, '2nd Lieutenant Higashikuni Morihiro', 'Deceptive', 'Trained', 0, 0, 15, 'A3241KK', 'IJJZ94A3T', 0]]
Element:  Sqn02 ['C', 11, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Warrant Officer Takuma Shimoyama', 'Tentative', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'AB2301M', 'BJJZF4ABM', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 9, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Sueo Obayashi', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '#17502M', 'IJJZF4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 1, '1st Lieutenant Tsuneo Torikai', 'Break-off', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '601103M', '5JJZA4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 10, '2nd Lieutenant Shigeru Honjo', 'Break-off', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '077204M', 'IJJZ64AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 7, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Deceptive', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '93420AM', 'ZJJZF4AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 3, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Break-off', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '80230BM', 'UJJZO4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Soft Abort', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '97220CM', 'LJJZA4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Abort', 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Hard Abort', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, -1, 'AC95009', 'NJJZR4AD1', 3], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Intercept', '2nd Lieutenant Eikichi Iwashita', 'Tentative', 'Trained', 0, 0, 12, 'AC720DH', 'BJJZ94AD1', 3], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 21, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Aggressive', 'Ace of Aces', '3 Hits!', 'No Effect', 22, 'AA651MR', 'VJJZD4AA1', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 21, '2nd Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Unorthodox', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 21, 'AA610JQ', 'YJJZO4AA1', 1]]
Element:  Sqn22 ['C', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Senior Corporal Tetsuji Giga', 'Break-off', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, 'AC070EM', 'MJJZ64ACH', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Taxiing', 'Senior Corporal Natsume Soseki', 'Hard Abort', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '=0000FM', '0JJZ60AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 6, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '61570GM', 'MJJZI4AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 3, 'Senior Corporal Harukichi Hyakutake', 'Standard', 'Incompetent', 0, 0, 0, '29220HM', 'MJJZ04AD1', 'Target']]
Element:  Sqn05 ['F', 5, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Captain Kentaro Takatsuka', 'Aggressive', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, 'A4761BM', 'XJJZC4A4I', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Senior Captain Tsuneo Torikai', 'Aggressive', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AB761CM', '3JJZL4ABP', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', '16', 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Surprise', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '=0541DM', 'DJJZB4AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 6, 'Senior Major Somo Tatebayashi', 'Feint', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '91451EM', '6JJZL4AB1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 4, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Shusaku ENDO', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '95451FM', '4JJZ54AC1', 'Target']]
Element:  Sqn46 ['G', 1, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 19, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Skilled', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 19, 'A4280WO', 'ZJJZC4A4J', 1]]
Element:  Sqn35 ['F', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AB350MM', 'RJJZG4ABO', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 1, 'Senior Sergeant Nashi Obayashi', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '$5670NM', '5JJZI4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 17, 'Junior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Cautious', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 22, 'AB450LR', 'JJJZ64AD1', 2], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Intercept', 'Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko', 'Standard', 'Very poor', '3 Hits!', 'No Effect', 11, 'AB891AG', 'QJJZ34AB1', 2]]
Element:  Sqn31 ['B', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Warrant Officer Toru Shinomiya', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AB751IM', 'JJJZ84ABS', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 14, 'Warrant Officer Takeo Iwaguro', 'Special', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 14, 'A4931HJ', 'VJJZC4A4G', 1], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 25, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Ace', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 25, 'A3851JU', 'HJJZL4A3U', 0], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 17, '1st Lieutenant Michihiro Sugawara', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 17, 'A34214M', 'EJJZE4A3N', 0]]
Element:  Sqn40 ['A', 3, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Major Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '152213M', 'HJJZO4AB1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 17, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Masahiko Sasahara', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 17, 'AD1612M', '1JJZA4AD1', 0], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 15, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Competent', 0, 0, 15, 'AA430PK', 'BJJZL4AA1', 0]]
Element:  Sqn10 ['A', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Cautious', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'AA680QM', 'SJJZJ4AA1', 'Target']]
Total Strike Force after In-stream  losses:  44
Dictionary saved to initial_attack_data.txt
Element:  73 Sqn 0 ['73 Sqn: 0', 4, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Jones, John Sills', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '771800A', 'SFJZTF77S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Christopher F. Norton', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '771801A', 'HFJZFF77S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, 'Junior Captain Anderson, Joseph R.', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '771802C', 'QFJZLF77S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 13, '1st Lieutenant John W. Griggs', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '771803D', 'IFJZ1F77S', 'Target']]
Element:  73 Sqn 1 ['73 Sqn 0', 4, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Hayes, Edwin L.', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '278604A', 'VFJZGF27S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Daniel F. Miller', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '278605C', '7FJZAF27S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Charles Sreeve Peterson', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '278606B', 'IFJZFF27S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Phillip C. DeLong', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '278607B', '4FJZLF27S', 'Target']]
Element:  74 Sqn 2 ['73 Sqn 1', 2, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, 'Senior Major Jack C. Mankin', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '7A7808A', 'TFJZ3F7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Frederick P. Hummel', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '7A78099', 'UFJZ3F7AS', 'Target']]
Element:  74 Sqn 3 ['74 Sqn 2', 4, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Leo B. McCuddin', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, 'AD150AC', 'GFJZGFADS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant John P. Kennedy', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AD150BA', 'BFJZIFADS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Wood, Sterling A.M.', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AD150CA', 'XFJZFFADS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Benjamin F. Hopkins', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AD150DA', '6FJZJFADS', 'Target']]
Element:  74 Sqn 4 ['74 Sqn 3', 2, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Monroe, George Wood', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, 'A7780E9', 'EFJZ0FA7S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Philip Tomppert', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'A7780FC', 'DFJZOFA7S', 'Target']]
Element:  45 Sqn 5 ['74 Sqn 4', 4, ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant James C. Dobbin', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '72110GB', 'CFJZAF72S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 19, '1st Lieutenant James La Fayette Cottrell', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '72110HJ', '2FJZGF72S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, 'Junior Captain Bootes, Levi Clark', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '72110IA', 'XFJZCF72S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '2nd Lieutenant Austin Eli Wing', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '72110JA', 'FFJZDF72S', 'Target']]
Element:  45 Sqn 6 ['45 Sqn 5', 4, ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Henry Seymour', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'A2270KA', 'SFJZBFA2S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 19, '1st Lieutenant Theodorus W. Brevard', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, 'A2270LJ', '6FJZ9FA2S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Roy O. Burnett Jr.', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'A2270MB', 'UFJZNFA2S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Samuel W. Forrer', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, 'A2270N9', 'KFJZKFA2S', 'Target']]
Element:  45 Sqn 7 ['45 Sqn 6', 4, ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Card, Benjamin Cozzens', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AA720OA', 'QFJZGFAAS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '2nd Lieutenant E. C. Smith', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AA720PB', 'NFJZLFAAS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Augustus Sherrill Seymour', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'AA720Q9', 'QFJZFFAAS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Augustus F. Allen', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AA720RA', 'QFJZCFAAS', 'Target']]
Element:  Flight: 8 ['45 Sqn 7', 12, ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, 'Junior Captain Harold N. Funk', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '7D880SB', 'BFJZSF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Christian Ellefson', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '7D880TA', 'LFJZ3F7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Lindley W. Godson', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '7D880UC', '4FJZVF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 19, '1st Lieutenant George H. Walther', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '7D880VJ', 'VFJZ2F7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Ely, William Grosvenor', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '7D230WA', 'IFJZEF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Stewart, William Scott', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '7D230XB', 'TFJZCF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Edward Rosewater', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '7D230YA', 'NFJZ7F7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Henry Ervay', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '7D230ZB', '6FJZ4F7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '2nd Lieutenant Norman Eddy', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '7D1110A', 'WFJZ4F7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant John M. Barlow', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '7D1111A', 'IFJZ9F7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 13, '1st Lieutenant William Burns Smith', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '7D1112D', 'JFJZOF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Otto D. Jenkins', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '7D1113B', 'OFJZBF7DS', 'Target']]
Element:  Flight: 9 ['46 Sqn 8', 2, ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, 'Senior Captain Moffitt, Stephen', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '2285149', '8FJZRF22S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant George K. Nash', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '228515A', 'RFJZCF22S', 'Target']]
Element:  Flight: A ['47 Sqn 9', 3, ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, 'Senior Captain Thomas, Allen', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '2A2716C', 'PFJZDF2AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Darius Mead', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '2A27179', 'VFJZLF2AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Frank M. Bridges', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '2A27189', 'GFJZ9F2AS', 'Target']]
Element:  Flight: B ['72 Sqn A', 6, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Edward Crossland', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '2D1119B', 'OFJZ6F2DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Reuben Davis', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '2D111AC', 'BFJZ0F2DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant William Simons', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '2D111BA', 'RFJZBF2DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Burnell W. Adams', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '2D111CC', 'FFJZ2F2DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Young Singleton Walter', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '2D811DC', 'FFJZCF2DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '2nd Lieutenant Andrew H. Hamilton', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '2D811EA', 'IFJZFF2DS', 'Target']]
Element:  Flight: C ['73 Sqn B', 5, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, 'Senior Captain Thaddeus T. Coleman', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '57221FA', '5FJZRF57S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 19, '1st Lieutenant John Berry', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '57221GJ', 'SFJZ9F57S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Johnston, Albert Sidney', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '57221HB', 'IFJZUF57S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '2nd Lieutenant Charles A. Chickering', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '57221IB', 'AFJZFF57S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 13, '2nd Lieutenant Ambrose S. Murray', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '57221JD', 'TFJZCF57S', 'Target']]
Element:  74 SqnD ['74 Sqn C', 1, ['Flight: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant George Opdyke', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '6A761KC', '3FJZFF6AS', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 0 ['73 Sqn: 0', 4, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, 'Junior Captain Thomas Cox', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '67881L9', 'FFJZCF67S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Henry D. Farnandis', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '67881MA', 'HFJZ0F67S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant John W. Ruhsam', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '67881NB', 'WFJZTF67S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '2nd Lieutenant Victor Linley', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '67881OC', '5FJZFF67S', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 1 ['73 Sqn: 0', 4, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Pearson, Robert Newton', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '45161PC', '0FJZPF45S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, 'Junior Captain Ezra Clark Jr.', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '45161Q9', '7FJZLF45S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Robert W. Foy', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '45161RA', 'RFJZRF45S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Barton, Seth M.', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '45161SA', 'KFJZ0F45S', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 2 ['73 Sqn 0', 4, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 19, 'Senior Major John L. Jones', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '5B841TJ', 'MFJZOF5BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Thomas Murphy', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '5B841UB', 'MFJZCF5BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant James A. Weston', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '5B841V9', 'AFJZDF5BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Arno Voss', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '5B841W9', '1FJZFF5BS', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 3 ['73 Sqn 1', 2, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Talbot, Thomas Hammond', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '37281XA', 'PFJZSF37S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Edward Sparrow', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '37281Y9', 'MFJZ9F37S', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 4 ['74 Sqn 2', 4, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, 'Senior Captain Bankhead, Henry Cary', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '68551ZC', 'KFJZUF68S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Oliver Wolcott Jr.', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '6855209', 'AFJZFF68S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant James Uriah Adams', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '685521A', 'OFJZCF68S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '2nd Lieutenant Abner Pratt', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '685522C', 'JFJZLF68S', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 5 ['74 Sqn 2', 4, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Preston Pond Jr.', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '6B1423C', 'MFJZFF6BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Adin Randall', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '6B14249', '3FJZ1F6BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Wilcox, John Shuler', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '6B1425B', 'UFJZOF6BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Edwin Waller', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '6B1426A', 'EFJZEF6BS', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 6 ['74 Sqn 3', 2, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Garnett, Richard B.', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '4A1827A', 'LFJZFF4AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Gordon A. Stanley', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '4A1828C', 'OFJZSF4AS', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 7 ['74 Sqn 4', 4, ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, 'Senior Captain Charles M. Mallory', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '398429C', 'XFJZXF39S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Hubert "Hub" Zemke', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '39842AA', 'PFJZZF39S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Edward Russell', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '39842B9', 'NFJZLF39S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, 'Junior Captain Grover, Ira Glanton', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '39842CA', 'BFJZRF39S', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 8 ['74 Sqn 4', 4, ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, 'Junior Captain Omar D. Conger', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '47782DA', 'AFJZFF47S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Robert Opie Lindsay', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '47782EB', 'NFJZSF47S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Andrew J. Doran', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '47782FA', 'OFJZ4F47S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant William B. Freeman', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '47782GC', 'FFJZQF47S', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 9 ['45 Sqn 5', 4, ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 19, '1st Lieutenant David C. Wilhelm', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '63222HJ', 'MFJZ0F63S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '2nd Lieutenant Robert E. Withers', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '63222IA', '9FJZKF63S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Ralph E. Elliott', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '63222JB', 'OFJZHF63S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Preston Jacobus', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '63222KA', '4FJZOF63S', 'Target']]
Total Escort Force losses after In Stream losses:  93
Dictionary saved to escort_streamdata.txt
EG in ELEMENT GROUP ['Element A', 'V-32', 'F41234100000064123455', 'V-34', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-35', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-38', 'F41234100000020123455', 'V-43', 'F41234100000037123455', 5]
EG in ELEMENT GROUP ['Element B', 'V-3', 'F41234100000018020402', 'V-11', 'F41234100000049120403', 'V-13', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-15', 'F41234100000000123455', 4]
EG in ELEMENT GROUP ['Element C', 'V-47', 'F41234100000047123455', 'V-49', 'F41234100000022123455', 'V-51', 'F41234100000047123455', 'V-53', 'F41234100000063123455', 4]
EG in ELEMENT GROUP ['Element D', 'V-21', 'F41234100000062123455', 'V-26', 'F41234100000054123455', 'V-31', 'F41234100000030123455', 3]
This aircraft has aborted:  V-3
Possible AA Fire!
Current Ship:  V-3   FAST COMPANY
Op_active: 1  at height:  12
len(T_force): 20
Current Ship:  V-7   RAMP QUEEN
Op_active: 2  at height:  10
len(T_force): 20
Current Ship:  V-11   TOKYO TWISTER
Op_active: 3  at height:  9
len(T_force): 20
Current Ship:  V-13   WAR WEARY
Op_active: 4  at height:  11
len(T_force): 20
Current Ship:  V-15   Combat Mission
Op_active: 5  at height:  12
len(T_force): 20
Current Ship:  V-16   CITY OF JASPER
Op_active: 6  at height:  10
len(T_force): 20
Current Ship:  V-21   HASTA LUEGO
Op_active: 7  at height:  10
len(T_force): 20
Current Ship:  V-26   GLAZY VIEWS
Op_active: 8  at height:  9
len(T_force): 20
Current Ship:  V-27   RUSTY DUSTY
Op_active: 9  at height:  10
len(T_force): 20
Current Ship:  V-31   SWEET ELOISE
Op_active: 10  at height:  12
len(T_force): 20
Current Ship:  V-32   BEAUBOMBER
Op_active: 11  at height:  11
len(T_force): 20
Current Ship:  V-34   HAMS EGGS
Op_active: 12  at height:  10
len(T_force): 20
Current Ship:  V-35   RIGHT HONEY
Op_active: 13  at height:  10
len(T_force): 20
Current Ship:  V-38   CITY OF MEADOWFIELD
Op_active: 14  at height:  19
len(T_force): 20
Current Ship:  V-43   Manning Crew
Op_active: 15  at height:  9
len(T_force): 20
Current Ship:  V-47   Frank Crew
Op_active: 16  at height:  10
len(T_force): 20
Current Ship:  V-49   CITY OF MAPLEWOOD
Op_active: 17  at height:  11
len(T_force): 20
Current Ship:  V-51   Reese Crew
Op_active: 18  at height:  12
len(T_force): 20
Current Ship:  V-52   Larsen Crew
Op_active: 19  at height:  10
len(T_force): 20
Current Ship:  V-53   McKenzie Crew
Op_active: 20  at height:  13
len(T_force): 20
Current Element in ELEMENT GROUP ['Element A', 'V-32', 'F41234100000064123455', 'V-34', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-35', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-38', 'F41234100000020123455', 'V-43', 'F41234100000037123455', 12, 5]
Current 'Guns' ACN:  Element A
Current Weather:  1
Current Visibility:  0
Number of Elements:  1
Number of Flak Positions: :  35
Visibility for this mission is:  5
This battery is in the Flak Box!!
AA Gun Position # 1 is a battery of  Type 98 - 20mm
consisting of  8  guns
[73, 66, 74, 92, 82, 89, 72, 68, 72, 60, 64, 52, 45, 40, 22, 11, 7, 3, 13, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 24, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 121, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  1  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Approach Flak 0
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 2 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  8  guns
[101, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 14, 2, 8, 3, 17, 32, 25, 23, 15, 18, 28, 23, 36, 50, 65, 70, 125, 135, 145, 0]
[0, 0, 110, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position 2 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is in the 75 deg Line!
AA Gun Position # 3 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  4  guns
[0, 0, 106, 99, 105, 120, 110, 118, 120, 106, 103, 98, 95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[95, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  90.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  3  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Flak Position 3 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
Approach Flak 151
Target Flak 189
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
This battery is in the 75 deg Line!
AA Gun Position # 4 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  12  guns
[124, 128, 131, 132, 123, 129, 113, 118, 100, 93, 95, 81, 72, 76, 56, 63, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0]
[108, 103, 0, 0, 89]
Current Barrage Intensity:  130.0  Seconds
Flak Position 4 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
AA Gun position 4 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Target Flak 156
Target Fire was very proximate! 79
The number #1 Salvo caused the following Damage:
Aircraft #1: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Amid Direct Rear
The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 1
Aircraft #2: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Far Rearward - near friendly plane
The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 0
Raw damage on this sector of the flak line is  1  hits!
Current Element:  ['Element A', 'V-32', 'F41234100000064123455', 'V-34', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-35', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-38', 'F41234100000020123455', 'V-43', 'F41234100000037123455', 12, 5]
Element A
The number #3 Salvo caused the following Damage:
Aircraft #1: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Amid Rear Fusilage
The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 2
Aircraft #2: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Far Forward - near friendly plane
The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 0
Aircraft #3: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Frontal Burst
The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 0
Aircraft #4: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Rear Fusilage
The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 0
Raw damage on this sector of the flak line is  2  hits!
Current Element:  ['Element A', 'V-32', 'F41234100000064123455', 'V-34', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-35', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-38', 'F41234100000020123455', 'V-43', 'F41234100000037123455', 12, 5]
Element A
The number #4 Salvo caused the following Damage:
Aircraft #1: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: High Center left Burst
The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 2
Raw damage on this sector of the flak line is  2  hits!
Current Element:  ['Element A', 'V-32', 'F41234100000064123455', 'V-34', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-35', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-38', 'F41234100000020123455', 'V-43', 'F41234100000037123455', 12, 5]
Element A
The number #5 Salvo caused the following Damage:
Aircraft #1: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Amid Frontal left Burst
The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 0
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 104
Departing Fire was proximate! 104
The number #1 Salvo caused the following Damage:
Aircraft #1: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Very high Frontal Burst
The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 0
Aircraft #2: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Extreme Right - near friendly plane
The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 0
The number #2 Salvo caused the following Damage:
Aircraft #1: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Very high Left Rear Burst
The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 0
The number #3 Salvo caused the following Damage:
Aircraft #1: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Very high Extreme Right - near friendly plane
The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 0
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 5 is a battery of  Type 88- 75mm
consisting of  4  guns
[52, 54, 68, 74, 76, 66, 72, 82, 91, 82, 84, 75, 78, 59, 42, 38, 22, 26, 23, 6, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[50, 0, 0, 62, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  30.0  Seconds
Flak Position 5 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
Target Flak 89
Target Fire was proximate! 83
The number #1 Salvo caused the following Damage:
Aircraft #1: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Very low Frontal left Burst
The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 0
Aircraft #2: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Right rear Burst
The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 0
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
This battery is in the 75 deg Line!
AA Gun Position # 6 is a battery of  Type 98 - 20mm
consisting of  6  guns
[61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 131, 121, 122, 117, 108, 107, 103, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 90, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  6  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
AA Gun position 6 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Approach Flak 0
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is in the 75 deg Line!
AA Gun Position # 7 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  6  guns
[96, 93, 86, 79, 97, 114, 113, 120, 137, 127, 124, 129, 118, 102, 87, 86, 95, 93, 88, 68, 72, 69, 74, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 68, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[28, 0, 0, 0, 98]
Current Barrage Intensity:  30.0  Seconds
Flak Position 7 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
AA Gun position 7 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Target Flak 50
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 33
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 8 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  6  guns
[12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 66, 86, 79, 93, 111, 112, 125, 143, 141, 146, 146, 146, 140, 137, 133, 144, 110, 114, 107, 96, 93, 77, 65, 65, 58, 44, 39, 49, 30, 20]
[76, 0, 0, 0, 90]
Current Barrage Intensity:  60.0  Seconds
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 9 is a battery of  Navy Type 96 - 25mm
consisting of  4  guns
[13, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 37, 34, 40, 53, 56, 71, 83, 74, 77, 77, 80, 85, 102, 93, 96, 91, 81, 87, 93, 80, 78, 84]
[102, 0, 0, 0, 109]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
This battery is in the Flak Box!!
AA Gun Position # 10 is a battery of  Type 88- 75mm
consisting of  12  guns
[68, 75, 72, 88, 90, 106, 107, 114, 93, 82, 73, 74, 78, 62, 45, 48, 31, 40, 24, 15, 4, 16, 10, 21, 22, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 43]
[108, 0, 0, 89, 100]
Current Barrage Intensity:  70.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  10  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Flak Position 10 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
Approach Flak 49
Target Flak 62
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
This battery is in the Flak Box!!
AA Gun Position # 11 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  6  guns
[117, 126, 117, 111, 103, 90, 72, 62, 53, 60, 66, 69, 55, 39, 45, 27, 21, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 52, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 37, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Flak Position 11 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
Target Flak 0
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
This battery is in the 75 deg Line!
AA Gun Position # 12 is a battery of  Type 98 - 20mm
consisting of  4  guns
[62, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 125, 138, 128, 119, 117, 121, 115, 105, 108, 113, 128, 126, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 119, 115, 110]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  12  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Flak Position 12 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
Approach Flak 0
Target Flak 0
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 13 is a battery of  Type 98 - 20mm
consisting of  12  guns
[46, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 45, 56, 60, 66, 61, 81, 73, 92, 84, 82, 81, 74, 69, 82, 98, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 70, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position 13 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 14 is a battery of  Type 98 - 20mm
consisting of  6  guns
[5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 47, 58, 56, 72, 83, 79, 77, 69, 79, 98, 92, 98, 93, 103, 123]
[81, 119, 119, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Flak Position 14 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
Target Flak 0
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 15 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  4  guns
[43, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 95, 93, 90, 85, 81, 80, 79, 89, 98, 115, 125, 122, 123, 128]
[0, 0, 45, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Flak Position 15 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
AA Gun position 15 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Target Flak 0
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is in the Flak Box!!
AA Gun Position # 16 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  4  guns
[6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 62, 60, 68, 61, 66, 83, 77, 78, 84, 74, 64, 71, 72, 120, 115, 99, 88, 83, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[92, 0, 0, 94, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  70.0  Seconds
AA Gun position 16 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 65
This battery is in the Flak Box!!
AA Gun Position # 17 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  4  guns
[60, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 47, 42, 38, 45, 63, 53, 50, 70, 81, 82, 80, 0, 0, 0]
[107, 122, 0, 0, 79]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  17  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
AA Gun position 17 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Approach Flak 0
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is in the 75 deg Line!
AA Gun Position # 18 is a battery of  Type 4 - 75mm
consisting of  1  guns
[79, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 34, 34, 51, 62, 69, 84, 102, 105, 118, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[104, 0, 0, 107, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  100.0  Seconds
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 19 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  3  guns
[120, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 134, 127, 126, 136, 134, 135, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[119, 98, 103, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  140.0  Seconds
Flak Position 19 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
AA Gun position 19 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Target Flak 485
Target Fire was extremely proximate! 157
The number #1 Salvo caused the following Damage:
Aircraft #1: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Very high Extreme Right - near friendly plane
The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 5
Raw damage on this sector of the flak line is  5  hits!
Current Element:  ['Element A', 'V-32', 'F41234100000064123455', 'V-34', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-35', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-38', 'F41234100000020123455', 'V-43', 'F41234100000037123455', 12, 5]
Element A
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 323
Departing Fire was extremely proximate! 2
The number #1 Salvo caused the following Damage:
Aircraft #1: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Very low Frontal left Burst
The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 13
Raw damage on this sector of the flak line is    hits!
Current Element:  ['Element A', 'V-32', 'F41234100000064123455', 'V-34', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-35', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-38', 'F41234100000020123455', 'V-43', 'F41234100000037123455', 12, 5]
Element A
This battery is in the 75 deg Line!
AA Gun Position # 20 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  4  guns
[88, 81, 129, 137, 133, 134, 123, 114, 103, 87, 72, 57, 58, 62, 50, 33, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 117, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  20  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Flak Position 20 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
Approach Flak 0
Target Flak 0
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 21 is a battery of  Type 98 - 20mm
consisting of  24  guns
[77, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 84, 78, 90, 85, 93, 111, 110, 102, 100, 105, 0]
[0, 0, 90, 118, 133]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position 21 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is in the 75 deg Line!
AA Gun Position # 22 is a battery of  Type 88- 75mm
consisting of  12  guns
[71, 70, 75, 89, 71, 80, 88, 84, 81, 66, 59, 60, 66, 49, 43, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[95, 0, 0, 83, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Flak Position 22 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
Target Flak 0
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 23 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  6  guns
[0, 23, 40, 53, 73, 77, 70, 78, 91, 81, 84, 135, 131, 126, 133, 141, 139, 131, 133, 121, 113, 107, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 83, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position 23 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 24 is a battery of  Type 99 - 88mm
consisting of  4  guns
[36, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 29, 30, 23, 33, 52, 43, 60, 77, 85, 95, 96, 88, 78, 76, 89, 86, 125, 105, 111, 103, 88, 92, 0]
[113, 93, 91, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  90.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  24  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Approach Flak 175
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 25 is a battery of  Type 98 - 20mm
consisting of  8  guns
[61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 57, 68, 85, 76, 86, 91, 88, 86, 81, 71, 88, 0, 0]
[0, 92, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  25  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Flak Position 25 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
Approach Flak 0
Target Flak 0
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
This battery is in the Flak Box!!
AA Gun Position # 26 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  6  guns
[105, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 37, 54, 55, 73, 91, 86, 91, 86, 100, 119, 138, 119, 127, 126, 127, 132, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[50, 0, 0, 0, 27]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  26  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Approach Flak 0
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 27 is a battery of  Type 98 - 20mm
consisting of  4  guns
[69, 77, 68, 76, 73, 63, 81, 77, 72, 84, 85, 82, 99, 94, 91, 91, 71, 68, 78, 62, 48, 45, 38, 39, 27, 31, 17, 11, 14, 21, 23, 0, 0, 0, 62, 0]
[105, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  10.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  27  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Flak Position 27 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
AA Gun position 27 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Approach Flak 0
Target Flak 0
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is in the 75 deg Line!
AA Gun Position # 28 is a battery of  Type 99 - 88mm
consisting of  6  guns
[15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 52, 65, 63, 77, 82, 74, 79, 99, 108, 118, 138, 129, 132, 122, 123, 123, 112, 103, 100, 100, 83, 80, 76, 57, 62, 54, 39, 0]
[0, 84, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  28  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Flak Position 28 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
Approach Flak 0
Target Flak 0
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
This battery is in the 75 deg Line!
AA Gun Position # 29 is a battery of  Type 99 - 88mm
consisting of  4  guns
[48, 0, 0, 0, 0, 24, 23, 40, 33, 39, 30, 34, 46, 38, 39, 47, 62, 66, 66, 61, 79, 127, 129, 121, 131, 129, 135, 136, 139, 128, 118, 107, 105, 108, 89, 0]
[80, 0, 0, 0, 81]
Current Barrage Intensity:  100.0  Seconds
AA Gun position 29 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 110
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 30 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  6  guns
[105, 122, 83, 90, 82, 87, 76, 77, 76, 77, 80, 68, 68, 53, 46, 49, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 53, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[79, 68, 0, 0, 71]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Commence Bomb Drop!
Cloud Roll:  -9
WATCC: Cover
Current Lead/Straggler:  V-32
Current Aircraft:  V-53
Nordon_accuracy:  2
Visibility_accuracy:  -8
Bombed by radar!
Drift_accuracy:  4
Re-Run:  False
Secondary target:  True
Final N ratio:  1
Poor Approach:  13
BR_Precision_roll:  0 :  30
BR_Precision_roll:  1 :  21
BM[0] 21
Initial reporting accuracy was understated!
IP:  Unprepared
CEP:  Bombed Secondary!
Bombing Result:  -66
This battery is in the 75 deg Line!
AA Gun Position # 31 is a battery of  Type 99 - 88mm
consisting of  2  guns
[12, 8, 13, 31, 47, 57, 66, 77, 77, 94, 106, 107, 98, 83, 92, 72, 64, 48, 55, 58, 56, 51, 39, 35, 27, 27, 21, 24, 24, 33, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32]
[0, 0, 101, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  31  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Flak Position 31 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
AA Gun position 31 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Approach Flak 0
Target Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 32 is a battery of  Type 98 - 20mm
consisting of  6  guns
[7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 3, 2, 0, 19, 36, 32, 23, 35, 25, 43, 39, 42, 54, 73, 83, 69, 68, 67, 53, 0, 0, 0]
[75, 123, 135, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  30.0  Seconds
Flak Position 32 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
AA Gun position 32 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Target Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 33 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  6  guns
[51, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32, 28, 48, 52, 57, 47, 63, 79, 79, 94, 107, 106, 100, 119, 137, 128, 127, 120, 128]
[0, 0, 0, 125, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  33  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Approach Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
This battery is in the 75 deg Line!
