73 Sqn 0: ['73 Sqn: 0', 4, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Richard J. Lee', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '3311009', 'LEJZRE33S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Du Bose, Dudley M.', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '331101C', 'MEJZDE33S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '2nd Lieutenant William B. Anderson', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '3311029', '5EJZFE33S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Barnabas Eldredge', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '331103A', 'TEJZAE33S', 'Target']]
73 Sqn 1: ['73 Sqn 0', 2, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 14, '1st Lieutenant Robert Smalls', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, 'A38104E', '8EJZ1EA3S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant James S. Smart', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'A381059', '6EJZFEA3S', 'Target']]
74 Sqn 2: ['73 Sqn 1', 4, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 8, '2nd Lieutenant P. K. Spencer', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '6B88068', 'JEJZ5E6BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, 'Junior Captain Franklin W. Troup', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '6B8807B', 'KEJZ8E6BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 8, '1st Lieutenant Volney Howard', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '6B88088', 'IEJZNE6BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant L. B. Nims', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '6B8809B', '0EJZLE6BS', 'Target']]
74 Sqn 3: ['74 Sqn 2', 8, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 14, 'Junior Captain Ludlow, William Handy', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '35150AE', 'MEJZHE35S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Carland E. Brunmier', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '35150BA', 'XEJZUE35S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 13, '1st Lieutenant Henry Connelly', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '35150CD', 'IEJZDE35S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant John Smith Hollins', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '35150D9', 'KEJZOE35S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Otis, John Lord', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '35130EB', 'SEJZ9E35S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Ephraim Bee', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '35130FC', 'REJZ6E35S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 13, '1st Lieutenant Erasmus W. Beck', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '35130GD', '0EJZFE35S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 17, '1st Lieutenant William E. Smith', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '35130HH', '8EJZCE35S', 'Target']]
74 Sqn 4: ['74 Sqn 3', 8, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, 'Junior Captain Philip G. Chapman', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '68270IB', '4EJZ4E68S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Bassett, Isaac C.', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '68270JA', 'AEJZ4E68S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 8, '2nd Lieutenant John S. Hager', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '68270K8', '9EJZ8E68S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Daniel B. J. Driscoll', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '68270LC', '8EJZVE68S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 13, '1st Lieutenant John Dick', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '68270MD', 'CEJZ0E68S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '2nd Lieutenant George P. Sanger', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '68270NA', 'BEJZ4E68S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 13, '1st Lieutenant George Wilbur Peck', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '68270OD', 'REJZCE68S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, '1st Lieutenant John Rutherfoord', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '68270P5', 'WEJZLE68S', 'Target']]
45 Sqn 5: ['74 Sqn 4', 12, ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, 'Junior Captain Phillip C. DeLong', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '3B720QB', 'FEJZIE3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Albert H. Tracy', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '3B720RB', 'FEJZIE3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant William Noll', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '3B720SA', '4EJZCE3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant La Motte, Charles Eugene', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '3B720TC', '3EJZ3E3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 14, '1st Lieutenant Tourtelotte, John Eaton', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '3B550UE', 'AEJZRE3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 14, '1st Lieutenant Ebenezer Mack', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '3B550VE', '3EJZ9E3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Orvin H. Ramlo', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '3B550WB', 'VEJZHE3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 14, '1st Lieutenant James P. Mays', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '3B550XE', 'OEJZLE3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Christian, William Henry', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '3B760YA', 'AEJZFE3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 19, '1st Lieutenant James Patton', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '3B760ZJ', '7EJZFE3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Paul Thayer Iaccaci', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '3B7610A', 'TEJZSE3BS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 45 Sqn', 'P-51D', 14, '1st Lieutenant Hudnutt, Joseph O.', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '3B7611E', 'CEJZUE3BS', 'Target']]
Flight: 6: ['45 Sqn 5', 8, ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, 'Senior Major Edward O. Shaw', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, 'AB8312B', 'TEJZMEABS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, 'Junior Captain Mosby Monroe Parsons', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, 'AB8313B', 'MEJZ6EABS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant George Augustus Ray', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AB8314B', 'LEJZGEABS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Daniel Harris Johnson', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AB8315C', '4EJZFEABS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '2nd Lieutenant William C. McCarthy', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, 'AB2316B', 'PEJZOEABS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant John Selden Roane', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, 'AB2317B', 'KEJZ9EABS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '2nd Lieutenant Samuel St. George Rogers', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, 'AB2318B', 'REJZCEABS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 46 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Hiram Walbridge', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, 'AB2319C', '7EJZCEABS', 'Target']]