AA Gun Position # 34 is a battery of  Navy Type 98 100mm
consisting of  1  guns
[32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 63, 59, 65, 62, 66, 76, 81, 73, 92, 99, 103, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[97, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  34  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Approach Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 35 is a battery of  Type 88- 75mm
consisting of  2  guns
[49, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 39, 56, 49, 64, 60, 79, 98, 102, 110, 106, 104, 106, 126, 128, 120, 125, 81, 62, 46, 42, 40, 21, 31, 15, 17, 4, 6, 13, 3, 2]
[0, 0, 97, 96, 84]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
[0, 1, 0]
[0, 2, 0]
[0, 5, 13]
[0, 0, 0]
[0, 2, 0]
[0, 1, 0]
Initial Fire:  0
BIT:  4
Fire Now;  0
Engines;  4
Shot_up_roll 1
Parameter M:  0
Long-term Damage;  1
Guns:  F41234101000064123455
Superficial Damage:  0
VPS:  0
AC Lost:  False
Crew Loss:  ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Lucky Escape']
CCT:  ['V-16', True, 'A31204104000011123455', [], 4, 11, 'V-52', False, 'F41234100000003123455', ['E', 'Lucky Escape', 'O', 'Serious Bumped Hand'], 0, 3, 'V-27', False, 'F41234100000052000450', ['E', 'Serious Bumped Head', 'O', 'Lucky Escape', 'C', 'Safe', 'T', 'Severe Needed Assistance', 'B', 'Superficial Bumped Arm', 'D', 'Safe', 'L', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'R', 'Serious Disorientated'], 0, 0, 'V-7', False, 'F41234100000003123455', ['E', 'Severe Needed Assistance', 'O', 'Lucky Escape'], 0, 3, 'V-43', False, 'F41234100000037123455', [], 0, 0, 'V-3', 'Soft landing', 'F41234102000027020402', ['E', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'O', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'C', 'Painful Bumped Hips', 'T', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'B', 'Serious Fall', 'D', 'Painful Bumped Hand', 'L', 'Safe', 'R', 'Lucky Escape', 'A', 'Safe', 'P', 'Safe', 'N', 'Safe', 'I', 'Safe'], 2, 9, 'V-11', False, 'F41234103000051120403', ['E', 'Lucky Escape', 'O', 'Safe', 'C', 'Lucky Escape', 'T', 'Debilitating Sprained Wrist', 'B', 'Safe', 'D', 'Safe', 'L', 'Safe', 'R', 'Safe'], 3, 2]
C_ele:  V-32
[0, 2, 0]
Initial Fire:  0
BIT:  7
Fire Now;  0
Engines;  4
Shot_up_roll 2
Parameter M:  0
Long-term Damage;  1
Guns:  F41234101000000003453
Superficial Damage:  0
VPS:  0
AC Lost:  False
Crew Loss:  ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Serious Bumped Chest', 'C', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'T', 'Safe']
CCT:  ['V-16', True, 'A31204104000011123455', [], 4, 11, 'V-52', False, 'F41234100000003123455', ['E', 'Lucky Escape', 'O', 'Serious Bumped Hand'], 0, 3, 'V-27', False, 'F41234100000052000450', ['E', 'Serious Bumped Head', 'O', 'Lucky Escape', 'C', 'Safe', 'T', 'Severe Needed Assistance', 'B', 'Superficial Bumped Arm', 'D', 'Safe', 'L', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'R', 'Serious Disorientated'], 0, 0, 'V-7', False, 'F41234100000003123455', ['E', 'Severe Needed Assistance', 'O', 'Lucky Escape'], 0, 3, 'V-43', False, 'F41234100000037123455', [], 0, 0, 'V-3', 'Soft landing', 'F41234102000027020402', ['E', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'O', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'C', 'Painful Bumped Hips', 'T', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'B', 'Serious Fall', 'D', 'Painful Bumped Hand', 'L', 'Safe', 'R', 'Lucky Escape', 'A', 'Safe', 'P', 'Safe', 'N', 'Safe', 'I', 'Safe'], 2, 9, 'V-11', False, 'F41234103000051120403', ['E', 'Lucky Escape', 'O', 'Safe', 'C', 'Lucky Escape', 'T', 'Debilitating Sprained Wrist', 'B', 'Safe', 'D', 'Safe', 'L', 'Safe', 'R', 'Safe'], 3, 2, 'V-32', False, 'F41234101000064123455', ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Lucky Escape'], 1, 0]
C_ele:  V-34
[0, 5, 13]
Initial Fire:  1
BIT:  11
Fire Now;  0
Engines;  4
Shot_up_roll 5
Parameter M:  0
Long-term Damage;  1
Guns:  F41234101000006123455
Superficial Damage:  2
VPS:  6
AC Lost:  False
Crew Loss:  ['E', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'O', 'Painful Disorientated', 'C', 'Safe', 'T', 'Safe', 'B', 'Safe', 'D', 'Safe', 'L', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'R', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'A', 'Lucky Escape', 'P', 'Lucky Escape']
CCT:  ['V-16', True, 'A31204104000011123455', [], 4, 11, 'V-52', False, 'F41234100000003123455', ['E', 'Lucky Escape', 'O', 'Serious Bumped Hand'], 0, 3, 'V-27', False, 'F41234100000052000450', ['E', 'Serious Bumped Head', 'O', 'Lucky Escape', 'C', 'Safe', 'T', 'Severe Needed Assistance', 'B', 'Superficial Bumped Arm', 'D', 'Safe', 'L', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'R', 'Serious Disorientated'], 0, 0, 'V-7', False, 'F41234100000003123455', ['E', 'Severe Needed Assistance', 'O', 'Lucky Escape'], 0, 3, 'V-43', False, 'F41234100000037123455', [], 0, 0, 'V-3', 'Soft landing', 'F41234102000027020402', ['E', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'O', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'C', 'Painful Bumped Hips', 'T', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'B', 'Serious Fall', 'D', 'Painful Bumped Hand', 'L', 'Safe', 'R', 'Lucky Escape', 'A', 'Safe', 'P', 'Safe', 'N', 'Safe', 'I', 'Safe'], 2, 9, 'V-11', False, 'F41234103000051120403', ['E', 'Lucky Escape', 'O', 'Safe', 'C', 'Lucky Escape', 'T', 'Debilitating Sprained Wrist', 'B', 'Safe', 'D', 'Safe', 'L', 'Safe', 'R', 'Safe'], 3, 2, 'V-32', False, 'F41234101000064123455', ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Lucky Escape'], 1, 0, 'V-34', False, 'F41234101000000003453', ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Serious Bumped Chest', 'C', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'T', 'Safe'], 1, 0]
C_ele:  V-35
[0, 0, 0]
[0, 2, 0]
Initial Fire:  0
BIT:  0
Fire Now;  0
Engines;  4
Shot_up_roll 2
Parameter M:  0
Long-term Damage;  0
Guns:  F41234100000026123404
Superficial Damage:  2
VPS:  6
AC Lost:  False
Crew Loss:  ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Safe', 'C', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'T', 'Safe']
CCT:  ['V-16', True, 'A31204104000011123455', [], 4, 11, 'V-52', False, 'F41234100000003123455', ['E', 'Lucky Escape', 'O', 'Serious Bumped Hand'], 0, 3, 'V-27', False, 'F41234100000052000450', ['E', 'Serious Bumped Head', 'O', 'Lucky Escape', 'C', 'Safe', 'T', 'Severe Needed Assistance', 'B', 'Superficial Bumped Arm', 'D', 'Safe', 'L', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'R', 'Serious Disorientated'], 0, 0, 'V-7', False, 'F41234100000003123455', ['E', 'Severe Needed Assistance', 'O', 'Lucky Escape'], 0, 3, 'V-43', False, 'F41234100000037123455', [], 0, 0, 'V-3', 'Soft landing', 'F41234102000027020402', ['E', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'O', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'C', 'Painful Bumped Hips', 'T', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'B', 'Serious Fall', 'D', 'Painful Bumped Hand', 'L', 'Safe', 'R', 'Lucky Escape', 'A', 'Safe', 'P', 'Safe', 'N', 'Safe', 'I', 'Safe'], 2, 9, 'V-11', False, 'F41234103000051120403', ['E', 'Lucky Escape', 'O', 'Safe', 'C', 'Lucky Escape', 'T', 'Debilitating Sprained Wrist', 'B', 'Safe', 'D', 'Safe', 'L', 'Safe', 'R', 'Safe'], 3, 2, 'V-32', False, 'F41234101000064123455', ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Lucky Escape'], 1, 0, 'V-34', False, 'F41234101000000003453', ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Serious Bumped Chest', 'C', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'T', 'Safe'], 1, 0, 'V-35', False, 'F41234101000006123455', ['E', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'O', 'Painful Disorientated', 'C', 'Safe', 'T', 'Safe', 'B', 'Safe', 'D', 'Safe', 'L', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'R', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'A', 'Lucky Escape', 'P', 'Lucky Escape'], 1, 6]
C_ele:  V-38
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
[0, 1, 0]
[0, 1, 0]
[0, 1, 14]
Initial Fire:  1
BIT:  27
Fire Now;  1
Engines;  3
Parameter M:  1
Long-term Damage;  9
Guns:  F31204109000027123455
Superficial Damage:  7
VPS:  27
AC Lost:  False
Crew Loss:  []
CCT:  ['V-16', True, 'A31204104000011123455', [], 4, 11, 'V-52', False, 'F41234100000003123455', ['E', 'Lucky Escape', 'O', 'Serious Bumped Hand'], 0, 3, 'V-27', False, 'F41234100000052000450', ['E', 'Serious Bumped Head', 'O', 'Lucky Escape', 'C', 'Safe', 'T', 'Severe Needed Assistance', 'B', 'Superficial Bumped Arm', 'D', 'Safe', 'L', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'R', 'Serious Disorientated'], 0, 0, 'V-7', False, 'F41234100000003123455', ['E', 'Severe Needed Assistance', 'O', 'Lucky Escape'], 0, 3, 'V-43', False, 'F41234100000037123455', [], 0, 0, 'V-3', 'Soft landing', 'F41234102000027020402', ['E', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'O', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'C', 'Painful Bumped Hips', 'T', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'B', 'Serious Fall', 'D', 'Painful Bumped Hand', 'L', 'Safe', 'R', 'Lucky Escape', 'A', 'Safe', 'P', 'Safe', 'N', 'Safe', 'I', 'Safe'], 2, 9, 'V-11', False, 'F41234103000051120403', ['E', 'Lucky Escape', 'O', 'Safe', 'C', 'Lucky Escape', 'T', 'Debilitating Sprained Wrist', 'B', 'Safe', 'D', 'Safe', 'L', 'Safe', 'R', 'Safe'], 3, 2, 'V-32', False, 'F41234101000064123455', ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Lucky Escape'], 1, 0, 'V-34', False, 'F41234101000000003453', ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Serious Bumped Chest', 'C', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'T', 'Safe'], 1, 0, 'V-35', False, 'F41234101000006123455', ['E', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'O', 'Painful Disorientated', 'C', 'Safe', 'T', 'Safe', 'B', 'Safe', 'D', 'Safe', 'L', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'R', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'A', 'Lucky Escape', 'P', 'Lucky Escape'], 1, 6, 'V-38', False, 'F41234100000026123404', ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Safe', 'C', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'T', 'Safe'], 0, 6]
C_ele:  V-35
Guns:  F31204100000033123455
A_Guns:  F41234101000006123455
B_Guns:  F31204109000027123455
[0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0]
V-32  bombed as Lead Aircraft of  ['Element A', 'V-32', 'F41234100000064123455', 'V-34', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-35', 'F31204109000027123455', 'V-38', 'F41234100000020123455', 'V-43', 'F41234100000037123455', 12, 5]  at Bombing Height:  12
Element Received dense and accurate Flak:  28  total damage!
ES V-32
EG ['Element A', 'V-32', 'F41234100000064123455', 'V-34', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-35', 'F31204109000027123455', 'V-38', 'F41234100000020123455', 'V-43', 'F41234100000037123455', 12, 5]
Heights 12
V-32  bombed with main Element at Bombing Height:  12
Current 'Guns' ACN:  F41234100000000123455
ES V-34
EG ['Element A', 'V-32', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-34', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-35', 'F31204109000027123455', 'V-38', 'F41234100000020123455', 'V-43', 'F41234100000037123455', 12, 5]
Heights 10
V-34  bombed with main Element at Bombing Height:  10
Current 'Guns' ACN:  F41234100000000123455
ES V-35
EG ['Element A', 'V-32', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-34', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-35', 'F31204109000027123455', 'V-38', 'F41234100000020123455', 'V-43', 'F41234100000037123455', 12, 5]
Heights 9
V-35  bombed with main Element at Bombing Height:  9
Current 'Guns' ACN:  F31204100000000123455
ES V-38
EG ['Element A', 'V-32', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-34', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-35', 'F31204100000000123455', 'V-38', 'F41234100000020123455', 'V-43', 'F41234100000037123455', 12, 5]
Heights 11
V-38  bombed with main Element at Bombing Height:  11
Current 'Guns' ACN:  F41234100000000123455
ES V-43
EG ['Element A', 'V-32', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-34', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-35', 'F31204100000000123455', 'V-38', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-43', 'F41234100000037123455', 12, 5]
Heights 12
V-43  bombed with main Element at Bombing Height:  12
Current 'Guns' ACN:  F41234100000000123455
Current Element in ELEMENT GROUP ['Element B', 'V-11', 'F41234100000049120403', 'V-13', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-15', 'F41234100000000123455', 12, 3]
Current 'Guns' ACN:  Element B
Current Weather:  1
Current Visibility:  0
Number of Elements:  1
Number of Flak Positions: :  35
Visibility for this mission is:  5
This battery is in the Flak Box!!
AA Gun Position # 1 is a battery of  Type 98 - 20mm
consisting of  6  guns
[54, 68, 66, 86, 80, 76, 85, 103, 93, 92, 94, 93, 90, 86, 82, 80, 71, 55, 51, 41, 25, 17, 1, 3, 1, 6, 9, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 18]
[0, 0, 36, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Flak Position 1 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
Target Flak 0
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 2 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  6  guns
[59, 64, 61, 70, 81, 82, 101, 110, 125, 130, 129, 127, 132, 114, 121, 112, 105, 113, 110, 112, 117, 98, 107, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 89, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 3 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  4  guns
[6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 87, 94, 85, 77, 70, 73, 66, 57, 62, 56, 71, 89, 88, 97]
[71, 96, 109, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  3  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Approach Flak 0
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
This battery is in the 75 deg Line!
AA Gun Position # 4 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  6  guns
[81, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 69, 64, 70, 67, 87, 78, 78, 90, 80, 96, 99, 89, 89, 93, 102, 91, 101, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 123, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  4  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Flak Position 4 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
AA Gun position 4 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Approach Flak 0
Target Flak 0
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is in the 75 deg Line!
AA Gun Position # 5 is a battery of  Type 88- 75mm
consisting of  6  guns
[78, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 90, 104, 104, 96, 87, 101, 117, 118, 118, 133, 135, 133, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 104, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  5  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Flak Position 5 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
Approach Flak 0
Target Flak 0
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 6 is a battery of  Type 98 - 20mm
consisting of  6  guns
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 2, 16, 16, 10, 27, 24, 25, 41, 33, 53, 71, 75, 67, 82, 90, 78, 86, 85, 82, 71, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 73, 77, 67]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  6  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Flak Position 6 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
Approach Flak 0
Target Flak 0
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
This battery is in the 75 deg Line!
AA Gun Position # 7 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  4  guns
[20, 38, 52, 64, 56, 73, 72, 80, 89, 106, 120, 126, 122, 112, 93, 86, 70, 53, 34, 24, 32, 32, 40, 22, 7, 4, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0]
[80, 0, 0, 0, 98]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
This battery is in the 75 deg Line!
AA Gun Position # 8 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  6  guns
[47, 61, 57, 60, 68, 79, 81, 86, 109, 105, 111, 94, 75, 81, 73, 57, 48, 50, 39, 41, 28, 18, 6, 5, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5]
[0, 53, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  50.0  Seconds
AA Gun position 8 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 45
Departing Fire was extremely proximate! 13
The number #1 Salvo caused the following Damage:
Aircraft #1: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Very low Center left Burst
The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 0
Aircraft #2: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Left Rear Burst
The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 0
The number #2 Salvo caused the following Damage:
Aircraft #1: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: High Center left Burst
The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 4
Raw damage on this sector of the flak line is  4  hits!
Current Element:  ['Element B', 'V-11', 'F41234100000049120403', 'V-13', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-15', 'F41234100000000123455', 12, 3]
Element B
The number #3 Salvo caused the following Damage:
Aircraft #1: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Very low Direct Rear
The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 4
Raw damage on this sector of the flak line is  4  hits!
Current Element:  ['Element B', 'V-11', 'F41234100000049120403', 'V-13', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-15', 'F41234100000000123455', 12, 3]
Element B
The number #4 Salvo caused the following Damage:
Aircraft #1: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Low Rear Fusilage
The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 4
Aircraft #2: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Frontal right Burst
The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 0
Aircraft #3: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Far distant left
The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 1
Raw damage on this sector of the flak line is  4  hits!
Current Element:  ['Element B', 'V-11', 'F41234100000049120403', 'V-13', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-15', 'F41234100000000123455', 12, 3]
Element B
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 9 is a battery of  Navy Type 96 - 25mm
consisting of  6  guns
[21, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 13, 27, 23, 39, 58, 48, 58, 71, 62, 77, 101, 92, 82, 73, 66, 60, 40, 31, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[62, 0, 0, 112, 82]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position 9 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 10 is a battery of  Type 88- 75mm
consisting of  6  guns
[95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 66, 76, 90, 106, 107, 107, 99, 118, 125, 142, 134, 140, 139, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 110, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position 10 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 11 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  6  guns
[0, 106, 103, 116, 123, 117, 111, 99, 101, 103, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[123, 0, 0, 0, 112]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position 11 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 12 is a battery of  Type 98 - 20mm
consisting of  6  guns
[30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 5, 15, 25, 44, 53, 66, 61, 66, 80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[68, 0, 0, 107, 88]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
This battery is in the 75 deg Line!
AA Gun Position # 13 is a battery of  Type 98 - 20mm
consisting of  6  guns
[59, 62, 61, 72, 83, 93, 93, 98, 106, 122, 102, 85, 70, 61, 61, 48, 49, 45, 54, 44, 45, 34, 21, 26, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 56, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[53, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  13  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Flak Position 13 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
AA Gun position 13 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Approach Flak 0
Target Flak 0
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is in the 75 deg Line!
AA Gun Position # 14 is a battery of  Type 98 - 20mm
consisting of  6  guns
[91, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 51, 54, 46, 57, 74, 70, 80, 93, 113, 124, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[118, 0, 0, 108, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  14  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
AA Gun position 14 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Approach Flak 0
Current Lead/Straggler:  V-11
Current Aircraft:  V-53
Nordon_accuracy:  2
Visibility_accuracy:  -5
Bombed by radar!
Drift_accuracy:  3
Re-Run:  False
Secondary target:  True
Final N ratio:  1
Poor Approach:  -1
BR_Precision_roll:  0 :  24
BM[0] 25
Initial reporting accuracy was understated!
IP:  Unidentified
CEP:  Bombed Secondary!
Bombing Result:  -142
Departing Flak 0
This battery is in the Flak Box!!
AA Gun Position # 15 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  3  guns
[20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 87, 90, 92, 92, 95, 106, 106, 105, 109, 99, 104, 98, 102, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 49, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  15  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Flak Position 15 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
Approach Flak 0
Target Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
This battery is in the 75 deg Line!
AA Gun Position # 16 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  8  guns
[0, 103, 94, 92, 107, 119, 129, 125, 119, 135, 143, 141, 137, 88, 97, 96, 101, 110, 104, 84, 75, 73, 64, 73, 54, 59, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[124, 0, 0, 77, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
This battery is in the 75 deg Line!
AA Gun Position # 17 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  4  guns
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 47, 48, 68, 61, 80, 72, 65, 63, 76, 78, 71, 83, 79, 86, 77, 87, 80, 74, 60, 62, 65, 52, 39, 40, 44, 46, 28, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 121, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  17  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Flak Position 17 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
Approach Flak 0
Target Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 18 is a battery of  Type 4 - 75mm
consisting of  3  guns
[27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 90, 81, 86, 98, 107, 103, 122, 133, 147, 142, 132, 131, 90, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 105, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  100.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  18  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Flak Position 18 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
Approach Flak 16
Target Flak 20
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
This battery is in the 75 deg Line!
AA Gun Position # 19 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  4  guns
[53, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 51, 51, 46, 62, 73, 72, 86, 101, 91, 110, 109, 129, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[123, 0, 0, 82, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Flak Position 19 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
Target Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
This battery is in the Flak Box!!
AA Gun Position # 20 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  6  guns
[4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 65, 83, 80, 81, 89, 105, 102, 96, 111, 109, 125, 130, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[26, 0, 0, 49, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Flak Position 20 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
AA Gun position 20 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Target Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 21 is a battery of  Type 98 - 20mm
consisting of  6  guns
[5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 74, 81, 89, 85, 85, 93, 84, 84, 97, 99, 102, 108, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[108, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position 21 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 22 is a battery of  Type 88- 75mm
consisting of  6  guns
[5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 91, 93, 111, 108, 98, 105, 97, 101, 102, 120, 121, 118, 113, 117, 122, 115, 0]
[109, 0, 0, 0, 123]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  22  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
AA Gun position 22 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Approach Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 23 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  6  guns
[78, 83, 83, 114, 124, 129, 116, 111, 93, 99, 101, 94, 102, 105, 108, 99, 99, 85, 84, 75, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 25]
[0, 79, 115, 114, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 24 is a battery of  Type 99 - 88mm
consisting of  6  guns
[65, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 31, 35, 39, 30, 42, 39, 36, 49, 39, 33, 53, 60, 78, 84, 83, 91, 100, 102, 109]
[0, 0, 109, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  24  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Approach Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 25 is a battery of  Type 98 - 20mm
consisting of  6  guns
[68, 63, 72, 65, 82, 87, 78, 80, 82, 93, 76, 81, 61, 64, 68, 76, 80, 76, 80, 75, 69, 50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 81, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 87, 81, 61]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  25  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Flak Position 25 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
AA Gun position 25 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Approach Flak 0
Target Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 26 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  3  guns
[0, 0, 20, 26, 24, 28, 26, 26, 41, 38, 50, 61, 75, 90, 103, 123, 120, 95, 80, 69, 74, 69, 67, 72, 53, 58, 60, 69, 70, 73, 71, 66, 52, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 71, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  26  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
AA Gun position 26 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Approach Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is in the Flak Box!!
AA Gun Position # 27 is a battery of  Type 98 - 20mm
consisting of  4  guns
[103, 82, 67, 62, 43, 52, 57, 60, 53, 52, 32, 26, 15, 7, 2, 0, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 52, 0, 0]
[0, 93, 82, 80, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  27  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Flak Position 27 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
Approach Flak 0
Target Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 28 is a battery of  Type 99 - 88mm
consisting of  1  guns
[18, 30, 41, 50, 69, 87, 90, 86, 76, 90, 104, 114, 135, 136, 125, 112, 113, 96, 86, 81, 84, 82, 73, 80, 60, 58, 60, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 63, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Flak Position 28 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
Target Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
This battery is in the Flak Box!!
AA Gun Position # 29 is a battery of  Type 99 - 88mm
consisting of  4  guns
[105, 114, 110, 94, 83, 86, 94, 74, 84, 76, 75, 59, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[83, 0, 0, 74, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Flak Position 29 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
Target Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 30 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  4  guns
[13, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 37, 39, 45, 60, 64, 79, 97, 102, 85, 66, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[62, 84, 89, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Flak Position 30 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
AA Gun position 30 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Target Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 31 is a battery of  Type 99 - 88mm
consisting of  6  guns
[0, 0, 79, 93, 96, 115, 114, 122, 120, 132, 147, 141, 140, 151, 141, 130, 133, 116, 105, 108, 109, 106, 99, 89, 92, 99, 79, 89, 80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 104, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  31  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Approach Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
This battery is in the Flak Box!!
AA Gun Position # 32 is a battery of  Type 98 - 20mm
consisting of  6  guns
[15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 67, 69, 62, 57, 70, 81, 90, 82, 80, 100, 94, 100, 100, 113, 93, 82, 91, 79, 74, 55, 50, 51, 42, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[123, 0, 0, 0, 83]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position 32 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 33 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  2  guns
[7, 9, 27, 36, 53, 64, 72, 72, 89, 99, 90, 78, 60, 69, 50, 53, 34, 28, 37, 35, 38, 37, 39, 32, 17, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0]
[112, 0, 0, 0, 122]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
This battery is in the Flak Box!!
AA Gun Position # 34 is a battery of  Navy Type 98 100mm
consisting of  6  guns
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 56, 68, 85, 79, 70, 85, 89, 109, 108, 101, 116, 117, 122, 125]
[90, 0, 0, 75, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  34  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Approach Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
This battery is in the 75 deg Line!
AA Gun Position # 35 is a battery of  Type 88- 75mm
consisting of  12  guns
[108, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 91, 102, 100, 93, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 77, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  35  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Approach Flak 0
[0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 8]
[0, 0, 4]
[0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 8]
[0, 0, 4]
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
[0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 8]
Initial Fire:  0
BIT:  26
Fire Now;  0
Engines;  4
Parameter M:  0
Long-term Damage;  0
Guns:  F41234100000010123404
Superficial Damage:  2
VPS:  10
AC Lost:  False
Crew Loss:  ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'C', 'Safe', 'T', 'Safe', 'B', 'Safe', 'D', 'Safe', 'L', 'Superficial lost balance', 'R', 'Safe']
CCT:  ['V-16', True, 'A31204104000011123455', [], 4, 11, 'V-52', False, 'F41234100000003123455', ['E', 'Lucky Escape', 'O', 'Serious Bumped Hand'], 0, 3, 'V-27', False, 'F41234100000052000450', ['E', 'Serious Bumped Head', 'O', 'Lucky Escape', 'C', 'Safe', 'T', 'Severe Needed Assistance', 'B', 'Superficial Bumped Arm', 'D', 'Safe', 'L', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'R', 'Serious Disorientated'], 0, 0, 'V-7', False, 'F41234100000003123455', ['E', 'Severe Needed Assistance', 'O', 'Lucky Escape'], 0, 3, 'V-43', False, 'F41234100000037123455', [], 0, 0, 'V-3', 'Soft landing', 'F41234102000027020402', ['E', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'O', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'C', 'Painful Bumped Hips', 'T', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'B', 'Serious Fall', 'D', 'Painful Bumped Hand', 'L', 'Safe', 'R', 'Lucky Escape', 'A', 'Safe', 'P', 'Safe', 'N', 'Safe', 'I', 'Safe'], 2, 9, 'V-11', False, 'F41234103000051120403', ['E', 'Lucky Escape', 'O', 'Safe', 'C', 'Lucky Escape', 'T', 'Debilitating Sprained Wrist', 'B', 'Safe', 'D', 'Safe', 'L', 'Safe', 'R', 'Safe'], 3, 2, 'V-32', False, 'F41234101000064123455', ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Lucky Escape'], 1, 0, 'V-34', False, 'F41234101000000003453', ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Serious Bumped Chest', 'C', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'T', 'Safe'], 1, 0, 'V-35', False, 'F31204100000033123455', ['E', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'O', 'Painful Disorientated', 'C', 'Safe', 'T', 'Safe', 'B', 'Safe', 'D', 'Safe', 'L', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'R', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'A', 'Lucky Escape', 'P', 'Lucky Escape'], 10, 33, 'V-38', False, 'F41234100000026123404', ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Safe', 'C', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'T', 'Safe'], 0, 6]
C_ele:  V-13
[0, 0, 4]
Initial Fire:  1
BIT:  15
Fire Now;  0
Engines;  4
Shot_up_roll 4
Parameter M:  0
Long-term Damage;  1
Guns:  F41234101000003003453
Superficial Damage:  1
VPS:  3
AC Lost:  False
Crew Loss:  ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Safe', 'C', 'Superficial Bumped Hand', 'T', 'Safe', 'B', 'Unlucky Foot Injury', 'D', 'Safe', 'L', 'Safe', 'R', 'Lucky Escape']
CCT:  ['V-16', True, 'A31204104000011123455', [], 4, 11, 'V-52', False, 'F41234100000003123455', ['E', 'Lucky Escape', 'O', 'Serious Bumped Hand'], 0, 3, 'V-27', False, 'F41234100000052000450', ['E', 'Serious Bumped Head', 'O', 'Lucky Escape', 'C', 'Safe', 'T', 'Severe Needed Assistance', 'B', 'Superficial Bumped Arm', 'D', 'Safe', 'L', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'R', 'Serious Disorientated'], 0, 0, 'V-7', False, 'F41234100000003123455', ['E', 'Severe Needed Assistance', 'O', 'Lucky Escape'], 0, 3, 'V-43', False, 'F41234100000037123455', [], 0, 0, 'V-3', 'Soft landing', 'F41234102000027020402', ['E', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'O', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'C', 'Painful Bumped Hips', 'T', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'B', 'Serious Fall', 'D', 'Painful Bumped Hand', 'L', 'Safe', 'R', 'Lucky Escape', 'A', 'Safe', 'P', 'Safe', 'N', 'Safe', 'I', 'Safe'], 2, 9, 'V-11', False, 'F41234103000051120403', ['E', 'Lucky Escape', 'O', 'Safe', 'C', 'Lucky Escape', 'T', 'Debilitating Sprained Wrist', 'B', 'Safe', 'D', 'Safe', 'L', 'Safe', 'R', 'Safe'], 3, 2, 'V-32', False, 'F41234101000064123455', ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Lucky Escape'], 1, 0, 'V-34', False, 'F41234101000000003453', ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Serious Bumped Chest', 'C', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'T', 'Safe'], 1, 0, 'V-35', False, 'F31204100000033123455', ['E', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'O', 'Painful Disorientated', 'C', 'Safe', 'T', 'Safe', 'B', 'Safe', 'D', 'Safe', 'L', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'R', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'A', 'Lucky Escape', 'P', 'Lucky Escape'], 10, 33, 'V-38', False, 'F41234100000026123404', ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Safe', 'C', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'T', 'Safe'], 0, 6, 'V-13', False, 'F41234100000010123404', ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'C', 'Safe', 'T', 'Safe', 'B', 'Safe', 'D', 'Safe', 'L', 'Superficial lost balance', 'R', 'Safe'], 0, 10]
C_ele:  V-15
V-11  bombed as Lead Aircraft of  ['Element B', 'V-11', 'F41234100000049120403', 'V-13', 'F41234100000010123404', 'V-15', 'F41234101000003003453', 12, 3]  at Bombing Height:  12
Element Received significant Flak:  7  total damage!
ES V-11
EG ['Element B', 'V-11', 'F41234100000049120403', 'V-13', 'F41234100000010123404', 'V-15', 'F41234101000003003453', 12, 3]
Heights 12
V-11  bombed with main Element at Bombing Height:  12
Current 'Guns' ACN:  F41234100000000120403
ES V-13
EG ['Element B', 'V-11', 'F41234100000000120403', 'V-13', 'F41234100000010123404', 'V-15', 'F41234101000003003453', 12, 3]
Heights 10
V-13  bombed with main Element at Bombing Height:  10
Current 'Guns' ACN:  F41234100000000123404
ES V-15
EG ['Element B', 'V-11', 'F41234100000000120403', 'V-13', 'F41234100000000123404', 'V-15', 'F41234101000003003453', 12, 3]
Heights 9
V-15  bombed with main Element at Bombing Height:  9
Current 'Guns' ACN:  F41234100000000003453
Current Element in ELEMENT GROUP ['Element C', 'V-47', 'F41234100000047123455', 'V-49', 'F41234100000022123455', 'V-51', 'F41234100000047123455', 'V-53', 'F41234100000063123455', 12, 4]
Current 'Guns' ACN:  Element C
Current Weather:  1
Current Visibility:  0
Number of Elements:  1
Number of Flak Positions: :  35
Visibility for this mission is:  5
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 1 is a battery of  Type 98 - 20mm
consisting of  6  guns
[15, 32, 34, 41, 41, 60, 70, 106, 88, 92, 83, 85, 79, 74, 68, 64, 61, 50, 35, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[123, 114, 0, 0, 97]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Flak Position 1 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
AA Gun position 1 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Target Flak 0
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is in the 75 deg Line!
AA Gun Position # 2 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  12  guns
[79, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 58, 52, 49, 54, 59, 56, 74, 65, 70, 81, 81, 88, 91, 114, 101, 93, 99, 88, 94, 99, 105, 97, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 81, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  2  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
AA Gun position 2 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Approach Flak 0
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 3 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  4  guns
[68, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 122, 134, 128, 145, 145, 136, 150, 150, 140, 130, 139, 129, 126, 0, 0]
[83, 0, 0, 119, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Flak Position 3 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
AA Gun position 3 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Target Flak 0
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 4 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  6  guns
[29, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 85, 81, 74, 92, 99, 90, 106, 109, 117, 113, 112, 106, 116, 118, 124, 95, 102, 96, 83, 72, 57, 62, 51, 34, 18, 0, 0, 0]
[77, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  4  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
AA Gun position 4 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Approach Flak 0
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is in the Flak Box!!
AA Gun Position # 5 is a battery of  Type 88- 75mm
consisting of  6  guns
[80, 94, 91, 102, 92, 84, 93, 76, 77, 69, 54, 62, 47, 45, 38, 31, 15, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 56, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  40.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  5  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Flak Position 5 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
AA Gun position 5 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Approach Flak 67
Target Flak 84
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 56
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 6 is a battery of  Type 98 - 20mm
consisting of  6  guns
[17, 19, 27, 43, 50, 68, 87, 87, 103, 95, 132, 118, 106, 87, 75, 61, 65, 61, 58, 39, 44, 39, 40, 47, 53, 39, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0]
[0, 123, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position 6 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 7 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  6  guns
[63, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 56, 69, 63, 68, 81, 91, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 109, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position 7 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 8 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  6  guns
[94, 79, 69, 71, 70, 54, 51, 59, 67, 66, 47, 28, 33, 14, 20, 3, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 30, 0]
[0, 0, 86, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  50.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  8  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Flak Position 8 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
Approach Flak 54
Target Flak 68
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 9 is a battery of  Navy Type 96 - 25mm
consisting of  4  guns
[52, 52, 60, 66, 57, 50, 47, 62, 79, 77, 87, 105, 102, 93, 98, 106, 93, 98, 83, 85, 93, 77, 87, 78, 88, 88, 91, 100, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32]
[0, 0, 71, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  50.0  Seconds
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 10 is a battery of  Type 88- 75mm
consisting of  6  guns
[2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 5, 2, 16, 10, 12, 31, 46, 60, 65, 78, 85, 81, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[78, 117, 100, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position 10 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 11 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  4  guns
[60, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 87, 103, 107, 124, 136, 134, 139, 147, 138, 129, 119, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[38, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Flak Position 11 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
AA Gun position 11 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Target Flak 0
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 12 is a battery of  Type 98 - 20mm
consisting of  6  guns
[117, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 54, 72, 77, 71, 63, 54, 73, 77, 77, 92, 100, 99, 114, 85, 92, 91, 84, 92, 96, 92, 91, 97, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 105, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  50.0  Seconds
Flak Position 12 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
Target Flak 0
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 13 is a battery of  Type 98 - 20mm
consisting of  4  guns
[32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 85, 103, 108, 100, 91, 85, 81, 98, 92, 111, 105, 96, 102, 114, 109, 119, 99, 105, 0, 0, 0]
[88, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position 13 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is in the Flak Box!!
AA Gun Position # 14 is a battery of  Type 98 - 20mm
consisting of  6  guns
[42, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 8, 25, 41, 50, 51, 43, 53, 53, 64, 82, 107, 97, 77, 73, 82, 90, 70, 59, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[64, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  14  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Flak Position 14 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
AA Gun position 14 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Approach Flak 0
Target Flak 0
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 15 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  6  guns
[3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 116, 112, 116, 132, 133, 141, 159, 170, 181, 180, 170, 161, 154, 162, 152, 142, 99, 91, 71, 73, 61, 61, 53, 44, 38]
[0, 113, 115, 117, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  150.0  Seconds
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
This battery is in the Flak Box!!
AA Gun Position # 16 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  4  guns
[35, 51, 49, 65, 63, 75, 75, 74, 84, 85, 91, 86, 96, 89, 99, 84, 90, 79, 0, 0, 0, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[123, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position 16 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 17 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  4  guns
[140, 143, 123, 129, 114, 109, 102, 87, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[104, 113, 0, 0, 111]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Flak Position 17 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
AA Gun position 17 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Target Flak 0
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is in the Flak Box!!
AA Gun Position # 18 is a battery of  Type 4 - 75mm
consisting of  4  guns
[102, 110, 106, 106, 117, 132, 129, 131, 97, 102, 103, 102, 92, 83, 70, 54, 41, 26, 31, 13, 5, 1, 6, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 78, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 135, 86, 101]
Current Barrage Intensity:  40.0  Seconds
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 19 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  4  guns
[104, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33, 34, 34, 37, 42, 49, 65, 74, 72, 87, 80, 84, 79, 96, 136, 139, 127, 136, 142, 136, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[91, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  19  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Flak Position 19 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
Approach Flak 0
Target Flak 0
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
This battery is in the Flak Box!!
AA Gun Position # 20 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  4  guns
[74, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 57, 54, 52, 48, 51, 58, 77, 95, 104, 116, 112, 111, 116, 106, 0, 0, 0]
[114, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Flak Position 20 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
Target Flak 0
Current Lead/Straggler:  V-47
Current Aircraft:  V-53
Nordon_accuracy:  7
Visibility_accuracy:  -7
Bombed by radar!
Drift_accuracy:  5
Re-Run:  False
Secondary target:  True
Final N ratio:  1
IP NORDON Approach:  0   -1
BR_Precision_roll:  0 :  17
BR_Precision_roll:  1 :  14
BR_Precision_roll:  2 :  6
BM[0] 6
Initial reporting accuracy was nearly achieved
IP:  0
CEP:  Bombed Secondary!
Bombing Result:  39
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 21 is a battery of  Type 98 - 20mm
consisting of  12  guns
[16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 2, 10, 8, 27, 18, 17, 32, 47, 63, 77, 81, 75, 71, 77, 92, 94, 84, 84, 66, 65, 68, 52, 0]
[123, 0, 0, 121, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Flak Position 21 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
AA Gun position 21 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Target Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 22 is a battery of  Type 88- 75mm
consisting of  6  guns
[26, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 98, 117, 137, 151, 157, 177, 174, 167, 157, 161, 161, 151, 144, 162, 152, 145, 117, 125, 133]
[43, 0, 0, 0, 49]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Flak Position 22 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
AA Gun position 22 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Target Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 23 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  6  guns
[75, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 67, 64, 83, 97, 103, 98, 115, 112, 132, 129, 126, 93, 92, 96, 99, 95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 75, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  70.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  23  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Approach Flak 279
Approach Fire was extremely proximate! 15  at a bombing height of:  12
The number #1 Salvo caused the following Damage:
Aircraft #1: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Very high Right rear Burst
The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 3
Aircraft #2: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Extreme Right - near friendly plane
The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 0
Aircraft #3: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Far distant left
The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 0
Raw damage on this sector of the flak line is  3  hits!
Current Element:  ['Element C', 'V-47', 'F41234100000047123455', 'V-49', 'F41234100000022123455', 'V-51', 'F41234100000047123455', 'V-53', 'F41234100000063123455', 12, 4]
Element C
The number #2 Salvo caused the following Damage:
Aircraft #1: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Very high Frontal Fusilage
The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 3
Aircraft #2: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Central Burst
The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 0
Aircraft #3: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Center left Burst
The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 0
Aircraft #4: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Frontal Fusilage
The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 0
Raw damage on this sector of the flak line is  3  hits!
Current Element:  ['Element C', 'V-47', 'F41234100000047123455', 'V-49', 'F41234100000022123455', 'V-51', 'F41234100000047123455', 'V-53', 'F41234100000063123455', 12, 4]
Element C
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
This battery is in the 75 deg Line!
AA Gun Position # 24 is a battery of  Type 99 - 88mm
consisting of  6  guns
[54, 67, 63, 61, 69, 82, 83, 102, 113, 121, 114, 121, 114, 111, 106, 93, 80, 86, 95, 92, 75, 78, 88, 72, 75, 78, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, 0]
[85, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position 24 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 25 is a battery of  Type 98 - 20mm
consisting of  6  guns
[49, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 19, 35, 40, 33, 24, 23, 42, 48, 68, 80, 77, 85, 104, 104, 92, 78, 62, 54, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[44, 0, 0, 0, 56]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  25  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Approach Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 26 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  2  guns
[25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 41, 57, 59, 62, 61, 55, 62, 59, 50, 58, 59, 61, 69, 87, 92, 108, 116, 122, 109, 106, 89, 78, 67, 53, 34, 0, 0]
[101, 118, 130, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  150.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  26  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Flak Position 26 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
Approach Flak 308
Target Flak 385
Target Fire was proximate! 274
The number #1 Salvo caused the following Damage:
Aircraft #1: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Very high Frontal Fusilage
The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 5
Aircraft #2: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Extreme Right - near friendly plane
The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 2
Aircraft #3: The Ack Ack shell burst resulted in: Direct Rear
The Ack Ack shell burst caused the following damage: 0
Raw damage on this sector of the flak line is  5  hits!
Current Element:  ['Element C', 'V-47', 'F41234100000047123455', 'V-49', 'F41234100000022123455', 'V-51', 'F41234100000047123455', 'V-53', 'F41234100000063123455', 12, 4]
Element C
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
This battery is in the Flak Box!!
AA Gun Position # 27 is a battery of  Type 98 - 20mm
consisting of  4  guns
[0, 52, 61, 70, 68, 83, 95, 106, 118, 109, 117, 126, 124, 141, 132, 125, 126, 80, 68, 53, 62, 62, 69, 52, 35, 45, 33, 13, 5, 6, 15, 23, 28, 40, 0, 0]
[0, 85, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position 27 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 28 is a battery of  Type 99 - 88mm
consisting of  6  guns
[58, 75, 92, 115, 99, 109, 110, 112, 119, 128, 112, 105, 101, 105, 110, 105, 111, 118, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 35, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  28  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Approach Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 29 is a battery of  Type 99 - 88mm
consisting of  6  guns
[63, 74, 75, 68, 83, 98, 108, 108, 109, 104, 85, 76, 78, 88, 68, 66, 0, 0, 0, 0, 46, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 83, 78, 84, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position 29 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is in the Flak Box!!
AA Gun Position # 30 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  8  guns
[69, 0, 0, 0, 0, 52, 64, 72, 84, 86, 88, 95, 94, 99, 107, 105, 100, 95, 86, 120, 122, 118, 109, 111, 101, 103, 100, 106, 86, 90, 82, 72, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 83, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  60.0  Seconds
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
This battery is in the Flak Box!!
AA Gun Position # 31 is a battery of  Type 99 - 88mm
consisting of  3  guns
[34, 0, 0, 0, 0, 54, 69, 65, 76, 88, 86, 95, 112, 119, 113, 126, 126, 125, 122, 115, 97, 105, 96, 84, 68, 67, 60, 57, 65, 62, 69, 75, 68, 0, 0, 0]
[67, 0, 0, 0, 43]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  31  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Flak Position 31 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
Approach Flak 0
Target Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 32 is a battery of  Type 98 - 20mm
consisting of  4  guns
[54, 56, 54, 60, 61, 77, 95, 107, 118, 117, 111, 108, 122, 116, 135, 136, 117, 111, 121, 123, 128, 112, 100, 97, 102, 111, 97, 82, 81, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[97, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position 32 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 33 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  4  guns
[94, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 133, 127, 133, 0, 0]
[0, 122, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Flak Position 33 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
AA Gun position 33 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Target Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 34 is a battery of  Navy Type 98 100mm
consisting of  1  guns
[72, 69, 72, 124, 124, 130, 125, 132, 142, 126, 127, 125, 117, 123, 111, 113, 117, 106, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 122, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Flak Position 34 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
AA Gun position 34 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Target Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is in the Flak Box!!
AA Gun Position # 35 is a battery of  Type 88- 75mm
consisting of  4  guns
[36, 55, 71, 86, 97, 89, 86, 100, 92, 105, 113, 98, 85, 77, 76, 56, 60, 49, 55, 37, 35, 19, 19, 29, 29, 26, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6]
[110, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  35  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Flak Position 35 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
AA Gun position 35 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Approach Flak 0
[3, 0, 0]
Initial Fire:  1
BIT:  4
Fire Now;  0
Engines;  4
Shot_up_roll 3
Parameter M:  0
Long-term Damage;  1
Guns:  F41234101000052003453
Superficial Damage:  1
VPS:  5
AC Lost:  False
Crew Loss:  ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Lucky Escape', 'C', 'Safe', 'T', 'Lucky Escape', 'B', 'Unlucky Dislocated Shoulder', 'D', 'Safe']
C_ele:  V-47
[0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0]
[0, 5, 0]
Target Flak 0
[1, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0]
[0, 5, 0]
Initial Fire:  0
BIT:  14
Fire Now;  0
Engines;  4
Parameter M:  0
Long-term Damage;  0
Guns:  F41234100000054003453
Superficial Damage:  2
VPS:  7
AC Lost:  False
Crew Loss:  ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Safe', 'C', 'Safe', 'T', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken']
CCT:  ['V-16', True, 'A31204104000011123455', [], 4, 11, 'V-52', False, 'F41234100000003123455', ['E', 'Lucky Escape', 'O', 'Serious Bumped Hand'], 0, 3, 'V-27', False, 'F41234100000052000450', ['E', 'Serious Bumped Head', 'O', 'Lucky Escape', 'C', 'Safe', 'T', 'Severe Needed Assistance', 'B', 'Superficial Bumped Arm', 'D', 'Safe', 'L', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'R', 'Serious Disorientated'], 0, 0, 'V-7', False, 'F41234100000003123455', ['E', 'Severe Needed Assistance', 'O', 'Lucky Escape'], 0, 3, 'V-43', False, 'F41234100000037123455', [], 0, 0, 'V-3', 'Soft landing', 'F41234102000027020402', ['E', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'O', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'C', 'Painful Bumped Hips', 'T', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'B', 'Serious Fall', 'D', 'Painful Bumped Hand', 'L', 'Safe', 'R', 'Lucky Escape', 'A', 'Safe', 'P', 'Safe', 'N', 'Safe', 'I', 'Safe'], 2, 9, 'V-11', False, 'F41234103000051120403', ['E', 'Lucky Escape', 'O', 'Safe', 'C', 'Lucky Escape', 'T', 'Debilitating Sprained Wrist', 'B', 'Safe', 'D', 'Safe', 'L', 'Safe', 'R', 'Safe'], 3, 2, 'V-32', False, 'F41234101000064123455', ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Lucky Escape'], 1, 0, 'V-34', False, 'F41234101000000003453', ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Serious Bumped Chest', 'C', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'T', 'Safe'], 1, 0, 'V-35', False, 'F31204100000033123455', ['E', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'O', 'Painful Disorientated', 'C', 'Safe', 'T', 'Safe', 'B', 'Safe', 'D', 'Safe', 'L', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'R', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'A', 'Lucky Escape', 'P', 'Lucky Escape'], 10, 33, 'V-38', False, 'F41234100000026123404', ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Safe', 'C', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'T', 'Safe'], 0, 6, 'V-13', False, 'F41234100000010123404', ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'C', 'Safe', 'T', 'Safe', 'B', 'Safe', 'D', 'Safe', 'L', 'Superficial lost balance', 'R', 'Safe'], 0, 10, 'V-15', False, 'F41234101000003003453', ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Safe', 'C', 'Superficial Bumped Hand', 'T', 'Safe', 'B', 'Unlucky Foot Injury', 'D', 'Safe', 'L', 'Safe', 'R', 'Lucky Escape'], 1, 3, 'V-47', False, 'F41234101000052003453', ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Lucky Escape', 'C', 'Safe', 'T', 'Lucky Escape', 'B', 'Unlucky Dislocated Shoulder', 'D', 'Safe'], 1, 5]
C_ele:  V-47
Guns:  F41234101000106003453
A_Guns:  F41234101000052003453
B_Guns:  F41234100000054003453
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
[1, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0]
V-47  bombed as Lead Aircraft of  ['Element C', 'V-47', 'F41234100000047123455', 'V-49', 'F41234100000022123455', 'V-51', 'F41234100000047123455', 'V-53', 'F41234100000063123455', 12, 4]  at Bombing Height:  12
Element Received significant Flak:  9  total damage!
ES V-47
EG ['Element C', 'V-47', 'F41234100000047123455', 'V-49', 'F41234100000022123455', 'V-51', 'F41234100000047123455', 'V-53', 'F41234100000063123455', 12, 4]
Heights 12
V-47  bombed with main Element at Bombing Height:  12
Current 'Guns' ACN:  F41234100000086123455
ES V-49
EG ['Element C', 'V-47', 'F41234100000086123455', 'V-49', 'F41234100000022123455', 'V-51', 'F41234100000047123455', 'V-53', 'F41234100000063123455', 12, 4]
Heights 10
V-49  bombed with main Element at Bombing Height:  10
Current 'Guns' ACN:  F41234100000061123455
ES V-51
EG ['Element C', 'V-47', 'F41234100000086123455', 'V-49', 'F41234100000061123455', 'V-51', 'F41234100000047123455', 'V-53', 'F41234100000063123455', 12, 4]
Heights 9
V-51  bombed with main Element at Bombing Height:  9
Current 'Guns' ACN:  F41234100000086123455
ES V-53
EG ['Element C', 'V-47', 'F41234100000086123455', 'V-49', 'F41234100000061123455', 'V-51', 'F41234100000086123455', 'V-53', 'F41234100000063123455', 12, 4]
Heights 11
V-53  bombed with main Element at Bombing Height:  11
Current 'Guns' ACN:  F41234100000102123455
Current Element in ELEMENT GROUP ['Element D', 'V-21', 'F41234100000062123455', 'V-26', 'F41234100000054123455', 'V-31', 'F41234100000030123455', 12, 3]
Current 'Guns' ACN:  Element D
Current Weather:  1
Current Visibility:  0
Number of Elements:  1
Number of Flak Positions: :  35
Visibility for this mission is:  5
This battery is in the 75 deg Line!
AA Gun Position # 1 is a battery of  Type 98 - 20mm
consisting of  6  guns
[58, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 85, 65, 46, 34, 33, 14, 1, 12, 22, 41, 58, 60, 67, 83, 76, 93, 93, 96, 94]
[0, 125, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Flak Position 1 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
AA Gun position 1 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Target Flak 0
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is in the Flak Box!!
AA Gun Position # 2 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  6  guns
[48, 61, 71, 89, 89, 86, 128, 109, 113, 95, 92, 83, 73, 58, 66, 50, 53, 54, 63, 67, 52, 51, 57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 38, 0]
[0, 0, 48, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  2  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Approach Flak 0
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 3 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  4  guns
[128, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 42, 38, 39, 53, 63, 75, 83, 88, 105, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 101, 112, 124]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position 3 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 4 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  4  guns
[32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 24, 31, 44, 54, 56, 57, 56, 69, 65, 81, 72, 87, 105, 91, 94, 81, 75, 70, 54, 49, 56, 53, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 121, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
This battery is in the Flak Box!!
AA Gun Position # 5 is a battery of  Type 88- 75mm
consisting of  6  guns
[109, 98, 94, 82, 69, 51, 44, 47, 54, 64, 67, 57, 42, 38, 19, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0]
[62, 0, 0, 91, 80]
Current Barrage Intensity:  40.0  Seconds
Flak Position 5 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
Target Flak 104
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 6 is a battery of  Type 98 - 20mm
consisting of  6  guns
[20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 81, 85, 77, 77, 97, 95, 103, 97, 113, 133, 139, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 108, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Flak Position 6 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
AA Gun position 6 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Target Flak 0
Bombardier still under control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 7 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  6  guns
[0, 0, 80, 78, 75, 73, 92, 93, 88, 84, 90, 98, 91, 99, 102, 84, 73, 77, 63, 60, 41, 30, 26, 12, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 117, 102, 92]
Current Barrage Intensity:  90.0  Seconds
Flak Position 7 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
AA Gun position 7 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Target Flak 143
Current Lead/Straggler:  V-21
Current Aircraft:  V-53
Nordon_accuracy:  6
Visibility_accuracy:  -6
Bombed by radar!
Drift_accuracy:  -3
Re-Run:  False
Secondary target:  True
Final N ratio:  1
IP NORDON Approach:  0   9
IP NORDON Approach:  1   3
BR_Precision_roll:  0 :  13
BR_Precision_roll:  1 :  14
BR_Precision_roll:  2 :  8
BM[0] 25
Initial reporting accuracy was achieved
IP:  1
CEP:  Bombed Secondary!
Bombing Result:  -188
Departing Flak 95
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 8 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  4  guns
[35, 53, 56, 75, 74, 67, 66, 83, 91, 90, 103, 93, 80, 70, 80, 88, 70, 68, 77, 67, 64, 49, 35, 31, 15, 18, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 26, 0]
[0, 122, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  8  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
AA Gun position 8 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Approach Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 9 is a battery of  Navy Type 96 - 25mm
consisting of  1  guns
[60, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 36, 46, 47, 67, 57, 72, 65, 71, 78, 104, 90, 76, 59, 64, 71, 73, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[124, 133, 0, 0, 81]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  9  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
AA Gun position 9 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Approach Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 10 is a battery of  Type 88- 75mm
consisting of  4  guns
[91, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17, 24, 33, 50, 59, 49, 45, 60, 68, 80, 78, 96, 92, 110, 121, 136, 122, 110, 117, 119, 118, 102, 100, 104, 108, 102]
[0, 106, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
This battery is in the 75 deg Line!
AA Gun Position # 11 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  6  guns
[48, 68, 80, 99, 100, 93, 109, 111, 113, 139, 139, 149, 158, 144, 139, 124, 130, 127, 123, 103, 104, 0, 0, 0, 22, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[106, 0, 0, 0, 83]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  11  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Approach Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
This battery is in the 75 deg Line!
AA Gun Position # 12 is a battery of  Type 98 - 20mm
consisting of  6  guns
[0, 0, 51, 45, 47, 59, 70, 85, 77, 92, 102, 114, 113, 111, 112, 119, 124, 132, 124, 107, 117, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[46, 0, 0, 44, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  40.0  Seconds
Flak Position 12 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
AA Gun position 12 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Target Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is in the 75 deg Line!
AA Gun Position # 13 is a battery of  Type 98 - 20mm
consisting of  6  guns
[112, 93, 74, 72, 80, 88, 89, 81, 88, 89, 72, 72, 73, 71, 52, 33, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2]
[0, 0, 83, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Flak Position 13 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
AA Gun position 13 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Target Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is in the Flak Box!!
AA Gun Position # 14 is a battery of  Type 98 - 20mm
consisting of  6  guns
[48, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 49, 47, 59, 63, 73, 93, 94, 111, 103, 115, 105, 106, 117, 108, 110, 122, 0, 0]
[111, 0, 0, 83, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Flak Position 14 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
Target Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 15 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  3  guns
[42, 55, 65, 63, 55, 53, 58, 76, 70, 69, 79, 83, 92, 117, 99, 102, 95, 84, 77, 76, 85, 87, 69, 51, 43, 33, 38, 20, 0, 0, 0, 23, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[97, 0, 0, 0, 124]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 16 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  6  guns
[57, 49, 51, 55, 69, 87, 102, 119, 138, 141, 145, 137, 108, 114, 112, 108, 97, 96, 81, 69, 70, 76, 83, 78, 58, 57, 42, 28, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 26]
[92, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  16  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
AA Gun position 16 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Approach Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is in the Flak Box!!
AA Gun Position # 17 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  4  guns
[82, 90, 83, 78, 87, 104, 122, 126, 107, 92, 84, 83, 64, 59, 48, 36, 36, 21, 24, 32, 14, 16, 7, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 85]
[81, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  17  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Flak Position 17 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
AA Gun position 17 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Approach Flak 0
Target Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is in the 75 deg Line!
AA Gun Position # 18 is a battery of  Type 4 - 75mm
consisting of  4  guns
[98, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 36, 46, 48, 64, 69, 82, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[85, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  18  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
AA Gun position 18 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Approach Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 19 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  6  guns
[2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 58, 50, 41, 35, 46, 39, 57, 50, 61, 69, 85, 78, 74, 85, 98, 97, 126, 114, 114, 119, 112, 105, 96, 93, 81, 71, 51, 34, 40, 22, 0]
[0, 72, 91, 72, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  70.0  Seconds
Flak Position 19 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
Target Flak 101
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
This battery is in the Flak Box!!
AA Gun Position # 20 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  4  guns
[7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 54, 72, 84, 74, 78, 94, 102, 101, 106, 118, 112, 123, 131, 133, 133, 130, 0, 0]
[0, 90, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 21 is a battery of  Type 98 - 20mm
consisting of  12  guns
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 81, 76, 77, 95, 114, 119, 115, 125, 119, 116, 83, 80, 60, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[113, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
This battery is in the 75 deg Line!
AA Gun Position # 22 is a battery of  Type 88- 75mm
consisting of  6  guns
[84, 90, 87, 95, 92, 84, 102, 108, 110, 117, 83, 92, 97, 77, 64, 71, 76, 84, 90, 73, 79, 88, 74, 64, 65, 67, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 61, 0, 0, 0]
[78, 0, 0, 76, 79]
Current Barrage Intensity:  50.0  Seconds
AA Gun position 22 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 85
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 23 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  6  guns
[100, 112, 103, 121, 125, 133, 115, 95, 84, 64, 47, 32, 12, 15, 11, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 70, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[81, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Flak Position 23 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
AA Gun position 23 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Target Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is in the Flak Box!!
AA Gun Position # 24 is a battery of  Type 99 - 88mm
consisting of  4  guns
[74, 85, 93, 103, 118, 111, 119, 132, 82, 71, 78, 61, 71, 61, 43, 50, 39, 32, 38, 40, 47, 53, 45, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 39, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 97, 123, 111]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position 24 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is in the 75 deg Line!
AA Gun Position # 25 is a battery of  Type 98 - 20mm
consisting of  3  guns
[143, 148, 138, 139, 104, 105, 112, 113, 122, 116, 126, 0, 0, 0, 123, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[109, 0, 0, 118, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  25  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Approach Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
This battery is in the 75 deg Line!
AA Gun Position # 26 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  6  guns
[105, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 30, 23, 14, 27, 42, 57, 64, 64, 71, 78, 74, 73, 90, 110, 101, 138, 122, 131, 128, 115, 101, 107, 0, 0, 0]
[91, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Flak Position 26 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
AA Gun position 26 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Target Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is in the 75 deg Line!
AA Gun Position # 27 is a battery of  Type 98 - 20mm
consisting of  6  guns
[57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 63, 61, 64, 75, 86, 92, 91, 98, 105, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[96, 0, 0, 0, 124]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
This battery is in the Flak Box!!
AA Gun Position # 28 is a battery of  Type 99 - 88mm
consisting of  4  guns
[0, 0, 45, 35, 47, 39, 32, 27, 19, 30, 41, 58, 55, 67, 75, 88, 107, 129, 131, 138, 125, 110, 112, 95, 81, 80, 79, 81, 82, 64, 56, 56, 53, 0, 0, 0]
[99, 0, 0, 0, 67]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  28  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Approach Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
This battery is in the 75 deg Line!
AA Gun Position # 29 is a battery of  Type 99 - 88mm
consisting of  2  guns
[34, 51, 68, 78, 129, 132, 132, 126, 121, 120, 125, 130, 140, 135, 125, 112, 118, 113, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[101, 0, 0, 0, 100]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  29  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Flak Position 29 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
Approach Flak 0
Target Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 30 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  12  guns
[111, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 29, 43, 50, 42, 35, 25, 45, 41, 53, 64, 73, 68, 82, 72, 79, 98, 84, 90, 98, 108, 92, 0, 0]
[85, 0, 0, 89, 79]
Current Barrage Intensity:  80.0  Seconds
AA Gun position 30 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 86
This battery is in the Flak Box!!
AA Gun Position # 31 is a battery of  Type 99 - 88mm
consisting of  2  guns
[73, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 85, 96, 87, 79, 85, 96, 105, 112, 115, 105, 120, 110, 113, 125, 120, 112, 111, 115, 123, 111, 107, 114, 119, 119, 101, 92, 97, 0, 0]
[105, 121, 134, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  31  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
AA Gun position 31 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Approach Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 32 is a battery of  Type 98 - 20mm
consisting of  6  guns
[22, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 9, 6, 13, 9, 16, 36, 39, 57, 65, 74, 79, 87, 91, 111, 126, 119, 112, 116, 116, 106, 97, 89, 86, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 76, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
AA Gun position  32  directed approaching flak against Element:  1
Flak Position 32 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
AA Gun position 32 will direct departing flak against Element: 1
Approach Flak 0
Target Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
Departing Flak 0
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 33 is a battery of  Type 88 - 75mm
consisting of  3  guns
[35, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 90, 108, 125, 128, 126, 127, 127, 129, 138, 129, 137, 139, 131, 124, 109, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 82, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
This battery is in the 75 deg Line!
AA Gun Position # 34 is a battery of  Navy Type 98 100mm
consisting of  4  guns
[91, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 14, 20, 11, 23, 32, 40, 45, 38, 39, 55, 63, 79, 73, 91, 85, 95, 100, 110, 110, 119, 119, 128, 108, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 93, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Flak Position 34 is firing at Element 1 which is on its bomb run!
Target Flak 0
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
This battery is under subordinate control.
AA Gun Position # 35 is a battery of  Type 88- 75mm
consisting of  6  guns
[136, 132, 125, 114, 94, 76, 60, 44, 42, 38, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 59, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[62, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Current Barrage Intensity:  0.0  Seconds
Bombardier has released bombs, Commander regains control of Aircraft!
V-21  bombed as Lead Aircraft of  ['Element D', 'V-21', 'F41234100000062123455', 'V-26', 'F41234100000054123455', 'V-31', 'F41234100000030123455', 12, 3]  at Bombing Height:  12
Element took no Flak.
ES V-21
EG ['Element D', 'V-21', 'F41234100000062123455', 'V-26', 'F41234100000054123455', 'V-31', 'F41234100000030123455', 12, 3]
Heights 12
V-21  bombed with main Element at Bombing Height:  12
Current 'Guns' ACN:  F41234100000000123455
ES V-26
EG ['Element D', 'V-21', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-26', 'F41234100000054123455', 'V-31', 'F41234100000030123455', 12, 3]
Heights 10
V-26  bombed with main Element at Bombing Height:  10
Current 'Guns' ACN:  F41234100000000123455
ES V-31
EG ['Element D', 'V-21', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-26', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-31', 'F41234100000030123455', 12, 3]
Heights 9
V-31  bombed with main Element at Bombing Height:  9
Current 'Guns' ACN:  F41234100000000123455
Total Initial Salvoes:  17
Total Accurate Salvoes:  33
Total Damage inflicted:  44
D Force
Element:  Sqn48 ['I', 0]
Element:  Sqn04 ['E', 2, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Giichiro Inoue', 'Feint', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AA1309M', '4JJZC4A4S', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 16, '1st Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Feint', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 16, 'AA890ZL', 'KJJZC4A3S', 0]]
Element:  Sqn47 ['H', 0]
Element:  Sqn43 ['D', 0]
Element:  Sqn02 ['C', 8, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 9, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Sueo Obayashi', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '#17502M', 'IJJZF4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 1, '1st Lieutenant Tsuneo Torikai', 'Break-off', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '601103M', '5JJZA4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 10, '2nd Lieutenant Shigeru Honjo', 'Break-off', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '077204M', 'IJJZ64AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 7, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Deceptive', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '93420AM', 'ZJJZF4AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 3, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Break-off', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '80230BM', 'UJJZO4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Soft Abort', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '97220CM', 'LJJZA4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Abort', 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Hard Abort', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, -1, 'AC95009', 'NJJZR4AD1', 3], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Intercept', '2nd Lieutenant Eikichi Iwashita', 'Tentative', 'Trained', 0, 0, 12, 'AC720DH', 'BJJZ94AD1', 3]]
Element:  Sqn22 ['C', 3, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Taxiing', 'Senior Corporal Natsume Soseki', 'Hard Abort', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '=0000FM', '0JJZ60AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 6, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '61570GM', 'MJJZI4AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 3, 'Senior Corporal Harukichi Hyakutake', 'Standard', 'Incompetent', 0, 0, 0, '29220HM', 'MJJZ04AD1', 'Target']]
Element:  Sqn05 ['F', 3, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', '16', 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Surprise', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '=0541DM', 'DJJZB4AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 6, 'Senior Major Somo Tatebayashi', 'Feint', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '91451EM', '6JJZL4AB1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 4, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Shusaku ENDO', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '95451FM', '4JJZ54AC1', 'Target']]
Element:  Sqn46 ['G', 0]
Element:  Sqn35 ['F', 2, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 1, 'Senior Sergeant Nashi Obayashi', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '$5670NM', '5JJZI4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 17, 'Junior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Cautious', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 22, 'AB450LR', 'JJJZ64AD1', 2]]
Element:  Sqn31 ['B', 0]
Element:  Sqn40 ['A', 0]
Element:  Sqn10 ['A', 0]
Air to Air Battle Checks
[['Element A', 'V-32', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-34', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-35', 'F31204100000000123455', 'V-38', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-43', 'F41234100000000123455', 12, 5], ['Element B', 'V-11', 'F41234100000000120403', 'V-13', 'F41234100000000123404', 'V-15', 'F41234100000000003453', 12, 3], ['Element C', 'V-47', 'F41234100000086123455', 'V-49', 'F41234100000061123455', 'V-51', 'F41234100000086123455', 'V-53', 'F41234100000102123455', 12, 4], ['Element D', 'V-21', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-26', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-31', 'F41234100000000123455', 12, 3]]
[['V-3', 'Engine Strain!', 1, False, 'Z3: General Engine strain in 2 Engines.'], ['V-11', 'Engine Strain!', 1, False, 'Z3: Excessive strain in starboard outer engine!'], ['V-16', 'Aborted due to Engine difficulties!', 8, True, 'Z6: Engines: 3'], ['V-52', 'Engine Strain Check!', 1, False, 'Z7: Engines: 4'], ['V-27', 'Engine Strain Check!', -4, False, 'Z8: Engines: 4'], ['V-7', 'Engine Strain Check!', 1, False, 'Z9: Engines: 4'], ['V-43', 'Passed Fuel Check!', 0, False, 'Z12: Engines: 4'], ['Lead: V-32', 'First Straggler: None', 'Final Straggler: None', 'Observed E/A: 54', 'Attacking Waves: 15'], ['V-32', 'Air', 0, 'Tony(Ace)', 'No Effect'], ['V-3', 'Air', 3, 'Tony(Ace of Aces)', 'No Effect'], ['V-13', 'Air', 0, 'Frank(Skilled)', 'No Effect'], ['V-49', 'Air', 0, 'Mike(Capable)', 'No Effect'], ['V-3', 'Air', 4, 'Mike(Capable)', 'No Effect'], ['V-31', 'Air', 0, 'Frank(Skilled)', 'No Effect'], ['V-21', 'Air', 0, 'Frank(Skilled)', 'No Effect'], ['V-11', 'Air', 3, 'Frank(Very poor)', 'No Effect'], ['V-32', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', '1', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA4: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-34', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', '0', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA4: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-35', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA4: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-38', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA4: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-43', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA4: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-32', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA4: 3 Salvo!'], ['V-34', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', '2', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA4: 3 Salvo!'], ['V-35', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', '0', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA4: 3 Salvo!'], ['V-38', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', '0', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA4: 3 Salvo!'], ['V-43', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', '0', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA4: 3 Salvo!'], ['V-32', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA4: 4 Salvo!'], ['V-34', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA4: 4 Salvo!'], ['V-35', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA4: 4 Salvo!'], ['V-38', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA4: 4 Salvo!'], ['V-43', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', '2', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA4: 4 Salvo!'], ['V-32', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA19: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-34', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA19: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-35', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', '5', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA19: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-38', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA19: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-43', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA19: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-32', 'Departing Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA19: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-34', 'Departing Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA19: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-35', 'Departing Flak: 12 000 feet.', '13', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA19: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-38', 'Departing Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA19: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-43', 'Departing Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA19: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-11', 'Departing Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA8: 2 Salvo!'], ['V-13', 'Departing Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA8: 2 Salvo!'], ['V-15', 'Departing Flak: 12 000 feet.', '4', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA8: 2 Salvo!'], ['V-11', 'Departing Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA8: 3 Salvo!'], ['V-13', 'Departing Flak: 12 000 feet.', '4', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA8: 3 Salvo!'], ['V-15', 'Departing Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA8: 3 Salvo!'], ['V-11', 'Departing Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA8: 4 Salvo!'], ['V-13', 'Departing Flak: 12 000 feet.', '4', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA8: 4 Salvo!'], ['V-15', 'Departing Flak: 12 000 feet.', '0', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA8: 4 Salvo!'], ['V-47', 'Approach Flak: 12 000 feet.', '3', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA23: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-49', 'Approach Flak: 12 000 feet.', '0', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA23: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-51', 'Approach Flak: 12 000 feet.', '0', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA23: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-53', 'Approach Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA23: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-47', 'Approach Flak: 12 000 feet.', '0', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA23: 2 Salvo!'], ['V-49', 'Approach Flak: 12 000 feet.', '0', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA23: 2 Salvo!'], ['V-51', 'Approach Flak: 12 000 feet.', '0', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA23: 2 Salvo!'], ['V-53', 'Approach Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA23: 2 Salvo!'], ['V-47', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', '0', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA26: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-49', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA26: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-51', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA26: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-53', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', '5', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA26: 1 Salvo!']]
[5, 'V-16', 'X31204104000011123455', 6, True, 'V-52', 'X41234100000000123455', 7, False, 'V-27', 'X41234100000052123455', 8, False, 'V-7', 'X41234100000000123455', 9, False, 'V-3', 'A41234102000027020402', 'Approach Air', 'Soft landing']
[12, 10, 9, 11, 12, 10, 10, 9, 10, 12, 11, 10, 10, 19, 9, 10, 11, 12, 10, 13]
['V-32', [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'B29 Undamaged'], 'V-3', [2, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 'Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi flying an Mike caused light damage!'], 'V-13', [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'B29 Undamaged'], 'V-49', [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'B29 Undamaged'], 'V-31', [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'B29 Undamaged'], 'V-21', [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'B29 Undamaged'], 'V-11', [1, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko flying an Frank caused light damage!']]