Flight: 7: ['46 Sqn 6', 6, ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, 'Senior Captain William T. Kemp', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '65731AC', '5EJZLE65S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Thomas W. Ferry', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '65731B9', 'WEJZ5E65S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Francine, Louis R.', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '65731CA', 'HEJZ1E65S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, 'Senior Captain Remington D. B. Vernam', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '65731DB', 'FEJZWE65S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Charles H. Carroll', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '65811EB', 'VEJZ5E65S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 47 Sqn', 'P-51D', 14, '1st Lieutenant Jenkins, Horatio Jr.', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '65811FE', '0EJZOE65S', 'Target']]
Flight: 8: ['47 Sqn 7', 3, ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 14, '1st Lieutenant Jefferson P. Kidder', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '63771GE', 'XEJZKE63S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Strother, David Hunter', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '63771HB', '0EJZIE63S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 72 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant George Noller', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '63771IA', 'PEJZ9E63S', 'Target']]
Flight: 9: ['72 Sqn 8', 2, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant George LeBreton', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, 'A8731JA', '3EJZIEA8S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant William F. L. Hadley', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'A8731KA', '7EJZ4EA8S', 'Target']]
Flight: A: ['73 Sqn 9', 5, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, 'Junior Captain Graham, Harvey', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '38181LB', 'HEJZNE38S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant White, Frank', 'Standard', 'Veteran', 0, 0, 0, '38181MC', 'TEJZQE38S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 14, '1st Lieutenant Ward, Henry Clark', 'Standard', 'Highly Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '38181NE', 'MEJZEE38S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 19, '1st Lieutenant Kenneth Darwin Smith', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '38181OJ', '0EJZLE38S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '2nd Lieutenant Elihu B. Hayes', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '38881PB', '2EJZ0E38S', 'Target']]
74 SqnB: ['74 Sqn A', 1, ['Flight: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Jesse B. Thomas Jr.', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, 'A5111QA', '7EJZCEA5S', 'Target']]
74 SqnC: ['74 Sqn B', 2, ['Flight: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Leslie Jacob Rummell', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '5C181RA', '0EJZ1E5CS', 'Target'], ['Flight: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant John H. Bagley Jr.', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '5C181SC', '6EJZIE5CS', 'Target']]
Escort: 0: ['73 Sqn: 0', 4, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Duncan F. Kenner', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '37761T9', 'UEJZDE37S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant George Wythe Baylor', 'Standard', 'Trained', 0, 0, 0, '37761UB', '8EJZ9E37S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant James Beatty', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '37761VC', 'EEJZFE37S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 19, '1st Lieutenant Clarence A. Buskirk', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '37761WJ', 'MEJZ8E37S', 'Target']]
Escort: 1: ['73 Sqn: 0', 4, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Prescott Metcalf', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '5A281X9', 'OEJZ5E5AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Anderson Ebberson', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, '5A281Y9', 'IEJZ2E5AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 10, '1st Lieutenant Joel Rich', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '5A281ZA', 'FEJZIE5AS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Clifford Anderson', 'Standard', 'Skilled', 0, 0, 0, '5A28209', 'QEJZKE5AS', 'Target']]
Escort: 2: ['73 Sqn 0', 2, ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, '1st Lieutenant Orville Clark', 'Standard', 'Enthusiastic', 0, 0, 0, 'A622215', 'NEJZCEA6S', 'Target'], ['Unit: 73 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Luther D. Prater Jr.', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, 'A62222B', '8EJZUEA6S', 'Target']]
Escort: 3: ['73 Sqn 1', 4, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 17, 'Senior Captain Murray D. McLaughlin', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '7D8423H', 'HEJZTE7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 5, '1st Lieutenant Robert R. Rowland', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '7D84245', 'PEJZCE7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '2nd Lieutenant James Ford', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '7D84259', 'MEJZ6E7DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 11, '1st Lieutenant Jack C. Price', 'Standard', 'Ace of Aces', 0, 0, 0, '7D8426B', 'HEJZME7DS', 'Target']]
Escort: 4: ['73 Sqn 1', 4, ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 17, 'Junior Captain Henry Clay Caldwell', 'Standard', 'Competent', 0, 0, 0, '2D5527H', '9EJZLE2DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 9, '1st Lieutenant Grant M. Turley', 'Standard', 'Ace', 0, 0, 0, '2D55289', 'KEJZRE2DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Charles S. Thomas', 'Standard', 'Capable', 0, 0, 0, '2D5529C', 'XEJZAE2DS', 'Target'], ['Unit: 74 Sqn', 'P-51D', 12, '1st Lieutenant Thomas J. D. Fuller', 'Standard', 'Untried', 0, 0, 0, '2D552AC', '5EJZIE2DS', 'Target']]