Departing Air
Air-To-Air:  0
Totaled offensive fire:  0
Totaled Effective attacks:  0
Totaled Damaged B29s:  0
Destroyed B29:  0
Totaled Defensive Heavy/Pilot Loss:  0  /  0
Totaled Defensive Probable/Pilot Injury:  0  /  0
Totaled Defensive Damaged:  0
Totaled Ineffective attacks:  0
A Force
Element:  Sqn40 ['A', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 17, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Masahiko Sasahara', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 17, '0035', '1JJZA4AD1', 0]]
Element:  Sqn47 ['H', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 15, 'Senior Major Takeo Takahashi', 'Standard', 'Capable', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 18, '0222', 'HJJZF4AB1', 2]]
Element:  Sqn10 ['A', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 12, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Competent', 0, 0, 15, '0052', 'BJJZL4AA1', 0]]
Element:  Sqn43 ['D', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 17, '2nd Lieutenant Higashikuni Morihiro', 'Deceptive', 'Trained', 0, 0, 15, '0091', 'IJJZ94AA1', 0]]
Element:  Sqn02 ['C', 1, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Abort', 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Hard Abort', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, -1, '0304', 'NJJZR4AD1', 3]]
Element:  Sqn22 ['C', 1, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Intercept', '2nd Lieutenant Eikichi Iwashita', 'Tentative', 'Trained', 0, 0, 12, '0361', 'BJJZ94AD1', 3]]
Element:  Sqn35 ['F', 1, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 17, 'Junior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Cautious', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 22, '0248', 'JJJZ64AD1', 2]]
Element:  Sqn05 ['F', 1, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Intercept', 'Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko', 'Standard', 'Very poor', '3 Hits!', 'No Effect', 11, '0282', 'QJJZ34AB1', 2]]
Element:  Sqn48 ['I', 2, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 15, 'Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi', 'Surprise', 'Capable', '4 Hits!', 'No Effect', 15, '0236', 'FJJZF4AB1', 2], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 'Intercept', 'Junior Sergeant Tetsujiro Tanaka', 'Surprise', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 8, 'AA160TM', 'MJJZ34AA1', 'Target']]
Element:  Sqn31 ['B', 2, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 9, 'Warrant Officer Takeo Iwaguro', 'Special', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 14, '0184', 'VJJZC4AC1', 1], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 23, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Ace', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 25, '0074', 'HJJZL4AD1', 0]]
Element:  Sqn12 ['C', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 21, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Aggressive', 'Ace of Aces', '3 Hits!', 'No Effect', 22, '0166', 'VJJZD4AA1', 1]]
Element:  Sqn04 ['E', 1, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 16, '1st Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Feint', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 16, '0093', 'KJJZC4AA1', 0]]
Element:  Sqn32 ['C', 1, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 21, '2nd Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Unorthodox', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 21, '0178', 'YJJZO4AA1', 1]]
Element:  Sqn11 ['B', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 9, '1st Lieutenant Michihiro Sugawara', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 17, '0086', 'EJJZE4AA1', 0]]
Element:  Sqn46 ['G', 1, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 14, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Skilled', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 19, '0165', 'ZJJZC4AA1', 1]]
B Force
E Force
D Force
Element:  Sqn48 ['I', 2, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 20, 'Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi', 'Surprise', 'Capable', '4 Hits!', 'No Effect', 20, '01610SK', 'FJJZF4AAN', 1], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 13, 'Junior Sergeant Tetsujiro Tanaka', 'Surprise', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 13, '01410TD', 'MJJZ34AAP', 1]]
Element:  Sqn04 ['E', 6, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 22, 'Warrant Officer Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 22, '014006M', 'XJJZB4AAG', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 22, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Tetsuo Sasaki', 'Hard Abort', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, '019607M', '5JJZ04AAM', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 22, 'Senior Corporal Kobayashi Nagai', 'Aggressive', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, '015508M', 'VJJZI4AAO', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Giichiro Inoue', 'Feint', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AA1309M', '4JJZC4A4S', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 22, 'Senior Sergeant Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 22, '013210M', 'NJJZ54AAJ', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 16, '1st Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Feint', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 16, 'AA890ZL', 'KJJZC4A3S', 0]]
Element:  Sqn47 ['H', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 23, 'Senior Major Takeo Takahashi', 'Standard', 'Capable', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 23, '015311N', 'HJJZF4AAR', 1]]
Element:  Sqn43 ['D', 2, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Special', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 22, '02221LM', 'KJJZ74ABG', 2], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 20, '2nd Lieutenant Higashikuni Morihiro', 'Deceptive', 'Trained', 0, 0, 20, '01271KK', 'IJJZ94A3T', 1]]
Element:  Sqn02 ['C', 11, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 22, 'Warrant Officer Takuma Shimoyama', 'Tentative', 'Capable', 0, 0, 22, '026001M', 'BJJZF4ABM', 2], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 9, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Sueo Obayashi', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '#17502M', 'IJJZF4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 1, '1st Lieutenant Tsuneo Torikai', 'Break-off', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '601103M', '5JJZA4AA1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 10, '2nd Lieutenant Shigeru Honjo', 'Break-off', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '077204M', 'IJJZ64AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 7, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Deceptive', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '93420AM', 'ZJJZF4AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 3, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Break-off', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '80230BM', 'UJJZO4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Soft Abort', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '97220CM', 'LJJZA4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 'Abort', 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Hard Abort', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, -1, 'AC95009', 'NJJZR4AD1', 3], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Intercept', '2nd Lieutenant Eikichi Iwashita', 'Tentative', 'Trained', 0, 0, 12, 'AC720DH', 'BJJZ94AD1', 3], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 27, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Aggressive', 'Ace of Aces', '3 Hits!', 'No Effect', 27, '01771MR', 'VJJZD4AA1', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 26, '2nd Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Unorthodox', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 26, '01540JQ', 'YJJZO4AA1', 1]]
Element:  Sqn22 ['C', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 22, 'Senior Corporal Tetsuji Giga', 'Break-off', 'Poor', 0, 0, 22, '03670EM', 'MJJZ64ACH', 3], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 'Taxiing', 'Senior Corporal Natsume Soseki', 'Hard Abort', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, '=0000FM', '0JJZ60AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 6, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '61570GM', 'MJJZI4AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 3, 'Senior Corporal Harukichi Hyakutake', 'Standard', 'Incompetent', 0, 0, 0, '29220HM', 'MJJZ04AD1', 'Target']]
Element:  Sqn05 ['F', 5, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 22, 'Senior Captain Kentaro Takatsuka', 'Aggressive', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 22, '01671BM', 'XJJZC4A4I', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 22, 'Senior Captain Tsuneo Torikai', 'Aggressive', 'Competent', 0, 0, 22, '02501CM', '3JJZL4ABP', 2], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', '16', 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Surprise', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '=0541DM', 'DJJZB4AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 6, 'Senior Major Somo Tatebayashi', 'Feint', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '91451EM', '6JJZL4AB1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 4, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Shusaku ENDO', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '95451FM', '4JJZ54AC1', 'Target']]
Element:  Sqn46 ['G', 1, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 24, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Skilled', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 24, '01060WO', 'ZJJZC4A4J', 1]]
Element:  Sqn35 ['F', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, '2nd Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 22, '02350MM', 'RJJZG4ABO', 2], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 1, 'Senior Sergeant Nashi Obayashi', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '$5670NM', '5JJZI4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 17, 'Junior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Cautious', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 22, 'AB450LR', 'JJJZ64AD1', 2], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 16, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko', 'Standard', 'Very poor', '3 Hits!', 'No Effect', 16, '02651AG', 'QJJZ34AB1', 2]]
Element:  Sqn31 ['B', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, 'Warrant Officer Toru Shinomiya', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, '02161IM', 'JJJZ84ABS', 2], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 19, 'Warrant Officer Takeo Iwaguro', 'Special', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 19, '01771HJ', 'VJJZC4A4G', 1], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 30, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Ace', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 30, '01481JU', 'HJJZL4A3U', 1], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 22, '1st Lieutenant Michihiro Sugawara', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, '017414M', 'EJJZE4A3N', 1]]
Element:  Sqn40 ['A', 3, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Major Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '152213M', 'HJJZO4AB1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 22, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Masahiko Sasahara', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, '042912M', '1JJZA4AD1', 4], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 20, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Competent', 0, 0, 20, '01480PK', 'BJJZL4AA1', 1]]
Element:  Sqn10 ['A', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 22, '2nd Lieutenant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Cautious', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 22, '01110QM', 'SJJZJ4AA1', 1]]
Removed Elements
Air Defence Size:  12
Gridline:  001234ABCD567899
Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone!  10
Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone!  3
Take-off 0JJZ60AC1
Taking-off KJJZ64AC1
Senior Corporal Natsume Soseki  took  2 minutes  to reach  0  000 feet!
Aircraft reaches Main Combat Zone!  10
Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone!  0
Aircraft approaches Main Combat Zone!  -11
Final Tactical Movement:  60
Tactical Time:  60  seconds in the  Naval  dimension.
-1: Mike0S  9
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D14 will attempt to stave off Mike0S
Mike  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
0 1 [(0, 2), (1, 3)]
-1: Mike0T  9
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Mike  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
0 1 [(0, 2), (1, 3)]
-1: Frank06  9
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D14  will attempt to stave off  Frank06
Frank06 100 4 29 0600 9
P-51D14 68.13045426307241 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  5  fighters!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D14  will attempt to stave off  Frank06
Frank06 100 4 29 0600 9
P-51D14 68.13045426307241 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  5  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
No Intercept!
Frank  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
0 1 [(0, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5)]
-1: Dinah07  9
Possible interception by P-51s in: (0, 0) !!!
Escort: None
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0E will attempt to stave off Dinah07
Attackers diverted!
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D27 will attempt to stave off Dinah07
Dogfight underway!
P-51D27 has taken off successfully with 1 engines working.
Dinah07has failed to take off
(10, 7370, 72, 356, 426)
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0E will attempt to stave off Dinah07
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D27 will attempt to stave off Dinah07
Attackers diverted!
Dinah  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
0 1 [(0, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5)]
-1: Dinah08  9
Possible interception by P-51s in: (0, 0) !!!
Escort: None
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D14  will attempt to stave off  Dinah08
Dinah08 100 4 23 3200 9
P-51D14 68.13045426307241 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  5  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D14  will attempt to stave off  Dinah08
Dinah08 100 4 23 3200 9
P-51D14 68.13045426307241 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  5  fighters!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
No Intercept!
No Intercept!
Dinah  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
0 1 [(0, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5)]
-1: Dinah09  9
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0O  will attempt to stave off  Dinah09
Dinah09 100 4 23 3200 9
P-51D0O 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  5  fighters!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0O  will attempt to stave off  Dinah09
Dogfight underway!
P-51D0O has taken off successfully with 1 engines working.
Dinah09 has taken off successfully with 1 engines working.
Check Quad / Inner
Dinah attacks P-51D with 4.77 damage
Dinah09 fires, 5 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 95.23
DinahDinah09   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Dinah attacks P-51D with 2.43 damage
Dinah09 fires, 4 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 92.79
DinahDinah09   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Dinah with 3.27 damage
P-51D0O fires, 5 gun positions remaining
Dinah's health is now 96.73
P-51DP-51D0O   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Dinah with 5.57 damage
P-51D0O fires, 4 gun positions remaining
Dinah's health is now 91.16
P-51DP-51D0O   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Dinah attacks P-51D with 4.63 damage
Dinah09 fires, 3 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 88.17
DinahDinah09   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Dinah attacks P-51D with 4.52 damage
Dinah09 fires, 2 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 83.65
DinahDinah09   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Dinah attacks P-51D with 0.17 damage
Dinah09 fires, 1 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 83.47
DinahDinah09   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Dinah with 2.79 damage
P-51D0O fires, 3 gun positions remaining
Dinah's health is now 88.38
P-51DP-51D0O   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Dinah attacks P-51D with 4.58 damage
Dinah09 fires, 0 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 78.89
DinahDinah09   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Dinah attacks P-51D with 0.22 damage
Dinah09 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 78.67
DinahDinah09   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Dinah with 2.31 damage
P-51D0O fires, 2 gun positions remaining
Dinah's health is now 86.07
P-51DP-51D0O   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Dinah attacks P-51D with 5.81 damage
Dinah09 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 72.86
DinahDinah09   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Dinah attacks P-51D with 5.06 damage
Dinah09 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 67.81
DinahDinah09   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Dinah attacks P-51D with 4.32 damage
Dinah09 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 63.49
DinahDinah09   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Dinah with 4.72 damage
P-51D0O fires, 1 gun positions remaining
Dinah's health is now 81.35
P-51DP-51D0O   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Dinah with 4.63 damage
P-51D0O fires, 0 gun positions remaining
Dinah's health is now 76.71
P-51DP-51D0O   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Dinah attacks P-51D with 1.98 damage
Dinah09 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 61.51
DinahDinah09   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Dinah with 3.14 damage
P-51D0O has no working gun positions
Dinah's health is now 73.58
P-51DP-51D0O   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Dinah attacks P-51D with 0.73 damage
Dinah09 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 60.78
DinahDinah09   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Dinah with 0.92 damage
P-51D0O has no working gun positions
Dinah's health is now 72.65
P-51DP-51D0O   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Dinah with 4.52 damage
P-51D0O has no working gun positions
Dinah's health is now 68.13
P-51DP-51D0O   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Dinah with 5.34 damage
P-51D0O has no working gun positions
Dinah's health is now 62.79
P-51DP-51D0O   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Dinah attacks P-51D with 2.20 damage
Dinah09 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 58.58
DinahDinah09   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Dinah with 4.49 damage
P-51D0O has no working gun positions
Dinah's health is now 58.30
P-51DP-51D0O   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Dinah with 5.23 damage
P-51D0O has no working gun positions
Dinah's health is now 53.08
P-51DP-51D0O   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Dinah attacks P-51D with 2.46 damage
Dinah09 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 56.12
DinahDinah09   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Dinah with 4.63 damage
P-51D0O has no working gun positions
Dinah's health is now 48.45
P-51DP-51D0O   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Dinah attacks P-51D with 5.73 damage
Dinah09 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 50.38
DinahDinah09   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Dinah with 1.89 damage
P-51D0O has no working gun positions
Dinah's health is now 46.56
P-51DP-51D0O   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Dinah attacks P-51D with 1.89 damage
Dinah09 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 48.50
DinahDinah09   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Dinah with 2.53 damage
P-51D0O has no working gun positions
Dinah's health is now 44.03
P-51DP-51D0O   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Dinah attacks P-51D with 4.81 damage
Dinah09 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 43.68
DinahDinah09   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Dinah with 0.00 damage
P-51D0O has no working gun positions
Dinah's health is now 44.03
P-51DP-51D0O   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Dinah with 5.04 damage
P-51D0O has no working gun positions
Dinah's health is now 38.99
P-51DP-51D0O   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Dinah with 2.71 damage
P-51D0O has no working gun positions
Dinah's health is now 36.28
P-51DP-51D0O   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Dinah has evaded.
36.281250751350676 remaining.
Dinah  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A 4
A A [(6, 6), (6, 5)]
-1: Tony10  9
Possible interception by P-51s in: (0, 0) !!!
Escort: None
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D14 will attempt to stave off Tony10
Attackers diverted!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D14  will attempt to stave off  Tony10
Tony10 100 4 25 0600 9
P-51D14 68.13045426307241 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  5  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
No Intercept!
Tony  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
0 1 [(0, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5)]
-1: Frank0Z  9
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
No Intercept!
No Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D0O will attempt to stave off Frank0Z
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0E will attempt to stave off Frank0Z
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D27 will attempt to stave off Frank0Z
Frank  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A 3
A A [(6, 6), (6, 5), (6, 4)]
-1: Mike11  9
Possible interception by P-51s in: (0, 0) !!!
Escort: None
Missed Distant Intercept!
Mike  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
0 1 [(0, 2), (1, 3)]
-1: Tojo1L  9
-1: Mike1K  9
-1: Frank01  9
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D14  will attempt to stave off  Frank01
Attackers diverted!
Frank01 100 4 29 0600 9
P-51D14 68.13045426307241 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  10  fighters!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
No Intercept!
Frank  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A B
0 2 [(0, 3), (1, 4), (2, 4), (3, 5), (4, 6)]
-1: Frank02  2
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 5
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0K  will attempt to stave off  Frank02
Dogfight underway!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Frank02 has taken off successfully with 1 engines working.
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.18 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 94.82
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 5.13 damage
Frank02 fires, 5 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 76.79
FrankFrank02   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 3.12 damage
Frank02 fires, 4 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 73.67
FrankFrank02   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.50 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 89.32
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 4.69 damage
Frank02 fires, 3 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 68.99
FrankFrank02   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 3.94 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 85.38
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 2.50 damage
Frank02 fires, 2 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 66.49
FrankFrank02   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.82 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 79.56
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 4.24 damage
Frank02 fires, 1 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 62.25
FrankFrank02   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 5.95 damage
Frank02 fires, 0 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 56.30
FrankFrank02   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.88 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 73.68
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.39 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 68.30
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 3.06 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 65.24
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 4.86 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 60.38
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 1.15 damage
Frank02 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 55.16
FrankFrank02   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.66 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 54.72
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.93 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 48.79
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 0.34 damage
Frank02 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 54.81
FrankFrank02   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 0.91 damage
Frank02 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 53.91
FrankFrank02   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 1.37 damage
Frank02 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 52.53
FrankFrank02   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 4.35 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 44.44
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 5.05 damage
Frank02 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 47.48
FrankFrank02   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 0.68 damage
Frank02 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 46.80
FrankFrank02   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
frontal attack
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 1.19 damage
Frank02 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 45.61
FrankFrank02   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 3.35 damage
Frank02 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 42.26
FrankFrank02   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 2.72 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 41.72
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 1.56 damage
Frank02 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 40.70
FrankFrank02   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 0.28 damage
Frank02 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 40.43
FrankFrank02   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 1.83 damage
Frank02 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 38.60
FrankFrank02   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 0.02 damage
Frank02 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 38.58
FrankFrank02   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 5.07 damage
Frank02 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 33.51
FrankFrank02   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 4.02 damage
Frank02 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 29.49
FrankFrank02   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 4.51 damage
Frank02 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 24.97
FrankFrank02   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 1.64 damage
Frank02 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 23.34
FrankFrank02   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 0.49 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 41.23
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 4.96 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 36.27
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 4.98 damage
P-51D0K has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 31.29
P-51DP-51D0K   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 4.51 damage
Frank02 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 18.83
FrankFrank02   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 5.06 damage
Frank02 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 13.77
FrankFrank02   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 2.58 damage
Frank02 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 11.19
FrankFrank02   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 5.69 damage
Frank02 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 5.50
FrankFrank02   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 2.44 damage
Frank02 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 3.06
FrankFrank02   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 5.70 damage
Frank02 has no working gun positions
P-51D has been shot down!
FrankFrank02   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 5
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0K  will attempt to stave off  Frank02
Frank02 31.28552205494198 4 29 0600 9
P-51D0K -2.635993484358476 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  10  fighters!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D2H  will attempt to stave off  Frank02
Frank02 31.28552205494198 4 29 0600 9
P-51D2H 19.522173810808155 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  10  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 5
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0K will attempt to stave off Frank02
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D2H  will attempt to stave off  Frank02
Frank02 31.28552205494198 4 29 0600 9
P-51D2H 19.522173810808155 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  10  fighters!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (8, 4) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 5
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0K will attempt to stave off Frank02
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D2H will attempt to stave off Frank02
Attackers diverted!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 7) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn 0
No Intercept!
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1T will attempt to stave off Frank02
Frank  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A C
5 1 [(7, 2), (7, 3), (7, 4), (7, 5), (6, 6)]
-1: Frank03  51
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (9, 3) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 4
No Intercept!
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D29 will attempt to stave off Frank03
Dogfight underway!
P-51D29 has taken off successfully with 1 engines working.
Frank03 has taken off successfully with 1 engines working.
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 1.84 damage
Frank03 fires, 5 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 98.16
FrankFrank03   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 0.06 damage
Frank03 fires, 4 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 98.09
FrankFrank03   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 2.58 damage
Frank03 fires, 3 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 95.51
FrankFrank03   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 5.75 damage
Frank03 fires, 2 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 89.77
FrankFrank03   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 4.64 damage
P-51D29 fires, 5 gun positions remaining
Frank's health is now 95.36
P-51DP-51D29   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.97 damage
P-51D29 fires, 4 gun positions remaining
Frank's health is now 89.39
P-51DP-51D29   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 1.61 damage
P-51D29 fires, 3 gun positions remaining
Frank's health is now 87.78
P-51DP-51D29   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 0.84 damage
Frank03 fires, 1 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 88.92
FrankFrank03   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.39 damage
P-51D29 fires, 2 gun positions remaining
Frank's health is now 82.39
P-51DP-51D29   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 3.44 damage
Frank03 fires, 0 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 85.48
FrankFrank03   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 5.13 damage
Frank03 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 80.36
FrankFrank03   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 5.27 damage
Frank03 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 75.09
FrankFrank03   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.00 damage
P-51D29 fires, 1 gun positions remaining
Frank's health is now 77.39
P-51DP-51D29   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 0.04 damage
Frank03 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 75.04
FrankFrank03   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 0.05 damage
P-51D29 fires, 0 gun positions remaining
Frank's health is now 77.35
P-51DP-51D29   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 3.01 damage
Frank03 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 72.03
FrankFrank03   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 1.78 damage
Frank03 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 70.25
FrankFrank03   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.17 damage
P-51D29 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 72.18
P-51DP-51D29   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 4.60 damage
P-51D29 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 67.58
P-51DP-51D29   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 3.56 damage
P-51D29 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 64.03
P-51DP-51D29   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 2.82 damage
Frank03 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 67.43
FrankFrank03   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 4.23 damage
Frank03 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 63.20
FrankFrank03   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 4.33 damage
P-51D29 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 59.69
P-51DP-51D29   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 2.37 damage
P-51D29 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 57.32
P-51DP-51D29   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 3.78 damage
P-51D29 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 53.54
P-51DP-51D29   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 3.93 damage
P-51D29 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 49.62
P-51DP-51D29   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 4.80 damage
P-51D29 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 44.82
P-51DP-51D29   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 0.94 damage
P-51D29 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 43.88
P-51DP-51D29   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 2.93 damage
Frank03 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 60.27
FrankFrank03   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 0.52 damage
P-51D29 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 43.36
P-51DP-51D29   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 1.07 damage
P-51D29 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 42.29
P-51DP-51D29   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 0.18 damage
Frank03 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 60.09
FrankFrank03   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 2.11 damage
P-51D29 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 40.18
P-51DP-51D29   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 1.93 damage
P-51D29 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 38.25
P-51DP-51D29   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 1.28 damage
P-51D29 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 36.97
P-51DP-51D29   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 5.27 damage
Frank03 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 54.82
FrankFrank03   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 3.05 damage
P-51D29 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 33.92
P-51DP-51D29   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 4.80 damage
P-51D29 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 29.13
P-51DP-51D29   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 0.77 damage
Frank03 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 54.05
FrankFrank03   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 0.40 damage
P-51D29 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 28.72
P-51DP-51D29   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 5.59 damage
Frank03 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 48.45
FrankFrank03   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 4.84 damage
Frank03 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 43.62
FrankFrank03   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 1.86 damage
P-51D29 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 26.86
P-51DP-51D29   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 0.59 damage
Frank03 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 43.03
FrankFrank03   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 0.67 damage
P-51D29 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 26.19
P-51DP-51D29   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 4.63 damage
P-51D29 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 21.56
P-51DP-51D29   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 1.35 damage
P-51D29 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 20.21
P-51DP-51D29   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 0.28 damage
Frank03 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 42.75
FrankFrank03   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 2.14 damage
Frank03 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 40.61
FrankFrank03   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 4.03 damage
P-51D29 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 16.18
P-51DP-51D29   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 0.89 damage
P-51D29 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 15.29
P-51DP-51D29   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 1.33 damage
P-51D29 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 13.97
P-51DP-51D29   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 0.30 damage
P-51D29 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 13.67
P-51DP-51D29   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 1.29 damage
P-51D29 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 12.38
P-51DP-51D29   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 2.41 damage
Frank03 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 38.20
FrankFrank03   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 1.91 damage
Frank03 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 36.29
FrankFrank03   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 5.33 damage
Frank03 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 30.96
FrankFrank03   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 5.37 damage
Frank03 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 25.59
FrankFrank03   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.39 damage
P-51D29 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 6.99
P-51DP-51D29   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 3.42 damage
Frank03 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 22.16
FrankFrank03   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 3.71 damage
Frank03 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 18.45
FrankFrank03   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 2.68 damage
P-51D29 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 4.31
P-51DP-51D29   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 4.36 damage
Frank03 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 14.09
FrankFrank03   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.32 damage
P-51D29 has no working gun positions
Frank has been shot down!
P-51DP-51D29   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 5
No Intercept!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D2H  will attempt to stave off  Frank03
Frank03 -1.0088423173812666 4 29 0600 9
P-51D2H 19.522173810808155 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  10  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 5
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0K will attempt to stave off Frank03
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 5
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0K will attempt to stave off Frank03
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D2H  will attempt to stave off  Frank03
Frank03 -1.0088423173812666 4 29 0600 9
P-51D2H 19.522173810808155 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  10  fighters!
Frank  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
6 0 [(8, 0), (8, 1), (7, 2), (7, 3), (7, 4)]
-1: Mike04  52
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 12) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn 0
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Mike04
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 9) !!!
Escort: 72 Sqn A
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D19  will attempt to stave off  Mike04
Mike04 100 4 27 0600 9
P-51D19 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  5  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  10  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 9) !!!
Escort: 72 Sqn A
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D19 will attempt to stave off Mike04
Attackers diverted!
Mike  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A C
0 7 [(0, 12), (1, 11), (2, 11), (3, 10), (4, 9)]
-1: Tony0A  50
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (9, 6) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn 1
No Intercept!
No Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (8, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn C
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (8, 7) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 2
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0A will attempt to stave off Tony0A
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Tony0A
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 2
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0A will attempt to stave off Tony0A
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Tony0A
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D23 will attempt to stave off Tony0A
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 2
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0A  will attempt to stave off  Tony0A
Tony0A 100 4 25 0600 9
P-51D0A 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  10  fighters!
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Tony0A
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D23 will attempt to stave off Tony0A
Tony  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A D
9 3 [(11, 4), (10, 5), (9, 6), (8, 7), (7, 8), (6, 9)]
-1: Dinah0B  48
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (9, 3) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 4
No Intercept!
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D29 will attempt to stave off Dinah0B
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D2D  will attempt to stave off  Dinah0B
Dinah0B 100 4 23 3200 9
P-51D2D 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  10  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (8, 4) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 5
No Intercept!
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D2H will attempt to stave off Dinah0B
Dinah  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A C
8 0 [(10, 0), (10, 1), (9, 2), (9, 3), (8, 4)]
-1: Tojo0C  52
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (9, 12) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn: 0
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Tojo0C
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D1L  will attempt to stave off  Tojo0C
Tojo0C 100 4 23 0600 9
P-51D1L 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  10  fighters!
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D1P will attempt to stave off Tojo0C
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 12) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn B
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1F will attempt to stave off Tojo0C
Possible interception by P-51s in: (9, 9) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 7
No Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 2
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0A will attempt to stave off Tojo0C
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D1Z  will attempt to stave off  Tojo0C
Tojo0C 100 4 23 0600 9
P-51D1Z 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  10  fighters!
No Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
No Intercept!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D27  will attempt to stave off  Tojo0C
Tojo0C 100 4 23 0600 9
P-51D27 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  10  fighters!
Tojo  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A C
9 7 [(11, 12), (10, 11), (9, 10), (8, 10), (7, 9), (6, 8)]
-1: Frank00  50
-1: Dinah0D  50
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0E will attempt to stave off Dinah0D
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D27  will attempt to stave off  Dinah0D
Attackers diverted!
Dinah0D 100 4 23 3200 9
P-51D27 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  10  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 2
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D0A will attempt to stave off Dinah0D
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Dinah0D
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D23  will attempt to stave off  Dinah0D
Dinah0D 100 4 23 3200 9
P-51D23 87.23717638328033 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  10  fighters!
Dinah  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A D
A C [(6, 8), (6, 9)]
-1: Tony1M  32
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D14  will attempt to stave off  Tony1M
Tony1M 100 4 25 0600 9
P-51D14 68.13045426307241 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  10  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D16  will attempt to stave off  Tony1M
Attackers diverted!
Tony1M 100 4 25 0600 9
P-51D16 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  2  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  10  fighters!
Tony  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
0 1 [(0, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5)]
-1: Tojo0J  36
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D14  will attempt to stave off  Tojo0J
Tojo0J 100 4 23 0600 9
P-51D14 68.13045426307241 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  10  fighters!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D16  will attempt to stave off  Tojo0J
Tojo0J 100 4 23 0600 9
P-51D16 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  2  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  10  fighters!
Tojo  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
0 1 [(0, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5)]
-1: Dinah0E  9
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D14  will attempt to stave off  Dinah0E
Dinah0E 100 4 23 3200 9
P-51D14 68.13045426307241 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
Dinah  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A C
0 3 [(0, 4), (1, 5)]
-1: Dinah0F  7
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 12) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0E  will attempt to stave off  Dinah0F
Dinah0F 100 4 23 3200 9
P-51D0E 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 2
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D0A will attempt to stave off Dinah0F
Attackers diverted!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D1Z  will attempt to stave off  Dinah0F
Dinah0F 100 4 23 3200 9
P-51D1Z 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D23 will attempt to stave off Dinah0F
Dinah  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A C
5 6 [(7, 11), (7, 10)]
-1: Dinah0G  50
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (8, 4) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 5
No Intercept!
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D2H will attempt to stave off Dinah0G
Dinah  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A D
6 1 [(8, 2), (8, 3)]
-1: Dinah0H  50
Possible interception by P-51s in: (4, 14) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 4
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0G will attempt to stave off Dinah0H
No Intercept!
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D2D will attempt to stave off Dinah0H
Attackers diverted!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 12) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn 0
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D04  will attempt to stave off  Dinah0H
Dinah0H 100 4 23 3200 9
P-51D04 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D1T  will attempt to stave off  Dinah0H
Dinah0H 100 4 23 3200 9
P-51D1T 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
Dinah  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A D
2 9 [(3, 14), (4, 13)]
-1: Frank1B  9
-1: Frank1C  9
-1: Dinah1D  9
-1: Frank0W  9
Possible interception by P-51s in: (0, 0) !!!
Escort: None
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Frank  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A 4
0 1 [(0, 2), (1, 2)]
-1: Tojo0M  9
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D16 will attempt to stave off Tojo0M
Attackers diverted!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D16 will attempt to stave off Tojo0M
Attackers diverted!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Tojo  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A B
0 2 [(0, 3), (1, 4), (2, 4), (3, 5)]
-1: Tojo0L  49
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
No Intercept!
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D27 will attempt to stave off Tojo0L
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 7) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn 0
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Tojo0L
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1T will attempt to stave off Tojo0L
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 7) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn 0
No Intercept!
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1T will attempt to stave off Tojo0L
Attackers diverted!
Tojo  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A D
A B [(6, 7), (6, 8), (6, 9)]
-1: Frank1A  49
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D16 will attempt to stave off Frank1A
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D14  will attempt to stave off  Frank1A
Frank1A 100 4 29 0600 9
P-51D14 68.13045426307241 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D14  will attempt to stave off  Frank1A
Frank1A 100 4 29 0600 9
P-51D14 68.13045426307241 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
Frank  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A B
0 2 [(0, 3), (1, 4), (2, 4), (3, 5)]
-1: Tojo1I  9
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D16  will attempt to stave off  Tojo1I
Tojo1I 100 4 23 0600 9
P-51D16 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  2  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D16 will attempt to stave off Tojo1I
Dogfight underway!
P-51D16 has taken off successfully with 1 engines working.
Tojo1I has taken off successfully with 1 engines working.
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tojo with 4.95 damage
P-51D16 fires, 5 gun positions remaining
Tojo's health is now 95.05
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Tojo attacks P-51D with 0.81 damage
Tojo1I fires, 5 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 99.19
TojoTojo1I   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tojo with 0.56 damage
P-51D16 fires, 4 gun positions remaining
Tojo's health is now 94.49
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tojo with 0.47 damage
P-51D16 fires, 3 gun positions remaining
Tojo's health is now 94.02
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tojo with 3.75 damage
P-51D16 fires, 2 gun positions remaining
Tojo's health is now 90.28
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tojo with 5.06 damage
P-51D16 fires, 1 gun positions remaining
Tojo's health is now 85.21
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tojo with 1.82 damage
P-51D16 fires, 0 gun positions remaining
Tojo's health is now 83.39
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tojo with 5.26 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Tojo's health is now 78.13
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Tojo has evaded.
78.13043988481299 remaining.
Tojo  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A B
0 2 [(0, 3), (1, 4), (2, 4), (3, 5), (4, 6)]
-1: Tojo1H  9
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D14 will attempt to stave off Tojo1H
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D16 will attempt to stave off Tojo1H
Tojo  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A 4
0 1 [(0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 3), (4, 4)]
-1: Tony1J  9
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D14  will attempt to stave off  Tony1J
Tony1J 80.55106039814757 4 25 0600 9
P-51D14 68.13045426307241 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D14  will attempt to stave off  Tony1J
Tony1J 80.55106039814757 4 25 0600 9
P-51D14 68.13045426307241 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
No Intercept!
Tony  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A 3
0 1 [(0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 3), (4, 3)]
-1: Tony14  9
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D14  will attempt to stave off  Tony14
Tony14 100 4 25 0600 9
P-51D14 68.13045426307241 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D14  will attempt to stave off  Tony14
Tony14 100 4 25 0600 9
P-51D14 68.13045426307241 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
Tony  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A 3
0 1 [(0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 3), (4, 3)]
-1: Mike13  5
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 9) !!!
Escort: 72 Sqn A
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D19 will attempt to stave off Mike13
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 9) !!!
Escort: 72 Sqn A
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D19 will attempt to stave off Mike13
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 9) !!!
Escort: 72 Sqn A
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D19 will attempt to stave off Mike13
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
No Intercept!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D27  will attempt to stave off  Mike13
Attackers diverted!
Mike13 100 4 27 0600 9
P-51D27 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  2  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0E will attempt to stave off Mike13
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D27 will attempt to stave off Mike13
Dogfight underway!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Mike13 has taken off successfully with 1 engines working.
Check Quad / Inner
Mike attacks P-51D with 2.15 damage
Mike13 fires, 5 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 97.85
MikeMike13   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 0.31 damage
P-51D27 fires, 5 gun positions remaining
Mike's health is now 99.69
P-51DP-51D27   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 3.19 damage
P-51D27 fires, 4 gun positions remaining
Mike's health is now 96.49
P-51DP-51D27   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 4.71 damage
P-51D27 fires, 3 gun positions remaining
Mike's health is now 91.78
P-51DP-51D27   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 0.71 damage
P-51D27 fires, 2 gun positions remaining
Mike's health is now 91.07
P-51DP-51D27   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 4.77 damage
P-51D27 fires, 1 gun positions remaining
Mike's health is now 86.30
P-51DP-51D27   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
frontal attack
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Mike attacks P-51D with 0.07 damage
Mike13 fires, 4 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 97.78
MikeMike13   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 3.58 damage
P-51D27 fires, 0 gun positions remaining
Mike's health is now 82.72
P-51DP-51D27   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Mike attacks P-51D with 3.00 damage
Mike13 fires, 3 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 94.78
MikeMike13   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Mike attacks P-51D with 2.80 damage
Mike13 fires, 2 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 91.98
MikeMike13   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Mike attacks P-51D with 3.38 damage
Mike13 fires, 1 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 88.60
MikeMike13   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 0.93 damage
P-51D27 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 81.79
P-51DP-51D27   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Mike attacks P-51D with 0.44 damage
Mike13 fires, 0 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 88.15
MikeMike13   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 2.35 damage
P-51D27 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 79.44
P-51DP-51D27   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 3.23 damage
P-51D27 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 76.21
P-51DP-51D27   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 4.04 damage
P-51D27 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 72.17
P-51DP-51D27   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Mike attacks P-51D with 3.65 damage
Mike13 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 84.50
MikeMike13   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 5.84 damage
P-51D27 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 66.33
P-51DP-51D27   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Mike attacks P-51D with 0.89 damage
Mike13 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 83.61
MikeMike13   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 5.73 damage
P-51D27 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 60.60
P-51DP-51D27   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 3.68 damage
P-51D27 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 56.92
P-51DP-51D27   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 0.10 damage
P-51D27 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 56.82
P-51DP-51D27   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 4.46 damage
P-51D27 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 52.36
P-51DP-51D27   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 4.24 damage
P-51D27 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 48.12
P-51DP-51D27   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 0.14 damage
P-51D27 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 47.98
P-51DP-51D27   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Mike attacks P-51D with 3.73 damage
Mike13 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 79.87
MikeMike13   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 1.55 damage
P-51D27 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 46.43
P-51DP-51D27   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 1.26 damage
P-51D27 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 45.17
P-51DP-51D27   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 5.97 damage
P-51D27 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 39.20
P-51DP-51D27   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 5.18 damage
P-51D27 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 34.02
P-51DP-51D27   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 3.95 damage
P-51D27 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 30.07
P-51DP-51D27   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 0.41 damage
P-51D27 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 29.66
P-51DP-51D27   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 1.43 damage
P-51D27 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 28.23
P-51DP-51D27   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Mike attacks P-51D with 5.13 damage
Mike13 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 74.74
MikeMike13   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Mike attacks P-51D with 4.01 damage
Mike13 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 70.73
MikeMike13   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 5.47 damage
P-51D27 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 22.76
P-51DP-51D27   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 4.62 damage
P-51D27 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 18.14
P-51DP-51D27   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 3.34 damage
P-51D27 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 14.79
P-51DP-51D27   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 3.20 damage
P-51D27 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 11.59
P-51DP-51D27   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Mike attacks P-51D with 3.82 damage
Mike13 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 66.91
MikeMike13   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Mike attacks P-51D with 0.80 damage
Mike13 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 66.10
MikeMike13   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 2.75 damage
P-51D27 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 8.84
P-51DP-51D27   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 0.78 damage
P-51D27 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 8.06
P-51DP-51D27   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 4.10 damage
P-51D27 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 3.96
P-51DP-51D27   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 2.06 damage
P-51D27 has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 1.91
P-51DP-51D27   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 5.39 damage
P-51D27 has no working gun positions
Mike has been shot down!
P-51DP-51D27   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Mike  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A B
1 5 [(2, 10), (3, 9), (4, 9), (5, 8), (6, 7)]
-1: Mike12  53
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D16 will attempt to stave off Mike12
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
No Intercept!
Mike  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A D
0 4 [(0, 5), (1, 6), (2, 6), (3, 7), (4, 8)]
-1: Tony0P  52
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D14  will attempt to stave off  Tony0P
Dogfight underway!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Tony0P has taken off successfully with 1 engines working.
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tony with 0.78 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Tony's health is now 99.22
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Tony attacks P-51D with 2.66 damage
Tony0P fires, 5 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 65.47
TonyTony0P   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tony with 1.24 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Tony's health is now 97.99
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tony with 4.45 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Tony's health is now 93.54
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Tony attacks P-51D with 5.74 damage
Tony0P fires, 4 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 59.73
TonyTony0P   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tony with 4.75 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Tony's health is now 88.79
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tony with 3.88 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Tony's health is now 84.90
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tony with 4.00 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Tony's health is now 80.91
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tony with 2.75 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Tony's health is now 78.16
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tony with 0.42 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Tony's health is now 77.73
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Tony attacks P-51D with 4.33 damage
Tony0P fires, 3 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 55.40
TonyTony0P   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tony with 1.17 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Tony's health is now 76.56
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Tony attacks P-51D with 3.99 damage
Tony0P fires, 2 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 51.41
TonyTony0P   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tony with 1.55 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Tony's health is now 75.01
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tony with 2.37 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Tony's health is now 72.65
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tony with 2.52 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Tony's health is now 70.13
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tony with 2.81 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Tony's health is now 67.32
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Tony attacks P-51D with 4.16 damage
Tony0P fires, 1 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 47.25
TonyTony0P   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Tony attacks P-51D with 5.64 damage
Tony0P fires, 0 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 41.61
TonyTony0P   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Tony attacks P-51D with 5.33 damage
Tony0P has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 36.28
TonyTony0P   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Tony attacks P-51D with 5.17 damage
Tony0P has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 31.11
TonyTony0P   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tony with 5.99 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Tony's health is now 61.33
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tony with 1.93 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Tony's health is now 59.40
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Tony attacks P-51D with 1.95 damage
Tony0P has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 29.15
TonyTony0P   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Tony attacks P-51D with 4.72 damage
Tony0P has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 24.43
TonyTony0P   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tony with 1.39 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Tony's health is now 58.01
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Tony attacks P-51D with 0.17 damage
Tony0P has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 24.27
TonyTony0P   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tony with 2.72 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Tony's health is now 55.29
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tony with 3.99 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Tony's health is now 51.30
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Tony attacks P-51D with 5.22 damage
Tony0P has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 19.04
TonyTony0P   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tony with 1.98 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Tony's health is now 49.32
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tony with 3.28 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Tony's health is now 46.04
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tony with 3.93 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Tony's health is now 42.11
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Tony attacks P-51D with 4.75 damage
Tony0P has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 14.29
TonyTony0P   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tony with 3.76 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Tony's health is now 38.35
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tony with 4.37 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Tony's health is now 33.98
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Tony attacks P-51D with 5.59 damage
Tony0P has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 8.70
TonyTony0P   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Tony attacks P-51D with 4.96 damage
Tony0P has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 3.74
TonyTony0P   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tony with 4.79 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Tony's health is now 29.19
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tony with 4.25 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Tony's health is now 24.94
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Tony attacks P-51D with 1.18 damage
Tony0P has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 2.56
TonyTony0P   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Tony with 5.12 damage
P-51D14 has no working gun positions
Tony's health is now 19.83
P-51DP-51D14   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Tony attacks P-51D with 4.88 damage
Tony0P has no working gun positions
P-51D has been shot down!
TonyTony0P   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0E will attempt to stave off Tony0P
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D27  will attempt to stave off  Tony0P
Tony0P 19.82525349679924 4 25 0600 9
P-51D27 66.10193339731048 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  2  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D16  will attempt to stave off  Tony0P
Tony0P 19.82525349679924 4 25 0600 9
P-51D16 99.18962029036994 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  2  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  2  fighters!
Tony  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
0 1 [(0, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5)]
-1: Tony0Q  5
Possible interception by P-51s in: (0, 0) !!!
Escort: None
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D14 will attempt to stave off Tony0Q
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D16 will attempt to stave off Tony0Q
Tony  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
0 1 [(0, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5)]
Mike  holds position within the Grid:  7 2
Mike04  0600
Tony  holds position within the Grid:  4 2
Tony0A  0600
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  2 2
Tojo0C  0600
-1: Mike0S  8
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D14 will attempt to stave off Mike0S
Mike  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
0 2 [(0, 3), (1, 3), (2, 4), (3, 4)]
-1: Mike0T  8
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
One P-51D may intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Mike  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
0 2 [(0, 3), (1, 3), (2, 4), (3, 4)]
-1: Frank06  8
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D16 will attempt to stave off Frank06
Dogfight underway!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Frank06 has taken off successfully with 1 engines working.
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 3.70 damage
Frank06 fires, 5 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 95.49
FrankFrank06   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 2.92 damage
Frank06 fires, 4 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 92.57
FrankFrank06   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 3.19 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 96.81
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 1.86 damage
Frank06 fires, 3 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 90.71
FrankFrank06   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 4.32 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 92.49
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 3.69 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 88.81
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 1.25 damage
Frank06 fires, 2 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 89.46
FrankFrank06   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 1.53 damage
Frank06 fires, 1 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 87.93
FrankFrank06   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 0.63 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 88.18
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 1.26 damage
Frank06 fires, 0 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 86.67
FrankFrank06   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 5.42 damage
Frank06 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 81.25
FrankFrank06   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 3.25 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 84.93
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 3.04 damage
Frank06 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 78.21
FrankFrank06   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 4.08 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 80.84
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 1.35 damage
Frank06 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 76.86
FrankFrank06   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 2.71 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 78.14
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 2.56 damage
Frank06 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 74.29
FrankFrank06   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.49 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 72.64
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 4.25 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 68.39
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 0.79 damage
Frank06 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 73.50
FrankFrank06   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 5.64 damage
Frank06 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 67.86
FrankFrank06   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.43 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 62.96
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 1.35 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 61.61
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 2.96 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 58.65
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 4.39 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 54.25
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 3.09 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 51.16
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 2.96 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 48.20
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 2.72 damage
Frank06 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 65.14
FrankFrank06   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 0.77 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 47.43
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 2.60 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 44.83
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 2.21 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 42.62
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 1.70 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 40.92
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.79 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 35.13
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 3.30 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 31.83
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.70 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 26.13
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 5.37 damage
Frank06 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 59.77
FrankFrank06   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 2.13 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 24.00
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 2.29 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 21.71
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 1.64 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 20.07
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 1.74 damage
Frank06 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 58.03
FrankFrank06   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 4.07 damage
Frank06 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 53.96
FrankFrank06   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 1.18 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 18.89
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 4.44 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 14.45
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 5.10 damage
Frank06 has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 48.86
FrankFrank06   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 0.88 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 13.58
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.72 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 7.86
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 3.03 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 4.83
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 3.74 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 1.09
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 4.06 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank has been shot down!
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0E will attempt to stave off Frank06
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0O will attempt to stave off Frank06
Frank  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
3 4 [(4, 5), (5, 5), (6, 6)]
-1: Dinah07  8
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D14 will attempt to stave off Dinah07
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D16  will attempt to stave off  Dinah07
Dinah07 100 4 23 3200 9
P-51D16 48.859029740436526 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  2  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  5  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0O will attempt to stave off Dinah07
Dinah  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
3 4 [(4, 5), (5, 5), (6, 6)]
-1: Dinah08  8
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
No Intercept!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D27  will attempt to stave off  Dinah08
Dinah08 100 4 23 3200 9
P-51D27 66.10193339731048 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  5  fighters!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
No Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0E  will attempt to stave off  Dinah08
Attackers diverted!
Dinah08 100 4 23 3200 9
P-51D0E 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  5  fighters!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D27  will attempt to stave off  Dinah08
Attackers diverted!
Dinah08 100 4 23 3200 9
P-51D27 66.10193339731048 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  5  fighters!
Dinah  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
3 4 [(4, 5), (5, 5), (6, 6)]
-1: Dinah09  8
-1: Tony10  8
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D16 will attempt to stave off Tony10
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0E will attempt to stave off Tony10
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D0O will attempt to stave off Tony10
Tony  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
3 4 [(4, 5), (5, 5), (6, 6)]
-1: Frank0Z  8
-1: Mike11  8
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
One P-51D may intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0E  will attempt to stave off  Mike11
Mike11 100 4 27 0600 9
P-51D0E 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  0  fighters!
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D27 will attempt to stave off Mike11
Attackers diverted!
Mike  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
0 2 [(0, 3), (1, 3), (2, 4), (3, 4)]
-1: Tojo1L  8
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D14 will attempt to stave off Tojo1L
Dogfight underway!
P-51D15has failed to take off
(4, 3642, 31, 440, 763)
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
One P-51D may intercept!
Tojo  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A B
0 2 [(0, 3), (1, 4), (2, 4), (3, 5)]
-1: Mike1K  8
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (0, 0) !!!
Escort: None
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
No Intercept!
Mike  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A 3
0 1 [(0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 3)]
-1: Frank01  8
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
No Intercept!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D27  will attempt to stave off  Frank01
Dogfight underway!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Frank01 has taken off successfully with 1 engines working.
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 4.60 damage
Frank01 fires, 5 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 61.50
FrankFrank01   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 1.10 damage
P-51D27 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 98.90
P-51DP-51D27   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 2.62 damage
Frank01 fires, 4 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 58.88
FrankFrank01   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
P-51D has evaded.
58.8831137738439 remaining.
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0E  will attempt to stave off  Frank01
Frank01 98.90142415913313 4 29 0600 9
P-51D0E 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  10  fighters!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D27  will attempt to stave off  Frank01
Attackers diverted!
Frank01 98.90142415913313 4 29 0600 9
P-51D27 58.8831137738439 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  10  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0E  will attempt to stave off  Frank01
Frank01 98.90142415913313 4 29 0600 9
P-51D0E 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  10  fighters!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D27  will attempt to stave off  Frank01
Frank01 98.90142415913313 4 29 0600 9
P-51D27 58.8831137738439 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  10  fighters!
Frank  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A B
3 A [(4, 6), (5, 6), (6, 7)]
-1: Frank02  1
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0O will attempt to stave off Frank02
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D0O will attempt to stave off Frank02
Attackers diverted!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 7) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn 0
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Frank02
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1T will attempt to stave off Frank02
Frank  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A C
A A [(6, 6), (6, 7), (6, 8)]
-1: Frank03  50
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 5
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D0K will attempt to stave off Frank03
Attackers diverted!
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D2H will attempt to stave off Frank03
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
No Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 7) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn 0
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Frank03
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1T will attempt to stave off Frank03
Frank  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
5 3 [(7, 4), (7, 5), (6, 6)]
-1: Mike04  51
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 9) !!!
Escort: 72 Sqn A
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D19 will attempt to stave off Mike04
Attackers diverted!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 10) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn: 0
No Intercept!
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1L will attempt to stave off Mike04
Attackers diverted!
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 2
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0A will attempt to stave off Mike04
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Mike04
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D23 will attempt to stave off Mike04
Mike  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A C
3 D [(4, 9), (5, 9), (6, 8)]
-1: Tony0A  49
-1: Dinah0B  47
Possible interception by P-51s in: (8, 4) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 5
No Intercept!
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D2H will attempt to stave off Dinah0B
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (8, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn C
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D1K  will attempt to stave off  Dinah0B
Dinah0B 100 4 23 3200 9
P-51D1K 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  0  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  10  fighters!
Dinah  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A C
6 3 [(8, 4), (8, 5)]
-1: Tojo0C  51
-1: Frank00  49
-1: Dinah0D  49
-1: Tony1M  31
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
No Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0O will attempt to stave off Tony1M
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
No Intercept!
Tony  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
3 4 [(4, 5), (5, 5), (6, 6)]
-1: Tojo0J  35
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
No Intercept!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D27  will attempt to stave off  Tojo0J
Tojo0J 100 4 23 0600 9
P-51D27 58.8831137738439 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  10  fighters!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D0O will attempt to stave off Tojo0J
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
No Intercept!
Tojo  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
3 4 [(4, 5), (5, 5), (6, 6)]
-1: Dinah0E  8
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Dinah  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A C
0 4 [(0, 5), (1, 5)]
-1: Dinah0F  6
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 10) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn: 0
No Intercept!
No Intercept!
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1P will attempt to stave off Dinah0F
Dogfight underway!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
(10, 7370, 72, 356, 426)
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 2
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D0A will attempt to stave off Dinah0F
Attackers diverted!
No Intercept!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D23  will attempt to stave off  Dinah0F
Dinah0F 100 4 23 3200 9
P-51D23 87.23717638328033 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 10) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn: 0
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Dinah0F
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D1L will attempt to stave off Dinah0F
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D1P  will attempt to stave off  Dinah0F
Attackers diverted!
Dinah0F 100 4 23 3200 9
P-51D1P 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
Dinah  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A C
5 5 [(7, 10), (7, 9), (6, 8)]
-1: Dinah0G  49
Possible interception by P-51s in: (8, 4) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 5
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0K  will attempt to stave off  Dinah0G
Dinah0G 100 4 23 3200 9
P-51D0K -2.635993484358476 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D2H will attempt to stave off Dinah0G
Possible interception by P-51s in: (8, 4) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 5
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0K will attempt to stave off Dinah0G
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D2H  will attempt to stave off  Dinah0G
Dinah0G 100 4 23 3200 9
P-51D2H 19.522173810808155 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
Dinah  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A D
6 2 [(8, 3), (8, 4)]
-1: Dinah0H  49
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 12) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn 0
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D04  will attempt to stave off  Dinah0H
Dinah0H 100 4 23 3200 9
P-51D04 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1T will attempt to stave off Dinah0H
Attackers diverted!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 12) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn 0
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Dinah0H
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1T will attempt to stave off Dinah0H
Attackers diverted!
Dinah  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A D
3 8 [(4, 13), (4, 12)]
-1: Frank1B  8
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D14 will attempt to stave off Frank1B
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
No Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D16 will attempt to stave off Frank1B
Frank  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A 4
0 1 [(0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 3), (4, 4)]
-1: Frank1C  8
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D14 will attempt to stave off Frank1C
Dogfight underway!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
(6, 5111, 46, 412, 648)
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D16  will attempt to stave off  Frank1C
Frank1C 100 4 29 0600 9
P-51D16 48.859029740436526 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  2  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  4  fighters!
Frank  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A B
0 2 [(0, 3), (1, 4), (2, 4), (3, 5), (4, 6)]
-1: Dinah1D  8
-1: Frank0W  8
Missed Distant Intercept!
Frank  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A 4
0 1 [(0, 2)]
-1: Tojo0M  8
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D16 will attempt to stave off Tojo0M
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
No Intercept!
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D27 will attempt to stave off Tojo0M
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0E will attempt to stave off Tojo0M
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0E  will attempt to stave off  Tojo0M
Tojo0M 100 4 23 0600 9
P-51D0E 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D27  will attempt to stave off  Tojo0M
Attackers diverted!
Tojo0M 100 4 23 0600 9
P-51D27 58.8831137738439 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
Tojo  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A B
2 4 [(3, 5), (4, 6), (5, 6), (6, 7)]
-1: Tojo0L  48
-1: Frank1A  48
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D14 will attempt to stave off Frank1A
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0E will attempt to stave off Frank1A
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D27  will attempt to stave off  Frank1A
Frank1A 100 4 29 0600 9
P-51D27 58.8831137738439 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0E will attempt to stave off Frank1A
Attackers diverted!
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D27 will attempt to stave off Frank1A
Attackers diverted!
Frank  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A B
2 4 [(3, 5), (4, 6), (5, 6), (6, 7)]
-1: Tojo1I  8
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D16 will attempt to stave off Tojo1I
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
No Intercept!
No Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0O  will attempt to stave off  Tojo1I
Tojo1I 78.13043988481299 4 23 0600 9
P-51D0O 43.684024145731215 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
Tojo  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A B
3 A [(4, 6), (5, 6), (6, 7)]
-1: Tojo1H  8
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
One P-51D may intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0E  will attempt to stave off  Tojo1H
Attackers diverted!
Tojo1H 100 4 23 0600 9
P-51D0E 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D27  will attempt to stave off  Tojo1H
Tojo1H 100 4 23 0600 9
P-51D27 58.8831137738439 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
Tojo  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A 4
3 3 [(4, 4), (5, 4), (6, 5)]
-1: Tony1J  8
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D14 will attempt to stave off Tony1J
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D14 will attempt to stave off Tony1J
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0E will attempt to stave off Tony1J
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D27 will attempt to stave off Tony1J
Attackers diverted!
Tony  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A 3
3 2 [(4, 3), (5, 3), (6, 4)]
-1: Tony14  8
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 5
No Intercept!
No Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0E  will attempt to stave off  Tony14
Tony14 100 4 25 0600 9
P-51D0E 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D27 will attempt to stave off Tony14
Tony  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A 3
3 2 [(4, 3), (5, 3), (6, 4)]
-1: Mike13  4
-1: Mike12  52
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 9) !!!
Escort: 72 Sqn A
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D19 will attempt to stave off Mike12
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 10) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn: 0
No Intercept!
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1L will attempt to stave off Mike12
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1P will attempt to stave off Mike12
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 2
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0A will attempt to stave off Mike12
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Mike12
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D23  will attempt to stave off  Mike12
Dogfight underway!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Mike12has failed to take off
(1, 1000, 8, 485, 940)
Mike  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A D
3 C [(4, 8), (5, 8), (6, 9)]
-1: Tony0P  51
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D16 will attempt to stave off Tony0P
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0E will attempt to stave off Tony0P
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D27 will attempt to stave off Tony0P
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 7) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn 0
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D04  will attempt to stave off  Tony0P
Tony0P 19.82525349679924 4 25 0600 9
P-51D04 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  2  fighters!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D1T  will attempt to stave off  Tony0P
Tony0P 19.82525349679924 4 25 0600 9
P-51D1T 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  2  fighters!
Tony  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
3 4 [(4, 5), (5, 5), (6, 6)]
-1: Tony0Q  4
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0E  will attempt to stave off  Tony0Q
Tony0Q 100 4 25 0600 9
P-51D0E 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  0  fighters!
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
No Intercept!
Tony  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
3 4 [(4, 5), (5, 5), (6, 6)]
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
9 6 [(9, 6)]
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
2 2 [(2, 2), (3, 3)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
6 0 [(6, 0)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
6 5 [(6, 5)]
-1: Mike0S  7
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D16 will attempt to stave off Mike0S
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0E will attempt to stave off Mike0S
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
No Intercept!
Mike  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
2 3 [(3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 5), (6, 6)]
-1: Mike0T  7
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
One P-51D may intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0E will attempt to stave off Mike0T
No Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D0O will attempt to stave off Mike0T
Dogfight underway!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 5.23 damage
P-51D0O has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 47.38
P-51DP-51D0O   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 1.89 damage
P-51D0O has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 45.48
P-51DP-51D0O   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
frontal attack
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 2.91 damage
P-51D0O has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 42.58
P-51DP-51D0O   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 0.31 damage
P-51D0O has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 42.26
P-51DP-51D0O   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Mike attacks P-51D with 0.02 damage
Mike0T has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 43.67
MikeMike0T   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 4.98 damage
P-51D0O has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 37.28
P-51DP-51D0O   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Mike attacks P-51D with 4.11 damage
Mike0T has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 39.56
MikeMike0T   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 3.50 damage
P-51D0O has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 33.78
P-51DP-51D0O   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 2.88 damage
P-51D0O has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 30.90
P-51DP-51D0O   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 1.80 damage
P-51D0O has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 29.09
P-51DP-51D0O   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Mike attacks P-51D with 0.38 damage
Mike0T has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 39.18
MikeMike0T   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Mike attacks P-51D with 1.82 damage
Mike0T has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 37.36
MikeMike0T   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Mike attacks P-51D with 1.40 damage
Mike0T has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 35.96
MikeMike0T   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 2.15 damage
P-51D0O has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 26.94
P-51DP-51D0O   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 3.47 damage
P-51D0O has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 23.47
P-51DP-51D0O   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Mike attacks P-51D with 4.51 damage
Mike0T has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 31.45
MikeMike0T   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 3.89 damage
P-51D0O has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 19.58
P-51DP-51D0O   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 3.62 damage
P-51D0O has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 15.96
P-51DP-51D0O   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 1.95 damage
P-51D0O has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 14.01
P-51DP-51D0O   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Mike attacks P-51D with 1.72 damage
Mike0T has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 29.73
MikeMike0T   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 2.82 damage
P-51D0O has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 11.19
P-51DP-51D0O   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 1.03 damage
P-51D0O has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 10.16
P-51DP-51D0O   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 5.45 damage
P-51D0O has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 4.72
P-51DP-51D0O   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 1.32 damage
P-51D0O has no working gun positions
Mike's health is now 3.40
P-51DP-51D0O   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Mike with 4.67 damage
P-51D0O has no working gun positions
Mike has been shot down!
P-51DP-51D0O   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D0O will attempt to stave off Mike0T
Attackers diverted!
Mike  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
2 3 [(3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 5), (6, 6)]
-1: Frank06  7
-1: Dinah07  7
-1: Dinah08  7
-1: Dinah09  7
-1: Tony10  7
-1: Frank0Z  7
-1: Mike11  7
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
One P-51D may intercept!
Mike  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
2 3 [(3, 4)]
-1: Tojo1L  7
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D16 will attempt to stave off Tojo1L
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0E will attempt to stave off Tojo1L
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0E will attempt to stave off Tojo1L
No Intercept!
Tojo  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A B
2 4 [(3, 5), (4, 6), (5, 6), (6, 7)]
-1: Mike1K  7
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (8, 4) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 5
No Intercept!
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D2H will attempt to stave off Mike1K
Mike  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A 3
2 2 [(3, 3), (4, 3), (5, 4), (6, 4)]
-1: Frank01  7
-1: Frank02  0
-1: Frank03  49
-1: Mike04  50
-1: Tony0A  48
-1: Dinah0B  46
Possible interception by P-51s in: (8, 4) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 5
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D0K will attempt to stave off Dinah0B
Attackers diverted!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D2H  will attempt to stave off  Dinah0B
Dinah0B 100 4 23 3200 9
P-51D2H 19.522173810808155 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  10  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0O  will attempt to stave off  Dinah0B
Dinah0B 100 4 23 3200 9
P-51D0O 29.733055820943846 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  10  fighters!
Dinah  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A C
6 4 [(8, 5), (7, 6)]
-1: Tojo0C  50
-1: Frank00  48
-1: Dinah0D  48
-1: Tony1M  30
-1: Tojo0J  34
-1: Dinah0E  7
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D16 will attempt to stave off Dinah0E
Dinah  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A C
0 4 [(0, 5), (1, 5)]
-1: Dinah0F  5
-1: Dinah0G  48
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (9, 3) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 4
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D0G will attempt to stave off Dinah0G
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D29 will attempt to stave off Dinah0G
Attackers diverted!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D2D  will attempt to stave off  Dinah0G
Dinah0G 100 4 23 3200 9
P-51D2D 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Dinah  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A D
6 3 [(8, 4), (8, 5)]
-1: Dinah0H  48
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 12) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn 0
No Intercept!
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D1T will attempt to stave off Dinah0H
Attackers diverted!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (4, 12) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn 1
No Intercept!
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1X will attempt to stave off Dinah0H
Attackers diverted!
Dinah  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A D
3 7 [(4, 12), (5, 11)]
-1: Frank1B  7
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D14 will attempt to stave off Frank1B
Attackers diverted!
Frank  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A 4
3 3 [(4, 4)]
-1: Frank1C  7
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0E  will attempt to stave off  Frank1C
Frank1C 100 4 29 0600 9
P-51D0E 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  4  fighters!
No Intercept!
Frank  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A B
3 A [(4, 6)]
-1: Dinah1D  7
-1: Frank0W  7
Missed Distant Intercept!
Frank  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A 4
0 1 [(0, 2)]
-1: Tojo0M  7
-1: Tojo0L  47
-1: Frank1A  47
-1: Tojo1I  7
-1: Tojo1H  7
-1: Tony1J  7
-1: Tony14  7
-1: Mike13  3
-1: Mike12  51
-1: Tony0P  50
-1: Tony0Q  3
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  7 4
Frank01  0600
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  3 8
Tojo0M  0600
-1: Mike0S  6
-1: Mike0T  6
-1: Frank06  6
-1: Dinah07  6
-1: Dinah08  6
-1: Dinah09  6
-1: Tony10  6
-1: Frank0Z  6
-1: Mike11  6
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D14 will attempt to stave off Mike11
Dogfight underway!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
(5, 4405, 39, 426, 705)
Mike  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
2 3 [(3, 4)]
-1: Tojo1L  6
-1: Mike1K  6
-1: Frank01  6
-1: Frank03  48
-1: Mike04  49
-1: Tony0A  47
-1: Dinah0B  45
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0O  will attempt to stave off  Dinah0B
Dinah0B 100 4 23 3200 9
P-51D0O 29.733055820943846 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  10  fighters!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0O will attempt to stave off Dinah0B
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 7) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn 0
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Dinah0B
Attackers diverted!
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1T will attempt to stave off Dinah0B
Dinah  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A C
5 A [(7, 6), (7, 7), (6, 8)]
-1: Tojo0C  49
-1: Frank00  47
-1: Dinah0D  47
-1: Tony1M  29
-1: Tojo0J  33
-1: Dinah0E  6
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D16 will attempt to stave off Dinah0E
Attackers diverted!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D16  will attempt to stave off  Dinah0E
Dinah0E 100 4 23 3200 9
P-51D16 48.859029740436526 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  2  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
Dinah  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A C
0 4 [(0, 5), (1, 5), (2, 6), (3, 6), (4, 7)]
-1: Dinah0F  4
-1: Dinah0G  47
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 5
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0K will attempt to stave off Dinah0G
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D2H will attempt to stave off Dinah0G
Possible interception by P-51s in: (8, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn C
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 7) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn 0
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Dinah0G
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1T will attempt to stave off Dinah0G
Attackers diverted!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (7, 7) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn 0
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D04 will attempt to stave off Dinah0G
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D1T will attempt to stave off Dinah0G
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 9) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 2
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0A will attempt to stave off Dinah0G
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D1Z will attempt to stave off Dinah0G
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D23 will attempt to stave off Dinah0G
Attackers diverted!
Dinah  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A D
6 4 [(8, 5), (8, 6), (7, 7), (7, 8), (6, 9)]
-1: Dinah0H  47
Possible interception by P-51s in: (4, 12) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn 1
No Intercept!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D1X  will attempt to stave off  Dinah0H
Dinah0H 100 4 23 3200 9
P-51D1X 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 10) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn: 0
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D00  will attempt to stave off  Dinah0H
Dinah0H 100 4 23 3200 9
P-51D00 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D1L will attempt to stave off Dinah0H
Attackers diverted!
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D1P will attempt to stave off Dinah0H
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 10) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn: 0
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Dinah0H
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D1L  will attempt to stave off  Dinah0H
Dinah0H 100 4 23 3200 9
P-51D1L 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
No Intercept!
Dinah  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A D
4 6 [(5, 11), (5, 10), (6, 9)]
-1: Frank1B  6
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0E  will attempt to stave off  Frank1B
Frank1B 100 4 29 0600 9
P-51D0E 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  4  fighters!
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D27 will attempt to stave off Frank1B
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 3) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 5
No Intercept!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D2H  will attempt to stave off  Frank1B
Frank1B 100 4 29 0600 9
P-51D2H 19.522173810808155 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  3  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  4  fighters!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
No Intercept!
No Intercept!
Frank  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A 4
3 3 [(4, 4), (5, 4), (6, 5)]
-1: Frank1C  6
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D0E  will attempt to stave off  Frank1C
Frank1C 100 4 29 0600 9
P-51D0E 100 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  4  fighters!
No Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
No Intercept!
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D27  will attempt to stave off  Frank1C
Frank1C 100 4 29 0600 9
P-51D27 58.8831137738439 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  4  fighters!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0O will attempt to stave off Frank1C
Attackers diverted!
Frank  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A B
3 A [(4, 6), (5, 6), (6, 7)]
-1: Dinah1D  6
-1: Frank0W  6
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (0, 0) !!!
Escort: None
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D14 will attempt to stave off Frank0W
Frank  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A 4
0 1 [(0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 3)]
-1: Tojo0M  6
-1: Tojo0L  46
-1: Frank1A  46
-1: Tojo1I  6
-1: Tojo1H  6
-1: Tony1J  6
-1: Tony14  6
-1: Mike13  2
-1: Mike12  50
-1: Tony0P  49
-1: Tony0Q  2
Mike  holds position within the Grid:  8 6
Mike11  0600
Mike  holds position within the Grid:  6 6
Mike1K  0600
Mike  holds position within the Grid:  7 7
Mike04  0600
-1: Mike0S  5
-1: Mike0T  5
-1: Frank06  5
-1: Dinah07  5
-1: Dinah08  5
-1: Dinah09  5
-1: Tony10  5
-1: Frank0Z  5
-1: Mike11  5
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0E will attempt to stave off Mike11
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D27 will attempt to stave off Mike11
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0E will attempt to stave off Mike11
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D27  will attempt to stave off  Mike11
Mike11 100 4 27 0600 9
P-51D27 58.8831137738439 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  0  fighters!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0O will attempt to stave off Mike11
Possible interception by P-51s in: (6, 6) !!!
Escort: 45 Sqn 6
No Intercept!
Mike  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A A
2 3 [(3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 5), (6, 6)]
-1: Tojo1L  5
-1: Mike1K  5
-1: Frank01  5
-1: Frank03  47
-1: Mike04  48
-1: Tony0A  46
-1: Dinah0B  44
-1: Tojo0C  48
-1: Frank00  46
-1: Dinah0D  46
-1: Tony1M  28
-1: Tojo0J  32
-1: Dinah0E  5
-1: Dinah0F  3
-1: Dinah0G  46
-1: Dinah0H  46
-1: Frank1B  5
-1: Frank1C  5
-1: Dinah1D  5
-1: Frank0W  5
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 3) !!!
Escort: 46 Sqn 8
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D14 will attempt to stave off Frank0W
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D16 will attempt to stave off Frank0W
Dogfight underway!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Frank0W has taken off successfully with 1 engines working.
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 3.94 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 96.06
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 0.55 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 95.51
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 0.95 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 94.55
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 1.79 damage
Frank0W fires, 5 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 47.07
FrankFrank0W   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 3.90 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 90.65
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 4.15 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 86.50
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 0.08 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 86.41
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 2.08 damage
Frank0W fires, 4 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 44.99
FrankFrank0W   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 2.79 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 83.63
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 0.80 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 82.83
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 3.48 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 79.35
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.16 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 74.18
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 4.51 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 69.68
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.46 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 64.22
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 0.36 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 63.86
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 2.09 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 61.77
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 3.67 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 58.10
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 4.28 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 53.82
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 1.63 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 52.19
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 4.89 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 47.30
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 0.82 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 46.48
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 4.52 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 41.95
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 2.40 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 39.56
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 2.52 damage
Frank0W fires, 3 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 42.47
FrankFrank0W   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 1.97 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 37.59
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 2.35 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 35.24
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 0.63 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 34.61
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 3.00 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 31.60
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 1.54 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 30.07
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 2.54 damage
Frank0W fires, 2 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 39.93
FrankFrank0W   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.67 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 24.40
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 1.07 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 23.32
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.94 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 17.39
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 2.76 damage
Frank0W fires, 1 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 37.18
FrankFrank0W   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
frontal attack
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 0.93 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 16.46
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 4.37 damage
Frank0W fires, 0 gun positions remaining
P-51D's health is now 32.81
FrankFrank0W   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 0.04 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 16.41
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 3.79 damage
Frank0W has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 29.01
FrankFrank0W   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 5.05 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 11.36
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
Frank attacks P-51D with 1.46 damage
Frank0W has no working gun positions
P-51D's health is now 27.55
FrankFrank0W   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 3.10 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 8.26
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 2.52 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 5.74
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 2.15 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank's health is now 3.59
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Fighters jockey for position!
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Aircraft is currently airborne!
Check Quad / Inner
P-51D attacks Frank with 4.44 damage
P-51D16 has no working gun positions
Frank has been shot down!
P-51DP-51D16   28
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Cycle Three
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
No Intercept!
No Intercept!
Frank  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A 4
1 2 [(2, 3), (3, 3), (4, 4), (5, 4), (6, 5)]
-1: Tojo0M  5
-1: Tojo0L  45
-1: Frank1A  45
-1: Tojo1I  5
-1: Tojo1H  5
-1: Tony1J  5
-1: Tony14  5
-1: Mike13  1
-1: Mike12  49
-1: Tony0P  48
-1: Tony0Q  1
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
2 2 [(2, 2), (2, 3), (1, 4)]
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  4 1
Tojo0C  0600
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
6 5 [(6, 5), (6, 4)]
Mike  is moving within the Grid!
5 5 [(5, 5)]
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
3 8 [(3, 8), (3, 7), (3, 6)]
Tojo  holds position within the Grid:  0 1
Tojo1H  0600
Mike  is moving within the Grid!
3 7 [(3, 7), (4, 6), (5, 5)]
-1: Mike0S  4
-1: Mike0T  4
-1: Frank06  4
-1: Dinah07  4
-1: Dinah08  4
-1: Dinah09  4
-1: Tony10  4
-1: Frank0Z  4
-1: Mike11  4
-1: Tojo1L  4
-1: Mike1K  4
-1: Frank01  4
-1: Frank03  46
-1: Mike04  47
-1: Tony0A  45
-1: Dinah0B  43
-1: Tojo0C  47
-1: Frank00  45
-1: Dinah0D  45
-1: Tony1M  27
-1: Tojo0J  31
-1: Dinah0E  4
Possible interception by P-51s in: (3, 6) !!!
Escort: 47 Sqn 9
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D16 will attempt to stave off Dinah0E
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 6) !!!
Escort: 74 Sqn 3
2 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D0E will attempt to stave off Dinah0E
One P-51D may intercept!
P-51D27  will attempt to stave off  Dinah0E
Dinah0E 100 4 23 3200 9
P-51D27 58.8831137738439 4 28 7 9
Escort is supported by  1  fighters!
Interceptors are supported by  3  fighters!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Adjacent Intercept!
Missed Distant Intercept!
Possible interception by P-51s in: (5, 10) !!!
Escort: 73 Sqn: 0
3 P-51Ds may intercept!
P-51D00 will attempt to stave off Dinah0E
No Intercept!
An element of four A/C may intercept!
P-51D1P will attempt to stave off Dinah0E
Dinah  is moving away from the bomber Stream!
Target Quad:  A C
3 B [(4, 7), (5, 7), (6, 8)]
-1: Dinah0F  2
-1: Dinah0G  45
-1: Dinah0H  45
-1: Frank1B  4
-1: Frank1C  4
-1: Dinah1D  4
-1: Frank0W  4
-1: Tojo0M  4
-1: Tojo0L  44
-1: Frank1A  44
-1: Tojo1I  4
-1: Tojo1H  4
-1: Tony1J  4
-1: Tony14  4
-1: Mike13  0
-1: Mike12  48
-1: Tony0P  47
-1: Tony0Q  0
Mike  is moving within the Grid!
3 3 [(3, 3), (3, 4), (3, 5)]
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
6 4 [(6, 4), (5, 4)]
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
0 1 [(0, 1), (1, 1)]
-1: Mike0S  3
-1: Mike0T  3
-1: Frank06  3
-1: Dinah07  3
-1: Dinah08  3
-1: Dinah09  3
-1: Tony10  3
-1: Frank0Z  3
-1: Mike11  3
-1: Tojo1L  3
-1: Mike1K  3
-1: Frank01  3
-1: Frank03  45
-1: Mike04  46
-1: Tony0A  44
-1: Dinah0B  42
-1: Tojo0C  46
-1: Frank00  44
-1: Dinah0D  44
-1: Tony1M  26
-1: Tojo0J  30
-1: Dinah0E  3
-1: Dinah0F  1
-1: Dinah0G  44
-1: Dinah0H  44
-1: Frank1B  3
-1: Frank1C  3
-1: Dinah1D  3
-1: Frank0W  3
-1: Tojo0M  3
-1: Tojo0L  43
-1: Frank1A  43
-1: Tojo1I  3
-1: Tojo1H  3
-1: Tony1J  3
-1: Tony14  3
-1: Mike12  47
-1: Tony0P  46
Mike  holds position within the Grid:  6 5
Mike0T  0600
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  4 5
Frank01  0600
Mike  holds position within the Grid:  4 4
Mike12  0600
-1: Mike0S  2
-1: Mike0T  2
-1: Frank06  2
-1: Dinah07  2
-1: Dinah08  2
-1: Dinah09  2
-1: Tony10  2
-1: Frank0Z  2
-1: Mike11  2
-1: Tojo1L  2
-1: Mike1K  2
-1: Frank01  2
-1: Frank03  44
-1: Mike04  45
-1: Tony0A  43
-1: Dinah0B  41
-1: Tojo0C  45
-1: Frank00  43
-1: Dinah0D  43
-1: Tony1M  25
-1: Tojo0J  29
-1: Dinah0E  2
-1: Dinah0F  0
-1: Dinah0G  43
-1: Dinah0H  43
-1: Frank1B  2
-1: Frank1C  2
-1: Dinah1D  2
-1: Frank0W  2
-1: Tojo0M  2
-1: Tojo0L  42
-1: Frank1A  42
-1: Tojo1I  2
-1: Tojo1H  2
-1: Tony1J  2
-1: Tony14  2
-1: Mike12  46
-1: Tony0P  45
Mike  is moving within the Grid!
5 7 [(5, 7), (5, 6), (4, 5)]
Mike  is moving within the Grid!
4 7 [(4, 7)]
Tony  holds position within the Grid:  4 8
Tony1M  0600
Dinah  is moving within the Grid!
2 4 [(2, 4), (3, 5), (3, 6), (4, 7)]
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
5 8 [(5, 8)]
Tojo  is moving within the Grid!
5 9 [(5, 9), (5, 8)]
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
2 2 [(2, 2), (2, 3), (2, 4), (1, 5)]
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
0 2 [(0, 2), (1, 2)]
-1: Mike0S  1
-1: Mike0T  1
-1: Frank06  1
-1: Dinah07  1
-1: Dinah08  1
-1: Dinah09  1
-1: Tony10  1
-1: Frank0Z  1
-1: Mike11  1
-1: Tojo1L  1
-1: Mike1K  1
-1: Frank01  1
-1: Frank03  43
-1: Mike04  44
-1: Tony0A  42
-1: Dinah0B  40
-1: Tojo0C  44
-1: Frank00  42
-1: Dinah0D  42
-1: Tony1M  24
-1: Tojo0J  28
-1: Dinah0E  1
-1: Dinah0G  42
-1: Dinah0H  42
-1: Frank1B  1
-1: Frank1C  1
-1: Dinah1D  1
-1: Frank0W  1
-1: Tojo0M  1
-1: Tojo0L  41
-1: Frank1A  41
-1: Tojo1I  1
-1: Tojo1H  1
-1: Tony1J  1
-1: Tony14  1
-1: Mike12  45
-1: Tony0P  44
Frank  holds position within the Grid:  4 5
Frank01  0600
Tony  holds position within the Grid:  4 1
Tony14  0600
-1: Mike0S  0
-1: Mike0T  0
-1: Frank06  0
-1: Dinah07  0
-1: Dinah08  0
-1: Dinah09  0
-1: Tony10  0
-1: Frank0Z  0
-1: Mike11  0
-1: Tojo1L  0
-1: Mike1K  0
-1: Frank01  0
-1: Frank03  42
-1: Mike04  43
-1: Tony0A  41
-1: Dinah0B  39
-1: Tojo0C  43
-1: Frank00  41
-1: Dinah0D  41
-1: Tony1M  23
-1: Tojo0J  27
-1: Dinah0E  0
-1: Dinah0G  41
-1: Dinah0H  41
-1: Frank1B  0
-1: Frank1C  0
-1: Dinah1D  0
-1: Frank0W  0
-1: Tojo0M  0
-1: Tojo0L  40
-1: Frank1A  40
-1: Tojo1I  0
-1: Tojo1H  0
-1: Tony1J  0
-1: Tony14  0
-1: Mike12  44
-1: Tony0P  43
Frank  is moving within the Grid!
4 2 [(4, 2), (4, 3), (5, 4)]
Tony  is moving within the Grid!
6 8 [(6, 8)]
Mike  is moving within the Grid!
3 5 [(3, 5), (4, 4), (5, 3), (5, 2)]
-1: Frank03  41
-1: Mike04  42
-1: Tony0A  40
-1: Dinah0B  38
-1: Tojo0C  42
-1: Frank00  40
-1: Dinah0D  40
-1: Tony1M  22
-1: Tojo0J  26
-1: Dinah0G  40
-1: Dinah0H  40
-1: Tojo0L  39
-1: Frank1A  39
-1: Mike12  43
-1: Tony0P  42
-1: Frank03  40
-1: Mike04  41
-1: Tony0A  39
-1: Dinah0B  37
-1: Tojo0C  41
-1: Frank00  39
-1: Dinah0D  39
-1: Tony1M  21
-1: Tojo0J  25
-1: Dinah0G  39
-1: Dinah0H  39
-1: Tojo0L  38
-1: Frank1A  38
-1: Mike12  42
-1: Tony0P  41
Air battles:  523
Losses written to combined_losses.txt
Total Strike Force after Return losses:  0
1st Lieutenant Samuel W. Forrer
Senior Captain Moffitt, Stephen
Element:  73 Sqn 0 ['73 Sqn: 0', 4, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Jones, John Sills', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '771800A', 'SFJZTF77S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Christopher F. Norton', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '771801A', 'HFJZFF77S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, 'Junior Captain Anderson, Joseph R.', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '771802C', 'QFJZLF77S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 13, '1st Lieutenant John W. Griggs', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '771803D', 'IFJZ1F77S', 'Target']]
Element:  73 Sqn 1 ['73 Sqn 0', 4, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Hayes, Edwin L.', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '278604A', 'VFJZGF27S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Daniel F. Miller', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '278605C', '7FJZAF27S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Charles Sreeve Peterson', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '278606B', 'IFJZFF27S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Phillip C. DeLong', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '278607B', '4FJZLF27S', 'Target']]
Element:  74 Sqn 2 ['73 Sqn 1', 2, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, 'Senior Major Jack C. Mankin', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '7A7808A', 'TFJZ3F7AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Frederick P. Hummel', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '7A78099', 'UFJZ3F7AS', 'Target']]
Element:  74 Sqn 3 ['74 Sqn 2', 4, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Leo B. McCuddin', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, 'AD150AC', 'GFJZGFADS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant John P. Kennedy', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AD150BA', 'BFJZIFADS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Wood, Sterling A.M.', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AD150CA', 'XFJZFFADS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Benjamin F. Hopkins', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AD150DA', '6FJZJFADS', 'Target']]
Element:  74 Sqn 4 ['74 Sqn 3', 2, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Monroe, George Wood', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, 'A7780E9', 'EFJZ0FA7S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Philip Tomppert', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'A7780FC', 'DFJZOFA7S', 'Target']]
Element:  45 Sqn 5 ['74 Sqn 4', 4, ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant James C. Dobbin', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '72110GB', 'CFJZAF72S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 19, '1st Lieutenant James La Fayette Cottrell', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '72110HJ', '2FJZGF72S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, 'Junior Captain Bootes, Levi Clark', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '72110IA', 'XFJZCF72S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '2nd Lieutenant Austin Eli Wing', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '72110JA', 'FFJZDF72S', 'Target']]
Element:  45 Sqn 6 ['45 Sqn 5', 3, ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Henry Seymour', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'A2270KA', 'SFJZBFA2S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 19, '1st Lieutenant Theodorus W. Brevard', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, 'A2270LJ', '6FJZ9FA2S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Roy O. Burnett Jr.', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'A2270MB', 'UFJZNFA2S', 'Target']]
Element:  45 Sqn 7 ['45 Sqn 6', 4, ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Card, Benjamin Cozzens', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AA720OA', 'QFJZGFAAS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '2nd Lieutenant E. C. Smith', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AA720PB', 'NFJZLFAAS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Augustus Sherrill Seymour', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'AA720Q9', 'QFJZFFAAS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Augustus F. Allen', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AA720RA', 'QFJZCFAAS', 'Target']]
Element:  Flight: 8 ['45 Sqn 7', 12, ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, 'Junior Captain Harold N. Funk', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '7D880SB', 'BFJZSF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Christian Ellefson', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '7D880TA', 'LFJZ3F7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Lindley W. Godson', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '7D880UC', '4FJZVF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 19, '1st Lieutenant George H. Walther', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '7D880VJ', 'VFJZ2F7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Ely, William Grosvenor', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '7D230WA', 'IFJZEF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Stewart, William Scott', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '7D230XB', 'TFJZCF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Edward Rosewater', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '7D230YA', 'NFJZ7F7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Henry Ervay', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '7D230ZB', '6FJZ4F7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '2nd Lieutenant Norman Eddy', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '7D1110A', 'WFJZ4F7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant John M. Barlow', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '7D1111A', 'IFJZ9F7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 13, '1st Lieutenant William Burns Smith', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '7D1112D', 'JFJZOF7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Otto D. Jenkins', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '7D1113B', 'OFJZBF7DS', 'Target']]
Element:  Flight: 9 ['46 Sqn 8', 1, ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant George K. Nash', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '228515A', 'RFJZCF22S', 'Target']]
Element:  Flight: A ['47 Sqn 9', 3, ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, 'Senior Captain Thomas, Allen', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '2A2716C', 'PFJZDF2AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Darius Mead', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '2A27179', 'VFJZLF2AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Frank M. Bridges', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '2A27189', 'GFJZ9F2AS', 'Target']]
Element:  Flight: B ['72 Sqn A', 6, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Edward Crossland', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '2D1119B', 'OFJZ6F2DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Reuben Davis', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '2D111AC', 'BFJZ0F2DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant William Simons', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '2D111BA', 'RFJZBF2DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Burnell W. Adams', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '2D111CC', 'FFJZ2F2DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Young Singleton Walter', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '2D811DC', 'FFJZCF2DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '2nd Lieutenant Andrew H. Hamilton', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '2D811EA', 'IFJZFF2DS', 'Target']]
Element:  Flight: C ['73 Sqn B', 5, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, 'Senior Captain Thaddeus T. Coleman', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '57221FA', '5FJZRF57S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 19, '1st Lieutenant John Berry', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '57221GJ', 'SFJZ9F57S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Johnston, Albert Sidney', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '57221HB', 'IFJZUF57S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '2nd Lieutenant Charles A. Chickering', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '57221IB', 'AFJZFF57S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 13, '2nd Lieutenant Ambrose S. Murray', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '57221JD', 'TFJZCF57S', 'Target']]
Element:  74 SqnD ['74 Sqn C', 1, ['Flight: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant George Opdyke', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '6A761KC', '3FJZFF6AS', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 0 ['73 Sqn: 0', 4, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, 'Junior Captain Thomas Cox', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '67881L9', 'FFJZCF67S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Henry D. Farnandis', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '67881MA', 'HFJZ0F67S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant John W. Ruhsam', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '67881NB', 'WFJZTF67S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '2nd Lieutenant Victor Linley', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '67881OC', '5FJZFF67S', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 1 ['73 Sqn: 0', 4, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Pearson, Robert Newton', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '45161PC', '0FJZPF45S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, 'Junior Captain Ezra Clark Jr.', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '45161Q9', '7FJZLF45S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Robert W. Foy', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '45161RA', 'RFJZRF45S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Barton, Seth M.', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '45161SA', 'KFJZ0F45S', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 2 ['73 Sqn 0', 4, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 19, 'Senior Major John L. Jones', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '5B841TJ', 'MFJZOF5BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Thomas Murphy', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '5B841UB', 'MFJZCF5BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant James A. Weston', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '5B841V9', 'AFJZDF5BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Arno Voss', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '5B841W9', '1FJZFF5BS', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 3 ['73 Sqn 1', 2, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Talbot, Thomas Hammond', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '37281XA', 'PFJZSF37S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Edward Sparrow', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '37281Y9', 'MFJZ9F37S', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 4 ['74 Sqn 2', 4, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, 'Senior Captain Bankhead, Henry Cary', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '68551ZC', 'KFJZUF68S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Oliver Wolcott Jr.', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '6855209', 'AFJZFF68S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant James Uriah Adams', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '685521A', 'OFJZCF68S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '2nd Lieutenant Abner Pratt', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '685522C', 'JFJZLF68S', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 5 ['74 Sqn 2', 4, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Preston Pond Jr.', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '6B1423C', 'MFJZFF6BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Adin Randall', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '6B14249', '3FJZ1F6BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Wilcox, John Shuler', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '6B1425B', 'UFJZOF6BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Edwin Waller', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '6B1426A', 'EFJZEF6BS', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 6 ['74 Sqn 3', 2, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Garnett, Richard B.', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '4A1827A', 'LFJZFF4AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Gordon A. Stanley', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '4A1828C', 'OFJZSF4AS', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 7 ['74 Sqn 4', 4, ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, 'Senior Captain Charles M. Mallory', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '398429C', 'XFJZXF39S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Hubert "Hub" Zemke', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '39842AA', 'PFJZZF39S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Edward Russell', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '39842B9', 'NFJZLF39S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, 'Junior Captain Grover, Ira Glanton', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '39842CA', 'BFJZRF39S', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 8 ['74 Sqn 4', 4, ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, 'Junior Captain Omar D. Conger', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '47782DA', 'AFJZFF47S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Robert Opie Lindsay', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '47782EB', 'NFJZSF47S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Andrew J. Doran', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '47782FA', 'OFJZ4F47S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant William B. Freeman', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '47782GC', 'FFJZQF47S', 'Target']]
Element:  Escort: 9 ['45 Sqn 5', 4, ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 19, '1st Lieutenant David C. Wilhelm', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '63222HJ', 'MFJZ0F63S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '2nd Lieutenant Robert E. Withers', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '63222IA', '9FJZKF63S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Ralph E. Elliott', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '63222JB', 'OFJZHF63S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Preston Jacobus', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '63222KA', '4FJZOF63S', 'Target']]
Total Escort Force losses after Departure losses:  91
Dictionary saved to escort_departure_data.txt
Dictionary saved to Strike_Force_data.txt
Dictionary saved to E_DF_data.txt
EG in ELEMENT GROUP ['Element A', 'V-32', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-34', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-35', 'F31204100000000123455', 'V-38', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-43', 'F41234100000000123455', 5]
EG in ELEMENT GROUP ['Element B', 'V-11', 'F41234100000000120403', 'V-13', 'F41234100000000123404', 'V-15', 'F41234100000000003453', 3]
EG in ELEMENT GROUP ['Element C', 'V-47', 'F41234100000086123455', 'V-49', 'F41234100000061123455', 'V-51', 'F41234100000086123455', 'V-53', 'F41234100000102123455', 4]
EG in ELEMENT GROUP ['Element D', 'V-21', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-26', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-31', 'F41234100000000123455', 3]
Current Ship:  V-3   FAST COMPANY
Current Ship: 1 :  FAST COMPANY   V-3  currently at  12  000 feet!
Current Ship:  V-7   RAMP QUEEN
Current Ship: 2 :  RAMP QUEEN   V-7  currently at  10  000 feet!
Current Ship:  V-11   TOKYO TWISTER
Current Ship: 3 :  TOKYO TWISTER   V-11  currently at  9  000 feet!
Current Ship:  V-13   WAR WEARY
Expected Event:  V-13 AC Check
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [28], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
Current Ship: 4 :  WAR WEARY   V-13  currently at  11  000 feet!
Current Ship:  V-15   Combat Mission
Expected Event:  V-15 Emergency
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [26], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
Current Ship: 5 :  Combat Mission   V-15  currently at  12  000 feet!
Current Ship:  V-16   CITY OF JASPER
Current Ship: 6 :  CITY OF JASPER   V-16  currently at  9  000 feet!
Current Ship:  V-21   HASTA LUEGO
Current Ship: 7 :  HASTA LUEGO   V-21  currently at  10  000 feet!
Current Ship:  V-26   GLAZY VIEWS
Expected Event!
Check Roll:  5
Expected Event:  V-26 Flight Engineer Check
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [15], [], [15], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
Current Ship: 8 :  GLAZY VIEWS   V-26  currently at  9  000 feet!
Current Ship:  V-27   RUSTY DUSTY
Current Ship: 9 :  RUSTY DUSTY   V-27  currently at  10  000 feet!
Current Ship:  V-31   SWEET ELOISE
Expected Event:  V-31 AC Check
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [28], [], [], [], [], []]
Current Ship: 10 :  SWEET ELOISE   V-31  currently at  12  000 feet!
Current Ship:  V-32   BEAUBOMBER
Expected Event!
Check Roll:  -4
Expected Event:  V-32 Navigator Check
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [14], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
Current Ship: 11 :  BEAUBOMBER   V-32  currently at  11  000 feet!
V-32 :  [14]
Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone:  14
BEAUBOMBER  has passed her NAV check!
Current Zone:  14
Ship in difficulty!
Initial Fire:  0
BIT:  0
Fire Now;  0
Engines;  4
Shot_up_roll 0
Parameter M:  0
Long-term Damage;  0
Guns:  F41234100000064123455
Superficial Damage:  0
VPS:  0
AC Lost:  False
Crew Loss:  []
Guns:  F41234101000128123455
A_Guns:  F41234101000064123455
B_Guns:  F41234100000064123455
Current Ship:  V-34   HAMS EGGS
Current Ship: 12 :  HAMS EGGS   V-34  currently at  10  000 feet!
Current Ship:  V-35   RIGHT HONEY
Current Ship: 13 :  RIGHT HONEY   V-35  currently at  10  000 feet!
Current Ship:  V-38   CITY OF MEADOWFIELD
Current Ship: 14 :  CITY OF MEADOWFIELD   V-38  currently at  17  000 feet!
Current Ship:  V-43   Manning Crew
Current Ship: 15 :  Manning Crew   V-43  currently at  9  000 feet!
Current Ship:  V-47   Frank Crew
Current Ship: 16 :  Frank Crew   V-47  currently at  10  000 feet!
Current Ship:  V-49   CITY OF MAPLEWOOD
Current Ship: 17 :  CITY OF MAPLEWOOD   V-49  currently at  11  000 feet!
Current Ship:  V-51   Reese Crew
Expected Event:  V-51 EE
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [30], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
Current Ship: 18 :  Reese Crew   V-51  currently at  12  000 feet!
Current Ship:  V-52   Larsen Crew
Current Ship: 19 :  Larsen Crew   V-52  currently at  10  000 feet!
Current Ship:  V-53   McKenzie Crew
Current Ship: 20 :  McKenzie Crew   V-53  currently at  13  000 feet!
Current Zone:  14
len(T_force): 20
Zone  14  Current heights:  [12, 10, 9, 11, 12, 9, 10, 9, 10, 12, 11, 10, 10, 17, 9, 10, 11, 12, 10, 13]
Current Ship:  V-3   FAST COMPANY
Current Ship:  V-7   RAMP QUEEN
Current Ship:  V-11   TOKYO TWISTER
Current Ship:  V-13   WAR WEARY
Current Ship:  V-15   Combat Mission
V-15 :  [26]
Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone:  15
Current Zone:  15
Ship in difficulty!
Initial Fire:  0
BIT:  5
Fire Now;  0
Engines;  4
Shot_up_roll 3
Parameter M:  0
Long-term Damage;  2
Guns:  F41234102000007003402
Superficial Damage:  0
VPS:  4
AC Lost:  False
Crew Loss:  ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Superficial Bumped Foot', 'C', 'Safe', 'T', 'Safe', 'B', 'Safe', 'D', 'Lucky Escape']
Guns:  F41234103000010003402
A_Guns:  F41234101000003003453
B_Guns:  F41234102000007003402
Current Ship:  V-16   CITY OF JASPER
Current Ship:  V-21   HASTA LUEGO
Current Ship:  V-26   GLAZY VIEWS
Current Ship:  V-27   RUSTY DUSTY
Current Ship:  V-31   SWEET ELOISE
Current Ship:  V-32   BEAUBOMBER
Current Ship:  V-34   HAMS EGGS
V-34 :  [14]
Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone:  15
HAMS EGGS  has failed her NAV check!
HAMS EGGS  has passed her FE check!
Ship fine - continues on mission!
Current Ship:  V-35   RIGHT HONEY
Current Ship:  V-38   CITY OF MEADOWFIELD
Current Ship:  V-43   Manning Crew
Current Ship:  V-47   Frank Crew
Current Ship:  V-49   CITY OF MAPLEWOOD
Current Ship:  V-51   Reese Crew
Current Ship:  V-52   Larsen Crew
Current Ship:  V-53   McKenzie Crew
Current Zone:  15
len(T_force): 20
Zone  15  Current heights:  [11, 10, 9, 11, 12, 10, 10, 9, 10, 12, 11, 10, 10, 17, 9, 10, 11, 12, 10, 13]
Possible Night fighters! Level:  2
Zone  15  Current ZONAL heights:  [11, 10, 9, 11, 12, 10, 10, 9, 10, 12, 11, 10, 10, 17, 9, 10, 11, 12, 10, 13]
Attacking Wave # 1 :  ['I', 2, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 20, 'Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi', 'surprise_attack', 'Capable', '4 Hits!', 'No Effect', 20, 'AA000SK', 'FJJZF4AAN', '1st Lieutenant Card, Benjamin Cozzens'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 13, 'Junior Sergeant Tetsujiro Tanaka', 'Surprise', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 13, 'AA220TD', 'MJJZ34AAP', 1]]
Attacking Wave # 2 :  ['E', 6, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 22, 'Warrant Officer Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 22, 'AA5506M', 'XJJZB4AAG', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 22, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Tetsuo Sasaki', 'lead_pursuit', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, 'AA6707M', '5JJZ04AAM', 'Senior Captain Thomas, Allen'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 22, 'Senior Corporal Kobayashi Nagai', 'Aggressive', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, 'AA4108M', 'VJJZI4AAO', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Giichiro Inoue', 'Feint', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'A48309M', '4JJZC4A4S', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 22, 'Senior Sergeant Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 22, 'AA4810M', 'NJJZ54AAJ', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 16, '1st Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Feint', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 16, 'A3850ZL', 'KJJZC4A3S', 0]]
Attacking Wave # 3 :  ['H', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 23, 'Senior Major Takeo Takahashi', 'Standard', 'Capable', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 23, 'AA1611N', 'HJJZF4AAR', 1]]
Attacking Wave # 4 :  ['D', 2, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Special', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 22, 'AB521LM', 'KJJZ74ABG', 2], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 20, '2nd Lieutenant Higashikuni Morihiro', 'Deceptive', 'Trained', 0, 0, 20, 'A3451KK', 'IJJZ94A3T', 1]]
Attacking Wave # 5 :  ['C', 11, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 22, 'Warrant Officer Takuma Shimoyama', 'Tentative', 'Capable', 0, 0, 22, 'AB4501M', 'BJJZF4ABM', 2], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Sueo Obayashi', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'AC5202M', 'IJJZF4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, '1st Lieutenant Tsuneo Torikai', 'barrel_roll', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AA9403M', '5JJZA4AA1', 'Junior Captain Grover, Ira Glanton'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Shigeru Honjo', 'Break-off', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, 'AC5504M', 'IJJZ64AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Deceptive', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'AD710AM', 'ZJJZF4AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Break-off', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AC550BM', 'UJJZO4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Soft Abort', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, 'AC140CM', 'LJJZA4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', -1, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Hard Abort', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, -1, 'AC63009', 'NJJZR4AD1', 3], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 12, '2nd Lieutenant Eikichi Iwashita', 'Tentative', 'Trained', 0, 0, 12, 'AD590DH', 'BJJZ94AD1', 3], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 27, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Aggressive', 'Ace of Aces', '3 Hits!', 'No Effect', 27, 'AA361MR', 'VJJZD4AA1', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 26, '2nd Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Unorthodox', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 26, 'AA330JQ', 'YJJZO4AA1', 1]]
Attacking Wave # 6 :  ['C', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 22, 'Senior Corporal Tetsuji Giga', 'Break-off', 'Poor', 0, 0, 22, 'AC240EM', 'MJJZ64ACH', 3], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Senior Corporal Natsume Soseki', 'Hard Abort', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, 'AC640FM', 'KJJZ64AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AD760GM', 'MJJZI4AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Senior Corporal Harukichi Hyakutake', 'Standard', 'Incompetent', 0, 0, 0, 'AD630HM', 'MJJZ04AD1', 'Target']]
Attacking Wave # 7 :  ['F', 5, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 22, 'Senior Captain Kentaro Takatsuka', 'Aggressive', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 22, 'A4741BM', 'XJJZC4A4I', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 22, 'Senior Captain Tsuneo Torikai', 'Aggressive', 'Competent', 0, 0, 22, 'AB351CM', '3JJZL4ABP', 2], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', '16', 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Surprise', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '=0541DM', 'DJJZB4AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 6, 'Senior Major Somo Tatebayashi', 'Feint', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '91571EM', '6JJZL4AB1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 4, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Shusaku ENDO', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '95751FM', '4JJZ54AC1', 'Target']]
Attacking Wave # 8 :  ['G', 1, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 24, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'surprise_attack', 'Skilled', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 24, 'A4250WO', 'ZJJZC4A4J', '1st Lieutenant Frank M. Bridges']]
Attacking Wave # 9 :  ['F', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, '2nd Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 22, 'AB220MM', 'RJJZG4ABO', 2], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Senior Sergeant Nashi Obayashi', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '65670NM', '5JJZI4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, 'Junior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Cautious', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 22, 'AD490LR', 'JJJZ64AD1', 2], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 16, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko', 'Standard', 'Very poor', '3 Hits!', 'No Effect', 16, 'AB401AG', 'QJJZ34AB1', 2]]
Attacking Wave # 10 :  ['B', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, 'Warrant Officer Toru Shinomiya', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, 'AB281IM', 'JJJZ84ABS', 2], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 19, 'Warrant Officer Takeo Iwaguro', 'Special', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 19, 'A4661HJ', 'VJJZC4A4G', 1], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 30, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Ace', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 30, 'A3171JU', 'HJJZL4A3U', 1], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 22, '1st Lieutenant Michihiro Sugawara', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, 'A34114M', 'EJJZE4A3N', 1]]
Attacking Wave # 11 :  ['A', 3, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Major Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AB5513M', 'HJJZO4AB1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 22, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Masahiko Sasahara', 'high_yo_yo', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, 'AD1712M', '1JJZA4AD1', '1st Lieutenant Gordon A. Stanley'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 20, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Competent', 0, 0, 20, 'AA410PK', 'BJJZL4AA1', 1]]
Attacking Wave # 12 :  ['A', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 22, '2nd Lieutenant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Cautious', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 22, 'AA540QM', 'SJJZJ4AA1', 1]]
Total observed E/A: 44
Air to Air Battle Checks
[['Element A', 'V-32', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-34', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-35', 'F31204100000000123455', 'V-38', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-43', 'F41234100000000123455', 11, 5], ['Element B', 'V-11', 'F41234100000000120403', 'V-13', 'F41234100000000123404', 'V-15', 'F41234100000000003453', 10, 3], ['Element C', 'V-47', 'F41234100000086123455', 'V-49', 'F41234100000061123455', 'V-51', 'F41234100000086123455', 'V-53', 'F41234100000102123455', 10, 4], ['Element D', 'V-21', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-26', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-31', 'F41234100000000123455', 10, 3]]
[['V-3', 'Engine Strain!', 1, False, 'Z3: General Engine strain in 2 Engines.'], ['V-11', 'Engine Strain!', 1, False, 'Z3: Excessive strain in starboard outer engine!'], ['V-16', 'Aborted due to Engine difficulties!', 8, True, 'Z6: Engines: 3'], ['V-52', 'Engine Strain Check!', 1, False, 'Z7: Engines: 4'], ['V-27', 'Engine Strain Check!', -4, False, 'Z8: Engines: 4'], ['V-7', 'Engine Strain Check!', 1, False, 'Z9: Engines: 4'], ['V-43', 'Passed Fuel Check!', 0, False, 'Z12: Engines: 4'], ['Lead: V-32', 'First Straggler: None', 'Final Straggler: None', 'Observed E/A: 54', 'Attacking Waves: 15'], ['V-32', 'Air', 0, 'Tony(Ace)', 'No Effect'], ['V-3', 'Air', 3, 'Tony(Ace of Aces)', 'No Effect'], ['V-13', 'Air', 0, 'Frank(Skilled)', 'No Effect'], ['V-49', 'Air', 0, 'Mike(Capable)', 'No Effect'], ['V-3', 'Air', 4, 'Mike(Capable)', 'No Effect'], ['V-31', 'Air', 0, 'Frank(Skilled)', 'No Effect'], ['V-21', 'Air', 0, 'Frank(Skilled)', 'No Effect'], ['V-11', 'Air', 3, 'Frank(Very poor)', 'No Effect'], ['V-32', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', '1', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA4: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-34', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', '0', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA4: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-35', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA4: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-38', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA4: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-43', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA4: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-32', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA4: 3 Salvo!'], ['V-34', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', '2', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA4: 3 Salvo!'], ['V-35', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', '0', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA4: 3 Salvo!'], ['V-38', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', '0', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA4: 3 Salvo!'], ['V-43', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', '0', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA4: 3 Salvo!'], ['V-32', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA4: 4 Salvo!'], ['V-34', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA4: 4 Salvo!'], ['V-35', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA4: 4 Salvo!'], ['V-38', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA4: 4 Salvo!'], ['V-43', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', '2', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA4: 4 Salvo!'], ['V-32', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA19: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-34', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA19: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-35', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', '5', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA19: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-38', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA19: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-43', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA19: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-32', 'Departing Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA19: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-34', 'Departing Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA19: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-35', 'Departing Flak: 12 000 feet.', '13', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA19: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-38', 'Departing Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA19: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-43', 'Departing Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA19: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-11', 'Departing Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA8: 2 Salvo!'], ['V-13', 'Departing Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA8: 2 Salvo!'], ['V-15', 'Departing Flak: 12 000 feet.', '4', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA8: 2 Salvo!'], ['V-11', 'Departing Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA8: 3 Salvo!'], ['V-13', 'Departing Flak: 12 000 feet.', '4', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA8: 3 Salvo!'], ['V-15', 'Departing Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA8: 3 Salvo!'], ['V-11', 'Departing Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA8: 4 Salvo!'], ['V-13', 'Departing Flak: 12 000 feet.', '4', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA8: 4 Salvo!'], ['V-15', 'Departing Flak: 12 000 feet.', '0', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA8: 4 Salvo!'], ['V-47', 'Approach Flak: 12 000 feet.', '3', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA23: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-49', 'Approach Flak: 12 000 feet.', '0', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA23: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-51', 'Approach Flak: 12 000 feet.', '0', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA23: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-53', 'Approach Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA23: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-47', 'Approach Flak: 12 000 feet.', '0', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA23: 2 Salvo!'], ['V-49', 'Approach Flak: 12 000 feet.', '0', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA23: 2 Salvo!'], ['V-51', 'Approach Flak: 12 000 feet.', '0', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA23: 2 Salvo!'], ['V-53', 'Approach Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA23: 2 Salvo!'], ['V-47', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', '0', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA26: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-49', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA26: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-51', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', 0, 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA26: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-53', 'Target Flak: 12 000 feet.', '5', 'Type 88 - 75mm', 'AA26: 1 Salvo!'], ['V-32', 'Passed Nav Check!', 0, False, 'Z14: Engines: 4'], ['V-15', 'Minor Emergency', 3, False, 'Z15: Engines: 4']]
[5, 'V-16', 'X31204104000011123455', 6, True, 'V-52', 'X41234100000000123455', 7, False, 'V-27', 'X41234100000052123455', 8, False, 'V-7', 'X41234100000000123455', 9, False, 'V-3', 'A41234102000027020402', 'Approach Air', 'Soft landing']
{'Sqn00': ['Unk00', 1, ['Sentai: Escort', 'Mike', 27, 'Unknown', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'Quad', 0, 'Target']], 'Sqn01': ['Unk01', 1, ['Sentai: Escort', 'Mike', 27, 'Unknown', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'Quad', 0, 'Target']]}
[11, 10, 9, 11, 12, 10, 10, 9, 10, 12, 11, 10, 10, 17, 9, 10, 11, 12, 10, 13]
['V-32', [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'B29 Undamaged'], 'V-3', [2, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 'Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi flying an Mike caused light damage!'], 'V-13', [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'B29 Undamaged'], 'V-49', [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'B29 Undamaged'], 'V-31', [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'B29 Undamaged'], 'V-21', [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'B29 Undamaged'], 'V-11', [1, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko flying an Frank caused light damage!']]
Departing Air
Air-To-Air:  1
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Mike  flown by  Unknown
The attacker did not intercept
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Mike  flown by  Unknown
The attacker did not intercept
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Mike  flown by  Unknown
Tenacity:  1
Grid Move Successful:  11
The attacker did not intercept
Possible attacking attempt:  1  by a  Mike  flown by  Unknown
Tenacity:  1
Attack is against same target
Aircraft did not make attacking pass.. 76
New_move:  66
Totaled offensive fire:  0
Totaled Effective attacks:  0
Totaled Damaged B29s:  0
Destroyed B29:  0
Totaled Defensive Heavy/Pilot Loss:  0  /  0
Totaled Defensive Probable/Pilot Injury:  0  /  0
Totaled Defensive Damaged:  0
Totaled Ineffective attacks:  0
['Unk00', 1, ['Sentai: Escort', 'Mike', 27, 'Unknown', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 25, '0276', 0, 2]]
['Unk01', 1, ['Sentai: Escort', 'Mike', 24, 'Unknown', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 24, '0083', 0, 0]]
Current Air Defence Locations and States after inter-zonal air battles:
Attacking Wave # 1 :  ['Unk00', 1, ['Sentai: Escort', 'Mike', 27, 'Unknown', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 25, '0276', 0, 2]]
Attacking Wave # 2 :  ['Unk01', 1, ['Sentai: Escort', 'Mike', 24, 'Unknown', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 24, '0083', 0, 0]]
EG in ELEMENT GROUP ['Element A', 'V-32', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-34', 'F41234100000000003453', 'V-35', 'F31204100000000123455', 'V-38', 'F41234100000000123404', 'V-43', 'F41234100000000123455', 5]
EG in ELEMENT GROUP ['Element B', 'V-11', 'F41234100000000120403', 'V-13', 'F41234100000000123404', 'V-15', 'F41234100000000003402', 3]
EG in ELEMENT GROUP ['Element C', 'V-47', 'F41234100000086003453', 'V-49', 'F41234100000061123455', 'V-51', 'F41234100000086123455', 'V-53', 'F41234100000102123455', 4]
EG in ELEMENT GROUP ['Element D', 'V-21', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-26', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-31', 'F41234100000000123455', 3]
Current Ship:  V-3   FAST COMPANY
Current Ship:  V-7   RAMP QUEEN
Current Ship:  V-11   TOKYO TWISTER
Current Ship:  V-13   WAR WEARY
Current Ship:  V-15   Combat Mission
Current Ship:  V-16   CITY OF JASPER
Current Ship:  V-21   HASTA LUEGO
Current Ship:  V-26   GLAZY VIEWS
V-26 :  [15]
Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone:  16
GLAZY VIEWS  has failed her FE check!
Ship having fuel difficulties for the final  329  nautical miles before base!
Current Zone:  16
Ship in difficulty!
Initial Fire:  3
BIT:  34
Fire Now;  2
Engines;  2
Parameter M:  2
Long-term Damage;  11
Guns:  F21004111000051123455
Superficial Damage:  5
VPS:  16
AC Lost:  False
Crew Loss:  []
Current Ship:  V-27   RUSTY DUSTY
Current Ship:  V-31   SWEET ELOISE
Current Ship:  V-32   BEAUBOMBER
Current Ship:  V-34   HAMS EGGS
Current Ship:  V-35   RIGHT HONEY
Current Ship:  V-38   CITY OF MEADOWFIELD
Current Ship:  V-43   Manning Crew
Current Ship:  V-47   Frank Crew
Current Ship:  V-49   CITY OF MAPLEWOOD
Current Ship:  V-51   Reese Crew
Current Ship:  V-52   Larsen Crew
Current Ship:  V-53   McKenzie Crew
Current Zone:  16
len(T_force): 20
Zone  16  Current heights:  [11, 10, 9, 11, 12, 10, 10, 9, 10, 12, 11, 10, 10, 16, 9, 10, 11, 12, 10, 13]
Current Ship:  V-3   FAST COMPANY
Current Ship:  V-7   RAMP QUEEN
Current Ship:  V-11   TOKYO TWISTER
Current Ship:  V-13   WAR WEARY
Current Ship:  V-15   Combat Mission
Current Ship:  V-16   CITY OF JASPER
Current Ship:  V-21   HASTA LUEGO
V-21 :  [15]
Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone:  17
HASTA LUEGO  has passed her FE check!
Current Zone:  17
Ship in difficulty!
Initial Fire:  0
BIT:  0
Fire Now;  0
Engines;  4
Shot_up_roll 0
Parameter M:  0
Long-term Damage;  0
Guns:  F41234100000062123455
Superficial Damage:  0
VPS:  0
AC Lost:  False
Crew Loss:  []
Current Ship:  V-26   GLAZY VIEWS
Current Ship:  V-27   RUSTY DUSTY
Current Ship:  V-31   SWEET ELOISE
Current Ship:  V-32   BEAUBOMBER
Current Ship:  V-34   HAMS EGGS
Current Ship:  V-35   RIGHT HONEY
Current Ship:  V-38   CITY OF MEADOWFIELD
Current Ship:  V-43   Manning Crew
Current Ship:  V-47   Frank Crew
Current Ship:  V-49   CITY OF MAPLEWOOD
Current Ship:  V-51   Reese Crew
Current Ship:  V-52   Larsen Crew
Current Ship:  V-53   McKenzie Crew
Current Zone:  17
len(T_force): 20
Zone  17  Current heights:  [11, 10, 9, 11, 12, 8, 10, 9, 10, 12, 11, 10, 10, 16, 9, 10, 11, 12, 10, 13]
Current Ship:  V-3   FAST COMPANY
Current Ship:  V-7   RAMP QUEEN
Current Ship:  V-11   TOKYO TWISTER
Current Ship:  V-13   WAR WEARY
Current Ship:  V-15   Combat Mission
Current Ship:  V-16   CITY OF JASPER
Current Ship:  V-21   HASTA LUEGO
Current Ship:  V-26   GLAZY VIEWS
V-26 :  [15]
Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone:  18
GLAZY VIEWS  has passed her FE check!
Current Zone:  18
Ship in difficulty!
Initial Fire:  0
BIT:  0
Fire Now;  0
Engines;  2
Shot_up_roll 0
Parameter M:  0
Long-term Damage;  19
Guns:  F21004119000051123455
Superficial Damage:  0
VPS:  0
AC Lost:  False
Crew Loss:  []
Guns:  F21004100000102123455
A_Guns:  F21004111000051123455
B_Guns:  F21004119000051123455
Current Ship:  V-27   RUSTY DUSTY
Current Ship:  V-31   SWEET ELOISE
Current Ship:  V-32   BEAUBOMBER
Current Ship:  V-34   HAMS EGGS
Current Ship:  V-35   RIGHT HONEY
Current Ship:  V-38   CITY OF MEADOWFIELD
Current Ship:  V-43   Manning Crew
V-43 :  [15]
Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone:  18
Manning Crew  has failed her FE check!
Ship has just enough fuel to land safely!!
Ship fine - continues on mission!
Current Ship:  V-47   Frank Crew
Current Ship:  V-49   CITY OF MAPLEWOOD
Current Ship:  V-51   Reese Crew
Current Ship:  V-52   Larsen Crew
Current Ship:  V-53   McKenzie Crew
Current Zone:  18
len(T_force): 20
Zone  18  Current heights:  [9, 8, 7, 9, 10, 6, 8, 7, 8, 10, 9, 8, 8, 16, 7, 8, 9, 10, 8, 11]
Current Ship:  V-3   FAST COMPANY
Current Ship:  V-7   RAMP QUEEN
Current Ship:  V-11   TOKYO TWISTER
Current Ship:  V-13   WAR WEARY
V-13 :  [28]
Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone:  19
WAR WEARY  has passed her AC check!
Ship fine - continues on mission!
Current Ship:  V-15   Combat Mission
Current Ship:  V-16   CITY OF JASPER
Current Ship:  V-21   HASTA LUEGO
Current Ship:  V-26   GLAZY VIEWS
Current Ship:  V-27   RUSTY DUSTY
Current Ship:  V-31   SWEET ELOISE
Current Ship:  V-32   BEAUBOMBER
Current Ship:  V-34   HAMS EGGS
Current Ship:  V-35   RIGHT HONEY
Current Ship:  V-38   CITY OF MEADOWFIELD
Current Ship:  V-43   Manning Crew
Current Ship:  V-47   Frank Crew
Current Ship:  V-49   CITY OF MAPLEWOOD
Current Ship:  V-51   Reese Crew
V-51 :  [30]
Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone:  19
Current Zone:  19
Ship in difficulty!
Initial Fire:  1
BIT:  2
Fire Now;  1
Engines;  4
Parameter M:  1
Long-term Damage;  0
Guns:  F41234100000063003453
Superficial Damage:  5
VPS:  16
AC Lost:  False
Crew Loss:  ['E', 'Safe', 'O', 'Safe', 'C', 'Safe', 'T', 'Debilitating Stomach Wound', 'B', 'Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken', 'D', 'Mild Bumped Arm']
Current Ship:  V-52   Larsen Crew
Current Ship:  V-53   McKenzie Crew
Current Zone:  19
len(T_force): 20
Zone  19  Current heights:  [5, 4, 3, 5, 6, 3, 4, 3, 4, 6, 5, 5, 4, 13, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 7]
Current Ship:  V-3   FAST COMPANY
Current Ship:  V-7   RAMP QUEEN
V-7  makes major course correction!
Current Ship:  V-11   TOKYO TWISTER
V-11  makes major course correction!
Current Ship:  V-13   WAR WEARY
Current Ship:  V-15   Combat Mission
Current Ship:  V-16   CITY OF JASPER
V-16  makes major course correction!
Current Ship:  V-21   HASTA LUEGO
V-21  makes major course correction!
Current Ship:  V-26   GLAZY VIEWS
V-26  makes major course correction!
Current Ship:  V-27   RUSTY DUSTY
V-27  makes major course correction!
Current Ship:  V-31   SWEET ELOISE
Current Ship:  V-32   BEAUBOMBER
Current Ship:  V-34   HAMS EGGS
Current Ship:  V-35   RIGHT HONEY
V-35  makes major course correction!
Current Ship:  V-38   CITY OF MEADOWFIELD
Current Ship:  V-43   Manning Crew
V-43  makes major course correction!
Current Ship:  V-47   Frank Crew
V-47  makes major course correction!
Current Ship:  V-49   CITY OF MAPLEWOOD
Current Ship:  V-51   Reese Crew
Current Ship:  V-52   Larsen Crew
V-52  makes major course correction!
Current Ship:  V-53   McKenzie Crew
Current Zone:  20
len(T_force): 20
Zone  20  Current heights:  [1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 8, 0, 6, 1, 2, 5, 3]
Current Ship:  V-3   FAST COMPANY
V-3  makes major course correction!
Current Ship:  V-7   RAMP QUEEN
V-7  makes major course correction!
Current Ship:  V-11   TOKYO TWISTER
V-11  makes major course correction!
Current Ship:  V-13   WAR WEARY
V-13  makes major course correction!
Current Ship:  V-15   Combat Mission
V-15  makes major course correction!
Current Ship:  V-16   CITY OF JASPER
V-16  makes major course correction!
Current Ship:  V-21   HASTA LUEGO
V-21  makes major course correction!
Current Ship:  V-26   GLAZY VIEWS
V-26  makes major course correction!
Current Ship:  V-27   RUSTY DUSTY
V-27  makes major course correction!
Current Ship:  V-31   SWEET ELOISE
V-31  makes major course correction!
Current Ship:  V-32   BEAUBOMBER
V-32  makes major course correction!
Current Ship:  V-34   HAMS EGGS
V-34  makes major course correction!
Current Ship:  V-35   RIGHT HONEY
V-35  makes major course correction!
Current Ship:  V-38   CITY OF MEADOWFIELD
Current Ship:  V-43   Manning Crew
V-43  makes major course correction!
Current Ship:  V-47   Frank Crew
Current Ship:  V-49   CITY OF MAPLEWOOD
V-49  makes major course correction!
Current Ship:  V-51   Reese Crew
V-51  makes major course correction!
Current Ship:  V-52   Larsen Crew
Current Ship:  V-53   McKenzie Crew
V-53  makes major course correction!
Current Zone:  21
len(T_force): 20
Zone  21  Current heights:  [5, 4, 1, 2, 4, 5, 4, 1, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1, 4, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 6]
Current Ship:  V-3   FAST COMPANY
Current Ship:  V-7   RAMP QUEEN
Current Ship:  V-11   TOKYO TWISTER
Current Ship:  V-13   WAR WEARY
Current Ship:  V-15   Combat Mission
Current Ship:  V-16   CITY OF JASPER
Current Ship:  V-21   HASTA LUEGO
Current Ship:  V-26   GLAZY VIEWS
Current Ship:  V-27   RUSTY DUSTY
Current Ship:  V-31   SWEET ELOISE
V-31 :  [28]
Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone:  22
SWEET ELOISE  has passed her AC check!
Ship fine - continues on mission!
Current Ship:  V-32   BEAUBOMBER
Current Ship:  V-34   HAMS EGGS
Current Ship:  V-35   RIGHT HONEY
Current Ship:  V-38   CITY OF MEADOWFIELD
Current Ship:  V-43   Manning Crew
Current Ship:  V-47   Frank Crew
Current Ship:  V-49   CITY OF MAPLEWOOD
Current Ship:  V-51   Reese Crew
V-51  makes major course correction!
Current Ship:  V-52   Larsen Crew
Current Ship:  V-53   McKenzie Crew
Current Zone:  22
len(T_force): 20
Zone  22  Current heights:  [5, 4, 1, 2, 4, 7, 4, 1, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1, 5, 1, 2, 3, 6, 1, 6]
Current Ship:  V-3   FAST COMPANY
Current Ship:  V-7   RAMP QUEEN
Current Ship:  V-11   TOKYO TWISTER
Current Ship:  V-13   WAR WEARY
Current Ship:  V-15   Combat Mission
Current Ship:  V-16   CITY OF JASPER
Current Ship:  V-21   HASTA LUEGO
Current Ship:  V-26   GLAZY VIEWS
Current Ship:  V-27   RUSTY DUSTY
Current Ship:  V-31   SWEET ELOISE
Current Ship:  V-32   BEAUBOMBER
Current Ship:  V-34   HAMS EGGS
Current Ship:  V-35   RIGHT HONEY
Current Ship:  V-38   CITY OF MEADOWFIELD
Current Ship:  V-43   Manning Crew
Current Ship:  V-47   Frank Crew
Current Ship:  V-49   CITY OF MAPLEWOOD
Current Ship:  V-51   Reese Crew
Current Ship:  V-52   Larsen Crew
Current Ship:  V-53   McKenzie Crew
Current Zone:  23
len(T_force): 20
Zone  23  Current heights:  [5, 4, 1, 2, 4, 7, 4, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1, 6, 1, 2, 3, 6, 1, 6]
Current Ship:  V-3   FAST COMPANY
Current Ship:  V-7   RAMP QUEEN
Current Ship:  V-11   TOKYO TWISTER
Current Ship:  V-13   WAR WEARY
Current Ship:  V-15   Combat Mission
Current Ship:  V-16   CITY OF JASPER
Current Ship:  V-21   HASTA LUEGO
Current Ship:  V-26   GLAZY VIEWS
Current Ship:  V-27   RUSTY DUSTY
Current Ship:  V-31   SWEET ELOISE
Current Ship:  V-32   BEAUBOMBER
V-32 :  [14]
Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone:  24
BEAUBOMBER  has passed her NAV check!
Ship fine - continues on mission!
Current Ship:  V-34   HAMS EGGS
V-34 :  [15]
Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone:  24
HAMS EGGS  has passed her FE check!
Ship fine - continues on mission!
Current Ship:  V-35   RIGHT HONEY
Current Ship:  V-38   CITY OF MEADOWFIELD
Current Ship:  V-43   Manning Crew
Current Ship:  V-47   Frank Crew
Current Ship:  V-49   CITY OF MAPLEWOOD
Current Ship:  V-51   Reese Crew
Current Ship:  V-52   Larsen Crew
Current Ship:  V-53   McKenzie Crew
Current Zone:  24
len(T_force): 20
Zone  24  Current heights:  [5, 4, 1, 2, 4, 7, 4, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1, 10, 1, 2, 3, 6, 1, 6]
Current Ship:  V-3   FAST COMPANY
Current Ship:  V-7   RAMP QUEEN
Current Ship:  V-11   TOKYO TWISTER
Current Ship:  V-13   WAR WEARY
Current Ship:  V-15   Combat Mission
Current Ship:  V-16   CITY OF JASPER
Current Ship:  V-21   HASTA LUEGO
Current Ship:  V-26   GLAZY VIEWS
Current Ship:  V-27   RUSTY DUSTY
Current Ship:  V-31   SWEET ELOISE
Current Ship:  V-32   BEAUBOMBER
Current Ship:  V-34   HAMS EGGS
Current Ship:  V-35   RIGHT HONEY
Current Ship:  V-38   CITY OF MEADOWFIELD
Current Ship:  V-43   Manning Crew
Current Ship:  V-47   Frank Crew
Current Ship:  V-49   CITY OF MAPLEWOOD
Current Ship:  V-51   Reese Crew
Current Ship:  V-52   Larsen Crew
Current Ship:  V-53   McKenzie Crew
Current Zone:  25
len(T_force): 20
Zone  25  Current heights:  [5, 4, 1, 2, 4, 7, 4, 3, 3, 2, 3, 3, 1, 13, 1, 2, 3, 6, 1, 6]
Current Ship:  V-3   FAST COMPANY
Current Ship:  V-7   RAMP QUEEN
Current Ship:  V-11   TOKYO TWISTER
Current Ship:  V-13   WAR WEARY
Current Ship:  V-15   Combat Mission
Current Ship:  V-16   CITY OF JASPER
Current Ship:  V-21   HASTA LUEGO
Current Ship:  V-26   GLAZY VIEWS
Current Ship:  V-27   RUSTY DUSTY
Current Ship:  V-31   SWEET ELOISE
Current Ship:  V-32   BEAUBOMBER
Current Ship:  V-34   HAMS EGGS
Current Ship:  V-35   RIGHT HONEY
Current Ship:  V-38   CITY OF MEADOWFIELD
Current Ship:  V-43   Manning Crew
Current Ship:  V-47   Frank Crew
Current Ship:  V-49   CITY OF MAPLEWOOD
Current Ship:  V-51   Reese Crew
Current Ship:  V-52   Larsen Crew
Current Ship:  V-53   McKenzie Crew
Current Zone:  26
len(T_force): 20
Zone  26  Current heights:  [5, 4, 1, 2, 4, 7, 4, 3, 3, 2, 3, 3, 1, 13, 1, 2, 3, 6, 1, 6]
Current Ship:  V-3   FAST COMPANY
Aircraft preparing to land at 5 000 Feet
V-3  was in difficulties landing!
Current Ship:  V-7   RAMP QUEEN
Aircraft preparing to land at 4 000 Feet
V-7  was in difficulties landing!
Current Ship:  V-11   TOKYO TWISTER
Aircraft preparing to land at 1 000 Feet
V-11  landed smoothly!
Current Ship:  V-13   WAR WEARY
Aircraft preparing to land at 2 000 Feet
V-13  landed skillfully!
V-13 :  [13]
Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone:  27
WAR WEARY  has failed her AC check!
WAR WEARY  has failed her NAV check!
WAR WEARY  has failed her FE check!
Aircraft returns safely with enough fuel for  6  more zones.
Ship fine - continues on mission!
Current Ship:  V-15   Combat Mission
Aircraft preparing to land at 4 000 Feet
V-15  was in difficulties landing!
Current Ship:  V-16   CITY OF JASPER
Aircraft preparing to land at 7 000 Feet
V-16  was in extreme difficulty landing!
Current Ship:  V-21   HASTA LUEGO
Aircraft preparing to land at 4 000 Feet
V-21  was in difficulties landing!
V-21 :  [15]
Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone:  27
HASTA LUEGO  has failed her FE check!
Aircraft returns safely with enough fuel for  10  more zones.
Ship fine - continues on mission!
Current Ship:  V-26   GLAZY VIEWS
Aircraft preparing to land at 3 000 Feet
V-26  was in extreme difficulty landing on two engines!
V-26 :  [15]
Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone:  27
GLAZY VIEWS  has failed her FE check!
Aircraft returns safely with enough fuel for  9  more zones.
Ship fine - continues on mission!
Current Ship:  V-27   RUSTY DUSTY
Aircraft preparing to land at 3 000 Feet
V-27  landed skillfully!
Current Ship:  V-31   SWEET ELOISE
Aircraft preparing to land at 2 000 Feet
V-31  landed skillfully!
V-31 :  [13]
Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone:  27
SWEET ELOISE  has failed her AC check!
SWEET ELOISE  has failed her NAV check!
SWEET ELOISE  has failed her FE check!
Aircraft returns safely with enough fuel for  2  more zones.
Ship fine - continues on mission!
Current Ship:  V-32   BEAUBOMBER
Aircraft preparing to land at 3 000 Feet
V-32  landed skillfully!
V-32 :  [14]
Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone:  27
BEAUBOMBER  has failed her NAV check!
BEAUBOMBER  has failed her FE check!
Aircraft returns safely with enough fuel for  10  more zones.
Current Zone:  27
Ship in difficulty!
Initial Fire:  0
BIT:  0
Fire Now;  0
Engines;  4
Shot_up_roll 0
Parameter M:  0
Long-term Damage;  1
Guns:  F41234101000128123455
Superficial Damage:  0
VPS:  0
AC Lost:  False
Crew Loss:  []
Guns:  F41234102000256123455
A_Guns:  F41234101000128123455
B_Guns:  F41234101000128123455
Current Ship:  V-34   HAMS EGGS
Aircraft preparing to land at 3 000 Feet
V-34  landed skillfully!
V-34 :  [15]
Experiencing an immediate Event Check in Zone:  27
HAMS EGGS  has failed her FE check!
Aircraft returns safely with enough fuel for  6  more zones.
Ship fine - continues on mission!
Current Ship:  V-35   RIGHT HONEY
Aircraft preparing to land at 1 000 Feet
V-35  was in difficulties landing on three engines!
Current Ship:  V-38   CITY OF MEADOWFIELD
Aircraft preparing to land at 13 000 Feet
V-38  was in extreme difficulty landing!
Current Ship:  V-43   Manning Crew
Aircraft preparing to land at 1 000 Feet
V-43  landed smoothly!
Current Ship:  V-47   Frank Crew
Aircraft preparing to land at 2 000 Feet
V-47  landed skillfully!
Current Ship:  V-49   CITY OF MAPLEWOOD
Aircraft preparing to land at 3 000 Feet
V-49  landed skillfully!
Current Ship:  V-51   Reese Crew
Aircraft preparing to land at 6 000 Feet
V-51  was in difficulties landing!
Current Ship:  V-52   Larsen Crew
Aircraft preparing to land at 1 000 Feet
V-52  landed smoothly!
Current Ship:  V-53   McKenzie Crew
Aircraft preparing to land at 6 000 Feet
V-53  was in difficulties landing!
Hours Passed: 4
['V-32', 'Group COMMANDER', 'Edwin Alvarez', 'A', 'Commander: 499-GHQ']
['V-34', 'Group Deputy', 'Larry Doyle', 'A', 'Deputy: 499-GHQ']
Shot Down!!
Shot Down!!
Sentai: 28 :  Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi
Sentai: 28 :  Junior Sergeant Tetsujiro Tanaka
['I', 2, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 20, 'Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi', 'surprise_attack', 'Capable', '4 Hits!', 'No Effect', 20, 'AA000SK', 'FJJZF4AAN', '1st Lieutenant Card, Benjamin Cozzens'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 13, 'Junior Sergeant Tetsujiro Tanaka', 'Surprise', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 13, 'AA220TD', 'MJJZ34AAP', 1]]
Sentai: 244 :  Warrant Officer Hannoshin Nishio
Sentai: Tokorozawa :  Senior Sergeant_Major Tetsuo Sasaki
Sentai: Tokorozawa :  Senior Corporal Kobayashi Nagai
Sentai: Tokorozawa :  Junior Sergeant_Major Giichiro Inoue
Sentai: Akeno :  Senior Sergeant Matsumi nakano
Sentai: 244 :  1st Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto
['E', 6, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 22, 'Warrant Officer Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 22, 'AA5506M', 'XJJZB4AAG', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 22, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Tetsuo Sasaki', 'lead_pursuit', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, 'AA6707M', '5JJZ04AAM', 'Senior Captain Thomas, Allen'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 22, 'Senior Corporal Kobayashi Nagai', 'Aggressive', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, 'AA4108M', 'VJJZI4AAO', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Giichiro Inoue', 'Feint', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'A48309M', '4JJZC4A4S', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 22, 'Senior Sergeant Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 22, 'AA4810M', 'NJJZ54AAJ', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 16, '1st Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Feint', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 16, 'A3850ZL', 'KJJZC4A3S', 0]]
Sentai: 28 :  Senior Major Takeo Takahashi
['H', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 23, 'Senior Major Takeo Takahashi', 'Standard', 'Capable', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 23, 'AA1611N', 'HJJZF4AAR', 1]]
Sentai: Tokorozawa :  Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio
Sentai: 28 :  2nd Lieutenant Higashikuni Morihiro
['D', 2, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Special', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 22, 'AB521LM', 'KJJZ74ABG', 2], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 20, '2nd Lieutenant Higashikuni Morihiro', 'Deceptive', 'Trained', 0, 0, 20, 'A3451KK', 'IJJZ94A3T', 1]]
Sentai: 244 :  Warrant Officer Takuma Shimoyama
Sentai: 244 :  Junior Sergeant_Major Sueo Obayashi
Sentai: 244 :  1st Lieutenant Tsuneo Torikai
Sentai: 28 :  2nd Lieutenant Shigeru Honjo
Sentai: Akeno :  Senior Captain Matsumi nakano
Sentai: Tokorozawa :  Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio
Sentai: Tokorozawa :  Senior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio
Sentai: Tokorozawa :  2nd Lieutenant Eikichi Iwashita
Sentai: Akeno :  Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio
Sentai: Tokorozawa :  2nd Lieutenant Matsumi nakano
['C', 10, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 22, 'Warrant Officer Takuma Shimoyama', 'Tentative', 'Capable', 0, 0, 22, 'AB4501M', 'BJJZF4ABM', 2], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Sueo Obayashi', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'AC5202M', 'IJJZF4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, '1st Lieutenant Tsuneo Torikai', 'barrel_roll', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AA9403M', '5JJZA4AA1', 'Junior Captain Grover, Ira Glanton'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Shigeru Honjo', 'Break-off', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, 'AC5504M', 'IJJZ64AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Deceptive', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'AD710AM', 'ZJJZF4AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Break-off', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AC550BM', 'UJJZO4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Soft Abort', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, 'AC140CM', 'LJJZA4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 12, '2nd Lieutenant Eikichi Iwashita', 'Tentative', 'Trained', 0, 0, 12, 'AD590DH', 'BJJZ94AD1', 3], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 27, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Aggressive', 'Ace of Aces', '3 Hits!', 'No Effect', 27, 'AA361MR', 'VJJZD4AA1', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 26, '2nd Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Unorthodox', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 26, 'AA330JQ', 'YJJZO4AA1', 1]]
Sentai: Tokorozawa :  Senior Corporal Tetsuji Giga
Now engaged in Training!
Sentai: Tokorozawa :  Senior Corporal Natsume Soseki
Sentai: Tokorozawa :  Senior Captain Matsumi nakano
Sentai: Tokorozawa :  Senior Corporal Harukichi Hyakutake
['C', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 22, 'Senior Corporal Tetsuji Giga', 'Break-off', 'Poor', 0, 0, 22, 'AC240EM', 'MJJZ64ACH', 3], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Senior Corporal Natsume Soseki', 'Hard Abort', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, 'AC640FM', 'KJJZ64AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AD760GM', 'MJJZI4AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Senior Corporal Harukichi Hyakutake', 'Standard', 'Incompetent', 0, 0, 0, 'AD630HM', 'MJJZ04AD1', 'Target']]
Sentai: 244 :  Senior Captain Kentaro Takatsuka
Sentai: 244 :  Senior Captain Tsuneo Torikai
['F', 2, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 22, 'Senior Captain Kentaro Takatsuka', 'Aggressive', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 22, 'A4741BM', 'XJJZC4A4I', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 22, 'Senior Captain Tsuneo Torikai', 'Aggressive', 'Competent', 0, 0, 22, 'AB351CM', '3JJZL4ABP', 2]]
Sentai: 244 :  1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano
['G', 1, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 24, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'surprise_attack', 'Skilled', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 24, 'A4250WO', 'ZJJZC4A4J', '1st Lieutenant Frank M. Bridges']]
Sentai: Tokorozawa :  2nd Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto
Sentai: Tokorozawa :  Junior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio
Sentai: 244 :  Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko
['F', 3, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, '2nd Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 22, 'AB220MM', 'RJJZG4ABO', 2], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, 'Junior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Cautious', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 22, 'AD490LR', 'JJJZ64AD1', 2], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 16, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko', 'Standard', 'Very poor', '3 Hits!', 'No Effect', 16, 'AB401AG', 'QJJZ34AB1', 2]]
Sentai: Tokorozawa :  Warrant Officer Toru Shinomiya
Sentai: Tokorozawa :  Warrant Officer Takeo Iwaguro
Sentai: Akeno :  Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio
Sentai: Akeno :  1st Lieutenant Michihiro Sugawara
['B', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, 'Warrant Officer Toru Shinomiya', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, 'AB281IM', 'JJJZ84ABS', 2], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 19, 'Warrant Officer Takeo Iwaguro', 'Special', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 19, 'A4661HJ', 'VJJZC4A4G', 1], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 30, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Ace', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 30, 'A3171JU', 'HJJZL4A3U', 1], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 22, '1st Lieutenant Michihiro Sugawara', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, 'A34114M', 'EJJZE4A3N', 1]]
Sentai: 28 :  Senior Major Matsumi nakano
Sentai: 28 :  Senior Sergeant_Major Masahiko Sasahara
Sentai: Akeno :  1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano
['A', 3, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Major Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AB5513M', 'HJJZO4AB1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 22, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Masahiko Sasahara', 'high_yo_yo', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, 'AD1712M', '1JJZA4AD1', '1st Lieutenant Gordon A. Stanley'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 20, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Competent', 0, 0, 20, 'AA410PK', 'BJJZL4AA1', 1]]
Sentai: Akeno :  2nd Lieutenant Hannoshin Nishio
['A', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 22, '2nd Lieutenant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Cautious', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 22, 'AA540QM', 'SJJZJ4AA1', 1]]
After Air battles now at Urgency Level:  8 ['I', 2, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 20, 'Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi', 'surprise_attack', 'Capable', '4 Hits!', 'No Effect', 20, 'AA000SK', 'FJJZF4AAN', '1st Lieutenant Card, Benjamin Cozzens'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 13, 'Junior Sergeant Tetsujiro Tanaka', 'Surprise', 'Very poor', 0, 0, 13, 'AA220TD', 'MJJZ34AAP', 1]]
After Air battles now at Urgency Level:  -5 ['E', 6, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 22, 'Warrant Officer Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 22, 'AA5506M', 'XJJZB4AAG', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 22, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Tetsuo Sasaki', 'lead_pursuit', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, 'AA6707M', '5JJZ04AAM', 'Senior Captain Thomas, Allen'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 22, 'Senior Corporal Kobayashi Nagai', 'Aggressive', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, 'AA4108M', 'VJJZI4AAO', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Giichiro Inoue', 'Feint', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'A48309M', '4JJZC4A4S', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 22, 'Senior Sergeant Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 22, 'AA4810M', 'NJJZ54AAJ', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 16, '1st Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Feint', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 16, 'A3850ZL', 'KJJZC4A3S', 0]]
Previous skill level:  Competent
New skill level:  Enthusiastic
Pilot skill has become erratic/unpredictable!!
After Air battles now at Urgency Level:  -5 ['H', 1, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 23, 'Senior Major Takeo Takahashi', 'Standard', 'Capable', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 23, 'AA1611N', 'HJJZF4AAR', 1]]
Rapid Skill increase!!
After Air battles now at Urgency Level:  4 ['D', 2, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, 'Senior Captain Hannoshin Nishio', 'Special', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 22, 'AB521LM', 'KJJZ74ABG', 2], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 20, '2nd Lieutenant Higashikuni Morihiro', 'Deceptive', 'Trained', 0, 0, 20, 'A3451KK', 'IJJZ94A3T', 1]]
Rapid Skill increase!!
After Air battles now at Urgency Level:  -6 ['C', 10, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 22, 'Warrant Officer Takuma Shimoyama', 'Tentative', 'Capable', 0, 0, 22, 'AB4501M', 'BJJZF4ABM', 2], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Sueo Obayashi', 'Aggressive', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'AC5202M', 'IJJZF4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 0, '1st Lieutenant Tsuneo Torikai', 'barrel_roll', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'AA9403M', '5JJZA4AA1', 'Junior Captain Grover, Ira Glanton'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, '2nd Lieutenant Shigeru Honjo', 'Break-off', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, 'AC5504M', 'IJJZ64AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 0, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Deceptive', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'AD710AM', 'ZJJZF4AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Break-off', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AC550BM', 'UJJZO4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 0, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Soft Abort', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, 'AC140CM', 'LJJZA4AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 12, '2nd Lieutenant Eikichi Iwashita', 'Tentative', 'Trained', 0, 0, 12, 'AD590DH', 'BJJZ94AD1', 3], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 27, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Aggressive', 'Ace of Aces', '3 Hits!', 'No Effect', 27, 'AA361MR', 'VJJZD4AA1', 1], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 26, '2nd Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Unorthodox', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 26, 'AA330JQ', 'YJJZO4AA1', 1]]
Rapid Skill increase!!
After Air battles now at Urgency Level:  10 ['C', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 22, 'Senior Corporal Tetsuji Giga', 'Break-off', 'Poor', 0, 0, 22, 'AC240EM', 'MJJZ64ACH', 3], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Senior Corporal Natsume Soseki', 'Hard Abort', 'Poor', 0, 0, 0, 'AC640FM', 'KJJZ64AC1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Senior Captain Matsumi nakano', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'AD760GM', 'MJJZI4AD1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Dinah', 0, 'Senior Corporal Harukichi Hyakutake', 'Standard', 'Incompetent', 0, 0, 0, 'AD630HM', 'MJJZ04AD1', 'Target']]
Rapid Skill increase!!
After Air battles now at Urgency Level:  7 ['F', 2, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 22, 'Senior Captain Kentaro Takatsuka', 'Aggressive', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 22, 'A4741BM', 'XJJZC4A4I', 1], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 22, 'Senior Captain Tsuneo Torikai', 'Aggressive', 'Competent', 0, 0, 22, 'AB351CM', '3JJZL4ABP', 2]]
After Air battles now at Urgency Level:  7 ['G', 1, ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 24, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'surprise_attack', 'Skilled', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 24, 'A4250WO', 'ZJJZC4A4J', '1st Lieutenant Frank M. Bridges']]
After Air battles now at Urgency Level:  6 ['F', 3, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, '2nd Lieutenant Hidenobu Hashimoto', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 22, 'AB220MM', 'RJJZG4ABO', 2], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, 'Junior Sergeant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Cautious', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 22, 'AD490LR', 'JJJZ64AD1', 2], ['Sentai: 244', 'Frank', 16, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko', 'Standard', 'Very poor', '3 Hits!', 'No Effect', 16, 'AB401AG', 'QJJZ34AB1', 2]]
Previous skill level:  Very poor
New skill level:  Incompetent
Pilot skill has become erratic/unpredictable!!
After Air battles now at Urgency Level:  6 ['B', 4, ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 22, 'Warrant Officer Toru Shinomiya', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, 'AB281IM', 'JJJZ84ABS', 2], ['Sentai: Tokorozawa', 'Tojo', 19, 'Warrant Officer Takeo Iwaguro', 'Special', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 19, 'A4661HJ', 'VJJZC4A4G', 1], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 30, 'Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio', 'Buzz', 'Ace', 'No Effect', 'No Effect', 30, 'A3171JU', 'HJJZL4A3U', 1], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 22, '1st Lieutenant Michihiro Sugawara', 'Cautious', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, 'A34114M', 'EJJZE4A3N', 1]]
Skill/Confidence has increased!
Rapid Skill increase!!
Previous skill level:  Ace
New skill level:  Competent
Pilot skill has become erratic/unpredictable!!
After Air battles now at Urgency Level:  -5 ['A', 3, ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 0, 'Senior Major Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AB5513M', 'HJJZO4AB1', 'Target'], ['Sentai: 28', 'Mike', 22, 'Senior Sergeant_Major Masahiko Sasahara', 'high_yo_yo', 'Untried', 0, 0, 22, 'AD1712M', '1JJZA4AD1', '1st Lieutenant Gordon A. Stanley'], ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 20, '1st Lieutenant Matsumi nakano', 'Feint', 'Competent', 0, 0, 20, 'AA410PK', 'BJJZL4AA1', 1]]
After Air battles now at Urgency Level:  -5 ['A', 1, ['Sentai: Akeno', 'Tony', 22, '2nd Lieutenant Hannoshin Nishio', 'Cautious', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 22, 'AA540QM', 'SJJZJ4AA1', 1]]
V-52 - FLT ENGINEER :  MSGT   O Ryan
P.O.B: Maricopa AZ Protestant 1945-03-14: Safe 1945-03-16: recovered from Fall
1945-04-23: Mild Bumped Hips
1945-08-18: Mild Bumped Hips
1945-06-17: Lucky Escape
V-52 - OBSERVER :  Cpl   I Brewer
P.O.B: Providence RI
1945-03-14: Unlucky Foot wound
1945-03-16: Mild Bumped leg
1945-04-23: Safe
1945-08-18: Painful Bumped Hand
1945-06-17: Serious Bumped Hand
V-27 - FLT ENGINEER :  2LT   M Curtis
P.O.B: Penobscot ME
1945-05-11: Safe
1945-06-17: Serious Bumped Head
V-27 - OBSERVER :  Cpl   J Myers
P.O.B: Lancaster PA
1945-05-11: Painful Fall
1945-06-17: Lucky Escape
V-27 - CFC :  SSGT   S Glover
P.O.B: York PA Catholic 1945-03-18: recovered from Finger Injury
1945-06-17: Safe
V-27 - Tail Gunner :  SSGT   K Myers
P.O.B: Oakland MI
1945-03-18: Lucky Escape
1945-06-17: Severe Needed Assistance
V-27 - BOMBARDIER :  2LT   V Gordon
P.O.B: Maricopa AZ
1945-05-11: Safe
1945-06-25: Mild lost balance
1945-06-17: Superficial Bumped Arm
V-27 - Radar Observer :  TSGT   R Simon
P.O.B: Essex NJ
1945-05-11: Safe
1945-06-25: Safe
1945-06-17: Safe
V-27 - Port Gunner :  SGT   C Daniels
P.O.B: Silver Bow MT
1945-08-18: Safe
1945-06-17: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
V-27 - Starboard Gunner :  SSGT   G Zimmerman
P.O.B: Dallas TX
1945-08-18: Superficial lost balance
1945-06-17: Serious Disorientated
V-7 - FLT ENGINEER :  SSgt   U Daniels
P.O.B: Kent MI
1944-11-22: Safe
1944-01-08: Safe
1945-06-25: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
1945-08-18: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
1945-06-17: Severe Needed Assistance
V-7 - OBSERVER :  TBA   T Riley
P.O.B: Ocean NJ
1944-11-22: Safe
1944-01-08: Safe
1945-06-25: Safe
1945-08-18: Serious Bumped Arm
1945-06-17: Lucky Escape
DAMAGE STATUS:  V-43   False   F41234100000037123455
V-3 - FLT ENGINEER :  TSGT   X Carroll
P.O.B: Berrien MI
1945-06-17: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
Soft landing
V-3 - OBSERVER :  Cpl   G Houston
P.O.B: El Paso CO
1944-01-08: Safe
1944-01-28: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
1945-03-18: Safe
1945-06-17: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
Soft landing
V-3 - CFC :  SSGT   K Hamilton
P.O.B: Lafayette LA Protestant 1944-01-08: recovered from Bumped Arm 1944-01-28: Safe 1945-03-18: recovered from Bumped Foot
1945-06-06: Safe
1945-06-06: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
1945-06-17: Painful Bumped Hips
Soft landing
V-3 - Tail Gunner :  SSGT   U Sparks
P.O.B: Latah ID
1944-01-08: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
1944-01-28: Lucky Escape
1945-03-18: Lucky Escape
1945-06-06: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
1945-06-06: Safe
1945-06-17: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
Soft landing
V-3 - BOMBARDIER :  2LT   C West
P.O.B: New York NY
1944-01-08: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
1944-01-28: Safe
1945-03-18: Safe
1945-06-17: Serious Fall
Soft landing
V-3 - Radar Observer :  TSGT   T Burgess
P.O.B: Passaic NJ Protestant 1944-01-08: Safe 1944-01-28: recovered from Needed Assistance
1945-03-18: Lucky Escape
1945-06-17: Painful Bumped Hand
Soft landing
V-3 - Port Gunner :  SGT   Y Garza
P.O.B: Broome NY
1944-01-08: Painful Head Injury
1945-03-18: Safe
1945-06-06: Safe
1945-06-06: Safe
1945-06-17: Safe
Soft landing
V-3 - Starboard Gunner :  SSGT   S Garner
P.O.B: Prince Georges MD
1945-03-18: Lucky Escape
1945-06-06: Safe
1945-06-06: Lucky Escape
1945-06-17: Lucky Escape
Soft landing
V-3 - A/C COMMANDER :  Major   S Berry
P.O.B: Kings NY
1944-01-08: Painful Leg Injury
1944-01-28: Safe
1945-03-18: Superficial Disorientated
1945-06-17: Safe
Soft landing
V-3 - CO-PILOT :  2LT   X Green
P.O.B: Hillsborough FL
1944-01-28: Safe
1945-03-18: Serious Spinal Injury
1945-06-17: Safe
Soft landing
V-3 - NAVIGATOR :  1LT   K Christensen
P.O.B: Cuyahoga OH
1944-01-08: Safe
1944-01-28: Safe
1945-03-18: Painful Bumped Head
1945-06-17: Safe
Soft landing
Crewman:  G Crawford  is potentially unsuitable for operations.
V-3 - RADIO OPERATOR :  2LT   G Crawford
P.O.B: Winnebago IL
1945-06-17: Terrible nervous exhaustion.
1945-06-17: Safe
Soft landing
DAMAGE STATUS:  V-11   False   F41234103000051120403
V-11 - FLT ENGINEER :  MSGT   I Rivera
P.O.B: Riverside CA
1945-03-16: Safe
1945-03-17: Safe
1945-06-27: Safe
1945-06-17: Lucky Escape
V-11 - OBSERVER :  Cpl   V Cummings
P.O.B: Orange FL
1945-03-16: Severe Leg Wound
1945-03-17: Safe
1945-06-27: Safe
1945-06-17: Safe
V-11 - CFC :  SGT   O Shelton
P.O.B: Los Angeles CA
1945-06-17: Lucky Escape
V-11 - Tail Gunner :  SGT   E Banks
P.O.B: San Mateo CA
1944-01-28: Mild Bumped Head
1945-03-16: Safe
1945-03-17: Safe
1945-06-17: Debilitating Sprained Wrist
V-11 - BOMBARDIER :  1LT   Q Moody
P.O.B: San Diego CA
1944-11-23: Safe
1944-01-08: Safe
1944-01-28: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
1945-03-16: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
1945-03-17: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
1945-04-21: Safe
1945-06-27: Safe
1945-06-17: Safe
V-11 - Radar Observer :  MSGT   U Peters
P.O.B: New York NY
1944-01-28: Lucky Escape
1945-03-16: Safe
1945-03-17: Severe Hand Injury
1945-04-21: Serious Leg Wound
1945-06-27: Painful Fall
1945-06-17: Safe
V-11 - Port Gunner :  SSGT   Z Bowen
P.O.B: King WA
1945-03-17: Unlucky Dislocated Shoulder
1945-06-17: Safe
V-11 - Starboard Gunner :  CPL   S Erickson
P.O.B: Dickinson KS Protestant 1944-11-23: cured Stomach Injury 1944-12-10: Safe
1944-01-08: Painful Bumped leg
1945-03-17: Safe
1945-06-17: Safe
DAMAGE STATUS:  V-32   False   F41234102000256123455
V-32 - FLT ENGINEER :  TSGT   J Gross
P.O.B: Bergen NJ
1944-01-28: Safe
1944-01-30: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
1945-04-21: Safe
1945-08-18: Mild Bumped leg
1945-06-15: Safe
1945-06-15: Safe
1945-06-17: Safe
V-32 - OBSERVER :  SGT   W Nelson
P.O.B: Los Angeles CA
1944-01-28: Safe
1944-01-30: Superficial Fall
1945-04-21: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
1945-08-18: Safe
1945-06-15: Lucky Escape
1945-06-15: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
1945-06-17: Lucky Escape
DAMAGE STATUS:  V-34   False   F41234101000000003453
V-34 - FLT ENGINEER :  SSgt   E Banks
P.O.B: Cook IL
1945-03-18: Serious Finger Injury
1945-04-22: Superficial Fall
1945-06-30: Painful Arm Injury
1945-08-18: Safe
1945-06-17: Safe
V-34 - OBSERVER :  TBA   H Chambers
P.O.B: Mercer NJ
1945-03-18: Serious Stomach Wound
1945-04-22: Lucky Escape
1945-06-30: Painful lost balance
1945-08-18: Lucky Escape
1945-06-17: Serious Bumped Chest
V-34 - CFC :  Cpl   E Little
P.O.B: Morris NJ
1944-01-08: Safe
1945-03-18: Safe
1945-05-04: Serious Bumped Arm
1945-08-18: Painful lost balance
1945-06-15: Safe
1945-06-17: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
V-34 - Tail Gunner :  Sgt   H Edwards
P.O.B: Los Angeles CA
1944-01-08: Safe
1945-03-18: Painful Bumped leg
1945-05-04: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
1945-08-18: Painful Spinal Injury
1945-06-15: Safe
1945-06-17: Safe
DAMAGE STATUS:  V-35   False   F31204100000033123455
V-35 - FLT ENGINEER :  1LT   V Simpson
P.O.B: Anchorage AK
1945-04-23: Safe
1945-04-23: Safe
1945-08-18: Serious Fall
1945-08-18: Safe
1945-06-15: Safe
1945-06-15: Safe
1945-06-15: Safe
1945-06-17: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
V-35 - OBSERVER :  SGT   C Morris
P.O.B: Camden NJ
1944-12-10: Mild Fall
1945-04-21: Superficial Bumped Hand
1945-04-22: KIA
1945-04-23: Safe
1945-04-23: Safe
1945-08-18: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
1945-08-18: Lucky Escape
1945-06-15: Serious Bumped Hips
1945-06-15: Lucky Escape
1945-06-15: Safe
1945-06-17: Painful Disorientated
V-35 - CFC :  SGT   H Collins
P.O.B: Onondaga NY
1945-06-15: Painful Bumped leg
1945-06-17: Safe
V-35 - Tail Gunner :  SGT   X Byrd
P.O.B: Citrus FL
1944-11-22: Safe
1944-12-10: Safe
1945-04-21: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
1945-04-22: Safe
1945-04-23: Safe
1945-04-23: Safe
1945-06-15: Unlucky Leg Injury
1945-06-17: Safe
V-35 - BOMBARDIER :  1LT   I Mathis
P.O.B: Cook IL Protestant 1944-12-10: Mild Bumped Hand 1945-04-21: recovered from Bumped Shoulder
1945-04-22: Safe
1945-04-23: Replaced this mission.
1945-06-17: Safe
V-35 - Radar Observer :  1LT   U Torres
P.O.B: Nassau NY
1944-12-10: Safe
1945-04-21: Safe
1945-04-22: Mild lost balance
1945-04-23: Painful Fall
1945-06-17: Safe
V-35 - Port Gunner :  SSGT   U Anderson
P.O.B: New York NY Protestant 1944-12-10: cured Spinal Injury
1945-04-21: Safe
1945-04-22: Painful Bumped Chest
1945-04-23: Safe
1945-06-04: Painful Foot Injury
1945-08-18: Safe
1945-06-15: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
1945-06-17: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
V-35 - Starboard Gunner :  SSGT   Q Nguyen
P.O.B: Collin TX Catholic 1944-12-10: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1945-04-21: Safe 1945-04-22: Safe 1945-04-23: recovered from Broken Arm
1945-06-04: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
1945-08-18: Superficial Bumped Hand
1945-06-15: Safe
1945-06-17: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
V-35 - A/C COMMANDER :  Captain   W Harris
P.O.B: Baltimore City MD Non-Denominational 1944-12-10: Safe 1945-04-21: Safe 1945-04-22: Replaced this mission. 1945-04-23: recovered from Bumped Shoulder 1945-04-23: Superficial Bumped leg
1945-04-23: Safe
1945-06-15: Safe
1945-06-17: Lucky Escape
V-35 - CO-PILOT :  1LT   E Thompson
P.O.B: Middlesex NJ
1944-12-10: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
1945-04-21: Safe
1945-04-22: Lucky Escape
1945-04-23: Lucky Escape
1945-04-23: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
1945-04-23: Safe
1945-06-15: Lucky Escape
1945-06-17: Lucky Escape
DAMAGE STATUS:  V-38   False   F41234100000026123404
V-38 - FLT ENGINEER :  MSGT   M Hardy
P.O.B: Portage WI
1945-03-16: Safe
1945-03-18: Lucky Escape
1945-04-30: Missing/POW
1945-06-06: Serious Fall
1945-08-18: Severe Arm Injury
1945-06-15: Serious Disorientated
1945-06-17: Safe
V-38 - OBSERVER :  Cpl   S Lloyd
P.O.B: Ventura CA
1945-03-16: Superficial Bumped Arm
1945-03-18: Safe
1945-04-30: Superficial Bumped Hand
1945-06-06: Painful Disorientated
1945-08-18: Safe
1945-06-15: Safe
1945-06-17: Safe
V-38 - CFC :  SGT   Q Garcia
P.O.B: Talbot MD Catholic 1945-03-18: cured Bumped Hand
1945-04-30: Missing
1945-06-06: Safe
1945-08-18: Serious Bumped Chest
1945-06-15: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
1945-06-17: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
V-38 - Tail Gunner :  SSGT   Y Walters
P.O.B: Dona Ana NM Protestant 1945-03-18: cured Disorientated
1945-04-30: Died of Wounds
1945-06-06: Safe
1945-08-18: Safe
1945-06-15: Safe
1945-06-17: Safe
DAMAGE STATUS:  V-13   False   F41234100000010123404
V-13 - FLT ENGINEER :  2LT   B McCarthy
P.O.B: Johnson KS
1945-04-21: Safe
1945-08-18: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
1945-06-17: Safe
V-13 - OBSERVER :  Cpl   G Williams
P.O.B: Bexar TX
1945-04-21: Serious Bumped Hand
1945-08-18: Safe
1945-06-17: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
V-13 - CFC :  SSGT   F Gilbert
P.O.B: New York NY
1945-04-21: Lucky Escape
1945-05-04: Safe
1945-06-06: Safe
1945-06-06: Safe
1945-08-18: Superficial Bumped Hips
1945-06-17: Safe
V-13 - Tail Gunner :  SSGT   P Stewart
P.O.B: Bergen NJ Protestant 1945-04-21: Safe 1945-05-04: Safe 1945-06-06: recovered from Foot Injury 1945-06-06: Serious Stomach Injury
1945-08-18: Safe
1945-06-17: Safe
V-13 - BOMBARDIER :  2LT   X Pittman
P.O.B: Portage WI
1945-04-21: Safe
1945-05-04: Lucky Escape
1945-08-18: Safe
1945-06-17: Safe
V-13 - Radar Observer :  TSGT   D Potter
P.O.B: Dona Ana NM
1945-04-21: Safe
1945-05-04: Painful Finger Injury
1945-08-18: Safe
1945-06-17: Safe
V-13 - Port Gunner :  SGT   H Brady
P.O.B: Franklin OH
1945-04-21: Painful Head Injury
1945-06-06: Superficial Disorientated
1945-06-17: Superficial lost balance
V-13 - Starboard Gunner :  SSGT   K Henry
P.O.B: Montgomery TX Non-Denominational 1945-04-21: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1945-06-06: recovered from nervous exhaustion. 1945-06-06: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
1945-06-17: Safe
DAMAGE STATUS:  V-15   False   F41234103000010003402
V-15 - FLT ENGINEER :  MSGT   M Schwartz
P.O.B: Anchorage AK
1945-06-15: Mild Bumped Foot
1945-06-17: Safe
V-15 - OBSERVER :  Cpl   M Gonzalez
P.O.B: Cook IL
1945-06-15: Safe
1945-06-17: Safe
V-15 - CFC :  SGT   Z Wilkerson
P.O.B: Anne Arundel MD
1945-06-15: Safe
1945-06-16: Safe
1945-06-17: Superficial Bumped Hand
V-15 - Tail Gunner :  SSGT   X Rodriquez
P.O.B: San Mateo CA
1945-06-15: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
1945-06-16: Safe
1945-06-17: Safe
V-15 - BOMBARDIER :  1LT   T Massey
P.O.B: New York NY
1944-12-11: Superficial Fall
1945-06-17: Unlucky Foot Injury
V-15 - Radar Observer :  TSGT   K Reynolds
P.O.B: Orange NC
1944-12-11: Safe
1945-06-17: Safe
V-15 - Port Gunner :  CPL   P Richards
P.O.B: San Francisco CA
1945-06-16: Safe
1945-06-17: Safe
V-15 - Starboard Gunner :  CPL   Q Page
P.O.B: Ada ID
1945-06-16: Safe
1945-06-17: Lucky Escape
V-15 - FLT ENGINEER :  MSGT   M Schwartz
P.O.B: Anchorage AK
1945-06-15: Mild Bumped Foot
1945-06-17: Safe
1945-06-17: Safe
V-15 - OBSERVER :  Cpl   M Gonzalez
P.O.B: Cook IL
1945-06-15: Safe
1945-06-17: Safe
1945-06-17: Superficial Bumped Foot
V-15 - CFC :  SGT   Z Wilkerson
P.O.B: Anne Arundel MD
1945-06-15: Safe
1945-06-16: Safe
1945-06-17: Superficial Bumped Hand
1945-06-17: Safe
V-15 - Tail Gunner :  SSGT   X Rodriquez
P.O.B: San Mateo CA
1945-06-15: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
1945-06-16: Safe
1945-06-17: Safe
1945-06-17: Safe
V-15 - BOMBARDIER :  1LT   T Massey
P.O.B: New York NY
1944-12-11: Superficial Fall
1945-06-17: Unlucky Foot Injury
1945-06-17: Safe
V-15 - Radar Observer :  TSGT   K Reynolds
P.O.B: Orange NC
1944-12-11: Safe
1945-06-17: Safe
1945-06-17: Lucky Escape
DAMAGE STATUS:  V-47   False   F41234101000106003453
V-47 - FLT ENGINEER :  2LT   Q James
P.O.B: Okaloosa FL
1945-05-11: Safe
1945-06-17: Safe
V-47 - OBSERVER :  TBA   W Craig
P.O.B: Philadelphia PA
1945-05-11: Mild Bumped Arm
1945-06-17: Lucky Escape
V-47 - CFC :  Cpl   G Campbell
P.O.B: Santa Clara CA
1945-06-15: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
1945-06-17: Safe
V-47 - Tail Gunner :  Sgt   U Walsh
P.O.B: Lafayette LA
1945-06-15: Safe
1945-06-17: Lucky Escape
V-47 - BOMBARDIER :  2LT   Q Keller
P.O.B: Philadelphia PA
1945-06-25: Safe
1945-06-17: Unlucky Dislocated Shoulder
V-47 - Radar Observer :  Cpl   A Miles
P.O.B: Philadelphia PA
1945-06-25: Painful Arm Injury
1945-06-17: Safe
V-47 - FLT ENGINEER :  2LT   Q James
P.O.B: Okaloosa FL
1945-05-11: Safe
1945-06-17: Safe
1945-06-17: Safe
V-47 - OBSERVER :  TBA   W Craig
P.O.B: Philadelphia PA
1945-05-11: Mild Bumped Arm
1945-06-17: Lucky Escape
1945-06-17: Safe
V-47 - CFC :  Cpl   G Campbell
P.O.B: Santa Clara CA
1945-06-15: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
1945-06-17: Safe
1945-06-17: Safe
V-47 - Tail Gunner :  Sgt   U Walsh
P.O.B: Lafayette LA
1945-06-15: Safe
1945-06-17: Lucky Escape
1945-06-17: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
DAMAGE STATUS:  V-26   False   F21004100000102123455
DAMAGE STATUS:  V-21   False   F41234100000062123455
DAMAGE STATUS:  V-51   False   F41234100000063003453
V-51 - FLT ENGINEER :  TSGT   B Thornton
P.O.B: Carson City NV Protestant 1945-04-23: cured Nervous breakdown
1945-06-17: Safe
V-51 - OBSERVER :  SGT   M Maxwell
P.O.B: Lafayette LA
1945-04-23: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
1945-06-17: Safe
V-51 - CFC :  SSGT   D Little
P.O.B: Davidson TN
1945-04-23: Mild lost balance
1945-06-17: Safe
V-51 - Tail Gunner :  SGT   E Graves
P.O.B: Los Angeles CA Protestant 1945-04-23: recovered from Fall
1945-06-17: Debilitating Stomach Wound
V-51 - BOMBARDIER :  2LT   S Miles
P.O.B: Cass ND
1945-04-23: Safe
1945-06-17: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken
V-51 - Radar Observer :  TSGT   Q Rice
P.O.B: Randall TX
1945-04-23: Safe
1945-06-17: Mild Bumped Arm
DAMAGE STATUS:  V-31   False   F41234100000030123455
DAMAGE STATUS:  V-49   False   F41234100000022123455
DAMAGE STATUS:  V-53   False   F41234100000063123455
abg:  ['Aborted', 'V-16', 'X31204104000011123455', 'V-52', 'X41234100000000123455', 'V-27', 'X41234100000052123455', 'V-7', 'X41234100000000123455', 'V-3', 'A41234102000027020402', '5']
V-32 (Total Damage/VPs):  2   -4
V-34 (Total Damage/VPs):  1   16
V-35 (Total Damage/VPs):  10   51
V-38 (Total Damage/VPs):  0   -92
V-43 (Total Damage/VPs):  0   32
ELEMENTS:  ['Element A', 'V-32', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-34', 'F41234100000000003453', 'V-35', 'F31204100000000123455', 'V-38', 'F41234100000000123404', 'V-43', 'F41234100000000123455', 5]
V-11 (Total Damage/VPs):  3   2
V-13 (Total Damage/VPs):  0   12
V-15 (Total Damage/VPs):  3   47
ELEMENTS:  ['Element B', 'V-11', 'F41234100000000120403', 'V-13', 'F41234100000000123404', 'V-15', 'F41234100000000003402', 3]
V-47 (Total Damage/VPs):  1   30
V-49 (Total Damage/VPs):  0   12
V-51 (Total Damage/VPs):  0   12
V-53 (Total Damage/VPs):  0   0
ELEMENTS:  ['Element C', 'V-47', 'F41234100000086003453', 'V-49', 'F41234100000061123455', 'V-51', 'F41234100000086123455', 'V-53', 'F41234100000102123455', 4]
V-21 (Total Damage/VPs):  0   40
V-26 (Total Damage/VPs):  30   126
V-31 (Total Damage/VPs):  0   0
ELEMENTS:  ['Element D', 'V-21', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-26', 'F41234100000000123455', 'V-31', 'F41234100000000123455', 3]
V-16 (Total Damage/VPs):  4   -61
V-52 (Total Damage/VPs):  0   21
V-27 (Total Damage/VPs):  0   20
V-7 (Total Damage/VPs):  0   51
V-3 (Total Damage/VPs):  2   23
ELEMENTS:  ['Aborted', 'V-16', 'X31204104000011123455', 'V-52', 'X41234100000000123455', 'V-27', 'X41234100000052123455', 'V-7', 'X41234100000000123455', 'V-3', 'A41234102000027020402', '5']
Highest Mission Scorers
Aircraft;  V-26   GLAZY VIEWS   126  VPs
Aircraft Commander:  Captain   A Powell
Aircraft;  V-47   Frank Crew   116  VPs
Aircraft Commander:  Captain   I Frank
Aircraft;  V-53   McKenzie Crew   102  VPs
Aircraft Commander:  Captain   D McKenzie
Lowest Mission Scorers
Aircraft;  V-32   BEAUBOMBER   -4  VPs
Aircraft Commander:  1LT   R Frazier
Aircraft;  V-16   CITY OF JASPER   -50  VPs
Aircraft Commander:  Captain   U Carpenter
Aircraft;  V-38   CITY OF MEADOWFIELD   -92  VPs
Aircraft Commander:  1LT   F Carroll
Highest Mission Interceptors
Aircraft;  Senior Corporal Ryosuke Nakanishi   4  Hits. Final Status:  No Effect
Aircraft;  Junior Sergeant_Major Hannoshin Nishio   3  Hits. Final Status:  No Effect
Aircraft;  Senior Sergeant_Major Saburo Seko   3  Hits. Final Status:  No Effect
Bombed Primary:  0
Bombed Secondary:  15
Bombed Other:  0
Aborted / T.L.R:  5
5  aircraft aborted/damaged/lost
V-16 - X31204104000011123455 -Zone/Cause:  6 . AC Lost / Damaged:   True
V-52 - X41234100000000123455 -Zone/Cause:  7 . AC Lost / Damaged:   False
V-27 - X41234100000052123455 -Zone/Cause:  8 . AC Lost / Damaged:   False
V-7 - X41234100000000123455 -Zone/Cause:  9 . AC Lost / Damaged:   False
V-3 - A41234102000027020402 -Zone/Cause:  Approach Air . AC Lost / Damaged:   Soft landing